A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc
Take A Ride -- Jo Thompson & Kathy Hunyadi, Phrased, Int/Adv
Take It To Da House -- Scott Blevins, Phrased, Adv
Take It Slow -- Sue Denomme , 32-Count, Int.
Take You Higher--Carol Clements,32-Count,Int.
Takin My Time -- Larry Bass , 32-Count, Int.
Talking With Angels -- Maggie Gallagher , 64-Count, Int.
Temptation -- Rachel McEnany ,88 Count.Int
Thats The Way--Liam Hycran, 48 counts..Int
The Riddle` -- Alan Birchall....72 Count (4 Count Tag)...Int
This Will Be -- Max Perry ,Phrased.Int/Adv
Times 2 -- Sara Preston , 32-Count, Int.
If Tommorow Never Comes -- Karl Cregeen, 32 Count, Int
Touch me Tonight--John Robinson,32-Count, Int.
Turn To Me --Warren Michell & Paul Snooke, 64 Count Int
Tush Push -- Jim Ferrazzano , 40-Count, Beg/Int.
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