This would be our last time alone together for a long time. So we took full advantage of it. We left early in the morning. You picked me up on your motorcycle and told me we would be gone for the day and evening and wouldn't be home till you wanted to bring me home. I brought a jacket and long pants for the night. We rode for hours. I never looked at where we were going or asked. I didn't care. As long as my arms could be around your waist I was content. I held you and laid my head on your shoulders and took in the sights as we headed for our destination. There was something about the wind rushing through our hair and being behind you, holding you that warmed my heart. You'd ask me if I needed anything and my answer would always be the same. No thank you, I have all I need right now. With this you smiled and grabbed my hands and gave them a squeeze acknowledging my response. We arrived at a small town at the edge of the desert. There was one motel, one gas station, one store and a beautiful view. As we climbed off the bike we stretched our legs and looked around. Your smile was so devious. I had NO idea where we were but I found it intriguing. You took me in your arms and kissed me. I couldn't help but giggle as I wondered what you had in mind. We walked across the street hand in hand and checked into the motel. I was a bit worried as this was the desert and I was concerned on what the rooms would look like inside. But all my fears were put to rest as soon as we crossed the threshold. It was beautiful. Obviously you had done your homework. Through the front doors there was a long dark wood desk with intricate designs through out the wood. There was a chandelier that hung in the center of the room. There was a western motif and yet it was elegant. You got our key and led me to our room. When you opened the door, you stopped me and said, "Let's make this a day to remember," where upon you lifted me into your arms and carried me into the room. I never felt more love for you than I did on this day. I Kissed your lips gently as you carried me to the bed. It was Huge. It was round. It was amazing. You would never know from the exterior that this room was as plush and incredible as it was. There were mirrors on the ceiling and drapes around the bed. As you laid me down, I felt the ripple of your muscles as they contracted. I had to see the bathroom. I knew if the room looked like this the bathroom must be fantastic too. And it was... The shower was huge, big enough for four. There was a whirlpool tub that could fit us both with lots of extra room for all the fun we could think of. My mind was working overtime. I finally realized exactly what it was that you had in mind for our last day together for a while. I was going to enjoy EVERY moment with you and I guess your intentions were exactly the same. I kicked off my shoes and ran from the bathroom into your arms and kissed you. You could see the excitement in my eye's and in my smile. Your grin was proof that my reaction was what you had hoped for. I could tell you had gone to a lot of trouble to pick this out and set this day up and I wanted it to be perfect.
I felt your arms as they wrapped around me and pulled me close. I felt your kisses as they caressed my neck, cheek and shoulders. I felt the strength leaving my body as each kiss hit it's mark. My hands traveled up and down your back as your kisses continued. As my hips ground into yours, I felt the bulge beneath your pants growing. I placed both hands on your hips and pulled you as close as I could. I felt the familiar throbbing that was steadily growing between my legs. My nipples were becoming erect as the moisture grew between my legs. I lifted my right leg and wrapped it around you. I felt your hand as it cupped my thigh and held it firmly against your waist. I felt your other hand as it traveled up my other leg and caressed my backside. My hands went from your hips down the back and grabbed hold of your ass. A desperation over came me and I felt myself loosing control. I became extremely aggressive. I wanted you. I needed you. I was going to take you. And I did. I grabbed the collar of your shirt and just pulled each side till the buttons flew in each direction around us. You appeared shocked at first, but, before you could say a word I looked into your eye's and kissed you so passionately and deeply that you had no other alternative but to kiss me back and go with the flow. I threw your shirt off of your incredibly muscular shoulders and reached for the belt that held the prize that I was seeking. With one steady movement, I had unbuckled and pulled your belt from the loops that held them. With a snap, you heard the belt leave you. My other hand was already working on the button and zipper on your pants. I undid them and slid my hands down your hips as the pants fell to the floor. My fingers slid beneath your briefs as I slid them to the floor as well. My mouth followed the movement of my hands downward. Kissing your neck, chest, belly and finally reaching my prize. You never felt your briefs hit the floor as my mouth enveloped you. I heard the moan of joy as my mouth surrounded you and began to suck and lick and circle the head of your cock. I saw your balls as they retracted with the initial touch of my tongue. I saw the muscles in your thighs contract with each lick and with each movement of my mouth. There was an eagerness that you felt coming from me that thoroughly excited you. You felt my anxiousness to please you and to be pleased myself. This, you knew, pleased me. I moved my hands up to your balls and groin and tickled ever so lightly on each side as my mouth moved up and down. I moved slowly on my knees, backing you up to the bed that was inches behind you. As you reached the bed. I looked up at you and guided your hips downward so that you found your self sitting on the edge of the bed. I reached for your shoulders and gently pushed you backwards so that you could lay on your back. Your feet still on the floor. I wanted you fully exposed to me and I wanted FULL access to all of you. I reached my hands under your thighs and lifted them on to my shoulders. Exposing all of you to me. Without warning, you felt my tongue as in sunk deeply in your ass. I heard a moan of pleasure escape your lips and My hands reached for your cock to stroke it as my tongue darted in and out of you. I felt the precum as it lubricated my hands so that I could move easily up and down the shaft. My tongue lapped and licked your ass and underneath your balls. I wanted all of you. My tongue moved in and out of you, while my hands stroked you and my body Craved you. Your hands were above your head and I felt your body arch up as I continued moving you closer and closer to orgasm. I wanted to taste you, all of you.. As I watched your balls retract and the muscles in your calves and thighs grow rigid, I knew the moment was approaching fast. I licked my way between your balls, up your shaft and once again took you into my mouth. I slowly started my decent down the shaft, wanting to take you fully in my mouth. Slowly, up and down, lower each time. Finally reaching the base when I slid a finger in your ass and felt your orgasm begin, First a jolt, then a moan... I watched your body react to my every touch. I felt the spasms beneath my lips and I knew the moment had arrived. I sucked and held firmly as you exploded in my mouth. I listened as your moans rang in my ears and held you as your orgasm overtook you. I savored every moment. I held firmly until I felt your body begin to relax. Until I felt the jolts of orgasm diminish. Until I felt your hands move to my head and lightly and lovingly begin to stroke my hair. Then and only then did I release. I felt your arms as they began to pull me up to you and I felt the pleasure that you had felt. I saw the look in your eye's and the smile on your face. After a while I moved from your side and slowly stood before you, I stood over you on the bed as you lay between my legs and I began to undress. It took a moment for you to realize what I was doing. I felt your hands as they moved up and down on my calves. I was wearing shorts and a button up blouse and my feet were only in socks. I slowly undid the buttons on my blouse and slid the blouse off my shoulders dropping it onto your head covering your face. I giggled, as did you. I asked if you liked what you saw. You said, "Oh yes!!" I asked if you wanted to see more ... again, you said "Oh yes!!!" I bent over and my breasts were hanging above your head as I reached behind me and unfastened the clips that held the bra in place. I undid them and let go and the bra fell on top of you as well, exposing my breasts. As your hands moved to touch them, I stood upright and they were no longer in your reach. You tilted your head slightly and gave me the look.. the one that clearly said, "You Tease!!!" I smiled. I reached for the button on my shorts and slowly undid it and then the zipper. I slid my hands inside the front of the shorts and my fingers disappeared from view. You eyebrows arched as you watched me playing beneath the shorts. Out of your direct view. My hands slid around to the sides of my hips and I slowly moved one leg and let my shorts fall to the bed. Above you I stood, in only white lace panties. I once again straddled you, moving to where I stood directly above your head. You noticed then that the panties I had on were crotchless. I began to sway and move above you. I slowly lowered myself till I was finally sitting on your chest. Again, you called me a tease. I told you I NEVER tease... I ALWAYS please.... I just wanted a kiss first. I threw a leg back and over you till I was sitting at your side once again. I bent down to kiss you and without warning you grabbed my by my shoulders and threw me on to my back. You pinned me down and began to kiss me full mouth. You asked me if this is what I wanted. I said, "Uh huh" and you kissed me again. I was melting. I loved when you took me with such force and control. I loved when you kissed me with such passion. I loved when you looked on me with such lust. You were now... OH how my body ached for you. You held my arms above my head and I felt your kisses and nibbles as you lowered your head to my chest. I felt your mouth as it took my nipple into it, and as you lightly bit it and sucked it to getting it fully erect. My hips moved up and down as I begged for you not to stop. All I could say was Yes, Oh yes... My hands longed to touch you ... but you held firm. One hand cupped my breast and guided your mouth as the other firmly secured my hands. I felt your leg as it wrapped and held one of my legs. Spreading me apart. I felt your mouth leave one breast to do the same to the other. Your hand holding the breast so firmly as your mouth ravished it... I felt you leave my breasts and work your way down my stomach... I could feel the goosebumps rising on my skin as I felt each nibble and kiss. My legs ached, my head was whirling with delight as my groin throbbed with anticipation of your readily approaching mouth. Your mouth, oh how it consumes me ... your gentle, loving, spell binding tongue ... until you, I never knew all the joys that a mouth could bring. The anticipation was almost more than I could stand. My hips rose to meet you... My body twisted and turned in excitement. I wanted you so... I felt your hand as it reached the opening of the crotchless panties. You grabbed a hold and completely covered the opening with your hand. Then slightly moved your palm to accommodate just your tongue. I felt waves of pleasure consume my body... All I could feel was where you were, all I could hear was your breathing and mine, all I could see was pleasure.... I wouldn't last long... I wanted you too much... Soon I felt your hand leave my panties and I felt the full pleasure of your mouth and tongue. My legs opened wide and I suddenly realized my hands were free... I never knew when they got that way but I had no intention of stopping you. I reached for you head and gently cupped it in my hands as I followed the motion. Before I knew it I felt the moment overcome me. I felt the jolts of my orgasm and I felt you bury your head so as to take it all. I could feel you sucking on my clit as I came hard and fast. I felt the incredible grip of your hands as they held firmly to my hips and pulled me ever closer to you. I felt your head rise and fall with my hips as the orgasm reached it's most powerful moments. Then I felt my body become weak as the finality of the moment arrived. My eye's rolled to the back of my head as a moan of pure pleasure escaped my lips.... Awwwwwwwwww.... When my body had fully relaxed, only then did you rise up to me and once again take me into your arms and hold me closely... Kissing me ... caressing my skin with your touch. Only then did we both fall asleep in each others arms. I awoke first and the sun had set... It took a moment for me to figure out where I was ... but when I saw you, I realized this was NO dream ... you were still here and I was in your arms... You still held me tightly and I didn't want you to ever let go... I began to kiss your neck and then I moved to wake you, MY WAY... I took you fully in my mouth and sucked and licked. I had never had the opportunity to feel you grow in my mouth... I loved it... As your hardness grew, you began to stir... I heard gentle moans as if you were still sleeping and dreaming a wonderful dream. I continued... I knew your body was still heavy with sleep as I got you fully erect... I stopped and slowly released you from my mouth... I took off my panties and climbed on top of you.. .
Carefully I ever so gently placed you inside me as I slid down the shaft... I took your hands in mine and placed them on my breasts and helped and guided you as you caressed your way out of the fog of sleep. While your hands caressed me my hips rose and fell on top of you. Rotating at the base. Wanting you deeply inside me, grinding my hips down onto yours. Slowly your hips began to meet mine... Your hands no longer needed my guidance, and your lips were finally ready to meet mine again. I slowly bent over so that my lips could once again meet yours... It was a gentle kiss ... lots of gentle sweet kisses ... all the while I rose and fell on top of you.... Your hands dropped to my hips and I felt your strength building as you grasped my hips and guided my motions on top of you... I felt your hips rising to meet mine and your kisses took on more passion.. I put my arm behind your shoulders and gently lifted you so that you were sitting beneath me and I first pulled one leg around your back and then the other... I felt your hands as they explored my body.. and mine explored yours. I felt your hands grab a hold of my hair and pull my head back so that you could kiss my neck as the passion between us mounted... I moaned with pleasure.... I could hear you as the sounds of pleasure escaped your lips between kisses... I could feel the strength of your thrusts as they increased inside of me... As you lifted me and pulled me down harder and harder... Then you lifted me off of you as you got to your knee's and turned me over so that I was on my hands and knees in front of you... You rose and inserted yourself inside me and once again grabbed my hips and pulled me back to you and pumped and pumped your way to glory..... But, before you could cum you once again pulled out... I begged for you to continue... We were both in a complete sweat and our bodies full of orgasmic energy... Each one wanting to fulfill the other... You got off the bed and turned me so that I was still facing away from you on my hands and knees, but now you were standing instead of kneeling... I felt you enter me again just long enough to get me fully aroused again and yourself completely wet from my moisture ... then you pulled out and I felt the head of your cock as it begged to enter the only other opening that you had not yet blessed with your presence... I felt my body begging you to enter but words escaped me ... all I could do was moan.... and say YES.... You pushed my head down so that I wasn't on my hands but my head rested on the bed... Then I felt your thickness as you entered me so slowly at first as not to hurt me. Then I felt the length as it entered me completely.. I wanted you so... I felt myself rocking backward to accommodate you ... slowly at first then building momentum as the pleasure and excitement increased... Soon I felt your thrusts .. HARD... DEEP.... LONG..... Your hands so strong, guiding each movement... Your hips grinding and rotating in such harmony with mine... The moment was approaching again for both of us... I felt you swell inside of me... I felt your thrusts stop as you reached full depth only for a moment then the full thrust again and again until I hear you as you say "Oh baby, NOW!!!" and I feel the final thrust and the release as both of us reach a simultaneous orgasm ... as you held firmly pulling yourself deeply inside me ... as the orgasm subsided I rose and you kissed my neck. Slowly you pulled out and fell to the bed where I fell in next to you. As my weakness subsided I rose to get something to clean you with. When I entered the bathroom I realized you didn't need to be cleaned with a cloth.. a bath was a much better idea ... so I started the water... I put a bath lotion in the tub to make the bath a comforting and relaxing experience for you... As the water filled I went for you... I bent over the bed and began kissing you and told you that it was time for your bath... I wanted to show you how a bath could be when you were with me... You held my hand and followed me... I steadied you as you stepped in.... I bent over the bed and began kissing you and told you that it was time for your bath... I wanted to show you how a bath could be when you were with me... You held my hand and followed me... I steadied you as you stepped in.... I followed you in and reached for a cloth and began to wash you.... I fully scrubbed you, back, front and everywhere in-between... You did the same for me. We kissed and held each other and talked as we knew it was growing later and later... Time was no longer on our side and we both felt the need to be as close as we could for every moment possible as it was unknown when we would be together again... I stood to leave the tub and felt your hand as it gently grabbed mine and pulled me back down to you... You pulled me close and held me tightly against you. You began to touch as if you were memorizing each part of me... I began to touch you the same way. We sat in that tub facing each other with our eye's closed, touching each other.. only touching... I felt your hands as they reached my face. I felt them cup my face and pull me to you and the gentlest kiss I had ever known... I was lost in that moment of time... I never wanted it to end... As the kiss ended and I laid in your arms.. the water grew colder. It was time to get out and dry off. I stood as did you... I reached for a towel and placed it around you. I began to dry you and as you stepped out I followed. You dried me with a towel and we went back to the bed. This time we would make love... Like never before, it was important to both of us... I reached for you and you pulled me into your arms once again... You laid me gently on the bed and climbed on top of me. You kissed me with the same passion that you had earlier but with a gentleness that only comes when you are truly making love to someone... I returned the same passion... I felt your arms as they embraced me and held me like you had never held me before and I am sure I was doing the same. I felt your hardness beneath me and I felt your body molding mine to accommodate you. I felt you as you entered me. You were so slow, so gentle, so loving, so passionate... I knew this is what it was supposed to be... I wrapped my arms around you and held your shoulders while you moved deeper and deeper inside me... Together we moved slowly and passionately in perfect unison until we once again achieved a simultaneous orgasm.. and once again we fell asleep in each others arms... As night became day once again, we rose with the sun and left our place in the sun and headed home. I held on to you with a wonderful feeling of peace and as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky our journey came closer and closer to an end. I knew that no matter what happened in this life.. I would someday have you again... I just didn't know when...


Sexy Sadie's Index

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