Poetry Archive
May/June 2001

All poetry here is copyrighted. Please do not copy anyone's poetry without the permission of the author. If you would like to contact the author, click on their name at the end of the poem...author's who left an e-mail address can be contacted, otherwise, sorry, you're out of luck.

This Is Not Your Time
Hang on tightly and remain remote.
Be able to run fo hiding if the case shall be it.
Stand firmly upon the stone of knowledge and state what you have seen.
Be hushed by the crowd and hear only the words of this is not your time.
As you fade back into the regular set of fools, who knew of the great site, but was also hush from the fear of the unknown.
Be dragged from the foundation of what was told to you would be only found to be unstable as the ground from which it was from.
You say you know me but even you are a stranger to my realm of being.
You say you have traveled on the same path as me, but I say to you how can that be when it is my path.
I can say this to you this is not your time.

Come forth and be seen, but not heard.
You jumped to the job and perform what is at hand, but didn't fully understand what was said, so you are the fool.
You take the path even though it's dark and damp.
As from a song that you have trapped in your mind, you greet the darkness like an ole friend glad to see you have come again.
You stand to watch.
But hands are bound by the lies of the truth, and the sorrow of joy.
What would you say if you knew that you would be heard, but you're not going to be understood?
What would you touch if you could not feel?
But this is not of your concern simply because

Copyright 2001 P.R. Cook

You know if things were different
we could have carried on
but the way things ended
was like a sad, sad song.
I know I made mistakes
I'm sure you did as well,
but what was going on
lasted quite a spell.
It left a lasting impression
on my heart and soul
the hardship that was felt
was not the intended goal.
The lies that were told,
people put on the spot,
promises that were broke.
These things cost us alot.
I am not sure how,
andI know not why
the total humiliation
didn't make me cry.
But I can say this
again and again,
I am glad that we could,
and will remain friends...

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

You know it's funny
in life sometimes,
we get caught up
in trying times.
We forget the things
that mean the most
and lose track
of those close.
We see the world
in black and white
and think all things
as day and night.
When all we need
is to stop and see
that good things come
if you let them be.
Let the things
on their own work out
and know they will
without a doubt.
Take this life
one day at a time
look around you and
pleasures you'll find.
They may not be
in your line of sight
but you will feel them,
and they'll feel right.

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

This Path...
As I walk along this path
I'll daydream for a while
If you look very closely
You'll see a little smile.

As my thoughts do wonder
Some of them do not complete
Always my dreamland
Would be my retreat.

I'll see a magical waterfall
And know that's where I'll find
Only a peacefulness
Which would give me peace fo mind.

I'll walk a little faster now
Trying to get there at last
Because I know this dream of mine
Will be over all too fast.

Once I've reached my quietest time
I'll sit and hum along
Oh yes this dream of mine
It singsa my favorite song.

Copyright 2001 Suzanne

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