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Palace Complex
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     On the Northern shore of the lake, lies the one time Royal Palace buildings, placed on terraces created along the slope of the hill, forming retaining walls and courtyards. In front, is a moat, crossed through a ceremonial gateway, beautifully located to the north of Pattirippuwa; the most dominating octagonal building of the Palace.

Queens Barth of the Kandyan period later converted to a Library


       A simple but an interesting building with long reflections falling on to the Lake as it is partly in the waters of Kandy Lake and the other part on land. Originally a stone built bathing pond, used by the Queens of Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe was later altered by the British adding another storey, keeping with the Kandyan architecture, forming a dominating feature in the city scape of Kandy.

       This was used as a library nutil the Culytural Triangle took it over for investigation and conservation. The stone built bathing pond was totally filled and coverd during early part of the 19th century to from the ground floor of the library, until the conservation work carried out in 1986.

Palle Wasala - part of the Palace Complex Presently the Kandy National Museum.

Meda Wasala - The Queens' Chamber of the Kandyan Period


       Situated on a small hill, behind the Temple of the Sacred Tooth relic, overlooking the lake is the Palle Wasala or the King's Harem. The main doorway leads to a small hall in front of the central building; on eitherside are two wings. Inner verandahs on all four sides face an inner central courtyard. This building is presently used for the National Museum, and contains a good collection of Kandyan royal regalia and other remains of Sinhala traditional life of the Kandyan period.


To the North of the Palle Wasala, is the building Meda Wasala which was used as Queens' chambers. Though smaller in size, it is a building similar in architectural character to the Palle Wasala. When entered through  the  Western doorway  one can experience  a  beautiful architectural space with verandahs around a small open courtyard. The Kandy branch office of the National Department of Archaeology, is housed in this building presently.

Ran Ayudha Maduwa - The Royal Armoury Presently used as the District Courts.

Magul Maduwa - The Council Chamber with decorated Sinhalese traditional timber architecture


       Passing the Meda Wasala and the two storeyed British colonial administration building of 1880 AD, the road way ends at the beautiful building of the Royal armoury or the Ran Ayuda Maduwa. A building with a central porch of timber columns is presently modiFied and used for the District Courts of Kandy.


       Popularly known as 'Magul Maduwa' the royal hall is a building in which the King and his Ministers gathered for business matters,pertaining to administration and judgement. It is an excellent example of timber architecture of the Kandyan period. The beautifully carved 64 timber columns, resting on stone bases carry the load of the dominating timber roof, with artistically carved beams and rafters which form a     double pitched hipped roof of flat clay tiles. This is a typical example of an open hall type building in Sinhalese architecture with an over powering tropical roof crowned with two pinnacles.

Raja Wasala - Recidential Building of the Palace Complex.

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       On to the right of the Council Chamber and at the Northern end of the building complex is the Palace of the last king. A long building with a central doorway with a flight of steps entering in to an imposing hall  decorated with stucco and terra-cotta work. Rooms ware found in the two long wings with a long verandah facing the inner courtyard. The building is now being used as a Museum of the Department Archaeology.         [ Page up ]

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