Trying Something NEW
Sexy Sadie

It was getting colder and colder outside and the weather seemed perfect for a fire. You decided to make this a night to remember and you set out
getting the room perfect. You called me to assure my presence at the proper time and once satisfied you began. You gathered logs from the woodpile and stacked them neatly on the hearth. You got the champagne from the fridge and placed it in a bucket with ice. As you picked out the crystal glasses a smile crossed your face. You knew that I had a few NEW positions for us to try. We hadn't experimented in quite some time and it was the perfect night to start again. We had lots and lots of time. We were expected NO where. NO one was coming over. No one but us. We would be completely alone. The hour was quickly approaching and the fire was starting to blaze. The champagne was cold and the room was lit only by the flames that rose in the fireplace. The room had an amber glow that soothed and relaxed you. I let myself in and when our eye's first met, they locked. I was so excited to see you and had looked forward to this night for SO long. I wrapped my arms around you and kissed you. You wanted to know what positions I had in mind for you this evening. But, I wasn't going to ruin the surprise. I said YOU will see.. just follow me... You took me in your arms again and held me as close as you could while your lips once again met mine. I felt the strength leaving me as the kisses continued. I moved with you as you led me to the couch and I felt your arms as they wrapped around my waist supporting me as you laid me on my back. I had wanted you all day long and I knew that the moment I had you in my arms again I wouldn't break until we had both reached our first of many orgasms that evening. As you laid on top of me kissing me my legs opened and wrapped around
your legs, pinning you on top of me. While the kisses continued I started unbuttoning your shirt. You lifted your shoulders and chest off of mine to allow full access so that I could remove the shirt from your back. As I did, I saw the glow of the fire bouncing off of your chest. My mouth watered. Oh how I wanted you. I asked you to let me up and asked you to pour the champagne.. Not before one more kiss, I said... I rose and went to the CD player, placed a CD in as you poured us our drink. I told you to just sit back as I stood facing you with my back to the fire. I cleared the floor around me while I awaited the song of choice. As the music began to play, my hips began to sway. You admired the out fit that I had chosen for this evening. You loved the way the jeans hugged my hips and thighs. The blouse I had chosen was a white waist length, deep V neck with a ruffled collar and ruffled sleeves that buttoned at the wrist. There were ties that wrapped around to the back and tied in a bow. You could barely see my belly between the jeans and the bottom of the blouse. I wore heals and my hair was up in a clip on the back of my head. As my hips swayed, my hands traced the outline of my body in beat to the music, starting at my neck and slowly, seductively working my way down my
sides to my ankles... With the glow behind me and the look in my eye's, I had your full attention. I unbuttoned first, the sleeve of my right arm, then the left. The long sleeves hung loose as I turned to face the fire and moved in front of you. I wrapped my arms around myself as you watched my hands travel over my back and hips. You were captivated by each movement that I made. My right hand reached behind me and took hold of one side of the bow and slowly pulled it loose ... you watched as the bow came completely undone and the
blouse began to open. I reached up with my left hand and undid the clip that held my hair high on my head. As my hair fell over my shoulders the blouse hung open and my body never stopped moving. I turned to face you and for the first time you could see the lace that supported my breasts. You watched as my hands found their way inside my blouse and gently stroked the protruding mounds of flesh that hung beneath the lace. You noticed with each touch that my stomach would tighten and my eye's again met yours. Slowly one hand lowered as the other continued to explore my breasts. As my hand reached the top of my pelvis, my fingers began to search for the spot that would make my hips move without the music's help. I watched as the bulge in your jeans began to rise. I stood before you stroking myself and
imagining your hands on these parts of my body. I felt the moisture in my jeans as my excitement rose. I reached for the button and undid it, then the zipper of my jeans lay open. My hand stroked my stomach then found their way beneath the lace of my panties. My other hand lowered from my breasts and joined the other out of view. Both hands played and moved in unison. I watched as your hands adjusted the ever growing mound in your pants. With that I smiled. Then my hands moved to my hips and slowly began to lower the waist of the jeans as I turned. As they crossed over my hips they fell to the floor and I stepped out of them without missing a beat. I leaned back and the blouse fell from my shoulders as I stood before you in only panties, bra and heels. I moved towards you and asked you to stand as I danced around you undressing you. When you finally were before me, naked, I gave you a little push and you fell to the couch. I straddled you and kissed you. I felt your hands as they held my ass
firmly as my hips continued to gyrate. Beneath me I felt your excitement. I stepped off of you and turned my back to you as I lowered the panties to the floor and stepped out of them. I reached up and undid the bra and let it fall to the floor as well. I spread my legs and bent over in front of you reaching between them and grabbing your knee's to pull your hips to the edge of the couch. I lowered myself onto your rock hard cock and my hands stretched to the floor in front of me. You reached and grabbed my hips guiding me down on top of you. I told you to lift my legs so that they would be on each side of you on the couch and my weight was supported by my arms. You did as I asked and found yourself experiencing the first of my new positions. As my hips rose and fell on top of you, I felt you going deeper than I had ever experienced before. I could feel you swelling inside me as you grew closer and closer to your first orgasm of the evening. Your hands guided me up and down. You were in charge of each movement. I pushed myself up so that I was sitting on your lap and I placed one of my feet on the ground and pulled the other over your head as I spun around on top of you and was now facing you. Then I leaned back until my head was below your knee's and My arms wrapped around your shins as you again guided my every movement. This time there was no holding back as we both felt the beginnings of the moment we had been waiting for. I felt your final thrust deep inside me as your juices exploded inside me and mine surrounded you. The rush of blood was exasperatingly sensual. As our orgasms' subsided, I found I didn't have the energy to pull myself up to you nor did you have the energy to pull me up. We laid there
until our breathing resumed a normal pace. As I built my strength I rose up and laid my head on your shoulder. I just wanted held. And you accommodated me. I sat on your lap and felt you inside me and didn't want to move. There was NO need. I had nowhere to go and neither did you. I reached behind me and grabbed our glasses of champagne and handed you yours. I made a toast to many more nights like these and the ability to try at least 2 more of my new positions. And you saw the look cross over my face that you had seen so many times before when I had something like making love to you on my mind. I realized that you needed a bit of time to rebuild your energy so I filled your glass again and the smile of recognition that you gave me made me giggle out loud. I was ready to go again. This was NO surprise to you at all. You knew that just your mere presence got my juices flowing. I began to nibble on your neck and kiss you as my hands lightly stroked your chest. I circled your nipples as I kissed and sucked on your neck and ears. I loved the taste of your skin and I craved your touch like never before. It didn't take long before I felt you growing inside me. What an incredible feeling. I felt goose bumps rise on my skin as your hands stroked my back and as I felt your hands come up and cup my face as you kissed me with the most passionate, sensitive kiss that I had ever felt. My legs wrapped around you and locked behind your back. I felt your hands as they circled my waist and I felt the strength in your legs as you moved forward and got to your knee's on the floor in front of the couch. I was suspended in mid air holding you tightly as you laid me back on to the floor. I never unlocked my legs and asked you to stay up on your knees. My shoulders laid on the floor but my hips were
locked together with yours elevated off the floor. You realized the 3rd position and although uncomfortable at first, we could feel the incredible depths that you could go to at this angle. I placed my hands under my hips and held them in the air as I felt you sliding in and out of me. I was SO wet and so excited. Slowly I unlocked my legs from your waist and lowered them to your sides so that I was more able to move on my own. I kept my hands under my hips as your groin locked with mine. You pumped and guided your
self deeply inside me SO slowly. I felt you make love to each part of my body. Your hands held and molded my breasts as your hips buried yourself inside me. The feeling was INCREDIBLE... You lightly let your fingers run from my nipples down my sides, up the middle of my stomach. My hands could not leave my hips but the inability to touch you back made each touch more sensuous. You pulled out of me as you were growing closer and closer to orgasm and asked me if you could put it in my mouth. I readily agreed as one of the things I wanted was to taste you again. It had been SO long since I had your taste cross over my lips. As you pulled out I lowered my hips and you straddled my body. I reached around you and held your ass as I pulled you to me. My mouth opened anxiously as I felt you cross over my lips and enter my mouth. Oh how I missed this. I knew it wouldn't take long as I wanted you as much as you wanted me. I sucked and licked and enveloped you as your hips and my hands led you to the moment of ecstasy. I felt the swelling between my lips and the throbbing as your balls contracted and I took you deeply for the final burst of flavor as it filled my mouth. I savored it. I heard you moan and with just the sound of your joy I too came again. Your body covered in sweat and totally released of all tension was a pure pleasure for me to see. You pulled yourself from my mouth and laid down next to me. For the
first time in a long time, I just held you. It brought tears to my eye's as this is all I ever wanted... Just time .. time to love you...


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