Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




The shadows of the night had covered the sands of the deserts. In the palace of Agrabah everything was quiet and peaceful.

Inside Ali's room Aladdin was sitting on the bed right beside his son. Ali wasn't feeling very well that night. He'd been in pain and he was feeling totally wore out and tired. He was just laying there and Aladdin had been talking softly to him for a long while. Ali was very sleepy.

"I'm so sorry about all this." Ali muttered softly.

"Don't say that, Ali." Aladdin smiled at him. "We are happy to take care of you. And I'm sure Azul doesn't have any trouble pampering you."

"But I feel so awful. It's really humiliating to me dad... I mean, Azul has seen awful things... I feel ashamed. How is she going to find me a hero like THIS? How come she still likes me if I'm like this?"

"That's love Ali. Azul is proving how much she loves you. And I hope you never forget what she's doing for you. This bond that's between you and Azul is very strong Ali."

"I know. But I feel embarrassed in front of her. There are times when I find myself disgusting... and then she... oh, how can she like me like this? How can she bear being so close to me... when I'm like this?"

"What do you feel for her now? I mean, you love her and she loves you back. You risked your life for her, she risked hers for you... and now she's taking care of you like this... as if she was already your wife."

"It's amazing... I just... I don't know what to say... what I feel for her is something I cannot express dad. It's something so powerful that... it makes me dizzy."

Aladdin smiled and messed Ali's hair playfully. The prince closed his eyes and a painful expression appeared on his face.

"Are you alright Ali?"

"Yeah..." He muttered under his breath. "Fine..."

Aladdin was worried. Ali had been through so much pain that night. Ali opened his eyes and looked up at his father.

"I hate to be like this. I wish I could take care of myself."

"Ali" Aladdin sighed frustrated. "How many times do I have to tell you this? You've proven yourself boy. Just... for Allah's sake STOP being so stubborn. We want to do this for you, so let go of that useless pride you have because it doesn't work for me, for your mother or for your fianc�e."

"But I hate to be a burden to you." Ali sighed. "I hate to be so useless, so..."

"Ali!" Aladdin interrupted him. "You are really getting on my nerves, do you know that? You never were such a pain when you were a baby. You say we're treating you as a baby but truth be told, you NEVER were this annoying when you were a baby."

Ali lowered his eyes in shame.

"You give but you don't want to receive. You have to learn that love is giving but it's also receiving. Do you think your mother or Azul or myself are happy to see you like this? But you are not helping boy... believe me, you are NOT helping!"

"I'm sorry dad." Ali whispered. "I didn't mean it that way... I-"

"That's okay." Aladdin said softly. "I'm sorry... I guess I'm just nervous. It's not easy for me to see you like this."

"I love you dad." Ali said softly.

Aladdin smiled and pushed Ali's bangs out of his face gently.

"Oh, I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost you!" Aladdin said softly.

A stressed expression appeared on Ali's face but he looked up at his father, smiling weakly.

"I'm not going anywhere, dad..." He whispered.

"In your condition you can't even walk." Aladdin laughed softly. "I know you're not going anywhere."

"You are mean dad!" Ali laughed softly and flinched.

"That's okay boy." Aladdin said softly. "I'm going to get the doctor, alright? I think you really need to be checked."

"Alright." Ali said. "I'm not feeling very well."

Aladdin left the room and Ali sighed. He closed his eyes and images of his adventure came to his head one after another. He wasn't feeling well. His head was spinning, he was feeling dizzy and his body was aching, specially the wound on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes and looked at the night table by his bed. There was something shinning there under the candle light. It was Azrak's medallion. Ali frowned and tried to take all those images out of his mind. He only wanted to rest. He was feeling so tired and so sleepy.

He closed his eyes and he was falling into a reluctant sleep when the door opened softly and someone entered his room. Ali tried to open his eyes a couple of times as the figure approached his bed.

When he finally managed to open his eyes he discovered the sweet face of Azul looking lovingly at him. He smiled weakly and Azul sat on the bed by his side.

"Azul." He said softly. "You're still here. I thought you were home already."

"I was leaving... but I heard that you were not feeling very well... I knew your dad was here with you and I didn't want to interrupt. I was in Yesny's room but... I fell asleep."

"You look so tired!" Ali said concerned.

"Oh, that's fine... how are you feeling?"

"Not very well." Ali whispered.

Azul bit her lip. She was preoccupied for him. He looked so weak that night. He looked so exhausted, so wore out and so vulnerable. Her heart went to him. Her heart was aching seeing him like that.

Ali looked up at her and he could read her thoughts in her face. It pained him to see her so worried for him. He tried to smile and lift the mood.

"My dad went to get the doctor... I'll be fine."

"I'm sure you will." She said softly.

"You know... I was... I was just thinking..."


"About all our adventures and... could you get that for me?"

Azul looked at the night table and took the medallion in her hands.

"Azrak's amulet?" She said handling it to Ali.

"Yeah... this... I was just thinking... you should keep it."

"Me?" She smiled. "But it's yours Ali. I cannot accept it."

"It belonged to your ancestor, Azul... it's rightfully yours."


"I was just thinking... it's so pretty and so blue... it goes great... with your eyes. Please, keep it!"

"Ali, I---"

Ali moved a little to shift position. He tried to straighten up but he moved the wrong way and it hurt him. He cringed and drew in a sudden breath of air. He bit his lip trying to avoid the groan of pain that almost escaped his chest.

Azul was feeling awful for him. She got real close and put her hand on his chest.

"Don't move." She said softly.

"Just... help me up." Ali groaned.

Azul helped him to straighten himself and then she fixed his pillows behind him. Ali leaned against the headboard of his bed.

"You know..." He said trying to ignore his pain. "I think it really... it really doesn't matter... who keeps the amulet... for in a few days we're going to be sharing... everything."

"Ali!" She smiled lovingly at him.

"But I think... it'd go great with... with your wedding dress... it's so pretty."

Azul giggled and Ali smiled. He reached to place the amulet around Azul's neck. He only could move his left arm so he was real clumsy but Azul lowered her head and let him do as he pleased.

When she had the amulet resting on her chest Ali smiled up at her.

"Keep it... please."

"Thank you Ali!" She said softly.

"Don't thank me." He said softly. "It's rightfully yours... besides it's funny how it matches so well the color of your---"

Ali couldn't end his sentence for a sudden cough attack made him hunch over himself. Azul gasped at the suddenness of that attack and she looked around trying to find a towel, for she immediately saw that Ali was coughing blood again.

Ali turned to his side, his body shaking violently with the cough. Azul rushed to hold the towel to his mouth. Her heart was aching so bad for him. Ali looked into her eyes and that look in his eyes just killed her. It was like a plea for help. She could see every bit of misery in his eyes. Being so helpless and so vulnerable ashamed him in front of Azul.

She was very scared then. The cough attack gagged Ali. She was feeling awful for him. Her heart was aching for him but also she was very scared.

The cough attack faded away little by little leaving Ali totally weak and worn out. His face was pale and sweaty and he was gasping for air. His body was still shaking. His stomach and his ribs were hurting so bad and he had tears in his eyes.

"Shhh!" Azul said embracing him and making his head rest on her chest. "It's alright... it's over Ali... you are alright now."

Azul was whispering to him and caressing his hair tenderly while holding him tightly against her. Ali was trying to catch his breath. Azul kissed his sweaty forehead tenderly and Ali let out a painful groan.

"Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

"Azul..." He said still gasping for air. "You are... so good to me."

"Shhh... don't talk... you need to rest."

"I just--- how... how can you still be attracted to me after... all of this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I just think... you must find me... repulsive right now."

"You silly boy." She said kissing his forehead again. "I love you more than ever. And you know I'll be always here for you, no matter what."

"Azul..." He said softly.


"Right now... I just--- I feel like crying..."

Azul closed her eyes and cringed. It pained her so much to see him like that. She hugged him tighter and caressed his face.

"You don't have to always be the strong one Ali." She said with a shaky voice. "You are a man, you are vulnerable... it's okay if you want to let it out."

"It hurts so much!" He whispered, his voice about to crack.

"I know... and I wish there was something I could do to help you Ali... to make you feel better... I wish so badly I could stop your pain..."

"It's not only the physical pain... it's everything... all the things we had to go through... it's all the faults... all the shame... all the pain..."

"Forget about that Ali, it's over now."

A small sob escaped Ali's throat. He snuggled closer to her almost hiding his face in her neck. She hugged him.

"I feel so stupid..." Ali muttered against her neck.

"That's okay." She was cooing at him, caressing his back and stroking his cheek. "You don't have to keep this for yourself Ali... I'm here with you... I won't let you... you are safe... I am safe... there's no walls between us Ali... let it out..."

Ali sighed deeply and Azul felt his tears on her neck. A painful expression appeared on her face and she closed her arms around Ali, trying to reassure him. He was crying.

"I'm just so tired of this..." He was muttering. "When I'm not sleeping or drugged, I'm in pain... and then you having to take care of me like I'm a child..."

"I'm so sorry Ali!" She said as tears of her own were running down her face.

"No Azul... please don't! This is not for you, for you know that even with such pain I'd do this all over again for you... I don't want you to think I'm complaining... or that I regret what I did because I don't... but I cannot pretend this doesn't hurt because it does..."

"I know... you are a man Ali... you don't have to be invulnerable."

"Azul... I need you... I need you so much..."

Azul was touched. He was really reaching out to her. He was demonstrating to her how much he trusted and how important she was to him. He had confessed everything and he had given up completely to her. Azul was feeling her heart burning in love for him. She wished she could do something for him. Something to demonstrate all the burning love she felt for him. All the devotion and the adoration she felt for him.

Ali was shaking softly in her embrace but he wasn't crying anymore. Azul pushed away and Ali leaned back against the headboard. He kept his eyes down not wanting to face her. He was feeling awful.

Azul put her fingers under his chin and lifted his face softly. Ali looked into her eyes shyly. She didn't say a word. She was in love as never before. She only leaned over and searched for his lips.

As soon as Azul's lips touched Ali's he pushed away a little. She opened her eyes and looked questioningly at him.

"Are you sure... you want to kiss me after that?" He said referring to the blood.

Azul sent him the most loving look and got close to him.

"I'm positive." She whispered against his lips.

They were kissing softly. Ali had a really stressed look on his face when she first started kissing him gently and sweetly. But then that expression melted away as Ali gave up to her.

Ali just closed his eyes and surrendered to that kiss. Azul had one of her hands on his chest, right over his heart and the other hand was softly touching his wounded shoulder. Ali's hand went to Azul's neck.

But suddenly something started to happen there between them. Ali started to feel a warm feeling flooding his body. A heat that made him feel good, good as never before. Azul felt the same warm feeling running through her body. They hadn't noticed it yet, but there was a soft blue glow between them. Every part of Ali's body that Azul was touching was glowing softly. And on Azul's chest Azrak's amulet was shinning.

They were feeling so good that they didn't want to break that kiss. They didn't want to pull apart. Azul snuggled closer to him and they kissed deeper and in a more intimate way. The warm feeling between them was something wonderful.

She's the Real Thing

When Azul pushed away slowly and reluctantly they half opened their eyes just to discover that glow between them. They looked around not knowing what was going on.

"Wha--?" Ali said.

"What's happening?" Azul whispered.

The glow faded away slowly. As soon as it disappeared Azul felt dizzy herself. She shook her head but before she could say anything she felt her body losing all her strength. Everything was blurred and she felt she was going to pass out.

"AZUL!" Ali screamed.

Azul collapsed and he rushed to catch her limp body. Azul opened her eyes and blinked at him.

"Azul! What--? Are you okay?"

"I feel dizzy..." She said but then she stopped and her eyes widened in surprise.

"What?" Ali was alarmed.

"Ali! You caught me!"


"Your shoulder Ali! You moved your arm!"

Ali's eyes widened as well and he looked at his arm. He had moved it. Azul straightened herself and Ali moved his arm tentatively. His shoulder wasn't hurting anymore.

"What happened?" Azul asked in surprise.

"I don't know... but this is good." Ali said moving his arm. "Something good just happened here!"

"You are moving your arm!"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Ali laughed. "Did you do that?"

"Me?! I don't--- how did--?"

"You wanted to heal me Azul... you wanted me to be alright... and you did it! Look at this!" Ali said starting to remove his bandages. "It doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Ali! Don't!" She stopped him.

"But... I have to..."

When Ali removed his bandages their jaws hung open in surprise. There was a scar there, a soft spot on Ali's shoulder, but the stitches were gone and the wound was healed.

"All Mighty Allah!" Azul whispered softly.

"You healed me, blue eyes!" Ali whispered. "You did it..."

"But how---?"

"I don't know... it had something to do with Azrak's amulet and your love... you gave your energy to me... that's why you almost passed out... Azul, you healed me!"


Azul threw her arms around Ali's shoulder and he almost lost his balance. He closed his arms around Azul's body and they started to laugh happily.

"You did it, blue eyes!" He was screaming. "You healed me!"

"Praise Allah!" Azul was laughing as tears were running down her cheeks. "Thank you my good Lord! Thank you!"

Azul kept her arms around Ali's neck and Ali was laughing happily, hugging her close to him and rubbing her back fondly.

Then he pushed her away from him softly and he grabbed her face, cupping her cheeks in his hands and he kissed her playfully. It was a quick kiss and after it he started to kiss her all over the face, showering her with kisses.

"Thank you!" He was saying over and over. "I love you! I adore you! My blue eyed angel! Thank you!"

Azul stopped him and looked deep into his eyes. They smiled tenderly at each other and Ali couldn't help it, he embraced her almost savagely. She returned the embrace with equal enthusiasm. They were so happy.

"Ough!" Ali said pulling away a little.

"What is it?" She asked concerned.

"It's nothing." Ali smiled tenderly. "My ribs still hurt a little but... but I feel fine! I am healed!"

"Ali!" She smiled tenderly caressing his face.

"You have no idea of what you just did, do you?"

"But I did nothing!" She laughed. "I just kissed you!"

"Didn't I tell you that your kisses are my best medicine?" Ali laughed happily. "Oh blue eyes, I adore you!"

Ali leaned over to kiss her. She smiled tenderly and lifted her face. Ali's lips touched hers as his powerful arms closed around her body. Ali kissed her for the first time since they had come back to Agrabah. All the previous kisses had been from Azul to Ali but he was so weak that he couldn't return those kisses. But now it was different. Ali was kissing her deeply and passionately. As if in that one kiss he'd wanted to make up to her for all the kisses he couldn't give her before. Azul was melting in that kiss. Her head was spinning around and she felt her body weaken. Ali was devouring her. She prayed for that kiss to never end.

But then Ali pulled away a little and started to giggle softly. She started to giggle as well. They opened their eyes and cupped each other's faces, kissing each other all over the face.

"You know what's next?" Ali was whispering between kisses.

"Our wedding!" She responded in the same tone.

"I'm going to put the world at your feet Azul... I'm going to devote my whole life just to making you happy!"

"I love you Ali!"

"Blue eyes... my blue eyes!"

Their giggling soon became laughter. They were laughing happily as they were kissing.

"You healed me Azul! I love you my angel!"

"I love you Ali! My prince!"

Suddenly the door of the room opened wide as Aladdin entered closely followed by Jasmine and the doctor.

"What in the name of Allah is happening here?" Aladdin said alarmed. "Why all the scandal?!"

"Dad! Mom!" Ali said noisily. "Look at me! I'm cured!"

"Oh All Mighty Allah!" Jasmine said covering her mouth.

"But how--?!" Aladdin blinked in disbelief.

"No," The doctor said. "This cannot be! I just examined him a few hours ago and he was..."

"He was half dead when I left him a few minutes ago!" Aladdin said in disbelief. "What happened?!!"

"It was Azul!" Ali was laughing and kissing his girl's cheek. "She did it... there was this glow and then this warm feeling inside me and... and I'm healed!"

"How did you do that?" Jasmine asked in surprise.

"I don't know." Azul smiled at Ali. "It was Azrak's medallion I think."

"My girl is the real thing!" Ali kept kissing her face. "My blue eyes is a goddess! I love you my angel! I love you!"

"I need to examine him." The doctor said in disbelief. "This just... this isn't possible."

"There's nothing impossible for the power of love." Aladdin smiled placing his arm around Jasmine's shoulders.

"But I need to check on that wound on his shoulder, I-"

"The wound seems to be gone." Jasmine smiled looking at her son and Azul, who were kissing again, completely ignoring the people in the room. "I think we should leave them alone for a minute..." She said pushing Aladdin to the door.

"But..." The doctor tried to protest.

"My wife is right." Aladdin said looking at the young couple over his shoulder. "I guess this is not the best moment for a medical check up ... c'mon doctor, we'll wait outside until they are done..."

The doctor muttered some incomprehensible words and left the room. Aladdin and Jasmine smiled and looked at Ali and Azul who were kissing, so lost in each other that they hadn't noticed they were leaving.

"You know, Jasmine." Aladdin commented softly. "I don't think we should enter this room without knocking first.

"I know." Jasmine giggled. "They are ready, aren't they?"

"They are." Aladdin smiled.

They sent a last tender look at their son and his fianc�e and then they smiled lovingly at each other. Aladdin pulled his wife close to him and he closed the door behind them carefully, not wanting to interrupt Ali and Azul.

* * * * *

Early the next morning Azul entered Ali's room. She opened the door and peeked inside grinning happily.

As soon as Ali, who was still in bed, looked at her face appearing behind the doors a big smile appeared on his face.

"Azul!" He said happily. "Thank Allah you're here! I woke up real early this morning and I've been waiting for you."

"You have?" Azul entered the room but kept her hand behind her back.

"Yeah, I have." Ali said placing aside the book he was reading. "What's behind your back?"

"My hand." Azul replied playfully.

"Smart girl!"

Azul giggled and sat on the bed right by his side. She leaned and kissed his lips playfully pulling away almost immediately. Ali blinked at that kiss and smiled.

"Good morning!" She said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great!" He smiled. "My parents were here early today. I asked them to open the windows and take off the tapestries. I want light."

"Yeah, your room looks better this way."

"I wanted to get out of bed but dad asked me to stay in here and rest. But we were talking for hours. I told them about our adventure. At least the important parts of it. They were impressed." Ali chuckled. "You know, when I was telling them about it and I was hearing it myself, it all sounded so... unreal."

"Oh well," She smiled. "It was not unreal when we were there, was it?"

"Nope." Ali looked up at her. "But now that it's over it's good for a exciting story."

"Yeah, just cutting out the gory details." Azul said patting Ali's chest that was still bandaged around his ribs.

"Aw, but that's the best part."

"Silly Ali!" She laughed softly. "You really scared us to death, do you know that?"

"But you made things right for every one of us." Ali grinned at her. "I guess you couldn't bear the idea of marrying such a rag doll. You wanted the old Ali back... the old strong and dashing Ali."

"You're delirious." She laughed.

"What? Don't you think I'm strong and dashing?"

"I think you're cute."

"Aw... cute, always cute! I wish you could see my heroic side or my dashing side but I'm plagued with cuteness!"

"Ali!" Azul laughed shaking her head. "Shut up and close your eyes."


"You'll see..."

Ali did as she said and he felt her putting something in his mouth. He smiled when he recognized the taste. It was one of his favorite candies, the one that they sold in that little shop near the marketplace. The ones Azul knew he liked so much.

"Candies!" He opened his eyes and smiled.

"I got this bag of candies for you on my way here." Azul gave the bag to him. "I just hope it's okay for you to eat candies."

"Oh it is! Thank you Azul! I've been dying for these candies for a long time!" He said taking a handful of them.

"Hey!" Azul slapped his hand playfully. "One at a time! Do you want to choke?"

"Oh yeah!" Ali said with his mouth full. "Now that your fianc� is healed, now the physical abuse starts! Okay, be that way... meanie!"

Azul laughed. There was a light shinning in Ali's eyes. A light she hadn't seen in a long time. A mischievous light of life and she just loved to see him like that. He was still weak but he was the Ali she knew and loved so much.

"I was wondering..." Ali said.


"Could you please help me to go to the window seat? I'm sick of this bed and I wanted to go there. At least I can see the menagerie and the city from the window... I want to feel the sun, to feel the air. But I'm afraid I'm a little stiff and clumsy. Could you take me there?"

"Oh geez Ali, I don't know if you should move."

"Please! Look, my parents told me they'll tell the twins we're here... and I don't want them to see me in this bed, it's depressing."

"Oh alright." She said taking his arm. "But let's be careful, okay?"

"Okay." He smiled.

Ali moved clumsily and his feet touched the cold floor. He cringed.

"Uh.. cold!"

"Do you want me to get your sandals?"

"No... that's fine. Just... help me up!"

Azul pulled him up carefully and put his arm around her shoulders to support him. But Ali was really heavy. He fumbled and laughed.

"Geez, I'm as graceful as a duck!" Ali laughed.

"Okay duck... c'mon... walk!" Azul groaned.

Ali tried to take his first step but he lost his balance and both of them fell backwards on to the bed again.

"Well..." Ali sighed. "We're on the bed again!"

"You did that on purpose!" Azul scolded him.

"I didn't! I swear! My poor legs are SO weak!"

"Yeah right." Azul giggled and grabbed his arm. "C'mon... 1...2...3... we're up!"

Ali went to his feet one more time and stayed up for a second. Then he fell backwards again and grabbed Azul. They fell on the bed again.

"And we're down!" Azul sighed helplessly.

"Darn!" Ali chuckled.

"Ali!" Azul tried to sound annoyed. "If your ribs weren't still hurt I'd punch you!"

"Good ribs!" Ali said patting his chest.

Azul sat on the bed and looked down at him. He was grinning mischievously at her. She shook her head and tried to hide her smile from him. Ali looked at the window seat and sighed deeply.

"Geez, that's a LONG way..."

"And at this rate we'll be there by nightfall." Azul scolded him playfully.

"Aw, you are so cute when you exaggerate things!"

"You are impossible today." Azul smiled. "Mhhh... must be the sugar. I knew I shouldn't have gotten those candies for you!"

"You know." Ali said straightening on the bed and placing his arms around her shoulders. "Perhaps you could give me a piggy back to there."

"Yeah right!" She laughed softly, for Ali's breath tickled her neck. "I'd collapse under your weight!"

Azul turned her head to face him. They both smiled at the other and Ali kissed the tip of her nose.

"Alright then... let's try this again, okay?"

"Okay." Azul smiled. "And no tricks this time... c'mon!"

She helped him up and Ali tried to keep his balance. He laughed softly feeling his legs so weak that they could barely support his weight. Azul smiled and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Very well... let's go."

"No wait!" Ali stopped her.


"Aren't you forgetting something?" He said patting his lips.

"What?" She asked mischievously.

"Just a little kiss." Ali grinned. "C'mon blue eyes, it's not for me... it's for the road... it's a long way to that window seat!"

"Sneaky boy!" She said kissing his lips softly.

After that they moved slowly, crossing the room carefully. Ali was weak but he knew he needed to get out of that bed that was killing him. After a couple of minutes they reached the window seat and Ali sighed heavily as he sat in there. Azul fixed some cushions and pillows and Ali leaned against the wall.

He looked at the window and Azul's heart soared with joy when she saw Ali's face illuminated by the morning light. He smiled happily and the soft breeze of the desert messed his hair. His face was shining.

"It's a beautiful day!" Ali said softly. "It's been a long time since the last time I saw such a beautiful day."

"I agree." Azul said climbing on the window seat and taking a deep breath of the morning air.

Ali looked at her and smiled. She looked beautiful then. Ali reached for her hand and they exchanged smiles and stayed there, just staring at the scenery under them, lost in their thoughts and holding hands.

"And to think we were so close to losing this all." Ali commented softly.

Azul gulped and looked at him with a stressed look.

"Ali... I don't think I want to talk about this..."

Ali's eyes moved nervously and he bit his lip. He didn't want to ruin the mood. He nodded.

"I understand." He said softly. "We'll talk about this when you feel ready, okay?"

"Okay." She replied softly.

Ali felt his heart aching for her. Suddenly the realization hit him. Azul had to live through so much. Only Allah knew what his girl had to go through. They hadn't had the chance to talk about it. But she hadn't had the chance to let her pain out. She had been so strong for him during all those days.

Ali was feeling awful. There was a stressed look on Azul's face then. A expression he hated to see in his blue eyed girl. Ali understood that the two of them had left Karak mortally wounded. But his wounds were in his body and she had already healed them. But Azul's wounds were in her heart and now it was his turn to heal her. But he was feeling clumsy. He didn't know how to reach to her heart then. He didn't want to hurt her anymore and he knew that he couldn't force her to talk to him either.

"What did they do to you?" He was thinking while looking at her.

Azul's eyes were lost in space and Ali could see the pain in her face. It just killed him to see her like that.

"Azul..." He said softly.

"Yeah?" She said coming back from her trance.

"Look at me Azul." Ali said cupping her face and forcing her to look at him. "Good Allah, you are beautiful!"

"Ali!" She said blushing and lowered her face.

"Seriously my angel," Ali said lifting her face and looking deep into her eyes. "I don't think you know how BEAUTIFUL you are!"

Azul didn't say anything. She just blushed even deeper and Ali smiled tenderly.

"I love you!" He said cupping her face. "I love you in a way you couldn't even imagine, in a way I cannot understand. Azul... I'm addicted to you... I'm..."

"Ali..." Azul tried to interrupt him.

"Shhh! Don't talk!" Ali said placing a finger on her lips. "It's my turn... and I want to tell you that you've been here for me all this time, taking care of me in my worst stage and Azul I will never forget that... never! What you've done for me is something so... wonderful in every single way. Azul, now here I am for you. From now on there's only happiness ahead of us. I won't allow anything bad happening to you ever again. Tears and pain are behind us Azul... from now on there's only love and happiness. This I promise my love... I'll be your happiness!"

"Ali!" Azul said throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him as tight as she could. "I love you!"

"I love you too my blue eyed angel... let's put all the pain behind us my love... from now on there's only you and me... I want this to be clear... you and me Azul... only you and me."

"I don't know what I'd do without you my prince!" Azul muttered against his neck.

"I'm not going anywhere." He smiled caressing her back. "I have a guardian angel, a blue eyed one watching over me... what could go wrong?"

"Nothing." She whispered.

"But you have to promise me something Azul." Ali whispered in her ear. "When you are ready to talk, we'll talk, okay? I don't want to force you into anything but you said that yourself Azul... you don't have to be the strong one either. I'm here with you now. And in a few days we'll be husband and wife."

"I know." She muttered. "That's going to be the happiest day of my life."

"Mine too. And I want us to enter marriage with all our troubles worked out... with all our fears behind us... Azul, you healed me... let me heal you... let me do this for you my angel... you are not alone anymore. You are here, safe in my arms... can you feel it?"


"You promise that to me? We'll talk when you're ready?"

"I promise it." She said softly.

"Now look me in the eye." Ali said pushing her away from him.

Azul's eyes were all teary but no tears were coming out from them. Ali smiled and with an infinite tenderness kissed the tears away from her eyes.

"There!" He said. "You have beautiful eyes but they look better when they are dry, you know that? And that pretty face of yours looks so much better with a smile... could you give me a smile? A little one?"

Azul smiled softly. Ali's heart was throbbing in his chest. He loved to see her smiling like that. He caressed her face gently.

"That's better... so much better... now... can I have a kiss?"

Azul came close to him and put her arms around his neck.

"I love you Ali!" She said against his lips. "I love you so much that sometimes this feeling scares myself... this feeling is driving me crazy."

"Then let's be crazy together."

Ali cupped her face and they kissed softly and tenderly. It was a real sweet kiss. They pulled away smiling happily but before they could say anything someone knocked at the door.

"Perfect timing!" Ali laughed softly.

"As always." Azul smiled.

"When we live in our apartments I'm going to put on the door an announcement: 'Beware the Prince', I swear it!"

"I thought you said you were a duck." Azul laughed.

"Okay." Ali grinned at her. "Beware the duck... whatever."

They knocked at the door again.

"Who is it?" Ali screamed and Azul had to cover her ear.

"Geez Ali!" She said. "You have a bull horn for a mouth!"

"Sorry baby..." Ali giggled and kissed her ear quickly.

"It's us... your family!" Aladdin said from the other side of the door.

"The kids!" Azul smiled up at Ali.

"Great!" Ali giggled. "Now it's our time to show off, they'd be eager to hear all about our adventure, but don't worry, if we survived Karak we can survive the kids."

"Yeah." Azul smiled.

"Come in!" Ali said.

The door opened wide and the first thing Ali and Azul saw were the twins stampeding into the room.

"ALI!" They were screaming happily.

"Hey kids!" Ali saluted them.

But before he could say anything else the kids jumped on to the window seat and practically tackled Ali.

"Ooof!" Ali said crossing his eyes when his little siblings tackled him.

"Ali! Where were you?"

"We missed you!"

"We wanted to know where you were!"

"Why did you leave?"

"When did you come back!"

"Hey kids, be careful there!" Aladdin said. "Your brother's ribs are hurt so don't hurt him anymore."

"Your ribs are hurt?" Nasir asked. "Why?"

"Oh... sorry we hurt you." Najila said kissing his cheek.

"That's okay." Ali smiled. "So, aren't you going to say hello to Azul?"

The kids looked at her. She was there by Ali's side grinning at them. They were so excited about Ali that they hadn't noticed Azul there until then.

"AZUL!!!!!" They screamed and fell on her, hugging her.

"It's so good to see you again!" Azul laughed embracing them fondly.

"Where were you?"

"Did Ali rescue you?"

"Who was it?"

"We want to know everything!"

"Hey!" Ali said grabbing them playfully. "Get off! I want her to be in one piece for our wedding!"

"Wedding??!!" Their eyes widened with excitement and their looks went from Ali to Azul and then to Ali again.

"Kids," Ali said placing his arm around Azul's shoulders. "I want you to know that in four days Azul is going to be officially your sister... we're getting married."

The twins' reaction was instant. They fell on Ali and Azul one more time.

"Azul! Azul! You are going to be our sister! Yay!"

"Then you and Ali will have babies for us to play with! Yay!"

Ali and Azul blushed but laughed anyway. They were hugging the kids.

"But you have to tell us everything!"

"We want to know all about your adventure!"

"Did you fight monsters?"

"Did you get to use your sword?"

"Did you travel far away?"

"Did you see wonderful palaces?"

"Did you meet powerful kings there?"

There was this stream of questions coming from the twin's mouths. Ali and Azul were just looking at them, their eyes going from Nasir to Najila and then to Nasir again, just trying to keep up with the endless stream of questions.

Aladdin and Jasmine were laughing. The scene was amusing. The Sultan of Agrabah put his arm around his wife's shoulders and pulled her close to him. He kissed her forehead.

"Isn't this wonderful?" He told her softly. "Having our kids like this?"

"It's a blessing from Allah!" Jasmine smiled up at him.

"Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Ali said holding up his hands.

There was a sudden silence and Ali looked at Azul smiling cockily with a "Hey, I'm pretty good at this!" look on his face. Azul shook her head and smiled back. Ali turned to his siblings.

"We'll tell you everything... but one question at a time... you're making us dizzy like this!"

"Okay." Nasir said.

"But you have to tell us EVERYTHING!" Najila completed.

"Indeed." Aladdin interrupted them. "We want to know everything and I think Ali and Azul have a lot of interesting things to tell."

"Well, it's going to take a while." Ali smiled. "It was a big adventure."

"Then you better start telling us all about it now." Aladdin winked. "Because in four days you'll be gone again."

Ali and Azul blushed one more time and Aladdin and Jasmine laughed happily.

"Gone?" Najila asked sadly. "Where?"

"Why?" Nasir was saying. "You just came back!"

"Yeah, why do you have to go again?"

"Where are you going anyway?"

"Your brother and Azul are getting married." Jasmine explained. "They need to spend some time together... it's like vacations."

"But we like vacations!" Nasir said happily.

"Can we go with you?" Najila asked Ali and Azul.

"Yeah, please? We want to go with you!"

Azul laughed and held Ali's hand. The prince of Agrabah was laughing nervously. He cleared his throat.

"You kids... ahem... this time you... you can't come."

"Aw, why not?"

"We want to go with you!"

"Don't you want us there?"

"It's not that... it's just that... ahem... Azul and I are going to... uh..." Ali turned to Azul and whispered. "Azul, a little help?"

"On well," Azul said. "We just... uh..." She laughed nervously and turned to Ali. "Why me?"

"You are their tutor, you should teach them this kind of stuff!"

"What kind of stuff?"

"We want to know!"

Aladdin and Jasmine were laughing. The scene was really amusing. Cassim, who had just entered the room was leaning against the frame of the door, watching the scene with a mildly amused face. The craziness had returned to the palace.

"Ali and Azul need some private time." Aladdin said placing his hands on the kid's shoulders. "They have some... important things to discuss... in private."

Ali and Azul were blushing crimson. Ali was rubbing the back of his neck and laughing nervously. Azul just looked up at him and gave him a quick hug.

"Ooh, I see!" Najila said. "They want to KISS again!"

"But they can kiss HERE!"

"Alright," Aladdin laughed, not letting the kids go on. "Let's go... we have something prepared for you Ali."

"What is it dad?" Ali said still nervously.

"Well, we just thought you must be sick of this room... what do you say if we go to have lunch in the menagerie?"

"A picnic! Yay!" The twins said excitedly.

"I'd say, what are we waiting for?" Ali laughed.

"Let's go then!"

Aladdin went to help his son up. Ali was still weak but he knew he had to leave the room, walk a little, have some fresh air and the idea of having lunch in the menagerie was a perfect one.

When Aladdin and him were leaving the room he turned to Azul. Their eyes locked and they smiled tenderly at each other. Life was good again.

The complete family went to the menagerie to have lunch. Even Cassim went with them. They were all curious about all the stories Ali and Azul had to tell. And Ali knew there was so much they had to keep only between them but he also knew that they had big adventures to share.

So they sat on a tablecloth under a tree in the menagerie and they spent a wonderful afternoon together as the family they were.


Ali was eating and joking and laughing and telling them about their adventures. And Aladdin and Jasmine just loved to see him like that. They hadn't seen him so happy in a long time and for them Ali's laughter was the most wonderful sound in the world then.

But also they were noticing the way Ali and Azul kept looking at the other, winking at each other, holding hands, pampering each other so much. Every time they did that Aladdin and Jasmine looked at each other smiling tenderly. It was so good to see them like that, so happy and so in love... and most of all, so alive.

"Tell us about that lion again Ali!" Najila was saying.

"Tell us how you killed him!"

Ali laughed softly and looked down at Azul who was leaning against his chest.

"See? The gory details are the best part!"

Azul just smiled at him. And as Ali started to tell his siblings the story of the lion once again she just prayed. She was thanking Allah for the blessing of having him like that. For the blessing of them being together like that.

"This is forever!" She was thinking. "Forever!"

She caressed the hand Ali kept around her waist and smiled dreamily while hearing the stories Ali was telling.

"That story with the lion is awesome!" Nasir was saying. "When I'm big I want to live great adventures, just like you Ali!"

"Uh oh." Ali laughed looking at his parents. "It seems to me your headaches are not over yet."

"Don't worry Ali." Jasmine smiled. "We are used to them by now."

"And where were you Azul?" Najila asked. "Were you locked up in an ugly and gloomy dungeon?"

"Not exactly." Azul said softly. "The palace of Karak was a magnificent place... it was huge and beautiful... but it was a prison nonetheless..."

Azul made a pause and Ali knew she was uncomfortable talking about it so he rushed to change the subject.

"Didn't I tell you about those men I met in the mountains? I had to use my language skills for they spoke another language... boy that was funny!" He laughed.

"The mountains?" The twins asked.

"Yeah... big mountains... covered with snow... a very cold and icy place. I reached the top of the world then." Ali smiled remembering the feeling. "But geez, those were WEIRD people!"

"Aw, tell us again about those walls of fire in Karak!" Najila said.

"Yeah! I want to hear that part of the story again!"

Aladdin looked at Jasmine and she nodded at him. Ali was worn out by then and they didn't want him to force himself.

"I guess it's enough for now." Aladdin told the twins. "You have to let him rest."

"Aw, dad but we..."

"Your father is right." Jasmine said. "Let's go to the palace... you have some homework to do."

"We liked you better as our tutor, Azul!" Najila said.

"Yeah! Cassim's tutor is mean!"

"You're lucky to be learning from him." Cassim stuck up for his tutor. "He's one of the most knowledgeable men in the Seven Deserts, and I hope someday you'll appreciate everything he's taught you."

"He IS mean." Najila whispered to Azul. "And boring too!"

"Oh," Azul smiled. "I don't think your new tutor is mean. I know you are learning a lot of new stuff with him."

"Let's go kids!" Jasmine said rushing them to the palace. "You have work to do... after it you can play."

"We'll play Ali's adventures!" Najila was saying while running to the palace.

"But I'll be Ali!" Nasir said.

"Not fair! I don't want to be the lion!"

Aladdin looked at them and laughed while helping Jasmine up.

"You are their hero Ali... they really missed you... the two of you."

"We missed them too." Azul said. "But Sultan... I've been wondering... about the tutoring, I---"

"That's okay my dear." Jasmine smiled. "You've been away for two months and you'll be away for some weeks... Ali and you have a lot of things to work out. The first months of marriage are very messy. We don't want you to be stressed with the twins."

"One of Cassim's tutors has been in charge of them for weeks." Aladdin said. "I know the twins are not very happy with the arrangements but we understand that from now on your full time job will be the eldest of the royal children."

Azul looked up at Ali and he smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"You'll be the princess of Agrabah Azul... you'll have new duties and responsibilities."

"Besides the twins are big enough to take my tutor." Cassim said seriously. "You've done a good job so far Azul... I think they are ready to take the next step."

"I just feel sad about leaving them like this." Azul replied.

"You are not leaving them." Aladdin smiled at her. "Azul, in 4 days you'll be part of this family. You'll be our daughter in law."

"What could be more wonderful than that?" Ali said leaning over and kissing her cheek.

Cassim stood up and cleared his throat.

"I have to go now. I have things to do. I'm glad to see you so recovered Ali. We were really worried for you."

"Thank you Cassim!" Ali smiled.

The boy left and Aladdin looked down at his son and his fianc�e.

"Well kids I guess you want to be alone. Do you want to stay in here or do you want me to take you to your room, Ali?"

"We'll stay in here for a while." Ali smiled. "Then I think I can go to my room... with Azul's help."

Azul nodded and Aladdin and Jasmine smiled at them.

"Alright... have fun kids!"

The Sultan of Agrabah took his wife's hand and they went to the palace. When Ali and Azul were alone he sighed deeply and closed his eyes, resting his head against the tree behind him.

"Are you feeling well Ali? You look tired?"

"The kids wore me out." He said not opening his eyes. "I guess I should rest for a while."


Azul snuggled up to him. Her back was resting against Ali's chest and the prince closed his arms around her waist. Azul relaxed herself and rested her head back on Ali's chest and closed her eyes.

They stayed there like that for a long moment, not moving, not talking just enjoying the fresh air and the scents of the flowers. The sounds of the fountains relaxed them and the sounds of the birds chirping made a perfect afternoon.

Azul was getting really sleepy. She felt so warm and so safe in Ali's arms, being like that, practically surrounded by him.

But after a while she felt Ali's lips brushing her neck softly. That soft touch sent shivers down her spine and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Ali!" She whispered.

"Hmmm?" He muttered against her neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Loving my angel."

Azul didn't say anything else. She just abandoned herself to him. Those soft and gentle caresses of him were heaven. But at the same time she noticed that Ali was kissing her in a way he had never done before. The way he was kissing and caressing her was gentle and sweet and yet so full of passion and desire.

Azul was caressing the arm Ali kept around her waist and her other hand was reaching back and caressing Ali's hair. When she touched him behind his ear Ali sighed happily.

"I love you Azul!" He whispered in her ear.

Azul felt her body shivering then. The way Ali had said that was a very special one. It was his tone of voice, the way he had called her by her name, the way he had kissed softly her ear after he had said those words. Azul smiled and prayed for that moment to never end.

Finally Ali sighed deeply and hid his face in the back of her neck. Azul turned slowly to face him and he looked at her eyes smiling tenderly.

"You look tired." She said softly. "Maybe we should go back to your room."

"No... I'm fine... and I like being here with you like this."

"I do too." Azul said and blushed.

Ali laughed softly and caressed her face gently.

"Look at you! You are blushing again!"

Azul just smiled and hid her face in his neck, slipping her arms around his neck. He closed his arms around her and sighed deeply. They stayed like that for a long time. They didn't want to move. They felt so good then, being in each other's arms like that. It was such a warm and peaceful feeling.

But Ali was getting really sleepy. As much as he wanted to avoid it he yawned and Azul pulled away.

"You ARE tired Ali... c'mon, I'll take you to your room. You need a nap."

"Maybe I do." He said. "But before we go there... there's this favor I want to ask you."

"And what is it?"

"Could you please take me to the stables? I want to check on Reeh."

"Of course!" Azul said standing up and helping him up to his feet. "He's just fine. I've been checking on him every day."

"You are so good to us Azul!" Ali said placing his arm around Azul's shoulders, looking for support. "No wonder why I'm so in love with you."

Azul took Ali to the stables and as soon as Reeh saw his master there he went crazy. He rushed to Ali's side and he nuzzled him playfully. Ali was laughing and hugging Reeh's head.

Azul smiled and stepped aside knowing that was a special moment between Ali and Reeh. She knew the special relationship between them and it was wonderful to see them so happy together.

"You thought I wouldn't make it, didn't you Reeh?" Ali grabbed Reeh's mane and shook his head. "Silly horse! You should've known I'm a tough guy! Look at me now! My blue eyes cured me! Didn't I tell you she is the real thing?!"

Reeh was neighing happily and shaking his mane. He kept nuzzling against Ali and the prince was hugging him, patting him and caressing his mane. They were so happy.

"Isn't he the most gorgeous horse ever?" Ali asked Azul.

"He is... the perfect stallion for the most dashing prince."

"Dashing, huh?"

"And cute." Azul laughed.

Ali laughed as well and patted Reeh's head.

"I never had the chance to thank you, Reeh... but I wouldn't have done this without your help. You are a heck of a horse!" He laughed. "A speed demon! Besides, if it wasn't for you I'd still be in Karima's hands."

"Ugh!" Azul said. "Let's not get into it!"

"Are you jealous, blue eyes?" Ali laughed looking at her over his shoulder.

"I refuse to answer that!"

"And why is that?"

"Because every time I think about it jealousy drives me crazy!" Azul frowned playfully at Ali.

"Aw, blue eyes..." The prince of Agrabah went to her side and took her hand kissing it lovingly. "You are the only one for me... my first and only love."

"And I like the sound of that!" She smiled grabbing Ali's face and pulling him into a kiss.

They were kissing when Reeh came and hit Ali's back playfully. Ali and Azul broke the kiss and looked at Reeh who was looking at them with his big, sparkly, smart eyes.

"Oh, don't be jealous Reeh!" Azul hugged his head. "We love you too!"

Ali laughed and patted his head. The horse was neighing happily. They knew, without any doubt that life was meant to be perfect for them from that day on until the end of time.

When Ali and Azul entered the prince's room it was dark already. They had spent the whole evening in the menagerie. Ali was totally worn out but feeling good as never before.

Azul was supporting him as they walked. They were talking and laughing happily. Finally Azul laid him on the bed.

Ali rested there and looked up at Azul who was sitting on the edge of the bed looking lovingly down at him.

"Are you going to stay here with me?" He said with a very tender tone of voice.

"I wish I could my prince... but I promised dad I'd be there for dinner."

"Oh, that's okay. I understand. Your father must be hating me by now. I'm the horrible man who's stealing his beautiful little girl away from him!"

"Ali, you ARE crazy."

Ali laughed softly and grabbed her hand.

"I had a wonderful day Azul... thank you!"

"Don't thank me. It was wonderful for me too."

"Three more days." Ali said smiling dreamily at her. "Only three more days."

"Aren't you nervous?"

"Why should I be? I am excited... what about you?"

"Me? I think I'm going to melt to death!"

"Please, don't!" Ali smiled. "I don't want to be bride-less when the big day comes!"

"You won't get away that easy!" Azul laughed and kissed his forehead tenderly.

"Are you threatening me?"

"What if I am?"

"Well, you look SO cute when you threaten people!"

Azul leaned over and kissed his lips tenderly. Then she pushed away a little and tapped the tip of his nose playfully.

"I'll see you tomorrow... you'll be in my dreams tonight!"

"Oh... Azul... I was wondering... before you go... could you please tell me a story?"

"A story?" Azul laughed. "What kind of story?"

"I don't know... a bed time story... please?"

Azul looked mischievously at him and nodded.

"All right... but after the story I really have to go, okay?"


"Well then... here's the story..."

Ali moved a little and rested his head on Azul's lap, looking up at her lovingly. She leaned back against the headboard and ran her fingers through his hair returning the same sweet look and she started to tell him the story.

"This is the story of a lonely girl who lived in Alexandria... and a dashing but cute prince who lived in Agrabah..."

"Yay!" Ali smiled at her grabbing her hand and kissing it tenderly. "That's my favorite story ever!"

Azul chuckled softly and started to tell him the story. And as she was telling him that familiar story she was wondering if that was a real story or actually a fairy tale. But she just had to look in her lap to discover that handsome prince staring lovingly up at her and then she understood that the story between them was a story of love and magic. A story that would be never be forgotten and would live forever across the golden sands of time.

* * * * *

The next evening Ali and Azul were in his room. They had spent all day together and it was almost time for Azul to go home.

She had been with Ali all day. They spent a wonderful time in the menagerie just doing nothing. Both of them were still tired after all their adventures and even if Ali was still weak he was getting better. They were walking slowly around the menagerie and Ali was feeling all his muscles reacting once again. He was going back little by little to his normal self and that all was because of her. She not only had healed him but she also had taken full responsibility for him. And that was something Ali could never forget.

But by the time they went back to his room he was really tired and he only wanted to have a good rest. He went to his favorite spot, the window seat and climbed on it, leaning his back against the wall and sighing deeply.

"What a day!" He muttered.

"Are you tired?" Azul said sitting on the edge of the window seat.

"Well, a little."

"I bet you are. We were walking around the menagerie for hours."

"It is weird, isn't it?"


"This... I mean, I've been traveling restlessly around the deserts... and now I'm tired only because I was walking around the garden?" Ali laughed.

"Oh well, you're still recovering yourself."

"Yeah, in no time I'll be running around the deserts again!"

"I don't think so, mister." Azul sent him a playful look. "When you're my husband I'm going to take very good care of you... no more crazy adventures around. I don't want to be a widow, you know?"

Ali laughed softly.

"You are exaggerating... as always, blue eyes."

"No, I'm not."

They looked at each other and smiled warmly.

"Do you really have to go?" Ali asked sadly.

"Yes. My parents keep telling me that these are my last days at home and they want me there. If it was up to them I'd be there day and night."

"Can't blame them though." Ali said reaching for her hand. "Thank Allah I'm the lucky devil that's going to marry you."

Azul grinned at him and he smiled tenderly and tapped the tip of her nose playfully.

"We are almost there." She said softly.

"Almost... only a few more days... we can start counting the hours."

"I just find this whole thing so unbelievable... not only the Karak thing but now... this... our wedding. You know? Somehow I never expected this day to actually come."

"And why was that?"

"I don't know. I guess marriage was not in my plans... until I met you. But... I just can't believe it... I'm going to marry YOU! Oh Allah... it's all so... unbelievable."

"Silly girl! Look at that beautiful face of yours! Do you really think I'd let you go away that easy?"

"Ali, I-"

"No, let me finish here. I've met a lot of women in my life... princesses from all over the Seven Deserts and beyond. And I admit I've met beautiful ones. So I think I know what beauty is... and do you know what real beauty is?"


"Real beauty is YOU."

"Oh Ali!"

"Azul, it's easy to find a beautiful woman. But it's not easy to find a beautiful soul. And I've been blessed my angel, for I have by my side the most beautiful woman with the most beautiful soul. You are just perfect my love."

Azul blushed and Ali chuckled softly. She lowered her eyes and Ali sighed deeply looking at the window.

"What a beautiful night!" He muttered.


"I love this window seat. I could stay in here forever... just look at all those stars in the sky... and how wonderful Agrabah looks under the moonlight... this is all so..."

Ali stopped when he noticed that Azul was not paying attention to him. He frowned when he saw the stressed expression on Azul's face. She kept her eyes low and she was playing nervously with her own fingers, her back to the window.

"What's wrong blue eyes?" Ali asked concerned.

"It's nothing."

"Nothing? You know," He said lifting her face. "You cannot hide anything from me. Are you tired? Why that sad face? Aw, c'mon! I don't like to see you like this."

Azul pulled away Ali's hand softly and she turned her back to him, trying to hide her face from him. Ali was worried.

"I was just... thinking..."

"Thinking what?"

"I don't know... all those times in Karak... when I used to sit on the window seat in my room... and pray... and..."

Ali gulped nervously. He didn't know what to say. He noticed how Azul's voice was cracking and he wasn't sure of what to do.

"You are safe now." He muttered softly.

"It was awful." Azul whispered. "I was so scared... I was just..."

Azul covered her mouth but a sob escaped her chest anyway. She didn't want to face Ali but the prince could see her shoulders shaking. Ali moved to her side and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Azul, my love... what's wrong?"

"I'm fine..." She replied softly brushing the tears off her face.

"No you are not!" Ali said firmly. "Azul! Look at me!"

The tone of Ali's voice made Azul turn around to face him. Her blue eyes were wide open and she sent Ali an almost scared look. A look that killed Ali right there.

"Azul!" He said softening his voice and cupping her face. "I know things weren't easy for you... and you have been so strong. You've been strong for me my angel. But I'm fine now and I don't want to see you like this... Azul, listen to me, in only 3 days we'll be husband and wife. We'll be sharing everything then. But I want to start our marriage with everything solved between us... let me help you Azul... please, don't leave me out of this!"

She lowered her face and a rebel tear escaped her eye. Ali sighed desperately.

"Things aren't supposed to be this way!" He said softly. "Azul... no more tears, remember? No more tears!"

Azul looked at him, her blue eyes shinning with tears. She gulped and then let out a shaky sigh.

"It's Aswad..."

"Aw, blue eyes!" Ali said opening his arms and motioning her closer. "C'mon! Come here!"

Azul didn't even think about it. She climbed on the window seat and crawled into Ali's embrace. As soon as she was there she just hid her face in Ali's neck and the prince of Agrabah felt tears on his neck. A stressed expression appeared on Ali's face. He closed his strong arms around Azul, hugging her close to him. He embraced her as tight as he could.

Window Snuggles

Ali didn't say anything. He just kept her as close to him as he could. She was shaking in his arms. He kept rubbing her back softly.

"It's alright." Ali cooed in her ear after a while. "You are here with me now."

"It was awful!" Azul whispered. "I was so scared... so afraid... I thought I was going to die there... I was just as sure that sooner or later Aswad would kill me... until I found out what he really... wanted from me..."

Azul's voice cracked and Ali held her even closer to him. His face was practically hidden in her neck. Only his bangs were visible over Azul's shoulder.

"That damn man!" Ali's voice reflected the hate on his heart.

"Every time I heard him coming to my room," Azul was crying. "I was scared to death. And I kept telling myself that I had to be strong... I couldn't give up... but he was taller and stronger than me... I felt so defenseless... oh Ali, that was horrible... just to know that any minute that man could come and..."

"I know." He whispered softly when Azul's voice trailed off. "But you are a warrior, my angel. You resisted him, you fought him... you beat him. You were so brave and so strong... I'm so proud of you."

"But I was dying there Ali... I wanted to cry, to scream, to let all my pain out and I couldn't... I just couldn't..."

"But you can now... and I want you to feel me here... I want you to understand that I'm here with you now and that nothing bad will ever happen to you again because I'm not leaving you anymore my girl. I'm going to be there with you day and night. You have nothing to fear. From now on I'm going to take care of you... I'm going to love you the way you deserve to be loved... I'm going to make you happy Azul... so happy."

"Hug me Ali! Hug me tight! Please!"

Ali pressed her tighter against him. Azul sobbed and she continued talking.

"He wanted to break me... he tried to make me lose my faith in you... my faith in myself... but he knew what I feel for you is something so pure and so strong that it cannot be conquered... he wanted my body... because he never could have my spirit..."

There was a pause. Ali kept her as close to him as he could. Azul snuggled up against him even more and then she continued with a voice that was barely audible in Ali's ear.

"He was abusing me... and I thought that was the end... when he was beating me... slapping me... shoving me... he--- oh Ali! I was so scared! I was terrified! Ali... I was... I---"

"Shhh!" He calmed her down. "It's okay... I understand."

"That's not the way things are supposed to be Ali... that's not the way!"

"No, of course that's not the way. And we are going to rectify that Azul. That's not the way its going to be between us."

"What that man did-"

"What that man did to you," Ali said, his blood boiling in his veins. "It's something that's in the past. Now you are here Azul, safe in my arms."

"Ali! When I thought I had lost you..."

"It's okay my angel... don't think about it... I'm here with you now and I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to protect you... this will never happen to you again, I promise it."

Azul sighed deeply and snuggled against him. He rubbed her back gently. He felt her so fragile and vulnerable in his arms. She was so tiny and so cute. He knew he could only treat her as a queen... as a goddess. He promised himself he'd never make her suffer in any way. He wanted to heal the wounds in her heart, the same way she had healed the wounds in his body.

Ali felt how Azul's crying was fading away. She was taking deep and shaky breaths. He could feel her small body trembling in his arms.

Azul didn't want to move then. She was absently asking him to hold her tighter. She felt so safe there in Ali's embrace, surrounded by her prince. It was so soothing to her to have him holding her so close to his body. It was a warm feeling. She could feel his heart, his breathing. And her face was so close to his neck that she could even feel the vibrations when he spoke.

"It's all over now my angel." He was cooing softly in her ear. "I want you to forget about everything. It's in the past. It doesn't exist anymore. What that man did to you is in the past. This is OUR time. We are together now... together forever."

"I was so scared..." she whispered softly. "But it's over... all over..."

"It is... you are MINE and only mine... and I'm all YOURS and only yours... never forget that."

"I won't."

"I love you... you are my everything."

Azul didn't respond. She just snuggled up to Ali and he smiled and embraced her tight. Azul sighed deeply but it was a different kind of sigh. A happy one.

"Allah!" She whispered in his ear. "Things feel SO different when I'm with you!"

Ali smiled. He just loved to hear that. It was wonderful to him.

"Well, THIS is the way things should be."

Ali turned his head and pressed his lips against Azul's throbbing neck. He could felt her pulse there, her life.

It was a quiet atmosphere. The room was only illuminated by the moonlight that came in through the window. Ali was embracing his girl, trying to reassure her, to protect her from any harm. And he was kissing her in a very mature and intimate kind of way. What they were feeling towards each other at that moment was a deep and burning kind of love. It was a mature love. There were going to get married in only a few days but what they already had between them was more powerful than any matrimonial contract. For them the wedding ceremony would be only the public representation of what they had already reached long before.

They stayed like that for a long moment, not moving at all, not even talking. They were just feeling each other and thinking about the wonderful future before them. Little by little Ali's stressed expression changed and his lips curved in a little smile.

He pushed away a little to look at Azul's face. But then he realized she had her eyes closed and a small smile of her own was on her face. Ali smiled tenderly and brushed a lock of her hair off her face gently.

"Oh blue eyes!" He whispered. "Are you sleeping?"

Azul didn't answer. She was feeling so warm and protected there in Ali's embrace that she had fallen asleep there. Ali knew she was exhausted. She hadn't had a moment to rest. After Karak she had devoted all her time and energy to him and she was tired. Now that things were slowing down a little it was just logical that she was so sleepy.

Ali kissed her forehead lovingly and leaned back against the wall, Azul's head resting against his chest. He put his arms around her and sighed deeply, looking at the window.

"Yes," He was thinking. "Things feel so different when I'm with you. It feels so good to be here with you like this."

Ali's mind flew back to Karak and rage appeared on his face when the memories of Aswad came to him. But he decided it was not the time for bad memories. He was there in Agrabah, he was fine and most important, he was holding his blue eyed angel in his arms. Nothing could go wrong then.

He looked at Azul's face. She looked so beautiful under the moonlight. She looked so peaceful sleeping like that. Ali smiled tenderly and outlined her features softly. Her eyes, her nose, her mouth, her chin.

"I love you so much." He whispered. "I love you so much that sometimes I don't know what to do with myself. I love you in a way I never thought I could love... with a love that I never thought possible."

He kissed her forehead softly and sighed happily. He embraced her tightly and looked out the window, a small, dreamy smile in his face.

"Three days." He was thinking. "Three more days. And then we'll be together forever. Azul, my wife..." He giggled. "Man, that sounds weird... weird but wonderful... and I'll be Ali, her husband. Wow! That sounds impressive. But I bet she'd find it just cute."

Ali rubbed Azul's back tenderly and chuckled softly.

"You wonderful girl... you are going to have a demon for a husband... a silly boy... but most of all, you are going to have someone who's going to be always there for you, in good times and in bad times. Someone who's going to love you in a way you can't even imagine. Oh yeah, I'm going to spoil you in every possible way my love. No one in this universe is going to be more happy than you. And I'm going to bless every single morning when I open my eyes and find you there. And I'll thank Allah every night when my eyes are about to close, and my last vision is you Azul... you my blue eyes... you my angel!"

All those wonderful thoughts were on Ali's mind. He was smiling tenderly while keeping his girl in his arms. He was falling asleep himself, his head leaned back against the wall.

Suddenly the door opened carefully. Ali looked at it and frowned. He saw Aladdin's familiar figure entering the room.

"Ali?" Aladdin asked softly. "May I come in?"

"Sure..." Ali whispered. "Come in..."

"Azul's parents are here and they are asking for her-"

Aladdin stopped when he saw Azul peacefully sleeping in Ali's arms.

"Shhh!" Ali said softly. "She's sleeping."

"I can see that."

"Aw, she's so tired... my poor girl. She really needs her rest. We were talking but she just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore."

"I see." Aladdin raised an eyebrow. "I think you should wake her up... I'll go tell Sadira and Bassel that Azul is on her way."

"Alright." Ali smiled.

Aladdin looked at them one more time and shrugged. Then he left the room.

Ali looked down at Azul one more time, contemplating her face. He smiled tenderly and pressed his lips firmly against her forehead. Then he pulled away and caressed her face softly.

"Azul?" He whispered. "Wake up sleepy head!"

"Wha--?" Azul said drowsily opening her eyes. "Where--? Wha--? Ali!"

Azul's eyes opened wide in surprise and Ali laughed softly.

"Surprise!" He said kissing her forehead again.

"But what are you doing here?!"

"Uh... well, this is my room..."

Azul pushed away and looked around. Ali laughed. She was really confused.

"Don't worry my girl, everything is fine. You just fell asleep."

"Oh Allah!" She said alarmed. "I had to get back to my home for---"

"That's okay. Your parents are here. They are waiting for you."

"Oh, I see." Azul said getting drowsy again and rubbing her eyes.

Ali was smiling at her. He reached to touch her hair softly.

"Did you have a good rest?"

Azul looked at him and smiled tenderly. She crawled on the window seat until her face was close to Ali's.

"A very good one indeed." She said kissing his lips mischievously.

"Good," Ali grinned at her. "It was just a sample."

"It was?" She laughed. "Hmmm... so, great things are coming."

"You bet, blue eyes!"

They laughed happily and Ali grabbed Azul's face, kissing her all over. She was giggling.

"Ali! Stop it! It tickles!"

She pushed away and smiled at him. He looked deep into her eyes and caressed her face with his thumbs.

"Are you feeling better now?" Azul smiled and caressed the hands that kept her face cupped.

"So much better Ali... thank you."

"No, thank you."

"You know?" She said looking deep into his eyes. "I know we are only 3 days away from our wedding but I have a confession to make."

"And what is it?"

"Well... I guess... I guess I'm in love."

"Funny thing... I was going to say the exact same thing."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah well, there's this fabulous girl, a very pretty one. She's so sweet and so caring and absolutely beautiful... more than beautiful, she's perfect."

"Oh, is she?" Azul smiled mischievously.

"Yeah... she's got this beautiful smile... just like yours... and then black silky hair, just like yours... and she likes to wear this lemon blossom perfume... just like you... and she's got this gorgeous, absolutely beautiful big blue eyes... hey, just like YOU!"

"And if you like that girl all that much, why don't you kiss her?"

"Alas I can't."

"Why not? Does she belong to someone else?"

"Well, I cannot reach her, for she's an angel. The most perfect angel in Heaven. A blue eyed one... but that's not all, her heart belongs to this dashing hero, he's a prince and a warrior. And she's only his... as much as he's only hers."

"Oh... this is weird, for I'm in love with this dashing hero... a really tough warrior."

"Is he handsome?"

"He is... and very cute!"

"I bet he is." Ali laughed.

"My problem is... this gorgeous prince is in love with another girl."

"And who is she?"

"A common girl from Alexandria. A very messy one... someone I don't think deserves the heart of a prince..."

"Uh-oh!" Ali stopped her. "I've heard you have magical powers."


"Maybe if you kiss this silly boy he'd turn into your dashing prince."

"That's a good idea... maybe if you kiss this messy girl she'd turn into your angel."

"We could try." Ali said closing his arms around her body.

"It wouldn't hurt." Azul said sliding her arms around his neck.

"Not at all..." Ali muttered against her lips.

It was a tender kiss. A very soft and sweet one. They were swaying a little while kissing, and even if their lips were pressing together there was a small smile on them.

They pulled away and Ali rested his forehead on hers. She opened her eyes and smiled at Ali.

"Now," He whispered softly. "Look into my eyes... what do you see?"

Azul looked at her own reflection in Ali's eyes. She smiled dreamily and caressed his face.

"I can see your angel there..."

"Good... because I can see your prince in yours!"

"So the magic worked!"

"It did. And this spell is so powerful that it cannot be broken... ever." Ali said kissing her again.

They kissed for a long while. They weren't pulling away. They were just kissing each other, caressing each other's faces and hair tenderly. They weren't playful anymore. They were being serious and conscious of what they were doing. They were just a step away from marriage and in their hearts they were wishing for time to fly. They wished they didn't have to say good bye at night anymore. They wished they could stay like that forever, totally lost in their love.

When they finally pulled away Ali sighed deeply and happily and smiled at her.

"You know, blue eyes, I think you should be going. Your parents must be wondering where you are."

"Yeah." She sighed. "Aw, I wish I could stay a little longer."

"I do too. But I don't want your parents to get jealous of me."

"Okay... but I'll be back early in the morning, as soon as I can."

"I'll be waiting for you my princess."

Azul smiled at him tenderly and caressed his face.

"I love you, Prince Ali."

"And I adore you Azul... my angel."

Ali reached for her hand. He took it gently in his and kissed the scar Azul had on her palm. Then he held it tight in his own hand, pressing both scars together. Azul smiled and looked into his eyes.

"Three days." Ali said softly.

Azul laughed happily and threw herself at Ali, her arms around his neck. The sudden action took Ali by surprise and he fell backwards onto the pillows on the window seat. He laughed happily.

"Whoa!" He laughed. "So you resigned the pillow fights and now you are into wrestling?"

"Silly Ali!" She laughed. "I love you!"

She started to kiss him all over the face. Ali was laughing happily and she was giggling softly.

"That tickles blue eyes!" He was saying. "You are mean!"

"I'll show you what tickles are!" She said putting her hands on Ali's sides and ticking him.

"Stop it! Watch out! The ribs! Stop it! Ahhhh! I give up! Please!" Ali was laughing hard.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door. There was a sudden silence in the room. Ali looked at Azul and smiled. He was panting.

"Who is it?" Ali said.

"It's me, your father!"

"Oh dad!" Ali's voice sounded alarmed. "Azul is on her way... we were just..."

"Yeah well, your parents are getting a LITTLE impatient here Azul."

"Oh, I'll be there in a second Sultan!"

"Good... just... don't play hard, okay?"

Ali and Azul exchanged looks and they laughed happily.

"I guess it's time for me to go." Azul said getting off the window seat.

"Aw! And I'll be here all alone all night until you're back in the morning."

"Don't complain!" Azul said getting Nevi and placing it in Ali's hands. "Here, Nevi will keep you company."

"Okay... when an angel is leaving a camel is the best second choice to stay with."

"Silly Ali!" Azul said leaning over and kissing him. "Good night my prince!"

"Sweet dreams Azul... I love you."

Azul went to the door and before she left the room she turned to Ali and blew a kiss to him. Ali smiled and winked at her.

"Three days blue eyes!" He said loudly.

"I'll keep it in mind!"

Azul sent him a last smile and left the room. Ali sighed dreamily and leaned back against the wall, his eyes lost in the star covered sky. Then he looked down at Nevi.

"Have I ever told you I'm in love, Nevi?" He said messing the camel's fur.

He looked at the sky one more time and then closed his eyes, the most wonderful smile on his face. He started to get sleepy there, but he didn't fight it. He wanted to close his eyes and find in his dreams the beloved face of his angel.

* * * * *

The next day Aladdin entered Ali's room. The young prince was peacefully sleeping on the window seat. He was on his stomach and his face was hidden in the pillows. He kept his hand on Nevi who was there with him.

"Ali!" Aladdin smiled. "You're getting married in a couple of days and you still sleep with that camel!"

Aladdin sat beside him and shook him softly.

"Ali! Wake up! Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Wha--?" Ali said opening his eyes and blinking at Aladdin. "Dad... what is-?"

"It's late!"

"Late for what?" Ali groaned and covered his face with a pillow. "I have nothing to do."

"Did you sleep here? Why didn't you go to bed?"

"I have no idea!"

"Well, look, I want to make this short. I have to go to the throne room to take care of a lot of stuff but I wanted to give you this first."

Ali looked at Aladdin and then at the two books he was holding in his hands.

"What is it Dad?"

"You can consider it as a gift... a wedding gift."

Ali opened the books and smiled radiantly. He looked at his father.

"These are the chronicles of my quests..."

"It's all in there."

"But how?" Ali was saying while paging the books excitedly. "Who? Who wrote these?"

"The royal chronicler."

"This is so wonderful! I have my own stories in the chronicles of Agrabah now! Oh dad... this is amazing! I don't know what to say!"

"I just thought you'd like them. In any case you still have to write the story of your last adventure... but I know you'll do it. With Azul's help."

"Yeah." Ali said still reading.

"I'm glad to know you liked those."

"They are fantastic dad! Thank you very much! I hope some day my kids would read them and find them interesting, just the way I love all of your chronicles so much."

"I'm sure they will... speaking of which, do you know where Azul is right now?"

"Nope... no idea."

"She's with the royal tailor now..."

Ali's eyes shinned with joy.

"The wedding dress?" He smiled.

"The wedding dress, that's right." Aladdin laughed. "How do you feel? You're only a couple of days away from the big day."

"I don't know. I feel happy... excited... but fine. Wow, her wedding dress... oh dad, she's going to shine!"

"Of course she will, and do you know why? It's not because of the dress or the jewelry she's going to wear. She's going to shine because she's in love Ali. She's so in love with you."

"I know." Ali smiled dreamily. "And I love her so much that some times I don't think this kind of love is possible, dad."

"Oh, it IS possible. Look at your mother and I. After 25 years we still are so in love."

"Oh yes. I'm looking up at you. I know my marriage is going to be just as perfect as yours has been."

"I know that. She's going to make you happy Ali. And you have to make her happy as well."

"Oh, I will... you can bet I will."

Aladdin messed Ali's already messy hair playfully and laughed softly.

"I never thought I'd see this day. My son Ali... getting married. I was talking to your mom the other day. You know, I have to tell you, I never thought you were husband material."

"Oh geez! Thank YOU very much dad!" Ali laughed. "Such faith in me is... touching."

"Well," Aladdin laughed as well. "Just think Ali, you never were specially interested in girls. Besides you were always so absorbed in your royal duties. No to mention you are a crazy boy, I never thought you'd find a girl who would be able to keep up with you and your craziness."

"And I found her." Ali smiled. "But I guess you are right. I mean, marriage was not one of my priorities. Love was not in my plans. But I used to dream about it every now and then. And I had this perfect girl in my heart. One that was pure, sincere, funny. One that was my best friend, my partner. Someone I could trust with my life. Someone I'd fall head over heels for. But then I met all those girls. I'm not saying that princesses are worthless, for my mom was a princess. But most of them are so... self absorbed. Of course I met a couple of nice ones but then I never felt any kind of magic and I always thought love is magic. I always thought my standards were too high and it pained me because I KNEW I had to get married for the kingdom's sake. And it scared me just to think that sooner or later I'd marry someone... someone I wouldn't be in love with."

"Silly Ali! You know we'd never force you into a loveless marriage!"

"I know, but I was in that phase... when I was 17 I took things so seriously. Then I joined the Army hoping it would take all those thoughts out of my head. And every girl I met was disappointing to me. Not because of them but because of me. I tried to fall in love, I really tried but I couldn't. I was expecting that thunderbolt but it never happened."

"But then Azul came along."

"She did." Ali smiled. "And one day there she was... Azul."

"Did you feel that thunderbolt then?"

"I don't know. I guess I did. But you know what kind of thunder it was? That kind of thunder when you see the flash first and hear the noise a little later. I was blinded by her from the first moment dad. But it took me so long to realize my feelings... to accept my feeling for her. I guess it was part of that fear I had to love. But everything has been so perfect. She's a dream dad... she is an angel."

"I really don't know what you did to her to have her like that, Ali... and I don't know what she did to you. But this is the real thing, I'm positive. And you two are getting married in a few days."

"Yeah... I never thought marriage would be like this. Dad, I'm crazy for that girl. I'm addicted to her. Every time I look at her I just melt. My heart is burning dad, day and night... for her. I love her so much that this love is almost painful... I had high standards but Azul exceeded all my expectations, she..."

Ali stopped when someone knocked at the door.

"Yes?" Aladdin said.

"Sultan Aladdin." A voice called. "Everything is ready. They are waiting for you to start the meeting."

"Be right there!" Aladdin turned to Ali. "I guess I have to be going now. But you know Ali, we still have a pending chat."

"We do?"

"Yes. There are things I'd like to talk to you about before you're married. Important stuff."

"That's good. I'd love to have that chat, dad. And also you could give me some tips, couldn't you?"

"Of course!" Aladdin patted Ali's cheek affectionately. "I'm going now... see you later son."

"Yes... oh dad, thanks for the books... they are gorgeous!"

Aladdin just smiled and nodded at him. Them he left the room. Ali sighed happily and leaned his back against the wall, placing one of the books on his lap and starting to read.

* * * * *

The door of Ali's room opened slowly and Azul peeked inside. Ali was there on his window seat reading. She smiled and entered the room. The prince of Agrabah looked at her and frowned playfully.

"Oh, but you look who's here!" He said. "Are you Azul by any chance? It's been a long time since the last time I saw you... I barely can remember your face... it's really you?"

"I'm a girl that just entered your room without knocking first. For your own safety it's better that's me, mister!"

"Oh," Ali smiled. "Yeah, well... I could never forget those blue eyes... it's you!"

"Why?" Azul said playfully sitting by his side. "Were you expecting someone else?"

Azul leaned and kissed Ali's lips quickly. The prince sighed dreamily.

"I was expecting my angel... where were you? It's late! I missed you!"

"I know. I really wanted to come earlier but I had a very busy day. You wouldn't believe it!"

"I know... you went to the royal tailor."

"Oh, so you already know that, huh?" Azul smiled. "Well, then I have nothing else to say."

"My dad told me... and from that moment I couldn't get this image out of my head!"

"What image?"

"You." Ali smiled tenderly at her. "In your wedding dress."

"Oh Ali!" She said placing her arms around his neck and hiding her face in his shoulders.

"You are going to look so beautiful... more than usual that is." Ali said embracing her. "Oh Allah, I cannot wait!"

"It's a pretty dress." Azul said softly. "But very uncomfortable. I guess I'm not used to those kinds of clothes anyway."

"Oh don't worry, you'll only be wearing it for a couple of hours... then we'll get rid of it." Ali said innocently.

But when he heard Azul chuckling he laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Geez blue eyes! I didn't mean it that way!"

"What are you reading?" Azul said pulling away and taking one of the books. "Ooh! The Royal Chronicles of the Prince Ali of Agrabah? Oh Allah! This is wonderful! Where did this come from?"

"My dad gave them to me this morning... aren't they amazing?"

"They are... wow, it's the first time my name is in a book... and in a royal book for that matter."

"You'll be in a lot of royal books from now on. You'll be the princess of Agrabah."

"I will, won't I?" She laughed softly. "Oh gosh, this all is so unbelievable."

"I know." Ali said. "But it's happening... and well, my dad told me that we should write the story of the last adventure."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it a lot. We really should write it."

"There'll be time for that later." Ali smiled. "Right now I don't want to think about that... specially not about Aswad... or Karima."

Azul smiled mischievously at him.

"So, what's the story with that Karima girl?" She teased.

"Ouch!" Ali said.

"You never told me the details." Azul was teasing.

"I really don't think you want to know the details... or that I want to tell the details. It's safer that way!"

"So, that woman was some kind of gorgeous queen who wanted to steal my dashing prince away from me?"

"... yes." Ali pouted.

"Oh, so you think SHE was gorgeous, huh?"

"But she was!" Ali replied in the same mischievous and teasing tone.

Azul took a pillow and hit Ali's face playfully.

"Owow..." Ali whimpered. "I thought we had a deal... no pillow fights!"

"Forget the deal! I'll be merciless now!" Azul said.

"She thought I was cute and handsome and she kept calling me her habibi and caressing me and being real nice and... she even kissed me!"

"OH!" Azul said pretending to be scandalized. "Ali, why are you telling me all of this?"

"If we are here already... I want to suffer all your rage here and now, once and for all!"

"You bet you will, mister!" Azul said hitting him with the pillow over and over.

"Ow... ow..." Ali was whimpering pathetically. "Be mad at me... I deserve this... I'm nothing but a low creature... ow... I was under a spell... she had me under her control... ow... ow... I deserve your hate and your anger... I'm so worthless!"

Azul laughed and stopped her pillow attack.

"Ali, YOU are pathetic!"

She looked at his face. Ali looked at her with those big puppy eyes. She giggled softly. How on Earth could she be upset? She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips.

"My poor baby... being seduced by beautiful queens..."

"Aw yeah... poor me! I think I need more pampering to get over that awful trauma."

"Sneaky boy!"

"But wait Azul... there's more."


"Well... every time she tried a move on me... there was this BEAUTIFUL blue eyed girl in my mind... and in my heart. She was in my dreams every night. And that girl was real pretty... she had big blue eyes, like these." He said kissing softly Azul's eyes. "And dark hair, just like yours." He kissed her hair. "And a beautiful face, like this one." He kissed her face. "And VERY soft lips... just like these..."

Ali cupped her face and kissed her softly. Then he pulled away and smiled at her.

"You know, that girl from my dreams was YOU!"

"Ali!" She smiled and started to kiss his face.

She was touched knowing that even with his memory gone, he still had her in his mind and in his heart.

Ali moved along and motioned for her to climb on the window seat by his side.

"C'mon blue eyes, get up here!"

"What for?" She smiled climbing on the seat anyway.

"Just because." Ali returned the same mischievous smile.

"You know, Ali." Azul said. "My grandmother told me she wanted to see you. She could come to visit you today."

"Oh, that'd be great! I'd love to see Nanny!"

"She's dying to see you. She really likes you a lot, you know? She just can't stop talking about the wedding and everything. She is SO excited!"

"Aren't you?"

Azul looked at him and smiled.

"Do you REALLY have to ask?"

"I know. I'm very excited... I'm counting the seconds. We are so close now. It feels funny though."

"Funny?" Azul laughed. "Oh geez! That is SO romantic!"

"Well... funny in a... funny way."

"You know Ali, you are quite the philosopher at times. What a deep and meaningful thought!"

"Hey, don't laugh at me blue eyes! This is all your fault. When you're with me my mind is blurred. I can think about anything but you!"

"Oh yeah, go ahead and blame me!"

Ali laughed and turned to Azul, placing his hand under her chin and pulled her softly into a kiss. Azul placed her arms around his neck and she pulled him close to her. She leaned back against the big pillows behind her and they just closed their eyes and surrendered themselves to that kiss.

When they pulled apart slowly they didn't move, they stayed like that. Ali was looking lovingly down at her and she was smiling up at him. Love was burning in their eyes. They felt so good being together like that, so close to each other. It was such a warm feeling between them.

"I love you, Ali!" Azul whispered, her voice barely audible.

But Ali was so close to her that he could hear everything from her, even her breathing and her heartbeat.

"I love you too, Azul." He said just as softly.

They were looking deep into each other's eyes, not moving, not talking, just contemplating each other's faces. Ali started to caress her face tenderly and Azul just smiled and caressed his hair and the back of his neck.

Ali smiled tenderly at her and leaned over. He hid his face in Azul's neck, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Azul was smiling happily and caressing his back.

Ali pulled away and looked into her eyes one more time. She outlined his facial features with her fingers gently.

"We are almost there." She said softly. "Ali, we'll be together forever, isn't that wonderful?"

"It is. But I don't think eternity will be enough for me. I could love you for ten thousand years and this love would be still burning like this in my heart. We need more than an eternity Azul... the word 'forever' seems so short."

"We can make our own time." She said rubbing his strong arms. "We can live our own eternity. Eternity is now... eternity is you."

"No my love, eternity is you by my side."

"You by my side, huh?" She smiled. "I thought that was Heaven."

"No... THIS is Heaven."

Ali leaned over and kissed her lips softly. Azul smiled and let him do as he pleased. His kisses went from her lips to her chin and then all the way up her jaw to her ear.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear. "I'm forever yours."

"And I'm yours Ali... only yours... in heart, body and soul."

Ali smiled and pressed his lips softly against Azul's neck. He loved to kiss her there, right in that spot where he could feel her pulse, her life. Azul sighed happily and closed her eyes.

But suddenly the door opened and Nanny entered the room. It was so sudden that Ali and Azul couldn't react in time. Nanny stopped short when she saw them in there.

Azul was resting her back against the wall and pillows behind her. She was almost laying there. And Ali was right by her side, propped on his elbow and his other arm around Azul, holding her tenderly. Ali was kissing Azul's neck gently and she was caressing his back absently.

When Nanny saw that she realized how deep the relationship between her granddaughter and Ali really was. It had reached way beyond playfulness then. And playfulness was all Nanny had seen from them until then. Suddenly the ultimate realization hit her: her little Azul was not a girl anymore. She was an adult now. She was a grown up woman and Ali was not only the mischievous boy she had always seen. He was a man.

When Ali and Azul heard the noise of the door they stopped suddenly. They looked at Nanny, their eyes wide open with surprise and they straightened themselves.

"Nanny!" Both of them said at the same time.

"Yeah," She smiled mischievously. "I'm glad you noticed I'm here."

Azul blushed deeply and hid her face in Ali's neck. Ali was giggling nervously and blushing too, but he had no where to hide.

"It had to be Nanny of all people!" Azul whimpered against his neck.

Ali chuckled and held her closer to him, giving her a small hug and then he kissed her cheek.

"Oh!" Nanny giggled. "Don't mind me! Go back to what you were doing... have fun! I can come back later!"

"Nanny!" Azul stopped her. "No, that's okay... don't leave!"

She turned to them and laughed.

"But look at you! You guys are blushing crimson!"

"We..." Ali's voice cracked and he cleaned his throat. "We were just... talking about the wedding and..."

"And we got a little carried away." Azul said nervously.

"That's okay." Nanny winked at them. "Don't worry, I won't tell..."

Ali and Azul looked at each other and giggled nervously.

"So this is where my granddaughter is going to live?!" Nanny said looking around. "What a wonderful place!"

"Actually," Ali said. "We'll have our own private apartments... our quarters in the north wing of the palace."

"Even better." Nanny laughed. "Judging for what I just saw... it'd be safer that way!"

"NANNY!" Azul said.

"That's okay dear... I can't blame you though. Just look at this handsome guy! So... no hugs and kisses for me, Ali?"

Ali smiled and stood up, going to Nanny. He hugged her tightly lifting her up off the floor. Nanny laughed happily and Ali kissed her cheek lovingly.

"It's so good to see you, Nanny!"

"Yes, I'm happy to see you too... I was going to ask how are you feeling but I guess you're feeling well now... I can tell... my granddaughter is really helping, isn't she?"

"NANNY!" Azul yelled and blushed.

Ali laughed and placed his arm around Azul.

"What about those ribs?" Nanny said noticing the bandages there.

"Oh, they are fine. Of course it'd be all healed by now if your granddaughter stopped abusing me, but hey, that's okay." Ali teased.

"Oh yes?" Azul sent him a sharp and yet playful look. "I never heard you complaining about my so called 'abuses'!"

Ali laughed and kissed her forehead softly.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" He asked Nanny.

"You two make a GREAT couple! Oh, I'm so happy and so excited for you and your wedding! You know Ali, I always wanted the perfect man for my Azul. I'm grateful Allah heard my prayers!"

"Well, He heard mine too. He sent me an angel."

"When she was a little girl she was so mischievous and so restless. She was always running around, she wanted to learn everything, to see everything, to know everything. She was an explorer... and I never thought I'd live to see the day when my little Azul..." She stopped and laughed. "My little Azul is getting married!"

Azul smiled up at Ali. He tapped the tip of her nose playfully and looked at Nanny.

"I'm sure Azul was the most cute and pretty girl in Alexandria when she was a little girl... I know that because she grew up to be the most beautiful and gorgeous woman of the Lands of Allah!"

"Oh Ali!" She blushed.

"Yes, she was. As a matter of fact there's something I want to give you Ali... this has been something really dear to me all these years but... I want you to have it now."

"What is it Nanny?"

Nanny opened her purse and then handed Ali a small portrait. Ali took it in his hands and a wide smile appeared on his face when he looked at it.

"AWWWW!" He said happily. "Is that you, blue eyes? You were CUTE!"

"Were?" Azul asked mischievously.

"Well," Ali corrected himself. "You still are but... look at this adorable girl!"

"Yes, that's me." Azul smiled looking at that portrait.

"It's the only portrait we have of her when she was little. How old were you then Azul? Six? Eight?"

"Something like that."

"You were a cutie, blue eyes... aw, look at this!"

"It's hard for me to look at that portrait." Nanny said looking at it. "And then look up and find a woman, not a girl anymore."

"Aw, Nanny!" Azul embraced her.

Ali looked at Azul. He was feeling tenderness for her. A deep and warm tenderness. Seeing her as a little girl had given to him that warm and cute feeling. He put his arm around Azul's shoulder and pulled her close to him.

"But Nanny," Ali said. "I don't know if I could accept this from you... I mean, I'd love to but you said this is the only portrait of her you have and..."

"That's the reason I want you to keep it. Besides it's not a free gift either. I want something in return."

"And what is that?"

"I want a really big portrait of the both of you in your wedding clothes."

Ali looked at Azul and they smiled happily.

"We can do that." Ali said. "And if that's the case, then it's a deal!"

"Good," She said. "It's all I wanted."

"This portrait is just so sweet." Ali said still looking at the image of Azul in it.

"I don't know what you are doing looking at that image Ali." Azul teased. "You have the original here!"

Ali laughed and gave her a bear hug, kissing her cheek tenderly.

"I bet you were a sweetie when you were a kid, Ali." Nanny said. "Such a handsome man must have been a real doll when he was little."

"Oh he was!" Azul smiled tenderly at him. "He still is! But when he was little he was a cutie, all sweet and chubby!"

"I'm not chubby anymore though." Ali smiled.

"But you are still a cutie!"

Ali sighed deeply and helplessly and turned to Nanny.

"I wish your granddaughter realized I'm dashing and handsome and not only cute!"

"You have a very high opinion of yourself young man!" Nanny laughed.

"Well, let's face it, I MUST be dashing and handsome, otherwise I wouldn't stand a chance in front of this angel."

They all laughed and Azul took Ali's hand.

"C'mon Ali! Let's show your portraits to Nanny! She'd love to see them!"

"Oh, do you want to see all those portraits?" Ali said excitedly. "We have tons!"

"Of course I want!"

"Then come with us!" Ali said placing his arms around Azul.

"You know Ali," She smiled. "I don't think you need this support anymore... you can walk just fine now."

"Aw! But any excuse to be close to you is a good one as far as I'm concerned!"

"I can testify to that!"

"NANNY!" Azul scolded. "Stop it! You're embarrassing us!"

"Nah, but in any case I think you are adorable when you are embarrassed!"

"Now that we are at it." Ali said mischievously. "Do you think Azul could stay for the rest of the day here with me?"

"I don't know... we have a lot of things to do at home... lots of stuff to prepare, a bunch of stuff to get ready..."

"Aw, PLEASE!" Ali said in a very childish tone of voice. "If we are good can she stay?"

"Well," Nanny laughed. "Maybe we could arrange something."

"Yay!" Ali said. "Can she stay over for the night?"

"ALI!" Azul laughed.

Nanny was chucking softly.

"Not today my boy," She said. "But maybe in a couple of days."

Azul blushed deeply and Ali laughed.

"It was worth a shot!"

"I think we better go to see those portraits." Azul said grabbing Ali's arm. "You two are dangerous together!"

"Alright!" Nanny said. "Let's go then."

Azul looked up at Ali sending him a very mischievous look. He winked down at her. Nanny just giggled softly, she loved to see her daughter so happy and so in love. The three of them left the room closing the door behind them.

* * * * *

When Aladdin entered Ali's room it was partially dark and Ali was at the window seat staring at the sky dreamily.

"Ali?" Aladdin called. "May I?"

"Oh dad! Sure! Come in!"

"How are you feeling, boy?"

"Just perfect. I was reading the books but it's dark already. Look at all those stars appearing in the sky! It's gorgeous!"

"It is." Aladdin said sitting on the bed and leaning his back against the headboard. "Where's Azul? I thought she'd be here."

"She was but she had to leave early. She has a lot of things to take care of. Of course we weren't happy about it but... oh well... nothing we can do, can we?"

"I guess not."

"But then I've been thinking a lot about our wedding dad. It's all so unreal. Almost like a dream. And I feel excited and nervous... all at the same time."

"Well, it's just normal Ali. But everything is going to be fine. You know kid, what's between you and Azul is the real thing. It's something powerful and you've already proven that your love is more powerful than anything."

"I know. I guess it's only the normal nervousness. The truth is I'm very excited dad. I can hardly wait."

"I'm so happy to see you like this Ali!"

"Thanks dad... you know, I was wondering... what was this like for you?"


"You know, how did you feel before your wedding?"

Aladdin smiled and shook his head.

"I was feeling so scared and so confused. Of course I was excited and nervous. Most of all, I was SO happy. But I was all on my own Ali. There was no one there to guide me, to talk to me. I was scared to death. It was not about your mother, it was about me. And then every thing messed up..."

"But things were good at the end, right? Everything went well then."

"It did. But I wished I had had more time with your mother in the days previous to the wedding. It was hard for me to understand that big change in my life... especially because of the big shock I received previously."

"Was it hard? Getting used to it?"

"I guess all changes take time before you get used to them. The advantage Azul and you have and that your mom and I never had is that you two have spent all these days together. And let's face it Ali, this adventure put the two of you at the same level... it was different for your mother and I... I married her still looking up at the princess. I entered marriage not knowing what to do. Being very insecure about myself. I don't think you have those kinds of problems."

"No, I guess we don't. But still... I want to know dad... I want to know more."

"And I want to talk to you about this. Ali, you're getting married in a couple of days and you must understand what marriage really is. It's not 'playing house', you know? When I got married no one talked to me about this kind of stuff. Now I'm here to talk to you about it."

"And I want to know dad... I want my marriage to be as wonderful and strong as yours has always been."

Aladdin smiled and nodded.

"Alright then... listen closely Ali, marriage is a sign of God's power and blessings. You're not a child anymore. You are an adult man. A man in love. This is your life son, a life you are going to share with your wife. The Qu'ran says, "And among His signs is that He has created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may live in tranquility with them; and He has created love and mercy between you". Marriage is regarded as an asset in acquiring spiritual perfection. The Prophet said, "One who marries has already guarded half of his religion."

"This all is so nice." Ali smiled. "But the best part is just the fact that I'm marrying for love. I read in one of my books that when a man's love for his woman increases, his faith increases in quality as well."

"Most definitely, kid. And I must quote the Qu'ran when it says: "When a man approaches his wife, he is guarded by two angels and at that moment in Allah's views, he is like a warrior fighting for the cause of Allah".

"Well," Ali laughed. "I'm a warrior indeed... but I don't need those two angels, for Allah had sent me my own angel. My blue eyed angel."

"Yes, I know you have an angel by your side. And she's going to help you to reach perfection Ali, just like the Prophet said, "If anyone likes to meet Allah in purity, then he should meet Him with his wife."

"I guess I've already passed the test of purity. But then again, as Azrak said, I need to fight for those things day after day. But I really want to reach perfection, with her. I just keep thinking about the wonderful life that's waiting for us."

"Yes kid, a whole new world is waiting for you right ahead. And you must take your place as her husband, as the head of your own family. The Qu'ran says: "From among the believers are those who have the kindest disposition and are kindest to their families, such are those who show most perfect faith. The best among you are those who are kindest to their wives."

"I know... and I understand all you are telling me dad. But I promise this to you, I won't disappoint you. I'm going to be the best husband Azul could ask for."

"I know you will Ali. I just want to have this conversation with you now. Marriage is sharing between a man and a woman, its objectives, beside perpetuating human life, are emotional well-being and spiritual harmony. Its bases are love and mercy. And maybe this sounds boring to you but..."

"No, not boring at all. Very inspiring indeed."

"Ali, if I'm telling you all of this it is because no one ever talked to me about this. I want you to be prepared because I know I wasn't quite prepared when I married your mother. And Allah knows it wasn't easy at all for us. We never talked about this before getting married... once we were there, we were real nervous kid. I don't want things to be the same way with you."

"What are you saying? That I need to talk to Azul about all of this?"

"I really think you should. I highly recommend it to you."

"Talk to her... about this kind of stuff."

"Believe me boy, sooner of later you have to have a heart-to-heart conversation about this particular subject. And it's better for you two to enter marriage prepared. I know this is not going to be hard for you kid. I mean, I've seen you lately... the level of trust and intimacy you have now is very deep. I know you can handle this and I know you MUST have this conversation with her. Marriage is not a game, kid. You are going to take the biggest challenge of your life. But Ali, I know what's between the two of you IS the real thing. I have all the faith in the world in you and Azul."

"We are getting married." Ali laughed softly. "It's all so unbelievable... but she loves me, dad... she loves me in a way I never thought someone would love me. All these days she's been here by my side all the time. Oh dad, I was so embarrassed when she took care of me during my recovery... I was not exactly the perfect image of a prince then and yet she... oh, I was so ashamed... I was feeling so humiliated... physically and emotionally, not being able to move and all... and she was there, day after day, right by my side... oh Allah, what did I do to deserve that woman?"

"There's no shame in marriage, Ali." Aladdin smiled. "Whenever she was by your side taking care of you I could see in her eyes her love for you. You were stubborn but she was there, no matter what."

"I know. But sometimes I feel so guilty. Some times I feel I'm putting a lot of weight on her shoulders dad... she's been here for me in my worst moments. She's so loyal to me... so good to me. I don't know how such a tiny girl can be so brave and strong. I can say she knows everything about me, the good and the bad stuff... and she still loves me."

"I'm telling you this from personal experiences boy, your wife is going to know sides of you that no one else will ever see, she's going to know things about you that no one else would ever know. Things that maybe not even YOU know about yourself."

"I know." Ali muttered. "She already keeps my secrets."

"And you'll keep hers."

"I will dad. I've proven that I could die for her. I am willing to give until the last drop of my blood for her. I'm willing to give my life for hers. Even my soul."

"I know Ali. And I know you are the hero, the warrior that will be always there for her. But remember, before being a hero you are a man. And Azul is marrying the man. It's important to be a hero. I used to believe that your mother only loved me because I was heroic but in time I learned my lesson. They don't want a hero, Ali. They want someone to keep them company, someone who pampers them, who's willing to help and support them, someone who holds them at night, who kisses them good morning, someone who's always there for them no matter what. You don't need to win a war or fight a sorcerer to win her heart kid. But help her doing the dishes after dinner or making the bed every morning and THAT'S what really matters."

"Darn!" Ali laughed softly. "All of that for nothing..."

"Well, you really need to help her in any way you can son. I didn't raise a useless man."

"I'd help her cook, but she wouldn't let me near the food!"

"Then learn how to cook, silly!"

"Dad... I cook as good as Mom does... there is NO hope of learning!"

"Well... too bad you didn't inherit my cooking skills. You were lucky to find Azul, otherwise you'd starve to death!"

"Well, there's always that wonderful person called the palace chef!"

"Palace chef nothing! No son of mine is going to be a useless prince... you NEED to learn how to cook OR you have to clean the kitchen every day! And I'll ask Azul to keep me informed, is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" Ali saluted him militarily.

"Good. And there's another thing son."


"About your wedding night."

"Oh man!" Ali laughed nervously.

"Ali, that's the most sacred moment you can share with your wife. It's a prayer to Allah all by itself. It's the ultimate act of love. And it's an awesome thing to share with the woman you love. It's a moment of closeness, of devotion... it's something big Ali, something really big and sacred. It's love... pure love."

"I know dad. And I'll be kind and gentle. This tenderness I feel for her is stronger than any passion. I love her, dad. And I understand the importance of that moment. It has something of mysteriousness around it... it's something powerful just to think about it. I mean, Azul and I... MY Azul... oh dad..."

"I know son. And I know you'll love and respect her in the way she deserves it. Just take it easy, don't rush things. Savor the first time because you only get a first time once."

Ali was blushing and smiling tenderly. Aladdin smiled at him and there was a long silence between them. Ali was staring at the night sky, a wonderful smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes. After a while Aladdin smiled and left the bed, going to Ali's side.

"Well," Aladdin said in a more playful tone. "I guess that's all I can tell you about marriage. The rest of it is up to you! But you know you can always talk to me son. No matter what I'll be always here for you." Aladdin said placing his hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Thank you father." Ali said seriously, grabbing Aladdin's hand. "I guess this was a conversation we needed to have... man to man."

"It was." Aladdin laughed. "Now, just the last thing."

"What is it?"

"Well," Aladdin slapped Ali's head playfully. "You better take good care of her, do you hear me, big boy?"

"DAD!" Ali laughed. "You're going to give me a concussion one day, I swear..."

"That poor girl!" Aladdin was laughing. "She has no idea what she's doing marrying you... having to spend the rest of her life with this crazy, silly boy... what was her crime?"

"You have a very sweet opinion of your son, dad. And yet she loves me this way." Ali smiled.

"And I still can't understand why!" Aladdin messed Ali's hair.

"Ahem!" Ali said. "Dad, Bassel IS Azul's father, he's supposed to tell me this kind of stuff... you are MY dad, you're supposed to support me!"

"Says who?" Aladdin grinned at him.

"Ooh! You ARE mean dad!" Ali pouted. "I want my mommy!"

"Silly boy!" Aladdin laughed and patted his face affectionately.

"Ouch! I swear, between you and Azul, you guys are going to kill me! I'm positive! One gives love and what do I receive? Slaps, snaps, pillow hits, tickles... poor little me!"

"It's tough love!"

"Boo! Only my mommy loves me!"

Aladdin was laughing but suddenly he stopped and looked deep into Ali's eyes. He put his hands on Ali's shoulders and spoke in a very serious tone:

"Son, you are a man now. And I'm proud of you. I expect great things from you. You have all my faith and all my love."

"Aw dad!" Ali said embracing his father. "And you know I'll always do my best for you... for my mom and for Agrabah... and specially for Azul."

"I know." Aladdin smiled pulling away.

They looked into each other's eyes for a minute and then Aladdin patted his back softly.

"I guess I have to be going now. You have a lot of things to prepare... and to think about."

"I know." Ali smiled. "Thank you, dad."

"Don't thank me." Aladdin said going to the door. "Marriage is a sacred institution which is not to be taken casually. But I repeat this kid, THIS is a talk you must have with her."

"I know." Ali said nervously. "I know and I will dad... don't worry."

"Good!" Aladdin said opening the door. "The time is coming my son... it's so close now!"

Aladdin winked at Ali and they exchanged smiles. Then Aladdin left the room and Ali sighed deep and happily. His eyes went to the star covered sky.

"Two days." He thought. "Only two days..."

He didn't say anything but the expression in his face reflected all his love and his emotion. A tender smiled curved his lips softly in a smile and he leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes and allowing the most wonderful thoughts to enter his mind. In only two days more he and his beloved Azul would be one forever.

* * * * *

The sound of stampeding feet was heard in the hall outside Ali's room along with the sounds of laughter that echoed in the hall. Suddenly the door flung open and Azul entered the room running like crazy and being chased by Ali. He kicked the door closed and ran after Azul, he jumped on her and practically tackled her on to the window seat. Azul landed on the bunch of pillows Ali had there and Ali landed by her side, his arm over her. They were laughing happily.

"You are so mean!" Azul was laughing. "Get off!"

"I AM mean?" Ali was laughing as well. "Who started that water fight by the fountain?! It sure wasn't me!"

"But you were tickling me!"

"Tickles?" Ali laughed placing his hands on the sides of Azul. "Tickles! Tickles!"

"Ali!" Azul was laughing and trying to get rid of him. "Stop it! Stop it now!"

"Say I win!"

"No, you don't!"

"Then suffer! Tickles, tickles, tickles, tickles!"

"A---li!!!" Azul was laughing and gasping for air. "You win! You win! Stop it!"

"Haha!" Ali laughed evilly. "Who's your prince? Who's your only love?"

"I refuse to answer that!"

"Why?" Ali stopped tickling her and pouted.

"Well," She said trying to catch her breath and still laughing. "Why say if I can show?"

Azul grabbed Ali's face and pulled him down to a kiss. They were giggling softly while kissing tenderly. Then Ali pulled apart and smiled down at her.

"That's better!"

"Silly Ali!" Azul said straightening herself and leaning her back against the wall. "You know, no one would believe you were almost dead a couple of days ago! You sure look very recovered to me!"

"Isn't that great?" He said going to her side and smiling at her.

"I shall have my revenge!" Azul sent him a sharp and yet playful look.

Ali laughed and placed his arm around Azul's shoulders, pulling her close to him. She smiled and rested her head on Ali's shoulder. They looked at the window, still trying to catch their breath.

"This morning I visited the royal tailor." Ali said softly.

"You did?" Azul looked up at him and smiled. "So? What happened?"

"Well," He grinned at her. "Everything is ready!"

"It is?" She laughed. "Wow, I bet you are going to look so handsome in your wedding robes."

"Handsome, huh?"

"But cute."

"Oh well," Ali laughed. "I guess it's no use."

"So, do you like your robes?"

"Well... it's not the kind of clothes I like or the kind of clothes I'm used to. I can't say I'm happy and excited about it. I'd rather wear my uniform or something"

"Ooh! You'd look SO handsome in your uniform."

"But my parents insisted on the robes. They said that we'd look so cute with our matching wedding outfits."

"Cute, huh?" Azul smiled.

"Yes, as I said, I'm plagued with cuteness."

"I cannot wait to see you wearing those robes."

"Well, they look so princely. But I insisted, no turbans. I don't like them! Feathers tickle me!"

"Ali," She laughed. "You are such a baby!"

"But you are going to take care of me, aren't you?"

"Of course I will... forever!"

Ali kissed her forehead and then sighed looking at the window. They stayed like that in silence for a long moment, lost in their own thoughts. Finally Ali spoke.

"Everything is ready now. My parents told me this morning that everything is just ready. Tomorrow first thing in the morning all the guests will start to arrive in Agrabah, including Yesny and Mahdi."

"Oh, isn't that wonderful? Yesny and Mahdi! I really want to see them."

"Yes, but we have to be prepared for Yesny's... ahem... comments." Ali laughed.

"Don't worry, we survived Nanny, we can survive anyone."

"Yeah." Ali laughed.

"Then tomorrow night we have that dinner at home. My parents and Nanny are preparing everything. They want that dinner to be unforgettable."

"And I'm sure it will be... we sure have a very busy day tomorrow. A lot of things to do... last minute details to prepare."

"Have you been at the wedding pavilion? I heard it's ready now."

"No I haven't. My parents want it to be a surprise. I guess this adds excitement to the whole thing."

"As if we aren't excited enough!"

"I know."

"And what about the ceremony?"

"It'll take place the day after tomorrow at nightfall. The whole city is going to be illuminated. Every street, alley and square... and the palace will shine. There will be lanterns all over the menagerie..." Ali said dreamily. "And candles in the pavilion..."

"It's going to be a dream!" Azul said snuggling up to him. "A perfect dream!"

"Yeah..." Ali said absently rubbing Azul's back. "A celebration of our love, blue eyes."

"It's all so unbelievable!" She sighed. "I just can't believe this is for real. You and me, talking about our wedding... FINALLY our wedding... the day after tomorrow... oh sweet Allah! If this is a dream I don't want to wake up!"

"It's not a dream Azul... it's our reality. It's a new world that we are going to share. A new path we'll walk together to the end. It's you and me reunited forever in love."

Azul looked up at Ali and smiled wonderfully. He returned the same smile and tenderly took Azul's hand, pressing it softly to his own hand.

"We share the same blood. We have a blood alliance, we are already married in blood Azul." He said softly. "All the pain we share, all the fears, all the wounds, those are strong bonds between us."

"I know. But I don't want a marriage of pain... I want a marriage of love."

"And that's what you are going to get!" He said seriously. "This I promise you!"

They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment. They weren't smiling or grinning. They had serious looks in their faces. Finally Ali spoke.

"I had a talk with my father last night."

"What did he say?"

"We... were talking about marriage... about the life that's waiting for us. I feel so ready now. When he left I spent the rest of the night meditating his words and reflecting... but at the end I was just dreaming about our future, about the wonderful life we'll live together. It was all so wonderful!"

"What do you see in our future?" Azul smiled.

"It's all blurred... but I see love... love... a lot of love."

"That's exactly what I see."

"We'll have our own private apartments. It's our own home. Our own quarters and no one will be allowed to get in there. My father was very clear when he said that. That's our space. Our little love nest."

"That is so sweet!" Azul smiled. "Our own quarters! I'm going to make them our little palace Ali, you'll see... a lot of flowers, a lot of color. It's going to be a very cozy place to live."

"I bet you will. But best of all, it's a place that's only for you and me."

"Yeah." She smiled tenderly. "My own place... my own family... it seems like centuries ago when I walked all alone in the streets of Alexandria. I never thought this would happen to me... getting married... being loved... and being loved like THIS... oh Allah, some times I think this is a dream, that this HAS to be a dream... it's just too good to be true."

Ali leaned over and kissed her lips gently and tenderly. When he pulled away Azul sighed deeply.

"Does it feel like a dream to you?" He asked. "It feels all so real to me!"

"Oh Ali!" She smiled tenderly. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, my angel. You know you are my whole life, that without you I'd rather be dead. And now we are going to be together forever. Nothing will stand between us anymore my love. We are going to live together, to sleep together, to dream together, to wake up together... we'll be one Azul. Forever!"

She smiled dreamily and sighed deeply. Ali sighed and kissed her hair.

"When I was in Alexandria I never thought I'd live all of this... I felt so out of place then. I was so lonely... I never realized what was missing in my heart until the moment I met you, Ali. At that moment I understood that my life wouldn't be life if I didn't share it with you. At that moment I felt that I was born for you. And that my only peace and my only happiness is you."

"Silly Azul!" He squeezed her softly. "Of course you were born for me, just as I was born for you. And if you felt so lonely and so out of place in Alexandria it was not because of you... it was because of me because I wasn't there for you... I mean, I don't want to sound silly but... sometimes when I think about you before we met I feel a little jealous thinking about all those guys who met you before I did. For they had the chance to contemplate an angel before me."

"Ali!" She laughed.

"You know? Before I met you I really wanted to find love... but it never came to me. Every new princess I met was a new disappointment. And I admit that I met some beautiful princess and I even met some of them who were kind and cute... but that fire wasn't there. And when Yesny got married I was depressed because I hadn't ound anyone yet... and I knew I had to get married for the kingdom's sake but... the idea of a loveless marriage scared me to dead. I joined the Army trying to get all those dark thoughts out of my head and then suddenly I found myself so absorbed in my job with my dad and my training with the Army that I just... forgot about love... and one day, a day like any other day I entered that room... and an angel was there..."

"After dozens of princesses this girl was there... one that's not a princess at all."

"Nope, not a princess, but a goddess." Ali smiled. "I wonder how many men in the world are blessed with an angel?"

"You know, Ali... I don't want to sound selfish or conceited but... I never considered myself a pretty girl... but now every time that I look at my reflection in your eyes... I find a different me... someone different from the one I find when I look at the mirror."

"Mirrors are liars." Ali smiled. "But my eyes reflect your true self. When you want to find you, come to me... because this reflection of you I have in my eyes is the real you, blue eyes. Don't you know mirrors cannot reflect angels?"

"Ali!" She smiled. "I love you so much that just the thought of spending the rest of my life by your side is enough to make my heart soar with joy."

"I know, I can hardly wait. Oh Allah, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when my father pronounces us husband and wife! Oh Azul, you'll have to support me because I know I'm going to collapse right there!"

"Oh my!" She laughed. "I wonder who'll support me then?"

"Can you imagine the moment?" Ali said dreamily. "You and me... right there... then the Holy Kiss and... do you realize that when you open your eyes after that kiss you won't find Ali there anymore... but your husband?"

"I know." She smiled tenderly. "And right there before you... there will be your wife."

"My wife... Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Ababwa, Princess of Agrabah... hmmm... I like the sound of that!"

Azul smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling up to him. Ali sighed deeply and looked at the window.

"You know, Azul, I've been thinking so much about the meaning of our marriage. And I know there are things that we'll have to face together and I know that we'll solve any problem in our future. But most of all I've been thinking about the main point of this..."

"And what is that?"

"Spending the rest of my life with you."

"Yeah," She said softly. "I've been thinking so much about that too. The rest of our lives together. You know Ali, I feel so warm and so protected being here like this in your arms, like now. I feel so away from the rest of the world. This is a world that only belongs to us... you and me. And then I think that things are going to be like this for us... forever... day after day for the rest of eternity... and I feel... I feel like crying."

"Crying?" Ali smiled down at her. "Why?"

"Because I feel so happy!"

"Oh Azul!" Ali kissed her hair. "I feel the same way about you. It feels so good to have you like this, to know you are safe in my arms. Nothing is threatening us anymore. It's just us... and I feel this urge to by with you... this desire to be as close to you as possible... Azul..." Ali stopped and gulped.


"We... we are going to be one."

"I know." She blushed. "And it feels so different... when things were going to happen between Aswad and me I felt so terrified and so scared... but now I feel so secure, so loved... so absolutely happy."

"Let's forget the bad times my love. Let's focus on what's between us now... on what's coming... I love you so much that this is the ultimate proof of love. I'm going to give myself to you Azul... completely."

"And I'll be yours my prince... finally yours."

They looked into each other's eyes and smiled tenderly. They were blushing deeply but they just couldn't get the eyes off each other. Ali took her hand with the scar and held it in his, their fingers entwined and their scars pressed together. He smiled at her and she snuggled closer to him, as close as she could, hiding her face in his neck. Ali smiled and held her close to him.

And they stayed in there talking for hours, their voices barely audible, almost whispering and cooing the words to each other. They were so close that they didn't need to speak louder to be heard.

They talked about everything. About their lives, their past, their present. About their dreams for their future, about the arrangements they would make when they were living in their quarters, about the kind of flowers they'd like to have in their garden, the color of the sheets in their bed, about all the books they'd read, the places they'd visit, the food they'd cook.

Little by little they realized that marriage was coming to them for real. They had been so busy taking care of each other that the idea of their wedding was still all blurred in their heads but with that talk they understood things and the idea finally sank in on them. They were getting married in only a few hours. Their future together was about to start.

They talked about the ceremony and the celebrations Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine had prepared for them. It all was going to be so wonderful.

But they knew that no celebration could be better that the celebration of their love, all those feeling would be unleashed when they were finally together as husband and wife. The fireworks in the sky of Agrabah would pale beside the fireworks that would explode in their hearts then. That Sacred Kiss would only be the beginning. From that moment on their relationship was going to be sacred, blessed by Allah. And they wanted to be prepared. They wanted to enter marriage conscious of what was coming.

They stayed at that window seat for hours, talking about everything. They didn't leave anything out. They had never had such a deep and meaningful conversation before. And they found amazing and exciting how they were able to talk about just everything with each other. Between them there was an infinite confidence. A total trust. They talked about the most delicate topics in a mature and serious way. At first they were nervous but little by little they understood that, as Aladdin had told Ali, there was no shame in marriage.

When they finally finished that talk it was night already. They were all alone in the darkness of that room. The moonlight illuminated them making their faces glow. Finally, there was a silence that lasted for a long time. They were just holding each other. Ali was massaging Azul's back softly and she kept caressing absently Ali's chest. They were smiling softly and their eyes were lost in space. The most wonderful thoughts were flooding their minds. It had been a very serious conversation. For once they hadn't been playful about that. They felt so well, so prepared for what was coming. They knew they were ready to start their life together.

Ali looked down at her and she looked up at him. They both smiled dreamily. Ali put his hand under her chin and pulled her softly into a kiss. It was a very tender and sweet kiss and yet a very deep one.

When they pulled apart they sighed happily but didn't say anything. They had nothing left to say. Azul rested her head on Ali's chest and he smiled, placing his arms all around her. Azul smiled feeling so warm and secure in his embrace. She trusted that man with her life. That man who was going to be her husband. She closed her eyes, just hearing the heartbeat of his heart in his chest. It was the most wonderful sound of life and love.

Ali smiled softly and looked at the star covered sky. It felt so good to have her in his arms like that. She felt so tiny and so vulnerable in his embrace. The soft sound of her breathing was a very soothening sound. Ali sighed happily knowing that that woman was going to be his wife. They would share their lives together for the rest of eternity and beyond.

They stayed there like that for a long time, in silence, just feeling each other. Just enjoying the mutual company and the warm feeling between them. They were praying for their future, for their marriage, for all the good things that would come to them. But most of all they were praying for that moment to last forever. They wished they could stop time and stay like that, in the silence of the night, in each other arms forever. But then they smiled when they realized that it was the beginning of a whole new life. The beginning of a dream. The beginning of the rest of their lives.

They knew marriage meant commitment. And it was much more than simply agreeing to stay with each other through good and bad times. It meant being devoted to doing things to nurture the relationship and protect it from any harm and to fix it if damaged. They knew they had to care for each other's needs and must be willing to put each other's needs first. They were willing to depend on each other and feel secure that each would be loyal to each other and the relationship.

At the end they just closed their eyes and let time do as it pleased. They felt ready for the step they were taking and there was a mixture of opposite feelings in their hearts. They wished for time to stop right there and at the same time they were begging for time to go faster... to take them to that sacred moment when they'd be united forever as husband and wife.


*        *        *

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