
Heroes and Fools 3



Chapter 5

Michaela woke to faint dawn light spilling the glow of a new day into their room. She held her breath and listened carefully, wondering if it had been baby William who had disturbed her. She finally expelled the pent up air. He was still sound asleep. She was thrilled that he'd only woken once in the night to be nursed. Perhaps he was as happy about his father's return as she was.

She sidled further back into Sully's embrace. He was spooned into her back, his arm pinning her upper arm against her side, his large hand protectively cupping her swollen breast. As she pressed herself against him, she coyly bit her lip. She'd been so looking forward to his return, happily anticipating resuming 'intimate relations' with him for the first time since the baby was born, and yet she'd fallen asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. Last night she and Sully had sat for a long time before the fireplace downstairs, talking things through and just enjoying being close, being held by each other. So when they'd finally retired she'd been so relaxed she'd slept soundly. The previous couple of days had, it appeared, taken their physical and emotional toll.

But now it seemed she wasn't the only one ready and more than willing to resume their lovemaking. Although he was still asleep, she could feel that Sully was aroused. She reddened when she realised her movements against and into him since waking may have provoked this reaction. He was now unconsciously and gently caressing her breast and occasionally he would move with little subtlety against her and pull her more tightly in against himself. His arousal, and the thought of being with him again after so long instantly stirred her also. She trailed her fingers up and down his arm and once again nestled back into him. Her blood was warming and her skin flushing with longing. She could feel her desire growing and craved for that desire to be sated. She rolled slightly so that she was more on her back and gazed into the sleeping face of the man she so loved. She began to slowly, sensuously, run her hand over his warming skin, starting at his neck, across his chest and nipples, down over his hip to his thigh and then forward a little ...

Sully stirred at his wife's gentle and yet stimulating caresses. He took a deep breath and willed himself to stay in control. He half-opened his eyes and immediately met hers - shining and desire-filled.

"Morning," she said breathily, continuing her passionate ministrations, making his heart pound.

"Mornin'," he rejoined, his voice emerging huskily, his throat constricted and dry. He abruptly rolled onto his back and Michaela followed him, resting closely against and over him, making him more than aware of her reaction to his previously unwitting arousal. She peered longingly down into his eyes and her tongue snaked out to moisten her dry lips.

Sully was torn. "Its alright?" he asked softly. "Not too soon?"

Michaela smiled, shook her head and then bent to eagerly take his mouth with hers. In response, he growled softly back in his throat and gave into both his and his beautiful wife's pent up desires.

At the third knock Colleen was at the clinic door and pulled it open. She was startled to look into the intense, deep green eyes of the stranger who had seemed to be staring at her just the other day at the train station. She took a deep breath and asked in her most professional tone, "Can I help you?"

Freddy was as startled as the pretty, young woman who stood before him. "Ah ... you're the doctor?!" he asked incredulously.

Colleen unconsciously blushed and then giggled. "No ... not yet," she replied with a smile. "I will be one day though ...I'm studying to become one ...."

"I'm .... I'm sorry," stammered Freddy, once again rendered speechless by the captivating young woman. "I ... I ... didn't mean to pry .... I was just surprised when it was you who opened the door."

Colleen smiled at the handsome young man's discomfit and held out her hand. "I'm Colleen Cook .... I help out here .... while Andrew is working out at the Chateau clinic," she quietly clarified.

Freddy nodded and then abruptly held out his hand also. "Freddy McFarlane," he introduced himself. Then he held out his other hand bearing a collection of packages tied together with string. "Horace asked me to deliver these here," he explained. "Do you want me to bring them in?"

Colleen immediately stepped back. "Thanks," she said. "Are you working with Horace now? .... Are you his new assistant? .... He said he was expecting someone ..."

Freddy placed the packages on the desk and turned to face her. "Uh huh," he said. "Started work yesterday."

Colleen suddenly smiled broadly, taking Freddy's breath away. "I'm so glad!" she exclaimed and then blushed becomingly. "I .... I .... mean ..... I'm so glad that Horace finally has someone helping him .... There's so much to do now .... and he's been working such long days .... At last he can relax a little ..." She lowered her eyes to the floor and traced the line of a floorboard with her toe.

"Yeah .... I've only been working with him a couple of days .... but I'm already wondering how Horace has been managing on his own," rejoined Freddy, now decidedly more composed.

Colleen raised her eyes to his, her mind whirling. This young man's speech and mode of dress indicated that he was educated and possibly well-off. "You're not from around here are you?" she speculated and then blushed. "I don't mean to pry," she added.

Freddy shrugged his shoulders. "That's alright .... No, I'm from St Louis .... I work directly for the telegraph company .... They asked me to come out here and give Horace a hand ..."

"Have you ever been out west before?" asked Colleen, her interest piqued.

"No further than Kansas City," rejoined Freddy with enthusiasm. "I'm looking forward to seeing more of this beautiful country."

"Oh yes .... you must .... Do you ride?"

Freddy chuckled. "A little .... I'm determined to improve .... I've already spoken to Robert E at the livery .... He's going to look for a suitable horse for me .... then I can get around more .... They say practice makes perfect."

Colleen smiled. What a refreshing change from Andrew's attitude to horses and riding. He still avoided them whenever he could.

Her reverie was interrupted by Freddy asking, "Do *you* ride?"

"Oh yes," she exclaimed. "I enjoy it .... I didn't always, but now I love to ride out into the woods ....."

"Perhaps you could show me some of your favourite places some day?" asked Freddy unexpectedly.

That brought Colleen up short. "Oh ... I ... I ... don't know .... It mightn't be appropriate," she stammered, torn between the alluring image of an enjoyable ride into the woods with an agreeable young man and propriety.

Freddy, not wanting to sound too eager, immediately shrugged his shoulders and offered diffidently, "It was just a thought .... sounded nice ...." He turned towards the open doorway. "I better get back to Horace .... he'll be wondering what became of me ... It was nice meeting you Miss Cook .... I guess I'll see you around town ..." He nodded his head and hurried off in the direction of the train station.

Colleen watched him go with misgiving. She hoped he didn't think her rude. A little voice inside told her she wanted him to think well of her. He was indeed an agreeable young man. It would be nice to have someone closer to her own age to talk to. She quietly closed the door and wandered across to the desk. It was only as she sat herself down that she realised she hadn't told him she was married! He'd called her Miss Cook and she hadn't corrected him. In fact it hadn't even occurred to her to do so. What would he think of her when he found out?! She shook her head, sighed and went back to the patient file she'd been working on when he arrived.

"Cowween ..... Cowween!" called Katie as her tiny legs sped her across the grounds of Grace's Caf�. The young woman stooped and opened her arms invitingly to her little sister. A giggling Katie wrapped her arms around her big sister's neck and swung up into her embrace.

Michaela, cradling a sleeping William, followed more sedately behind. She chuckled to see the exuberance of her youngest daughter and the love shown by her oldest.

Colleen, still being almost choked by her tiny sibling, turned to face her ma as she approached. "Hey ma," she said welcomingly, leaning across to kiss Michaela's cheek. "I'm glad you could have lunch with me today .... I miss our talks now you're not in town so much." She sat herself down and then placed Katie on the seat beside her. As Michaela also sat, Colleen couldn't resist reaching for William. "May I?' she asked eagerly.

Michaela smiled and passed the precious bundle over. Colleen cradled him carefully against her breast and sighed. "He's beautiful ma ... an' he's growin' so quick ..."

The proud mother nodded and watched indulgently as Colleen cooed at the sleeping baby. "He's changing too," Michaela marvelled. "Not only his hair .... but when he looks up at you now you'd swear he knew what you were saying ... and he smiles a lot more ...."

Deciding that she would no longer put up with being ignored in favour of her little brother, Katie slid from her wooden seat to the ground and circled the table to Michaela. She lifted her hands and Michaela immediately picked her up and placed her on her lap. "I's hungwy mama," she implored, a slight attention-seeking whine in her voice. Michaela merely chuckled. "You're always hungry sweetie," she rejoined as she kissed the top of her daughter's honey-blond head. "I wonder what Grace is serving today?"

"Pie!!" exclaimed Katie excitedly, causing both women to giggle again.

Michaela raised Katie's eyes to meet hers and said with as much sincerity as she could muster, "You know the rules .... you must have something else first .... before you can have pie ..."

Katie nodded resignedly, having fought and been defeated in this particular battle too many times before. Spying Loren Bray seated a couple of tables away, she temporarily lost interest in the topic of food, slid from her ma's lap and rushed across to him, exclaiming excitedly as she did so.

Loren, whose face just moments before had borne its usual maudlin expression, suddenly smiled broadly and lovingly hoisted her up into his arms. It was no secret amongst the townspeople that Loren had a soft spot for his little 'Katie girl' and there were a number of indulgent smiles on the faces of fellow diners, including the tiny little girl's mother and older sister.

Michaela turned back to Colleen. "Now tell me what's been happening in town ... and how you and Andrew are doing? .." she demanded good-naturedly.

Colleen shrugged. "I don' know where ta start ma ... Working at both clinics is keeping Andrew pretty busy .... but he seems to be enjoying it ....," replied Colleen after a moment's consideration. Upon Michaela's guilty look, she added, "Don't you go worrying about Andrew .... or feelin' guilty .... We knew all along that you were going to need some time after the baby was born .... that's one of the reasons why we stayed in Colorado Springs ..." She patted her ma's hand. "Now what about you ma? You alright?" she asked, a slight frown marring her pretty features.

Sensing immediately that Colleen and one of her siblings must have been talking, she replied, "Everything's fine Colleen ... just fine ...."

"Mathew told me about Katie going missing ..."

"It was frightening at the time .... but Sully found her .... and she's alright .... I daresay she's forgotten all about it already ...," rejoined Michaela.

"An' everythin's alright with you and Sully ma?"

Michaela smiled, recalling this morning's delicious loving. She reddened slightly and said softly, "Wonderful."

Colleen had seen that look before and again patted her ma's hand, no longer concerned. "Good," she said with satisfaction.

There was a moment's pause during which she glanced up to see Freddy McFarlane enter the caf� environs and head towards them. She unknowingly held her breath. As he neared, he slowed, doffed his hat, smiled widely and greeted her politely, "Miss Cook."

Colleen was aware of the telltale flush to her skin but was unable to control it. She nodded, murmured, "Mr McFarlane," and dropped her eyes to the checked tabletop. Freddy smiled at Michaela and continued on to a vacant table a little way over.

Michaela had observed Colleen's reaction to his polite greeting and her eyes followed his progress across the caf� grounds with interest. She at last turned back to her eldest daughter who had managed to regain her composure. "He's a very handsome young man Colleen," she remarked, watching her daughter carefully. "I don't believe I've seen him around here before ..."

Colleen swallowed. "He's only just arrived .... from St Louis .... He's Horace's new assistant ...." she replied, aware of her mother's scrutiny.

"I gather you two have met ..."

"Uh huh .... twice .... Well actually the first time we didn't speak .... but then he delivered some medical supplies to the clinic this morning ... we got to talkin' a little ..."


"And .... and .... he seems like a nice man ...."

"Mmmm ..."

Colleen blushed. "Ma .... I'm a married woman .... He was just nice to talk to ....," she protested with a coy smile. "He wondered if I'd go riding with him .... show him some of my favourite places .... but I told him it wouldn't be appropriate ..." She gave her sometimes too astute mother a rueful look. "Now .... can we talk about something else? ... Please ...."

Michaela chuckled. "Sometimes you forget you're a pretty young woman Colleen .... and that young men like Mr McFarlane may find you attractive ....," she teased.

"Oh ma! ...," remonstrated Colleen embarrassedly.

"Well .... its true .... and *now* we'll change the subject," laughed Michaela.

Some time later, after the two women and Katie had eaten heartily, and William had woken and entertained a number of onlookers with his smiles, Michaela began to collect up their things preparatory to leaving. As a thought struck her, she seated herself again and eyed her eldest daughter warily. At last she asked, "Have you been out to the Chateau lately Colleen?"

"A few times to help Myra with her exercises ma, why do you ask?" the younger woman inquired.

"Have you met the new manager? Myra mentioned him yesterday ..."

"Mmm .... Andrew seems to like him ...."

"And his name?"

"Its Tilson ma .... isn't that the same surname as your friend Miriam?"

"Yes .... yes it is," replied Michaela with a frown. "And his first name?"

"I think Andrew said its Adrian .... Everyone calls him Mr Tilson though," rejoined Colleen, her interest rising. She was startled when Michaela abruptly slumped back into her chair and her frown deepened. "Ma .... do you know him?" asked Colleen with concern at her mothers' reaction.

"He's Miriam's brother .... or I'm almost certain he is .... Its too much of a coincidence that there could be two Adrian Tilsons," murmured Michaela distractedly. She raised her eyes to Colleens'. "Isn't it?" she asked hopefully.

"Sounds like you don't care too much for Mr Tilson?" suggested Colleen.

Michaela shrugged and straightened in her chair. "I haven't come across Adrian Tilson since my last year at medical college," she said quietly. "And that's a long time ago ... we were both very young .... in fact he's a little younger than me ..."

"Were you courting?" asked Colleen, wondering why she'd never heard this man mentioned before.

Michaela's eyes widened. "No!" she exclaimed. "He's Miriam's brother .... I met him because of her ... that's all ..." She began to gather her things together again. "I wonder why he's taken the job here?" she mused.

"Maybe Miriam told him how beautiful it is .... and of the opportunities ....," suggested Colleen.

Michaela smiled across at her daughter. "Of course you're right Colleen .... of course .... I'm being far too inquisitive and reading too much into the matter," she concluded dismissively. She stood and grasped Katie's hand. If you'll bring William over to the clinic for me .... I'll nurse him before we go home ..."

She set off determinedly in the direction of the clinic watched by a very thoughtful and speculative daughter following close behind.

Chapter 6

Michaela once again glanced down at her tiny son asleep in the basket at her feet. He looked so content. Then she realised that Katie, seated beside her, had also slumped against her in sleep and she grinned. She looked across at Sully holding the reins, and said softly, "Perhaps we should do this even more often .... the movement of the wagon's lulled them both to sleep again."

He too glanced at his two tiny sleeping children and smiled indulgently. "Maybe you're right ..." He reached across to grasp her hand and added unexpectedly, "Sometimes I feel so lucky I could burst ..."

She raised his hand to her lips and murmured, "Me too ..."

Since just a couple of weeks after William's birth, the Sully family had made this trip by wagon out to Palmer Creek at least once a week. Certainly it was rather long for the little ones, and the trail was rough in parts, but the benefits for all of them far outweighed the inconveniences.

The appearance of a group of northern Cheyenne in the area early in the winter had at first disconcerted Michaela - hers and the family's tragic and desperate experiences with the Cheyenne still too raw to be relived. Since then, throughout the winter and early spring, as the small band had lived peacefully on the former reservation land with Cloud Dancing as their guide, she'd joined Sully in welcoming their presence, if only for the fact that their children could learn and benefit from their time with the indians. It was Sully's dearest wish that his children learn of, and pass on, the stories and traditions of the Cheyenne, and to see Brian becoming more and more fluent in their language and customs, and Katie enjoy and eagerly anticipate her time with them, brought him great joy. For Michaela, the times with these peaceful Cheyenne brought back memories of her early years in Colorado Springs when she'd looked forward to regularly visiting Cloud Dancing and Snowbird and their people to tend to anyone who was ill or injured. For the most part, she recalled those times as carefree and happy, reluctant to dwell on the tragedies - the epidemics, the warring between the army and the Cheyenne, the exploits of the dog soldiers.

Underneath, both Sully and Michaela were aware that the time of the Cheyenne at Palmer Creek was nearing an end. They had fled their northern lands as a result of an unusually early and harsh winter, a large number of the group had been slain by soldiers on their way south, and yet they would soon take a similar route homeward, to the lands they considered theirs, the lands of their forefathers. The homeward journey would be just as dangerous as the one south, and yet there was no question that soon it would be time for them to undertake it.

"Sully?" asked Michaela. "How do you think Brian will react to the Cheyenne leaving .... We've hardly seen him lately .... He spends all his time out here ..."

"He knows they've gotta leave soon ..."

"I know .... but I wonder whether he's perhaps just putting it out of his mind ...," mused Michaela worriedly. "Their departure will leave a rather large hole in his life ..."

"I know how that feels," murmured Sully soulfully.

This time Michaela reached across and grasped *his* hand. "I know ..... so you can guess at how it might effect Brian ...."

"He'll miss 'em," rejoined Sully simply.

Michaela nodded. "I'm glad he's had this opportunity .... and that he didn't let the death of Little Blackbird deter him from spending time out here ..... but I worry about him .... I can't help it," she bemoaned, her maternal instincts coming to the fore.

Sully slowed the wagon a little and turned slightly in his seat to face her. "We can only be there for him Michaela .... I'm glad the Cheyenne've become so important to him .... It makes me proud .... Cloud Dancin's real proud of him too .... an' I know that he'll only do good with all he's learnt .... cos that's the sorta person he his .... Sure he'll miss 'em .... maybe a real lot .... an' I gotta hope there'll be other chances in the future for him ta spend time with 'em .... Like I said ... we just gotta be there for him ... so's he can talk .... remember ...."

"Like you and I do for each other?" rejoined Michaela quietly.

"Uh huh ..... just like that .... Between us all .... the Cheyenne aint ever gonna be forgotten ...."

Michaela abruptly leant across, over Katie's head, and kissed him lovingly. "You're right .... as usual," she said softly. "Come on .... lets not miss a minute of the time we have left with our friends."

Sully smiled across at her and then flicked the reins, quickening their pace a little.

"Each week when I see him .... he seems to have grown," mused Cloud Dancing as he cradled a now wide awake William in his arms. "He is a strong boy Sully .... His eyes are blue and direct ....like his father's .... and his chin is set and stubborn ... like his mother's ...."

Sully cast him a rueful look. "You think?" he asked, with a smile.

The medicine man nodded. "Soon he will be anxious to learn .... much as Katie is ...."

"And we'll teach 'em both the ways of the Cheyenne .... I sometimes wish that Katie was a bit older .... so's she'd remember this time with Flyin' Hawk and his band," Sully muttered wistfully.

"There will be other opportunities ..."

"I hope so," rejoined Sully doubtfully.

"There *will* be," reiterated Cloud Dancing. "We must believe that ...." He looked over at Michaela who was squatting down, tending to a young boy who had cut his leg while out hunting. "And Michaela is well?...."

"Uh huh .... but she gits real tired .... William still aint sleepin' regular ....," replied Sully, reaching across to tickle his son under the chin. "But I got a feelin' it won't be long an' she'll be wantin' ta git back ta work .... She misses the doctorin' ...," he continued.

"It is a gift she has .... of healing .... One cannot ignore such a gift .... no matter how much one tries to ...," advised Cloud Dancing wisely.

"I know .... It's the same for you aint it?" agreed Sully astutely. "Over time some folks have asked me if I resent my wife workin' like she does .... but I tell 'em there aint no choice .... She wouldn' be the same person if she couldn' practice medicine ..."

Cloud Dancing good-naturedly slapped his brother on the back. "I have seen this also .... To try to change her ways would be to try to change her .... who she is .... and she is a medicine woman ....," he said quietly, almost reverently.

"And it was a medicine woman I fell in love with," added Sully softly.

Cloud Dancing nodded, his eyes fixed on her as she tenderly bathed the angry wound on the child's leg. He turned to Sully. "Something is worrying her?" he asked unexpectedly.

Sully frowned. "Why do ya say that?" he asked, puzzled.

"I sense something in her."

"Actually .... she did say she's worried about Brian .... when Flyin' Hawk decides ta head north agin ...," explained Sully. "Reckons Brian's gonna miss 'em when they're gone ..."

Cloud Dancing nodded. "I know this must worry her .... She is his mother and fears for his wellbeing ... as any mother would .... but no ... there is something else," mused the medicine man.

"She aint said anythin' else ...," offered Sully. "She seems fine to me ..."

Cloud Dancing turned to face his brother. "Perhaps I am wrong ...." He shrugged his shoulders. "Or perhaps I am right .... and something *is* concerning her ...." He paused and raised his eyebrows in a query.

Sully nodded. "When I git the chance ... I'll ask her," he said quietly. "But I'm sorry ... I don' reckon you've got it right this time Cloud Dancin' ..."

The indian chuckled. "We will see," he said quietly, and then strode forward into the clearing as Dorothy rode up on her bay mare.

As Kathleen's footsteps could be heard receding up the stairs to her bedroom, Michaela wandered into the living-room where Sully sat pensively staring into the flames of the roaring fire. She circled the wingback chair in which he sat and said softly, "Penny for your thoughts ..."

He glanced up at her and smiled. "Just thinkin'," he replied in a whisper. He nodded across to where William lay sleeping in his crib. "Wonder how long he'll stay quiet?"

Michaela smiled. "Don't know," she replied softly. "But lets enjoy the time while he does ..."

Sully reached up for her. "Sit here with me?" he implored with a smile.

Michaela needed no further bidding. She quickly settled onto his lap and he wrapped his arms protectively around her. For a time they both sat in silence, watching the flames painting pictures against the background of charred stone in the fireplace. At last Michaela inquired softly, "What were you thinking about before?"

"Nothin' much .... Cloud Dancin'.... the kids ..... you ...," he rejoined quietly, gently caressing her arm and back.

"Good thoughts?"

"Mostly ..."

"Anything in particular?"

Sully shrugged and tucked a wisp of her coppery hair back behind her ear. "I was thinkin' 'bout what you said .... 'bout Brian .... an' Flyin' Hawk's band .... You're right .... he's gonna miss 'em .... a lot .... Watchin' him out there today .... its like I was .... like I feel .... He aint a stranger no more .... they mean somethin' to him .... You can see it in his eyes ... an' the way he behaves with 'em ....," he explained.

Michaela lovingly kissed his forehead. "And like *you* said .... we'll be here for him ... to help him come to terms with their departure ....," she reassured him. She dropped her head onto his shoulder and sighed.

Again there was a long pause during which Sully considered Cloud Dancing's concern about Michaela expressed earlier in the day. Finally he asked gently, "How are *you* feelin' Michaela?"

"Me?" asked Michaela, a little puzzled. "I'm ... I'm .... fine .... a little tired perhaps ..."

Sully gave her a loving squeeze. "You wanna go on up ta bed?"

"No," she replied immediately. "Not yet .... I like it here .... like this .... with you .... besides William will probably wake soon to be nursed ...."

"I guess ....," responded Sully as he slid down into the chair a little so that Michaela leaned a little more heavily and comfortably against his chest. "I was thinkin' before .... Remember when we spent that night out at the Chateau .... not long before William was born? ...."

"And we sat up in bed and ate ice-cream?" giggled Michaela. "And that awful Silas Jensen made a scene in the dining-room," she added with distaste.

Sully chuckled. "I'd forgotten that bit .... but I did remember the ice-cream .... an' how nice it was ta have some time together .... just us ...."

Michaela sighed. "It was wonderful .... but it seems a long time ago now ....," she mused.

"Just a few months ..."

"But so much has happened." Michaela placed her hand over her now flat stomach. "I was huge .... and tired all the time ...."

Sully placed his large hand over hers. "I was wonderin' whether maybe you'd like to do that agin some time soon? .... I know we'd haveta take William with us .... but it'd be nice ta have some time to ourselves .... An' ya haveta admit you like the luxury of the Chateau for a change ... whatdya say?" He was startled when Michaela's body tensed against him momentarily, then he felt her take a deep breath. "You don' like the idea Michaela?" he asked anxiously.

She slowly expelled the pent up air and relaxed again. At last she replied softly, "We don't need to go out there to spend some time together .... do we? Besides .... we shouldn't spend that sort of money right now .... while I'm not working at the clinic ..."

Accepting her explanation at face value, Sully reassured her, "We'd find the money somehow Michaela .... I thought it'd nice for ya .... I worry about ya gittin' so tired ...."

She tilted her head to kiss him lovingly. "Thank-you for thinking of it .... but perhaps we could do something a little less expensive." She suddenly smiled broadly. "I know a place where we've been alone before ....several times .... It doesn't cost us anything .... and ..."

Her suggestion was abruptly cut off by Sully's mouth capturing hers for a long kiss. At last he broke it off and murmured softly, seductively, "And where we always seem ta end up doin' this ..." Again he kissed her.

"Mmmm .... funny how that happens .... perhaps it's the waterfall .... or the solitude ... or because the first time you took me there it was a surprise ..."

"An' maybe its cos I can't resist ya," muttered Sully, nibbling her ear.

"Nor I you," she rejoined, running her hand lovingly through his shoulder-length hair.

"So ... ya don' wanna go to the Chateau?" Again he sensed some resultant tension in her body.

"No .... not now anyway ....," replied Michaela warily. "Maybe one day," she added pensively. "Maybe one day ..."

Sully nodded. "Alright, we'll do it agin' someday Michaela .... maybe as a special treat .... but the idea of that waterfall sure sounds good ..."

"Mmm ... it does .... doesn't it," agreed Michaela with a smile. "Soon?"

"Uh huh .... soon ... just you an me ...." There was a sudden sigh and a wail from the crib by the fireplace. Sully chuckled. "An' William," he added. "Think the little fella was listenin' an' was worried we were gonna leave him behind ..."

Michaela kissed him tenderly and then edged forward and stood. "I'll pick him up ..... and you bring the cradle," she whispered. "I'll feed him upstairs ..."

Sully smiled, nodded and also eased himself out of the comfortable chair, giving no more thought to Michaela's unexpected reaction to his suggestion.

Heroes and Fools continued .....

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