Paparazzi Glantri

Intrigas Belcadices

A Story in Letters

by Jennifer Guerra & Kit Navarro

Dearest Felicidad,

Of course you may call me “prima,”  for we members of Clan Alhambra are all true cousins, regardless of the lower birth of some.

My previous address was not directed toward you personally, and certainly had nothing to do with your dubious morality where others’ husbands are involved. And so I shall end the personal nature of this exchange, as alas, mi amor Juan Carlos is not here to defend his honor, and since I should not stoop to disparage one whose personal charms extend only in direct proportion to her mastery of potions.

On a more professional note, I wrote previously at the direct behest of La Princesa, who was highly displeased at the spreading of vicious rumors about her alleged “blacklisting” of members of Clan Ellerovyn which were bandied about by Paparazzi Glantri. Her Highness Doņa Carnelia is well aware of her support of Paparazzi Glantri in the past, and expects that your organization shall remember this support before it spreads any further, unsubstantiated, stories. You should not presume that I would write without La Princesa’s permission; not all of us are rebuffed at our attempts to befriend her.

And as for a “certain stablehand,” as you say, you really should check your sources. For some dueņas are true cousins of La Princesa, and Her Highness would be...shall we say, ungracious, should any scandal touch them?

I shall pass your greetings on to Doņa Magdalena.


Marta de Galdarres y Montoya

To Her Highness

La Princesa de Belcadiz

Doņa Carnelia de Belcadiz

Through the kindness of

Doņa Marta de Galdarres y Montoya

My dear Princess Carnelia:

Perhaps, it would please Your Highness to know that our esteemed contributor, Felicidad de Fedorias, has been properly reprimanded for the rather personal nature of her attacks on your person and your dueņa. The Paparazzi Glantri expects its members to always conduct themselves in the most professional manner in all activities, without compromising integrity, freedom and creativity.

Please do not let this minor misunderstanding spoil the intimate relations between Clan Alhambra and the Paparazzi. May I remind Your Highness the invaluable assistance the Paparazzi had lent to Clan Alhambra in the last voting session in Parliament, where several of Clan Alhambra’s political opponents unexpectedly lent their vote to Your Highness, according to the suggestion of certain members of the Paparazzi (No doubt, our evidence of certain improprieties with the Sisters of the Private House had convinced them of the urgency of our suggestions.)

As a final note, may we invite Your Highness to watch out for the upcoming installments of the Paparazzi Glantri We believe that Your Highness will be particularly interested in the latest fashion reports by Doņa Felicidad on the spring colors of the goblins of the Great Crater.


Beatriz Dominatore

Liaison for Caurenze and New Kolland

Liaison on Fashion and Assassinations

Paparazzi Glantri

Beatriz Dominatore

Paparazzi Glantri

Esteemed Beatriz,

It was with great pleasure that we received your correspondence. We do agree that our much-valued relationship with Paparazzi Glantri should never be compromised, especially due to one correspondent’s grievances against our person. Our dearest prima Felicidad can be abrasive at times, but such things are often and readily forgiven in those with her...difficulties. Unfortunately, her close kinship to the late Don Miguel makes is difficult for such slights to be so easily dismissed. Your correction of Doņa Felicidad’s comport is much appreciated, and will be remembered.

As a small token of our appreciation, enclosed is a letter of pardon for Paparazzi Glantri correspondent Gaston du Lac, from charges of vandalism and theft of the La Centinela headquarters. Of course, should your organization require information on La Centinela or their charter, we direct you to our assistant Doņa Maria de Bernaldez.

Carnelia de Belcadiz y Fedorias

Princesa de Belcadiz

Marquesa del Alhambra

Virreina de Monteleone



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