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Dragonball Z Movie Guide

dbz1.gif (18776 bytes) DBZ Movie #1 - Return my Gohan

Synopsis: The story begins with Piccolo training in the wilderness, muttering about defeating Goku in the next Budoukai. He is ambushed by three mysterious warriors, members of the Makyo race. The three of them gang up on Piccolo, and in typical DBZ movie fashion, beat the crap out of him. They smash him into a mountain, and you see one lone shadowy figure, talking about how Piccolo's death means that Kami is gone as well, and soon the world will be his! The next scene switches to Gohan, studying some books, and setting a standard that would haunt him for the rest of his life. His studying is interrupted by a visit from Gyuu Maou, laden with presents (All books O_o). While delivering the packaged textbooks, Gyuu Maou falls victim to one of the three demons (he survives). The short, irritating creature demands the Dragon ball on Gohan's hat, and he and his two comerades proceed to beat up Chichi and kidnap Gohan. Goku, sensing that something is wrong, rushes back to his injured wife and father-in-law, and then begins his mission to find whoever did this. Meanwhile our villain, Garlic Jr, succeeds where all other DB/DBZ villains had failed: he is granted immortality. Reveling in his newfound eternal life, Garlic Jr. decides not to kill Gohan outright but instead to train him. From there comes one of the funniest scenes in DBZ, involving a demon, Gohan, some alcoholic apples, and millions of dancing purple dinosaurs and multicoloured fuzz-balls. After the majority of the joke is over, Goku arrives to challenge Garlic Jr. and his henchmen. He begins a fight with the three demons; Ginger, Nikki, and Sansho by name. During the fight, Kami comes in to face Garlic Jr. himself, showing that neither he nor Piccolo had actually died. It is revealed that 300 years ago, Kami had a rival to the throne: a demon named Garlic. Kami made it, garlic didn't. So, being the well-to-do demon that he was, Garlic called up the demon hordes and was then consequently locked up for eternity. Now seeking revenge, Garlic Jr. wants the throne that his father coveted. Garlic Jr. and Kami fight, while Goku fights the demons inside the castle. He is assisted by Kuririn and Piccolo; Kuririn gets Gohan out to safety (or at least tries to), while Piccolo and Goku make short work of the henchmen. Kami loses his fight against the now-immortal Garlic Jr., and the Namek/Saiya-jin team pick up the battle. At this point, one of the most dramatic transformations takes place: 3-foot Garlic Jr. becomes 12-foot Garlic Jr. The fight resumes in pure late DB-style, ending with Garlic Jr. creating a portal to a "Dead Zone," and accidentally sucking himself in when Gohan gets angry and starts blasting things.


dbz2.gif (17899 bytes) DBZ Movie #2 - The World's Strongest Man

Synopsis: Oolong has "borrowed" Buruma's Dragon Radar, and discovers that someone is gathering the Dragon Balls. He tells Gohan what's up, and they decide to go north into the mountains. There they find a mysterious man named Dr. Kochin, who has just summoned Shenron. He wishes for Dr. Wheelo and his lab to break free of their icy prison. Gohan and Oolong are ambushed by Wheelo's henchmen, and Piccolo steps in to save them. He is captured by Wheelo's androids, but Son Gohan and his pig companion escape. Dr. Kochin flies to the Kame house, and kidnaps Buruma to force Kame-sennin to come with him. Wheelo wishes to possess the body of the world's strongest body, as he lost his in the accident that encased him in ice. Since Dr. Wheelo was trapped in the ice for 50 years, he believes Kame is the best fighter on Earth. To test the martial arts master, Wheelo makes him fight the three androids. Kame-sennin actually holds his ground for half a minute...then he is smacked around and electrocuted. Goku learns of what happened, and flies to the mountains to rescue his friends. He is confronted with a number of tests, including a battle with the fat android named Minkatsun. After puncturing the android, he is joined by his son and Kuririn in battle. The two other androids, Kishime and Ebifuraiya, prove to be a challenge at first. They both fall to Goku's Kaio-ken technique. At this point, Dr. Wheelo reveals his most powerful follower: Piccolo. Son Goku does battle with his old enemy, infuriating Gohan. Dr. Kochin doesn't make things better with his inflammatory comments and energy staff. In a blind rage, Gohan shatters Piccolo's mind-controlling gold veins, and does serious damage to the ship. Kuririn confronts Dr. Kochin, who greets our bald hero with a heavy machine gun. Kame-sennin leaps in and chops off Kochin's pesky weapon, saving his student from a few painful wounds. Now with all his henchmen disabled, Dr. Wheelo is forced to do battle himself. His metal body is extremely powerful, and withstands a full-force Kame Hame Ha from all the Z warriors. Wheelo loses an arm in the battle, and decides that he'll just wipe out the Earth. Gohan, Kuririn and Piccolo follow him up into space, and do battle while Goku charges a Genki-dama. Goku eventually gets his attack off just as Wheelo is launching his planet smashing attack, and the villain is destroyed.

dbz3.gif (18083 bytes) DBZ Movie #3 - Ultimate Decisive Battle for Earth

Synopsis: A small probe from Outer Space lands and causes a forest fire. Gohan and Kuririn manage to put out the fire and save a small purple dragon, but the forest is destroyed. Saddened, they gather the dragon balls, and Gohan wishes the Forest back to its earlier state. The next morning, the probe activates and starts scouting out the earth. It reports back to a strange group of Space Pirates, led by a mysterious leader. They decide that the planet is suitable for growing "Shinseiju (Tree of Might)," and plant the seed. The Shinseiju literally demolishes several square miles in its growth, and starts sucking the life out of everything. The tree is made to bear fruit for the gods (Think the Immortality peaches in the old Chinese Myths). Goku, Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamcha all rush to the base of the tree (Gohan was told by his mother to stay home), where they face off against the Pirates. Gohan sneaks away from his mother to fight, and runs into a Saiya-jin, the leader of the pirates, who looks exactly like his dad. Tares grabs Gohan, and recognizing that he's part Saiya-jin, creates a fake moon. Oozaru Gohan comes after Goku first, and a small fight begins between them. This fight lasts until Gohan sees Higher Dragon, in which Gohan's short attention span is diverted. Enraged, Tares blows the Dragon away, and then attacks Gohan. Goku cuts off the Gohan's tail, and sets him aside where he's safe. Having defeated the rest of the Z warriors, Tares' henchmen surround our hero. Goku takes them all on and kills the lot with ease. Tares resumes the fight, and they find that their power levels are nearly equal. Tares grabs some of the fruit from the Tree, and takes a healthy bite. He then trashes Goku, leaving him for dead. Goku attempts to make a Genki-dama, and the other heroes band together against Tares to stall for time. The villain defeats them all with ease, and concentrates back on Goku just in time to see him lob the ball of energy. Tares deflects the Genki-dama, and is totally unaffected. The earth had been drained so much that it was impossible to gather any real energy. Goku begins draining energy from the Tree of might itself, until he builds one last Genki-dama. He then confronts Tares for the last time, and hits him with the attack. Both Tares and the tree are destroyed, and all of the energy taken by the tree is restored to the earth.


dbz4.gif (18184 bytes) DBZ Movie #4 - Super Saiya-jin Goku

Synopsis: The fourth DBZ Movie starts out with a scene of Piccolo meditating by a waterfall--something that he does often. His quiet time is interrupted by Gohan and Higher Dragon. Gohan has taught his little pet dragon to dance to his whistling, and he wants to show it to Mr. Piccolo! Before the Namek can stop him, Gohan begins his little song-and dance routine. Before the sickening display becomes enough to harm us, though, Piccolo screams out in pain (I would, too, but this is apparently because Namek's can't stand human whistling), and Gohan is forced to stop. Then, after that little "cute scene," the actual "plot" begins. In the movie, a giant planetoid looks like it's going to hit the earth, yet explodes just before it makes impact. The inhabitants of the planet, a group of space-pirates, land on the Earth in their little ship to terraform it and use it as a new home base. They are a bunch of horned, sun-sensitive oddities led by Lord Slug--a strangely familiar green alien. Slug learns of the Dragonballs by reading Bulma's mind; he immediately collects them and makes his wish: restore his youth. After becoming young again, the fight begins. Gohan and Piccolo face off against Slug's three main henchman: Dorodabo, a fat gargoyle (Blown to bits by Piccolo early), Angira, a Zarbon look-alike, and Medametcha, an extremely strange frog with the ability to create energy-sucking clones of himself. After a little bit of fighting, Goku steps in and kills Medametcha and Angira rather easily. Then it's Goku vs. Slug in one of the most predictable DBZ movie battles ever. Slug Trashes Goku. Goku goes "Super Saiya-jin" (Well, not really...his hair remains black) Goku trashes Slug. Slug proves to all that he's a Namek. Slug grows to super size and trashes Goku. Piccolo joins in and gets hurt. Ho-hum. Then more wierdness enters the story, as Piccolo tells Gohan to whistle--causing Slug to fall to his knees in pain. Goku flies through Slug's stomach, and then creates a small Genki-dama and defeats the Evil namek. The Earth returns to normal, birds sing, and Master Roshi wakes up from his nap and comments about the beautiful weather.


dbz5.gif (18944 bytes) DBZ Movie #5 - The Best of Strongest Vs. Strongest

Synopsis: The movie begins with a scene of Freeza destroying Planet Vegeta, despite Bardock's efforts. We see Goku's pod escape, and we are introduced to Koola (Furiza's brother) who tells his henchman to leave Goku alone, since this is Furiza's territory. At this point there is a flash forward to the present. After a little comedy, Goku, Oolong, Kuririn and Gohan go camping. Koola, after hearing of Furiza's death, decides he must kill all living Saiya-jin. After some beating Koola's henchmen, Koola and Goku go at, only for Goku to escape injured. After some commotion and a bit of luck, Kuririn, Oolong, father, and son are able to convene. Gohan is delegated to get Senzu beans, and has little trouble thanks to Yajirobi's generosity. Gohan is caught by Koola's henchmen on his way back, but he is quickly saved by Piccolo (surprise, surprise) until Koola himself intervenes and knocks him out. Gohan makes a getaway, and as he is giving the bag of senzu beans to Kuririn, one of Koola's henchmen blasts it to smithereens. Gohan, however, was given an extra senzu bean by Yajirobi, which he had tucked under his belt. He gives it to his father just before he receives a thorough ass wompin' from the henchman Sauza. As Goku is about to launch an attack on Sauza, Koola appears with Piccolo's unconcious body and does some further damage to it. Goku knocks Sauza away (and into a mountain) and begins to fight with Koola. They duel for a while, and Koola decides to transform. After Koola forms a ki attack powerful enough to destroy Earth, Goku realizes his failure, and after some sadness goes SSJ. He easily does away with Koola's energy technique, and proves that Koola has nothing on a Super Saiya-jin. Koola's last resort is to put a little distance between him and Goku and form an even more powerful planet destroying attack, which Goku catches, and eventually Kamehameha's right back at Koola. Koola is pushed into the sun by his own attack, and by the same Saiya-jin he refused to kill. (How very ironic!) Before a full happy ending can ensue, however, Sauza reappears. Piccolo kills him with ease. Then we get a little comedy, as the Namek-jin nonchalantly blows off Gohan.


dbz6.gif (19195 bytes) DBZ Movie #6 - Clash!! 10,000,000,000 Power Warriors

Synopsis: Our story begins on New Namek, where a giant, planet-sized machine begins to devour the world. The Z warriors catch wind of the plot, and fly off to the crippled planet. By this time, all the inhabitants of Namek have been captured by advanced battle droids, and are being led off to a prison camp where they are to be executed. However, our heros arrive just in time, and save the Nameks from certain death. As the droids prepare for battle, the leader of the machine army, Metal Cooler, reveals himself. He explains that after Cooler was blasted into the sun, the space-faring Big Ghetti Star came across his remains and assimilated Cooler's brain. The only way to sustain the tremendous sphere is to sap large amounts of energy from the cores of planets and its inhabitants. Piccolo, Kuririn, and Gohan begin battle with the robots, but their armor proves to be exceedingly tough to puncture. While his friends are occupied with the droid army, Goku begins to battle Metal Cooler. It isn't long until Goku gains the upper hand, and knocks off one of Metal Cooler's arms. Unfortunately, Cooler regenerates his limb, and informs our hero that the Big Ghetti Star instantaneously corrects weaknesses and repairs damage. Now with better tactics, Metal Cooler begins to win the fight. Yet out of nowhere, Vegita comes to the rescue, and joins Goku in his foray. Meanwhile, Kuririn and Gohan have been captured by the droids, and flown to the prison camp. Only Piccolo remains, and with a huge burst of energy, he evaporates the remaining droids. With the army destroyed, Piccolo flies to the heart of the Big Ghetti Star. Vegita and Goku attack Metal Cooler at full strength, and turn his body into such a fine powder that no regeneration is possibly. Thinking that they have won, they are shocked to see hundreds of Metal Cooler's sliding down a nearby ridge, and running straight towards them. The next thing they know, they are hanging in the main chamber of the Big Ghetti Star by thousands of tiny electrodes. Cooler begins to steal their energy, but finds that the Ki of a Super Saiya-jin is too much to handle. With overloading batteries, the Big Ghetti Star begins to self-destruct. Goku and Vegita, in a final showdown with the massive core of the world-eater, destroy Cooler's remains. The good guys barely manage an escape, and the Big Ghetti Star explodes in a fireball. Namek is left scarred, but no blood is shed this day.


dbz7.gif (19484 bytes) DBZ Movie #7 - Utmost Limits of Battle!! The Three Super Saiya-jin

Synopsis: The trouble starts when two odd looking androids (#15 and #14) make their way through the streets toward a hotel where Goku, Gohan, Kuririn, Master Roshi, Oolong, Chichi, and Trunks are staying. They wreak havoc as they blow up buildings and cars and send people screaming in terror. Eventually they locate Goku and destroy his temporary residence. The Z warriors rescue everyone in the skyscraper before it fully collapses. Trunks reminds Goku that they will only hurt civilians if they continue to fight in the city. As a result, Goku flies, chased by the two androids, to some uninhabited ice plains. There they battle, and we see that yet another robot has been released from Dr. Gero's laboratory. This robot, #13, tells Goku that the and the others were created by Dr. Gero's computer, and though Dr. Gero is dead, his computer magnified his hatred for Goku many times over, and created #13, #14, and #15 as a result. As they fight, it is clear that the androids are gaining the upper hand (Goku fights #13, while Mirai Trunks takes #14 and #15). Vegita comes to help out Goku, because he wants to save the victory over Goku to himself. There is now one Saiya-jin per android (Vegita takes #15). Soon, all the Saiya-jin go SSJ. Vegita and Trunks make short work of their foes. Gohan tries to help his father, but is shot at, and saved by Piccolo, who helps Goku take on #13. #13 absorbs the batteries and processing units of the two fallen androids after realizes they have been disposed of. With the power of the other two androids within him, android #13 is transformed into Super 13. This blue monstrosity makes short work of all the Z warriors but Goku. He continues to pummel Goku until Goku falls under water, at which point he turns his attention to Gohan. Gohan sees that Goku is gathering energy for a Genki-dama, and one by one, the Z warriors sacrifice themselves yet again, though they are near unconcious. Eventually, Goku turns SSJ while gathering energy, and absorbs the Genki-dama's energy. His aura is so powerful that Super 13's skin begins to melt away. Goku embeds his fist into Super 13's abdomen, and destroys his remains.


More Coming Soon



Planet Dragonball is just a fansite, we did not create Dragon Ball, nor did we have any part in the production process. This site is not meant to infringe on any copyrights, it is simply here to encourage people to watch the Dragon Ball series.

Tops News

Toonami has been reduced to two hours. Dragon Ball Z airing twice a day until the premiere of Dragon Ball.

Original Dragon Ball to air on Cartoon Network beginning July 23rd (possibly later). Will use rescored Japanese music.

Movie #5 expected in January 2002, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Theatrical release looks unlikely.

Infogrames/Wizard Works is currently producing the upcoming DBZ games. First game is "The Legacy of Goku" for Game Boy Advance. No release date as of yet.

Planet Dragonball

Create on the July 8, 2001

Plan to get our own domain soon..



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