Up A Forever Love A Light In the Darkness Circle Of Life From Books to Promises Heroes and Fools Home and Away Home for Christmas Honeymoon Reflections Honeymoon Reflections Too In a Heartbeat In a Perfect World It Just Gets Better Keeping the Song Alive Longings Of Husbands and Fathers Safety Measures Seeing Red Tailor Made The Desk The Storm Before the Calm The Ties That Bind Wedding Trilogy: 1 What If ... When Paths Cross

Wedding Trilogy: 1



For personal and select distribution only � Pam Hunter January 2000

By Pam Hunter

Sully suddenly grasped her hand a little tighter, and gently, but insistently, pulled her away from the throng - across the meadow, through the gate and towards the clinic. Gradually the clumping of feet on the makeshift dance-floor and the accompanying rollicking polka music, receded into the background and their own heavy breathing became audible. As they crossed the road they were passed by Horace who was hurrying back from the direction of the new telegraph office, eager to rejoin his wife and baby daughter and the rest of the townspeople enjoying this great social occasion. He gave them an indulgent smile and a nod of his head and continued on.

Both their faces were flushed from the dancing and the day's events, and as they reached the steps of the clinic, Sully suddenly swung Michaela up into his arms and spun her around in jubilation. Her billowing white, satin gown swirled around his legs threatening to trip him up, but he kept his balance and laughed delightedly to at last have her to himself for just a few moments. She joined in his laughter, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself up close to his buckskin-covered chest. Most of today had passed for her as if a dream, and her skin and eyes were aglow with excitement and nervous anticipation.

Sully gently placed her back on her feet, gave her a quick, tender kiss and then turned to test the doorknob wondering if the clinic was unlocked. The door opened at his touch and he entered, pulling Michaela in behind him.


Elizabeth Quinn rounded the corner and looked towards the clinic in time to see her youngest daughter lifted high in the air by her exuberant new husband. He twirled Michaela around, laughing exultantly before setting her down and gently tugging her inside the clinic and closing the door.

She shook her head in bemusement and then quickly glanced around to ascertain whether anyone else had observed the couple leave the wedding party. She was relieved to see the street completely deserted, except for herself. She took a step towards the clinic, meaning to speak to them, but then hesitated. She’d never seen her daughter look as radiant as she did today. Perhaps she’d give them a few moments alone …. any more than that would be inappropriate.


Sully placed Michaela on the floor just inside the door and then pulled her in close against his chest. His heart was pounding and his new wife’s flushed skin, sparkling eyes and shy smile were compounding the matter. He took a deep breath and then growled softly back in his throat.

"Sully?" murmured Michaela with concern.

Again he took a deep breath, and then gently cupped her cheeks in his hands. He whispered lovingly, "I aint ever seen you look as beautiful as ya do today …" She lowered her eyes shyly to the floor and so he gently lifted her chin so that once again their eyes could meet. He slowly, tentatively, bent his head, bringing their lips closer and closer together. Michaela’s wide eyes remained fixed on his and she nervously bit her lip, her hands resting tensely on his hips. At last Sully’s lips hungrily claimed hers and her nervousness abruptly melted away with the moment. Her eyes closed and she responded to his loving in kind. Her arms came up to encircle his broad buckskinned shoulders, she raised herself up onto her toes and clung to him passionately. As his tongue eagerly explored her mouth, she welcomed it, and without thinking reciprocated. She was rapidly losing control and instead of being apprehensive, she was enjoying it, revelling in it, for now it was time. Now at last, she and Sully were husband and wife and could be together in every sense of the word. Their mouths continued to move together in a sensual, primitive rhythm, their hands entangled in each other’s hair, caressing the sensitive skin of neck and scalp.

It was Sully who at last reluctantly pulled back, his breathing uneven, his face flushed with desire. "Oh God Michaela," he murmured. "I told ya we were good at this …." He ran his thumb over her swollen lips and then placed his strong arms around her slender waist and drew her in as close as possible, wondering how she would react to his arousal.

Michaela too was breathing deeply and then, as their bodies melded into each other, she realised, for the first time, what the moment had done to her new husband. She peered shyly up at him, her eyes unable to disguise her excitement and she subtly, unconsciously, moved closer so that her thighs pressed against his. He closed his eyes and moaned softly. He bent his head and whispered against her ear, "Wish we could just ride off into the woods … you an’ me …. right now …. I need to be with you …."

Her heart began to pound even faster at the thought and not knowing how to respond she raised herself up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "People will soon begin to notice we’re missing …," she murmured softly.

Sully smiled. "Yeah …. an’ they’ll have a pretty good idea of what we’re doin’."

Michaela blushed. "I hope not …," she giggled embarrassedly. Striving to regain her equilibrium, she leant into him and rested her head against his chest. She absent-mindedly began to finger the colourful, ornate trimmings on his indian wedding shirt and then looked up at him quizzically.

"Its Cloud Dancin’s … from his weddin' ta Snowbird ...." he said softly. "He gave it to me …. out in the woods … before Custer found me … He asked me ta wear it …. Hope ya don’ mind …"

She shook her head. "Of course I don’t mind," she responded lovingly. "Its beautiful ….. and it suits you …. You looked so handsome standing up there with the reverend and Cloud Dancing …."

In response he lovingly kissed her forehead. "When I saw ya walkin’ down that aisle …. I almost burst with pride," he murmured. He pulled back a little and lightly fingered the delicate lace which trimmed the low neckline of her wedding gown. "So this is the dress your ma brought ya huh? ….. Its beautiful …"

Again she looked up at him shyly. "Well …. its not quite the dress …"

His brow creased in confusion.

"I changed it," she said softly. "I wanted to wear the lace the ladies of the town had made for me …. and mother’s dress came right up to here …" She indicated her throat.

Sully smiled suggestively. "I like it much better like this," he whispered softly. Fixing his seductive blue eyes on hers, he ever so lightly began to trace the shape of the low neckline with his fingertips, starting at the shoulder and then moving very slowly downwards, lingering over the soft swell of first one breast and then the other, touching her as he had never dared touch her before. "Much better …," he murmured again entrancingly.

She was breathing deeply once more and felt goosebumps rise on her skin as his fingers wove a powerful magic. When they slowed and tenderly caressed the top of her breasts she felt her nipples harden and stand erect and was grateful for the lace which hid them from his view. This time it was she who moaned softly.

He couldn’t resist leaning in for another deep, lingering kiss, all his pent-up longing communicated to her through his mouth and his urgent caresses. She in turn clung to him, no longer nervous but eager to explore these new feelings, this passion he was arousing.

Again they reluctantly parted and Sully whispered soulfully, "I meant it Michaela …. I need ta be with you …. Maybe we could cancel our three days in Denver …. silly idea sittin’ up in a train on our weddin’ night …. We could head deep into the woods … I know some beautiful places ….."

Michaela blushed. "I know you do ….. but we can’t do that Sully …. everyone is expecting us to leave on the train for Denver at five." As she thought of sitting demurely beside him on the train all night, when her heart and body were definitely telling her she’d rather be doing something else, her blush deepened.

Always able to read her thoughts, Sully smiled. "You want it as badly as I do Michaela ….. whatdya say? We could tell ‘em we’ve changed our minds …"

Imagining the reactions of some of the townspeople to such an announcement, Michaela lowered her eyes, but her mind cried out ‘yes’. She peered coyly up to see him watching her intently and so she shyly nodded her agreement. His face broke into a wide smile and he again exuberantly lifted her off her feet, held her close against his chest and drew her face down to his. As their lips once again moved in perfect, sensuous rhythm he slowly lowered her feet to the floor and their bodies unconsciously melded to each other’s again, the kiss seeming to go on forever.


For several minutes Elizabeth Quinn had been waiting by the clinic door, desperately hoping that her daughter and new husband would emerge before she felt it necessary to intervene. When they did not she became increasingly agitated. It would be just like Sully to have instigated something improper. No, she realised, that was not fair. To give the young man his due, when it came to the way he behaved with Michaela, he was always the gentleman; a touch too familiar perhaps, but then this wasn’t the more civilised Boston.

She again glanced across to the party still in full swing in the meadow. It appeared to her that there were a few people whose heads were turning in various directions as if seeking the guests of honour. This was what she’d been afraid of. She lifted her skirts, stepped up onto the porch and turned the door handle.

She swung the door open and was startled to discover that Michaela and Sully were only a few feet inside the room. What was more startling was their behaviour. Oblivious to her entrance, they were clinging together as if their lives depended upon it, their kiss one which should never have been observed …. by anyone! Her face flushed scarlet and she took a backward step. The music in the meadow suddenly stilled and she knew that she should not leave without the young couple. Embarrassed, she coughed.

Michaela and Sully sprung apart as if shot, their faces flushed, their breathing ragged. When Michaela spied her mother as the intruder, her face reddened even further. "M .. m…mother," she stammered, trying desperately to quell her clamouring heart. Sully, on the other hand, was experiencing a different form of embarrassment and clung to Michaela, holding her close.

"Ahh …. I saw you come in," remarked Elizabeth quietly. "People are starting to wonder where you are…"

"We were going back in a moment mother," replied Michaela quietly, still all too aware of her heightened colour and Sully’s pounding heart.

Wisely deciding to give the couple an opportunity to settle themselves, Elizabeth said quietly, "Well ... I wanted to speak to you both in private anyway." When there were only quizzical looks in response, she continued. "I’m not sure you realise how difficult it is going to be …. settling into married life with a ready made family of inquisitive youngsters." Michaela reddened a little. "So I hope you don’t mind but I’ve taken the liberty of arranging a few things …" When her daughter looked to interject she quickly added, "Now don’t object until you hear my plans. I know you both wanted your wedding to be simple …. and to some degree I … er … altered some of your arrangements …. I apologise if I did anything to displease you." Michaela’s eyes widened in surprise. Her proud mother seldom apologised for anything. "I’ve spoken to Rebecca and Marjorie. We’ve decided to stay on in Colorado Springs for a week or so …. so that you and Sully can have a *real* honeymoon. Horace Bing has just assisted me in changing your reservations in Denver to a suite at the Royal Hotel for two weeks …. a wedding gift from me …"

Silence greeted her announcement. Michaela regarded Sully in consternation, his plans once again dashed. She was surprised to see reflected in his face initial disappointment followed closely by a satisfied gleam. He turned to his mother in law. "Thank-you Mrs Quinn," he said softly and sincerely. "We’re obliged."

Elizabeth gave them both a contented smile. "Good …. I was hoping you’d be pleased …" She turned towards the door. "Ah …. I think its time you returned to your guests …. don’t you?" she counselled, before pulling the door open and quietly leaving.

As her mother closed the door behind her, Michaela turned to Sully in puzzlement. "You don’t mind?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He smiled. "At first," he said. "But then I realised ….. *two* weeks ….. fourteen days …. to spend *alone* …. with my beautiful new wife …. just us …. A man’d be a fool to say no to that …."

Michaela bit her lip and whispered shyly, "But tonight …"

"Tonight we’ll sit real close together an’ dream of what’s to come …. alright?"

She raised herself up on her toes and kissed him lovingly. "Alright …" she rejoined softly.

He grasped her hand, kissed it adoringly and together they left the clinic to rejoin their wedding guests.

I Take Thee ….

Comments to: Pam H

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