
Heroes and Fools 20



Chapter 39

"What'd he mean by that?" demanded Sully of Michaela, as he watched Hank disappear in a cloud of dust down the road to town.

She shrugged her shoulders and flicked the reins again, reluctant to enter into another war of words.

He circled his horse around and trotted alongside. "I asked ya what he meant Michaela," he said, his tone cold and angry.

She looked up at him and knew she could stay silent no longer. "I ... I ... was ... ah ... having words with Adrian ... and ... and Hank came along," she explained haltingly. He reached down and furiously grabbed the reins from her hands, drawing the wagon to a halt. "Sully!" she exclaimed hotly.

"I aint gonna talk to ya while we're moving along Michaela," he explained angrily. "Now ... you say you were havin' words with Tilson! What were ya doin' out here anyways ... I thought we'd agreed ..."

"I don't have to explain myself to you Sully ... you are not my keeper," responded Michaela heatedly, abruptly jumping down from the stationary wagon and beginning to pace back and forth.

"No .. I aint ... but I am your husband ... an' I expect an explanation ..."

Michaela eyed him irately, her colour high, her lips pursed. At last she took a deep breath and said coldly, "If you'd turned up at the clinic this morning as I expected ... I'd have told you Bess was in town ... staying at the Chateau ..."

"Bess?" he muttered, obviously puzzled.

"From St Louis ...," she added impatiently.

While it was obvious from a dawning in his eyes he'd realised who she was referring to, it was also obvious his anger had not dissipated. Gesticulating wildly, he challenged, "I still don' understand why ya had ta come out here on ya own ... when we'd agreed ..."

"Didn't you hear me Sully!" she exclaimed agitatedly. "I waited for you this morning ... but you didn't bother to show up ..."

"Had things ta do!"

"Things that were more important than your wife and baby?" she charged crossly. "In the end I decided I had to come out alone ... as you weren't around ..."

"I turned up!" he rejoined hotly. "But *you* weren't there ... Ya couldn' wait a while?"

"I *had* been waiting ..."

"Why was comin' out here so urgent anyway?" he demanded.

"Bess was the one who helped Andrew yesterday ... We were all so busy we didn't notice ... When I realised it was her I told her we'd some out here and see her ... see how she is ...," she explained tersely.

"She'd've waited Michaela ... probably didn' expect ya to come out here ta see her when ya aint even bin home yet," he returned, turning his back on her and striding a few agitated paces.

"Perhaps she would've ... but after what she did ... it was the least I could do ..."

"You an' your crazy Boston manners ... when are ya gonna realise ya put yourself in danger by comin' out here on ya own?"

Michaela gulped, recognising the truth in his words, but reluctant to admit it openly, especially at the moment. "I wasn't in danger," she protested feebly. "There were guests and staff everywhere ..."

"You know that won' stop Tilson." He stopped walking and turned to face her. "What was he sayin' to you anyways?"

Again she gulped. "A lot of ridiculous things that don't matter," she rejoined, her tone low.

"Mattered to you ... otherwise ya wouldn' be so shaken ..."

"I'm *not* shaken," she declared vehemently.

"That why you're pale an' pacin' back an' forth?"

"I'm pacing because I'm angry ... You have no right to question my actions," she replied defensively.

"I have when I know you ... or someone else in the family could git hurt ..." She turned to face him, her eyes glinting with anger, prompting him to add, "You know someone tampered with Andrew's buggy?"

She paled and exclaimed, "What!"

"You heard me! One o' the reasons I was late this mornin' was because Robert E was showin' me somethin' he found out here .... a damaged wheel nub ... off Andrew's buggy!"

"How do you know it was off his buggy? And how do you know it was tampered with?"

"'cause a buggy don' go very far if a wheel nub loosens an' comes off ... wheel comes off too ... an' the nub Robert E found had strange markin's on it ... like someone'd taken to it with a hammer ..."

She swallowed and took a deep breath. "Why would Adrian want to hurt Andrew?

Sully ran his fingers through his hair agitatedly. "What happens if Andrew's outta action for a while huh? A certain lady doctor hasta work at the clinic out here don' she? Right where he can see her ... talk to her all he wants ... an' do goodness knows what else ..."

She abruptly sat down on the grass verge and rested her head in her hands. "Oh God," she muttered. "I can't believe he'd do that ..."

"Well I figure he did ... seein' as I can't think o' another reason why someone'd wanna hurt Andrew ..."

She suddenly lifted her head and regarded Sully defiantly. "Well ... nothing's going to happen to anyone else after tomorrow ... because I've already arranged to speak with him ... I'm going to tell him the truth ... that I don't have any feelings for him whatsoever ... that he can't keep on with the things he's doing ... I'm even going to suggest it would be best for all concerned if he leaves Colorado Springs ..."

"You were plannin' on tellin' me about this meetin'?" asked Sully dryly, stooping to sit beside her.

"Of course I was ... We decided you'd be close by ... remember? Why do you think I didn't go ahead with it this morning?"

"I'm gonna be close by alright .... If he says one thing ... does one thing ... improper I'll ..."

She grasped his hand tightly. "You'll wait to see ... or hear... that I need help ... If you come barging in I'll never get anywhere with him ..."

His eyes narrowed and a pulse throbbed in his cheek. "I won't just stand by ... I can't ... "

"You're going to have to ... this time ... unless I let you know I need you ... please ..."

He abruptly stood again, unable to stay still. He gazed down the road to where the Chateau stood bathed in summer sunshine. "I wanna wring his neck," he muttered. "That'd fix everythin' ..."

Michaela stood also. "Except that you'd be in jail," she returned wryly. "For once ... just listen to me ... please ...Let's give my way a try ... violence won't solve anything ...," she adjured, striding across and climbing up into the wagon.

"The man aint sane Michaela," warned Sully, tying his horse to the back and then climbing up to sit beside her.

She took a deep breath. "We'll find out tomorrow Sully. Right now William is hungry ... I have to check on Andrew ... and then I'd *really* like to go out to the homestead ... if you have the time ..."

Sully's jaw clenched and his hands tightly grasped the reins. He refrained from countering her cutting remark, for now.

Brian brought another forkful of mashed potato to his mouth and again his eyes swept from Michaela to Sully and back again. With Matthew and Kathleen deciding to keep Andrew and Colleen company in town, and his parents not talking, to this point supper had been a sombre and somewhat uncomfortable affair. He'd tried desultory conversation, which had been met with one syllable responses and as the meal wore on he'd become more and more concerned. At last he asked anxiously, "Andrew *is* gonna git better aint he ma?"

Michaela's startled eyes met his in shock and she replied, "Of course sweetheart ... why do you ask?"

He shrugged his shoulders self-consciously. "Figured there had ta be somethin' wrong ... wondered if Andrew were it?" he rejoined. "You're so quiet ..."

Michaela blushed. "I'm sorry," she said immediately. "But you can rest easy about Andrew ..."

Sully eyed his son thoughtfully, then muttered sullenly, "Ya ma went out to the Chateau this mornin' ... on her own ..."

"Sully!" exclaimed Michaela.

Brian's eyes opened wide and he turned to stare accusingly at his mother. "Thought you were gonna stay away from Mr Tilson," he said. "Thought we all were ..."

"I didn't go out there to see Mr Tilson," she rejoined crossly. "And I would prefer it if the matter was closed .... now."

"Ran into him anyway," muttered Sully, unable to leave the subject alone.

"He didn' do anythin'?" asked Brian anxiously.

"Don' know ... ask ya ma?" rejoined Sully, his eyes fixed on a point somewhere over Brian's left shoulder.

"Ma?" asked Brian, seeking reassurance.

Michaela swallowed and then said with more calmness than she was feeling, "I said the matter is closed ... I'm here, am I not? ... safe and sound ... There is no cause for concern." She placed her knife and fork together on her plate and asked, "Everyone finished?" When there were nods, she stood, gathered up the plates and retreated to the kitchen.

Sully stood also. "Gonna close up the barn," he muttered, striding to the door, exiting and then pulling it closed a little more vehemently than was necessary. Michaela's head snapped up at the resounding bang. She then wiped her hands on her apron and also strode to the door. "Watch the children for me Brian please," she asked, following her husband out.

She found Sully vigorously mucking out one of the horse stalls. She didn't waste any time. "How dare you talk about me like that to Brian!" she accused.

He stopped and slowly turned to face her. "He's growing inta a man ... he needs ta know ... 'sides ... wanted ya ta realise what you're doin' to the family when ya decide ta go off on ya own ..."

"I didn't *go off on my own*," she reiterated exasperatedly.

"That's what I'd call it," he returned stubbornly, going back to his task.

Michaela watched him for a moment and then said plaintively, "Sully ... do you have any idea what this man coming back into my life is doing to me?"

He paused and took a deep breath, then muttered, "I can guess ..."

"That's just it ... you don't know ..." He stopped and straightened, turning to eye her speculatively. She continued, her voice now strong, "I am *not* going to hide myself away ... I am *not* going to be afraid to do the things I enjoy ... to do my work ... I did that last time ... and it almost destroyed me ..." He took a tentative step towards her but she raised her hand to stop him. "My last four months of medical college turned into a nightmare," she continued, obviously distressed. "I found myself looking around corners ... hiding out in my room at the guesthouse ... or in the library ... I began to refuse invitations ... make excuses ... because I was afraid Adrian would always be there ... and inevitably he was. I have no idea how he knew where I was going and when ... but he seemed to know. I'd feel his eyes on me first ... and then he'd come to my side and not leave it until I climbed the stairs to my room ... Didn't you ever wonder why I was so hesitant to trust you in the beginning? He did that to me ..." Tears welled in her eyes and this time he did come to her and take her into his arms. "I'm not going to let that happen again Sully," she muttered tearfully against his chest. "I'm older and wiser now ... He has to be stood up to ... he has to be told ... in plain English ... that his attentions are not wanted ... not appreciated ..."

"An' if he gits violent?" murmured Sully, stroking her hair comfortingly.

She peered up at him through her tears. "That's where you come in," she replied in a small voice and with a brave smile.

He pulled her close. "I couldn' bear it if anythin' happened to ya," he murmured soulfully against her hair.

"It won't," she assured him. "As long as you're there ..." He nodded and she asked pleadingly, "Now do you understand why I have to do this ... why I have to stand up to him ... why I can't let you do it for me?"

He nodded again, then said sincerely, "Long as you realise I can't stand by and see ... or hear ... you git hurt ... Like ya said a long time ago ... 'you're a part o' me now' ... an' I couldn' live with myself if somethin' bad happened to that part ..."

"I understand," she rejoined softly. She peered up at him once more and entreated, "Forgive me for this morning?"

He lovingly cupped her cheek with his hand and murmured, "Nothin' ta forgive ...," before lowering his head to claim her lips with his.

"Michaela?" called Dorothy, as the wagon drew up before the town clinic the next morning. The redhead moved quickly from the Gazette office next door, so that she was at Michaela's side when she reached the clinic porch. "I didn' see ya yesterday afternoon," she said, nodding to Sully as he took William inside. "Wanted ta check how Andrew's doin'."

"He's going to be fine," replied Michaela, stepping up onto the porch. "He'll have to stay in bed for a few days, and his shoulder's going to be sore for quite a while .."

"Ahh ... I'm glad he's gettin' better ... we were all worried about him ...," rejoined the older woman. As she took in Michaela's appearance and demeanour, her eyes narrowed. "You alright?" she asked anxiously. "You look kinda pale ... an' on edge ...."

Michaela sank onto the wooden bench by the door, Dorothy immediately sitting beside her. "I .. I ... didn't sleep very well last night ... that's all," Michaela sighed.

Dorothy gave a wry smile. "I thought your trip away was supposed ta be refreshin' ... an' ya certainly looked real well when ya got back a coupla days ago ..."

Michaela shrugged. "A lot can happen in a couple of days," she returned evasively.

Dorothy frowned. "Somethin' worryin' ya Michaela?" she asked with concern. "Andrew's gonna be fine aint he?"

"Oh yes, of course he is," she replied instantly.

"So what's troublin' you?"

Michaela gulped and then took a deep breath. "You know how they talk about personal demons Dorothy?" she asked softly. "Well I intend to face one of those today ..."

The Gazette editor gave her a quizzical look and then teased, "I thought you weren't afraid of anythin' Michaela ..."

"Everyone's afraid of something ... or someone Dorothy," rejoined Michaela seriously.

After a long, thoughtful moment, Dorothy ventured, "This wouldn' have somethin' to do with a certain hotel manager would it?"

Michaela's eyes flew to meet her friend's. "How ... how ... did you know?" she gasped softly.

"Brian mentioned he turned up in San Francisco ... seemed real concerned about it ... I was worried when I discovered he'd gone out o' town suddenly ... an' wondered whether it had somethin' ta do with you ...," mused Dorothy. "There's somethin' goin' on between you two aint there? I could see it from the beginnin' ..." she said with concern.

"That's just it!" exclaimed Michaela. "He'd like there to be ... he may even think there is ... but there isn't ... there never will be ... and I'm going to tell him that today ..."

Dorothy grasped her friend's hand. "I'm sure he'll see reason," she said quietly, unaware of the extent of Adrian's obsession. "Just be firm with him .... Does Sully know?"

Michaela nodded. "He's coming out to the Chateau with me," she said in a small voice.

Dorothy patted her hand comfortingly. "Its gonna be just fine Michaela ... you wait an' see." She stood, and said with a smile, "Now go on in ta check on ya patient ... an' I'll git on back ta my work ... new issue's due out tomorra ..."

Michaela ushered Bess Maloney through into the Chateau clinic and quietly closed the door behind them. She'd been surprised to find, upon arriving, that Bess was to be her first patient. Somewhere close by Sully was looking after William. She'd tried to tell him he wasn't likely to be needed until she went in to see Adrian after closing the Chateau clinic for the day, but he'd argued he didn't trust Adrian to stay away from her. Truth was, she felt safer knowing he was nearby.

She turned her attention to her patient. "Now Bess," she said quietly and professionally. "What can I do for you?"

The old woman turned to face her and said wryly, "I came all this way for my arthritis didn't I?... Thought you should perhaps see how I'm doing and recommend the best treatment .."

Michaela smiled and nodded. "Of course ... let me help you up onto the examination table ..."

Except for the loud ticking of a somewhat large and pretentious clock on the wall by the door, there was silence in the room for a while, as Michaela examined Bess's swollen knee joints and ankles. Finally, the old lady could contain her curiosity no longer. "Are you going to tell me what was happening yesterday ... or do I have to actually ask?" she queried bluntly. Michaela immediately looked away, prompting an even more blunt, "You can't deny it ... saw it with my own eyes ... actually it was me who asked that rather large and untidy looking young man to intervene ..." Again Michaela held her tongue. Bess frowned. "Alright ... perhaps I'm interfering ... but whatever was happening it wasn't pleasant ..."

Michaela reddened and swallowed deeply. At last she said regretfully, "I'm sorry you had to be a witness to that ..."

Bess immediately scoffed. "What nonsense! I was concerned for you .... You were obviously disconcerted by the man. Who is he anyway?"

"Adrian Tilson ... he manages the Chateau .."

"Ahh ... and you ... ah ... know him well?"

"I've known him a long time ... but I doubt anyone could know him well," replied Michaela wryly. "I met him in my last year at medical college ... that's a long time ago now ..."

"You ... you were courting perhaps?"

Michaela's eyes widened with horror. "No!" she exclaimed. Then she sobered to say, "However if you were to ask him ...."

"He would say you were," completed Bess.

Michaela lowered her eyes to the floor. "Its such a mess," she said sadly. "When I left Philadelphia after graduation I hoped never to see him again ..."

"How long's he been here?"

"About five months ... of course I didn't see him at all the first couple of months ... I took time off work after William was born." She gulped and fought to control the ever threatening tears. "When I heard he was living here ...."

Bess took Michaela's hand in her bony one. "You're frightened of him aren't you?" she asked quietly. Michaela nodded. "Then you must do something about it ..."

Michaela raised her eyes to meet the concerned old woman's. "I'm going to ... after I close the clinic today ...I'm going to talk to him ..."

"Not on your own?!" Bess exclaimed.

"Well ... yes and no ... Sully will be close by ..."

Bess nodded and then said thoughtfully. "Did you notice yesterday? .... The man's a coward ... He had no compunction about bullying you ... but took to flight when confronted with someone big and angry ... Perhaps you should let Sully handle him ..."

"I can't do that Bess," replied Michaela plaintively. As tears coursed silently down her cheeks, she began to unexpectedly tell her astute friend all about Adrian - the shared past, what they thought he might have done, their fears for the safety of their family and friends. With the telling, Bess's brow furrowed deeper and deeper, and her grey eyes darkened with compassion. It was not often Bess was moved to care about a fellow human being. She had retreated from the vagaries and disappointments of society and community many years ago, but the unfolding story awoke something deep within her - a sense of family, of belonging, or perhaps of *wanting* to belong. She held Michaela's hand tightly and let her pour it all out - her fears and her anger. In so doing they both began a healing process which would cement their bond forever.

Michaela glanced across to where Sully appeared to be standing nonchalantly by the reception desk in the lobby. The moment had come and with it a nervousness which threatened to make her legs buckle. She took a deep breath and locked eyes with Bess who was sitting on the leather couch a little further into the lobby, a book open in her lap. She'd been hovering reassuringly close by ever since their talk this morning. The old woman gave her a barely perceptible, encouraging nod. So she stook a deep breath and knocked on the hotel manager's office door. It was only seconds before it was flung open and Adrian appeared, smiling broadly. "Ah ... Michaela ... I'm so glad you decided to visit with me after all," he greeted, his gaze only for her. "Please ... come in ..."

Chapter 40

Striving to control a nervous tic playing at the corner of her mouth, Michaela turned to face Adrian as he followed her into his office. When he began to close the door she said firmly, "I'd rather you didn't do that .." He regarded her quizzically, so she said, "Please leave it open ..."

"But Michaela," he protested. "We'll be heard ..."

"Then we'll have to speak softly won't we," she rejoined determinedly.

He paused for a moment as if sizing her up, and then shrugged his shoulders, leaving the door ajar. He stepped towards her and she again addressed him. "And I'd like you sitting over there," she instructed, pointing to his chair on the other side of the desk.

His face darkened for a moment, but he again finally acquiesced. "I don't know what's gotten into you Michaela," he said, relaxing back into the large leather chair. "All I want to do is talk ..."

"So do I Adrian," she asserted.

His smile returned. "Please ... sit down," he entreated, indicating the chair opposite him.

"Ah ... I'd rather stand," she rejoined, folding her arms protectively across her chest.

When there was a long silence while Adrian openly regarded her with admiration, a nervous Michaela was prompted to say, "Well ... perhaps we should begin with yesterday ..."

Adrian waved his hand dismissively, "A little misunderstanding Michaela ... that's all," he scoffed. "Think nothing of it ..."

"Think nothing of it?!" queried Michaela in astonishment.

"We both got a little ahead of ourselves ... that's all," he adjured. "I *do* wish you'd sit down ..."

"You threatened me Adrian," asserted Michaela coldly, remaining standing.

"In the heat of the moment Michaela ... Haven't you ever said something you've regretted later?" he smirked.

"I don't take kindly to threats ..."

"They meant nothing ..."

"They meant something to me ..."

"Well ... if that be the case ... I apologise," he said, his smile almost mocking. "And in recognition of my apology and as a token of my esteem ... I'd like you to have these ..." He reached into the drawer of his desk and withdrew a small, decorative box which he slid across the desktop towards her.

"I don't want it," she stated categorically. "I told you I didn't want any more *gifts* from you ... any more *tokens of your esteem*."

As if he hadn't heard her, he reached across and lifted the lid to disclose a pair of very fine, very expensive, filigree, silver earrings. "I saw them in Denver ... on the way home from San Francisco," he murmured. "Aren't they beautiful? ... They reminded me of you ..."

She sighed and repeated, "I don't want them ..."

"You'll change your mind," he averred. "Women love beautiful things ..."

She shook her head in exasperation, but realising she was not going to get any further on the matter for now, she left the box sitting open on the desk and, trying to catch him off-guard, asked, "How did you know I was in San Francisco Adrian?"

His brow creased in assumed puzzlement. "I told you when we spoke at Miriam's ... I was most surprised to see you there ... I had no idea ...," he claimed airily.

"I don't believe you," she rejoined frostily.

His eyes narrowed, but he remained calm. "Be that as it may ... it's the truth ... No-one here in town would speak of where you were ... they suggested, in fact, that you were visiting colleges for your son ..."

"So you expect me to believe that you just coincidentally made the long journey to San Francisco at the same time as my family and I?"

"Yes .. as it happens," he rejoined. "Perhaps it was fate ..."

"Fate had nothing to do with it," she avowed.

"Ah ... but that's where you're wrong," he stated confidently. "Fate has been drawing us together for years Michaela. Granted, there were a number of years when we lived in different cities ... but perhaps fate was just marking time ... waiting for each of us to establish ourselves first ... before bringing us back together ..."

Michaela's eyes opened wide in bewilderment. Sully had been right. The man wasn't sane, as witnessed by the small, open box sitting mocking her on the desktop. "Adrian?" she said, softening her tone a little. "Have I ever given you any reason ... any reason at all ... to think that I return these feelings you appear to have for me?"

"Appear to have!" he exclaimed, raising his voice a little and then quickly casting a guilty glance to the open door. Lowering his voice again he vowed, "Michaela ... I've loved you from the first day I saw you ... I remember it vividly ... I was just home from college ... you and Miriam returned from the library, your arms laden with thick medical texts ... I was coming down the stairs and our eyes met ..." He paused and took a deep breath. "I was a lost man from that moment on," he mused wonderingly.

"You didn't answer my question," she reiterated, trying to maintain the touch of gentleness in her tone, but also determined not to be moved by the man's vows of devotion. The truth was they made her feel nauseous.

"And what question was that?" he asked, returning to the present.

"Have I ever given you any reason to think that I have feelings for you?" she repeated softly, holding her breath as he appeared to give the matter due consideration. She was shocked when he replied with certainty, "Of course."

"When?" she exclaimed, wondering whether she should have been sitting down after all.

He smiled and then seemed to drift off again. "There was the time at the Savoy ... after we'd been to the opera with Miriam and Robert ... you asked me to take you home ..."

"Because Miriam and Robert needed some time alone," she stated through gritted teeth.

"And then there was the soiree at ... now let me think ... the Burnetts' wasn't it ... we danced ..."

"It would have been impolite to refuse ... especially as it was a celebration of your sister's and Robert's engagement .."

"Our walks in the park ..."

"To which you were not invited," rejoined Michaela, forced to be more and more blunt.

He shook his head in wry amusement. "Michaela ... you remember things so differently to I ..."

"I think you've allowed yourself to weave dreams over the years Adrian," she returned, almost feeling sorry for him, until she remembered Andrew lying in bed back in town.

He edged forward in his seat. "I haven't imagined anything Michaela ... I have always been certain of us ... even all through the years we were apart ..."

She shook her head and then abruptly turned her back on him, coming face to face with her own likeness skilfully drawn in pencil and hanging on the wall near the door. She gasped and bit her lip.

"Beautiful isn't it?" he said proudly. "An artist guest at the hotel I worked at in New York did it for me ... from your graduation photograph .."

She rounded on him angrily. "Adrian ... this has got to stop!" she exclaimed resolutely.

"What has got to stop?" he asked blithely, again leaning back into his chair as if he hadn't a care in the world.

"This ... this ... ridiculous fantasy!" she exclaimed heatedly. "When are you going to realise it will get you nowhere? I have no intention of having any sort of relationship with you ... now or in the future ..."

"I don't believe you," he rejoined airily. "You are the one in denial ... not I ..."

"I am *not* in denial," she argued crossly. She began to pace. "I tried to tell you in San Francisco ... There's only one man I love ... and I love him with all my heart and soul ... I always will ... and that man is Sully ..."

"That heathen!?" scoffed Adrian. "He is below your station Michaela ... and the sooner you realise it the better ..."

She itched to slap his face. How dare he! "I'm not going to even consider replying to that ridiculous comment," she said frigidly. "What you think is of no concern to me ... but its time you stopped your antics, and left me and my family alone."

"Antics Michaela?" he remarked mildly.

"The roses ... watching me from the saloon porch ..." She paused and then asked quietly, "Did you know there was a fire in our host's home in San Francisco? Or that someone tampered with Andrew's buggy the other day?"

Just for a moment the man's mask of complacency slipped. It was fleeting, but Michaela saw it. Inside she whooped triumphantly and then conversely quaked with fear. Their suspicions had been correct and who could guess what he might do next.

He frowned and his eyes darkened as they'd done yesterday. He said quietly, "I have no idea what you're talking about Michaela ..."

"Is that right? ..."

"Yes that's right ... and I don't care for your insinuations ..."

Her jaw set. "Perhaps its time you conceded Adrian," she said coldly. "Perhaps its time for you to leave Colorado Springs ... before something happens to destroy us both ...," she warned.

He leaned forward on his desk, pinning her with his eyes. "I will not leave without you," he stated unequivocally.

"Then it seems you will be here for a very long time ... This is my home ... and this is where I intend to live the rest of my life ... with my family and friends around me," she rejoined, moving towards the door.

"Things can change Michaela," he said menacingly, so quietly she wasn't sure she'd heard him correctly.

She spun around to face him again and was chilled by the look on his face. She took a deep breath. "You'll learn that I don't scare easily Adrian ... but, unlike you, I will not resort to threats. I hope you will consider what I've said today and take heed ... I don't expect to find you interfering in my life again."

"I have no wish to interfere Michaela ... as you put it ... but I do intend to persuade you that your life could be so much more fulfilling with me ... We could go back east ... perhaps New York ... live in a house befitting our position ... I'd enjoy showing you off at society gatherings ..."

"You're fantasising again Adrian," interjected Michaela. "And as it appears you are not willing to listen to anything I say, I believe this discussion is over ..."

"But ...," protested Adrian. "Won't you dine with me? ... I have everything planned ..."

"No thank-you," she rejoined coldly. "I'm having lunch with my family ..."

He angrily rose from his chair and exclaimed loudly and sternly, "Michaela?!"

Saying coldly, "Good day Adrian ...," she squared her shoulders, sent him one last frigid glance and sailed with dignity out of the room.

Adrian stood, his mouth agape, realising he was being forced to re-evaluate his next step in conquering this beautiful, fiery woman. Just for a moment he considered going after her, but irately slammed his fist down on the desktop and then disdainfully hurled the box holding her earrings against the closed door. The baubles fell to the floor, vilified and discarded. He refrained from stamping on them, but angrily wrenched the door open and almost ran through to his living quarters at the rear of the Chateau.

Sully leaned tensely against the wall, a few feet from the open door of Tilson's office. His heart was pounding and he found himself praying, something he didn't do very often. He prayed Michaela would handle the situation and come out of it unscathed, he prayed Adrian would see reason and realise the futility of his suit, and he prayed he'd be able to control this constant, almost overwhelming urge to rush into the room and strangle the life out of the demented man with whom she was trying to reason. He took a deep calming breath but it seemed to make little difference.

He could hear the murmur of voices emanating from inside. He'd been proud of Michaela when she'd insisted Tilson leave the door open and then told, no ordered, him to sit at his desk. He'd heard that clearly and, despite the situation, smiled to himself, loving the brave, fiery woman that was his wife. He sincerely wished he could hear all that was going on, but Michaela had specifically asked him not to listen to it all. He'd been hurt at first but realised he trusted her implicitly. Again he took a deep breath and then froze when Tilson's voice rose in anger. His fists clenched at his sides and he strained to hear more, but the voices lowered to a murmur again. He didn't know how long he could stand this!

He closed his eyes and sent up the same silent, but sincere prayer. When he opened them again Bess was by his side. "Are you alright Sully?" she asked with concern. He nodded mutely, his attention still focussed on the murmur of voices. She nodded and leant back against the wall beside him. "Who's got William?" she asked softly.

"Myra's lookin' after him," he replied distractedly.

A few, tense minutes later, she asked faintly, "Is this man really as bad as she says?"

His eyes narrowed and he turned to look at her. "She told you?!" he asked in astonishment.

"Yes, this morning," replied Bess quietly. "She was overwrought and I asked why ... it all came tumbling out ..."

He frowned and then listened again - the tenor of the voices seemed not to have changed too much. "I'm surprised she said anythin'," he muttered.

"I believe it helped to tell a 'stranger'," rejoined Bess in a low tone. "So ... is he really as bad as she says?"

He took a deep breath. "One thing ya gotta know about Michaela is that she always sees the best in people ... often misses the worst ... so if she told ya he's bad ... then he is ... maybe even worse 'an she said ..," he replied, his voice low and apprehensive.

Bess gasped softly and, like Sully, returned her attention to the voices in the office.

For some minutes they stood side by side like that, listening and praying. Occasionally the voices would rise a little and snatches of conversation could be heard, including something about fate bringing them together and Michaela denying it. Sully cringed. It hurt more than he could say to hear another man saying things like that to his wife. He felt a gentle reassuring touch on his arm and looked down to see Bess regarding him sympathetically. "Don't worry Sully," she murmured. "You know the truth ..." He nodded and a minuscule amount of tension eased from his body.

For Sully the time spent standing in the lobby of the Chateau that morning seemed endless. At one point, both he and Bess were startled when the voice raised in anger was Michaela's and not Tilson's. He heard her state vehemently, "This has got to stop!" and he waited for Tilson's angry response. Instead, the man's voice was low, almost inaudible. Finally it seemed Michaela was nearing the door, her voice becoming more discernible. He heard her say, "You're fantasising again Adrian and as it appears you are not willing to listen to anything I say, I believe this discussion is over ..." There was another murmur and then as she said good-day, Adrian exploded. "Michaela!" he called angrily. Sully tensed and then sighed with relief when she exited the room, barely giving he and Bess a second glance, and headed out to the forecourt and the wagon.

He raced after her, leaving Bess in his wake. Michaela had reached the wagon and was taking deep breaths and hanging on as if she was afraid her knees were going to buckle under her. He wrapped his arms around her and felt the trembling as it overtook her whole body. "Shh," he murmured. "Its alright," he soothed. "I gotcha ..." She turned in his embrace and clung to him.

At last she murmured, "You were right Sully ... he *is* insane ..." A dry sob racked her body and he held her tighter. "He didn' listen?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know ... sometimes I thought he was ... and then it was as if we were back at the beginning ...," she murmured. She turned when she felt a hand on her arm and then looked into the compassionate eyes of Bess. The old woman gave her a reassuring smile and then said to Sully, "Why don't you take her home ..."

"William?" whispered Michaela, still not fully in control of the trembling.

"I'll fetch him for you," said Bess. "You two wait here ... and talk ... I'll be back in a minute ..."

She shuffled off and Michaela leant tiredly into Sully's body. Then as a thought occurred to her she looked fearfully up into his eyes. "You were right Sully ... he *was* responsible for the fire ... and Andrew's accident ..." She bit her lip and fought to hold on to her self-control.

"He admitted it?" marvelled Sully.

"No ... not in so many words ... but I mentioned the incidents and I could tell by his eyes .... He did it Sully ..."

He shook his head in disgust, then asked tensely, "So do ya think he's gonna stop all this now ... leave ya alone?"

She swallowed. "I don't know," she replied. "I told him everything I wanted to ... I even suggested he leave Colorado Springs ..." She trailed off, recalling Adrian's response to that suggestion. 'I won't leave without you' he'd said. She shuddered and rested her cheek against Sully's shoulder. "I want to go home Sully," she said softly. "Please .."

"Soon as Bess gits here with William," he replied. "So ... we're gonna have ta decide what we do now ..."

"I don't know what to do any more ..."

"I know one thing I *am* gonna do ... tonight," declared Sully.

"What's that?"

"I'm gonna write Senator Dinston ... he knows you an' me ... trusts us ... I figure he should know what kinda fella he's got workin' for him," he replied with certainty.

For once, Michaela did not disagree. She nodded and then smiled with relief when she spied Bess heading towards them, William in her arms.

Sully sat in the lamplight at the dining room table, the end of his pencil caught between his teeth, musing over suitable wording for his letter to Senator Dinston. He'd discovered it was difficult to write objectively about a man who seemed intent on ruining their lives. A thought occurred to him and he began to write once more.

Michaela sat by the fireplace, a drowsy Katie on her lap, feeling more tired than she'd ever felt in her life. She'd been fighting a losing battle with her eyelids for the past half an hour or so and, as they once more fell shut, she sighed and drifted off. She was startled awake a short time later when Katie was lifted from her arms. She peered up into Kathleen's caring eyes. "I'll put her to bed Michaela," she said softly. "You look exhausted ..."

Michaela nodded and tried to straighten in the chair. "No ... you stay there," Kathleen said. "I can handle her ... or perhaps you should go to bed ..."

Michaela swivelled to see that Sully was still intent on his letter-writing. "I'll stay here a little longer," she rejoined wearily.

Kathleen lifted Katie in her arms, leaning her more comfortably against her shoulder, then sat on the arm of the other wingback chair. "Michaela?" she said softly, so as not to disturb the sleeping child. "I was thinking ... with you having to return to work full time ... I could go back to looking after Katie ... and I'd be happy to have William too ... Now you're introducing solid food ... he won't need to nurse so much ..."

"But the wedding," protested Michaela.

"Its still three weeks away ... and most of the arrangements have been made .. I have to go back to Denver for my wedding dress, but that will only be overnight ... I'd love to look after the children ... I'll feel like I'm making a contribution again ..."

Michaela reached out to lay her hand over the younger woman's. "We love having you here ... you know that ... You don't have to 'make a contribution'."

"I know ... but I'd feel better if I could ... You could ride Flash into town every day ... or out to the Chateau ... and I'd come in later in the wagon with the children ... It'd save you a lot of time and energy ... you're going to be working so hard ...," Kathleen continued persuasively.

Michaela smiled. "You put up a good argument ..."

The younger woman smiled also and raised her eyebrows questioningly. "Well?" she asked.

Michaela nodded gratefully. "We'll give it a try ...," she said. "And thank-you ..."

"You're welcome," the young woman returned. "Now I'll get this little one up to bed ... Good night Michaela ..."

Michaela heaved a sigh as Kathleen quietly left, and it wasn't very long at all before sleep threatened to overcome her again, so she was surprised when she felt strong arms slide in underneath her and she was lifted gently from the chair. She didn't exclaim, or protest, or even open her eyes, she just relaxed back into the arms that always made her feel so safe and loved. As she rested her head on his shoulder and he walked across the room, he whispered lovingly, "Bin a big day Michaela ... but its over now ... ya can relax ... an' remember ... its you an' me ... us ... that's important ..." He gently kissed her cheek and began to slowly and carefully mount the stairs.

Heroes and Fools continued ...

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