Movie and Game Reviews
Starring: Mel Gibson
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Plot: A Group of Aliens have come to Earth to kill the inhabitants.
Summary: Mel Gibson, his kids and his brother live on a farm. One morning they awake to fine a huge crop circle in their field. They believe it is the work of some pranksters. Later that night there is a person on the roof on their barn. Mel and his brother go out to investigate. This stranger was somehow able to jump onto the roof of their house and escape. In the morning they call the local police and report the incident. While the police are at the house a news report comes on the T.V. It is saying that there is seven mysterious lights appeared above Mexico city. The police officer tells them to maybe spend the day in the city tomorrow. The spend the day in the city and when they come home there are some weird vocies on a baby monitor that Mel's son was using as a radio. They also discover that there are more lights over Mexico. Later Mel get a call that get's disconnected but the last sound that is heard is the same voices. Mel goes over to the house of his friend who had tried to call him. When he gets there he finds out that his friend is gong far away to live at a cablin on the lake because he has a theory that the aliens hate water. Mel investigates his friends house to find out that there is an alien locked in the pantry. When Mel gets home his family and him decide to board up all the windows and doors. Later while they have dinner there the strange voices on the baby monitor again. They then hear the aliens trying to get into the house. When they hear glass shatter they run down top the basement and hide there. when the morning comes they awake to fine out that Mel's son needs his medicine. Mel's brother goes up to see if the aliens are gone and they are. They hear on the T.V. that a group of people were able to get rid of the aliens using an age old technique. Just when they think it was safe they find out that one alien was left behind. The alien grabs Mel's son and sprays a toxic gas at his face. Mel remembers the last words that his wife said to him "swing away". He tells his brother to swing away. His brother grabs a prize baseball bat off the wall and swings it at the alien. Mel grabs his son and goes to give him the medicine. Mel's brother discovers that the aliens hate water so he splashes water on it's face and it dies. Since Mel's son had an asthma attack his lungs were closed and he did not breath the toxic gas. Mel saves his son and all is well.
After Thoughts: I thought this movie was great. M. Night Shyamalan used the fear of water from Unbreakable, which he too directed, into this film and used it on the aliens. The end of the movie wasn't the best. I'm hoping for an altenate ending on the DVD but other then that it was great. I give it a 4 stars out of 5.
Coming Soon: Triple X
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