The Shower
Sexy Sadie

I am at home... I am alone..... I have just finished cleaning the house and scrubbing the floors. I am hot and sweaty.... As I approach my stairs that will take me to the shower that I so desperately crave... I begin to disrobe... I take off the sweatshirt on the first stair as I climb my way to the shower... I reach the top and I have already unfastened my bra and I grab a hold of the waistband of my sweats... Off they come too. I throw them on my bed and head for that shower.... I am in nothing but my thong underwear as I reach into the shower to turn on the water... When I am sure it is at the temperature that I desire, Off come the thongs... As I stepped into the shower, I felt the heat and the pure pleasure of the water as it flows over my body... My eye's are closed as I just enjoy the moment of silence and relaxation that only a shower can bring. As I lathered myself up my mind began to drift..... As my hands rubbed the soap on my legs I imagined your body standing there in front of me and imagined myself lathering you... A smile instantly covered my face..... as my thoughts continued... I lathered every inch of my body and began to wash my hair when I heard the shower door open... At first I was terrified to open my eye's. But they bolted open spontaneously. To my surprise ... and complete enjoyment ...... there you were...... Wearing nothing but that beautiful smile..... You stepped in and as the water touched your body it seemed to make it glisten. You reached for my hands and took the shampoo bottle away from me and placed it back on the window ledge..... You put your hands in my hair and began to wash my hair for me I had never had anyone wash my hair and your fingers seemed to just know what I liked. I knew as you finished that my hair was clean. It was the most sensuous shampoo that I had ever had.... You turned my body so that I was directly under the water and as the soap ran down my body so did your hands ... as if you were helping to rinse me.... Each touch of your hands sent shivers down my spine and I reached for the soap...... I lathered you up starting with your chest..... I wasn't hurrying at all.... I was thoroughly enjoying each touch... I lathered you completely..... Once I had covered the front of you I grabbed your shoulders and turned you around so that your body faced away from me.... I started on your back. Slow circles at first then as my hands moved downward The circles became stokes. I touched your sides all the way down to your feet then up the inner thighs. Once I reached the top of your thighs my hands couldn't help but stop and explore every inch. I wanted you so badly but I loved touching you. I moved my body close to yours and the soap helped me to slide across your back with my breasts and my hips ground against your backside. I reached for your arms and placed them above your head on the wall of the shower and told you I needed to frisk you. My hands traveled to the front as I searched for the place that brings you pleasure. Once my hands found there desired spot, I stroked and rubbed you until you could take no more. ... Seeing you standing in front of me with your arms extended above your head and your head leaning on the wall with your legs slightly spread, sent a wave of excitement through my body. I loved having you there to touch at will. MY will. I caressed your body as if it were some keepsake that was priceless. I admired you and your body.... You moaned out loud as my hands touched you.... Your eye's were closed... Your hands slowly lowered themselves and I watched you as you turned to face me.... Your face was a glow with pleasure and a sort of peace that was in itself quite exciting... You were relaxed and Happy... You reached for my hips and pulled me to you... Our bodies coming closer and closer until my breasts touched yours and our hips met... You were so gentle..... You cupped my face with your hands and kissed me as the water ran over each of us.... Your hands dropped and you touched my body as your lips never left mine. As we kissed, I moaned in pleasure....Your touch was almost unbearable.... I wanted you so badly. But the enjoyment of the tenderness of the moment I did not want to end. As your hands traveled across my backside you pulled me closer... I felt your hardness mount. You backed me up to the wall and lifted me into your arms with the wall as support for my back...As my feet left the floor they once again found themselves wrapping around your waist. Your arms were supporting my weight and I felt you enter me... As you entered me and we kissed I gasped at the pleasure my body was feeling. I wanted you deeply inside me... You guided my body up and down ..... your hands holding my shoulders and your arms up behind me..... You pulled me down so that you were as deep as you could go. Out of both of us came an almost guttural moan of ecstasy as we felt ourselves becoming one with each other. You were so strong and yet so gentle... You guiding my every move was in itself titilating....But with you kissing me and feeling you inside me I knew I was not going to last long. Your hips rotated round and round as I felt you inside of me. As we reached the final moments before reaching orgasm, our bodies became ridged and tense.... Your muscles began to contract beneath me. Your hands held me tightly and I grasped your shoulders as our bodies exploded in a simultaneous moment of pleasure.... You held me until we both felt the strength of the orgasm leave us. Our strength seemed to dissipate as well. You gently lowered me to the ground and kissed me while you pulled me close to you again... You smiled, said thank you, and backed under the water ... I washed you so that you were completely clean and You washed me .... You stepped out first and dried yourself.... Then as I stepped from the shower you held the towel out as if you were holding a coat for me to put on... As I turned around you dried me. Then you carried me to my bed where you laid me down and fell in beside me. You held me for a while then you kissed me on the neck then the lips and said good-bye. With that you dressed yourself and before you left gave me one more kiss.... We had escaped our lives for only an hour but during that hour we never thought of anything but each other.


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