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The table of contents of Issue #1

My other 'zine

Info on back issues of ALL my 'zines


The Bill (Burroughs) of Gay Rights and Responsibilities - oh, as though I needed to try harder to alienate assimilationist gays…

Ohhhh - You Mean Pornography - Some vile family-destroying trash you should peruse, one-handed if need be

Reading To Uplift Your Mind, Rather Than Your Dick and/or Tits - a couple of ‘zines you can look at after the erotica so you can claim to be a cool, calm, brain-above-the-waist intellectual

JFK’s Natural Born Killer - Uncovered At Last (Take Notes, Mr. Stone!) - satire.

How To Stuff A Wild Boyfriend (or, the Trouble With Boys and How To Get Into It) - I DO have sex, after all – I’m allowed to wax filthy (heck, I’d be allowed to wax my legs if I wanted to, but I’m sadistic, not masochistic)!

Spinning, Spinning, Spinning – Spinning Like A Spinning Top -– It’s a sock-gag hop, kiddies!!

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