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The day when Halo appear on infomercials, sponsoring the latest garden attachment
is the day I say thank you and good night!

For as talented as a good band can be - its kinda upsetting when a band starts to pollute the music with image branding, or forgetting the fans that feed them.

In certain areas of music, like pop, its far more common to see some smiley bands face plastered over some cereal box, soft drink or pencil case. But even newer metal bands (slipknot, limp bizkit, and even korn) who talk about the purity and realness of their music seem to be very easily drawn to sponsorship (free or not) by clothing companies. If its not seeing the faces of some band all over every magazine from Rock Sound to Horse and Hound. Its the multitude of tv interviews where they repeat the same old lines about "being about the fans" while calling their agent to check their face has 93% coverage on their next music video.

When does being in a band ever stop being about the music? When does the money become more important than releasing an album full of great tracks that people want or perhaps need to hear. Well written lyrics that mean something. Carefully chosen artwork, and hours of work in the studio where you feel you've given your heart and soul into it. Maybe none of that matters anymore. Maybe we're just all on a big rollercoaster to musical talent failure because society takes far more notice of what we look like, than what we actually have to say...
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