
Heroes and Fools 21



Chapter 41

"Well we finally have an opportunity to talk together," said Michaela wryly to the entire family as they sat around Andrew's bedside in the clinic.

Colleen reached out to lay her hand over Michaela's. "You look tired ma ... there aint no need ta talk now ... wait 'til you've had a good night's sleep ...," she offered with concern. Michaela had been working tirelessly in the clinic all day, her line of patients rarely diminishing. It seemed that the folk of Colorado Springs had been storing up their various illnesses and ailments for quite some time and of course, along the way, they expected to hear of Michaela's adventures in California.

"Its alright Colleen ... we'll head home as soon as we've talked. I know Brian is eager for everyone to know what happened in San Francisco," she replied with a smile. There were expectant nods and interested looks, so she continued, "We've already told you we spent nearly a week as guests of Lillian's father, Patric Beauchamp .."

Again there were nods.

"He was very interested in us all ... but particularly ... in you Matthew, Colleen ... and Brian ... It seems that he and Lillian talked a lot when she was bed-ridden with her illness ... She told him everything she knew about you ... and apparently she still felt guilty about the time she was here with Ethan and they tried to take two of you back to San Francisco ..."

"So she ought," muttered Matthew, but was silenced by a stern look from Michaela.

She continued, "If you remember ... it was Lillian who convinced Ethan to leave you both here ... She felt it was wrong to take you away from people who loved you ... your family and friends ..." She took a deep breath. Now came the hard part. "When Mr Beauchamp met Brian ... I think he felt as if he was meeting him again ... rather than for the first time ... He knew about some of Brian's traits and likes and dislikes ... and he was keenly interested in finding out what the three of you had been doing during the intervening years ... When he discovered you all had aspirations to study and take up professions he was very impressed ... Of course Lillian had told him that Colleen wanted to become a doctor ... and he seemed pleased when we told him you were hoping to begin your studies in the fall Colleen ..."

"Is this leadin' somewhere Dr Mike?" asked Matthew abruptly. "I got things ta do ..." This time it was Kathleen who gave him a surprised and then stern look, again silencing him.

"Yes ... its leading somewhere ... somewhere very important ... even surprising," replied Michaela. Then she quickly continued, "Much to our dismay, Mr Beauchamp ... even before he'd asked us to stay with him ... offered to ... ah ... assist in your education ... actually *all* the children's education ... including Katie's and William's ..."

Colleen's mouth dropped open in surprise and Matthew's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Whatdya mean *assist*?" he asked.

"Ta pay for it Matthew!" exclaimed Brian excitedly. "So's it won' be so hard on ma an' pa ..."

Matthew frowned. "Hope ya refused," he muttered sullenly. "Don' need no help from San Francisco," he added sarcastically.

"No ... actually we didn't refuse," rejoined Michaela matter-of-factly. "We were inclined to at first ... but he was a very persuasive man ... a very nice, persuasive man ..."

"So you're gonna let a complete stranger pay for the kids' education?" he snorted with disgust. "Sounds to me like pa's got some sorta hold over him ... just like he could do with anyone easy ta fool ..."

"That aint it at all Matthew?" objected Brian heatedly. "Pa weren't even there ... knew nothin' about it ... an' Mr Beauchamp aint fooled by him anyways .... He asked us ta say yes for Lillian ... He misses his daughter real bad ... an' this way he feels like he's doin' somethin' in her name ..."

"I could think o' lots o' things he could do in her name ... an' leave us right out o' it," Matthew replied, his eyes brooding.

To Michaela's surprise, Sully spoke up. "We suggested that Matthew ... an' he does intend leavin' a lot o' his money to things like schools ... an' hospitals ... but he wants ta feel he's part o' somethin' goin' on while he's still livin' ... an' Lillian spoke so well o' you kids, he wanted ta help out ..."

"We don' need no help," the young man muttered.

"That's not true Matthew," came a quiet but assured voice from beside him. Kathleen clasped his hand lovingly and said calmly, "You're always complaining about the cost of law books ... how expensive it is to subscribe to the law journals from back east ... or about spending the money to attend courses, or court in Denver ... or further afield ..."

"Yeah ... its hard ... but I can do it on my own ..."

"Maybe you can," she returned. "But what about Brian deciding on a college? And I know how hard its been for Colleen and Andrew trying to save enough for her to study in Philadelphia for the next two to three years." She turned to her friend. "Isn't that right Colleen?" she asked.

Colleen frowned. "Yeah ... its been hard," she replied. "But ... I'm not sure about a stranger paying for things either ... It wouldn' feel right..." She turned to her husband. "Andrew?" she appealed.

Andrew shook his head. "I don't know," he rejoined uncertainly. "I never even met this Lillian ... and I've certainly never met her father ... or yours ..."

"It aint anythin' ta do with him," Brian interjected.

"I understand that you all feel uncertain," said Michaela calmly. "You can imagine how his proposal shook us at first, especially when he made a point of saying it involved Katie and William as well ... but what you have to know is that this is an extremely wealthy man who's also extremely lonely ... even lost ... without his only daughter ... You children give him ties to youth ... to future generations ... he wants that more than anything ..."

"And what does he want in return Michaela?" asked Andrew with interest.

"Nothing," she replied instantly. "Except perhaps an occasional letter telling him how your studies are going ..."

"Nothing at all?" queried Matthew warily.

She shook her head.

"So he wouldn' be expectin' any o' us ... like Brian maybe ... to study in San Francisco?"

Again she shook her head.

Brian said, "Pa asked him about that ... an' he said it didn' matter where we studied ... he knew you wanted ta study where ma did Colleen ... Lillian told him ... an' he seemed real pleased ya still wanted it ..."

Michaela gave them all a few minutes to digest the news and then said quietly, "On our way home, Sully and I stopped in Denver and signed the papers at the bank ... The money ... a considerable sum I might add ... is ready for you to use whenever you need it ... All Mr Beauchamp said was that it was to be divided equally amongst the five of you ..."

Colleen's eyes suddenly shone and she grasped Andrew's hand more firmly. "Is there enough ta pay my tuition fees ma ... an' what about books?"

Michaela chuckled. "More than enough Colleen ... in fact there's more than enough to cover your lodgings also ... even train tickets to and from here and Philadelphia ..."

Colleen paled and gulped. "So much?" she murmured.

Michaela nodded. "As I said ... Mr Beauchamp is an extremely wealthy man ...," she rejoined.

"I aint gonna need money like that Dr Mike," interjected Matthew with assurance. "Ya can send my part back ..."

"Yes ... we could do that," rejoined Michaela. "But we'd rather not ... it would hurt him too badly ... If you can't accept it for yourself ... perhaps you should think of Kathleen ... and any children you might have ..." When Matthew's eyebrows rose questioningly, she continued, "If you have this money available to assist in your studies ... and in developing your library of law books, it will leave more to support your family will it not? And if you can't ... or won't spend it all ... it may come in handy when your own children want to further their education ..." Her eyes swept around them all. Each of them seemed preoccupied, weighing up the pros and cons to accepting Mr Beauchamp's generous offer. "We'll sleep on it hmm?" she said softly. "I know Brian has already accepted ... Perhaps it was easier for him ... meeting Mr Beauchamp ... and recognising how earnest he was about this ... You've all been given a wonderful ... unprecedented opportunity ... don't say no to it without giving it considerable thought ... you might well be depriving your families of remarkable opportunities ..."

She stood and stretched, then turned to Sully who was cradling a sleeping Katie. "I'll collect William from the next room and then we can go home," she said wearily. "I suddenly feel very, very tired ... Goodnight everyone ... sleep well ...."

Sully immediately stood, resting Katie against his shoulder. As Michaela left the room, he slowly followed her to the doorway, but instead of stepping through it, he turned back and said quietly, "Remember what I once told ya Matthew ... pride is a foolish man's burden ... we both know it ..." He smiled ruefully at his eldest son, winked at Colleen and departed.

Sully stepped out of the front door of the homestead and took a deep breath of the already warm, early morning air. It seemed the day was going to be a hot one. He turned his face up to the sun, closing his eyes in the process, and sighed. If this Tilson business hadn't been hanging over his head, he could've really enjoyed a summer's day like this. He straightened his shoulders, his mind suddenly racing with the things he wanted, needed, to do. He stepped down from the porch and headed for the barn.

Inside Matthew was saddling his horse, readying it to ride into town. "Mornin'," said Sully from the doorway. "I was kinda hopin' I'd catch ya before ya left .."

Matthew swung around to eye him speculatively and then said, "If its about last night an' that money business ... I aint ..."

"It aint about last night Matthew," Sully instantly cut in. "That's all up to you now ... its your decision ... No .. I wanted ta talk about a coupla other things ..."

The young man tightened the girth around his horse and then turned to face Sully. "What's that?" he asked with interest.

"Well ... I wanted ta ask how far ya got with your homestead ... I aint had a chance ta git out there since we came home," he replied.

"Nearly finished," rejoined Matthew proudly. "Wanna finish sandin' an' polishin' the floor boards today ... an' the stove arrives on this afternoon's train ... I was wonderin' whether ya could help me out with it tomorrow ... I remember how heavy yours was ..."

"That's one o' the things I wanted ta talk to ya about Matthew ... I'm sorry .... but I aint gonna be able ta help ya as much as I wanna ..." As Matthew seemed about to interject, he went on hastily. "I'll help ya with the stove alright ... long as its tomorrow mornin' so's I can meet Michaela at the Chateau when she rides out there at lunchtime ... I don' want her workin' there on her own ..."

Matthew's brow creased in puzzlement. "We can install the stove tomorra mornin' alright ... but whatdya mean ya don' want her out there on her own?"

"Don' trust the manager ... Tilson ...," replied Sully shortly.

"Figured there was somethin' goin' on there ... especially when ya didn' want anyone, especially him, ta find out where you were headin' when ya went away ...," rejoined Matthew with a frown. "What *is* goin' on? You worried about him an' Dr Mike? ... She wouldn' do anythin' she shouldn' ..."

Sully shook his head. "I aint worried about Michaela ... well ... not in that way ... I know she wouldn' do anythin' ... but I *am* worried about Tilson ... I figure he's dangerous Matthew," he admitted soberly.

"Dangerous!? Whatdya mean?"

"I don' wanna go into it all ... it aint for me ta say ... but somewhere along the way someone could git hurt ... an' I don' want it bein' any o' us ... especially Michaela ... or you kids ...."

"I can take care o' myself Sully ... but ... whatdya mean the kids are in danger? He wouldn' hurt 'em would he?"

"I aint sure ... but I reckon maybe he aint ... well ... sane." Sully paused and swallowed. "That's why I need ya ta keep an eye on the kids an' Kathleen ... ya know she's goin' back ta lookin' after Katie ... an' she's takin' on William ... I figure maybe they should spend a lot o' time out at the homestead with you while you're workin' there ... that way they'll be safe ..."

Matthew frowned as the import of Sully's words sunk in. He raised his eyes, his expression disbelieving. "You don' think ... he won't ... If this fella *is* dangerous ... ya gotta do somethin' about him!"

"I'm workin' on it ... but in the meantime we gotta keep our wits about us ... that's why I wanted ya ta know ..."

"If anythin' happens ta Kathleen ... or Dr Mike ...any o' the ..."

Sully rested his hand on the younger man's shoulder. "Nothin's gonna happen to 'em ... long as we stay watchful ... alright ..."

Matthew nodded. "Kathleen's bringin' the kids out to my homestead this mornin' before she goes into the clinic round lunchtime ... dependin' on William," he said quietly.

"An' I'll be at the clinic," completed Sully. "Tomorrow Michaela's workin' at the clinic in the mornin' ... Brian, Colleen an' Andrew'll be there with her ... an' then I'll meet her out at the Chateau after helpin' you with the stove ..." He gave Matthew's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Thanks," he said quietly, moving across to quickly saddle his and Michaela's horses.

"Michaela ... I was wonderin' if I could speak with ya for a minute?" asked Hank, stepping up onto the porch as she exited the clinic at lunchtime the following day.

The previous day had been much quieter for the Quinn/Sully family, most of it spent here at the town clinic, but today was an entirely different matter. She'd finished with her last patient only a few minutes earlier and her first appointment out at the Chateau was in barely fifteen. She stopped and impatiently turned to face him. "I'm due out at the Chateau shortly Hank," she replied, also still a little embarrassed about his 'rescue' a couple of days earlier.

"Won' take a minute," he rejoined, waiting for her to unlock the door again and then following her inside. "Besides ... thought you'd o' found an excuse not ta go out there agin," he teased.

She turned to face him. "I'm a doctor Hank ... who has to run a clinic ... well two clinics actually ... I can't just decide not to turn up at one ... What would my patients think?"

He held up his hand in mock defeat. "Alright ... alright ... I get the picture ... sorry I mentioned it," he muttered.

She immediately felt contrite. After all, anything could have happened if he hadn't intervened when Adrian was accosting her. "I'm sorry Hank," she said at once. "Its just that I'm so busy ... with the two clinics ... Oh ... and ... well ... I wanted to thank you ... for ... ah ..."

He chuckled. "Don' worry about it Michaela ... though I meant it when I said ya should stay away from him ... he's dangerous I reckon ... Didn' like the way he had hold o' you like that ..."

"I intend staying away from him ... as much as possible Hank," she replied, not enjoying having the barkeep counsel her.

He nodded. "Best thing," he agreed.

"You wanted something?" she asked, glancing towards the open door.

"Ah ... yeah ... I was wonderin'?....."


"Yeah ... well ... whether ya got a spare tin o' that ointment ... ya know the one ya smooth on bruises an' thin's," he muttered, not able to meet her eye.

She frowned. "Are you hurt Hank?" she asked at once.

His eyebrows rose and he chuckled self-consciously. "No .. not me," he rejoined adamantly.

"Who then?" she asked sternly.

He clamped his mouth shut and for once looked uncertain.

"Who?" she demanded. "Someone I should see?"

He immediately shook his head. "Don' wanna be seen by a doctor," he admitted awkwardly.

"Who doesn't?" she asked. "If they're hurt .. I should check them?"

"I said she don' wanna see ya," he repeated more concisely.

Her eyes narrowed. "She?" she asked warily. "You don't mean Myrna do you?"

"Just give me the ointment Michaela," he muttered exasperatedly, delving into his pocket and withdrawing a number of coins.

"Has she been hurt again Hank? How badly?" she demanded.

"Alright ... it *is* Myrna ... but she aint hurt bad ... not like last time ... just a few bruises," replied Hank, his eyes beginning to glint with anger. "Now are ya gonna sell me that ointment or aint ya?"

She strode across to the glass fronted medical cabinet and reached in for the small tin of ointment. "It was the same man ... wasn't it Hank?" she asked quietly. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Told her she aint alloweda see him no more," he replied. "She aint pleased about it mind you ... he's taken ta givin' her presents ... an' she likes that ..."

"But along with the presents comes abuse," returned Michaela, an unaccustomed touch of bitterness to her tone. "I still think you should do something about him Hank," she recommended solemnly. "He's a menace ... We could wire the federal marshall ..."

"I already lost his business at the Nugget," Hank rejoined with disgust. "Seein' as how he can't visit with any o' my girls no more ... aint that enough?"

"No ... its *not* enough," she replied with vehemence. "You stopped Adrian Tilson hurting me the other day ... and from what you said I know how you feel about a man abusing a woman ... so why won't you do something about this man?" she demanded.

"Look Michaela," he asserted frustratedly. "I stopped him gittin' near my girls ... he aint gonna hurt Myrna or any of 'em agin ... an' I aint gonna do anythin' more about it ..."

Michaela shook her head and handed him the ointment. "I wish Myrna would come by and see me ... ask her will you?" she requested resignedly. "If there are any complications ...."

"I told ya ... she aint hurt much at all this time ... just a coupla bruises." He held up the tin. "Thanks for this ... I'll take it to her ..." He started out the door and then turned back. "Sully goin' out to the Chateau too?" he asked unexpectedly.

"Yes .. he's meeting me there," Michaela replied, knowing instantly what he was thinking.

He nodded and then warned quietly, "Stay clear o' Tilson Michaela ... don' let him catch ya off guard ..." With that he strode out and across the busy street before she could think of a suitable retort. She shook her head in exasperation. Nothing had been the same since Adrian Tilson arrived in town! She picked up her medical bag, hurriedly left the clinic, locking it behind her and mounted Flash.

As she rode down the street towards the train station, in the process dodging a number of adults and children going about their business, she spied a slightly garishly dressed young woman walking slowly towards her. Her eyes narrowed when she recognised who it was. Drawing up alongside, she said quietly, "Afternoon Myrna ... Hank led me to believe you weren't feeling well this morning."

The young woman peered up at her. "I'm alright Dr Mike," she said mildly. "Told him not ta make a fuss ..."

From her position atop Flash, it wasn't difficult for Michaela to see the bruises on the girl's neck, chest and shoulders inside the wide and flimsy neckline of her blouse. Thankfully though, this time her face had been left unharmed. "How could you let him do this to you again?" asked Michaela soulfully.

"He was angry Dr Mike ... but he promised he won' do it again ...," she replied resolutely. Surprisingly she smiled as she peered up into the doctor's anxious face.

She shook her head. The young woman looked remarkably pretty and carefree this afternoon. Michaela would never understand how she could be so forgiving. "At least he won't be able to do it again ...," she said reprovingly. "Hank tells me he's now barred from being with any of you ..."

Myrna sighed. "Wish he hadn' done that ... I kinda like this fella ... he's the first one ta ever give me things ..."

"What use are they if you have to suffer his abuse along with them?" challenged Michaela.

Myrna shrugged her shoulders. "It aint so bad ... I'm kinda used to it ... pa used ta beat me an' my brother when we did somethin' wrong ... only he never gave us anythin' after ..." She then smiled embarrassedly, nodded to Michaela and walked on.

A bemused Michaela watched her for a brief moment and then nudged Flash in the ribs when she suddenly remembered her appointment at the Chateau clinic. It was only a few yards on that a truly astounding, even appalling realisation struck her, taking her breath away. She hauled on the reins and wheeled Flash around to catch a final glimpse of Myrna as she turned the corner towards the Nugget. It had occurred to her what was different about the young woman. It was her pretty silver earrings, catching the sunlight as they dangled from her ears! The same unique earrings she'd last seen sitting in their ornate box on Adrian Tilson's desk!

Chapter 42

Her mind whirling, Michaela continued on towards the Chateau. As the various possibilities and implications occurred to her, her heart pounded and she trembled with shock and horror. Was Adrian Tilson indeed the man who'd been abusing Myrna? Why did that startle her so, appal her so? She reined in Flash, knowing she had to calm herself down before arriving at her destination. She momentarily considered turning around and going back to town, the thought of being anywhere near Adrian making her feel sick to her stomach. Then she remembered Sully was to meet her at the Chateau and he'd worry if she didn't arrive. What was she going to tell him? What would she do if she came across Adrian?

She'd never felt such hate for a man before, anyone before. It frightened her. She took several deep breaths as her heart began to pound again. She hated him for making her feel this way, for making her feel so helpless, for making her feel somehow responsible for what had been going on. Tears welled in her eyes and she fought hard to control them. And why was Hank protecting him? In the past he'd have been the first to run a man out of town if he'd transgressed. Again, was it because of her? She bit her lip and struggled to stay in control. Something had to be done about Adrian, and fast. She'd shunned him, Hank had barred him from seeing any of his girls .. she could only imagine what his reaction might be! She suddenly felt very, very frightened, perhaps more frightened than she'd ever felt in her life, and not just for herself. Suddenly she had to reach Sully. He'd know what to do. She nudged Flash in the ribs again, sending her flying forward exuberantly. She had to get to the Chateau.

Sully strode purposefully into the dimly lit lobby of the Chateau, casting a disdainful glance at the closed door of Tilson's office in the process. When Josiah gave him a welcoming smile, Sully asked, "Seen Dr Mike arrive yet?" The clerk shook his head and so he strolled back out into the sunshine in relief. He'd been a little worried Michaela might arrive before him. She was always concerned about punctuality, unless there was a medical emergency somewhere of course, and then her only concern was her patient. Not wanting to draw attention to himself while he waited, especially the attention of a certain hotel manager, he strolled along the porch away from the front door, and then leant forward on the railing, to watch several guests enjoying the sun and the springs.

For the past two days he'd been wrestling with this strange and frightening problem involving Michaela and Tilson. He was aware she was on edge as much as he. It was almost as if they were waiting, waiting for the man to do something. What they needed was for him to make a mistake, to do something for which he could be found guilty in a court of law, something which would cause him to be removed from Colorado Springs indefinitely. He straightened, his eyes inexorably drawn to the window of the manager's office. What he'd actually like to see was Tilson run out of town. In fact he'd like to do it himself. He'd delight in it. His hands itched to knock some sense into the man, if that was possible. How he'd held himself in check for this long was a miracle. He almost yearned for the opportunity to give Tilson what he deserved. He'd meant it when he'd told Michaela he wanted to wring the man's neck.

He peered upwards at the position of the sun. Seemed to him to be after the time Michaela had set for her first appointment. He hoped something hadn't happened in town. He'd wait another fifteen minutes or so, and if she hadn't arrived by then he'd head along the road she'd be taking. A prickle of apprehension suddenly caused his hairs to stand on end and his heart to beat a little faster, but he immediately quashed it. He had to keep his wits about him. The last thing he needed was to panic about every little thing that didn't go to plan. He, and consequently Michaela, would end up nervous wrecks.

He turned back the way he'd come. He'd go in and chat to Josiah after all, or maybe Myra if she was there, until Michaela arrived.

"Dr Cook ...Dr Cook??!!" called an urgent, male voice from the street. Colleen flung the door of the medical clinic open and her heart jumped into her mouth when she saw her mother lying motionless in the arms of Adrian Tilson. Not being a very large or strong man, he was struggling under her weight. His face was pale and perspiring and he staggered a little as he turned to edge his way in through the clinic doorway without knocking his precious burden.

"What happened?!" exclaimed Colleen, as the hotel manager carefully placed Michaela on the examination table. She immediately bent over her ma, taking her pulse and examining the rapidly enlarging bruise on her forehead.

"I discovered her on the road to the Chateau," gasped Adrian, hovering behind Colleen, watching her every move. "Her horse must have thrown her ... She's lucky I came along ..."

Colleen frowned. "Ma's a good rider," she muttered. "She ..."

Her utterances were halted by the angry arrival of Hank from across the street. He'd seen Adrian pull up and carry an unconscious Michaela into the clinic. He strode across the wooden floor and furiously grabbed the considerably smaller man by the collar. "What'd you do to her?" he growled. "If you hurt her ..."

"I .. I ... didn't do anything," stammered Adrian, his face paling even further, his toes stretching to maintain some hold on the floor.

"I don' believe you ... why should I?" retorted Hank loudly, his eyes blazing fire. His arm tensed and Adrian left the floor altogether. Hank brought Adrian so close he could feel the man's hot breath on his face as he sneered menacingly, "There's bin nothin' but trouble since you came ta town Tilson ... If I find out you had anythin' ta do with this ..."

"I .. I .. didn't ... I swear," Adrian mumbled. "I didn't ..."

"Stop it!" exclaimed Colleen indignantly from behind them. "Stop it!" she repeated. "Get out of here so we can look after ma ... you yellin' at each other's not gonna do her any good at all ..." She strode across the clinic, opened the internal door and called up the stairs, "Andrew ... please ... I need you down here ... ma's hurt!" A faint answering call had her scurrying back to her mother's side. She looked up at Hank, her face a strange mixture of anger and vulnerability. "Put him down and then go outside," she commanded, brooking no argument. "An' please ... send someone to get Sully ... he's out at the Chateau ...," she added plaintively, as her eyes welled with tears.

Not entirely unfeeling, Hank did place Adrian back on his feet and then shoved him towards the door. He couldn't resist a final, "I warned ya," to the man who was hunkering down into his jacket in fear. Once outside, the barkeep roughly pushed Adrian down onto the wooden bench. "You wait there ... an' don' move ...," he barked. He then strode across the busy street, unhitched the first horse he came to, quickly climbed up into the saddle and took off out of town at a gallop. Several onlookers, including Loren, Grace and Robert E, watched the goings on in astonishment.

Andrew, still dressed in his robe, did his utmost to make Michaela comfortable. Severely hampered by his injured shoulder, he and Colleen were forced to work as a team. It didn't take him long to arrive at the conclusion there was little they could do for Michaela until she regained consciousness. He was reasonably certain there was no skull fracture and apart from some bruising down her right side, there appeared to be no broken bones. Finally, he said quietly, "I think its probably best if we get her upstairs, into a comfortable bed. When she wakes, that bruising's going to be painful ..."

Colleen nodded, lightly caressed her mother's hand and then walked across to the door, pulling it open. A sea of concerned faces greeted her. "Is Dr Mike alright Colleen?" asked Grace anxiously. "Martha said Mr Tilson carried her in ..."

Striving to remain calm, Colleen said quietly, "Ma's still unconscious Grace ... she had a pretty bad fall ..."

"How'd it happen?" asked Loren with concern.

Colleen shrugged her shoulders. "I ... I don't know?" she replied uncertainly, recalling with alarm snippets from the confrontation between Hank and Mr Tilson. "But Andrew says we should move her upstairs .. to where its more comfortable ... she's gonna be pretty sore ... We need some help ... cos of Andrew's shoulder ..."

Robert E immediately stepped forward and then turned to face the others. "Come on Jake ... Loren ... give us a hand ..." Then he turned back to Colleen. "Don' worry ... your ma's gonna be fine ... she's come through worse 'an this ..." Colleen nodded and then stood back so the men could enter.

Just as Colleen began to close the door behind the men, two horses and riders galloped at speed up to the clinic. She flung the door open again to see Sully slide from his horse and stride up onto the porch. He paused fractionally to cast Mr Tilson such a bitter glance her blood ran cold, and then he marched into the clinic. At the very same moment, Andrew called from beside Michaela, "Colleen ... she's coming around ..."

Sully rushed across the room to his wife lying prostrate on the examination table. His pulse had been racing ever since setting out from the Chateau. His disquiet had grown the longer he'd waited for her and finally he'd lost patience and mounted his horse, only to be waylaid by Hank shortly after. As soon as the barkeep mentioned Tilson, Sully's heart began to pound, as much with anger at the hotel manager as with concern for Michaela. Tilson would have to wait for now, but the time had definitely come to do something about the man.

He bent over his wife as her eyes began to focus. "Michaela?" he whispered lovingly.

"Sully," she mumbled, obviously disorientated. "What ..."

"Shh ... its alright ... ya came off Flash," he rejoined softly. "You're gonna be fine ..." With his words he looked up into Andrew's eyes for confirmation and was reassured by the young doctor's smile and nod. As he watched anxiously, Michaela's eyes gradually focussed and colour returned to her cheeks. She lifted her hand to feel the painful egg on her forehead and winced. "How ... how long was I unconscious?" she asked quietly.

Andrew bent over her. "About half an hour," he replied. "You must have taken quite a fall."

She grimaced and her other hand tightened on Sully's. She nodded and then experimentally flexed her legs and arms. "No broken bones," she reported ruefully.

"No," the young doctor agreed "But you're going to be sore ... there's some bruising ..."

She nodded and then winced again, reflexively raising her hand to her head.

"Are ya in pain Michaela?" asked Sully anxiously.

"A little, my head ...," she replied, her brow furrowed.

"She needs to rest Sully ... and we'll have to keep an eye on her for a while ... in case there's a concussion," recommended Andrew. He indicated the three men standing quietly in the background. "We were just going to take her upstairs ... to a comfortable bed ..."

Jake, Loren and Robert E stepped tentatively forward only to be stopped by Sully. "I'll take her," he said determinedly.

"But ..."

"*I'll* take her," he reiterated adamantly. "She alright to be moved now?"

Andrew frowned in puzzlement and then nodded. Sully immediately slid his arms in underneath her and gently lifted her into his embrace. "Its alright," he whispered softly against her ear. "Its alright ... I got ya now ... no-one's gonna hurt ya ..." In response she moaned slightly, wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his hair.

Sully watched Andrew walk painfully to the door of the upstairs recovery room and pull it open, only to turn back momentarily. "Remember to check her eyes ... and if there's any cause for concern ... just call me," he advised wearily. Sully nodded and the younger man quietly left.

Sully's attention immediately returned to Michaela laying back against the pillows. "How ya feelin'?" he asked anxiously. He'd hovered worriedly behind Andrew as the young doctor questioned Michaela and examined her eyes and bruises and now was relieved to finally know she was going to be alright, and to have her to himself.

"I'm alright," she replied, her tone subdued. "Head hurts a little." He squeezed her hand lovingly and pulled the blanket up a little higher. She swallowed and then asked uneasily, "Adrian brought me here ... didn't he?" Sully's jaw clenched and he nodded. She squeezed her eyes shut and when they opened there was a hint of tears. "I thought as much," she murmured, biting her lip.

"What'd he do Michaela?" asked Sully with anger and dread.

"Truthfully ... I don't really know," she replied soulfully. "I .. I ... wasn't concentrating ... I was in a hurry ... to get to the Chateau ... and you ..." She took a deep breath. "One minute we were flying along ... then something spooked Flash ... I didn't see it ... she reared up ... and I ..." A tear rolled silently down her cheek.

"Shhh .. its alright," he rejoined.

"But ... don't you see ... its not," she murmured, quite distressed.

"Yeah it is ... you're safe now," he consoled, edging forward in his chair, his face close to hers.

She gazed up into his eyes, her expression pained. "Its not alright Sully ... perhaps I should tell you all about it ... from the beginning," she suggested quietly.

"Hey .. whatever ya wanna say ... it can wait ... ya aint up to it right now," he soothed.

"I want to tell you ... everything ....," she pleaded. "About Adrian ..."

At the mention of the man's name again Sully's body tensed and a nerve pulsed in his cheek. "There's time enough for that when ya feelin' better," he counselled, striving to slow his rapidly beating heart.

"I'm alright ... truly ...," she assured him. "And I want ... no I *need* to tell you ...," she returned determinedly.

He reluctantly nodded and when she patted the covers beside her, he climbed up and took her into his arms, mindful of her recent bruises. She relaxed back against his chest and shoulder, and clasped his arms holding her so protectively. She took a deep breath and began, "Adrian's a couple of years younger than Miriam and I ... he was in college in New York until about four months before we graduated. He came home to Philadelphia, uncertain as to what employment he should go into ... Miriam and I returned from the library one evening and he was there ..." She paused, swallowed and then went on. "He seemed quite pleasant at first ... he was interested in our studies and ... I ... I ... suppose I was flattered by his attention ... after all most men found my choice of profession daunting. When Miriam and Robert began to court, her father insisted that she be chaperoned on all occasions and he suggested Adrian and I be the chaperones ... perhaps at Adrian's instigation ... I quite enjoyed it at first ... going to the opera ... or supper at the Savoy ... Up until then I hadn't had many opportunities for such pursuits ... However it wasn't long before Adrian's attention became a little too intense .... I never thought of him as anything but the brother of my closest friend ... but it seemed he had other ideas ..."

Sully's arms tightened compulsively around her as she paused. "Other ideas?" he murmured against her ear.

She nodded. "He started turning up outside my boarding house to escort me to college ... or outside the library to escort me home ... I'd receive an invitation to one of my fellow student's homes and he'd just coincidentally be at the same social ... He began sitting too close ... whispering things of a more personal nature into my ear so no-one else could hear ..."

"Personal nature?" queried Sully, his voice catching.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Things about us perhaps doing things together ... alone ... leaving the gathering ..."

"What sorta things?" he demanded, his voice rising a little.

"Nothing really improper Sully," she hastened to assure him. "But perhaps improper in that, like Miriam and Robert, we should have been chaperoned ..."

"So what'd ya do about it?"

"I tried to dissuade him ... I told him ... as politely as I could, that I wasn't interested ... that I had a beau back in Boston ... I refused some of the invitations ... worked irregular hours ... but somehow he would always be there ... he never seemed to listen to me ..."

"How'd he know where you were goin' ... what you were doin'?"

"That's always puzzled me," she rejoined. "I have no idea ... much like I have no idea how he knew we were in San Francisco ..."

Sully shook his head. "Someone's gotta've told him ..."

"Who? He followed us just a few days after we left ... and the family knew we didn't want him to know where we were ..." Michaela paused and swallowed. "I always thought it must have been Miriam when we were in college ... it was the only plausible explanation, but having spent time with her recently ... I don't think it was ...," she mused softly. "And it certainly wasn't her this time ... he must've been on the train before we'd even visited her ... she didn't even know we were in San Francisco .."

"Well I dunno how he did it either Michaela ... but he knew alright .... it weren't a coincidence," pondered Sully, his eyes brooding.

"I agree ... just as it wasn't a coincidence all those years ago," returned Michaela pensively, tentatively touching the lump on her forehead. She winced, took a deep breath and continued, "I told you the other night how I started refusing invitations back then ... closeting myself away ... so Adrian wouldn't bother me ... but I was miserable. I took to walking in the park ... but he found me there too ... It was if he was following me .."

"Maybe he was ..."

She hung her head. "I *know* he was," she rejoined, her voice reduced to merely a whisper.


"I mentioned how I started to work irregular hours?" He nodded and she went on, "I started going to the library early and leaving early ... and then changed it to arriving late and leaving late ... it worked for a little while ... a couple of times he wasn't there and I scurried home, so pleased with myself ... but ..."

"But he turned up again huh?"

"Oh yes," she rejoined. "Several times ... the last time much like today ..."

Sully again tensed. "Whatdya mean by that?"

"I had one last try to make him understand I considered his attention inappropriate," she explained. "We were standing in the entrance foyer of my boarding house ... He got angry and grabbed me .."

"What?!" Sully expostulated.

"He grabbed me ... by the arms and shook me," she went on, her tone plaintive. "I was so frightened ...it hurt ... no-one had ever treated me like that before ... but then Mrs Paulsen arrived and he had to let me go ..."

"I hope ya complained ta someone about it?!" Sully exclaimed heatedly.

"Who was I going to tell? Mrs Paulsen looked down her nose at me ... like it was my fault ... and I couldn't tell Miriam or her father ... I didn't know what to do ..."

He held her close and kissed the top of her head comfortingly. "So what *did* ya do?"

"Nothing really .... except to hide myself away even more ...," she rejoined. "The couple of times I *did* see him after that he seemed more and more annoyed ..."

Sully shook his head in displeasure and bemusement. "So that's it huh? Until he turned up here?" he concluded.

There was a long silence causing Sully to prompt with concern, "Michaela? *Was* that it?" She shook her head and he gently cupped her cheek, turning her so he could look into her sad, shimmering eyes. "Tell me," he implored.

She swallowed and then elucidated hesitantly, "I ... I had to go to the library ... my last paper was due ... It was early fall ... cool and drizzling rain ... I .. I came out, a pile of books in my arms ... There wasn't a soul about ... it was after six and the library was about to close ... The steps down to the street were wet and slippery ... but I couldn't hold on to the railing ... I started down ... but ... but I'd gone only a couple of steps when I felt a ... a ... nudge from behind ... I lost my footing and hit the ground ... hard ... and then tumbled down the steps to the sidewalk ..." She stopped and bit her lip as tears rolled silently down her cheeks.

"Your dream! Ya saw who it was pushed ya?" asked Sully urgently. "It were *him* weren't it?"

"I ... I ... didn't see who is was Sully ... but I knew ... He suddenly appeared out of nowhere and helped me up ... told me he was so sorry to see me fall ... and then took me back to his home ...," she detailed, her words interrupted by silent sobs. "All the while Miriam helped me dry out my clothes and then sewed up the knee I'd gashed as I hit the wrought-iron railing on the way down ... he crowed to anyone who was listening about how lucky I was he'd just happened to be there .. to see me fall ... that I'd have been in trouble if he hadn't been around ... and of course his family considered him a hero ..." Sully turned her in his arms so that she could curl up against his chest, her head tucked under his chin. He held her trembling body and rocked her comfortingly as the story continued to unfold, "After that I retreated from everything ... and insisted that father take me home the day I graduated ... I didn't even go to Miriam and Robert's wedding ..."

"Cos he'd've bin there ...," completed Sully, kissing the top of her head. She nodded and her heart-wrenching sobbing continued. At last he said quietly, "Ya better rest ... we'll talk more later ... we gotta decide what ta do now ..."

She shook her head. "No," she muttered tearfully. "I want to tell you everything ..."

"There's more?"

"Much ... if you take into account what's been happening here since February," she replied in a small voice.

He gritted his teeth and prompted, "Alright ... what *has* been goin' on ... that I don' already know?"

She peered up into his eyes. "I .. I ... don't want you to be angry with me ... I couldn't stand that," she said plaintively.

"I aint gonna be angry with you Michaela," he reassured her, as convincingly as he could. "But I can't say I'll feel the same about Tilson ..."

"I'm angry at him too," she said softly. "But please hear me out ... and don't do anything without us discussing it first ... alright?"

"I dunno if I can promise that," he replied seriously, his eyes steely. "This fella's got a lot ta answer for ..."

"Perhaps he has ... but I won't tell you if you're likely to do something rash ..."

He took a deep breath. "Go on ... tell me," he entreated bleakly. "Tell me how this fella's got us all so riled up .."

For the next several minutes the story came tumbling out - her dismay at discovering Adrian was in Colorado Springs, the roses and his entering the clinic despite locked doors, their couple of encounters, his watching her from the saloon porch, his attentions in Denver, his anger out at the Chateau and Hank's intervention, the earrings, everything. Occasionally Sully would interrupt with an irate "What!" or "Ya shoulda told me!" and Michaela would cringe as if struck. He would quickly placate her, but inside his anger was building to a dangerous level. At last, he said indignantly, "I can't believe Hank knew what was happenin' ... but ya didn' tell *me* ... Why didn' *he* tell me?"

"Probably because he thought I would," she replied remorsefully. "I know I should've ... but I didn't want to make you more angry than you already were ..."

"An' the accident today ... ya reckon he caused that too ... like at the library in Philadelphia?!" he challenged, the nerve once again pulsing in his cheek.

"I don't know," she returned truthfully. "I wasn't concentrating ... but ..."

"But goin' on past form ... it was his fault too huh?!" He shook his head and his fists clenched. "He's got a lot ta answer for," he muttered angrily. There was a long silence as he considered Adrian's misdeeds and then he exclaimed, "He had no right ta touch ya! No right at all! An' the earrin's! There aint a man alive who's got a right ta be givin' my wife ... anyone's wife ... gifts like that!"

"I told him I didn't want them," protested Michaela feebly.

"That aint the point ... that aint the point at all," rejoined Sully, working up a full head of steam. "There anythin' else ya wanna tell me?"

Michaela swallowed, reluctant to give him any more fuel for his anger.

"Michaela?!" he demanded. "There *is* more ... aint there?"

She turned her head away and bit her lip. He cupped her cheek and turned her back again. Striving to soften his tone, he said, "Ya gotta tell me ... I aint angry at you ..."

She nodded and took a deep breath. "The ... the reason why I wanted to get out to you this afternoon ... so urgently ... was about the earrings ...," she explained uneasily.

"He try ta give them to you again?" he demanded angrily.

She shook her head. "No ... that's just it ... he gave them to someone else ... I saw them in her ears ... and suddenly knew ..."

His brow creased in puzzlement. "Someone else?" he asked bemusedly. "He's botherin' someone else too ... that don' make no sense ..."

"It depends on how you define bothering," rejoined Michaela quietly. "You know how I told you about Myrna ... one of Hank's girls who's been beaten ... several times ...?"

He nodded, obviously still puzzled.

"She was wearing them ... the earrings ...," Michaela clarified in a whisper.

There was a hush in the room while Sully's mind whirled, then he suddenly edged back off the bed and onto his feet. He took a couple of agitated steps and then spun back to face her. "*He's* the one who's bin beatin' this girl?!" he gasped angrily.

"I ... I ... don't ... I suppose," replied Michaela in a whisper.

"So's when he can't git his way with you ... he takes ta some poor defenceless girl!?" he exploded.

She nodded and leant back jadedly against the headboard, her eyes closed, but unable to contain the tears which poured afresh down her cheeks. She could hear him pacing back and forth. At last he raged, "Well he aint gonna hurt no-one agin! Not you ... not that girl ... any o' our family ... no-one! No more throwin' things through windows causin' fires ... or hurtin' defenceless women ... or fixin' buggies so's they break ..." He marched to the door.

Michaela's eyes flew open and she regarded him in utter dismay. "Sully!" she screamed through her tears, as he wrenched the door open. "Please ... don't go ... you promised ...!"

He cast her one more glance dismissing her pleas, and strode wrathfully from the room.

Heroes and Fools continued ...

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