

Lake Taihu
Pet Animals Market
Wuxi Old Town and Grand Canal
Xihui Park


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4 Million





102,600 km2

71.1 Million

Capital: Nanjing


Located within Jiangsu's southern flatlands, Wuxi perches close to the northeastern shore of the picturesque Tai Lake. Covering 4,650 sq km and with a population of 4 million the city is one of the region's most important industrial centers.

According to legend, Wuxi was founded more than 3,000 years ago by Tai Bo and Zhong Yong, two princes of Zhou. From this tribal settlement, it is said that the princes and their descendants created the State of Wu. The city itself remained an impoverished market town until early last century when on the strength of its strategic location (on the railway and the Grand Canal) large sums were invested into developing industry. The risk paid off, and today the thriving city continues to attract enormous amounts of foreign investment.

For visitors, the oldest section of the city, Kuatang Qiao, built on a network of canals, provides a charm similar to the waterways of Suzhou. The picturesque Tai Lake is located 7km (4 miles) from the city and visitors can take boat trips from Xiaoji Shan Jetty.

Wuxi is famous for the production of clay figurines, and for hand-woven silk. The former can be purchased at antique stores, and the latter can be bought at silk-reeling and weaving factories.


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