Spinning Wheels

Spinning Wheel Main Page
Flyer Wheels
Spindle Wheels
Hand Spindles
Niddy-Noddy, Skeiner, Swift
Spinning Tools
Restoration of a Trolley Wheel
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The Grand Collection of Spinning Wheels

By August 2004, Elizabeth has amassed a collection of 15 (and growing) spinning wheels. The following are pictures of some of her collection with some background information.

We had been picking up spinning wheels for a couple years and being that most of the collection is in storage, we began to lose count of how many and what kinds we had. So bright and early one summer morning, we pulled most of the wheels out of their various locations and assembled them on the front lawn. We had more than a couple raised eyebrows from the passing neighbors.

We have divided our wheels into the following categories: flyer wheels, spindle wheels and hand spindles. Links to these pages are on the left bar.

Check our restoration of the
West Virginia State Farm Museum's Trolley Wheel
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