This page was designed for my English 111 class.  Below you will find my first year essays on a local hidden treasure, a restaurant review, a couple of movie reviews, a major attraction and explore the dilemma of how violence on television effects behavior in children.
My Adventures at the Sandy Bottom Nature Park
This essay is about a local hidden treasure in the Hampton Roads area that I recently discovered.  This wildlife park is a wetland mitigation project implemented in 1992 by the City of Hampton. There is a vast array of fun activities for the whole family to enjoy. Check it out!
The Raven Experience
This is a review of a restaurant that is located at the Viriginia Beach resort area and was opened in 1968 by twin brothers, Bobby and Ricky Dunnington, after returning from Vietnam.  The Raven has great food, nice ambience, and a mascot nicknamed Ricky Raven.
The Rock in The Scorpion King
This is my review of a movie, The Scorpion King, in which the star is one of my favorite wrestlers. This movie does have plenty of infantile humor, body slams, explosions, and venomous cobras that may satisfy the average moviegoer.  If you are a fan of "The Rock" check out this one!
The Major Attractions of Busch Gardens
This essay highlights one of Hampton Road's  area attractions, Busch Gardens, an European-themed amusement park that is divided into nine different villages.  Always fun for the entire family!  Check out the new village, Ireland and some of the great rollercoaster rides!
Children and the Media
Watching too much television isn't good for anybody, but it has more of an effect on children since their brains and bodies are not fully developed.  This essay explores this dilemma and gives some basic steps that parents can use to help maintain control in swaying their child's viewing habits.
No Man's Land
This is an essay that I wrote for extra credit after viewing it in the foreign French film version with subtitles.  No Man's Land is the term used by soldiers to describe the ground between the two opposing trenches.  This is a story of three men trapped between enemy lines and what can happen, and how the public and media can be misled, and desceived during times of war. 
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