Professor oakWelcome, Pokemon trainers to Pokemon Isle's Pocket Monster Reserve. My name is Professor Oak and I will be your guide. In this area our sheltered pokemon are able to live peacefully without fear of neglect and lack of food. Currently we are not able to shelter all the 150+ pokemon but we are able to save most of the rare ones. The Isle's research center also discovered some new Pokemon species, some of them are a devolution of current pokemon while some are the more advanced forms.

The island also has its own research Team which has so far submitted the Following reports:

Pokemon The Movie Review - read how the movie affected our researchers, was it great? or was it just a hype?
Unknown Pokemon Project - the bread and butter project of the research group currently exploring the land for new species

The island's reserve area is very expansive,covering almost 80% of the isle's total area. Aerial and Aquatic Pokemon also have their own havens within the island.

Currently these are some of the pocket monster havens identified on the isle's premises:

Pocket Monster Areas

Pikachu's Shock Territory
Doduo Farms
Clefairy Hills
Geodude Mountains
Meowth's Pad
Eevee District
Machop Fitness Club
Mankey Forest

For more pokemon Check out the Pokemon isle MAP!!!!




island facts
isaland map














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