

The Bund
Shanghai Old Town
Dr Sun Yat Sen
First Communist Party Congress
Longhua Martyrs Mausoleum
Longhua Pagoda
Downtown Shanghai
Shanghai Stadium
Nanjing Road


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14.2 Million


Shanghai Municipality

Area: 6,200 km2
Current Temperature:

Shanghai would have to be the shopping capital if not of China, then the world. Nanjing Dong Lu, the most famous street in China is basically 10km of department stores. Make sure you wear good shoes! Then there's Huai Hai Lu. Much the same but a little more pricier. I've always found the New World Plaza on Nanjing Dong Lu to be the best place to pick up everything cheaply.

Shopping would only be a small part of what Shanghai has to offer. When the communists took over in 1949, the city was almost shut down until the eighties. What this has left is a cityscape of Europe juxtaposed over a Chinese Gotham city, with a bit of Imperial China thrown in for colour. Getting yourself lost in the Old French Concession will reveal the most delightful Parisienne style streets. In all areas you'll find buildings ranging from the breathtaking to the sublime.

Shanghai is not a very old city, so the more major historical sites can be found in the surrounding areas. However many places do exist. Most of these can be found on either this site, or my previous holiday site. (the link is on the about me page).


The famous Shanghai Sally's in the old French Concession
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