The Dance
Sexy Sadie

I am in a room of a building.. At first glance the room seems dank and cold.. There is a mirror in the room and there is what appears to be a stage in the room with a door at each side.. I am alone... I am dressed in a pant suit.. and heels.. My hair is up in a bun ... at first I walk around the room trying to keep myself occupied ... as time passes I grow board... I find I am drawn to the stage that seems to be the center of this room. I take the 2 steps up to the stage and I walk around ... Checking it out and I find myself drifting into a daydream........... I can hear music.. It is so clear.. My hips begin to sway to the music. I am not in a dream I can really hear the music.. It is so seductive... Just the sound of it gets me excited. I really get in to this music and my body seems to move with it's every beat... I find a chair and I start dancing around the chair ... I imagine myself on a stage and I imagine I am dancing for you and only you ... doing a very seductive strip tease... I sway and move to the music.. My hands run down my sides and my knees bend and straighten with the beat... My hips thrust forward and backward.... I reach up to the bun on my head and slowly release it so that my hair falls freely... I shake my head and my hair seems to have a life of it's own as it falls around my face... I am totally consumed by the music... I reach to the zipper on the back of my pants and slowly undo it ... as my hips sway the pants slide down to the floor.. I undo each button on my shirt so slowly as I dance around the chair ... my clothing falls piece by piece to the floor. Soon I am dancing around the chair in white satin thongs and a white lace bra... With a white garter belt holding up my nylons ... and of course my heels are still on... I raise my right leg to the chair (imagining I have placed my shoe on your leg) I undo the buckle on the shoe and remove it.. I lift the other leg and repeat the same process.... Once the shoes are off, I make another round of the chair and I straddle the chair (imagining you in it as I straddle your lap) My hips rotate and grind and my back arches as I swing my head backwards... Then I stand and place a leg again up on the chair and slowly remove the nylon from the garter that is holding it tightly in place, I slide it down my leg and remove it ... I then place the other leg on the chair ... and I slide that nylon down that leg and remove it as well..... all the while my hips are swaying and my body is moving to the music. .. I find myself with my eye's closed and totally consumed with the moment. the room seems to have gone up a couple of degrees.. It is so warm... ... I hear something... I hear YOU.. I am surprised.... I had been waiting for you and never heard you enter the room. I opened my eyes and still I could not see you... Where were you??? I asked. Again I heard your voice.. You said please do not stop... I was at first embarrassed and yet it was my second thought.... My first was Where you were.... I asked again.. You said I am here.. I have been here from the start... I have watched it all and I don't want you to stop now... I said you were not here... I have been alone for quite some time... Then you appeared through the door at one end of the room. You sat in the chair ... you said I do hope that was for me... I said it was... You said then please continue..... The music was still playing... Having you there was exactly what I wanted and the embarrassment soon wore off and the heat of the room began to rise again... I again began to dance..... This time when I straddled the chair ..... I could actually feel your body beneath mine... As I began to move my hips to the music, I arched my back as I did before but this time your hands held my sides and my body began to ache for you. I wanted you naked as well... I reached for your shirt and I undid it and it fell to the floor... As My hips began to grind on your lap I undid the belt and the pants..... I stood and circled behind you.. My hands came over your shoulders and down that chest of yours.... I kissed the back of your neck ... as I circled in front of you I reached for your hands and pulled you up to dance with me... As I did your pants fell to the floor. I pulled you close to me and our hips began to grind together and our bodies moved simultaneously... My arms circled your neck and pulled your lips to mine... I kissed you ... You reached around my waist and lifted me up and my legs wrapped around you... You backed me up to the wall on the stage and made love to me while you were standing... The passion was intense and as we reached that moment our bodies arched and tightened and It felt as if an explosion had taken place ... we seemed to be in that position for a lifetime while our breathing resumed to normal.... Then you slowly let me down and kissed me.. You walked away from me and gathered all of my clothing and yours and placed them neatly over the chair and began to dress yourself... I began to do the same.. Our conversation started with my question of where you were when I started dancing... I saw again the devilish grin on your face.. You said get dressed and I will show you... So I did.. You took me by the hand and led me through the door.. To my shock and amazement it was two way glass and you told me you had been there the whole time... Then I saw the stereo and realized the microphone was open and that is how I heard the music.. . You said you didn't intend on speaking but you couldn't take anymore ... and that is when you had to speak.. You walked me to the exit of your work and I left with a kiss good-bye.... I would remember your work for a long time to come.. You wouldn't be able to look through that glass without seeing me dancing... I loved the thought...


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