Scout It Out

Quartermaster POR 11/77


The Completion of one section will qualify:

Section A


-          Have assisted the Scout Unit Quartermaster effectively for a period of 6 months.


Understand and be prepared to demonstrate:

- The care of ropes:    - whipping

- splicing

- banking        

- coiling

- inspection

- storing


- The care of tentage: - guyline repairing

                                    - simple tear repairing

                                    - reproofing

                                    - inspection

                                    - storing


- The care of tools:      - sharpening

                                    - re-setting

                                    - re-shafting

                                    - cleaning

                                    - inspection

                                    - storing


Understand and be prepared:

-          to demonstrate storage of equipment.

-          to demonstrate storage of handcraft material.

-          to illustrate a simple colour code, number or other code system for the replenishing of handcraft material.


Understand how to care for storage of Group visual aid equipment etc. projector, wall charts, drawing paper and special visual aids.


Understand how to deal practically with depreciation of all equipment.


Understand that general tidiness is the secret of good Quartermastering. Explain how this is achieved in the Scout Unit.

Section B


-          Have assisted the Camp Quartermaster at a Scout Unit Camp of at least 5 days’ duration.


Understand and be prepared to demonstrate the care of all equipment in camp:

-          ropes, i.e. coiling and hanking, inspection and storing;

-          tentage, i.e. emergency guyline repairing, emergency tear repairing, inspection;

-          tools, i.e. sharpening and cleaning, inspection and storing;

-          cooking equipment, i.e. cleaning, inspection and storing.


Understand and demonstrate hot to keep simple, effective records in camp, including issue and return of all equipment.


Understand and be prepared to demonstrate hot to care for all other special equipment in camp, e.g. uniforms hiking kit, climbing kit and canoes etc.


Produce a set of menus covering 48 hours in camp. Be prepared to discuss them with the Examiner.


Describe how you would deal with storage of food in camp.


Submit to the Examiner a list of tools you would like to take to camp, to effect emergency repairs of all equipment.

Justify your inclusion of each item in the list.


Understand that general tidiness is the secret of good Quartermastering. Explain how this is achieved in the camp at which you helped the Quartermaster.


Toh Ching Chong. A Guide to The Scout Tests – Chief Commissioner’s Award. Singapore: The Singapore Scout Association, 1990

This page was last updated on 07 January 2003

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