PAGE OF THE MOMENT: Rurouni Kenshin Poem

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Sumimasen, demo watashi wa Nihongo pera pera ja nai

Source: Rurouni Kenshin Devotion

Try to imagine your house this way:
After you've been at school all day,
You get back home and then go in,
And what you see is your dear Kenshin.
Yes! RK dolls lie everywhere!
On living room sofas and your comfy chair,
And in addition to the dolls,
RK pictures decorate the walls.
Then if you decide to eat first,
To lessen your hunger and thirst,
On the table you will find,
A hot bowl of soba, yours to dine.
Then you go to your room and turn on the com,
And insert the RK CD-ROM,
Which contains lots of RK clip-arts
And themes you already know by heart.
Of course, your computer is all-Kenshin,
Desktop themes and winamp skins,
Error messages go 'oro'
And sometimes even 'ohohoho'
Everything, mouse-wait, mouse-click.
Your screensaver flashes RK pics.
Then you get connected and search the net,
For RK pages you haven't visited yet.
After surfing, you decide
To go get some air outside.
So you walk out to the backyard,
And start practicing very hard.
Ryu Tsui Sen and Sou Ryu Sen
Jump up down, attack, defend
You start to practice the ougi,
But you hit your left leg usually.
Your Kuzu Ryu Sen is not too bad.
It has improved more than it'd ever had.
You look at the umbrella in your hand and say,
"I'll use a real sakaba someday"
You think about Gotatsu and of that sort,
But your umbrella is way too short.
Your face turn a little sly
Shishio's techniques worth a try
But then again you have to frown
You'll risk burning the whole house down.
So you go back to the house and start your chores,
Wash the clothes and clean the floor,
But not with the aid of machine or mop,
Tubs and towels finish the job.
Already tired, you go upstairs
To take a bath and wash your hair.
But RK soaps are all too lovely
And you don't want them to get soapy
So you use ordinary soap instead,
Then a realization comes into your head.
And it suddenly spoils the fun.
Your homework is not yet done.
Race to your desk and open the book,
You give the homework such a look.
Then you finish it finally,
And now it's time for fantasy.
You start writing a new fanfiction,
Enjoying your own imagination,
Before you know it, you're again hungry.
So you prepare dinner for the family.
Your parents arrive and the meal starts
You let them read your fics, the new parts.
Then you show them your newest moves.
To show that your Hiten Mitsurugi has improved.
And it's time to go to bed.
You watch an RK episode instead
Of a bedtime story your dad used to tell.
And fall asleep peacefully and well.
RK pillows and bed sheets.
They're all too soft and warm and neat.
I hope you sleep nice and tight.
And have a wonderful RK night!

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