
Heroes and Fools 4



Chapter 7

"Sarah .... a pot of coffee and some of those small sandwiches cook does so well," ordered Adrian Tilson of the young maid currently attending to guests enjoying the spring sunshine on the Chateau porch. As she scurried away to do the manager's bidding, he turned back to his guest. "Now Dr Cook .... I'm so glad we have this opportunity to sit and talk for a while ...."

Andrew relaxed back in his sturdy wicker chair and responded quietly, "I agree .... I've been so busy lately .... having to run both the clinic in town and the one here ..."

"That *is* quite an undertaking for one so young," agreed Adrian. "How did you come to be here in Colorado Springs? .... And running both clinics?"

Andrew shrugged his shoulders. "It all came about quite accidentally. When I arrived about three years ago I had no intention of staying more than a few months .... A friend of my father's brought me out here to assist the town's doctor while she had her baby ...."

"Ahhh .... I noticed there was a woman doctor here .... I'd say it was rather unusual .... except that my sister also trained as a physician ...."

"She did?" asked Andrew in astonishment.

"Mmmm ... Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania ..."

"That's the same institution Michaela attended ...."

"Ah ... yes ... Michaela Quinn ... I saw her name above the town's clinic ..."

"Yes .... She's the reason why I came out here .... with her mother actually ....," Andrew explained. "I'd only just graduated ... Mrs Quinn was worried about Michaela .... having a baby and trying to run the clinic single-handedly."

"And you stayed ...," stated Adrian matter-of-factly.

"Well .... time went on .... Preston asked me to work in the clinic out here ...." Andrew couldn't help but screw up his nose in distaste.

"I take it that was not a happy experience?" queried Adrian.

"I ... I ... was not happy with Preston's .... er .... style ..... He cared more for appearance and money than the welfare of his guests ... or anyone else for that matter ...," explained Andrew disparagingly.

Adrian chuckled. "I hope you'll have no concerns about me in that regard .... While appearance *is* important .... both myself and Senator Dinston agree that this establishment should be a *health* resort in the truest sense ..."

"I'm glad to hear that," rejoined Andrew with a grateful smile.

"Young Myra Bing is an ideal example of that I'd say .... wouldn't you Dr Cook?" added Adrian.

"Certainly .... Its hard to believe the difference in her ..... It was Michaela Quinn who diagnosed her condition .... Although extremely pregnant, she and her husband Sully journeyed to St Louis when they heard that Myra had been diagnosed with a brain tumour. It didn't take Michaela long to realise that Myra had been misdiagnosed and had actually suffered a stroke .... from which .... with special care .... she would fully recover ...," Andrew detailed, obviously proud of his colleague.

Adrian fought hard to keep his face passive, but inside he was puffing up with pride. He'd know all along that Michaela was special and to hear this highly educated young man sing her praises was indeed food for the soul. He took a deep breath and added with a smile, "And that's where the Chateau comes into the picture ..."

"Mmmm .... the facilities here have done much to assist her recovery ..... but Preston would never have understood that ..... he'd have seen her as someone who may deter other .... wealthier .... guests from staying here and enjoying the amenities ...."

"And so you eventually left Preston's employ?"

For a moment Andrew looked a little shame-faced. "I stayed out here for far longer than I wished .... but there were reasons why I wanted to remain in Colorado Springs ..."

Adrian nodded, smiled and then raised an eyebrow in a query.

Andrew also smiled in response. "I'd met my future wife you see," he said quietly.

"Ah ... I believe I've seen her with you in town ... She is an attractive young woman ...," Adrian remarked.

Andrew returned the smile, appreciating the compliment to his wife. "Yes .... yes .... she is .... We were married last spring .... so you can understand why I wanted to stay ..."

"Of course ... And now you manage both clinics .... very impressive ..."

The young doctor reddened. "It's not always easy ... and its only temporary .... I sometimes wonder how Michaela does it .... Of course .... like her, I have Colleen's assistance ..."


"My wife ..."

"Ah ... I see .... So she worked with Dr Quinn before she married you .."

Andrew chuckled. "She's been working with Michaela since she was about twelve .... Colleen is Michaela's daughter ..."

Adrian was saved by the arrival of Sarah bearing a tray laden with a silver coffee pot, fine china cups and saucers and a silver salver of petite sandwiches. He swallowed. This was an unexpected situation. The young doctor was far too close to Michaela. He deliberately relaxed back into his chair as Sarah poured steaming hot coffee into the small china cups and then bustled away. Finally, after both had sipped at their coffee and devoured a number of the delicate sandwiches, he said, "I wasn't aware that you were close .... in the family sense .... to Dr Quinn .... If I'd know I'd have told you earlier ...."

"Told me?"

"That I know Dr Quinn .... Michaela .... She was a friend of my sister when they attended medical college together ...," explained Adrian, keeping his tone even and his face passive.

"She was?!" exclaimed Andrew. "What a coincidence .... that you should both end up working here .... of all places ... She'll be delighted, I'm sure, to welcome an old friend from back east ..."

Adrian shrugged his shoulders abashedly. "She may not even remember me ..."

"Oh ... I'm sure she will .... What a change for her ... to be working alongside you .... out here .... rather than Preston Lodge whom she detested ...," exclaimed Andrew and then reddened, aware that he'd probably said too much.

Adrian chuckled. "Seems nobody much liked my predecessor hmmm? .... Well knowing Michaela Quinn .... if she could find nothing to like about the man .... then neither would I .... If I remember rightly she was a decidedly fair woman ..."

Andrew nodded in agreement. "Indeed she is ...," he responded with undoubted respect. He glanced up the porch towards the front of the Chateau. "Colleen's coming out here to collect me in the buggy .... I'd like to introduce you .... She too will be delighted to discover that you know her mother ..."

Adrian's corresponding smile did not quite reach his eyes. "Ah ... well ... I daresay we will meet some time soon .... there is no hurry ....," he said somewhat dismissively. "Its probably time I went back to work .... and you must be anxious to return home ..."

Andrew, having spied Colleen in the forecourt, exhorted, "No ... wait .... here she is ..." He rose from his chair and hurried along the porch towards her.

Anxious not to appear rude in the young couple's eyes, Adrian reluctantly remained where he was. He had no real desire at all to meet and socialise with Michaela's family. They were of no concern to him, in fact he considered it better to keep them at arm's length. It was easier if he knew nothing about them, or their familial relationships. He plastered on what he hoped was a welcoming smile, as the young Mrs Cook peeked over her husband's shoulder at him. As they turned and approached, he rose from his chair and bowed formally to the pretty young woman who responded with a shy smile.

Mindful of her mother's restrained, even nervous, reaction to news that an old acquaintance from her college days was managing the Chateau, Colleen now scrutinised him with intense interest. As he indicated she should sit and then motioned to the maid to bring out a fresh cup for coffee, she observed a man of about Sully's age and height but, to her biased eyes, not nearly as handsome. His straight, brown hair was cut short and was swept back from his eyes and held with a little hair oil. His eyes were brown and he tended to keep them lowered to his hands resting somewhat tensely on the armrests of the chair. She was a little disconcerted by the fact that he would not meet her eyes, not for any length of time anyway, and his smile was perhaps a little forced. She shook herself. She was letting her mother's odd reaction to his arrival colour her initial perception of this man. Andrew obviously liked him, and that was important for them both. Her reverie was interrupted by Andrew disclosing with delight, "Mr Tilson says he knows Michaela Colleen .... from many years ago .... when your mother attended medical college ..."

Not examining her reasons for doing so, Colleen refrained from revealing that she knew about the association. "Is that true!" she exclaimed in feigned surprise. "What a coincidence .... that you should come to work in Colorado Springs ...."

Adrian shrugged his shoulders. "The position was advertised in all the eastern papers .... It offered some advantages when I felt in need of a change ....," he explained dismissively.

"And are you enjoying Colorado Springs?" she asked amiably.

Again he shrugged. "Its rather quaint .... somewhat smaller than I was led to believe .... however the facilities here .... at the Chateau .... are excellent .... and that, after all, is why I am here ...."

Colleen took a deep breath and bit her lip, fighting the urge to jump to the defence of her beloved town. She was surprised when Andrew did it for her. "I'm sure you'll come to like this town as I have Mr Tilson ....," he assured the man sincerely. "It has a charm and a sense of community which is sadly lacking in the big cities back east ..."

Adrian edged forward in his seat. "Perhaps you're right," he responded a little sceptically. "I have only been here a short time ... and have people to meet .... things to learn .... and to see ...." He stood and looked down on the young couple. "Please feel free to sit there as long as you wish .... Sarah will bring fresh coffee or more sandwiches if you would like them ... I must get back to work. Good day Dr Cook .... Mrs Cook." He nodded to them both and then turned on his heels, disappearing through one of the large double doorways which opened into the inner sanctums of the Chateau.

Michaela, with William cradled in her arms, stepped down from the mercantile porch onto the street and strode across to where their wagon stood near the clinic. Katie, her mouth full of a large piece of red peppermint candy which threatened to leak out and down her clothes at any minute, toddled along beside her. Sully, carrying a wooden box loaded with the week's supplies, brought up the rear. As she neared the clinic, Michaela slowed, her thoughts halting her previously purposeful progress, her gaze fixed on the clinic door. Even from behind, Sully knew what was happening. He placed the heavy box in the back of the wagon and walked around to stand beside her. "Why don' ya go in?" he said quietly, nodding his head towards the clinic.

Michaela shrugged her shoulders and replied softly, "Colleen and Andrew are out at the Chateau this afternoon ..."

"That don' matter .... clinic's yours .... You can go in any time ya want ..."

"I know .... but ...."

"Ya wanna .... I can tell .... go on," he urged. Michaela stepped forward and up onto the clinic porch, then turned back to look at him, saying nothing but conveying everything with her eyes. He stepped up and held out his hands for William. "Come on," he reiterated. "See how it feels ..." He took the drowsy baby into his arms and then smiled when she produced the clinic key from the depths of the large pocket in her skirt.

Noticing his smirk, she remarked defensively, "Its habit .... its always there ...."

He chuckled and followed her inside, remaining at the door while she surveyed her domain. She moved slowly around the clinic, trailing her fingers over the desk and the examination table, inspecting the contents of various open and glass fronted shelves, and absent-mindedly flicking through a patient file laying on the desk.

Katie, on the other hand, had headed straight away to *her* corner of the clinic, where her toys were neatly stacked in the small enclosure Sully had made for her when she was just a baby. She immediately settled to playing with a collection of wooden blocks, all the while making slurping noises as the sticky sweetness in her mouth gradually softened.

Michaela turned to face her husband. "They haven't changed anything Sully," she said softly.

He smiled. "You knew that .... You've been here since William was born ... ta see Colleen an' Andrew .... so have I ...," he replied indulgently.

Michaela reddened. "I know .... Its just that ...."

"Its just that ya wonderin' whether ya still fit in here ..... belong here .... when the others have bin lookin' after it for ya for so long ...," completed Sully. "You know the answer ta that .... so do I .... so do Colleen an' Andrew .... that's why nothin's bin changed ...."

She nodded and swallowed. "I know," she said, so softly he could barely hear her. She walked across and unfastened the clasps on the wooden box which held her medical instruments. The box was barely two years old, so the wood's patina was even and rich and the instruments shiny and up to date. She picked up a scalpel and held it up to the light so that it sparkled and then she turned back to Sully, her eyes holding a yearning which took his breath away.

He gave her a wry smile. "I know that look Michaela," he said with mock despair. "Its your decision ...."

"You don't mind ...."

"It aint up ta me .... The only thing I'll say is that ya should remember how tired ya got when ya went back ta work after Katie ..."

Michaela nodded, acknowledging the advice. She lowered her eyes and fingered the instruments again. At last she looked back up at him. "Perhaps two or three mornings a week to start? .... While Andrew's out at the Chateau? ....," she suggested hopefully. "Colleen might agree to stay here and help me ....," she added as an extra lure.

"Think she stays here anyways .... when he's out there .... just in case someone needs some attention ....," Sully recalled. "Reckon she'll enjoy workin' with her ma agin ..."

"You think?"

"Uh huh .... positive ....," he assured her. "Course ... you could always do the Chateau clinic doctorin' for a while .... like ya did before this little fella was born .... That way ya could see Myra at the same time ..."

Michaela instantly shook her head. "No," she stated, just a little more vehemently than she meant. "It wouldn't be practical," she added. "With the children ... After all Katie knows her way around here and the nursery's already set up upstairs ..."

Sully nodded. "When ya plannin' ta start?"

Michaela swallowed. "I'll have to speak to Andrew and Colleen .... but perhaps next week?" She looked across at him hopefully.

He nodded and strode across to her. "Its alright Michaela," he said softly. "I aint gonna try an' stop ya .... wouldn' work even if I did ..." He paused and chuckled at the truth in his declaration. "But promise me you'll tell us ... me an' Colleen an' Andrew ....if ya git too tired .... There aint no failure in admittin' somethin' like that." He reached out and gently caressed her shoulder.

She leant in against him and sighed. "I promise," she avowed softly. She peered up at him. "You truly don't mind?"

In reply he leant down to kiss her tenderly. "Like I told Cloud Dancin' .... I fell in love with a medicine woman .... That's part of who you are .... I'd be a fool to try an' change that part of ya .... It'd be me who'd lose out in the end ...."

"You won't resent me returning to work while William is so young?"

"Sounds to me like you're wonderin' about that yourself Michaela .... I aint gonna stand in your way .... You'll know if it aint workin' .... or its effecting the kids .... We both will ....," he rejoined. "I feel better about it this time though .... knowin' Colleen's gonna be here ta help ya," he added. He glanced across at Katie whose mouth and chin were now red and sticky, but who was determinedly trying to build a high tower of blocks. "I know someone who aint gonna worry too much," he grinned. "She's right at home here .... Somethin' we were both worried about in the beginnin' ..."

Michaela stood on her tiptoes and kissed him tenderly. "Sometimes I wonder how I came to be so lucky," she said softly. "I love you Byron Sully .... don't ever forget that ..."

Sully grinned at her once more. "I won't," he replied lovingly. "Long as you remember it goes both ways ...." He kissed her once more and handed her a now sleeping William. He immediately crossed the room and picked up his tiny daughter, then chuckled. "Kates," he said mock sternly. "I reckon there's more of that candy on your face than there is in your mouth." She gave him a coy, sticky smile and he chuckled again. "Come on," he said. "Better git some of that goo off before we head for home huh ..." He glanced across at Michaela, gave her a rueful smile and headed for Colleen and Andrew's kitchen.

Michaela shook her head. She'd meant it. She often wondered how she'd come to be so lucky. She had a husband she adored, five of the most wonderful children in the world and a medical practice of which she could be very proud. She kissed William lightly on the forehead. "Sometimes I feel so happy I could just burst," she said softly to him.

Chapter 8

"They're not biting?" asked Michaela, as Sully once more cast his line out into the centre of the stream.

He wedged the end of his fishing pole between two rocks, turned to face her and shrugged his shoulders. "Gotta be patient ...," he replied calmly. He strode across the clearing to where Michaela was seated on a blanket with her back against a large, gnarled, still leafless tree. Nestled in her arms William was hungrily nursing, making humming noises in the back of his throat as he did so. From some yards back drifted the constant sound of rushing water as the spring rains tumbled over a waterfall to a natural rock pool several feet below. Michaela turned her face up to the afternoon sun, closed her eyes and sighed. As Sully seated himself beside her, he asked with concern, "What did that mean?"

"What did what mean?"

"Ya sorta sighed ...." He glanced around at their heavily wooded, untouched surroundings. "This is alright aint it? Ya don' wanna go home?"

Michaela smiled. "No ... I *don't* want to go home," she responded immediately. "The sigh was one of contentment ...."

"So .... you'd rather be here .... than in the luxury of the Chateau?"

"Mmmm .... much .... Its so beautiful Sully .... and peaceful .... Its like we're the only people on earth ..."

"'Cept there's the kids ... an' our homestead ... an' your clinic back home ...."

Michaela chuckled. "Yes .... except those things ...," she admitted with delight. She lifted William, securely wrapped in his thick woollen baby blanket, and changed him to her other breast. He settled to suckling again quickly.

Sully smiled and reached out to run his finger down his son's rosy cheek. "He looks real content too ...," he commented softly, his sparkling, blue eyes full of love for his tiny son.

Michaela frowned and rejoined with mock indignation, "Of course he is ..... the sun's shining, he's warm and drinking his fill, and he has the undivided attention of both his mother and his father ..." Her stern tone was belied by the twinkle in her eyes and the gentle way in which she reached out to stroke Sully's cheek.

"He likes all that huh?"

"I believe so ...."

"Good .... I'm rather enjoyin' it myself ..." Sully moved up closer to her and leant back against the same tree trunk. "I'm glad you agreed to come out here today .... With ya startin' back at the clinic on Monday we mightn't have found the time after this ...," he remarked with satisfaction.

"Mmm .... I'm glad too ..... its just what I needed ..."

Sully chuckled. "What? ..... The hard ground? .... The cool wind?" He edged closer and wrapped his arm protectively around her shoulders.

Michaela smiled indulgently across at him. "No .... the peace .... the loving attention of my husband ..... the chance to relax .... and not be Dr Quinn .... or Dr Mike .... or ma ...." She leant across and lightly kissed him. "To just be Michaela .... Sully's wife .... William's mother ..... to be alone out here with you .... not being watched ...or judged ..."

"That's how ya feel?"


He lovingly caressed her arm and shoulder. "I can see that I'll haveta git you out here more often .... an' ya shouldn be worryin' what other people think .... They aint what matter," he recommended, his voice gentle and caring.

Michaela nodded and again leant across to kiss him. "I know," she said softly, contritely. "You've taught me a lot about that since I've been here .... but sometimes I just can't help it ...."

"I know it .... it's a part o' who you are ....," rejoined Sully quietly. He trailed his fingers lovingly down her cheek, then chin and neck to her exposed breast and lightly caressed the taut skin. Michaela quivered against his touch and so he repeated it, his sultry eyes fixing on hers. She bit her lip and inhaled deeply and he laid the palm of his hand over the softness of her skin just above where their now sleepy son was fighting a losing battle to continue nursing. Sully tilted his head to rest it against Michaela's and took a deep breath of the clear, spring air. "But I love ya for it," he added indulgently. He began to nuzzle into her neck and ear, placing tiny kisses to her sensitive skin.

Michaela tilted her head back once more, turning her face up to the warmth of the sun, revelling in her husband's loving attention. As he bunched up her long coppery hair and pushed it aside in order to gain better access to her neck, she lowered her head and partially opened her eyes to the sunlight dancing on the swiftly flowing water in the stream. But that wasn't the only thing to catch her attention. "Sully?" she murmured, as he continued to tease her with loving kisses.

"Mmm ...," he replied, his face buried in the curve of her neck.

She nodded towards the stream. "Sully?" she reiterated dreamily. "Your fishing line ..... it's moving ...."

"It is?" he asked disinterestedly, continuing his nuzzling.

"Mmmm .... rather violently ....," she advised him, a smile teasing her mouth.

"Uh huh ....," he answered absent-mindedly. Then suddenly he stopped. "It is?!" he exclaimed, clambering to his feet and charging across the clearing. He lifted his pole and tugged at the line. It tensed for a moment and then slackened disappointingly. He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to her, a wry grin on his face. "That's what I git for you distractin' me," he bemoaned. "Now ya gonna haveta settle for jerky an' beans .... insteada fresh trout," he teased, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

Michaela returned his grin. "There's still time isn't there?.... If one was biting ... there might be others ...." She raised her eyebrows and chuckled. "Don't you think?" she added.

Sully shrugged his shoulders. "I guess ...," he replied, trying to sound grumpy but not really succeeding. "Long as you don' go distractin' me agin ..."

"Well perhaps you'd better stay over there then," Michaela recommended cheekily.

"If that's the way ya want it," rejoined Sully with a grin. With that, he turned his back to her and proceeded to pull in his line, rebait his hook and then recast back out into the middle of the fast flowing stream. He squatted down and pensively observed the ripples from his line gradually spread out until they were no longer visible and the stream was once more undisturbed.

Michaela watched him as he gazed out over the water, his body deceptively relaxed, his hands clasped on his knees. There was a stillness about him, a oneness with his surroundings. She'd seen it often before, and in fact almost envied it. In the past, she was ashamed to admit, she'd even been jealous of it and worried that the woods might one day claim him again, steal him away from her. She'd learnt over the years that he was as truly hers and she was his, but if she wasn't careful the slight pangs of jealousy would return at the most unexpected of moments. He was an enigma, someone the majority of people did not understand, did not want to understand. To her he was her other half, he completed her, supported her, loved her in ways of which she was sure the majority of people were totally unaware. She sometimes worried that she did not give enough in return. How could she when he gave her so much?

She was suddenly aware that her arm which carefully cradled baby William was falling asleep and that the ground beneath her was becoming very hard. She carefully shifted the baby to another position and then rocked to one side, easing the numbness in her behind. Although she thought she'd moved in silence, Sully swung around as if attuned to her thoughts and feelings and immediately stood and made his way over to her. "Here .... hand him ta me .... I'll put him in his crib," he whispered, his deep blue eyes again conveying his love for both his tiny son and his wife. Michaela lifted William into his father's arms and Sully gently placed him in the crib which stood in the shadow of one of the largest trees close by. He vigilantly tucked the blanket in around him and then for just a moment gently rubbed the baby's chest and stomach until he was certain he was peacefully sleeping. Then he stood to watch the end of his fishing pole for a moment, and when he was satisfied that no fish was nibbling at his bait, he wandered across to Michaela once more. He settled down beside her, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and drew her in close against himself. "Mmmm .... beautiful day aint it," he murmured softly against her ear. Michaela sighed and nodded, relaxed by the warmth of the sun and the sanctuary of her husband's loving arms. After a long moment of companionable silence, Sully remarked, "If I don' think 'bout it too much .... I could believe this is how it used ta be ..."

"How do you mean?"

"Well .... when I first came out here ... an' then started ta live with the Cheyenne .... the woods were undisturbed an' alive with game .... buffalo still roamed the plains .... there weren't no sign of railroad tracks ... or homesteads .... 'cept close inta town ...."

"Do you miss it?"

Sully scoffed. "Course I miss it!" he exclaimed. "I used ta walk into a clearin' like this an' know that probably the only people who'd walked this way before me were the indians .... Even when I was workin' in the minin' camps I felt different when I got out into the woods .... There weren't no fightin' ... no greed .... There's a peace I aint felt anywhere else ..."

"Its not always peaceful ..."

"Nah ... it aint .... but the warrin' out here aint anythin' ta do with greed .... Its about survival .... an' I understand that ....," rejoined Sully, his voice low.

Michaela grasped his hand and comfortingly ran her thumb over the tanned skin. She said softly, "Do you miss not living out here .... surviving on your own?" She lowered her eyes in accompaniment to the lowering of her voice as she finally asked an oft pondered question.

Sully turned to her in surprise. "Why would ya be askin' me that Michaela?" he muttered in puzzlement. She kept her eyes lowered to the ground where a contingent of ants scurried across the rough surface. He placed his thumb under her chin and raised her questioning eyes to meet his. "Let me ask *you* a question before I answer your's ....," he said with a smile. "Do you miss Boston?"

"No ....," replied Michaela, her voice lacking conviction.

"You don't?" he asked in feigned surprise. "Not the servants ta do everythin' for ya - the cookin', the laundry, the cleanin', settin' the fires? ...... An' what about those fancy theatres? .... The libraries? An' the opera houses? ...." Michaela reddened and refused to meet his eyes, so he pushed his advantage home, "An' the hospitals Michaela .... all them operatin' rooms .... an' wards .... an' nurses .... You don' miss them?!" He reached out and cupped her cheek with his hand. "You tellin' me you don' miss all that?" he asked softly.

"Of course I miss some of it .... sometimes ....," she reluctantly admitted after a moment. Then she gave him a wry smile. "But this is where I want to be .... with you .... and the children ..... always ...."

"So do ya understand what I'm gittin' at Michaela?" he asked gently. He glanced around at their beautiful, untamed surroundings. "It's the same for me .... Sure I miss bein' out here .... sometimes .... but I want .... I need .... to be with you an' the kids .... You're my life now .... an' there aint anywhere else I wanna be more .... Can ya understand that? My heart belongs to you now ...."

Michaela smiled and raised her eyes to his. "You told me that at the homestead .... before it was finished ....," she murmured lovingly.

"It still holds ..... always will," Sully adjured with sincerity. "The woods have a special place in my heart .... but you hold my heart in your hand .... Ya gotta believe that ..."

"I do .... I just need some reassuring sometimes," rejoined Michaela, her voice soft and a little breathy.

"Another one of the reasons why I love ya," chuckled Sully. "You ask as often as ya want ... an' I'll give ya the same answer ...." He leant forward and claimed her lips with his. After a moment he pulled back and said teasingly, "If I remember right ... when I told ya that the first time .... it was awful hard ta just stop at a kiss ....."

Michaela blushed and then kissed him again. She then added breathily, "We don't have that problem any more Mr Sully ..... and I for one am not going to settle for just a kiss."

Delighted by her boldness, Sully smiled and rejoined, "Glad ta hear that Mrs Sully .... cos I dunno if I could." He gently laid her back on the blanket and proceeded to show her, in oh so many ways, to whom his heart, body and soul truly belonged.

Michaela bent to lovingly kiss the forehead of her tiny, sleeping son and then quietly tiptoed from the room to descend the stairs to the clinic below. As she entered and made her way over to the desk, Katie looked up from where she was playing with her toys. "Weeyum seepin' agin mama?" she asked despairingly.

Michaela chuckled. "Yes sweetheart .... again ...," she replied. The little girl sighed causing Michaela to smile indulgently. To Katie, William was taking forever to grow to the point where she could play with him. She shook her head and then turned her attention to the neatly kept files of the patients expected this morning. She sincerely hoped they wouldn't be too surprised to discover her instead of Andrew here at the clinic. She lifted her eyes and gazed around at the very familiar surroundings - the examination table, the shelves of medicines and remedies, her wooden instrument case. She felt so at home here. Practicing medicine was as much a part of her as being a mother to Katie and William, and it did indeed feel good to be home.

Engrossed in Mr Woods' file, Michaela jumped when the knock on the door came. She glanced up at the clock. Still twenty minutes before old Mrs Coughlin was due to arrive. She stood, straightened her skirt, tucked a wisp of hair back behind her ear and strode to the door.

Freddy McFarlane's mouth gaped opened in surprise when he saw a woman (who wasn't Colleen Cook) open the door. "Ah ... ma'am ... I was looking for the doctor," he stammered, gingerly holding his roughly bandaged and bloody hand out in front of himself. "Horace said to come and see Andrew .... I'm Freddy McFarlane ...Horace's new assistant ..."

Michaela opened the door wider and beckoned him in. "Andrew's working out at the Chateau this morning Mr McFarlane," she explained. "I'm Dr Michaela Quinn .... Folk around here call me Dr Mike ..." Freddy regarded her a little dubiously, then he remembered Colleen saying something about training to be a doctor .... so although he'd never met a woman doctor before it didn't seem quite as unusual as it might. Michaela indicated that he should sit up on the examination table. "Now what have you been doing to yourself?" she asked, beginning to carefully unwind the strip of white rag which had been protecting a deep and jagged gash extending from his wrist to the palm of his hand.

He winced as the cloth pulled away from some dried blood and stung. "Caught my hand on a piece of wire round a wooden crate Dr Mike," he explained, catching his breath as Michaela began to gently prod at the wound. "We were unloading this morning's freight .... It wouldn't stop bleeding, so Horace said I should come up here to the clinic."

"Horace was right," commented Michaela with authority. "The gash is deep." She looked up into the intense, green eyes of her handsome patient whom she recognised from the caf� a few days earlier. "Its going to need stitches .... several in fact ..."

Freddy shook his head. "Feel so stupid," he said soulfully. "What good am I going to be to Horace with my hand out of action?" He jumped as Michaela applied disinfectant then pressed a clean cloth to the cut. "Phew!!" he exclaimed. "That stings .."

"I'm sorry ... but we have to ensure its clean .... Can't have an infection taking hold can we?" justified Michaela, moving purposefully about the room amassing the requisite bandages and instruments. When she turned back it was to observe Freddy casting furtive looks about the clinic as if seeking someone. She smiled to herself and moved back to her patient's side. As she lowered her eyes to the site of the wound, she said softly, "Colleen's out doing some errands .... she'll be back soon ..." She raised her eyes in time to see Freddy blush crimson.

"I ... I .... She was so nice last time I was here," he stammered. "I ... I ... just expected to see her here again ..."

Michaela smiled. "Well normally she would be .... but since I'm back as of today ... and Andrew's out at the Chateau .... she has the morning to herself ..." Freddy nodded but couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes. Taking pity on him, she said kindly, "I'm Colleen's mother .... This is my medical clinic .... Colleen has been helping out here since she was about twelve ..." And lest he gain the wrong impression, she added gently, "And now she works alongside Andrew .... her husband .... Dr Andrew Cook ...."

He raised startled eyes to her. "Her husband?" he queried. "She's married?!"

"Mmmm .... as of last spring .... She and Andrew intend moving to Pennsylvania later this year so she can begin her medical training ....," explained Michaela, now truly feeling sorry for the seemingly genuine young man.

Freddy gulped and bit his lip. How could he have been so stupid? He'd been so caught up in his romantic notions he hadn't given any thought to the fact that Colleen might already have a beau, let alone a husband. At a loss for something to say, he mumbled, "She's a pretty girl ..."

Michaela smiled proudly. "Yes ... she is," she agreed. "And she's going to make a wonderful doctor one day ..."

Regaining his equilibrium, Freddy remarked with a grin, "I sure wouldn't mind having her as my doctor ... she'd make a man feel better just for being in the same room ..."

"You seem to have taken a liking to my daughter Mr McFarlane ...," remarked Michaela mischievously.

The young man reddened. "I .. I ... Don't you worry about me Dr Mike .... I'm not about to make trouble or anything .... I didn't know she was married .... I should have guessed that the best one would be taken ..... And please call me Freddy .... When you say Mr McFarlane I feel like you're talking to my father ...." He jumped and grimaced as Michaela suddenly began stitching his hand.

"Alright *Freddy* .... I'm not going to hold anything against you at this stage .... You seem like a sensible young man .... and Colleen is a sensible young woman ... who knows her own mind .... Now just clench your teeth and think of something pleasant ... I'm afraid this is going to hurt." Freddy let out a yelp and did indeed clench his teeth as Dr Mike continued her delicate work.

Some fifteen minutes later Michaela opened the door to allow a slightly sick and sorry Freddy to exit the clinic. His hand bore a cumbersome, pristine, white bandage. "Now try to keep it dry and tell Horace you're not to lift with that hand for at least a week. Come back at the same time next week and I'll remove the stitches .... alright?" ordered Michaela kindly.

"Is that going to hurt as much as when you put them in?" he asked with a pained expression.

Michaela chuckled. "No Freddy .... I can assure you it won't ... now remember what I told you ..."

Freddy nodded resignedly. "I'll remember Dr Mike," he rejoined, turning towards the train station.

"And I'll remember to tell Colleen you were asking after her," smiled Michaela.

Unable to come up with any suitable retort, Freddy headed up the street.

Just as Michaela was re-entering the clinic, heavy footsteps could be heard behind her. She turned to greet Jake who had stepped up onto the clinic porch. "Good ta see ya back Dr Mike," he remarked, doffing his hat. "Saw ya arrive this mornin' .... kids sleepin'?"

"Thanks for the welcome Jake," replied Michaela with a smile. "William's asleep .... but Katie's playing inside ...." She walked through the doorway and was surprised when Jake followed her in. Again she turned to face him. He was hovering just inside the door, looking decidedly uneasy. "Did you want something Jake?" she asked. "Are you ill?"

Jake shook his head. "Nah ... I aint sick .... but I was wonderin' if I could talk to ya for a minute .... if you've got the time ..."

"Well ... Mrs Coughlin hasn't arrived yet .... she's my first appointment ... so I have a few minutes .... Come in and sit down ... and tell me what's on your mind ....," offered Michaela a little puzzled by Jake's obvious unease. In fact he looked as if he was deciding whether or not to take flight. Finally, he tentatively shuffled across to the chair by the desk and then slumped into it dispiritedly, spinning his felt hat nervously in his hands.

He turned sad, questioning eyes on Michaela. "Ya see .... its like this Dr Mike ....," he reluctantly began.

Heroes and Fools continued ....

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