Patricia Clements��������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ���������                          ������������������������������������������������������ June 4, 2002
Essay #3
The Rock as The Scorpion King
It all started about five thousand years ago, in the ancient city of Gomorrah; the evil warlord, Memnon (Steven Brand) with the sibyl or oracle (Kelly Hu) by his side, believed he was destined to rule and conquer the desert nomad tribes.� His tactics were to either kill or enslave the tribes; and because of this, the remaining tribes decided to band together against Memnon.� They decided to hire the Arkadian assassins to kill Memnon and his sibyl because her prophecies guaranteed his victory.� Mathayus (Dwayne Johnson a.k.a. The Rock in professional wrestling) is the Arkadian leader and was an expert in all the antediluvian or ancient, deadly arts.� The amalgamated tribes believe, that by, killing the sibyl, Memnon could not rise to power and rule as the Scorpion King.� The Scorpion King is a spin-off of the Mummy series that is mediocre in its special effects presentations, banter, and in my opinion, doesn't really connect with the Mummy series.�
Mathayus goes against Memnon in a series of battles.� During one of these battles, he sneaks into a palace which lodges Memnon's harem of beautiful girls. During their deliberate groping, they steal all of his weapons, as he ascertains when the guards enter.� When he sets eyes on the oracle, Cassandra, and realizes that the sibyl is a beautiful woman, he alters his plan of killing her.� Cassandra takes one look at Mathayus and is quite intrigued by him. Of course, after a series of visions and battles, they fall for each other.� When Mathayus takes Cassandra to the Valley of the Dead, they are pursued by Memnon.� In another scene, Mathayus is buried from the neck down and surrounded by a colony of red ants, but he is saved by the comical horse thief he encounters.� During Mathayus's battles, he gains a diverse anthology of allies, a Nubian giant (Michael Clarke Duncan), a scientist who invented gunpowder, a wisecracking horse thief, and a knowledgeable kid.� The final confrontation between Memnon and Mathayus was the tried but true, disappointing swordplay that takes place in the Valley of the Dead.� Michael Wilmington of Chicago Movies Review stated, "The Scorpion King is one of the sweatiest, dustiest and most cartoonishly violent movies to hit the screens in quite a while'is a desert actioner without much character, story or real suspense (SIC)."
In the original Mummy tale, Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser), a librarian with knowledge of ancient times named Evelyn (Rachel Weisz), her mindless brother (John Hannah), and the Medjai warrior Ardeth (Oded Fehr), all go on a audacious hunt for the mummy in the City of the Dead which is rumored to contain an amazing collection of treasures.� The treasure belongs to the mummified man, Imhotep, who had messed around with the Pharaoh's mistress and was slain and buried, in the City of the Dead.�
In The Mummy Returns, Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan, and Ardeth return to m�l�e against Imhotep and his cohorts again, but instead of hunting for treasure, they are hunting for an ancient warrior who could rise from the underworld and grant Imhotep immortality.� To achieve immortality Imhotep has to conquer the Scorpion King (The Rock).� This movie is set eight years after the first.� Rick and Evelyn have a son that has an active role in their current exploits.� Needless to say, Imhotep is once again vanquished along with the Scorpion King.
The Rock after a few acting lessons, would be more compelling in this role, but he did have an abundance of charisma, muscles, and magnetism to make watching him a delight.� The Rock tends to be more authentic as a WWF wrestler than as a big screen action hero.� Kelly Hu (sibyl Cassandra) was only eye candy for the male movie going population and was too scantily clad.� Steven Brand (Memnon) was quite deadpan in his delivery as the evil warlord.� Grant Heslow, as the comical horse thief, gives the mainstream exhibition of comedic acting. I was expecting this movie to answer the question of how and why the scorpion king became half man, half scorpion in the previous movie, The Mummy Returns.
This movie does have plenty of infantile humor, body slams, swordplay, explosions, venomous cobras, burly men and attractive ladies that may satisfy the average moviegoer.� The Egyptian venues were ineptly faked in California and the Arizona desert; and to think, I was hoping for some real breathtaking panorama.� Hopefully, when Mummy III comes out in the summer of 2003 it will have a better script, special effects, and will interlink the storylines in the Mummy tales.
Works Cited
"The Scorpion King." Chicago Movies Review. 30 May 2002. <>.
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