Welcome to
Bryan Ferry's home
at Springwell Village,
Tyne - Wear,
Thankyou to the many Bryan Ferry fans who have visited my web site over the past few months. Also many thanks to those of you who have written to me as well.
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One email in particular was from Micha Meijer, aged 16, from Holland. With his permission I am sharing his experience and photographs with you. He writes:
Hi Audrey!!

Just visited your site. It's great.

I'm a sixteen years old Bryan Ferry fan from Holland. Last year my parents and I went on holiday to England and Scotland. We also visited Washington, because I knew Bryan was born there.

In Washington we asked an old lady if she knew where Bryan lived. She told us Bryan lived in Springwell Village in the period he dated Jerry Hall.

So we went to Springwell Village and after some asking we found out where the house was.

Anyway, I made some pictures of the house, and the lady who lives in it now even asked us in!!

If you'd like to have these pictures I can email them to you.

Micha Meijer
This is the street at Springwell Village where Bryan used to live, after he became famous.
This is the front of Bryan's house. Note the addition at the right: Bryan's music room.
Here are the photographs and descriptions
which Micha sent to me.
This is the current interior of Bryan's music room. Here he wrote songs like "Love is the Drug".
I hope that you have enjoyed sharing Micha's email and photos.

Photographs are copyright Micha Meijer 2000-2004
Bryan Ferry
Adelaide 1988
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Roxy Concert
Adelaide 2001
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