Halo Gallery
the gorgeously, sparkly nicky wire...
MISCELLANEOUS 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8


Send in your bedroom shrine photos to [email protected].

type 1 - you're so obsessed you like millions of poster eyes staring at you while you sleep.
type 2 - Or the what-was-thinking-im- GLAD-I-like-Halo-now photos e.g; Take That.

Misc Pictures
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Prized Possesion
millions, and millions of sum41 posters...
Londons biggest Take That fan...
doused in spray paint, richey edwards...
Bedroom Shrine
to Take That (1996, pre Halo)
Second Most Prized Possesion
of the same strange individual :)
Cool Bedroom Shrine to Sum41
thanks to Clare R
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