Scout It Out

Scoutie Webbie

Scoutie Webbie is an all new section that was setup to recognize the effort and contribution of Scout/Guide Websites around the world. It also serves as a medium for promoting the existence of good, informative and useful Scout/Guide Websites to surfers of Project SIT, Scout It Out. Please do not hesitate to email the Webmaster should you have any good sites in mind.

This page was last updated on 01 February 2004

Month Name of Site Country Comments From SIT Webmaster
NOV 2002 Catholic High Scout Group CHSSCOUT - Scouting Online Singapore
  • A well-recognised Local Scout Website that sets the benchmark for all to follow. Highly Informative.

JAN 2003 Scouting Milestones United Kingdom
  • An interesting site that provides info on how Scouting is evolving and developing since its founding.
FEB 2003 1st Houston & Crosslee Scout Group Scotland
  • A highly interactive Scout Troop Website from Scotland. Lotsa information and resources too. Great example to follow.
JUN 2003 20th Harrogate & Peyton E.S.U. Online United Kingdom
  • Another good example of a extremely informative site that is interactive as well.
FEB 2004 Tampines District Tampines Online Singapore
  • A very innovative way to show the identity of Tampines District, telling the rest of the cyber world who makes up Tampines District.

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