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EBookMan 911 Review Page One
This is a "user's viewpoint" review,
and comparison to Wizard OZ-770 and OZ-800,
of the EBookMan 911 by Marshall St. John

I've been using a Wizard OZ-770 for about a year, and like it very much.
However, the OZ-770 has only 3MB of memory, which is not much these
days in the world of PDA's, though adequate for a simple organizer.

When the new Wizard OZ-800 appeared toward the end of 2002, and when I found that it had 10MB of memory, and was on sale for $69 at Radio Shack, I immediately purchased a unit. This proved to be a disappointment. (See my review of the OZ-800.) The additional 7MB of memory is difficult to use. For example, after downloading a 28KB text file into the OZ-800, I found that it takes two minutes to appear on the screen after being selected. Not only so, but the screen was quite a bit smaller and dimmer than that of the OZ-770. I also missed the keyboard of the OZ-770.

As Providence would have it, around January 7, 2003, I stumbled across a new, in the box, EBookman 911 on EBay, was impressed by what I read about it, and bought it ("Buy It Now!") for $49.99. It comes with 16MB of memory, and has a much larger screen that that of the OZ-800 or the OZ-770. I am very impressed with this PDA/Bookreader.

Here are a few scans of the OZ-770, the OZ-800 and the EBookMan 911, showing how they compare in physical appearance and size.

First, the OZ-770 and the EBookMan 911
As you can see, the 911 is actually smaller than a folded 770.

Second, compare the screen sizes of the OZ-770 and the EBookMan 911. The 770 screen covers 6.8 square inches, and the screen of the 911 covers 8.8 square inches. Not only does the 911 have a larger screen, but the font size is easily adjustable in three sizes, small, medium and large.

Here I compare the OZ-800 with the EBookMan 911. As you can see, the OZ-800 is quite small. In fact, the screen is only half the size of the 911's screen. I wish Sharp has simply taken the OZ-770 and increased its memory, rather than trying a whole new approach, which doesn't really work.

The EBookMan 911 measures 5 1/8 inches tall, and 3 3/8 inches wide. It is a bit larger than a Palm, but not much. The screen is also larger than a Palm screen.

Proceed to page two of the EBookMan 911 review...


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