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Tunes You’re Not Likely To Hear On The Radio Now (Not That You Did Before Either)


  1. "I Blew Up The United States" by Was (Not Was) (1990) A catchy bit of funk, which, nevertheless, might seem a little tacky now (even though it happens to be ANTI-terrorist).
  2. "American Ruse" by MC5 (1969) – It makes fun of the police? It suggests the State might be antithetical to democracy? It proposes that violence and uprisings might be examples of ‘the chickens coming home to roost’? Oh, you KNOW it’s nowhere NEAR the playlist right now…
  3. "Love Is Like A Bad Case of Anthrax" by Gang of Four (1980) – Oh, do I really NEED to say why?
  4. "Give Peace A Chance" (either the 1969 or 1991 versions) – There are some good aesthetic reasons to ban the 1991 Sean Lennon remake, but the message is as jingoistic as the current ‘give war a good blow job’ propaganda, and perhaps one simple global mind can defeat two simple Taliban or American ones….
  5. Help Save The Youth of America" by Billy Bragg (1987?) – I can’t remember the year it came out, but the message about the cities of Europe burning and Washington burning in retaliation perhaps cuts a bit too close for comfort for American programmers…and, of course, there’s the fact that it questions who is really the enemy (the ‘cowboy’ or the ‘Indian’)…
  6. "Army Dreamers" by Kate Bush (1980) – Little boys running off to play soldiers for old men who can’t deal with the fact they want to play with young fellows, and have to kill them instead. This should be BLASTING outside of recruitment offices, but I suppose they’d come out and stomp on the radio…
  7. "A Drug Against War" by KMFDM (early 1990s) – ‘Stronger than ever, ever before – KMFDM is a drug against war.’ That such narcotics could exist – I might even abandon my straightedge tendencies and become a distributor…
  8. "Masters of War" by Bob Dylan (1963) – Bob played this on some award show the night the Gulf Oil War started. He has been surprisingly quiet about THIS war, but it might be time for a reprise…particularly as there are bound to be a LOT of innocent women and children slaughtered this time, and a lot of generals who will probably die in their beds with filthy fucking hands…
  9. "Will Jesus Wash The Bloodstains From Your Hands?" by Exene Cervenka (1991) – This was originally by Hazel Dickens, but I don’t know her rendition. An important message to the Jerry Falwells of the world, not to mention the George Bushs and the clergy who seem to conveniently forget Jesus’ message.
  10. "War" by Edwin Starr (1970) or Bruce Springsteen (1985) or Frankie Goes To Hollywood (also 1985) – Any rendition will do, really, but they are all equally improbable playlist items at the moment, more’s the pity…

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