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Table of Contents, Issue 3

All I Needed To Know In Life, I Learned From the Vanguard of the Working Class

  1. Become a freak they can’t pick out of a police line-up. Getting arrested puts a damper on radical organization, after all. Be sneaky – people’s (real) lives may depend on it…
  2. Conversely, if you have blue hair, multiple piercings, and listen to punk (and I am being broad enough here to include, oh, Blink 182 in that category) BUT you also read Ayn Rand, make fun of people’s accents and seem just a little too gleeful at destruction being rained down upon those ‘towelheads’ in Afghanistan, then ‘class enemy’ is WAAAAAY too kind a term for you.
  3. Anyone who is, oh, a Marxist labour history professor, but has to wonder if supporting striking Teaching Assistants or food service workers on campus is a good thing must turn in his/her Red Star right away.
  4. Should you find yourself wondering, after APEC, WTO, G7 and G8, if the police are your friends, you had best wipe that unseemly pig cum off your cute little goatee.
  5. If you think that the working class is crass and afflicted with permanent and inherent prejudices, take a look at who taught them to be that way. While you are at it, clean your glasses and really study the Irvings, Seagrams, Rupert Murdoch and Conrad Black.
  6. If the FBI thinks of you and your friends as ‘a group organized along revolutionary socialist principles that believes in liberating the people from the oppressive forces of capitalism and imperialism’, you are doing a good job. Bravo, honey-bunnies!
  7. If the company you work for fills you with rhetoric about how ‘YOU are the company’ and then tries to shove an overpriced and VERY class-differentiated set of mandatory benefits down your throat with veiled threats and blatant violation of consideration/contract law, consider what that says about ‘YOU’. Also consider getting ‘yourself’ committed, or at least analyzed.
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