The Elevator
Sexy Sadie

I was at a meeting in a 40 story building... My appointment was in the penthouse of the building.. I was dressed in a business suit that consisted of a pinstripe skirt and a white blouse and a matching pinstripe blazer... I was in black heels and I was wearing black hose... When my meeting finished I waited for the elevator to take me down to my car 3 levels below the ground... I was preoccupied with what had transpired in my meeting. I never noticed the elevator doors open.... Suddenly, taking me by surprise I heard a voice calling my name..."Excuse me, Are you going to come inside?" It was a familiar voice... I had heard it before... I looked up and to my complete shock and surprise I saw you standing there in full uniform looking at me with that incredible smile of yours. Instantly I smiled. I stepped into the elevator with you and asked why you were there... As the doors closed, you grabbed me, and pulled me close to you. You turned me so that my back was up against the back of the elevator... You kissed me... I was so involved in the kiss and the utter excitement I was feeling because I was not expecting to see you... Suddenly, it felt as if the floor had been shoved higher as the elevator slammed to a sudden stop ... we were stuck... We had no idea of how long we would be here or how long before someone would notice our dilemma... Instead of the natural panic that sets in, we found excitement... We were alone ... we were together and we wanted each other so badly... We decided not to hit the alarm button ... instead your strength seemed to grow as you pinned me to the wall.. I could feel the passion mount as the kissing became deeper and longer... I could feel your arms envelope me and it felt as if we were so close that our bodies were becoming one... I felt my body ache for you.. I wanted you so badly that it almost hurt. The throbbing between my legs was like a heartbeat after a good run. As you rubbed yourself against me I felt the excitement that you were feeling as well. You were rock hard and large. I wanted you. A piece at a time, our clothing came off.. First your shirt then my blazer then your pants then my skirt ... as my skirt feel to the floor you noticed what I had on underneath... It was as if you had frozen.. You pulled away and gazed at me... I think the garter belt holding up the nylons and the white blouse was an unexpected pleasure for you... The black lace thong underwear was almost more than you could bare.. Then as if you were snapped back into reality you knelt in front of me and began to kiss my thighs.... I felt as you kissed and licked my inner thighs, working your way up. I felt the heat of your breath as you reached my panties with your mouth. I felt you nibble on my clit through my panties. This drove me wild. I held your head, you reached up to my hands and pulled me down .... Slowly, gently, as you kissed all the way up to my neck... As I got to my knees you gently cupped my face in your hands and kissed me with more passion and gentleness than I had ever experienced.. I felt as if I was melting.. Then you placed your hands behind my back and gently laid me on the floor of the elevator... You unbuttoned my blouse and let it fall open.. I pulled off your jockeys and you left on all of my underclothes and kissed all around them... My body began to arch each time your lips would pull away... My hands held your head as you undid one garter at a time and slowly pulled each nylon from each leg.. Then you pulled off the thong underwear... You left the garter belt on and undid my bra... You were so tender and kind and you spoke with such sensitivity that I felt as if I were in some sort of dream.. You once again, pulled your body up to my face and kissed me again.. as you laid on top of me our bodies began to move together .. slowly at first then building momentum as our passion rose ...Slowly and steadily I felt you enter me. My legs opened wider to accommodate you. You were so large that I wasn't sure how long I might be able to last. We made love so slowly as if we were in no hurry and we were anywhere but on the floor of an elevator.. then as it reached the moment or extasy, I felt you drive as deeply inside me as possible and we both joined in a simultaneous powerful orgasm. Our bodies reacted to each of our individual orgasms in much the same way. They seemed to lock together while the fireworks that this moment created reached it's crescendo. As our breathing was returning to normal speed, we suddenly began to realize where we were ... we both sat up and began to dress ourselves.. Once we were fully dressed again you pulled me close once again and hugged me and kissed me and then I noticed for the first time, that wicked little grin of yours. You reached over and pushed a button and the elevator began it's decent once again.. We both began to laugh... I never thought that you had planned the whole thing... Once we reached the level where my car was parked you walked me to my car, kissed me good-bye and said... You just never know where I will show up again.. When you least expect it .... EXPECT IT..... with that you left.......


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