Bryan Ferry in Concert
South Australia
Tuesday, November 8th 1988
Festival Theatre, Adelaide, South Australia
The Festiival Theatre is situated on the banks of the River Torrens in the heart of Adelaide.
That is my Mam in the foreground.
This is the forecourt of The Festival Theatre. The Hyatt and the rear of Parliament House are in the background.
Festival Theatre
Bryan Ferry: the concert begins
Our seats were fourth row from the front, centre stage. Bryan came on stage looking devastatingly handsome.
Bryan Ferry: a stunning
colour combination
Bryan's choice of colour coordination was both stunning and effective. He was easily picked up by the spotlights and was clearly visible to everyone in the theatre.
Bryan Ferry looking
very relaxed
The concert is warming up and so is Bryan. He has divested his jacket and is looking relaxed and comfortable. "Jealous Guy" brought the house down.
Bryan Ferry: and the beat goes on
Bryan held the audience captive.� He is both an accomplished and stylish performer. The atmosphere was electric.
Bryan Ferry: the final curtain call
At the final curtain call Bryan is exhausted but jubilant. He receives a standing ovation. The audience is raising the roof with their applause and appreciation.
Bryan Ferry: he'll have to go
A wonderful time was had by everyone; both performers and audience alike. We could have danced away all night but the time came when Bryan had to go.
I hope that you have enjoyed your night at the Adelaide Festival Theatre with
Bryan Ferry.
Photographs are Copyright Audrey Fletcher� 1988- 2002
All rights reserved
A Washington Lad
Bryan in Springwell
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