Professor oakThe copy of Pokemon: The First Movie we got actually came with two titles on it.

The first was Pikachu's Vacation, an episode exploring the behavioral patterns of pokemon when in a state of total relaxation (that means no trainers, just pokemon going around a park by themselves), the next was the actual movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back.

Pikachu's Vacation While many may see Pikachu's Vacation as just a cute extra to be included with the Mewtwo Strikes Back, it does serve as a good refresher for trainers who haven't been seeing their share of battle recently. There are so many pokemon in the episode and the transitions showcase some pokemon as well. Pikachu's Vacation starts off with a synthetic sounding voice introducing the vacation facility, and how it is to be used by Pokedex to observe pokemon.

Pikachu, as well as Ash's other pokemon form their own little group, mostly centered on keeping the baby pokemon happy. Later, Raichu's group comes along and when Pikachu's group has to ask them to be quiet, competition engages. Eventually, Raichu and Pikachu go off running around the whole park, enraging a Charizard in the process by stepping on his tail. By some mad twist of fate, the Charizard's head gets stuck in a pipe, and the pokemon have to band in order to help the Charizard.

Mewtwo Strikes Back Mewtwo Strikes Back is unlike most other pokemon series in its seriousness. Considering that the target audience for pokemon are kids, the initial theme offering (the meaning of life) as well as some of the issues associated with it (genetic engineering) are rather dark… And don't argue that it's anime, we all know the Japanese don't always target their anime for younger audiences, but this one is apparently so.

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