Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




It was past midnight in Agrabah. The palace was empty and silent. The long and big corridors were only illuminated by the moonlight. The royal palace was sleeping peacefully for the first time in months. It had been the first day in weeks that Agrabah had not been under attack. It had been the most peaceful day in many, many weeks. It could have been a pleasant day except for a little detail. Something was missing in Agrabah.

The only light in the palace came from Sultan Aladdin's private studios. He was there with his wife and his son, Prince Cassim. The Sultan of Agrabah was very worried.

"I know the magical danger stopped." He was saying while pacing the room nervously. "And I know that means Ali and Azul succeeded. But we cannot be sure what the price of that success was. And I'm very worried for them. Agrabah is not the same if they are not here."

"We have to give them time, Aladdin." Jasmine was sitting on some cushions by the desk. "We cannot expect them to magically appear here now. They don't have a magic carpet and Reeh is only a horse. We know they succeeded and I know they will be here soon."

"I don't know." Aladdin said looking at the window. "I still think I should go to find them."

"But what if you go and they arrive? We have to wait. Besides you don't even know where you should go. They could be anywhere."

"But maybe if I take Carpet I can go and..."

Aladdin stopped and looked at his wife. She had a stressed expression on her face and Aladdin knew she was right.

"It's nonsense." The Sultan said sitting back on his pillows in front of her.

"It's alright Aladdin." Jasmine took his hands across the table. "It's only matter of time. They will appear here any day, any minute. But we have to be proud of them, for they were able to stop this nightmare."

"It's hard for me to believe in all these magical things." Cassim said from his spot. "But I was checking the sky tonight and all those unusual alignments of stars are gone now. Speaking on a magical level I think that must mean something."

"See?" Jasmine smiled at Aladdin. "Everything is going to be fine."

Aladdin just nodded and patted Jasmine's hand.

"I know... I know. But I'm nervous. Something is not right."

"They have been away for nearly two months, Aladdin." She said. "We all want to see them again. But I know Ali and he has all my faith and all my confidence. And you know better than anyone that he is a very skilled warrior and a very resourceful man. I'm sure he's fine. And we all know when it comes to Azul there's nothing in this universe that could stop him."

They were silent for a couple of minutes. All of them were lost in their own thoughts. Finally Jasmine sighed.

"What a peaceful night!"

"The first one in months." Aladdin said sadly. "Thanks to Ali and Azul."

"Don't worry father, Ali is a war veteran." Cassim said. "If he could fight a war I know he wouldn't have any kind of troubles with some magic around."

"Magic can be very powerful, Cassim." Aladdin looked at him. "Your mother and I know that from personal experiences."

"But how hard could it be to fight a magician?"

"Very hard." Jasmine said absently remembering some episodes of her own life. "Because when you fight a war you can win only by having a good plan, a good army and a strong body and a powerful sword. But when it comes to magic you need something more powerful than that, you need a strong heart."

"But I know that silly boy has a strong heart." Aladdin said. "There's nothing more powerful than a heart that's burning in love."

Aladdin looked at Jasmine and their eyes locked. They smiled and Aladdin kissed Jasmine's hands amorously.

"We have to have faith." She said. "Everything is going to be fine. Ali and Azul have to be fine. And now Agrabah is safe again."

"Yeah." Aladdin smiled. "I guess as soon as they are back we have to continue with the preparations for the wedding. I don't think they'd be willing to wait much longer. Not after this mess."

"How sweet!" Jasmine smiled. "Ali's wedding... I never thought that day would come."

"This is good for Agrabah." Cassim said. "The kingdoms of the Seven Deserts would want to attend the wedding of the man who stopped all those magical disturbances and once we have all those Sultans, Princes and Ambassadors here we'll have the perfect opportunity to talk about economic, politic and diplomatic affairs."

Aladdin and Jasmine looked at each other and then at Cassim. They smiled amused.

"A wedding is much more than just that Cassim." Jasmine said softly. "It's the celebration of love."

"Oh well." He shrugged. "But we can work things out for Agrabah's sake, don't you think? I mean, when was the last time you had representatives from all over the deserts reunited in Agrabah in peace?"

"I-" Aladdin smiled amused. "I think we'll talk about that later son. The last thing your brother would want to know is that we are planning to use his wedding as a diplomatic issue."

"I know." Cassim sighed helplessly. "So we have to go back to the flowers and the gifts, right?"

"I'm afraid so." Jasmine giggled softly.

"Some day you'll fall in love." Aladdin smiled at Cassim. "And then you'll understand Ali's silliness. The touch of love makes you lose your head... believe me, I know it from personal experience." He said smiling at Jasmine.

Cassim made a face and he was going to say something but a noise in the hall startled them. They looked at each other as the sounds repeated again and again. The sound was getting closer.

"What are those bumps?" Aladdin asked getting to his feet.

"I don't know." Jasmine said almost alarmed standing up as well.

"Must be the twins." Cassim shook his head. "They are impossible lately."

But that steady sound didn't seem like the twins at all. Aladdin and Jasmine exchanged looks and without even thinking about it Aladdin rushed to the door followed closely by Jasmine.

* * * * *

While Reeh was running across the main street of Agrabah Ali and Azul kept their eyes open and looking around at their city. It looked so beautiful even in the dark of the night. But their eyes were caught by the palace that watched over the sleeping Agrabah.

"We are almost there Ali." Azul said softly reaching back to touch Ali's face.

The prince of Agrabah didn't respond. He just groaned and rested his forehead on Azul's shoulder. Azul noticed that he was really cold and that worried her. She knew Ali had lost most of his blood and he had been coughing blood from his injured stomach. Ali was in very bad shape and Azul knew he was doing his best to make it to the palace.

"Resist my love." She whispered softly. "You are going to be fine... it's almost done."

In response Ali just gave her a small squeeze with the arm he had around her waist. Ali knew Azul was not in the best shape either. She hadn't drank any water all day because she saved the water for him until the last drop. She was tired and she had managed to keep him alive all the way back to Agrabah. He wished he could tell her how grateful he was but he was so weak that he couldn't even speak anymore. He felt he was about to collapse but for Azul's sake he was trying to be strong, for he knew she wasn't strong enough to help him if he collapsed and fell off Reeh.

They finally arrived at the palace. No one was guarding the gates that night. After almost two months of alert that night Sultan Aladdin decreed a night off to most of the guards of the palace. Azul dismounted Reeh and opened the huge gates of the palace with the key Ali kept in Reeh's saddles. She took Reeh's reins and they entered the menagerie.

When they were finally there Azul sighed relieved. She looked around but couldn't spot any guard or any servant. It was past midnight.

"We are here." She said weakly to Ali. "Finally home."

"Praise Allah!" Ali whispered.

"I'm going to call the guards!" Azul said.

"No!" Ali stopped her. "Don't leave me... just... help me..."

Azul hurried to Reeh's side and Ali dismounted him painfully, finding support in Azul's small body. He was impressed how strong she really was in spite of her tiny size. Once he was totally supported by her she turned to Reeh.

"Thank you Reeh." She said. "We could have never made it without you."

The faithful horse just snorted softly. He was too tired even to neigh. Azul nodded and immediately Reeh found his way to the royal stables. She knew they'd take care of him there.

She looked at Ali. The young prince kept his eyes closed and he was barely breathing. A worried and scared expression appeared on Azul's face.

"C'mon my love." She said softly. "Everything is fine now."

They entered the palace but for Azul it was very hard to support Ali. She knew his legs would give up any second. He kept stumbling over and over and she was afraid he could lose his balance or even his consciousness.

Ali kept his arm around Azul's shoulders trying to find support there but his mind was starting to get blurred. He had forced himself to be conscious during all the travel back home but then his body wasn't responding anymore. He had no control over his body anymore. He knew he was about to pass out but he couldn't give up until Azul could find some help.

They entered the main hall of the palace and Azul called for help but the palace was totally empty that night and no one responded to her call. So they kept going. They entered the main corridor, the place where Sultan Aladdin's private studio was and Azul smiled weakly when she saw some light coming out from there.

But she couldn't even comment on it, for Ali stumbled again and they almost lost their balance. She barely found support on the wall. And Ali groaned softly.

"It's okay." She whispered. "I got you, you are fine."

" eyes..."

His whisper was barely audible and from the tone of his voice she knew that he was letting her know he was about to collapse.

"Ali!" She said alarmed. "Please resist!"

But they almost lost their balance one more time and this time Azul felt she hadn't any strength left in her body. She found support again on the wall but they had been very close to falling to the ground.

"Ali!" She whispered noticing the pain reflected in Ali's face.

She lifted her head and she was going to yell for help when suddenly the doors of Aladdin's private studio opened wide and Sultan Aladdin appeared there in the hall.

Aladdin's eyes locked with Azul's. Both of them were surprised and scared. She was practically carrying Ali and the boy was about to collapse. His head was hanging and all Aladdin could see from him were his bangs.

"Sultan Aladdin!" Azul's voice was barely a whisper.

Ali lifted his face when he heard Azul pronouncing that name and he found his father staring at him. Ali didn't even try to smile. His eyes were filled with pain and fear. As soon as he saw his father he felt he couldn't resist anymore.

"Dad..." Ali muttered.

But as soon as he did that he felt his legs finally giving up under his weight. Aladdin's eyes widened in horror and he rushed to catch Ali. He barely caught him under his arm when he finally collapsed.

Azul stepped back but when she saw Ali collapsing like that she gasped. Her big blue eyes were filled with tears and terror then. She looked at the door where Queen Jasmine and Prince Cassim were. They were watching that scene in disbelief.

Jasmine's face was covered with horror. Her gaze went from Aladdin to Ali and when her son collapsed like that she covered her mouth trying to suppress a yell.

"Ali!" Aladdin muttered as he caught him.

"We..." Azul muttered as tears started to run down her cheeks. "We are back..."

Her body started to shake violently and Jasmine noticed it. She rushed to Azul's side and embraced her tightly. Azul grasped Jasmine's clothes desperately and started to cry.

"Oh Allah!" Jasmine muttered still in horror.

But there was no time to lose. For Aladdin had just picked Ali up. The boy wasn't responding anymore and Aladdin felt adrenaline rushing through his veins. And even if Ali was taller and heavier than him he picked his son up as he had done many times when he was just a small boy.

"GUARDS!" Aladdin screamed in a hoarse voice. "GUARDS!"

A Parents's Worst Fear

Almost immediately a couple of the palace guards appeared there and gasped at the scene they saw. Before they could even bow, Aladdin was already speaking.

"Get the royal physician, NOW!"

"Yes Sultan!" The guards said nervously.

As they were leaving the corridor Jasmine called upon them.

"And also get Bassel and Sadira... right away!"

"Yes my Queen!" they responded.

Jasmine looked back at her husband and her son. Aladdin was already taking Ali's limp body to his bedroom. She looked down at Azul. The girl was still shaking and still crying against her chest and Jasmine noticed how thin she was and how weak she seemed. She only embraced her tightly and they went behind Aladdin.

Cassim was still by the door of the studio. He had just froze there the moment he saw Azul and Ali in such conditions. He was shocked at what he saw. He had never seen someone collapsing the way Ali had just done or someone breaking in tears the way Azul did. He wasn't sure what to do or what to say. Finally he just walked behind his mother still not very sure of what was happening there.

As Aladdin was carrying Ali he was trying to talk to him. But Ali wouldn't respond to him. Somehow he could tell Ali was still conscious because he kept trying to open his eyes every now and then. But he was barely breathing and he was very pale and cold to the touch. He kept his mouth half open trying to get some extra air and Aladdin could see in his body signals of incredible violence. His little boy was totally beaten up and Aladdin thought he was bleeding to death.

"Resist boy!" He kept telling him. "The doctor is coming... you are going to be alright."

"Dad..." Ali barely whispered. "I'll survive... I didn't come all this way... just to... die in your... arms..."

Aladdin gulped. He felt like crying seeing how awful Ali looked and how his limp body felt in his arms. Ali was a big guy, a very built up man. After four years of training with the army he had some good muscles but right then in Aladdin's arms he felt like and old and worn out rag doll.

"Oh Allah!" Aladdin prayed in silence. "Please, don't let him die... keep my boy alive, All Mighty Lord! Don't let him die!"

Aladdin arrived in Ali's room and he looked over his shoulders. Jasmine could see the desperation in his face.

"Cassim," Aladdin commanded. "Open the door!"

Cassim rushed to obey Aladdin's order. He opened the door of Ali's room and Aladdin stepped inside carrying Ali. Cassim stayed in the door and Jasmine stayed there as well still embracing Azul. The Queen of Agrabah was very worried for her son but she was just as sure that Azul was about to pass out.

Aladdin laid Ali on the bed carefully and just then he noticed his white robes totally stained with his son's blood.

"Oh Allah!" Aladdin muttered. "He's still bleeding! He's bleeding to death!"

"Aladdin!" Jasmine called from the door. "How is he?"

Aladdin looked at her over his shoulders not wanting her to see the blood he had on his shirt.

"I don't know." He responded. "He's... bleeding..."

Jasmine made a movement and Aladdin knew she was going to enter the room but he stopped her.

"No Jasmine! Take Azul to Yesenia's room... I'll take care of Ali!"

"But..." Jasmine tried to protest but Azul was already talking.

"No!" Azul said weakly. "I want to stay with Ali! Please!"

Jasmine looked at her and she could see her blue eyes filled with pain and terror. She was shaking in Jasmine's arms and the tears were running down her cheeks.

"That's alright sweetheart." Jasmine said softly brushing the tears away and noticing how hurt Azul's face was. "You need some rest... Ali is with his father, everything is going to be alright..."

Jasmine started to lead Azul to Yesny's room which was just across the corridor from Ali's. Just when they had left the scene Ali started to cough. Aladdin and Cassim looked at him in alarm and Aladdin rushed to kneel by his side.

"Ali!" He said alarmed when he noticed he was coughing blood. "Where the heck is that doctor?!"

Ali's body was shaking violently and Aladdin tried to calm him down. Just when Ali stopped coughing Aladdin caressed his messy and dirty hair. He had an improvised bandage around his forehead and it was totally stained with blood. The prince of Agrabah was breathing faster and faster as if he was having troubles getting air into his lungs.

Aladdin took off Ali's boots and carefully took off the A+A pin and placed it on the table. When he removed Ali's cape the Sultan of Agrabah cringed. The improvised bandages Azul had put on his wounded shoulder were totally soaked in blood, fresh blood and Aladdin understood that under those bandages there was a terrible wound that was still bleeding.

Aladdin turned to the door and discovered Cassim in there observing the scene with his eyes wide open. Even if the young prince didn't know how to say it, he was scared, terrified to see his brother like that. Cassim's eyes went to Aladdin's blood stained shirt and he gulped nervously.

But before Aladdin could say anything Ali groaned and his body arched in pain. The Sultan of Agrabah and Cassim looked at him and they noticed how Ali's eyes rolled back in his head and he finally passed out.

"Son!" Aladdin said in fear kneeling by Ali's side.

Cassim shook his head. He couldn't believe what was happening. He wasn't following all those events. He had never seen anything like that in his life before.

"Ali...!" Cassim muttered.

He was going to enter the room when suddenly the doctor appeared there. The prince of Agrabah stepped aside to let the doctor in.

"Sultan!" The man bowed. "What happened?"

"It's my son." Aladdin's voice was a plea. "Please, hurry up!"

The doctor rushed to Ali's side and Aladdin walked to the door. He was feeling dizzy and clumsy. His shirt was covered in blood, even his hands were covered in blood. In his son's blood. He went to Cassim's side and looked down at him.

"Wait outside son." He said softly.

"Yes father." Cassim nodded.

"And don't say a word about this to the twins. It would be shocking for them to see your brother like this."

"Don't worry father. I won't tell."

Aladdin nodded and Cassim left the room closing the door behind him carefully as the doctor started to check on Ali.

In Yesenia's room Jasmine made Azul lay on the bed and she sat by her side. But Azul kept her head on Jasmine's chest and kept snuggling up to her. She didn't want to let go. After all those weeks of pain and fear she was just glad to be back home and to be safe and sound in the arms of someone she trusted and loved. Jasmine kept caressing her hair and her back and praying to Allah for Ali.

The door was opened and from where she was she could see Ali's door closed and Cassim pacing nervously from one side to the other.

Even if Aladdin had tried to avoid it she had seen the blood on her husband's shirt and she knew Ali was in mortal danger. She had no idea what had happened to her son but then Azul started muttering. Jasmine was scared for it was obvious that the girl was entering into a shock state. Her body was shaking and she was so cold to her touch.

"Faaris did that to him..." She was saying. "He kept wounding him over and over... and beating him... and then he wounded his shoulder with the sword and..."

"Shhh!" Jasmine tried to calm her down. "It's alright... you are here now. Ali is going to be alright.. you are going to be alright."

"I tried to help him." She was crying. "But he almost killed him... I was so scared... so scared... I thought I'd see him die again..."

Jasmine frowned and looked down at Azul. She thought the girl was delirious and she laid her carefully on the bed. And stroked her hair.

"Cassim," Jasmine called. "Get some water... and go to the kitchen and ask someone to prepare a tea or something to calm her down."

Cassim looked at Azul and then at his mother and nodded.

"Yes mother." He said and left.

Jasmine looked at Azul and then at the closed door of Ali's room. She started to pray for her son and for Azul as tears were running down her cheeks. She had never expected something like that to happen. But between her prayers and her tears she also thanked Allah for at least they had their kids back home.

* * * * *

The minutes were passing by slowly. In the dark of the night Jasmine could only pray and wait for that door to open and her son to be alright. She had practically forced Azul to drink that tea they had prepared for her and the girl was sleeping restlessly. It was quite obvious that she was having bad dreams. Jasmine just kept stroking her hair and Cassim kept pacing outside Ali's room.

And after the agony of the waiting the door finally opened and Aladdin appeared there. Jasmine kissed Azul's forehead and then she rushed to Aladdin's side. She gasped when she saw Aladdin's shirt covered in Ali's blood. It was more blood than she had thought it was.

"Aladdin!" She said. "How is he?"

Cassim came closer to hear his father's words. Aladdin shook his head and sighed.

"Not very good. He's in real bad shape."

"Oh Allah!" Jasmine said covering her mouth.

"He had a very bad injury on his shoulder and the doctor had to stitch it up. He lost a lot of blood and he had some minor injuries here and there, including a very bad concussion to his head. He's also dehydrated and had some cracked ribs and his stomach is not in a good shape either... not to mention a split lip and other things here and there."

"Merciful Allah!" Jasmine said as tears escaped her eyes. "What happened to him?"

"I don't know." Aladdin shrugged. "I guess they have a lot of things to tell us about. For now the boy need to rest and he needs to be taken care of. He's weak and the doctor says that he'll need all the rest he can get."

"Is he going to be alright?" Cassim asked concerned.

"I'm sure he will." Aladdin tried to smile. "He is a very strong man. He only needs to recover himself. But he'll be alright."

"Oh Aladdin!" Jasmine was terrified.

Aladdin wanted to hug her but he didn't want to stain her with the blood on his shirt, so he only put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

"It's alright." He said softly. "He's going to be fine."

Then Aladdin's eyes went to Yesny's room.

"How is she?" He asked concerned.

"Not very good." Jasmine said. "I calmed her down and changed her shirt for a clean robe. I want the doctor to check on her... whatever it is that happened to Ali, she witnessed it... she's shocked."

"She has to be." Aladdin said worried. "Seeing how Ali is... I don't know what happened Jasmine, but our son fought like a lion for her."

"I know."

"Aren't Sadira and Bassel here yet?"

"I'm sure they will arrive any second." Jasmine said.

"Ask the doctor to check on her... I'm going to change my shirt... be right back."

Aladdin kissed Jasmine's forehead and patted Cassim's shoulder and left. Jasmine and Cassim looked at each other and sighed.

As soon as Aladdin disappeared around the corner of the corridor Jasmine and Cassim heard steps coming from the other side of it. They turned and saw Sadira, Bassel and Nanny coming to them.

"Thank Allah!" Jasmine muttered.

"Jasmine!" Sadira said alarmed. "Where's she? How's she? How's Ali?"

"The doctor is with Ali." Jasmine informed them quickly. "And he'll check on Azul as soon as he's done with my son... come..."

Jasmine led them to the room where Azul was resting. She was a little more calm then but her sleep wasn't peaceful at all.

"Azul!" Bassel said stepping into the room.

Both Sadira and Bassel went to the bed. Sadira sat by her side on the bed and Bassel kneeled by his daughter's side as well. Azul's hair was all messy and dirty and her face wasn't any better. She still had some stains of blood here and there in spite of the clean robe she was wearing.

"Oh Allah!" Sadira muttered stroking her daughter's hair. "What happened to you?"

Azul barely opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. But she couldn't stay awake. Bassel took her hand in his and kissed it.

"Sweetheart it's us!"

"Mom..." Her voice was barely audible. "Dad... I'm back..."

Sadira hugged her and started to cry. Bassel embraced the two of them as some tears escaped the corner of his eyes.

"Thanks Allah!" He was muttering over and over.

Jasmine looked at Nanny who was by her side and they smiled at each other. As bad as the children were at least the nightmare was over. They were home again.

At that moment the door of Ali's room opened and Jasmine rushed to the doctor's side.

"Doctor!" She said concerned. "How's my boy? Can I see him?"

"I finished curing his wounds... he's drugged now, it was the only way to make him sleep and kill his pain. He'll be sleeping for a long while but it will be good for him."

"Alright." Jasmine said. "Could you please check on Azul? Her parents are with her and she's shocked... please, do all you can for her... for my daughter in law."

"Don't worry Queen Jasmine. I'll do everything I can for her."

Jasmine entered the dark room and closed the door behind her softly, trying not to make any noise. The place was only illuminated by the soft light of an oil lamp. She approached Ali's bed slowly and she could take the first good look at her son.

Her Ali was laying on the bed, his eyes closed and he was breathing almost painfully. Tears ran down her face when she saw all the bandages her boy had. He had a bandage around his head, his shoulder was bandaged and his arm was immobilized to his body and he also had bandages around his torso.

His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open and pain was showing on his face even if he was under the effect of the medicines and the drugs. Every single breath he took seemed painful.

Jasmine covered her mouth trying to suppress a sob and she sat on the bed right by Ali's side. She ran her hand across Ali's arm and then touched his face softly. She had never seen someone like that before. Aladdin had never been like that before. She was scared.

"My baby." She said softly. "What did they do to you?"

Jasmine leaned over and kissed Ali's face softly, then her hand stroked his hair carefully. She didn't want to hurt him anymore. She wasn't even sure how to touch him. He looked so helpless and so defenseless like that.

"Azul..." Ali muttered. "Azul..."

"Shhh..." Jasmine whispered softly while caressing his hair. "It's alright my dear, she's alright."

After a few minutes the door of the room opened and Aladdin entered. Jasmine looked at him over her shoulder and Aladdin could see the fear and pain in his wife's face.

"How is he?" He said softly placing a hand on Jasmine's shoulder.

"I don't know... he is in pain."

"I know." Aladdin nodded. "The doctor told me he had to drug him. There was no other way."

"My poor baby!" Jasmine said caressing Ali's hand.

"Don't cry Jasmine." Aladdin said. "The boy is strong, he's going to be fine. The doctor said it was amazing how he had survived seeing how he lost a lot of blood. He's going to make it, and you know why? Because in that room just across the corridor there's this girl who wouldn't let him die!"

"I know." Jasmine said absently. "He keeps calling for her..."

"See? He would never die having her by his side. I know I'd fight death for you Jasmine... and my son is just like me."

Jasmine looked up at Aladdin and smiled.

"I know." She said softly taking Aladdin's hand.

"Look at him." Aladdin said softly. "He looks so grown up now... he looks different somehow, doesn't he?"


"It's hard to believe this big tough guy was the same little baby we loved so much... that little melon."

Jasmine giggled even if she was crying.

"He is a man now, Aladdin." She said. "We raised a wonderful man... just look at him... a man who's willing to give his life for the woman he loves."

"I know." Aladdin said softly. "The most noble thing a man can do is risk his life for the woman he loves."

Jasmine squeezed Aladdin's hand and smiled up at him.

"When I had him in my arms." She said. "When he was just a little boy I never thought I'd see him like this someday."

"Me neither."

"He's fought a war, he's fought the powers of evil... he's a warrior Aladdin."

"He is... that's why I know he'll be alright. He won't give up. He's going to live Jasmine. He's going to live and to have a blessed life. He's going to be Agrabah's next Sultan, he's going to have a wonderful family all on his own... he's going to be happy."

"He will." Jasmine said leaning over and kissing Ali's forehead. "My little boy... my beautiful baby... welcome home my love... you are safe now."

* * * * *

Azul spent the night in the palace under medical observation. But then the doctor allowed her parents to take her home. She was hurt but none of her wounds were serious. She was mostly suffering from exhaustion and dehydration but the doctor was positive, she was going to be fine in no time.

Her parents stayed with her all day, right by her side in her room, not leaving her alone, not for a single minute. She was so tired that she slept all day, not waking up a single time. She had a very uneasy sleep and it was very obvious she kept having nightmares but then Bassel or Sadira or Nanny went to her side and calmed her down. But she kept calling for Ali again and again. It was as if the word "Ali" was the only word she had in her mind.

It had been a long day in the palace and also in Azul's home. It was already dark when Azul started to wake up. Bassel, Sadira and Nanny were there in her room when she started to move and groan softly.

"She's waking up." Bassel said softly.

"Thank Allah!" Sadira replied. "I hate to see her under the effect of those drugs."

"She'll be alright." Nanny said.

But Azul started to groan and to move restlessly. She was breathing real fast and an expression of terror appeared on her face.

"NO!" She screamed. "Stay away from me! Aswad! Stay away! Ali! Help! Ali!"

Bassel and Sadira exchanged worried looks and he rushed to his daughter's side, but when he tried to touch her Azul screamed and shoved him away, her eyes still closed.

"NO!" She was yelling. "Let me alone! Don't!"

"AZUL!" Bassel said firmly taking her by the shoulders and shaking her. "Wake up sweetheart! Wake up!"

"No!" She was crying. "It's a lie.. it's a lie... Ali would never do that... never... it is a lie..."

Bassel looked helplessly at Sadira then he shook his daughter one more time.

"Wake up, honey!" He said firmly. "You are home Azul... it's me, your father!"

"Get away!" She was screaming and crying, trying so hard to get away from Bassel's arms, struggling to free herself. "Let me go! Let me go!"

Bassel was scared. He shook her firmly.

"Azul!" He ordered. "Wake up!"

Azul opened her eyes and Bassel saw the terror in them. She was breathing real fast and staring at her father as if she hadn't recognized him yet. She blinked and looked around. She recognized her room and she saw her mother and her Nanny there. Then her eyes went to Bassel again.

She didn't say anything. She just sighed deeply and without any warning she started to cry. Bassel hurried to hug her real tight trying to calm her down.

"It's alright sweetheart... it's all over now... you're home... you are fine.."

"Daddy!" She was crying. "I'm scared... it was awful..."

"Shhh! Don't think about it... it's alright."

"But Aswad... and then..." She didn't continue, she just cried.

"Allah," Bassel said hugging her against him tightly. "What did they do to you?"

But all of a sudden Azul's crying stopped and she pulled away from her father.

"Ali!" She said, "Where's Ali?! Is he all right?! I have to see him! I have to!!!"

"He's fine." Sadira said coming to them. "He's being taken care of in the palace. Don't worry for him."

"But I have to go there!" She said trying to get up. "I can't stay in here... he needs me!"

"You need to recover yourself first!" Bassel stopped her. "You are going to stay in here and rest tonight and tomorrow you can go to the palace to see him."

"No... no, I can't! I have to go now!"

"Don't be stubborn and listen to your father." Sadira said. "You are in no shape to leave home. You are weak and you need your rest. So, you'll eat your dinner, you'll take a bath and then you'll go back to bed... tomorrow you can go to the palace but tonight you'll stay in here and rest."

"No mom!" Azul was desperate. "I can't! Ali needs me!"

"The boy is taken care of." Bassel said. "He has his parents, the royal doctor, the servants. He's alright."

"But dad, I---"

"You'll do as your mother said." Bassel ordered. "You'll stay in here and that's final."

"No!" Azul had tears in her eyes. "Don't do this to me! Please!"

"It's for your own good, sweetheart." Bassel said softly. "You need your rest."

"Dad... mom... Ali was THIS close to death... we went through so much together... and you are not allowing me to see him? That is just... inhumane!"

"Azul," Sadira said. "Your father and I are worried for you... just look at you! You are in no shape for..."

"Did you see him?" Azul interrupted her. "Mom, did you see HIM? He was bleeding to death! He is all beaten up! He's dying and all because of me... he did that because of me! I have to be there for him! I cannot leave him alone!"

"We're not forbidding you anything my love." Bassel said softly. "We only want you to have a good rest tonight and you'll go there tomorrow."

"But that's cruel! I want to see him! I need to see him!"

"Azul." Sadira said firmly. "You are going to do as your father and I say and that's it. You are in no shape to leave this house tonight. You'll eat, you'll have a rest and then you'll be ready to do as you please tomorrow... is that clear?"

"But mom, I-"

"Listen to your mother." Bassel said. "We are worried for Ali as much as you are and we understand you... but the boy is in good hands. We are worried for you."

Azul frowned and sighed. She was annoyed.

"You don't understand! You cannot keep me away from him! Not now... mom, dad, please!"

"We are not trying to keep you away from him!" Sadira said.

"We only want you to recover yourself first."

Azul looked up at her parents with her big teary blue eyes.

"Ali needs to rest." Sadira said. "There's nothing you can do there. The doctor is taking care of him."

"He needs me, mom... I want to be there with him!"

"C'mon!" Bassel said caressing her hair. "You'll go there tomorrow... now you better go back to sleep while your mother and I prepare your food and a warm bath for you."

Azul laid on the bed and turned her back to her parents. She was just so happy to be with them again but at the same time, as much as she was trying not to be, she was mad at them.

She turned to them and looked at Bassel and then at Sadira. They were by her side looking down at her with worried eyes. She sighed and reached for both of their hands.

"Mom... dad... I'm happy to be with you... but you must understand that after what Ali and I went through in the past weeks... right now there's nothing more important in this universe to me than him."

"We know and we understand." Bassel sat by her side and Azul hugged him. "But we only want what's best for you."

"We've been through so much pain in the past weeks without you." Sadira said caressing Azul's hair. "We wish we could keep you here safe and sound."

"But I'll be safe and sound with Ali... please?"

"It's late Azul." Bassel said kissing her hair. "There's no use to go to see him right now. Wait until tomorrow and I'll take you to the palace, first thing in the morning."

"But dad, I---"

Bassel kissed her forehead and laid her on the bed.

"Your mother and I are going to prepare things for you..."

At that moment Nanny, who had left the room for a couple of minutes returned bringing a cup of tea for Azul.

"C'mon sweetheart... drink it."

"I don't want to!" Azul said.

"Drink it." Sadira said. "It's good for you."

"You want to put me asleep again!"

"Azul... we..."

"That's fine." She sighed. "I feel tired... maybe you are right... maybe I should go back to sleep."

She laid on the bed and closed her eyes trying hard not to cry. Bassel and Sadira sighed helplessly and left the room followed by Nanny. They closed the door behind them and went down to the kitchen.

"There's no way she's leaving her room tonight." Bassel was saying. "That girl needs a good rest."

"I've never seen her acting like that." Sadira commented. "She's been stubborn and loud..."

"I don't know. I don't think it's such a good idea to keep her locked in her room like that. I think you really should take her to the palace tonight. Only Azul knows what's in her heart and if she is asking this... I know there must be a powerful reason."

"But mom," Bassel said. "What can she do there? No one is allowed to see Ali. The prince is in very bad shape... I was told only his parents and the doctor are allowed in his room."

"But she's his fianc�e, for Allah's sake!"

"In any case there's nothing Azul could do for him, Aida." Sadira replied. "I think Bassel is right, for now it's better for her to stay in here."

Suddenly some noises startled them. They looked at each other and Bassel frowned.

"What in the name of Allah is that?" He said alarmed.

"AZUL!" Sadira cried and the three of them rushed upstairs to Azul's room.

When they opened the door they gasped, for the scene was awfully familiar. Azul's room was empty and the balcony door was open. It was awfully similar to the scene they found the night she had been kidnapped.

"Azul!" Bassel called.

In response all he heard was the sound of a bump and a small groan. The three of them rushed to the balcony and looked down just to discover Azul getting to the ground and pressing her wounded hand to her chest.

"It hurts!" Azul muttered to herself.


She looked up when she heard her father's voice but there was determination in her face.

"What are you doing?" Sadira said alarmed. "Do you have any idea what you just did? You are in no shape to be climbing down balconies just like this!"

"I have to see Ali!" She responded. "And you were not helping!"

"Oh Allah!" Bassel sounded scared. "How can you being doing this? For Allah's sake, you are weak and wounded! You could've fallen and broken your neck!"

"I had no other way!"

"Serves you well." Nanny said to Sadira and Bassel. "You forced her into this... if you want to be this way this is what is going to happen... go ahead, close the doors and she'll escape using the windows... is that what you want? Don't you people have a heart?"

Bassel and Sadira looked at each other and then at Azul.

"Azul, stop!" Bassel said.

"No. I'm not going back up there! No way!" She said as an annoyed expression appeared on her face and she put her fists on her hips.

Bassel sighed helplessly and turned to Sadira.

"What have they done to our sweet little girl?"

"We cannot stop her Bassel." Sadira said. "She's going to see Ali with or without our help."

Bassel nodded and looked down at Azul.

"Look, Azul, we understand. Here's the deal, you get in the house, eat something, take a bath and we'll take you to the palace. But you first need to eat and clean yourself a little."

Azul looked at herself. She was still wearing the robe Jasmine had put on her but she really needed a bath and some food. She looked up at her parents.

"You promise it?"

"It's a promise." Sadira said.

"Oh, alright." She said going to the wall and starting to climb up it.

"Azul, sweetheart." Bassel said softly.


"I think you don't have to climb up back here... you can use the door now."

Azul smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck blushing softly.

"Right." She said and went to the door.

"By Allah!" Bassel commented turning to Sadira. "What DID they do to her?"

"I don't know." She commented almost amused. "But I can see some of my genes waking up in her now."

* * * * *

In the palace of Agrabah things had been very quiet that day. Every one knew of the return of the Prince of Agrabah but no one was allowed to see him. No one but his parents and the doctor.

And in spite of the calm of the palace it had not been a good day for Aladdin nor for Jasmine, for they had stayed by Ali's side all day. The young prince needed all the care they could provide. Ali was going through so much pain and it was terrible for them to see their little boy going through it.

The doctor insisted on keeping Ali drugged knowing the pain he was experiencing and even if Aladdin and Jasmine weren't happy with the idea they accepted it seeing how every time Ali woke up he could barely bear the pain.

They were real worried for their son. He was in a very bad shape and very hurt but they were specially worried for the deep wound he had on his shoulder. Neither of them had ever seen such an ugly wound. They also were worried for the wound he had on his head, the site where Faaris had hit him with the handle of his sword causing him a concussion. They knew how bad a wound on the head could be. And another thing that kept them worried were all those times when Ali coughed blood. It was obvious he had been hurt in his stomach and ribs.

Aladdin and Jasmine wondered what had happened to Ali. But only their son and Azul knew the story. They could only imagine things.

Ali had been under the effects of the drugs all day, but every time he woke up he was just calling for Azul over and over. He wanted her, he needed her. He was having nightmares where Azul was taken away from him all over again. He wasn't conscious, not even in the short moments when he was awake, but even in his delirium he kept calling her. She was the only thing he had in his mind. That was the only word he could pronounce. Azul was the only thing he had.

Aladdin was watching over his sleeping son. Ali was restless even with the drugs and it pained Aladdin to see his boy like that.

"What did they do to you?" Aladdin was thinking.

He could say Ali was having another nightmare. He had a stressed expression on his face and he kept moving nervously. Aladdin went to his side and sat on the corner of the bed. He looked at Ali's face and his own face reflected pain and frustration. He caressed Ali's hair fondly and tried to calm his boy.

"Shhh! Everything is fine now, Ali. You're home... it's me, your father!"

He knew Ali couldn't hear him but he tried to prevent Ali from moving, for he could hurt himself. Ali was breathing real fast and his face was all sweaty.

"Azul..." He muttered. "Where are you...? Azul!"

"It's okay." Aladdin caressed his face. "She is fine. Don't worry son... you are safe now. You brought her back home... she's safe now."

The door opened slowly and Aladdin could see Jasmine entering the room. For the expression she saw on Aladdin's face she understood Ali wasn't any better. She was very worried.

She went to Aladdin's side and placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"How is he?"

"Not very good." Aladdin said softly. "He keeps calling for Azul."

"My poor baby!" Jasmine said kneeling by his side and grabbing his hand.

"Do you have any news from Sadira? How's Azul?"

"No... there's no news from them. But I guess she's fine."

"I just wish she could come. Her presence would reassure Ali so much."

"But he is drugged... do you think he'd notice her if she was in here?"

"I'm positive." Aladdin said caressing Ali's hair. "His body is aching in pain... but his heart is aching for her."

Aladdin and Jasmine stared at their son for a long moment. They weren't saying anything but they were really worried for him. It was awful to them to see their restless Ali in such a condition. But Ali kept calling for Azul even in his dreams... or in his nightmares.

"He really loves her, doesn't he?" Jasmine asked softly.

"With all his heart and soul." Aladdin replied. "He found the real thing in her."

"And she loves him back just as much."

"Azul...!" Ali muttered again.

"It's okay sweetheart," Jasmine whispered caressing Ali's hair. "She's fine... she's resting but she'll be here soon..."

"He's drugged Jasmine." Aladdin said sadly. "I don't think he can hear you."

"Oh Aladdin, I don't like having him like this."

"I know. But the doctor thinks this is the best for him. He's going through so much pain. He says it's better this way."

"I don't know... just look at him. I don't know what's the best for him anymore."

"We only have to wait and pray to Allah. If he survived all the way to Agrabah in his conditions, I know he can survive anything."

Jasmine looked at Ali's face. The signs of his exhaustion and the signs of his battles were clearly visible there. Her mother heart was aching for him. She caressed his face softly praying to Allah for her little boy.

"He looks different, doesn't he?" Aladdin asked softly.

"Different how?"

"I don't know... I know he was away just for a couple of months but... he's changed. Somehow... I don't know what it is but... just look at his face. He's a man now, Jasmine. Our little boy is a man now."

"Ali..." Jasmine sighed. "It seems like only yesterday when I rocked him to sleep... and now..."

At that moment someone knocked on the door softly.

"I'll get it." Aladdin said standing up.

It was one of the palace guards.

"Sultan Aladdin, my lord, Lady Sadira wants to see you or Queen Jasmine."

"Sadira!" Jasmine said standing up. "I'm sure she has news from Azul."

"Are you going Jasmine?" Aladdin asked.

"Yes." Jasmine kissed Ali's hand and walked to the door. "I'm worried for Azul as well. You stay here with him Aladdin... he could need you."


Aladdin kissed Jasmine's forehead sweetly and when she left the room he went back to Ali's side. He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed deeply staring at his son's face.

"Silly boy!" He said softly. "What happened to you?"

Ali was more restless then and Aladdin knew the effect of the drugs was passing by. Very soon the doctor would enter the room and he'd give Ali a new dose. Just the thought of it made Aladdin cringe but he knew it was something that had to be done, for Ali's sake.

"Jasmine is right." He thought. "It seems like only yesterday..."

He started to remember a lot of episodes of Ali's childhood. That boy had changed his life the day he had been born. Even from the day he had learned Jasmine was pregnant life hadn't been the same for him anymore. Ali had given to him the oportunity of proving himself as a man. With Ali he had overcome many of those dark feelings he had towards his father. Ali had made a father out of him.

And he had always been his best friend, his unconditional friend. His helping hand. From the day he had been born he had always been by his side. Aladdin remembered all those times he had put Ali to sleep when he was a little boy. All those times he had actually slept on his chest being just a baby.

He remembered all those times when Ali was only a little kid and he'd spend hours in his studio just staring at him. All those times he actually had fallen asleep on the pillows of his studio, holding Nevi while he was working on his official business. Ali never cared if he had time for him or not. If he had the time they'd play, but if he saw he was busy he'd just stay there, silent but there, always by his side.

They had always been a team. Ali had grown up by his side, day after day sharing everything, the good and the bad times. He was there when all the other royal children had been born and he had always understood that his siblings needed love and special care. Ali was never jealous of them. He had always been the perfect big brother. The perfect son. He never caused them any kind of troubles. He never got in troubles being a kid. He was mischievous and restless but never a bad boy.

And from those years Aladdin knew Ali was going to grow up to be a very special man. Someone he could always count on. His right hand and his partner but most of all his friend.

But looking at that boy who was laying on that bed Aladdin couldn't find his little son any more. His Ali was a man. A grown up man.

"I always knew you'd be just like me, always looking for a good adventure... but I never expected this to happen Ali..." Aladdin said as he felt tears in his eyes. "I never expected to be watching over my dying son... what happened my boy? Why are you like this? Who did this to you?"

Ali was getting more and more restless. But with every movement he made he'd cringe, for his wounds were hurting again. And it pained Aladdin to see his son like that. He wished he could take all of Ali's pain for him.

"I just want you to be happy my boy." Aladdin said caressing his hair. "And I've seen how happy Azul makes you. If this was for her, I think it's worth it. But Ali, silly boy, things shouldn't be this way... you'd do anything to get Azul's attention, wouldn't you? To get our attention..."

Aladdin remembered all those times when he was so busy being the new Sultan or so busy with his other children. And he never received any kind of complaint from Ali. He always understood. He was always a very good boy. When he was little, when he was alone he'd go to the menagerie or to his room and he'd spend hours and hours playing with Nevi. When he was older he'd go to the stables and he'd stay there with Reeh for hours.

Aladdin remembered how many times he had to go to the stables at night to pick up Ali who had fallen asleep there, by Reeh's side.

He remembered all those times when Ali was a little boy and he'd go to find him in his studio and he was busy. Ali never complained. He'd just stay there keeping him company. He always loved to spend time with his father.

And one day Aladdin had looked into his eyes. And he found there something that hadn't been there before. One day Aladdin found in there fire. A powerful fire that was never there. And from that day on Ali's eyes were even more sparkly and his usually good humor was even better and his laughter was more sincere and the smile never abandoned his face anymore. And that day Aladdin understood that his little boy had taken the next step in his life. Aladdin knew Ali was in love.

"Ali!" Aladdin said softly while tears were escaping his eyes. "My son... my little boy..."

The effects of the drugs were vanishing by then and Ali started to wake up. But he was so weak that he couldn't open his eyes at all. He could barely blink a couple of times but it was enough to discover his father in there, right by his side, watching over him... and crying for him.

"Wha--?" Ali was thinking. "What's happening? What's--?"

His mind was all blurred and he couldn't remember much of the last hours. The last thing he remembered was Aladdin picking him up. He knew his father had carried him all the way to his room but he couldn't remember anything else.

His room was completely dark, save for a lamp oil burning weakly on his night table by his bed. It was so silent and so quiet. Ali wondered what time it was or how long he had been sleeping but he couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't speak at all even if he opened his mouth and gave it a try a couple of times.

"Azul..." He thought. "Where's she? I need to see her... I need to be sure she's alright... I need to..."

His thoughts were interrupted by a sound that echoed his room. He barely opened his eyes and he discovered that sound was coming from his father... his father was there, crying over him.

"Dad!" He thought. "Please... don't!"

Ali's heart was aching seeing his father like that. He wanted to comfort him, to let him know that everything was fine, that even if he was all wounded and beaten up he'd be fine, he'd survive and he'd be there, right by his side forever. But as much as Ali wanted to do that he just couldn't. He was so weak and he was feeling so dizzy that he just couldn't move.

He just felt how his father leaned over and brushed his bangs off his forehead and he felt how Aladdin pressed his lips against the bandages around his head.

"I love you Ali... my son."

He tried real hard and moved his fingers but in the dark of the room Aladdin didn't notice it. Ali sighed frustrated and he felt how a stray tear was escaping the corner of his eye. But Aladdin didn't notice it either.

Ali couldn't think, his mind was all blurred and he wasn't feeling well. He could still sense Aladdin's silent cry but as hard as he was trying to stay awake, he was just falling asleep again.

After several minutes the door opened softly. Aladdin noticed it and he thought it was Jasmine. He brushed his tears off his face quickly. He didn't want his wife to see him cry for he didn't want to worry her.

Aladdin looked at the door and he saw a lonely and small figure standing there, not moving at all. He recognized her right away.

"Azul!" He said softly. "Come in daughter... come here..."

Azul entered the room and closed the door carefully, not making a sound. Then she walked slowly to Ali's bed, keeping her scared eyes on Ali all the time.

She stopped right by Aladdin's side and the Sultan of Agrabah noticed how weak and how tired she looked. There were some signs of violence on her face that were visible even in the darkness of the room.

"Are you alright?" Aladdin asked concerned placing his hand on her shoulder. "We were so worried for you... I'm glad to have you back."

"I'm fine." She said not taking her eyes off Ali.

Aladdin knew how worried she was for Ali. It was very obvious just from the look on her face. Aladdin thought she was going to break down and cry any minute and that worried him.

"Azul." He said. "Maybe you should be resting."

"But I have to be with him." She whispered.

"I know." Aladdin was touched. "And I'm glad to have you here... he has been asking for you, even in his dreams... even in his delirium."

"How is he?" Azul looked up at Aladdin and he could see the fear in her blue eyes.

"He'll be fine." He said not wanting to worry her. "He has some bad injuries, that's right. Specially that one on his shoulder but you and I know how strong he is. He'll be fine."

"What does the doctor say?"

"Well, he needs a lot of rest... he needs to recover himself. We need to take very good care of him but he'll be fine."

"Oh Ali!" She said. "Sultan... he's like that because of me... I-"

"Shhh!" Aladdin said placing his arm around Azul's shoulders and hugging her to him. "Don't say that... it's okay. The boy did what he needed to do. It's not your fault Azul."

"But Sultan, Ali..."

"Ali is here now... he's with us. That's all that matters. You brought him here. You took care of him. He's in a bad shape and he needs us as never before but we all are willing to help him, to take care of him, to look out for him, aren't we?"

"Yes." She said softly.

"See? That's all that matters."

"Sultan Aladdin," Azul said looking up at him. "I want to ask for your permission... I want to take care of him... to be here with him all the time."

"You don't have to ask me permission for that, daughter... he's yours Azul. You've gone through so much, I know the kind of bond that's between you. I won't be the one who'd keep you apart. Allah forbid me from doing such a thing!"

"Thank you." Azul muttered.

Aladdin smiled down at her and cupped her face, pressing his lips firmly against her forehead.

"Welcome home... daughter."

Azul smiled at Aladdin. She understood why Ali loved his father so much. He was a great and wise man. She stepped forward and hugged him fondly. Aladdin returned the hug and when they pulled away Aladdin patted her back.

"I guess I should leave you alone with him."

"But how is he?" She asked concerned.

"He's resting... he's under the effect of drugs."

"Drugs?" Azul said sadly. "Why?"

"It was the only way... the pain was so much for him."

"Oh Ali!" She was feeling like crying.

"Stay here." Aladdin said. "And you don't need permission or authorization... this palace is your home... and this man... this man is yours Azul..."

Aladdin looked down at Ali and then at Azul.

"He's in good hands now."

"I'll do my best... I'll be always here for him... I love him, Sultan... I love him with my life."

"I know... the doctor will come later to check on him... but if you need anything we'll be around here."

The Sultan of Agrabah walked to the door, he stopped there and smiled at Azul one last time and then he left the room. He knew that Ali needed Azul as much as she needed him and he knew for sure Ali's best medicine was having her by his side.

* * * * *

Inside the dark room Azul was still staring at the door when she heard a soft groan coming from Ali's bed. She turned to him and slowly she approached that bed. The weak light of the lamp oil illuminated softly Ali's face and Azul could see the stressed expression on his face. As she was getting closer to the bed she was discovering all the bandages around Ali's body and also how weak and pale he looked.

Azul let out a tiny gasp and covered her mouth. Seeing him laid up like that was awful for her.

"Ali!" She whispered. "Oh Allah!"

She went to sit on the side of the bed. She did that very carefully not wanting to disturb him. He was very pale and had dark circles under his eyes. Bandages were covering all his body and head and he had a very visible split lip. Azul's heart ached as she was looking at him.

She didn't know what to do. She wanted to touch him so badly but she was afraid she might hurt him if she touched him the wrong way. Her blue eyes were moving from one side to the other just looking at him. She was pouting. She felt like crying but she knew that it'd be disturbing for Ali to hear her crying like that. She knew he was under the effects of the drugs and yet she didn't want to do anything that could stress him.

Finally she leaned over carefully and she touched his face tentatively. When she made sure that touch didn't hurt him she caressed his face tenderly and softly. She leaned even more getting real close to him.

"Ali..." She whispered.

And much to her surprise Ali moved and opened his eyes a little. That was all he could do at the time but when he saw her there he thought he was seeing a vision from Heaven. His blue eyed angel was there by his side, watching over him. For a moment he thought he was dreaming. He opened his mouth and tried to reunite all the little energy he had in his body.

"Azul..." He muttered, his voice barely audible as a small, weak grin appeared on his lips.

Azul noticed Ali was moving his fingers. But he barely had to reach out his fingers when she already had his hand in hers. She knew right away that he was trying to take her hand so she did it first, for she didn't want him to make the minimal effort.

She held his hand in hers and kissed it softly several times, noticing how beat up and dirty it was. Ali hadn't had the chance to clean himself yet and his hand was all scratched and he still had dirt under his fingernails. But that didn't matter to her, for she was kissing softly that hand she loved so much. Finally she pressed it against her heart.

Ali smiled at her and Azul hunched over, getting even more close to him. He couldn't keep his eyes open as much as he wanted to but just to feel her so close to him gave him a peace and a security he had never felt before.

And suddenly he felt her lips softly pressed against his forehead. Azul was kissing his face all over, very slowly and tenderly. She kissed his forehead, his cheeks and his eyes. Ali thought he was in Heaven then.

"Azul..." He muttered again.

"Shhh!" She said softly almost against his lips. "It's okay... don't talk... you need to rest."

He barely opened his eyes and tried to smile at her. Azul smiled back at him and with an infinite tenderness she became even closer to him and softly she kissed his lower lip. His upper lip was split so Azul knew she could hurt him kissing him there, so she kissed his lower lip instead, softly, tenderly and very sweetly.

Ali just closed his eyes as a warm feeling ran through his whole body. His lips curved up in a little smile and Azul stayed there, her lips against his lower lip for a long time. She wasn't backing off and Ali was praying to Allah for her to stay like that for as long as possible. He was there, his eyes closed just concentrated on the feeling of Azul's touch and the feeling of her speeding heartbeat that he could feel for Azul kept his hand pressed against her heart.

After a long moment Azul pulled away but only a little, for their faces stayed very close to each other. Azul wanted to be as close as possible to him, not wanting him to make any effort. She was there to read his lips to prevent him from talking. Her free hand cupped his face and she smiled down at him.

"I love you." She whispered softly.

"Will... you stay here with me?" Ali barely whispered.

"All the time my prince... I'll be here watching over you all the time."

"Good." He muttered closing his eyes.

"But you need to rest." She was whispering. "You need to recover yourself. I'm going to take care of you and everything is going to be fine Ali... everything is going to be fine."

"Azul..." He whispered.

"Shhh... don't talk... c'mon, try to get some sleep... I'll stay here with you."

"You promise?"

"I do."

Ali couldn't keep his eyes open any more. But he fell into a peaceful and blissful sleep. Azul stayed there by his side, not moving at all. She kept his hand in hers and she was stroking his hair softly. Just the sound of her breathing was enough to calm Ali down.

She stayed there by his side for a long moment until she made sure he was sound asleep. Then she carefully put his hand on his side and covered him with the blanket. She caressed his hair softly and her finger outlined his face softly.

"I thought I'd lost you." She said softly. "Now that you are here I won't let you go Ali... never."

She ran her hand softly and carefully along the bandages on his shoulder and chest and finally she kissed her finger and pressed it gently against Ali's lips.

She was so tired that she could barely keep her eyes open. But she wanted to watch over him, she didn't want to fall asleep.

Azul stood up and walked around the room trying to keep herself awake. The soft respiration of Ali was the only noise that could be heard in that room. She went to Ali's desk and took in her hands the portrait of the two of them that he had there. It had been made almost a year ago and Azul remembered all they had live through in the past year. All the things they had taken together.

She ran her fingers across the painting caressing Ali's image. Her mind was lost in her memories. They looked so happy in that portrait. Ali looked so healthy and so full of life. The real Ali. She looked at the man that was lying on bed and her heart ached.

"My poor Ali." She muttered. "Oh Allah, please cure him... I wish there was something I could do for him, alas I'm not a doctor and the only thing I can do is stay by his side night and day until he's cured... and then for the rest of my life."

She placed the portrait back on the desk and then she smiled warmly when she saw the other portrait Ali had there. She took it and stared amorously at it for a long time. It was a portrait of Aladdin carrying Ali on his shoulders. Ali was around 4 years old in that painting and Azul thought he was a cutie. She had seen lots of pictures of him as a baby and as a little boy and she always thought he was just adorable.

But that portrait was special. It clearly showed the wonderful relationship between Ali and his father. Azul knew how much Ali loved, respected and admired his father, Sultan Aladdin. And looking at that picture Azul could see the friendship and the special relationship they had between them. They were much more than just father and son. They were friends and partners.

"He's been a wonderful father to you." Azul thought. "And you've been the best son he could've asked for. Sultan Aladdin is a wonderful man. It's no wonder why you are the way you are Ali. Your parents raised an extraordinary man."

Azul looked at the sleeping Ali and smiled softly. She was thinking what a wonderful father he'd make when it was the time. At the thought of it she smiled shyly and she shook her head as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

She put the portrait back on the desk and took Nevi who was standing there. She walked to Ali's side and placed Nevi on his pillow, right by his side.

"I guess you can use all the love we can give you, Ali." She whispered. "And here's Nevi, your long time friend." Azul messed Nevi's fur. "He needs us Nevi... and we'll be here for him all the time, won't we?"

Azul was feeling very tired and sleepy as much as she tried to avoid it. She couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. She took Ali's hand and gave it a little squeeze and then she went to the divan next to Ali's desk.

"I guess I can rest my eyes for a second." She thought.

She laid on the divan and started to doze off. She really needed her rest. She was very tired and her body was weak. Little by little she started to fall into a blissful sleep.

Until a noise made her jump. She opened her eyes and gasped, for the noise had startled her. She blinked a couple of times not recognizing the room she was into. But then she looked at the bed and she noticed Ali was moving restlessly and groaning.

"Ali!" She jumped to her feet and rushed to his side. "Ali...!"

She kneeled by his side and took his hand in hers kissing it softly. Ali was gasping for air and pain was reflected in his face. She was terrified to see him like that. She pressed Ali's hand against her chest again and started to caress his hair softly.

"Shhhh..." She was cooing to him. "Everything is fine... I'm here Ali... I'm with you... c'mon, go back to sleep... I'm here..."

Azul's voice had a very soothing effect on Ali. Little by little his breathing was more quiet and steady and the stress and pain disappeared from his face. Azul kept herself caressing his hair tenderly, calming him down. She kept cooing him until she made sure he was sleeping again.

Finally Azul leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. She kept his hand in hers. She looked around and grabbed a couple of big pillows from the many Ali kept there and placed them right beside Ali's bed. She sat on them and rested her head on Ali's bed. She kept his hand in hers all the time. And little by little she fell asleep right by Ali's side.

She didn't know how long they were like that but after a long time she woke up when she felt Ali moving. She held his hand tighter and looked at his stressed face. She could tell he was in pain again. He was groaning and his expression was stressed and painful.

But before she could do or say anything to calm him down he opened his eyes waking up in a jolt.

"AZUL!" He cried.

Azul hurried to sit beside him on bed and her hand caressed his face softly.

"It's alright Ali." She whispered softly. "I'm right here!"

Ali looked up at her, terror in his eyes. He was gasping for air and by the expression in his face Azul knew he had a bad dream. He was scared.

"Azul..." He said with a weak and shaky voice. "You are here."

"I am here." She reassured him. "And I'm not going anywhere."

"You stayed." He muttered.

"I told you I'd stay by your side all the time, remember?"

"Yeah..." He said closing his eyes and trying to catch his breath.

"Are you alright?" She was whispering to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Not... very good." He whispered back.

"Do you want me to call your parents or the doctor?" Azul was alarmed.

"No..." He stopped her softly. "Not now... just... just stay here... with me... for a moment..."

"Ali!" She said softly. "My prince!"

She was touched. She knew Ali was going through so much pain and yet he preferred to stay with her instead of having the doctor see him. She was feeling her love burning in her heart. Love for him. Love as she had never felt before in her life.

Ali barely opened his eyes and a weak smile appeared on his lips. Azul smiled back at him and hunched over, her face very close to Ali's so she could hear him.

"I'm... a mess." He whispered.

"You are going to be fine." Azul whispered caressing his face. "We are going to take care of you... very good care of you."

"I feel... terrible."

Azul was feeling her heart aching for him. She tried to smile and for her response she went closer to him and kissed his cheek gently. A small smile appeared on Ali's face. Azul kept her lips pressed against his skin for a long moment and when she pulled away she discovered Ali looking amorously at her.

"You should go back to sleep my love." She whispered. "It's the middle of the night."

"I don't wanna..." He muttered. "I want to be... with you."

"You ARE with me."

"Azul..." He whispered.


Ali looked deep into her eyes. She knew he was very weak and it was very painful for him to even talk but by the expression on his face she knew something important was on his mind.

"Azul..." His voice was soft with both, weakness and tenderness. "Would you... would you marry... me?"

Azul smiled tenderly and leaned over to kiss his forehead.

"Silly boy." She said. "We've been through this before... you know I WANT to be your wife. I want to spend the rest of my life by your side."

"But..." He said softly. "Would you marry me... now?"

"Now?" Azul's eyes widened with surprise. "Oh Ali... I'd love to but... I think you need to recover yourself before thinking about..."

"But," He interrupted her. "I want the rest of my life... to start now..."

Ali squeezed weakly Azul's hand and she understood his message. She looked at his face and she didn't see pain or frustration there anymore. Just love... love and hope.

She felt she was going to cry right there. Her big blue eyes were all teary and she noticed Ali had tears of his own in his eyes as well.

"Oh Ali." She smiled. "I'd love to marry you... now."

"You would?"

"Of course!"

"Look at me..." He said. "I am a rag doll... I can't... offer much right now..."

"You've given all to me already." She said going closer to him, her lips almost against his. "You've given love to me... you've given me everything."

"I love you... blue eyes."

"And I love you... my prince."

A stray tear escaped Azul's eye and Ali smiled tenderly. He lifted his hand and clumsily he touched Azul's face. She smiled at him and pressed his hand against her cheek.

"Allah, you are BEAUTIFUL!" He said sincerely.

Azul blushed and smiled at him. She leaned over and brushed his lips with hers softly. Ali just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. When Azul pulled away he kept his eyes closed for a long moment. Azul thought he was sleeping again but she kept caressing his face and his hair gently.

But suddenly he opened his eyes and a weak and yet wonderful smile appeared on his lips. Azul could see a very special light shinning in his eyes.

"Next week?" He asked softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you... marry me... next week?"

"Ali!" Azul gasped knowing he was being serious. "But..."

"Azul," He interrupted her. "I don't want to... be alone... anymore."

She smiled tenderly and kissed his hand.

"You'll never be alone anymore my love. I'll be here forever."

"I want... forever to start now."

"You are being serious about this, are you?" Azul asked.

"I've never been... more serious in my... life."

"Ali!" Azul was so happy that she couldn't control her tears anymore.

"Aw... blue eyes... don't cry... is it really all that bad... to marry me...?"

Azul laughed softly between her tears. Allah, she loved that man so much. She wished there was a way to express to him the love she felt for him. Words weren't good enough anymore. She wanted him to know how big her love for him was. She wanted Ali to understand he was the only one for her. He was her whole life. She wanted to give herself to him as the ultimate proof of her love for him.

"Silly Ali!" She said softly leaning over and hugging him carefully. "Those are tears of happiness."

"Should I take that... as a 'yes'?" Ali whispered in her ear.

Azul pulled away a little, just enough to look at his face. She looked deep into his eyes and a serious and determined expression appeared on her face.

"Yes." She said firmly. "I want to marry you, Ali. And I want to marry you next week."

"Praise Allah!" Ali whispered.

With a great effort Ali put his arm around Azul and pressed her against his chest. He felt Azul's tears on his neck and he smiled softly and turned his head to kiss Azul's temple.

"No more tears Azul." He said softly. "Promise me... no more tears."

"I love you Ali!" She was whispering in his ear. "I love you!"

"Azul..." He whispered.

"Yeah?" She pulled away a little to look at his face.

"I know I am supposed to do... this but... since I just can't... would you... would you kiss me... now?"

An expression of infinite tenderness appeared on Azul's face. A wonderful smile illuminated her face and she leaned over Ali.

"I love you... my silly Ali!" She said pressing her lips against his softly.

Ali moved his hand clumsily and placed it on the back of Azul's neck, not wanting her to pull away from that soft kiss.

After a long moment Azul pulled away. She smiled down at Ali. He kept his eyes closed and a small dreamy smile was on his face.

"Awww!" He said softly. "Must this finish so soon?"

Azul giggled softly and Ali opened his eyes. His hand was still on her neck and he moved it to caress Azul's chin.

"Then... our date is set, isn't it?"

"It is." She said softly. "Next week."

Ali nodded and closed his eyes. He was very tired. Azul took his hand in hers and she noticed it had been a real effort for Ali to stay awake that long.

"I'll be fine by then..." He whispered. "I promise it."

"Then get your sleep." She caressed his face. "C'mon... close your eyes and rest."

"You are so good to me..." Ali's voice trailed off and Azul knew he had fallen asleep already.

"Next week." She smiled dreamily. "This is going to be the longest week of all my life."

* * * * *

Azul stayed by Ali's side for several hours that night. She was sitting on some cushions by Ali's bed and she kept her head resting on bed and Ali's hand in hers.

The door opened slowly and Aladdin and Jasmine entered the room. They stopped and exchanged smiles when they saw Ali and Azul like that. They looked really cute.

"He's been so quiet all night." Aladdin whispered.

"She's with him." Jasmine smiled tenderly.

The doctor entered behind them and Aladdin stepped aside.

"He's sleeping." Aladdin told him. "He looks better now, don't you think?"

"I have to check on him." The doctor said. "And give him another dose."

"More drugs?" Jasmine said desperately. "I don't think it's necessary doctor. Just look at him... he's sleeping peacefully."

"And why is that, Queen Jasmine? Because of the drugs."

"I don't know." Aladdin said. "I don't think it's such a good idea."

"Sultan Aladdin, that wound on his shoulder is a real bad one. If I don't give him this medicine he'd be in terrible pain."

"But he is so quiet now!" Jasmine protested.

"The effects of the medicine will pass in a few minutes and then he'll be in pain again. That's why I want to give him a new dose before the effects of the last dose pass by. It's for Prince Ali's own good."

Aladdin and Jasmine looked at each other. They were worried and stressed. Finally Aladdin just shrugged and sighed deeply.

"Oh alright, you are the doctor... but are you sure this is good for Ali?"

"Believe me Sultan, you wouldn't want to see your son in such a pain."

"I know." Aladdin said softly.

The doctor approached the bed and Azul opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. She squeezed Ali's hand and straightened herself.

"Wha--?" She said drowsily.

"It's alright sweetheart." Jasmine went to her. "It's the doctor."

"Queen Jasmine." She stood up slowly. "I... fell asleep."

"You need your rest." Aladdin said. "How's my boy?"

"He's been sleeping peacefully... he woke up for a couple of minutes and we were..."

Azul stopped when they noticed Ali moving on the bed. The prince of Agrabah moaned and groaned and Azul rushed to take his hand.

"Shhh... it's alright Ali... I'm right here..."

"Oh Allah!" Ali groaned. "It hurts!"

"Ali!" Aladdin said kneeling by his son's side. "It's us, your mother and I... how are you kid?"

"Mom... dad..." Ali opened his eyes. "It's good to see you..."

"Are you alright my dear?" Jasmine said caressing his face.

"Fine..." It was obvious that it was hard for him to talk. "Just fine... my body is aching but... I'm home..."

"Aw, Ali!" Aladdin smiled caressing his face. "You are safe now."

"I know..." He gasped for air. "I'm home with my father... with my mother... and with my Azul." Ali looked up at Azul who kept his hand in hers and they smiled tenderly at each other. Then Ali turned to his parents.

"Did she already tell you?"

"Tell what?" Aladdin looked at Azul and then at Ali.

Ali smiled tenderly, his eyes set on the face of his girl. He squeezed her hand softly and Azul smiled back at him.

"We were talking..." Azul said timidly. "And... Ali and I... we..."

Azul stopped not knowing how to say that. Ali grinned weakly and looked at his parents.

"Mom... dad..." He said with his weak and fatigued voice. "We want to marry... next week."

"What?" Aladdin and Jasmine said at the same time.

Ali looked up at Azul and she caressed the back of his hand with her free hand. Ali smiled tenderly at her even if a small cringe replaced the smile very soon.

"Ali, son..." Aladdin was saying. "You know your mother and I really want you to marry Azul and to be happy for the rest of your life but... don't you think you kids are rushing things a little?"

"No." Was Ali's only response.

"It's impossible to prepare a wedding in only a week." Jasmine said concerned.

"But we don't want a big celebration." Ali said. "We only want... to be... together."

"What do you think about this?" Aladdin asked Azul.

"Ali already has my word, Sultan." She smiled.

Aladdin looked at Jasmine. Her eyes went from Ali to Azul and then to Aladdin. Then the two of them looked at Ali and Azul. The prince of Agrabah made a great effort and finally he kissed Azul's hand. Then he smiled at his parents.

"We cannot wait any longer..."

Ali opened his hand to show them the bandage he had there and then their eyes went to the bandage Azul had in her own hand.

"It was a blood alliance." Ali said. "We are one now..."

"Azul," Aladdin said. "Are you conscious of what this implies? Look at Ali, he's in very bad shape now. And I don't know what this kid told you but he'd never ever be ready for his wedding in a week."

"Sultan," She smiled. "I don't care... I really don't care if Ali is still in bed when we marry... I only want to be with him, to be his wife... I don't care if it is a private ceremony here in this room... I don't care if we are wearing the clothes we are wearing now... I don't care if we have to wait weeks for a honeymoon or whatever... for me it's only important to be Ali's wife. To be here with him day and night taking care of him the way a wife should. I love your son." She looked at them. "I love him with all my heart and soul."

Ali was smiling at Azul. Then his gaze went to Aladdin and Jasmine. The Queen of Agrabah saw that special light in her son's eyes. She smiled tenderly and placed her hand on Aladdin's.

"Aladdin," She said softly. "They are right... we are worried for stupid things, for celebrations, for gifts... that's not the way love works and we know that. Why keep them away?"

Aladdin looked at Jasmine and smiled tenderly, then nodded.

"I guess you are right."

"You know we would've done the exact same thing if we were in their position."

"I know." Aladdin smiled.

"So... do we have your... blessing?" Ali said holding Azul's hand.

"Our blessing and all our support." Jasmine said. "If you want your wedding to be next week, next week it is."

"We'll do our best to give you a wonderful and unforgettable wedding." Aladdin smiled. "You just try to get better Ali... leave it all to us."

"Thank you dad! Thank you mom!" Ali said weakly and he smiled up at Azul.

His blue eyed girl was all teary eyed. He thought her eyes shinned wonderfully when she was teary eyed but he hated to see tears in her eyes, even if those were tears of joy.

"No more tears, blue eyes." He whispered softly. "Remember..."

Azul kneeled beside him and hugged him tenderly. Ali laughed softly, or tried to laugh because his expression changed into a cringe. But he tried to ignore it and enjoy the feeling of the moment.

"After all you've lived together," Aladdin was saying. "It'd be absurd to try to keep you apart. You belong together. You have a blood alliance... what could be more intimate than that?"

"Thank you Sultan!" Azul smiled at them. "Thank you Queen Jasmine!"

"Don't mention it, daughter." Jasmine smiled. "You deserve all the happiness in the world. And I know you are Ali's happiness."

"Can we count... on the ceremony... next week?" Ali asked weakly.

"Of course." Aladdin smiled. "Even if that's going to be a public representation of something that has already happened in your hearts... because just looking at you I know you're already married in your hearts... I don't know what you lived through but whatever it was it united you... when I look into your eyes I know you've been married in blood."

Ali and Azul smiled not taking their eyes off each other's. Jasmine turned to Aladdin and she gave a small hug to him.

"We have to prepare things... oh, next week! Isn't this exciting?"

At that moment Ali cringed again and as much as he tried to stop it, a groan escaped his throat.

"Ali!" Azul said alarmed. "Are you alright?"

A painful expression covered his face and he just shook his head letting them know that he was not feeling well.

Immediately the doctor went to him.

"As I told you," He turned to Aladdin. "The effect of the medicine is passing by... it's time to administer a new dose."

"But I don't want to!" Ali protested through clenched teeth.

"Ali," Aladdin said firmly. "It's for your own good."

"But it'll put me to sleep... I don't know what it is but... I feel awful... please dad! Don't let him do that!"

"I'm sorry kid." Aladdin said softly. "But I don't want you to be in pain."

"Azul!" Ali called desperately. "Don't let them do that to me!"

"Ali!" She said kneeling by his side. "You need it."

"No... please! No more drugs!"

"Please Ali!" She said taking his hand. "Do it for me!"

"But I don't want to..."

But it was too late, for the doctor was already giving him a new dose and as much as Ali wanted to fight it, he was just too weak to defend himself. He was forced to take the dose.

Azul was teary eyed seeing him like that, so defenseless and vulnerable. Her heart was aching for him. And Aladdin and Jasmine were terrified seeing how bad Ali was, but they knew that was the only way.

Ali started to close his eyes. The drugs worked fast. He lifted a little the hand he could move, for the other arm was immobilized. Azul rushed to hold his hand.

"Don't leave me Azul..." He muttered. "Stay..."

"I'm right here Ali." She said kissing his hand. "Sleep well... have sweet dreams... I'll watch over your sleep... I'm not going anywhere my love... anywhere."

Ali opened his eyes just to send a last, deep look into Azul's blue eyes. Then he closed his eyes and he fell into a deep sleep. Azul kissed his hand and looked up at Aladdin and Jasmine.

"If you would permit it, your Highness, I'd like to stay in here... watching over him."

"But Azul, you need your rest!" Jasmine said.

"I need Ali." She responded firmly. "And Ali needs you." Aladdin said placing his hand on Azul's shoulder.

"I know and..."

"He'll need you when he's awake." Aladdin interrupted her. "And he's going to be sleeping for hours. You need your rest Azul... please!"

"But I promised him I'd be here!"

"Just go to take a rest for a couple of hours... it's almost dawn. Then you can come back in here and stay here for as long as you want. But you need to rest."

Azul looked at the sleeping Ali, sadness in her face.

"Go!" Jasmine said softly placing her arm around Azul's shoulder. "You need some sleep. Aladdin and I will stay in here with him until you are back."

Azul looked at Aladdin and he smiled softly, cupping her chin in his hand and nodding at Jasmine's words.

"C'mon Azul... take a rest... please."

"Okay." She said still not very convinced. "But I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"And until then we'll watch over Ali."

Azul kneeled by Ali's side and she leaned over kissing his lips sweetly. She pulled away and caressed his hair.

"You'll be alright." She whispered to him. "I'll be back."

She kissed his forehead and then stood up. Aladdin and Jasmine were smiling tenderly at her. She shrugged.

"I guess I'll see you later."

"Your parents are waiting for you in the hall."

Azul nodded and looked at Ali one more time.

"Take good care of him." She said softly.

"We'll do it." Aladdin smiled.

Azul looked at them, then at the sleeping Ali and then she abandoned the room. But she promised herself she'd be back as soon as she could, for she wanted to be there when Ali opened his eyes.

* * * * *

Ali opened his eyes and groaned. He was feeling a terrible pain in his shoulder and he couldn't breath very well. He opened his mouth gasping for air and realized that his stomach was aching really bad.

"Oh Allah!" He muttered.

He had no idea if it was day or night, for the windows were covered by heavy curtains and the room was dark. He blinked and cringed when he looked at the oil lamp on the table by his bed. His eyes were very sensitive to the light as a side effect of the concussion. He was feeling all dizzy and very tired.

He looked around and discovered Azul there. She was on the divan, curled up and she was dozing off. Ali sent her a painful look.

"Azul!" He barely whispered.

Then he made a face when he tasted blood on his lips. He ran his tongue across his lips and he noticed his split lip was bleeding again.

At that moment Azul woke up in a jolt and gasped. He looked at her. It seemed as if she had awaken from a nightmare. For a moment they looked at each other's scared eyes and then Azul left the divan and rushed to Ali's side.

"Ali!" She said softly. "You are awake!"

She noticed he was touching his lip, dabbing at it, trying to clean it up. She looked down at him and he looked up at her. They made eye contact and Azul discovered shame in Ali's eyes.

"Your lip is bleeding again." She said softly. "Here..."

She took a small towel from the night table and she sat on the bed by Ali's side. Carefully she cleaned up his lip trying not to hurt him anymore. Ali looked at her.

"You are so good to me." He whispered.

Azul smiled tenderly and outlined Ali's face softly.

"I have to take care of my lion."

Ali tried to smile but then suddenly Ali's eyes widened and he started to cough violently. Azul gasped and rushed to straighten Ali for she knew he could choke. Ali was coughing and his body was shaking violently. Azul noticed he was coughing blood and she knew Ali's stomach had been hurt by Faaris. She held the little towel to his mouth and little by little the cough attack passed by.

Ali was gasping for air then. Azul made his head rest on her chest and she caressed his hair softly. His face was covered by sweat and he was still shaking, trying to catch his breath.

"Shhh!" She whispered softly. "It's alright... it's over..."

Her heart was aching so bad for him. Ali just closed his eyes feeling ashamed of himself. He hated that Azul had to see him like that. He hated to feel so defenseless and vulnerable.

But Azul held him against her until he calmed down completely.

"Are you feeling better now?" She asked.

Ali just shook his head. He wasn't feeling any better. Carefully Azul laid him back on the bed and she hunched over to face him.

"It's aright." Her voice barely audible. "I'm here with you... I'll take care of you... you'll be fine."

Ali closed his eyes. His whole body was aching. The pain from the wound on his shoulder was real bad and his stomach felt terrible. Besides the world was spinning around him. He felt really dizzy and the feeling was making him sick.

"Do you want me to call the doctor?" Azul asked softly.

"No..." He barely muttered. "Please... don't..."

"But Ali, you really need to be checked."

Ali shook his head weakly and opened his eyes, looking up at Azul. She could see the desperation and the pain in his eyes but most of all his frustration.

"He'll come in here..." Ali whispered. "To drug me... again... I don't want..."

"Shhh! Don't talk... I know this is hard Ali but you have to accept those medicines. You need them."

"But I want... to be conscious... I'm tired of not knowing... if it's day or... night... I have no idea for how... long I've been sleeping... I---" He coughed.

"Don't force yourself." Azul said quietly. "Don't talk."

"Please Azul... please..."


"Don't... don't let the doctor drug me... again... I don't want to see... him..."

"Ali, I can't promise you that."

"You have no idea... what this is like..."

"But the doctor says that's the only way to..."

"Please!" He interrupted her.

"Oh Ali!"

Azul stroke his hair fondly. She was very worried for him. She couldn't do what he was asking her. She couldn't stop the doctor from drugging him. But she understood how awful Ali felt with those drugs. But on the other hand, she also knew without those drugs Ali would be in terrible pain.

"Please Azul!" He whispered softly.

Azul took his hand and kissed it amorously. Then she pressed it against her heart. Their eyes locked.

"I'll do what I can, Ali."

"Thank you."

Ali closed his eyes and Azul prayed to Allah for him to go back to sleep. But his chest was rising and falling very fast and for the stressed expression on his face she just knew he was in pain.

She also noticed it in the way he squeezed her hand. Every now and then he'd cringe and Azul's heart was aching in her chest. She hated to see him like that, going through so much pain, knowing he was like that because of her.

Ali turned to her and half opened his eyes. His stressed expression changed to a sad one when he discovered tears on Azul's face.

"Why are you crying... blue eyes?"

"Ali... I just---"

Ali moved his hand clumsily and brushed the tears off her face.

"Please, don't!" He whispered. "You promised to me... no more tears... remember?"

"I know." She said pressing Ali's palm against her cheek. "But it pains me so much to see you like this... suffering this way... Ali, I keep thinking this all was because of me. It's all my fault... I look at you and I know you are like this because you are brave enough to put your life on the line for me... I'm the one to blame and look at me... I should be the one in that bed, not you... and I left Karak unharmed... why you?"

"No." He said taking her hand and caressing the bandage she had there. "You have scars of your own... mine are on the body... but yours are in your heart... and it's all because of me..."

Ali cringed and Azul kissed his hand.

"Oh Ali!"

"I... I'm so sorry... Azul... so sorry..."

"For what?"

"I need your forgiveness."


"I abandoned you... I deserted you... so many times... in so many ways... Azul, this happened because of me... of my foolishness... I never... came back to you... that night... I-I made a lot of mistakes in... my journey... I---"

Ali had to stop, for he was coughing again. Azul shook her head and caressed his hair.

"No Ali, please don't say that. This is not your fault. You did all you could. You saved me... don't you know what you did? You gave your own blood for me!"

"Don't blame yourself for this then." He whispered. "It's not your fault."

"But Ali..."

"No... if... if I had to do the same again... I would... for you Azul, I would..."


Azul leaned over and carefully hugged Ali. She hid her face in his neck and Ali smiled tenderly having her like that. He felt so warm in her embrace. He loved to feel her like that, so close to him.

"Don't move..." He softly whispered in her ear. "Please... stay like this..."

Azul smiled tenderly and closed her eyes. She didn't want to move. She wouldn't have moved for the world. They closed their eyes and stayed like that for a long moment. They weren't even talking, they were just there, together. They felt so good being like that, so close to the other.

"Aren't you hungry?" Azul whispered in his ear after a long silence.

"No..." Ali said not wanting to break the spell of the moment.

"You haven't eaten anything... you really should... you..."

"Shhh..." He said. "This is all I need."

Azul smiled softly and she didn't know why but she blushed a little. She felt so good being so close to him like that.

"I'm going to bring some flowers for you tomorrow." She said softly. "This room looks so gloomy... some flowers would be nice."

"Flowers from your garden." He whispered with a throaty and sleepy voice.

Azul smiled, she could feel he was falling asleep and she was happy to notice that. But for Ali the feeling of having her so close to him was enough to calm him down. She gave him a peace and a comfort and a relief that no medicine or drug gave to him.

But the spell of the moment was broken by the sound of footsteps and voices in the corridor outside the room.

Azul straightened herself immediately and Ali blinked and frowned.

"No..." He whispered. "It's the doctor..."

"And your parents." Azul said.

"Please blue eyes... don't let the doctor in here... I don't want to see him anymore."

"Ali, don't be such a baby." She scolded him softly. "You need to see the doctor."


"If you want to be fine for our wedding day then you have to be a good boy and do what the doctor says. Otherwise you'll be sick in our wedding... do you want that?"

"No." Ali said softly.

"Then let's see the doctor... I'll be here with you. Don't worry." She smiled leaning over and kissing the tip of his nose softly.

"Azul!" He pleaded. "Please... no more drugs... anything but drugs..."

Azul looked at him and she noticed how desperate he was. She took his hands in hers and nodded.

"Don't worry Ali... I'll do all I can."

"Thank you." He muttered.

The door opened and the doctor entered followed by Aladdin and Jasmine. They smiled when they saw Ali awake and Azul by his side.

"Ali!" Aladdin went to him. "How are you boy?"

"I'm fine." Ali said softly.

"Has he been awake for long?" Jasmine asked Azul while caressing Ali's hair.

"For a few minutes." She smiled at Ali. "We were just... talking."

"I have to check on him." The doctor said coming closer.

Aladdin, Jasmine and Azul moved aside but Ali kept his eyes on Azul. He was pleading her to stop the doctor. Azul bit her lower lip nervously.

"How are you feeling, prince Ali?"


"Well, your wounds aren't bleeding anymore, which is good." He said examining Ali's shoulder.

Ali cringed but he didn't make a sound. Azul let out a frustrated sigh and looked at Aladdin and Jasmine. They were very worried for their son and they just couldn't hide it.

"That wound will be fine in a couple of weeks."

"Oh geez." Ali said softly. "I need to be fine... next week."

The doctor chuckled and went to examine Ali's ribs.

"How are your ribs today? And your stomach? You know, you really should start having some food now. You've only had fluids for two days."

"I don't want food... my stomach is still aching."

"Aching how?" The doctor said.

"Just... aching."

"Doctor," Azul stepped forward. "He was coughing blood earlier." Ali sent Azul a dirty look that she ignored. "I thought he'd choke."

"His stomach has been internally wounded, it's going to take a while to heal. It's only natural he's coughing or spitting blood. You can even vomit blood, Prince Ali. I'm going to prescribe honey for that aching stomach. Honey is the best medicine for it."

"Oh, alright." Ali groaned.

"It's going well." The doctor said to Aladdin and Jasmine. "He's a strong boy. It's only a matter of time but he'll be alright."

"Thanks Allah!" Jasmine muttered.

"Now we only have to give him his medicines for the night..." The doctor took a small bottle in his hands. "This will put you to sleep and you'll have a very good rest."

"No!" Ali said firmly. "I don't want to!"

"Ali!" Aladdin scolded him. "You have to take your medicines!"


Azul shook her head and looked at Aladdin.

"Sultan... Ali and I have been talking about this... about the drugs that is. And Ali doesn't want to take them anymore. He can go just fine without them."

"But they are for the pain." The doctor said. "Do you have any idea what kind of pain you'd be into without them?"

"But I don't want to take them!" Ali responded.

"I don't like the idea either." Jasmine said. "There must be another way."

"I've been awake for a while." Ali's voice was weak. "And I was going through some pain, yeah... but at least I'm conscious... I don't want to sleep day and night. I want to know what's going on! I---"

Ali had to stop, but a sudden cough attack struck him. Azul rushed to his side to help him turning to his side. Aladdin and Jasmine looked at their son and then to each other. There was panic in their eyes.

"It's alright... it's alright..." Azul was saying while caressing and patting Ali's back.

The attack ended and the doctor shook his head.

"That is going to continue if you refuse your medicines, Prince Ali."

"The medicines are fine." Azul sent the doctor a sharp look. "But no drugs... I won't allow it."

"Then you prefer him to be in pain?" The doctor replied.

"There must be another way to put him to sleep... some tea or something... anything."

"This is insane." The doctor sighed.

"Just tell me what I have to do," Azul was talking. "I'll do anything... whatever it is that Ali needs, I'll do it. I'm going to stay here, right by his side day and night... I'll watch over him... I'm going to keep track of his medicines, of everything... but please, no more drugs!"

"You are in no shape to..."

"I want to do this!" Azul said firmly.

Ali turned onto his back and smiled up at her. He loved such attitude in his girl. He wanted to thank her but he just couldn't, for he was still gasping for air after the last cough attack.

Aladdin and Jasmine exchanged looks. They were real touched by Azul's loyalty and devotion to Ali. They didn't have to talk. Aladdin just sent his wife a questioning look and she nodded.

"Doctor," Aladdin spoke. "My daughter in law is right. I don't want you to give more drugs to my son. The medicine is fine, but that's enough. Don't put him to sleep with any kind of drug. I forbid it."

"Sultan, I know this is awful but..."

"Medicines are bad enough." Aladdin said. "I think my son can resist without the other drugs. I know you mean well but this is final. No more drugs for my son."

The doctor sighed and shook his head.

"Fine... but I want you all to know this is not going to be easy for any of you. You must keep an eye on him day and night... and you, Prince Ali, you'll have to bear the pain without any help."

"At least I'll be conscious of it." Ali muttered.

"Alright." The doctor said. "Then take the regular medicines... I'll come back in the morning to check on you."

"Thank you, doctor." Aladdin said sincerely.

The doctor just bowed and left the room. Ali sighed relieved.

"But you'll have to take good care of yourself, Ali." Jasmine was saying. "And you'll take all your medicines."

"I will mom."

"And from tomorrow you'll start to eat food." Aladdin said. "You need it, boy."

"Yes dad." Ali tried to smile.

"I'll have the cook prepare some tea for you." Jasmine said. "To help you to sleep."

"No!" Ali replied in panic. "They're going to put the drugs in the tea!"

"They won't." Jasmine took Ali's hand. "I'll ask them to..."

"No mom... I don't want it..."

"C'mon Ali, your mother is right. A tea will help you to sleep."

"But I don't want them to drug me again... with tea this time."

Jasmine looked at Azul and she smiled.

"Don't worry my love, I'll prepare it for you. I'll do it myself... would you like that?"

Ali smiled tenderly and nodded.

"That would be nice."

"Alright." She said leaning over and kissing his forehead.

"You are a lucky devil." Aladdin laughed softly. "Having such a gorgeous girl pampering you like that..." Aladdin turned to Azul. "I'm starting to think Ali is not hurt at all, he's just pretending to get all this pampering."

"Oh," Azul giggled. "He doesn't have to pretend to get all the pampering he wants from me."

Azul kissed Ali's hand and he smiled up at her.

"This girl is spoiling you!" Aladdin laughed.

"I know." Ali barely muttered. "Isn't she great?"

Azul smiled, leaned over and gave him a small hug. Then he looked up at Aladdin and Jasmine and took Ali's hand.

"Sultan Aladdin, Queen Jasmine... if you permit it, I'd like to take full responsibility for Ali. I want to be here with him day and night. I want to take care of him until he's totally cured."

"That is touching." Jasmine said. "A real proof of love Azul but what about your parents? You have been here by Ali's side day and night from the moment you came back.. you should be resting now and..."

"My parents have to understand." She said firmly. "I love them and I'd love to be with them but... but Ali needs me now and I want to be here with him because this is my place... this is where I belong, right by his side... now and forever."

Ali squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile. She brushed the hair off his forehead sweetly and their eyes locked.

"I love you... blue eyes."

"I love you too, my prince."

Aladdin smiled and placed his arm around Jasmine. She looked up at her husband.

"I know you'd do the same thing for me, Jasmine." He said softly. "You'd never leave me alone, would you?"

Jasmine smiled and snuggled to him.

"No, of course not."

"See?" Aladdin looked at Azul. "I want to thank you Azul, for all the love and devotion you have for our son. I really don't know where this kid found such a treasure but he sure was lucky."

"Aw, Sultan!" Azul blushed.

"Isn't she just adorable when she blushes?" Ali teased softly.

"You can stay here for as long as you want, day and night." Jasmine said. "I know you love my son deeply and sincerely and we wouldn't be the ones to keep you two apart."

"After all you've gone through together," Aladdin smiled. "No one could tear you apart... in ANY way."

"Thank you!" Azul said teary eyed.

"Oh no... thank YOU!" Jasmine smiled.

"But you must promise us you'll take care of yourself and you'll get your rest." Aladdin said. "I don't want you to die from exhaustion and I KNOW how demanding this silly boy can be."

Ali smiled at his father and then at Azul. She smiled back at him and caressed his face.

"Don't worry Sultan... I'll be fine."


Azul leaned and kissed Ali's lips softly, a quick kiss. She immediately went to her feet and smiled at them.

"I'm going to prepare Ali's tea... be right back!"

With that she left the room. Aladdin and Jasmine saw her disappearing behind the door and then they looked at Ali.

The young prince of Agrabah had a dreamy and happy look on his face and a little smile on his lips. He was still staring at the door.

"You lucky boy!" Aladdin smiled.

"Well," Ali said softly. "You also were a lucky man finding mom... I'm just glad I found my own star... my blue eyed angel."

"Alright little man." Jasmine said sitting by his side. "Time to take your medicine."

"Aw, mom!"

"Listen to your mother." Aladdin scolded him playfully. "Other wise you won't get to play with Azul."

"Okay." Ali giggled while taking the medicine Jasmine was handing to him. "You sure know how to convince me, dad."

When Azul came back with the tea, Aladdin and Jasmine decided to leave them alone. They knew that after the adventure they had lived they really needed time together, private time.

Azul sat on the bed right by his side and she helped him to sit up on the bed, leaning his back against the headboard. It was not easy to do but they managed.

"C'mon," She said taking the cup of tea. "I prepared this for you. It'll help you to sleep. Nanny used to prepare this for me when I couldn't sleep or when I had nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Ali said softly. "But I thought angels didn't have nightmares."

"Ali!" She chuckled softly.

She blew on the cup of tea and then smiled at him.

"It's a little hot..."

"Azul!" He smiled tenderly at her. "Thanks for standing up for me with the doctor."

"Don't mention it. I hated to see you drugged like that."

"I felt awful that way. I can handle the pain but I hate to be out of this world like that. I'm a warrior, I can fight my own reality... with you by my side."

"We'll do it together."

"And... thanks for volunteering to take care of me like that... I really don't know what to say..."

"Then don't say anything." She smiled. "Now here... your tea is ready... c'mon!"

She put the cup against Ali's lips and he took a sip of it and smiled.

"Oh, this is real good!"

"It is, isn't it?"

"It's sweet..."

"Oh yeah, I sweetened it with honey since the doctor said that honey is good for your stomach and..."

"No," He interrupted her. "It's sweet what you are doing for me... taking care of me like this... being here for me like this... even feeding me like this..."

"I love you Ali... what else could you expect from me?"

"I love you too." He said caressing her face.

"Okay Ali," Azul giggled. "C'mon, you don't want this to turn into a cold tea... drink it."

She helped him with it and Ali drank it to the last drop. It gave him a warm feeling inside but it also made him sleepy, but a different kind of sleepiness. He was feeling good. Azul fixed his pillows and she help him lay on them.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly.

"I am..."

Ali had his eyes closed and by the tone of his voice Azul knew he was falling asleep. She smiled and caressed his hair softly.

"Good... do you need anything?"

"... my good night kiss..."

Azul smiled and leaned over, kissing him softly with an infinite tenderness. Ali's lips curved in a small smile and he just stayed there enjoying the kiss. When Azul pulled away he sighed deeply but didn't open his eyes.

"This is my best medicine." He muttered drowsily. "I really need a stronger dose of it."

"You'll get your dose tomorrow... now go to sleep."

"You promise it?"

"I do." she was caressing his hair. "Now go to sleep... I'll stay here with you..."

Azul kept cooing to him until he fell into a blissful and peaceful sleep. She smiled softly and leaned over to kiss his forehead.

The door opened and Aladdin stepped inside not making a noise.

"How is he?" He whispered.

"He just fell asleep... he'll be fine."

"Good... your parents are here, Azul... I think you need to go home and have some rest."

"Yeah... but I'll be here early in the morning, before he awakes."


Azul kissed Ali's hand and then leaned over.

"Good night my prince!" She whispered against his lips.

Aladdin smiled tenderly at them. Then Azul stood up and went to Aladdin.

"Take good care of him, Sultan."

"I'll be here with him all the time... don't worry for him Azul."

She smiled and gave Aladdin a small hug.

"Good night Sultan."

"Sleep well... daughter."

* * * * *

Azul entered Ali's room. It was early in the morning but Ali's room was always dark for he was very sensitive to the light. Azul had some flowers she had gotten for him in her own garden. They smelled wonderful and she was sure they would make the room look more alive. She closed the door carefully behind her and walked slowly to Ali's bed not wanting to wake him up.

But when she was close enough to the bed she noticed he was already awake. He was laying on the bed, a stressed expression on his face and staring absently at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. There was pain in his face, but not a physical kind of pain, but it was as if something inside him was aching. Something like his heart.

"Ali," She said softly. "You are awake... I'm so sorry I'm late. I just... I overslept."

Ali looked at her and frowned. Then he shook his head. He hadn't noticed her in there for he was totally lost in his thoughts.

"Oh Azul, it's you!"

"Yeah, it's me... I really wanted to come earlier but then I lost the sense of time and when I opened my eyes it was late and... well, then I got these flowers for you... they are from my garden, aren't they wonderful?"

"They are very nice." Ali smiled weakly as Azul put them in a vase.

"Here... at least there's something colorful in here now."

"Thanks." Ali whispered.

Azul sat by his side on the bed and her hand went to touch his forehead, but he was cool, no fever at all. Azul smiled and kissed his cheek softly.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Well... fine, I think. The doctor came here this morning and he checked on me again. He thinks I'm getting better but I don't know. I guess I'm just very tired."

"You should be sleeping then." Ali shook his head and closed his eyes. He let out a small, painful sigh and he shrugged.

"I can't sleep for the rest of my life, can I?" He said frustrated. "Sooner or later I have to wake up and face my demons."

"What are you talking about? What demons?"

Ali sighed and looked at the ceiling again.

"All this... remorse inside my chest... I keep having nightmares and... I was drugged all the time but now I'm conscious and I've been thinking about a lot of stuff. And I feel awful."

Ali sighed again and a stressed expression covered his face. Azul took his hand and looked at him. She was very worried for him.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know." Ali said.

"If you think you need to let it out, then you know I'm here to listen to you. But if you think it is something that you have to keep as a secret in your heart, then I'll be here to support you."

Ali opened his eyes. He was scared and frustrated, all at once. But most of all he was ashamed of himself.

"Things happened so fast." He muttered. "When I was out there I didn't have any chance to think, to realize all my mistakes. But now... now that I'm here alone with all those ghosts and all this remorse..."

Ali gulped and squeezed Azul's hand.

"Ali," She said softly. "Whatever it is, you don't have to carry that weight all by yourself. I'm here Ali. And you know you can trust me."

"I know I can trust you." He said softly not looking at her. "But I'm ashamed of myself. Ashamed of what I did and scared to death of what you would think of me."

"Nothing you could tell me would change what I feel for you, my prince. Nothing. I know all you did for me, all you went through. You are human Ali and you are not perfect or invulnerable. But I love you just the way you are. I know you did your best for me. You did what no other man would've done and I'm touched. Every time I look at you I feel like kneeling before you and..."

"No!" He interrupted her. "Please don't say that. You are an angel Azul. You are my goddess... and I'm a fool. Sometimes I think I don't deserve your love. A love that is so pure, so real, so sincere..." Ali kissed her hand. "And what did I do? I betrayed you from the first moment... from the moment I didn't go back to you that night. I should've been there Azul... and I wasn't."

"You know Ali, I'm going to get really mad at you if you insist on it. It's nonsense. It's all in the past. You were there for me always. Things were supposed to be this way and at the end we succeeded. I don't want you to keep blaming yourself for what happened that night. It was not your fault!"


Azul grabbed Ali's face and forced him to look into her eyes.

"Ali!" She said firmly. "It wasn't your fault... you were there for me all the time. You were there for me when I needed you the most. What happened that night, that was no one's fault and I won't allow you to continue blaming yourself like that."

Ali reached to touch Azul's face.

"But," His voice was shaky. "I lost a lot of time in my journey... I abandoned you in Karak for a long time while I was just fooling around."

"It was all part of the scheme of things Ali. You got the crystals, you got the amulet. You got what goes with them too, your courage, your wisdom and your purity. Things weren't easy at all but that's the way they were supposed to be. Please Ali, stop blaming yourself for things that were beyond your control."

"But I keep thinking about you... and Aswad... and..."

"Shhh!" She said softly. "I don't want to talk about it right now."

"What about Karima?" Ali said not looking at her. "Things were under my control... and I let it happen."

Azul looked at him. Something in her heart was aching and she wasn't sure if she wanted to know about Karima.

"Ali... I don't know what happened with Karima... but I don't care."

"You are so good to me." He took her hand and kissed her palm tenderly. "Azul... I need your forgiveness... I can't stand this feeling inside my heart."

"Ali... I---"

"I was there with her, Azul... and we were so close... we were... argh!"

"Ali... I really don't know if I want to-"

"But I want you to know." He interrupted her. "I want you to know that I was under her spell and I have excuses but... but you also must know you were always there... your image was always there Azul... you never left me alone, not even then... I didn't know who you were or what you had to do with me... but there was that blue eyed angel, day and night, watching over me... Azul... I love you!"

Ali moved his arm and reached for Azul's face and pulled her close for a kiss. The sudden reaction took Azul completely by surprise, for Ali was too weak to move and yet he was there, kissing her like that. When they pulled away Azul discovered tears in Ali's eyes.

"Ali..." She said softly. "Are you alright?"

Ali looked deep into her blue eyes. He took her hand and pressed it against his heart.

"But I swear on my love for you, Azul... I resisted it. She never had me... in the way she wanted. I'm yours Azul, only yours. And you must trust me with it."

"And I trust you, Ali." She said coming closer to him and speaking in the same serious tone he was using.

"I'm going to give myself to you, Azul, to you and only to you... because I'm yours and only yours... do you trust me with this?"

"I do!" She said leaning over. "Because I'm only yours Ali... no one else's."

She pressed her lips against his and she kissed him tenderly. Ali just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of that kiss. She kissed him for a long moment. They were feeling so reassured about the whole thing. They were feeling so close to each other then. They trusted and believed in each other completely, without any doubts or questions. And they knew they belonged to each other, that kiss was the proof of it.

When Azul pulled away Ali sighed happily and opened his eyes. Their eyes locked and Ali caressed her face softly.

"I'm just glad we cleared this thing up."

"Are you feeling better now?"

Ali looked up at her and a worried expression appeared in his face. Azul knew there was more. Ali was very ashamed. He turned to his side not wanting to face Azul.

"I wish we weren't having this conversation." He said softly.

"I'm glad we are having it." She replied in the same tone. "We are getting married in only a few days Ali. We really need to enter marriage with all our problems solved."

"I guess you are right."

"Is there something else you want to talk about?"

Ali sighed and turned on his back. He looked deep into her eyes and Azul saw how embarrassed and how guilty he felt. She placed her hand on his cheek and caressed his face softly.

"What's wrong, my love?"

"Azul... I.. I just... there's something we really need to talk... something I never wanted you to know... this deep, dark secret... this something I wanted to keep only for myself but alas... you had to see it... Allah, YOU of all people!"

The same preoccupied and painful expression Ali had in his face was mirrored in Azul's face. She nodded weakly and sighed.

"I know." She said knowing what Ali was talking about. "And I think we really, REALLY should talk about this."

"We have to." Ali's voice was very weak by then.

Azul looked at him. He was exhausted. It had been a long conversation so far and she knew he needed to have a rest, to take a nap. The young prince was trying to stay awake and conscious.

"Maybe," Azul said softly. "Maybe we could talk about this later... when you're feeling better."

"No!" He said desperately. "I want to talk about this now... I NEED to talk about this now. I have to let it out Azul... this is killing me inside... I cannot hold this anymore in my chest."

"Then it was true, wasn't it? That image was real."

"Half of it was real." Ali said ashamed. "But that's enough to make me feel so guilty. Azul, I never wanted that... I never thought I'd go to such extremes but when they told me you were dead... that you've been sacrificed I just... I just... I wasn't thinking... I wanted to die!"

"Ali!" She said taking his hands in hers. "That was stupid."

"I know it was. Thank Allah I reacted in time and I realized my mistake. Allah stopped my hand... I know it Azul, that stab would've killed not only me... but my parents... and even you!"

"Yes." She said unable to stop her tears. "Ali, that image of you... doing THAT to yourself... oh Allah, that's something I just can't get out of my head... it's something so... terrible... so..."

Azul sighed deeply and she leaned over to hug Ali. A very sad expression appeared on Ali's face and he put his arm around Azul.

"I was so stupid." He was whispering. "I can't believe how stupid I was!"

"And there was that image." Azul was whispering in his ear. "You were right in front of me... dying there... your life was escaping me like that and there was nothing I could do for you Ali... you were dying in front of me and I couldn't... oh Allah!"

Ali was feeling so guilty. He felt Azul's tears on his neck and he wished he could punch himself. He hated to see her like that.

"I don't want you to think that's the real me, Azul..." He whispered. "But the pain I felt then was more powerful than me... just the thought of something bad happening to you... just the thought of spending the rest of my life without you... that's something I can't take Azul... I'm weak without you."

"Silly Ali!" She was still crying. "You did that for me? Silly, silly Ali!"

"Allah sent me the light that brought me back into my senses... I thought of my parents and how awful it'd be for them to know I had died like that. The last thing I want to do is hurt them in any way. I know they have great hopes in me and man, I know how painful it was for them to lose my baby sister, Amaranth... I couldn't put such a weight on their shoulders... I couldn't make them go through it... I couldn't make them suffer like that."

"Thank Allah that He made you see the truth my love... thank Allah!"

"But now I keep thinking... if I had done that... Azul... if I had done that you'd be..."

"No!" She interrupted him. "Don't say that, please! I don't want to know! I don't even want to imagine that!"

Ali let out a shaky sigh and he closed his eyes just pressing Azul closer to him. He turned his head and kissed her temple softly and tenderly.

"My girl! I've given you nothing but pain and suffering!"

Azul pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"Ali... you have to promise to me... promise to me you'll never do such thing. Please!"

Her eyes were wide open with terror and desperation. Ali was feeling awful. He reached to touch her face and caressed it softly. Then he grabbed her hand and pressed it against his heart.

"It's a promise!" He whispered.

"Oh Ali! Silly Ali!"

"Azul... but there's something you have to promise to me... and I know what I'm about to ask you is a not an easy thing... but you have to promise it to me!"

"What is it?"

"When I was in the desert, just after I tried to do that... I was feeling so ashamed, so terrified... and I told Reeh that would be a secret between us, just him and me... but then you saw it... and I swear I'd erase that memory from your mind if I could... I feel so embarrassed, so ashamed, so guilty... you understand things Azul... you know why I did it... you know how hard that situation was for us."

"I know." She said softly. "But what is it you want me to promise to you?"

Ali looked deep into her eyes.

"Promise to me this is something just between you and me... this is a secret that will stay between us forever. Promise to me no one will ever know about this, never... specially my parents, Azul... promise to me they will never ever know about this... please!"

Azul looked into his eyes as well. There was fear and shame in them. She nodded softly and kissed his hands.

"Don't worry Ali, this is a secret between us... no one will ever know about this. I swear it on the blood alliance we have between us."

"Thank you!" He muttered. "Thank you!"

Ali closed his eyes. He was exhausted and he could barely keep himself from falling asleep, but he was feeling relieved then. He heard Azul's voice whispering to him.

"Just to know that the possibility of my death would make you do such a thing... to take your own life for me, Ali... I feel so responsible for this. Ali, through this action you have proved to me that... that your life is all mine."

"But my life IS all yours... you know that." He whispered unable to keep his eyes open anymore. "Just... just promise to me you'll be always here... all the time."

"I'm not going anywhere." She smiled tenderly at him. "You are stuck with me for life."

"Praise Allah!" Ali said softly.

Azul giggled and started to kiss him all over his face. She was showering him with kisses all over his face and his lips. Ali kept his eyes closed and a small smile on his lips at her heavenly touch.

"Azul." He said softly opening his eyes.


"Just... just tell me you've forgiven me... that's all I need to know."

"There was nothing to forgive you for, Ali." She said softly, her face close to his. "And if there was something, I've forgiven you... even before that thing happened."

Ali was staring at her all teary eyed. Azul smiled tenderly and held Ali's face gently in her hands, looking amorously at his eyes.

Ali smiled weakly and a stray tear escaped the corner of his eye. He was feeling so happy and so relieved that he felt like crying. But Azul brushed the tear away and looked at him with such a tender look that Ali's heart melted for her.

"I love you, my angel!" He whispered so softly that it was barely audible.

Azul leaned over and kissed him tenderly. It was a long and soft kiss. They stayed like that just feeling each other's warmth for a long while. Finally Azul pulled away slowly and smiled, looking deep into his eyes.

"I love you too Ali, my Lion of the Desert." She whispered just as soft.

Ali just smiled and his eyes closed. He was totally wore out after that long conversation. He hadn't been awake that long since they had come back to the palace and he was exhausted. He only wanted to sleep.

Azul kept her hand on his cheek until Ali drifted off to sleep. Little by little his breathing lightened and he kept a small smile on his face. Azul didn't move until she was sure he was sound asleep. She contemplated his face for a long moment. He was sleeping peacefully for the first time in many weeks.

Azul picked up his hand and held it in hers. He had the bandage wrapped around his palm, just like her, but his hand felt rough. It was hurt and it had a few scraped knuckles. Azul kissed his hand amorously and then he pressed it against her heart. She leaned over and pushed his bangs out of his face and kissed his forehead gently, barely caressing his skin with her lips.

"Sleep well and have sweet dreams, my prince!" She whispered tenderly.

* * * * *

Jasmine entered Aladdin's private studio and she smiled at him. He was working on some paperwork. The Queen of Agrabah went closer to her husband and kissed his cheek softly, then she sat by his side.

"I thought you'd be with Ali." She said.

"Oh... I'm preparing things for the wedding. We only have a few days left, you know? Good thing we already had a lot of stuff prepared before this whole Karakian thing happened. Otherwise we'd be in a rush now."

"But Ali and Azul don't want a big party, you know they only want to be together."

"Oh I know!" Aladdin laughed. "But hey, it's a royal wedding. Ali is the heir of Agrabah, he's our first born. Like it or not he's going to have a big celebration. They deserve it Jasmine."

"They do." She smiled. "They are so happy... but I don't think Ali would be in shape for such a celebration Aladdin. He's not going to get any better in only a few days and we all know that."

"He's stubborn. You couldn't make him change his mind and you know that, you're his mother. But I can understand him... I can understand them. Only Allah knows what they went through, but whatever it was, it really brought them together in an incredible way. I'm really touched."

"So am I." Jasmine sighed. "Young love... I still can remember what our wedding was like."

"Which one of them?" Aladdin laughed.

"Oh well," Jasmine chuckled. "Practice makes perfect."

"Yeah... but I don't want that to happen in Ali's wedding. No sir. This is going to be the biggest celebration Agrabah has ever seen!"

"What do you have in mind?"

"The usual stuff... a big party, fireworks, I'm going to order to illuminate the city, every single street, alley and square must be illuminated. Agrabah is going to glow. It's not only the wedding of my son or the wedding of the Heir Prince of Agrabah, but also the wedding of the hero who saved the Seven Deserts from the evilness of Karak. This is going to be a celebration to remember, you'll see."

"And I can only imagine how happy they'll be when they find out about our wedding present for them... that beach house near Alexandria."

"They deserve it. The house is ready for them. Prepared to the last detail. They are going to love that place. The perfect honeymoon spot."

"Ali's honeymoon." Jasmine giggled. "Ali's wedding... it all sounds so unbelievable. I never thought this moment would come."

"Neither did I. I never saw Ali as husband material, to tell you the truth. I always thought he'd be an adventurer, living his life alone. I thought no woman in this universe could keep up with him and his craziness."

"Yeah," Jasmine smiled tenderly. "And I never thought the woman who'd tame him would be someone as sweet and kind as Azul is... I always thought Ali would need someone louder and crazier than him who could control him... but then Azul came along and... Ali's life changed forever."

"For good. I've never seen him more happy. This is going to be a perfect marriage, Jasmine. They are marrying for love and pure love, no other interest between them but only their love."

"I know, and I couldn't be happier."

"They are going to live happily ever after." Aladdin smiled.

"They love each other a lot." Jasmine smiled. "It's no wonder that they want to get married right away. It's touching that devotion between them... there's something in their eyes... something that wasn't there before... something like a big mystery, something only they share... it's a powerful energy... I don't know."

"I know." Aladdin smiled. "But after all they had gone through together they are united by a bond more powerful than any matrimonial contract. The ceremony is just a formality, in their hearts they are already married Jasmine... married in blood."

Jasmine looked up at Aladdin and smiled. He took her hand and kissed it amorously. Then Jasmine stood up.

"You know, I think I'm going to check on Ali."

"Oh no!" Aladdin grabbed her hand. "Don't do it."

"Why?" She said sitting back by his side.

"I went to check on him a few minutes ago... and Azul was there with him."


"I don't know... he was just laying on the bed... and she was there, so close to him... they were talking softly, barely whispering to each other. I don't know what they were saying but from the expression on their faces I knew it was something serious... something between them."

"Oh," Jasmine said. "Maybe they were talking about the upcoming wedding?"

"I don't know. They were so absorbed in each other that they didn't even notice my presence in the room. I just left the room trying not to make a noise."

"What do you think they were saying?"

"I have no idea... but whatever it was, it was important to them. And we know it is important to Ali and Azul to talk like that. They are only a few days away from their marriage after all. But whatever they were talking about is entitled to be kept secret, that's something between them, that much I know."

"You are right. They have a lot of things to talk about before the wedding. We shouldn't bother them."

"Yeah." Aladdin smiled and kissed Jasmine's cheek. "Now let's focus here, I need your help with the preparations for the wedding... we'll check on the boy later, for now let's prepare this surprise for them... they deserve it!"

* * * * *

It was the middle of the afternoon when Azul entered Ali's room. He was there laying on the bed, his eyes closed. He was frowning and his breath was unsteady. Azul bit her lower lip but before she could say anything Ali turned to her and half opened his eyes.

"Blue eyes," He muttered. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 4:00 pm." She said placing the tray she was carrying on the table by Ali's bed.

"4:00 pm?" Ali groaned and tried to find a comfortable position.

"Oh, here, let me help!"

Azul went to his side and helped him to move. Then she fixed his pillows and his sheets.

"There," She smiled. "Better?"

"Yeah." Ali said not very convinced.

"What is it Ali? Are you feeling sick? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"No, no... that's okay... I just... I'm getting a little desperate here."

"And why is that?" Azul sat by his side and brushed his bangs out of his face.

"It's just that... I have no idea if it's day or night... I've lost all sense of time... those curtains are always closed, the room is always dark and the only light I see is that flame of the oil lamp. I feel depressed."

"Oh Ali... I wish I could open the windows for you to see the sun. We have a wonderful afternoon, the sun is shinning and the sky is so blue... but you know your eyes are very sensitive to the light."

"Please Azul... just... open those curtains!"

Azul looked at his face. She wasn't very convinced but the look in Ali's eyes moved her heart. She sighed and nodded.

"Alright, but only for a few minutes."

"Thank you." Ali muttered.

Azul opened the curtains and the sun flooded Ali's room. He blinked a couple of times and narrowed his eyes. He leaned back on his pillows and a weak smile appeared on his lips.

"Oh, it's so good to feel the sun!"

"Feeling better?"

Ali shrugged. He opened his eyes slowly trying to get used to the light, then he looked up at the shadow of Azul against the light of the window.

"You ARE an angel!" He whispered.

Azul blushed and stroked her hair. She went to sit by Ali's side.

"Now it's time to eat."

"Aw, but I'm not hungry..."

"Ali, you have to eat!"

"But Azul," He complained. "You know my stomach is not accepting food... last night when my parents brought dinner you know what happened... man, it was embarrassing!"

"Well, maybe you need lighter food. You have to eat my boy, you cannot survive with your liquid diet anymore."

"But my stomach hurts whenever I eat something."

"That's why I prepared this specially for you."

Azul took the plate from the table and presented it to him. She had chopped fruits in small portions and the fruit salad was covered with honey. Ali raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"The doctor said you can eat fruit. Fruit is good for your stomach and he also said that honey is good to make your stomach feel better. I prepared this salad like this, really small portions. You can eat this without any problem and the honey is really good. I assure you, Ali, your stomach will accept this."

"It looks like baby food." Ali said softly.

"It does, doesn't it?"

Azul ignored Ali's complaints and she helped him to straighten on the bed. He rested his back against the headboard and looked helplessly at Azul.

"I really don't feel like eating."

"You HAVE to... now, open your mouth..."

Azul took a portion of the fruit salad with a spoon and presented it to Ali but the prince turned his head and frowned.

"Ali!" Azul said annoyed. "You have to eat."

"But I don't want you to feed me!"

"That's ridiculous, you know you cannot move your arm."

"Azul..." He said looking into her eyes. "I just... it's just that..."


"This is so humiliating to me."

"Ali!" She scolded him. "You know it's no time for you to act like this."

"But I feel awful having you and my parents taking care of me this way... I feel so useless... so... stupid."

"We are doing this because we love you and you know you'd be doing the same if you were in our position, now open your mouth and eat this."


Ali couldn't protest anymore, for Azul put the spoon against his mouth and as soon as he wanted to talk she practically shoved it inside.

"That wasn't very nice!" Ali muttered.

"Uh oh!" Azul scolded playfully. "Don't talk with your mouth full!"

"You are mean!" Ali said still with his mouth full.

"Maybe, but you are acting like a spoiled boy and if this is the only way, so be it!"

Ali swallowed his food and looked at her. He had a questioning look on his face.

"Azul... are you... are you doing all this for me because you love me?"

"You know I do." Azul said giving him another portion of fruit salad. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I don't know..." Ali muttered with his mouth full and Azul rolled her eyes. "I just don't want you to... you know, do this because you feel pity for me."

"That's nonsense Ali." She smiled. "I'm here because I love you and because you know I'd never let you alone."

"But you must find me pathetic like this."

"No... you act pathetic but you're not pathetic. There's a difference."

Ali giggled but cringed. It was painful for him even to laugh. Azul put her hand on his shoulder.

"Be careful Ali!"

"Oh, I hate this!" He sighed desperately. "I feel imprisoned in my own body... I just... I wish I could..."

"Now, now, don't complain. You are getting better. Give it some time. Just look at the wonderful things around you, the sun, those flowers... you are alive... WE are alive and together... and only a few days away from our wedding."

Ali smiled, but soon his smile faded away and he lowered his head.

"Some groom I'm going to make. Look at me... I can't even leave this bed... I know I was the one wanting the wedding to be this soon but now... I don't know... I don't think I'm getting any better Azul... and I was wondering if maybe you'd want to delay the wedding for a week or so... I don't know..."

Azul put her fingers on Ali's chin and lifted his head, forcing him to look into her eyes.

"Do you?" She said.

Ali looked away and frowned. Then he looked at her face.

"I wish I could marry you right now blue eyes... but look at me!"

"Ali!" She stopped him. "Do you think I love you for your body? Do you think I want to marry you because I'm waiting for our wedding night? Do you think the moment you are hurt and wounded my love goes down?"

"Azul... I---"

"No Ali, you are wrong. Your body is part of what you are. But I love you Ali. I love you as a whole. If I want to marry you it is not because I want you... only in a physical way. I want to be with you in every single way. And if this means taking care of you until you're well again, that's fine. Because I love you, because I want to be here with you, right by your side day and night. Love is not only hugs and kisses... love is to be here, feeding you, fixing your pillows... keeping track of your medicines... changing your bandages... I'm going to marry you Ali, because I love you... healthy or wounded you are my Ali, the man I love... the man I want to spend the rest of my life with... in the good times and in the bad times too."

Ali was smiling warmly and lovingly at Azul. She smiled back. The light of the sun touched their faces and they were glowing. Ali reached to caress Azul's face.

"I love you Azul... I ADORE you!"

Azul caught the hand that was caressing her face and pressed it against her cheek. Then she kissed his palm.

"Silly boy!" She whispered looking in his eyes. "I love you too."

Ali smiled and looked at the plate she was still holding.

"Can I... have more of that fruit salad?"

"Of course!" She smiled. "Is it good?"

"Real good!" Ali said with his mouth full just to annoy her.

Azul shook her head and laughed softly. They were talking softly as Azul fed him. Ali was still weak and still sick but being there with her he looked different. He was still pale and thin but there was something glowing in his face just having her by his side.

The prince of Agrabah ate all the fruit salad and for the first time in days his stomach accepted solid food. He was feeling good after he finished his meal.

Ali smiled at Azul and she smiled back at him.

"Good boy!" She whispered.

Then she leaned over and slowly touched Ali's lips with hers. Ali closed his eyes and smiled, just letting her do as she pleased.

"You had some honey there." Azul smiled when she pulled away.

"Really?" Ali smiled back. "But your kiss is more sweet than honey."

"You must be cloy by now then." Azul teased.

"Of you? No way! Come here!" He said motioning her to get closer. "I think I need more honey... more medicine."

"Oh..." Azul smiled.

She kissed him softly and Ali giggled as she did that. She giggled back.

"Thank you." He whispered against her lips.

She didn't respond. She only kissed him again. Ali loved it. He was so weak that he couldn't even return the kisses or the caresses, but having her pampering him like that was all he needed to feel better.

Azul pulled away a little, but their faces stayed close to each other's.

"This is the best medicine I could get..." Ali whispered.

But he barely ended his sentence when Azul was kissing him again.

The door of the room opened and Aladdin and Jasmine stepped inside. They stopped short when they saw the scene. Ali was leaning against the headboard, his eyes closed and Azul was there kissing him lovingly.

"I think we came in a bad moment." Aladdin smiled.

"Ali shouldn't be awake." Jasmine said concerned. "I just hope she's not wearing him out."

"Wearing him out?" Aladdin laughed. "No way! Jasmine, you know THIS was probably HIS idea... besides that's the best medicine he could get. You know you'd do the same to me."

"You bet, mister!" Jasmine laughed.

Azul pushed away slowly and Ali sighed happily. They opened their eyes and looked at each other lovingly. But then a sudden voice startled them.

"Are you done kids?"

"SULTAN/DAD!" Ali and Azul said at the same time.

"That's okay." Aladdin laughed. "Are you having fun?"

"Oh," Azul said standing up. "I was just... um... I just..."

"She was feeding me." Ali smiled.

"I can see that." Aladdin laughed.


Jasmine giggled and went to her son's side.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"Just fine... usually I feel fine at day... but night... that's another matter. I asked Azul to open the curtains... and she fed me with fruits and honey."

"His stomach accepted it." Azul smiled. "At least it is some solid food."

"Wonderful." Aladdin smiled. "This girl is really spoiling you, Ali."

Ali grinned at Azul.

"Now my dear," Jasmine was saying. "It's bath time."

Ali frowned and looked at Aladdin.

"Dad... I think I can do it just fine."

"You can't and you know that."

"But dad, I don't want you to have to take care of me that way... you bathed me when I was a baby... but now..."

"He's been acting like this all day." Azul sighed. "Ali, don't be stubborn and listen to your father!"

"But I think I can do it by myself."

"Sure, you can do it by yourself and hurt your shoulder again." Aladdin frowned. "You need help Ali, and you know that."

"But dad... I don't... I just..."

"C'mon sweetheart," Jasmine was caressing his hair. "This won't take long."

"But I'm tired of everyone treating me as if I was a baby!"

"If you don't want to be treated like a baby," Aladdin said firmly. "Then stop acting like one!"

"But dad, I just..."

"Ali, listen to me, this is not going to work, not for me, not for your mother and not for Azul. We care for you because we love you and it pains us to see you like this. I know this is frustrating to you knowing the kind of restless man you are, but you have to realize that being vulnerable with the ones you love and who love you in return is an act of love all by its own... acting like this you are only showing us that you don't care about our feelings. You're being selfish boy... I know you think you are a burden or something, a weight on our shoulders but we don't see things that way. And like it or not we are going to take care of you and you must accept it, is that clear?"

"Yes sir." Ali said firmly.

"Your father is right my dear." Jasmine said softly. "We care. It's not easy for us to see you like this. We are your parents and we are worried for you. Azul is your fianc�e and she's worried for you."

"I'm sorry." Ali said softly. "It's just that I feel awful being like this. I cannot move, my body is aching, I cannot eat by myself, I need people to take care of me... I cannot even take a bath for myself!"

"Then you should be thankful to have your family around you like this." Aladdin said motioning his arm around. "Because there are people who are in your same situation and who are alone, with no one to take care of them."

"Oh dad!" Ali said feeling ashamed of himself. "I'm a fool..."

"Well," Aladdin smiled. "At least let's make you a clean fool... you really need that bath, boy."

"Alright." He said softly. "And thank you... thank you all... I-I really don't know what I'd do without you."

Jasmine leaned and kissed Ali's forehead softly.

"Now be a good boy and help your father... and you," She said looking up at Aladdin. "Don't annoy him, okay?"

"Who? Me?" Aladdin said innocently. "Aw! That takes all the fun out of it!"


Azul laughed and went to Ali's side.

"I'll be right outside with your mom. You'll be all neat and pretty after your bath."

Ali smiled and Azul kissed his cheek softly.

"I love you blue eyes."

"I love you too, my silly boy!"

Azul and Jasmine left the room and they went to Jasmine's chambers.

"You look so tired Azul, I really think you should take a nap or something."

"I'm fine Queen Jasmine. I want to be there after Ali's bath. He really needs to sleep, he's been awake most of the day."

"I know... he's been doing well today... but as he said, night is another matter. You know how he's always in pain at night."

"I know. But he's getting better."

"Azul... as a mother I want to thank you for what you're doing with my son. I really... I'm impressed and touched. The way you've been devoted to him is... just amazing."

"I love your son, Queen Jasmine. Besides, he's like this because of me."

"We've been through this conversation before Azul, this is not your fault. This is no one's fault. Things happened this way."

"But he risked his life for me... and I keep thinking how I escaped Karak in one piece. I should be the one laying in that bed, me and not Ali."

"Don't say that Azul. I know my son as much as I know my husband. They are this way. Ali can handle his wounds but I doubt he could handle seeing you hurt in any way. I'm sure he'd rather die than have you suffer."

"I know." Azul said thoughtfully. "Believe me Queen Jasmine, I KNOW."

"C'mon," Jasmine said noticing Azul was feeling down. "Let's talk about happy things... about your wedding!"

Azul smiled up at Jasmine. She loved her so much. She was like a second mother to her and she knew Jasmine loved her back just as much. Jasmine returned the smile and caressed Azul's face.

"I was wondering... what would you want me to give you as your wedding present?"

Azul smiled tenderly and looked at Jasmine.

"You've already given me my best wedding present... you've given me Ali."

Jasmine smiled and embraced Azul fondly. Azul returned the embrace and sighed happily.

In her heart Jasmine was thanking Allah for sending such special girl to her son. She knew without a doubt that her son would live happily ever after having Azul by his side.

*        *         *

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