Scout It Out

Scout Training Scheme

 | Scout StandardAdvanced Scout Standard | 1st Class Scout Badge | Chief Commissioner's Award |

" Be Prepared "

Scout Standard

 Scout Standard (back to top)

National Flag, Anthem and Pledge

  1. Know the meaning of the various symbols and colours of the National Flag.
  2. Explain the meaning of the National Anthem.
  3. Have an understanding of the Pledge and explain how a scout can do his part as a citizen in keeping the Pledge

First Aid

  1. Pack a Patrol First-Aid kit
  2. Be able to treat simple wounds, fainting , unconsciousness, burns and scalds.


  1. Be able to light a fire outdoors using firewood and matches.
  2. Cook a simple meal for yourself with utensils using firewood.
  3. Be able to operate a gas stove.



  1. Pitch and strike a 4-men hiker's tent with another candidate
  2. Know how to pack a rucksack efficiently for a hike and for a weekend outdoor camp


  1. Have a knowledge of Highway and Country Codes
  2. Know the theory on Map and Compass, including Grid references, Scale and Signs, Symbols and Colours in Maps, Compass Bearings and Directions, Set a Map


  1. Be able to execute basic stationary drill:
    1. senang diri (at ease)
    2. rehatkan diri (stand easy)
    3. sedia (attention)
    4. ke-kanan pusing  (turn to the right)
    5. ke-kiri pusing  (turn to the left)
    6. ke-belakang pusing (turn to the back)

Advanced Scout Standard

 Advanced Scout Standard (back to top)

Raise and lower flag

    Be able to raise and lower a flag during a unit meeting or at school.

Swim 50m

    Be able to swim 50m using any stroke without difficulty (alternative permissible only on medical ground)

Outdoor Precautions

    Know the outdoor precautions to take in two outdoor land and one sea activities.

First Aid

    1. Know the symptoms and treatment for:
      1. Shock
      2. Animal, snake and insect bites
      3. Poisoning

    2. Be able to tie simple bandages and arm slings.


    Prepare a full course meal (balance diet ) for 2 scouts without utensils.


Knots, Lashing, Splicings and Whippings

    1. Demonstrate the following and explain their uses:
      1. rolling hitch
      2. bowline
      3. fireman's chair knots
      4. surgeon's knot
      5. highwayman's hitch
      6. scaffold hitch
      7. square lashing
      8. diagonal lashing
      9. figure of eight lashing
      10. simple whipping
      11. sail-maker's whipping
      12. back splice

    2. with the assistance of your patrol, construct a flag staff of at least 15ft( 2 staves) for a unit meeting


    1. Go for an outdoor camp (under tentage) for at least 2 nights.
    2. Pitch a 8-12 man ridge tent with a patrol of 6 boys


    1. Explore your own district and draw a simple map showing the important landmarks and amenities. It should cover about 2-3 km in radius.
    2. Go on an overnight hike as a companion for a test candidate.


    Be able to execute mobile drills in a contingent or attain the Footdrill Proficiency Badge Certificate.


    1. Participate in at least one community service project organised by your Unit, District or the HQ
    2. Perform some household chores on a regular basis for at least 3 months. This must be verified by a parent or guardian.

First Class Scout Badge

 1st Class Scout Badge (back to top)

Leadership Training

    Attend a leadership training course approved by your District Commissioner.

Outdoor Proficiency Badge

    Attain at least one of the following proficiency badges:

    Camper, Campcraft, Explorer, Pioneer, camp cook, Rock climber, Abseilor, Mountain trekker, Canoeist, Boatman, Helmsman, Skin Diver , Airman.

Conservation/ Environment Proficiency Badge

    Attain at least one of the following proficiency badges:

    Water Conservation, Energy Conservation, World Conservation ( Green stage)

First Aid

    1. Know how to handle an emergency situation such as fire, road accident, drowning, electrocution.
    2. Know the priority of treatment for casualties
    3. Know the proper handling of fractures
    4. Demonstrate Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
    5. Perform emergency evacuations.


    Plan the menu for a weekend patrol camp. Cook at least 2 meals for the patrol during patrol or unit camp.


    With the assistance of your patrol, construct an aerial runway, a bridge or a tower.


    Have camped outdoors under tentage for a total of at least 10 nights.


    1. Understand what is back-bearing, the contour system, compass variations
    2. Know how to overcome obstacles and to locate your position during navigation
    3. Carry out a pacing exercise and know how to estimate distances traveled
    4. Go for an overnight expedition with one companion and make a hike report of the journey (distance about 30 km plus 15 km).


    Be able to command a contingent of scouts on both stationary and mobile drills.


    1. Assist a venture scout in PSA tests or a scout in CCA tests.
    2. Visit and render service to a Home or a cadet scout unit for at least 4 hours over at least 3 separate occasions
    3. Perform some household chores or assist your parent or guardian in their work for at least 2 hours per week over at least 6 months.

Chief Commissioner's Award

 Chief Commissioner's Award (back to top)

Appointment of responsibility

    Hold the appointment of a SPL, PL, APL, QM, Scribe for a period of at least 6 months.


    Lead a patrol of at least 4 other scouts on an overnight hike. The emphasis of this test is on leadership and planning, and not endurance. The candidate is also expected to impart some exploration skills to the scouts during the course of the hike. The candidate should discuss with the examiner what he intends to teach and show the lesson plan to the examiner. The distance covered should be about 30 km. The examiner must be HQ appointed.


    1. Attain either the life-saver or ambulance proficiency badge.
    2. Demonstrate the use of 3 rescue knots.


    Perform at least 8 hours of service to a Cadet Scout Unit or home over at least 4 separate occasions.


    Be able to instruct and test another scout in a skill/outdoor proficiency badge.


Achieve any one of the following:


Hold one of the following proficiency badges:


Attend an interview to evaluate the suitability of the candidate for the award.

This page was last updated on 19 December 2002

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