Poetry Archive
September 2000

All poetry here is copyrighted. Please do not copy anyone's poetry without the permission of the author. If you would like to contact the author, click on their name...author's who left an e-mail address can be contacted, otherwise, sorry, you're out of luck.

Still In Love
A rose is a rose,
A thorn a thorn,
Our worlds collide,
Reality is torn.
Can this be,
I sit and wonder,
Does she still love,
I think and ponder.
I gave her my heart,
I gave her my soul,
Did I smother,
Did it take its toll?
I love her madly,
So I hear her out,
I'm not sure what to think,
What's this all about.
Love conquers all,
I'm raised to believe,
I don't know what I'd do,
If she decides to leave.
I hope she understands,
That I'm the one for her,
I love her with all I am,
A love that's for sure.
She's the one I love,
The one I adore,
I give my heart to her,
I'd give her more.
She's my friend and lover,
A companion for life,
She's the only one for me,
My sweet beautiful wife.

Copyright 2000 She Knows Who

The Eagle's Call
Flying high above the world,
Free as free can be,
Majestic wings in flight,
Watching all the others flee.
Soaring, swooping, sailing,
On a powerfull wing,
Always on the hunt,
Never able to sing.
From above, a screech,
Is all they can hear,
It's always to late,
Once they know it's near.
One swift swoop,
It all comes to an end,
Tearing with talons,
Their bodies never mend.
The pride of a nation,
Spirits of the ancient,
Both deadly and graceful,
Survival, with no repent.
A word of advice,
To one, each and all,
Better take cover fast,
When you hear...
The eagle's call.

Copyright 2000 Eagle Eyes


Life can be harsh,
And I found out, so could I,
I never knew I was,
I never knew I made you cry.
I never did anything on purpose,
I never meant any harm,
I wish times were like they were then,
The days we walked arm in arm.
I never knew about the secrets you carried,
That filled your heart with pain,
How could I have known,
Your soul was filling with rain.
I don't know if I could've helped,
But I know I would've tried,
Maybe if I would've known,
A few less years you could've cried.
You can always come to me,
For I love you with all my heart,
I will always be here for you,
Death do us part.

Copyright 2000 She Knows Who

There's something in a simple hug,
That always warms the heart.
It welcomes us back home,
And makes it easier to part.

A hug's a way to share the joy,
And sad times we go through,
Or just a way for friends to say
They like you 'cause you're you'.

Hugs are meant for anyone
For whom we really care,
From your grandma to your neighbor,
Or a cuddly teddy bear.

A hug is an amazing thing,
It's just the perfect way,
To show the love we're feeling
But can't find the words to say.

It's funny how a little hug
Makes evryone feel good;
In every place and language,
It's always understood.

And hugs don't need new equipment,
Special batteries, or parts...
Just open up your arms
And open up your hearts

Author Unknown

First Love
I remember the first time I tried it
I was only a lad in my teens,
I was much older than she,
And she was so fair and serene.

It was out in the barn I remember
At the close of a lush summer day,
That evening was scented with clover
And the fragrance of frshly mown hay.

I remember she moved a bit closer
And the touch of her body was warm,
In her eyes was the look of contentment
As she snuggled her head in my arm.

I was so awkward and trembling
And trying as hard as I could,
She helped by patiently waiting,
As a loved one who understood.

Seemingly long hours later I stood
Uncertain to stay or to run,
Sweating and weak and fearful
From the thought of the deed I'd done.

As I made my way back to the house
I'll never forget, I'll vow,
The thrill and the joy I felt as a boy,
On the first day I milked a cow.

Copyright 2000 Noel Fitzgerald

My Perfect Rose
You placed within my hands one day,
When I was tired and sad,
One perfect rose of beauty rare,
That made my heart most glad.

The bare walls faded from my sight,
The gloom all vanished quite,
And my lone corner glowed and shone,
As with a radiant light.

And when I sought today to frame
A parting wish for you,
The meaning of my rose came back
And cheered my heart anew.

So I will wish that through your life,
Each swiftly passing year
Shall be as fragant as my rose,
As full of light and cheer.

And I do hope that evryday,
From dawning until close,
Shall be as beautiful and rare
And perfect as my rose.

Author Unkown

To A Friend
You're not alone,
cause this heart's as torn as yours,
and when the world has turned its back on you,
this shoulder is here to catch your bitter tears.
Let me be the one you call out to,
someone who understands,
we could fly away to a better place,
pick each other up when we've fallen too far.
You don't have to hide anymore, you don't need to be alone,
cause I have always been here,
to love you, and to hold you.

Copyright 2000 Randi

She Of Nature
Shrouded by the tranquil raus of Soleil,
Eyes of liquid storm clouds swim~
glimmering wuth the radiance cast down from the heavens.
Vibrance entwines with the magic and mystery emitted from within phosphorescence.
Lazy breeze stirs leaves and blossoms of life, while thoughtful eyes ponder~
Majestic bodies of innocence and conspicuous wisps tangle,
outlined my serene blue.

Luna stirs from her slumber, rising full and bright between twisted branches~
while casting metallic beams through the storm-cloud orbs, chilling the fragrance of the season.
A premature droplet plummets from the stellar backdrop,
landing on the thirsty upturned face dancing upon the speaking earth.

Copyright 2000 Randi

Blue sunlight blinds my senses,
sending my mind spinning amongst fantasies and desires.
Diamonds beckon and tease,
set upon the finest porcelian, framed with fair silken tresses.
Pure adoration torments my troubled heart, while my hand reaches out in the darkness,
trying to grasp what is so close, yet so far away.

Copyright 2000 Randi

Shutting Down
I am torn, ragged from the great and continuous battle of my being.
Emotions pierce my heart,while while the stifling fog of depression clouds my soul.
There are no more answers here, no more protection from misery and losthing.
Reaching the summit of insanity, a mind broken down and wounded.
My will can no longer handle the prying fingers of all that is sadness.
Trapped, a prisoner of my own darkness.
These thick walls of my scull begging to serve as a tomb, suffocating the flame of life.
I need out.
The fresh air of contentment teases my senses, but I cannot grasp it, though I thirst for it like never

Copyright 2000 Randi

Keepers Of The Moon
Lazy shadows,..
saunter over the bay,
The full moon is but a distant-
We have no intentions,.
of any hurried state,.
enjoyng the glow,.
that bounces from the quiet,.
lap of the waves,.
We are the keepers of this full moon.

Drinking in the romance,.
of it all,.
giddy from impomptu
Swaggering under the madness,.
of our full moon state-
the shorline welcomes us,.
with a gleaming smile,

Wet up to our ankles,.
dancing without
hugs without fear,.
of overstepping any,.

The moon has chased away,.
all inhibitions,.
Laughter uncontrolled,.
wet and wild,.
under this full moon that
has become our spotlight.

Keepers of the moon,..

Copyright 2000 Noel

Imagine a time, no fears, no crime
A better tomorrow, no tears, no sorrow
Imagine a place, beyond time, beyond space
Imagine you find a new state of mind
A guiding light through your darkest night
Imagine it's true, the future is you

Copyright 2000 Taranis

I Took Him Back To Wal-Mart
My ex-husband and I fought constantly
Why I married him, I'll never know
For all those miserable years I said
My hubby has got to go!

Tried poisoning cakes, stripping his breaks,
Salting his pork chops with lime.
Wiring his chair, igniting his hair
Even though playing with fire is a crime.

But I failed at each plot 'til I suddenly thought
Of a way that would set me free!
I got rid of him for good and, know what?
They couldn't do a thing to me!

I took him back to Wal-Mart!
They'll take anything back you know!
They said they couldn't recall selling him,
But they must have...if I said so.

They just creditied him to my Visa and said,
"Y'all come back now, 'ya hear?"
They were so nice, polite, pleasant, and insistent,
I took back his mother next year!

They'll take anything back at Wal-Mart,
Though it's broken or rotten or sweet.
And you know what else? This time of year
You don't even need a receipt!

Author Unknown

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