Paparazzi Glantri

Intrigas Belcadices

A Story in Letters

by Jennifer Guerra & Kit Navarro

“Another Erewan? I tell you, you are not a big clan. Half of you ‘Erewan’ elves are pretentious immigrants from Wendar or ambitious refugees from Alfheim, who put on airs and affect some aristocratic sophistication, trying to fit in with the rest of us in high society. I shall blacklist you all at my next party!”

—Princesa Carnelia de Belcadiz, upon meeting an seventh guest surnamed “Erewan” at her last party, who had no resemblance with her hated rivals from Clan Ellerovyn.

This malicious quote, attributed to our beloved Princesa Carnelia, is but a vicious lie spread by Erewan radicals of the Paparazzi Glantri, aimed at soiling La Princesa’s virtuous reputation.

Princesa Carnelia neither wishes to sully her good relations with the fair people of Wendar by implying that they debase themselves by masquerading as Erewan or Alfheim elves, nor to let it be thought that she would personally “blacklist” anyone from her well-attended social gatherings.

Should the Paparazzi Glantri have any further questions regarding La Princesa’s social calendar, or those in attendance at her events, correspondence should properly be addressed to myself.

Doña Marta Galdarres y Montoya

Social Liaison and Dueña to Princesa Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias

Ah, Marta, Marta, Marta!

Querida prima, 

(May I call you cousin? After all, I feel so close to you since I almost got intimate with your dearly departed Juan Carlos!) 

Up till this day you are still sore about Erewan elves aren’t you...

May I remind you that that particular Erewan elf fell in love with me and my beauty and charms. I did not steal him away from you, and he was attracted to me completely by his own volition (Witch’s Charms, not withstanding).

Please do not involve the Paparazzi Glantri in to this. For one thing, my dear prima, Carnelia is one of the strongest supporters of the Paparazzi, and one of our most valued clients.

After all, you wouldn’t want news about a certain young stablehand to get around would you?

Felicidad de Fedorias

Liaison to Belcadiz and Nouvelle Averoigne

Paparazzi Glantri


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