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If you have ever been to a gig or concert you'll have tripped over some of those weird fans that take it too far. Fans from hell (hmm, sounds like a bad tv series that...) The groupies who will coordinate their hair, wardrobe and body to look like their idols. The ones who will sell their kidneys for rare promo singles. The screamagers who trample you over old women and young kids to get to the front of a gig... and threaten to put a voodoo curse on you if you merely smile in the direction of the lead singer. Does this sound like you??? Maybe you don't consider yourself as a groupie - just a really huge fan? Don't be so sure...

  • When one of their songs plays in a trendy clothes shop or supermarket, you have to supress the impulse to yell at everyone in the shop, "Oi! Listen to this genius!!!"
  • You've set your alarm for 6 AM to record some obscure television appearance.
  • You own every recording they ever made or played on, even the one in which the bassist only provided a 5-second guitar riff for someone else.
  • in addition, you own several different versions of the same album or song, just because some minuscule detail is different.
  • When one of their songs comes on your car radio, you crank it up and sing at the top of your lungs, even though you already own 17 different versions of that song at home.
  • Your family and friends have begged you to get therapy (if you haven't already...)
  • When talking with other fans, you refer to the band members by their first names *only*, as if talking about absent friends.
  • You've used lines from songs in everyday conversation, then snickered at your own cleverness. (Especially effective when used in the company of other fans).
  • Emptied your bank account and used all your holiday time to follow a band on tour.
  • Paid over £100 to a ticket tout.
  • Spent hours making hand-made signs and posters.
  • Significantly enhanced parts of your anatomy while smuggling a camera into concerts, even though to date you've taken 13,642 photos of the band.
  • Worn hand-designed t-shirts to concerts because the official ones aren't unique enough.
  • Noticed immediately when the lead singer changes the lyrics to one line of a song during a live gig.
  • You have pen-pals in foreign countries.
  • Got band tattoos. Next!
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