Poetry Archive
September 2001

All poetry here is copyrighted. Please do not copy anyone's poetry.

Some poems have no author listed..the origianl was automatically deleted...so the poem came from replies..If you are the author..please let me know so I can post it with your poem.

Some poems posted in this month were lost . My apologies to the authors.

Still Nervous
As daylight fades,
And the stars rise above,
I can't help,but to think of you,
My heart,overflowing with love.
You come to me in dreams,
You are there when awake,
Still I get nervous,palms sweat,
And my knees still quake.
You make me feel like a kid again,
Even after all these years,
We've lived,and loved with each other,
So,how can I have these fears?
My heart still beats wildly,
My mind fills with a mist,
My arms still tremble when I hold you,
Passion consumes me,when we kiss.
You mean so much to me,
You are my inspiration of life,
You my most special friend,
My lover,my wife.

To Michelle,
With Love,
Copyright 2001 Gary

Let Me In
When I look
into your eyes
I see the hurt
and the surprise.

I see the pain
you've kept inside
and all the things
you've tried to hide.

And yet there is
something more
something I've never
seen before.

I try so hard
to break through
and get to the
real and hidden you.

But it is buried
so deeply still
that I wonder
how you can feel.

How you can go
on day to day
no matter whether
work or play.

I wonder if
you will break free
and show what you've
kept hidden from me.

Hidden for
so very long
which I think
is very wrong.

We took the vows
to live as one
to share all things
not just the fun.

Think as you read this
and just let me in
and from now on
a new life we'll begin

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

Hey, Hey Jackson
Hey, hey Jackson
Hey, hey Jackson
You're my main man

Itchin' and scratchin'
Scratchin' and itchin'
Ain't life grand

But when I scold you
And tell you "no"
It's not that your a bad dog
It's just sometimes
You need to be told

You're a cool cat canine
Chasing another feline
But it don't want to play

You're my four legged hero
You pick me up when I feel like a zero
You're my baby

You're such a good boy
Even when you're miss behavin'
And if you get punished
It's me who feels they've done
Something wrong

Runnin' and jumpin'
Laughin' and huggin'
You're so much fun

And I don't care
If we ain't millionaires
You give me more
Than I could ever afford

Hey, hey Jackson
Come on now, I ain't laughin'
You got me lookin' like a rodeo clown

I'm doing handstands
And you're in the grandstands
But you still draw the crowd

This ain't no scared orphaned calf
Tied lame by some beach lovin' cowboy
It's just my sweet little doggie
Out walkin' his
Sandy Boots

Repeat Chours:
Runnin' and jumpin'
Laughin' and huggin'
You're so much fun

And I don't care
If we ain't millionaires
You give me more
Than I ever could afford

Copyright 2001 Thomas

I Thought
I thought I knew you
I thought I loved you
I loved you dearly
I thought that you loved me
heartache is all that I feel
deep inside my heart
the pain is great and for my hearts sake
we must part
can you see what you have done?
see my pain that's deep inside
you don't do you?
you never will
you just slide away like the tide
I don't want to see you
or have you touch me like you did
nowhere near me
for my heart forbids
I'll shut you out
feel no more of your pain
through all of this I will learn
and with my knowledge I will gain
once more where I wilted
I will once again *SHINE*

This poem was written along time ago and took me along time to write as the hurt was so bad, finally it was finished and a great sense of relief came over me. Another chapter finally finished, although sometimes a page flips back every now and again and I'm reminded of the pain.


Copyright 2001Tracie

Passion Vents
I can feel you undress me,
with each glance you sneak.
Your body wanting more
than what your eyes seek.

Which causes my body,
to react as well,
looking into your gaze,
falling under your spell.

Searching for something,
someplace or sometime,
to give into the flame
without reason or rhyme.

Not fearing the pain
caused by the heat.
But knowing the effect
of when our bodies meet.

When all is done,
the flame finally spent,
we'll go back to our lives
with memories of passions vent

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

I Am A Woman
I am a woman
whose passions run wild.
I don't want to be treated
as if I'm a child.

I can take pain,
and live through fear.
I am a Woman,
let me make that clear!

I am not fragile.
I don't need kid gloves.
I deserve to be respected,
and showered with love.

I can use my body
for pleasure at will,
but that doesn't mean

I am a woman!
I can do it all.
Don't push me aside,
or fear I will fall.

I will stand up
and show the world.
That I am more
than daddy's little girl.

I am a woman!
Don't you ever forget,
cause that could make me
your worst nightmare yet!

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

My Secret
You ask about
the words I write.
Do you cross my mind
during the night?

Do I think
of what we could do?
If we had
just a minute or two.

Does that night
cross my mind?
Or is it just
a forgotten moment in time?

Well the answer,
is clear, I must say.
I do think back
to that very day.

And I also think
about what could be
if there were a time
and a place to see.

There you have it.
My secret is out!
Yes, there are times,
when you're what I think about.

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

Middle East
Men and women in the east,
fighting for everlasting peace.

Stand up tall for the USA,
never stagger and never sway.

Bombs that hit may never cease,
though we pray for everlasting peace.

So now it seems they'll be no end,
to this war we cannot mend.

All that is left is prayer you see,
it's up to you and it's up to me.

Copyright 2001 Dianna Nutt

Puppy Love
I feel like a schoolgirl
with her first crush.
Things that you say
make me want to blush.

Then when I see you
my knees get weak.
My tongue gets tied
so bad I can't speak.

I get all frustrated
my heart beats fast
I wonder how long,
how long can this last.

They say it's not real
it's just infatuation
no way it will last
for the duration.

But I don't belive them,
they just don't know
how far or how deep
these feelings go.

It's not puppy love
by that name or another
It's love that is real
we feel for each other.

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

When the waiting was over
I looked at you
and couldn't believe
that a miracle came to me.

My eyes told you
you were

I look at you again,
there is in your eyes
a message -
a divine knowledge
that somehow
you sensed
that we would see you here like this:
so weak,
so tiny,
so in need of life
and all that it has to give,
and that you so richly deserve.

The waiting has begun
and I know that
supreme faith,
and my
belief that many will
train their thoughts
on you,
offer burning prayers
of hope

In your eyes I'll see
that God must have
heard our cries
and given ear unto our prayers
and so
saved a special smile
just for you

I wrote this poem two weeks ago when I heard that the six-week old baby of a friend of mine was critically ill.

Copyright 2001 Vanhunks

Hope And Wisdom
In the midst of the fog and haze,
I'm called upon and amazed.

For in the center I foresee,
a man who has come to rescue me.

To rid the pain which I've endured,
and touch my heart and be assured.

Your life on earth is short my love,
soon you'll be heaven above.

I've come to you so you shall know,
release your pain and love shall grow.

Then life on earth for you my dear,
shall be happy and rid of fear.

� 2001 Dianna Nutt

Dad and Me
Fishing on the river banks,
gives us time to show our thanks.

To god almighty far above,
who gave so much for us to love.

As a fish swims slowly by,
it brings a tear into my eye.

I love the things in which we see,
while sitting here just Dad and me.

� 2001 Dianna Nutt

Restless Skin
I lie awake and dream of sleep
as the last wash of the day
collects random shadows,
another musical nightmare
stands idle as the coughing turns
of restless skin collapse.

Copyright 2001 Chasing the Day

Self Portrait
Were I to use a brush
and like Van Gogh
speak all my burning heart
on canvas,

I would not have a face
but mere accounts of me
in times past and present;
that which I was,
splashed here and there
dark hues of green
for youthful self-conceit
and angry rebellion.
dab deep russet tones for
great ambitions unfulfilled
or curbed by forces
beyond my control;

touch bright yellow stand alone
for that which marked
my youthful cowardice -

each stroke, each colour a
painful revelation;

exposed I am...

red my passion and zest for life,
black my unworthiness as
filial bonds collapsed
and I, forever branded by
such guilt for errant ways;

grey my insecurities

yet in all this latent image of
that which is me,
this portrait would not be complete:

blue the sky and all my hopes and dreams
to fly and reach beyond all boundaries -
finding me, knowing me,
liking me...

white for peace -
my heart and mind and soul
which sought to be redeemed for errors past
and regained the self -
now complete the picture.

And though this painting
may evoke revulsion
or admiration
or both:

that is me...

Copyright 2001 Vanhunks

Someplace, Somehow
I dialed your number
just the other day.
Before you could answer,
my nerve gave way.

I couldn't go through,
I chickened out.
That you would answer,
I had my doubts.

And I didn't want
to feel rejected.
Not when my hopes
have been resurrected.

My hopes for a time.
My hopes for a place.
When I can once again
see the smile on your face.

Not only that, but
something else too.
So I can feel whole,
by talking with you.

When it happened,
so long ago,
the communication we had
meant more than you know.

I think it was,
what I enjoyed the most.
I know it was why
I wanted you close.

And it's probably why
I want you even now.
And am trying to find
the someplace and somehow.

Copyright 2001 Debbie Johnson

Freedom's Pearl
I walk along
the reflective dawn
and watch the water
span centuries.
Up above my thoughts
there are right-angled
gaps in the clouds,
they smile
as the heavens collide
in freedom's pearl.
I follow nature
to other worlds,
other times,
new horizons.
Words fall quickly
from my mind,
I catch them with ease
and push them onto paper,
I love them, cherish them,
all through eternity..

Copyright 2001 Chasing The Day

For more poetry from September 2001...click HERE.

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