Business Meeting
Sexy Sadie

I was on a business trip and in meetings all day long. I came back to my hotel after my meetings had finally ended for the day. I needed to get off the heels and the business suit that I was suddenly feeling suffocated in. As I parked my car in the underground garage and gathered my briefcase, I started having visions of you in my head. Oh how I missed you. It seemed every time I would have a free minute it was your face and smile that I saw. I headed for the elevator. As the doors opened I was still lost in my daydream of you. I stepped in. It would be a long ride as my room was on the top floor of this busy hotel. I stepped to the back of the elevator and surprisingly I was the only one who was riding this evening. My mind drifted to the last time I was with you and I chuckled to myself. It was in an elevator last time that you appeared and I recalled each moment of our last encounter. I found myself wishing that you would appear yet again. I got to my floor and the doors opened. There you were, waiting for the elevator, consumed in thought wearing your uniform. I quietly gasped. I stepped out and said, Officer oh officer, I need you to come to my room. I think I have been robbed. Your head snapped up and a huge smile crossed your face. You said, Really, well let's go check it out. I opened my door and stepped inside. As soon as the door closed behind you, I backed you up against a wall and kissed you with all the excitement that I had inside myself. I felt your arms as they enveloped me and pulled me close. You picked me up off the floor and I lifted my skirt enough to be able to wrap my legs around your waist while you carried me to the bed. Your kisses never stopping. No words spoken since we closed that door. I felt your hands as they unzipped my skirt as you held me in your arms. My hands searched for the buttons that held your shirt closed. I was ready to be laid on the bed but you didn't. Instead you backed me up to the wall next to the bed and I felt the pressure of your body holding mine in place. Your hands that had previously been cupping my backside were now free to disrobe me. You cupped my face in your hands as your kisses became gentle rather than rushed in passion. I had only been able to undo the top two buttons of your shirt and realized that I wanted your shirt on when you made love to me. I wanted to see you in nothing but your shirt and what God gave you. You lowered me to the ground and lowered my skirt to the floor. Instead of letting it fall naturally, you followed it to the floor and held it as I raised first one leg and then the other. You carefully placed it over the chair next to the bed. You took off my jacket, and placed it on top of the skirt which left me standing in my blouse, garters, nylons and heels. It was my turn. I undid your belt that held your flashlight, gun etc. I was a bit nervous and was not prepared for the weight of the belt and you knew I wouldn't be so your hands reached to catch the weight of it for me. I was grateful. You placed it on the chair while I undid your pants and lowered them to the ground, following the same procedure as you. Awaiting you to lift one leg out at a time. Then I folded them neatly and laid them over mine. I got to my knees and took off your shoes, then your socks. As I placed them under the chair, I stood to admire you. Oh you looked SO sexy in your jockeys and your shirt. You pulled me to you and undid my blouse pulling it gently over my shoulders and placing it over the chair. You reached for my waist and backed me up to the wall again, pulling one leg up and following the shape with your hand till you reached my ankle. Slowly and seductively you pulled it off of my foot. Going back up with the same hand you caressed my leg back to my knee and gently lowered it back to the ground. Then you reached for the other one and did exactly the same thing. I undid the rest of the buttons on your shirt, but asked you to keep it on for me. This was my fantasy. I wanted you in uniform and this way I could. Again, you reached around me and lifted me while pulling my legs around you. I felt your hardness beneath me and I wanted you so badly. I felt your chest against my chest as our bodies molded together. I felt your hips as they slowly rotated beneath me. I could feel my body reacting to each movement beneath me. Your shirt draped over my thighs as your hips and mine joined in pleasure. The sight of you in your uniform was as much of a visual turn on as your smile is. The veins in your arms were bulging as you guided my hips on yours. You carried me to the bed and laid me down. Your body completely covering mine as your hips fell in-between my legs. Your arms extending on each side of my head and your shirt falling on each side of me. I reached for your jockeys and slowly slid them off of your hips. I grabbed them with my toes and pulled them the rest of the way off. You started kissing my neck, down to my chest where your tongue circled the outline of my bra. My arms around your waist under your shirt lightly scratching your back as your mouth worked diligently. My eye's were closed and my head back as I let myself FEEL you. Nothing feels better than your skin touching mine. Nothing feels more right. I felt your kisses on my stomach. Each touch sent chills down my spine. My back would arch to meet your kisses as you pulled away. I felt your hands slide beneath me and pull me to you, burying your head in the flesh on my stomach. My legs wrapping around you. Holding you tightly. You sat up on your knee's and pulled up into your arms. I could feel the size of you beneath me and I wanted you inside me. Instead of taking off the G-string that I wore, you simply pulled it to the side and let me feel you. I moved and rotated my hips till I could feel you at just the right spot. Slowly, you entered me while I sat on your lap with my legs wrapped around you. Your hands held my hips firmly and guided me up and down on top of you. Your mouth kissed my breasts and your face looked so peaceful. There was NO rush. I could feel each part of you as my body rose and fell onto yours. The room grew hotter and I knew that our moment was approaching rapidly. I felt you swell beneath me and yet the pace never picked up. Steady, slow, deep, up and down. I felt my body throbbing as my orgasm approached. You tilted your head upwards and kissed me full mouthed. I could feel your hands guiding me down a little harder each time. I heard your moans of pleasure as they met in stereo with mine. Suddenly, I felt your hands holding my hips firmly to yours as you went as deeply inside me as you could. I knew the moment had arrived as it had for me as well. Your lips locked on mine, your arms grew rigid, I felt the muscles in your legs tighten as the muscles in mine did as well. I held on to you so tightly as you did to me. And I felt the rush of my orgasm as you were reaching yours. Your kisses never ceased and as our orgasm's subsided the kisses did as well and you laid your head on my shoulder while our breathing came back to normal. Moments passed and then I felt you lift my hips off of you and you laid me down beside you. You rolled to your side and again kissed me. You fell asleep in my arms and I in yours. When I awoke the next morning, you were gone. Was it a dream?


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