Paparazzi Glantri

Paparazzi Burning

Part 1. Beatriz's Story

“Everything was burned, fraulein,” cried Sofia von Braunberg.

Beatriz Dominatore stood amidst the rubble, feeling the heat from the charred remains 

“Do you need help, fraulein?” inquired Sofia, but Beatriz ignored the Aalbanese maiden. Beatriz was surprisingly adept at negotiating the debris, despite the fact that her attire was more suitable for a fashionable dinner party at the capital. In fact, Beatriz had just come from such a party when she heard the news of the fire at the printing shop that published the Paparazzi Glantri.

Beatriz came upon a blackened skeleton, humanoid, about the size of a little boy. Of course, Sofia had not yet reported the deaths of her brothers who manned the publishing house. After all, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes were illegal in Glantri, despite the fact that the last were in demand in machinery-loving Aalban.

Beatriz worked her way towards Sofia and glared at her mix of Alphatian and Hattian features, typical of the Aalbanese people. With her magical sight, Beatriz saw through all these flawless illusions and saw Sofia for what she was—a gnome.

“Were you not able to save anything of the Paparazzi?” Beatriz demanded, almost accusingly.

“There were a handful of papers, fraulein…” stammered Sofia. Her trembling hands reached into her satchel and took out a handful of papers.

Beatriz read through them. Amongst them was a near complete copy of the latest publication of the Paparazzi Glantri.

“This will do,” Beatriz declared grimly.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue

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