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(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

SARS: SARS, also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, is an illness that has recently been reported in Asia, North America and Europe. The virus, first reported in Guangdong (China), Hong Kong and Hanoi (Vietnam), has now spread to other countries, including Singapore.

Signs and Symptoms: A sudden onset of high fever of more than 38º Celcius, with or without muscle aches. Some patients may also have chills, headaches, shivering spells and cough. After 3-7 days, patients may start to cough and experience shortness of breadth, and X-ray changes of pneumonia, usually after a further 3-4 days.

A person is not infectious during the incubation period which is about 3-7 days, but for some, it may be up to 10 days. It appears that SARS becomes infectious only after the infected person develops the symptoms. A small number of SARS-infected persons who are very sick can be very infectious.

Transmission: SARS is spread through close contact* with an infected person (generally within 3 feet). It is transmitted through droplets spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. There is no evidence at present that SARS can be spread through the central air-conditioning system. The virus also does not seem to be airborne, otherwise many people would have caught it by now.
* Close contact means having cared for or lived with the SARS patient; or had direct contact with respiratory secretions or body fluids of a person with SARS.

Chances of Recovery: According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and evidence here, in about 80% to 90% of cases, the patient gradually recovers. About 4% to 5% of patients pass away despite good intensive care.

(Facts about SARS has been adapted from Singapore Can Lah. Let's do our part to battle SARS)

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