The All New Q-25 Log

Dennis Kresse - 12/27/00 18:53:20
My Email:[email protected]

Hello, Just greetings from germany! Dennis Kresse

[Ed: Hey Germany, whazzup?]

Jennifer Forss - 12/14/00 08:49:20
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I just wanted to say that Chumbawamba is the best, I love Chumbawamba, and Dunst is the sexiest guy on earth! I also have a question; I would like to have your autographs. How / What shall I do? You're the best! Love, Jennifer

[Ed: I'll trade my autograph for money, sexual favors, or more-or-less anything cool. Caveat emptor. Y'know, I always thought Boff was the sexiest.]

michael - 12/10/00 20:13:15
My Email:[email protected]

If your site is the most anal then I am obviously a very anal person! Followed Chumbawamba for more years than I care to admit, just returned back from seeing them in Oxford last night, good gig though crap sound and the news that yet another baby is due and another missing link on stage... arghhh!

[Ed: Aargh!]

abmawabmuhc - 11/26/00 13:45:03
My Email:[email protected]


[Ed: Uh, O.K.]

Ragu - 11/21/00 22:35:23
My Email:[email protected]

Coolest Chumbawamba fan site, man. Keep it up. Ragu.

[Ed: Thanks.]

Scotti - 11/20/00 23:52:24
My Email:[email protected]

Anyone know where I can get the rare music of Chumbawamba from? I have all the regular stuff, plus Jesus H. Christ, and some demos. But I'm really after obscure b-sides, tracks from rare compilations, and early punk stuff that never saw light of day on CD.
BTW, I saw them two nights ago at Wolverhampton and they were excellent as usual--I must have seen them about 20 times now since 1991 when I first saw them at Reading Festival!

[Ed: Look at the .MP3 archive; it has about everything, plus it's free.]

- 11/17/00 19:45:51

Saw the band at Cambridge yesterday (16-NOV-00), first time at a small venue. Blew me away.

[Ed: I know what you mean.]

Albert Gore - 11/08/00 16:08:22

The millions of votes you promised to secure through The All New Q-25 Website failed to materialize; therefore, I must ask for my money back.

[Ed: Check's in the mail.]

Tony Barker - 11/08/00 00:38:37
My Email:[email protected]

Up the worker's or sumat. Yes, Ann, IT'S ME TONY.

[Ed: Yes, Ann, IT'S HIM, TONY.]

Chris Horn - 12:33:00
My Email:Chris Horn ([email protected])

After just finding out how chumbafucknut or however you pronounce the shitty ass band ripped off Enter Sandman, Metallica's legendary song which is not deserved to be played by anyone but them, I have decided that you and every other motherfucker that lik s chumbawamba and has a website should burn in hell and I hope all your websites get fucked up along with the band.

[Ed: Yeah, Chumbafucknut totally spews. Of course, with all the money Metallica makes off their super-copyrighted and highly protected legendary music, I'm sure they'll sue the shit out of Chumbafucknut so fast it'll make those Chumbaheads spin, and hen we'll see who's the fuckin' boss! METALLICA RULES! THEY KICK MY ASS! I'D DIE FOR LARS! FUCK YEAH! PREACH ON BROTHER CHRIS HORN! By the way, some grammar classes wouldn't hurt... if you can afford them after buying all the required and legendary etallica albums.]

My Email:[email protected]

Comments: No Comment

[Ed: No response]

Daff - 10/21/00 19:26:54
My Email:[email protected]

They've always got something to say and what they say DOES make a difference. Keep up the struggle, pass it along.

[Ed: I'm passing it, I'm passing it!]

SHHH - 09/25/00 03:10:50
My Email:[email protected]

Chumbawamba kicks ass y'all. Don't dis anarchists.

[Ed: Aw, you anarchists are all the same...]

kaine - 09/18/00 10:51:48
My Email:[email protected]

I think CHUMBAWAMBA is a sick band and they also have a very sick website.

[Ed: Yeah, they're totally sick, they make me want to puke. In fact, I think I will puke... bleeargh...]

toxic soldier - 09/08/00 14:25:23
My Email:[email protected]

hey you! outside now! i like it i like it! shhh...

[Ed: I like it, too]

Himler18 - 08/29/00 21:20:04
My Email:[email protected]

Hail Hitler

[Ed: Aw, go fuck yerself.]

Vital Signs - 05/08/00 15:17:03
My Email:Neil Peart @ Rush

Unstable condition; a symptom of life in mental and environmental change. Atmospheric disturbance--the feverish flux of human interface and interchange. The impulse is pure--sometimes our circuits get shorted by external interference. Signals get cross d and the balance distorted by internal incoherence. A tired mind become a shape-shifter, everybody need a mood lifter, everybody need reverse polarity. Everybody got mixed feelings about the function and the form everybody got to deviate from the norm. An ounce of perception--a pound of obscure, process information at half speed. Rewind, replay, warm memory chip, random-sample, hold the one you need. Leave out the fiction, the fact is this friction will only be won by persistence. Leave out conditio s, courageous convictions will drag the dream into existence. A tired mind become a shape-shifter, everbody need a soft filter, everybody need reverse polarity. Everbody got mixed feelings about the function and the form, everybody got to elevate from t e norm.

[Ed: C'mon, now, are you the real Neil Peart?]

Daniel - 03/08/00 21:53:35

Pretty nice page, hee hee, fight for anarchism all over the world, now!

[Ed: Hee hee]

mickey - 02/21/00 23:06:25
My Email:[email protected]

Re: The Aanus page. Finally! Truth on the Internet!
--M. Bitsko

P.S. Hey, A.H.! Hope it was worth it! Enjoy your life!
P.P.S. Agent Q-25: Third time's the charm. Congrats! She should'a been the 1st but life's funny sometimes. (Not funny "ha ha"; funny "Aanus is a prick.")

[Ed: All the support... it makes me... misty-eyed... sniff... sniff... When are we goin' shootin' 'gin?]

margaret martinez - 01/24/00 15:44:04
My Email:[email protected]

Please tell me if Chambawamba has a song called "I Get Knocked Down" or something with those lyrics.

[Ed: Uh... yeah... something like that...]

Brad Lauchnor - Master web page designer - 01/07/00 08:40:25

I loved it. The passion, the humor, the stark bone-severing reality. It all came together in one simple web page. I mean, where else are you going to see a talking Aanus? Besides HBOC of course...

[Ed: Heh heh, he said 'Aanus', heh heh...]

Aanus "I'm a liar" Strawboy - 01/01/00 00:00:01

Comments: I'm the second-biggest fuck-up in the world.

[Ed: You liar--you're the FIRST-biggest!]

Dr. Music - 12/31/99 20:42:27

Wow, dude, way to do a page!

[Ed: So, like, totally!]

Influenzae - 11/10/99 16:19:00

Doesn't mean much, it doesn't mean anything at all / The life I've left behind me is a cold room / I've crossed the last line from where I can't return / Where every step I took in faith betrayed me / And led me from my home

[Ed: It all turned out for the best.]

Cristian - 09/28/99 01:27:50
My Email:[email protected]

I love Chumbawamba! Where can I get the .MP3 for "Top of the World"?

[Ed: Sheesh, that would be, like, illegal and stuff. But you might want to try]

Hayley Kelly - 09/22/99 10:09:00
My Email:[email protected]

Fantastic! I'm not quite sure how I got here but it is great although I may get thrown off the sixth form computers they don't particularly like lesbians looking up stuff about homophobia. Nevermind freedom of speech and all that! Well done I'll keep list ning.

[Ed: Good luck in sixth form, Hayley25.]

Marty Bushway - 09/16/99 22:43:37
My Email:[email protected]

This site is awesome! it has preaty colors and enough Chumbawamba stuff to make anyone happy!

[Ed: Why thank ya!]

Bauhaus - 09/13/99 16:53:20
My Email:[email protected]

Virgin Mary was tired, so tired / Tired of listening to gossip, gossip and complaints / They came from next door / And the bewildered stream of chatter / From all sorts of, all sorts of untidy whores / Came from next door, came from next door / But some m rror chosen from the rest / But the dissappointed runs with their guests / Never would be invited to the funeral rose garden / But their choice don't seem to matter / They got swollen breasts and lips that putter / And the choice of matter in the scream of chatter / Is just a little parasitic scream of whores / Screaming whores / In the rose garden funeral of sores / Virgin Mary was tired, so tired / Of listening to gossip, gossip and complaints / In the, in the rosegarden / Rosegarden funeral of sores

[Ed: Ah yes, the Rosegarden funeral of sores... been there twice myself...]

Theda - 08/14/99 19:31:20

Cute Family!!!

[Ed: Thanks!]

Tortelvis - 08/03/99 14:19:25
My Email:[email protected]

Nice page, I guess, but cryin' won't help you and prayin' won't do you no good, 'cause when the levee breaks, momma you got to move, yeah. All last night, I sat on the levee and moaned, a'thinkin' 'bout my baby and my happy home...

[Ed: Yeah, me too.]

K Paul - 05/27/99 22:33:20
My Email:[email protected]

Haven't finished but looks excellent what I have seen. KP

[Ed: Thanks]

Pam Raver - 05/04/99 20:30:51
My Email:[email protected]

Butch is gonna whup yer ass, Clark! *grin*

[Ed: I keep hoping!]

Nikki Sweet - 04/20/99 21:40:31
Don't forget about Tuesday at 9:30, right?

[Ed: I won't forget.]

Jake ("Snake") Jones - 04/14/99 15:53:37

Nice page. The FAQ is very cool, but the notes should be super-scripted so they're less annoying when you're reading through it. How often do you update this page? You should put in links to CD-NOW, too, so you can make some money from people buying Ch mbawamba CDs because of your page.

[Ed: Uh... yeah.]

Green Giant - 04/02/99 01:42:08
My Email:[email protected]

Pretty darn good page you have here. There are 3 kinds of people, those who can count, and those who can't.

[Ed: I have no response to that...]

Gail - 01/03/99 10:14:55
My Email:[email protected]

Love you web page. Question are you the same Q-25 that Boff was refering to from a chat transcript? If so have you ever met the band, or some members? Keep up the excellent work. Oh, is that a tatoo on Dustan's arm, or your fingerprint? Ciao

[Ed: Yeah, same Q-25, yeah, met the band, oh, and it's a tattoo.]

PJ Harvey - 11/12/98 15:00:15

Good god, you were fantastic. Calling Jesus, puh-lease!

[Ed: Why thank you.]

Robert Smith - 10/21/98 19:27:15
My Email:[email protected]

I called you after midnight, and ran until I burst. I passed the howling woman and stood outside your door. We walked around the lake and woke up in the rain and everyone turned over, troubled in their dreams again.

[Ed: That howling woman has been getting downright bothersome, I tell ya.]

- 10/21/98 03:51:29
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I can't say much about your "friends" but mine were kidding... How many hit lists are you on? That's it. Oh, and my shoes are cooler than any of yours...

[Ed: Your shoes are NOT cooler than mine.]

Jimmy Page - 10/17/98 00:05:21

You've got my GODDAMMED GUITAR! You Mother-FUCKER! Jesus, I wish I didn't hate Richard Cole so much, or I'd have him come over and break yer FUCKING LEGS!

[Ed: Ha ha ha, I gots yer axe!]

M. Quiqley Bitsko - 10/14/98 02:46:00
My Email:[email protected]

Shoes... Shoes... SHOES! My God, the shoes! Shoes. Shoes? Schoessssssss. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Sh-sh-sh-shooooes. Shoes. SHOES. Shooooooes. Shoes (I have a theory that any single word, repeated ad nauseum, is inherently funny).

[Ed: Your theory needs some work...]

Rick Dee - 10/09/98 14:22:53

Per your earlier inquiry, the total amount will come to about $2,500... please note that we accept cash only, and you will not receive a receipt or warranty.

[Ed: Check is in the mail.]

Les Paul - 09/30/98 14:54:36

Hey, man, fine site. I just wondered why you haven't put a photo up of that flame-top you nicked from Jimmy in the 70's? I realize it's just been sitting in your basement gathering dust, but you really ought to show the world, dude--it's a fine piece of work and all. I also think that the statute of limitations for grand theft is probably up by now, man, so you probably wouldn't even go to jail or anything. So, get that old thing out, take a damn digital photograph, and add it to this freakin' web page hombre.

[Ed: No way, bunghole!]

Jimmy Page - 09/24/98 16:26:43

This site sucks--there are no pictures of me! What gives?

[Ed: You're old and fat, dude--get your own web page.]

e7d3ff040d0a - 09/24/98 15:30:35

Keyring: e7b1a62f ef ff 02 0d 0a aa 11 38 8f b2 24 24 89 09 57 b7 fb c0 23 68 2f cb c8 c2 b7 29 18 41 32 f2 7e 21 0d 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

[Ed: NAK]

Bunny Bleu - 09/23/98 17:27:41
My Email:[email protected]

You bastard! They told me you were dead, and here I find you have a flourishing web site and are currently accepting e-mail. I'll never forgive you for this, you cold-hearted deciever! You should also know that I've contacted the Office of Recovery Ser ices (on behalf of myself and several of the other girls here). Your secret government agencies and religious fanatic friends won't be able to help you now! Won't you please forgive me and come home? Oh, Q-25, I miss you so. Oh-h...

[Ed: Geez, honey, get over it already.]

The Pope - 09/23/98 17:23:04
My Email:[email protected]

My child, your web site is greatly improved from when I found it beaten and bleeding by the side of the road. It is good to see that you have come unto Christ, and accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. I counsel you to put away the childish things of th s world, and have an eye single to the greater glory of God. I now say unto you that the Chumbawamba pictures kick ass, and the discography is astoundingly complete. And remember that you still owe me $50 for that Papal Blessing--there's no getting arou d that, you gormless prang. All of these blessings I pronounce upon your web site, secret agent Q-25, in the name of our humble Redeemer, the Lamb of God, our very Savior Jesus the Christ. Amen.

[Ed: Thanks, padre.]

Cap'n O.T. - 09/17/98 17:30:50
My URL:http://
My Email:[email protected]

Arrrrgh! Where be the wenches? And a bit of ale? This damnable in'ernet ain't what was promised to ol' Cap'n O.T. Don't ye have pictures of those large breasted women? The kind that ol' Cap'n O.T. dreams of during those long sea voyages? Damn yer hide man I'll hang ye from the mizzen mast if ye don't show the ol' Cap'n a few of them little beauties.

[Ed: You might want to check out my members-only web site.]

Mickey Q. Bitsko - 09/16/98 17:07:08
My Email:[email protected]

It's good to find that you've finally fixed the logbook you landlubbin', hook-handed, scurvy dog.

[Ed: Yeah.]

08/29/98 18:19:19
Name: Richard Gass
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Got your web site address from the Chumba mailing list. Will give you further comments after I've had a look at your site

[Ed: Still waiting for those further comments, Richard...]

08/29/98 08:17:56
Name: The Unabeefer
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey Clark, cool page. I like the shoes!

[Ed: Thanks, me too.]

08/28/98 21:14:32
Name: S.H.O.
My URL: Visit Me

Great pics of the band. Can't say the same about u! ;-)

[Ed: Oh, way to hurt my feelings... sniff...]

08/20/98 21:39:16
Name: Clark B. Timmins
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

This web page is lame.

[Ed: I concur.]

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