Marshall's Amazing Wizard Organizer
Dedicated to Sharp Wizard Organizers
Marshall's Review
of the Royal ezVue1
(One Megabyte)
Personal Digital Assistant
Page One
I was intrigued by this organizer one day, when I saw it advertised
in the newspaper. It was available at OfficeMax for $19.99.
I was interested for three reasons: first, it had an actual keyboard
(though a small one); second, it had a whole megabyte of memory; and third,
it was so inexpensive! I waited a few weeks, and then I bought one.
You may have never seen or heard of this organizer, because to the
best of my knowledge, it is available only at OfficeMax, and in very
limited quantities on EBay. It is not mentioned on the Royal website.

Go to page two of the Royal ezVue1 review:

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