By: Daniel Goldstein

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Brachot Daf Bet Amud Bet
דועבמ  םינהכ אלהו הדוהי יבר היל רמא רמ רמא  
יכה ריאמ יברו ריאמ יברל הדוהי יבר היל רמאק ריפש  .םילבוט םה  םוי
תושמשה  ןיבא אנא אנימא אק ךדיד תושמשה ןיבא אנאד תרבס ימ היל רמאק
סנכנ היל רמא רמ רמא  יברד הז  .ןיע ףרהכ תושמשה ןיב יסוי יבר רמאד  .אנימא אק יסוי הדוהי יבר.
וילע דומעל רשפא יאו אצוי הזו
Gemara, and breaking it up
question=dark blue
answer=dark green
attacking question= light green
answer to an attacking question=light blue
Shabbat Daf Lamud Daled Amud Bet- Lamed Heh Amud Aleph
ןמ  ולוכ  קפס הלילה ןמו םויה ןמ קפס תושמשה ןיב ןנבר ונת  
ןיב והזיאו  .םימי ינש רמוחל ותוא ןיליטמ הלילה ןמ ולוכ  קפס  םויה
אלו  ןותחתה  ףיסכה  ןימידאמ  חרזמ ינפש ןמז לכ המחה עקשתשמ תושמשה
ירבד הליל והז ןותחתל הושהו ןוילעה ףיסכה תושמשה ןיב ןוילעה  ףיסכה
.לימ  יצח  המחה  עקשתשמ םדא ךלהיש ידכ רמוא הימחנ יבר  .הדוהי יבר
רשפא יאו אצוי הזו סנכנ הז ןיע ףרהכ  תושמשה  ןיב  רמוא  יסוי  יבר
בר רמא אתכלה יאמל םימי ינש רמוחל ותוא ןיליטמ רמ רמא  .וילע דומעל
תושמשה  ןיב  םימי  ינש האר ןנתדכ האמוט ןינעל עשוהי ברד הירב אנוה
ןנבר ונת  אה  .האמוטל קפס תושמשה ןיב דחא םוי האר  ןברקלו קפס
.ןימידאמ חרזמ ינפש ןמז לכ המחה עקשתשמ תושמשה ןיב והזיא תרמא אישק
ףיסכה  אנת  רדהו   .אוה  הליל  ןוילעה  ףיסכה אלו ןותחתה ףיסכה אה
רמא הדהבר רמא והי בר רמא תושמשה  ןיב  ןוילעה  ףיסכה  אלו  ןותחתה
חרזמ  ינפש  ןמז  לכ המחה עקשתשמ תושמשה ןיב והזיא ךורכ לאומש
ףיסכה תושמשה ןיב ימנ ןוילעה  ףיסכה  אלו  ןותחתה  ףיסכהו  ןימידאמ
 יכה לאומש  רמא הדוהי בר רמא ףסוי ברו  .הליל ןותחתל הושהו ןוילעה
אלו ןותחתה ףיסכה םוי ןימידאמ חרזמ ינפש ןמז לכ המחה  עקשתשמ  ינתק
ודזאו   .הליל  ןותחתל הושהו ןוילעה ףיסכה תושמשה ןיב ןוילעה ףיסכה
רמא הדוהי בר רמא הבר רמא המכב תושמשה ןיב רועיש  רמתיאד  והיימעטל
אלימ  יגלפ  אתלת  אמיליא לימ יקלח השלש יאמ  .לימ יקלח השלש לאומש
.אלימ יעביר אתלת אלא לימ אמינ אלימ יתלית אתלת אלא הצחמו לימ אמינ
לימ יקלח ינש יאמ  .לימ יקלח ינש לאומש רמא הדוהי בר רמא ףסוי  ברו
לימ  יצח  אמיל  אלימ יעבר ירת אלאו לימ אמיל אלימ יגלפ ירת אמיליא
 .אקנדד אגלפ והייניב אכיא.לימ  יתלית  ירת


Syntax (underlined)


רמ רמא  = introduction to a  quote

היל רמא= one opinion 2 peaple argue on who says it

אלהו= intro to a kushya

היל רמאק ריפש =He says well. When a question is asked and answered later on

תרבס ימ= This is a rhetorical question that will answer a kushia, by questioning, You really thought

אנימא אק=referring to what the rabbi had said before

ןנבר ונת= there is going to be a contradiction









Vocabulary (bold,Italic and font 12)



קפס= Pause / repeats

רמ= Master says

רמא רשפא יאו= its impossible

רדהו = he returned

ינתו= The Gemarah is taught by a rabbi in the mishnah

                              ינתק יכה= And so he teaches

                              ימנ= also

                              אתלת= 3

                              אלימ= words


יגלפ= half /  he divided

יאמ= what

יעבר= ¼

אכיא= how

אמינ= lets say

ידכ= so to / in order

אמיל= lets say


Breaking up





 הדוהי יבר היל רמא רמ רמא= Meamar

םילבוט םה  םוי  דועבמ  םינהכ אלהו = Kooshya

ריאמ יברל הדוהי יבר היל רמאק ריפש = Teirutz

היל רמאק יכה ריאמ יברו= Meamar

אנימא אק ךדיד תושמשה ןיבא אנאד תרבס ימ= Kushia

יסוי יבר רמאד  תושמשה  ןיבא אנא=Meamar




Translating the Mishanh


The master said in the Braitta, R yehuda said to Rabbi Mair, The Kohanim must immerse themselves while it is still day, . If this is true, how can one have time to say shema at the evening? R yehuda spoke good  to Rabbi mair. This is what R mair would have said to R yehuda, regarding the time to say shema at the evening. Do you think that I am reffering to your understanding of bein Hashmashot? I am referring to Bein Hashmashos like the way R Yose  explains. R Yose says that Bein Hashmashot is like the blink of an eye. The night enters and the day goes away in a blink of an eye. And during this very short period of time, it is impossible to determine whether it is nnight or day. Therefore R Yose says that the kohanim immerse themselves right before the stars come out.





Translating the Gemara


The rabbi s taught us in braisa, Bein hashmashot is possibly comprised of the day and of the night, or it is possibly comprised all of the day and all of the night. Because of these uncertainties we place upon it the stringencies of 2 days. And what is the time of Bein Hashmashot?, once the sun has set. As long as the eastern face of the sky is reddenning. But when the bottom of the sky has darkened, but the upper part of the sky has not yet darkened, this is bein hashmashot. The twilight time. Once the upper part of the sky has darkened and has attained the same color as the bottom of the sky, this is considered night, and the period of twilight is over.Those were the words of R yehudah. R necheman says, once the sun sets bein hashmashot lasts the time it takes for a man to walk a half-mil, which is approximately 9 minutes. After this time it is night. R yose says That the duration of bein hashmashot is like the blink of an eye. The night enters and the day departs. And during this extremely short amount of time, it is impossible to determine if it is night or if it is day.

The master said in the braita. We place upon the stringincies of 2 days. To what law does this express itself?. Rav huna the son of r yehoshua said: it applies with respect to tumah. We learned in the mishnah, that if one experienced an emission of 2 consecutive days during bein hashmashot, a doubt comes along to his state of tumah, and to his liability of an offering.

We see from here that R yehudas statement is contradictory. First he said when is bein hashmashot? And the answer was once the sun has set, and as long a the eastern face of the sky is reddenning. This implies that later when the bottom of the sky has darkened and the upper part has not yet darkened, it is already night. The tanna teaches us that when the bottom of the sky has darkened but the upper part has not yet darkened, this is bein hashmashot!

Rabba said in the name of R yehudah who said in the name of shmuel, Combine the 2 parts of the braisa and teach them as one. In other words read rabbi yehudas statement like this. When is bein hashmashot? It begins once the sun has set and continues as long as the eastern face of the sky is reddening, and even  when the bootom of the sky has darkened, and the upper part of the sky has not yet darkened- it is also bein hashmashot. But once the upper part of the sky has darkened, and has attained the same color as the bottom, this is night, and the period of twilight is over.

R yosef  said in the name of R yehudah who said in the name of shmuel. Teach it this way. Once the sun has set and, as long as the eastern face of the sky is reddening, it is still day. Later, when the bottom of the sky has darkened, and the upper has not yet darkened, this is bein hashmashot. And when the upper part of the sky has darkened, and has attained the same color as  the bottom of the sky, this is night.

And each follows his own line of reasoning. For it was stated How long is the length of bein hashmashot? Rabba said in then name of R yehudah who said in then name of Shmuel: it lasts the time needed to walk 3 parts of a mil. The gemara asks, What is it meant by 3 parts of a mil? If you said that it means 3half-mils, than Rabba should have said A mil and a half which is a more simple way of stating it. Rather you might suggests  that it means 3 1/3 of a mil. Bit if so Rabbah should have said A mil .  Rather it means three fourths of a mil.

R Yosef said In the name of R Yehudah who says in thre name of shmuel. Bein hashmashot lasts for two parts of a mil. What is it meant by this? If you will say that it means two halves of a mil, R yosef should have said A mil. Rather it means two-fourths of a mil, but if you say this than R yosef should have just said Half a mil. Rather he must mean two-thirds of a mil. So then what is the difference between them? The difference between them is one-twelfth mil. 




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