Pharaoh Man


 General Info:

- Humanoid Name: Pharaoh Man
- Real Name: Gabriel González

- Country: Chile

- Birthday: August 4, 1984
- Height: 1,73 Meters
- Weight: 78 Kg.
- Likes: Power Metal Music, Italian & Chinese Food, Video Games, Anime, Manga
- Dislikes: People That Dont Like My Way Of Life, Bees (I Hate The Bees)
- Worst Fear: Thieves (Specially Pyramid Thieves), That My Bandages Burn With Fire
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Color: Black
- Goal: Have a Girlfriend
- Quote: "The Sun Does Not Shine Long For Those Who Defy Me."


 Personality Info:

 Pharaoh Man believes he is the true descendant of a pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, a belief which often makes

 him the laughing-stock of his robot buddies. But they quickly stop laughing after seeing the awesome

 power of his weapon, the Pharaoh Shot, which is a glowing ball of super-heated hydrogen with great

 destructive power. Pharaoh Man is a skilled warrior, but his aristocratic ways make him believe he is a

 better fighter than he really is.


 Fun Pharaoh Man Info:

- Pharaoh man is very quiet and mysterious, so he doesn't show too many feelings (at least wearing the

   bandages) ^__^
- Pharaoh Man like to fight alone in battle. He is a brave warrior, but his aristocratic ways make him

   believe he is a better fighter than he really is.
- Pharaoh Man hopes to date a girl who likes a man whit bandages in his body.



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