Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




-"Return to Innocence" (Enigma)


The royal guests had started to arrive in Agrabah that day. The royal wedding of the Prince of Agrabah would be held the next day but the celebrations and ceremonies would start that very same day. The bride and the groom would have a very tight schedule with all the royal compromises they'd have to attend that day.

The atmosphere in Agrabah couldn't be more happy and festive. The city was already decorated with flowers and colorful banners and the people filled the streets to see the royal caravans that were arriving in the city one after another.

It had been 25 years since the last time Agrabah had seen a Royal Wedding and this one promised to be a real event; something to remember for the rest of their lives. The people of Agrabah were also very happy and excited for Prince Ali and Azul. They had earned the love of the people day after day and in the streets all the comments that were heard were about the wonderful couple they made and the blissful life that would be waiting for them. The people of Agrabah accepted and blessed that royal marriage. It was really a time to celebrate.

In the streets the celebrations had started already. The Royal Wedding Parade would take place that evening and yet, from the first hours of the morning the music was heard in the marketplace and the squares of the city and the celebrations had started already.

Among the many guests that were arriving in the city there was the Royal Caravan from the Kingdom of Astaseez. Prince Mahdi and Princess Yesenia of Astaseez had just arrived in the palace, just in time for the celebrations.

Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine had informed Yesenia that her brother was in his room, getting ready for a ceremony he'd attend with the Royal Army. Yesenia sneaked away from the throne room and went to find her brother.

Ali was looking at his reflection in the mirror while fixing his cape and humming happily. He was wearing his uniform of General of the Army and it seemed years since the last time he had worn it. It was also the first time he had worn that kind of royal clothing since they had come back from their adventure. All he had been wearing until then were loose pants and shirts.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and nodded approvingly. Then he rubbed his shoulder and moved it a little, smiling when he noticed that it didn't hurt anymore. He put his hand on his shoulder and tried to make a circular movement with his arm but when he was doing that he stopped and cringed.

"Ugh!" He said softly. "I don't think I should force my shoulder like this… it doesn't hurt anymore but I need some rehabilitation or something… I can't move it very well."

He patted his ribs and smiled when he noticed they didn't hurt anymore. Then he looked at his reflection once again and smiled.

"Well, this is it… Azul loves it when I'm wearing this uniform. I want to impress her!"

He frowned when he realized something was missing in the scheme and sighed helplessly when he noticed that he wasn't wearing his medal. He went to his shelf where there were two wooden boxes. His eyes went from one of them to the other and he opened the two of them at the same time. In one of them there was his war medal. In the other one there were his three crystals. He smiled and touched the crystals gently with his fingertip.

"I fought a war… but it seems as if I fought two wars… one against Burhaan and one against Karak… and even if I was rewarded after the Burhaan war I really think the real war was the one I fought against Karak… even if I have no medals to wear on this uniform… but my medals are in my heart… courage, purity, wisdom… and I'm not receiving any medal now… but something better, my reward is Azul."

He smiled and closed Azrak's beautiful wooden box and then he took his medal. He put it around his neck and went back to the mirror to stare at his reflection as he fixed his clothes. A wide smile spread across his lips and a dreamy look appeared on his eyes.

"I'm going to marry Azul tomorrow… oh good Allah! I can't believe this! Tomorrow is our big day! We are finally here!"

The door opened slowly but Ali was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice it. Yesny peeked inside and smiled mischievously when he saw her brother staring at his reflection in the mirror, totally lost in his thoughts with a warm expression on his face.

"Well, you look ALMOST handsome!"

The unexpected voice made Ali jump and he turned to the door. A big smile appeared on his lips.

"Yesny!" He said, hurrying to his sister's side. "Oh, you ARE here!"

Yesenia laughed softly as Ali embraced her tightly and lifted her from the ground.

"Hey!" She said punching him playfully. "Let go! What are you trying to do? Asphyxiate me?"

"I'm happy to see you too!" Ali winked at her, pulling away. "When did you guys arrive?"

"A few minutes ago… we went to say hi to Dad and Mom but the throne room is impossible! A lot of people there… the main street of the city is in chaos! Caravans and more caravans… then the people of Agrabah are going crazy… geez Ali, you really love to be the center of attention, don't you?"

Ali laughed softly and shook his head.

"Well… this is crazy!"

"Let me take a look!" Yesny said stepping back, looking at Ali from head to toe. "Hmmm… not bad… that uniform does wonders on you, did you know that?"

"Hey!" Ali chuckled.

"We had news in Astaseez about your condition after that adventure of yours. For a moment I really thought you'd die… the letter we got from dad was not very optimistic… but then I thought that it's not that easy to get rid of you… but seriously, I expected to find a weaker Ali… you look so… normal… if that's possible."

"I know… this has been unbelievable and I know we'll have time later to talk about what happened."

"You think so? I know you have a very tight schedule today… and I know tomorrow you won't have the head to talk to me… and then you're going on your honeymoon so… you can tell me NOW or I could follow you to your honeymoon… I really want to know, so what do you say?"

"You are MEAN!" Ali laughed.

"Well, it's your choice."

"Okay… I really don't want to have you following me around during my honeymoon… I could barely get rid of the twins. They wanted to come!"

"They did?" Yesny laughed. "Oh, I think you should take them with you! In fact, we all could come… a familiar honeymoon, how does that sound?"

"Don't even think about it!" Ali chuckled.

"Alright then," Yesny giggled. "Give me the digest version of your story… c'mon!"

"Well, there was this ancient city, Karak. It was under a spell since it was a place of evil. The magician who set the spell one thousand years ago happened to be Azul's ancestor. Now the stars were in the correct alignment for the city to appear again and the lord of Karak needed Azul's blood to give life to the city… so they kidnapped her…"

"And Ali, the wonderful hero, went to her rescue."

"Yeah, of course! But it was not easy and I had to find a bunch of stuff first, in order to get to Karak and defeat the Lord of the city. I was traveling around the deserts for months… and when I finally arrived in Karak, Azul and I had to fight against the dark powers of evil… it was not easy, but we did it together and we destroyed the city… I was in very bad shape after that but well… we made it and we're here now, safe and sound… and we're getting married tomorrow."

"Amazing! Aw, how come you always get to have fun like that?"

"Believe me, sister," Ali laughed. "It was NOT fun at all!"

"Well, the doctors of Agrabah must be miracle workers… look at you, you look fine!"

"Not the doctors… Azul… she healed me."

"Azul? How?"

"She's an angel." Ali shrugged. "And she's got magical powers besides."

"Azul? Magical powers?" Yesny said excitedly. "Wow! That's fantastic! That's my sister-in-law! Maybe she could teach me a trick or two!"

"I don't think so." Ali smiled. "Those are not tricks… those are the real thing… real mystical powers. But Azul doesn't want to use them anymore. I think we all had enough with what happened. We're through."

"Oh geez! You people don't know how to have fun!"

"Nah, I think we actually have lots of fun together."

"So," Yesny winked. "Any plans for the honeymoon? Where are you guys going?"

"I don't know…" Ali smiled and blushed. "Dad keeps telling me it's a surprise so… I have NO idea. I only want some private time in a quiet place… just the two of us."

"The two of us? Do you think Azul would agree?"

"Hey, smart girl!" Ali laughed pretending to punch Yesny's arm. "You know what I meant!"

"I know." She laughed. "I was just thinking that poor Azul will have to be trapped there with you… no way out… just the two of you… the poor thing!"

"I don't think she shares your opinion… she really wants this and besides she thinks I'm dashing and handsome!"

"She does?" Yesny raised an eyebrow.

"Well… she thinks I'm cute." Ali said innocently and blushed.

Yesny laughed and patted her brother's arm.

"So, where's the bride? I can't wait to see her!"

"She's coming any minute. We have an event with my royal troops… aren't you coming?"

"I don't think so… I'm really tired. I think I'll go and have some rest so I can be ready for the wedding parade and the dinner tonight."


"You know, Ali… this is really unbelievable!"


"You… finally getting married… it's something I cannot believe. I never thought I'd see this day."

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?" Ali pretended to be annoyed. "I'm a good guy and a very cute guy besides. Did you really think no one would want ME? I'm a wonderful prince!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Yesny laughed. "We'll have to warn Azul, no substitutions or refunds."


"Besides you were really slow! Look at me, I'm younger than you and I've been married for almost three years now!"

"Nothing good comes easily." He smiled. "And I got the big prize… my Azul, my blue eyed angel… the BIG love!"

"You ARE in love… seriously Ali, I never thought you'd be the kind of man who falls head over heels for someone."

"To tell you the truth, I never thought this would happen to me either but… well, we're here and I'm getting married tomorrow… I'm going to marry the woman I love… the woman I adore! The woman I want to spend the rest of my life with… the woman I am addicted to!"

"Someone I know?" A voice came to them from the door.

Ali turned and a gorgeous, wide smile spread across his face. He practically ran to Azul's side.

"Azul! My love!"

He took her hand and kissed it, bowing respectfully before her. Azul smiled warmly and Ali's eyes sparked when he straightened himself and looked at her. She was wearing a royal blue dress that matched his uniform but most of all, brought out her eyes. She looked beautiful and very royal.

"Wow!" Ali whispered. "You ARE an angel!"

Azul smiled tenderly and blushed.

"You look very handsome in that uniform!"

"I know," Ali smiled. "I look cute, don't I?"

"No… not this time… this time you look handsome and dashing."

Ali smiled and leaned to kiss her cheek softly. Then he motioned to Yesny.

"Have you seen who's here?"

"Yesny!" Azul said stepping forward and opening her arms to embrace her. "Sultan Aladdin told me you were here and I wanted to say Hi!"

"Yeah, right!" Yesny laughed embracing her fondly. "You only came here because Ali is here."

Azul laughed and pulled apart.

"It's great to have you here, Yesny!" Azul said sincerely.

"I'm glad to be here… Ali was just telling me about the adventures you went through in the past months. It's amazing. I'm happy to see you made it safe and sound."

"Thanks to your brother!" Azul sent Ali a loving gaze.

Yesny looked at her and smiled.

"Well, what can I say? You guys look gorgeous! You ARE a perfect couple!"

"Thanks." Azul blushed. "It's not that I like this kind of clothes but I have to wear them for the ceremonies today."

"We really have a tight schedule." Ali sighed.

"And tomorrow you'll be wearing a wedding dress. Let me tell you Azul, woman to woman, wedding dresses are the most uncomfortable things in the world!"

"I know! Whenever I have to wear it for the tailors to fix it, I only want to get out of it as soon as possible!"

"Oh, I'm sure Ali won't have any problem helping you with that!" Yesny laughed.

"YESENIA!" Ali blushed.

Azul giggled softly and blushed. She leaned against Ali and looked up at him lovingly, with an "I won't have any problem with that either!" kind of look.

At that moment a servant came to Ali's door and bowed respectfully.

"Prince Ali."


"You father, Sultan Aladdin asked me to inform you and lady Azul that the Army is ready and waiting for you in the courtyard of the palace."

"Oh, we'll be there in a second... thank you!" Ali turned to Yesny. "So, aren't you coming?"

"No… I'll see you guys later… and Azul, let me tell you, you look wonderful in that dress. Ali will have to keep an eye on you, otherwise any of the officers or soldiers could steal you away from him."

"Thank you." Azul smiled.

"Oh no!" Ali laughed. "No one is going to take her away from me… NEVER!"

"I bet there are a bunch of cute and handsome guys in the troops." Yesny winked.

"No one as handsome and cute as my Ali though!" Azul held Ali's hand.

"See?" Ali stuck his tongue out at Yesenia. "She loves me."

"What a baby!" Yesny laughed. "I really don't know how you are going to bear living with such a guy forever, Azul."

"Well… he stole my heart, what can I say? Besides it's great to see you like this Ali." Azul smiled up at him. "It's been a while since the last time you were up and dressed like this."

"I think after tomorrow night he won't be 'up and dressed' for a while!" Yesny laughed.

"YESNY!" Ali blushed.

Azul laughed nervously and blushed as well.

"You better be going guys!" Yesny motioned them to the door. "I don't want to embarrass you any more… for now."

"See you later then." Azul said.

"Of course! You won't get rid of me that easy!"

Ali stopped and looked at his sister.

"Well, in spite of it all… it's good to have you here Yesny."

"I wouldn't miss this wedding for the world… Ali finally getting married… wow!"

Ali smiled and offered his arm to Azul. She locked her arm in his.

"Let's go, my fair princess… time to visit the troops."

"And with this," Azul smiled. "The official ceremonies start!"

Ali and Azul exchanged looks and smiled tenderly. They left the corridor leaving Yesny behind. She smiled happily and thought that it was good to see her brother so happy. She was sure Azul was the best woman for him and even if she would never admit it, she thought Ali was going to be a wonderful husband, for he had always been a wonderful brother to her.

* * * * *

Ali and Azul went to the courtyard where a couple of soldiers were waiting for them with Reeh and Leel dressed in combat outfits. The horses looked wonderful and Azul smiled when she saw them.

"What is this for?" She asked Ali.

"Well, it's a tradition for the prince, who happens to be the General of the Army, to review the troops like this. I do this all the time but now I want to officially present you to the troops. This is what this is all about."

"It is…" Azul shook her head nervously. "Is it really necessary?"

"Azul, my angel," Ali said taking her hands and kissing them. "Tomorrow you are going to be my wife, thus Agrabah's princess AND future queen. I want the loyalty of my troops to be with you as much as it is with me. Those men are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Agrabah, and you know that. The least we can do is introduce them to their new Princess, don't you think?"

Azul didn't respond. She just blushed and lowered her gaze, smiling softly. It was just too unbelievable to be true. The idea of her being the new princess of Agrabah was so huge that she couldn't completely accept or understand the concept. Ali smiled tenderly. He thought she looked so adorable when she blushed like that. He put his finger under her chin, lifting her face and looked deep into her eyes.

"C'mon… the troops are waiting for us, Princess Azul."

Azul stepped forward and hugged Ali, resting her head on his chest. Ali smiled and hugged her back.

"All this royal protocol is making me very nervous." Azul whispered.

"I know. It's making me nervous too."

"But you are used to it… I'm not!"

"Well, I guess you'll have to get used to it from now on, my love. Because from now on I won't attend any Royal affair if you're not right there by my side."

"General Ali!" A voice was heard behind them. "Princess Azul! May Allah be with you, your Highness!"

"Captain Ahmed!" Ali smiled looking at his most trusted soldier. "May Allah be with you too!"

Azul pulled away from Ali and captain Ahmed came to them and bowed respectfully. Then he shook Ali's hand fondly.

"It's so good to see you again, my Prince! We had news of your travel and all you had to go through. I just wish you'd asked for our help. You know we are willing to follow you to the ends of the Earth."

"Thank you, Ahmed. But the truth is this was a journey I had to take on my own. And I felt more secure knowing that you were right here, protecting Agrabah. My father has informed me about the wonderful job you and your troops did protecting Agrabah from all those malign magical attacks."

"We promised to protect Agrabah with our lives. That was our duty, sir."

"You made me proud, captain Ahmed!"

"Thank you, Prince Ali. The truth is that the men and I were very worried for your health when we were informed about your medical condition. We were all praying to Allah for your recovery. It's good to see you like this. You look good."

"And I feel good." Ali said taking Azul's hand and kissing it. "Now I think it's time for us to introduce my wife-to-be to the men."

"Princess Azul!" Ahmed bowed. "The troops are anxious to meet you."

"I can't wait to meet them either!" Azul smiled.

"Well then," Ali said leading Azul to Leel. "Let's go then!"

Ali helped Azul get on Leel and he got on Reeh as well. He patted Reeh's neck affectionately.

"It's so good to be back, Reeh… I was missing you already!"

Reeh neighed happily and Ali laughed. Ahmed mounted his own horse and the rest of the soldiers did the same.

"Prince Ali, Princess Azul," Ahmed said formally. "I, Captain Ahmed Ben-Khalif of the Agrabanian Army formally request you to review the troops of Agrabah."

"And I, Prince Ali of Agrabah accept the request in name of my bride and in my own name. We shall review the Troops of Agrabah in the name of Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine, rulers of the Kingdom. Let's proceed!"

Azul smiled shyly. It always impressed her when Ali acted so formal. Those were the times when she realized she was going to marry a Prince. She was going to be the wife of the man who would one day sit on the throne of Agrabah and would rule as Sultan.

Ahmed took the lead and Ali and Azul followed him, side by side. Behind them the rest of the horsemen were carrying the royal banners of Agrabah and playing the drums and the trumpets. Azul thought it was a dream. She looked at Ali who had a very serious and formal expression in his face. But then Ali turned to see her and his expression changed to a very happy and mischievous one. He winked at her and she smiled softly.

They entered the courtyard and they found the troop there, ready for the review. Azul's eyes widened with joy. It was a very impressive spectacle. All of the soldiers were dressed as if they were going to war. They looked impressive.

As soon as they saw Ali and Azul enter the yard they all lifted their swords up and greeted their Prince and his Princess. The ceremony was long but Azul enjoyed every second of it. They reviewed the troops and after that Ali spoke to them.

It was a little speech. Ali thanked them for their love and devotion towards Agrabah and the wonderful job they had done protecting Agrabah from the forces of evil.

"I know your loyalty has always been with Agrabah and with me and I have no words to express how proud I am to be the leader of such brave and loyal men." He said at last. "But from now on your loyalty shall not only be with me, but also with the woman who's going to be my wife. Tomorrow I'll marry Azul and with this marriage she'll be part of me as much as I'll be part of her. So from now on your loyalty as the faithful Army of Agrabah is not only going to be towards Prince Ali, the General of the Army, but also towards Princess Azul… the future Queen of Agrabah!"

All the soldiers started to applaud and cheer Azul. Ali turned to her and smiled tenderly. She had tears in her eyes and Ali embraced her.

"C'mon blue eyes!" He whispered in her ear, for the screams of the soldiers wouldn't allow her to hear him other way. "Don't cry!"

"Ali! This is so much!"

"And it's only the beginning my love… only the beginning!"

The soldiers were cheering, screaming, and applauding. They were wishing for a long and blessed life for their Prince and Princess. Ali took Azul's hand and forgetting all royal protocol and formality, they went to mix with the crowd of soldiers.

All of them wanted to congratulate them, to hug them, to shake their hands. Ali was very popular among his soldiers and they loved their prince sincerely, Azul could see that. And she admired that of Ali, the way he had to win his people's heart. He was the Prince of the people. He never cared much for the royal style. For him his people were the main priority, and despite of his status as the Heir Prince AND the General of the Army, he was there with his men, laughing and joking, having a good time.

Ali kept Azul's hand in his all the time, and Azul was smiling happily seeing how loyal the men were to Ali. All of them were calling her "their princess", recognizing her by her new title even before she had officially gotten it.

"We were worried for you when we heard about your wounds, Prince Ali!" The men were saying.

"You know I'm a tough man!" Ali laughed. "Those were only scratches, weren't they, Azul?"

"Well…" She laughed nervously. "If you say so!"

"Prince Ali has always been like this!" Other of the men was saying. "When we fell in that ambush in the war against Burhaan, he had a very ugly wound on his arm… and we had to force him to have it checked by the doctor."

"He's brave." Another soldier said. "But he can be stubborn at times!"

"Tell me about it!" Azul laughed snuggling against him.

Ali was laughing happily.

"I had to prove I am a good soldier… prince or not, I AM a soldier!"

"He proved that to us! He fought by our side, ate what we ate, slept on the ground right by our side…"

"He is an amazing leader!"

"But how's your shoulder, Prince?" One of the men said patting his shoulder softly. "We heard you had a bad injury there."

"Oh, I was hit with a sword… it hit bone and all, it tore apart my flesh and…"

"Ali!" Azul scolded him.

"What?" He said innocently. "The gory details are always the best part, aren't they?"

"Oh yes…"

"Yeah, they are!"

"Of course!"

Azul laughed and Ahmed shrugged.

"You know, Princess Azul, you'll have to learn to live with the fact that men always like to brag about their battle scars."

"Yeah, I'm learning that already!"

"But… is your shoulder fine now, Prince?" The men were asking.

"Will you be able to fight with it?"

"Well, I need to recover a little… some therapy or rehabilitation of some sort but I know it'll be fine."

"Good!" The men were saying. "Because we don't want to be lead by a Prince who cannot fight!"

"Oh no! I'm a warrior, a fighter! I'd learn to fight with my left hand in any case!"

"That's our stubborn Prince!"

"Hey!" Ahmed said seriously. "Men, you shouldn't treat Prince Ali like this. You must be respectful and…"

"C'mon Ahmed!" Ali laughed placing his hands on Ahmed's shoulders. "This is a happy time! I'm getting married tomorrow! It's time to celebrate! Lighten up a little just this once!"

Ahmed was going to reply but a palace guard approached them and bowed formally.

"Your Highness!" He said. "Your father, Sultan Aladdin, sent me to find you. He's with the Ambassadors and the rest of the royal visitors in the throne room of the palace and he wants you and Princess Azul to go there to welcome them."

"Aw, man!" Ali sighed. "I'd rather spend my time here with the men than with the royal visitors!"

Azul looked up at him and he shrugged.

"Well, I guess that's the price of fame… tell my father we'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Yes my Prince!"

"This is going to be a LONG day!" Azul sighed.

Ali nodded and smiled. Then he turned to Ahmed and the soldiers.

"We have to go now. But I only want to tell you in my name and in my princess' name that we are proud of you and that we want you to know we can ALWAYS count on you. You are brave men who are willing to give your lives for Agrabah's safety… and WE are your Prince and your Princess, the people who are willing to give everything for you!"

The men started to cheer and applaud again, wishing them a long and happy, blessed life. Ali and Azul turned to Ahmed and shook his hand.

"I'll see you later today in the wedding parade."

"Are you going to be part of it?" Ali smiled.

"Sultan Aladdin asked us to be the official escort for you and Princess Azul."

"Wonderful!" Azul smiled.

"Now go… you have a very tight schedule. You really need to attend that ceremony."

"See you later, Ahmed!" Ali smiled. "And thanks for everything!"

Ali took Azul's hand and they left the courtyard on their way to the throne room. Once they were in one of the empty halls of the palace, Ali stopped and turned to Azul. She smiled at him.

"Wow! That was impressive!" She said. "All the noise.. the screams, the drums, the trumpets… it was unbelievable!"

"Well," Ali smiled back. "What's more unbelievable is the fact that we are getting married tomorrow and you didn't kiss me good morning! What kind of girl are you?"

Ali grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him in a very savage but yet playful way. Azul laughed and when Ali was going to kiss her, she put her finger on his lips.

"Uh, oh…" She said playfully. "I was thinking we should avoid the kisses today and save them all for tomorrow!"

"Sorry lady!" Ali said mischievously. "But that doesn't work for me!"

"What if I don't want to kiss you?"

Ali laughed and pulled her closer to him.

"Now look me in the eye and say that again." He said.

Azul looked at his handsome face and smiled. He returned the smile and he sent her a mischievous and almost evil gaze and an equal smile. She laughed and grabbed his face.

"Silly Ali! How I love you!"

She pulled him closer and they kissed happily, giggling softly and embracing tightly. Ali pulled away just enough to talk against her lips.

"Tomorrow!" He said happily. "Tomorrow's the day!"

"I love you, Ali! I love you!"

"I love you too, my blue eyed angel… my princess!"

Ali picked her up and they spun around, laughing happily.

"We're almost there!" Ali was screaming. "Almost there!"

"Ali! Put me down!" Azul was laughing even though she was scared of Ali spinning her around like that. "Ali!"

"Oh Azul! The time has come! I'm going to make you SO happy! I'm going to put the world at your feet! I'm going to love you like no man has ever loved a woman before!"

He placed her on the floor. They were trying to catch their breath, but they were still laughing happily.

"And I'm going to love you with all my heart and soul!" Azul said seriously, looking deep into his eyes. "I'm going to be yours, Ali… totally, completely, and unconditionally yours!"

"Kiss me, Azul!" Ali said in a low voice that sent shivers down Azul's spine.

"I love you, Ali!" Azul said softly getting closer to him.

"I love you… Azul!" He whispered against her lips.

They kissed deeply and passionately. They pulled away chuckling softly.

"You know, Ali, I don't think it's such a good idea to get carried away with this… not right now anyway…"

"I know, I know." Ali said caressing her face. "We should be in the throne room already… but I can't help it, my angel… I can't hold this back anymore…"

"Neither can I." She smiled shyly at him. "So let's keep ourselves busy… we are almost there Ali… almost there!"

Azul stepped forward and kissed the tip of Ali's nose playfully, and then fixed his cape and his medal.

"Let's go… let's get this over with."



"I can't think of anyone I'd want to be living all these moments with. Anyone but you."

"Well," Azul laughed softly. "For your own good, boy, I hope that's true!"

"Aw, you know what I meant!"

"I know." She smiled at him and took his hand. "I really know."

He smiled back at her and he started to walk in the throne room's direction, dragging her along with him.

* * * * *

Ali and Azul stopped before the door of the throne room. They laughed nervously and Ali could feel Azul's hand getting cold and sweaty.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"A little… I can't even imagine the number of people behind these doors… all of them waiting for us to come. I've never been the center of attention, not like this."

"I guess you'll have to get use to it, my lady." Ali said kissing her hand. "From now on you'll be the center of attention all the time."

"Aw Ali!"

"When we enter that room EVERYONE will be looking at you and wondering how such beauty can be possible in a mere mortal."

"Ali!" She said softly and blushed.

"That's the truth. That's the question I keep wondering myself… I mean, those gorgeous eyes, that beautiful smile, your face, so perfect and so sweet… all of you Azul, all of you is beauty and perfection. But you know what? More than just your physical appearance YOU have a heart of gold, A soul that's pure and sincere. And you glow, my girl… YOU are an angel!"

Azul blushed deeply and stepped forward, hiding her face in Ali's chest. The prince of Agrabah laughed softly and hugged her. He looked at the guards and nodded at them, allowing them to announce their arrival in the throne room.

"It's time!" He whispered at Azul.

"Don't leave me alone!" She whispered back.

"C'mon blue eyes, you know I'll be ALWAYS there for you. I'm not going to abandon you ever again."

Ali grabbed Azul's hand and they entwined their fingers. Then they looked at each other and smiled nervously as the royal guard announced them.

"Prince Ali and Lady Azul of Agrabah!" The guard announced.

"That'd be us." Ali said softly and they stepped into the room.

When they entered the throne room, Azul had to force herself to keep her mouth from hanging open. The room was completely filled with people. And not just any people, but royal people, from Ambassadors to Sultans and Queens, Princes and Princesses, the highest society of Agrabah and from all the kingdoms that were attending the royal wedding. All of them turned to Ali and Azul and stared at them almost inquisitively.

"That's fine." Ali whispered to Azul as they started to walk across the room. "Let's show them who are the stars here!"

Azul did her best to try to smile and look self-assured. The truth was that her legs were feeling weak and she was shaking under those thousands of gazes. Her blue eyes were wide open but Ali's security was contagious and she knew that having him by her side she had nothing to be scared or afraid of.

When they were before the throne room Azul discovered her own family there, her parents, Nanny, and also her uncle and her two cousins. She smiled radiantly at them and they returned the same kind of smile. Ali saluted them with a movement of his head and he even had the time to wink at Nanny who smiled proudly and returned the same mischievous wink.

And then there was the Royal Family of Agrabah, all of the royal children: Yesenia with her husband Mahdi, Cassim, and the twins. They were smiling at the couple as well.

Finally, Ali and Azul were before Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine who were waiting for them in their thrones. Aladdin went to receive his son and his daughter-in-law and he embraced them tightly. Jasmine hurried to do the same thing. Then Aladdin started to talk, introducing Ali and Azul to the people in the room.

"It's my pleasure and pride to introduce to all of you my son, Prince Ali of Agrabah and his bride, Lady Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal. All of you have come to attend their wedding tomorrow and it's our pleasure to have all of you here, as our royal guests."

Aladdin turned to Ali and motioned him to say a word to the guests. He looked at Azul and she smiled shyly.

"Uh… I--- I just want to thank all of you for being here, attending the celebrations for our wedding." He said, not releasing Azul's hand. "This is a very important event in our lives and my bride, Azul and I want to let you know how honored we feel to have such important guests sharing these moments of joy and happiness… I--- I want to welcome all of you to Agrabah and I hope you have a nice stay."

The people started to applaud and Ali leaned over to whisper in Azul's ear.

"That was stupid, wasn't it?"

"Oh no, it was good."

"Dad never told me anything about speeches."

"Some of you," Aladdin was already talking. "Have been asking me about the rush of this wedding. And I keep telling all of you that there's no such thing as rushing when it comes to this wedding. I know the invitations were sent just last week but this is an event we've been planning for a while now. Things went crazy and totally out of control for a couple of months. But at the end we are here, celebrating the love that exists between my son and his bride and I couldn't be happier to have all of you here to be the witnesses of this love, to attend the ceremony that will make official what already exists in the hearts of this young couple." Aladdin looked lovingly at the lovebirds.

Ali smiled and placed his arm around Azul's shoulders. She was feeling so excited and so happy that she felt like crying. Her big blue eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

Jasmine smiled and started to talk.

"My son, Ali, as all of you know, fought the dark magical forces that were unleashed in the Seven Deserts in the past weeks. He gave everything for love. And Ali and Azul finally defeated the source of that malign power. I can tell you, it wasn't easy. But they were brave and they did their best for us, for all the kingdoms of the Seven Deserts that were suffering from that dark magic. When they came back home, just last week, they wanted to get married right away. As my husband said, this is not something that came out of the blue. This wedding has been the most expected event for Aladdin and for myself from the moment my son got engaged to Azul, his bride."

Ali looked down at Azul who was staring at Queen Jasmine, all teary eyed. The tenderness he felt for her was something he couldn't put into words. It was something that was stronger than him. And whenever he looked at her and discovered her like that he felt his heart burning for her. He smiled tenderly and kissed Azul's hand.

"I want to say something." Ali said and looked deep into Azul's eyes. "What happened in the past weeks is something we want to forget but we know it will always be there with us. It's going to take a while to overcome all the pain and all the fear… all our ghosts and our guilt. But Azul, my dear Azul… my beloved blue eyed angel, she has healed me in a way no one else could. She has healed my body, my heart, and my soul. And I want to tell all of you that what's between us is something so powerful and so deep that I cannot explain it. I never thought I could feel such love, such passion, and such absolute devotion for someone, the way I feel for her… for you, Azul…"

"Ali…!" She whispered and she felt she couldn't hold her tears anymore.

"I want the world to know," Ali said with a powerful voice. "I want EVERYONE on this planet to know that I love this woman in such a powerful way that I'd give my life and my soul for her. I'm going to marry her tomorrow not because of political conveniences, economic interests, or diplomatic alliances. I'm going to marry her because I love her… because I adore her… because she's the one for me and I cannot live without her anymore… I'm going to marry her because I belong to her in body and in soul… Azul, I'm going to marry you because you are my everything. Because I love you in such a deep and powerful way that sometimes I feel I cannot hold this love inside my heart… I love you, my blue eyed angel… I love you!"

"And I love YOU, Ali… my hero… my prince… my Ali!"

Ali embraced her and pulled her as close to him as he could, hiding his face in her neck. She did the same thing, holding him as tight as she could and hiding her own face in his neck. They were whispering all kind of loving words into each other's ears and swaying softly.

The people in the room were impressed. They had never before attended a royal presentation that had turned into a public declaration of love, and in such an unexpected and eloquent way besides. They didn't even know how to react. Sadly, for the majority of the people in that room, love was an unknown concept and for them royal marriages always meant good alliances and economic profits. Most of them didn't even know what love was like and what had just happened in that room was something they couldn't understand. A prince acting like that was very unroyal from their point of view, but they knew the Royal House of Agrabah had never been one to follow the rules or the royal protocols of the rest of the Royal Houses of the Deserts. They knew Princess Jasmine had married a commoner boy, a street rat. And now their son was following in his mother's footsteps. They appreciated and respected Agrabah as the powerful and prosperous kingdom they were, but they had never agreed in their ways. And what Prince Ali had just done just proven how different the concept of "royalty" was in Agrabah.

"Well," Aladdin laughed turning to Jasmine. "That was not the way this meeting was supposed to go… but I guess that's fine."

"That's my son!" Jasmine said proudly.

"Now I want to invite all of you," Aladdin was saying. "To join us for the official banquet we're having now. Please, go to the dinning room…"

All the people started to leave the throne room slowly, going to the dinning room that was prepared for the occasion. Aladdin went to Ali and Azul who were still embracing each other.

"Ahem!" He said to get their attention. "Kids, that banquet is in your honor. You should go there now."

Ali lifted his face and looked at his father, not releasing Azul from his embrace.

"Aw dad, I messed things up, didn't I? I wasn't supposed to say that… not in an official meeting, right? I've been taught that I have to act all polite and formal when I'm in an official thing and…"

"We got carried away." Azul completed. "Some princess I'm going to make!"

"That's fine." Aladdin laughed. "Not what we were expecting but it's fine as far as I'm concerned. Hey, you're getting married tomorrow… you are in love… what's wrong with that?"

"Most of the people in this room don't know what love is all about." Jasmine came to grab Aladdin's arm. "I guess it's only normal for them to find this kind of behavior …. strange."

"But you've made clear that you are marrying for love and only for love. And also the fact that you are not ashamed of letting the world know about your love, that's really special and touching, kids."

"How could I act any other way?" Ali said caressing Azul's face softly.

"Oh Allah!" She giggled nervously. "Sultan… Queen Jasmine… I feel so out of place here… so… little…"

"Nah!" Aladdin said placing his arm around Azul's shoulders. "THIS is your place, Azul. This palace is going to be your home… we are going to be your family… and this boy… this CRAZY, silly boy, he's going to be your husband."

Ali and Azul exchanged looks and smiled. Aladdin sighed deeply and smiled as well.

"You know guys," Jasmine laughed. "I think we are getting sentimental a little early here. I really think we should go to that banquet and have some food. After that you guys have your royal wedding parade."

"Aw man!" Ali said. "What a crazy day!"

"You need to go change after the banquet." Jasmine winked at them.

"Change?" Ali said helplessly. "But mom, what's wrong with these clothes?"

"I prepared more royal clothes for the parade, you are going to love it!"

Ali looked down at Azul; the two of them had preoccupied expressions on their faces. Aladdin laughed.

"C'mon kids! Let Jasmine enjoy herself…"

"Hey!" Jasmine playfully punched Aladdin's arm. "I'm just trying to help!"

"That's fine." Ali laughed. "Now let's go to that banquet… I'm starving!"

By then the throne room was completely empty. When they were heading to the door Ali stopped and forced Azul to a stop.

"Uh… you guys can go ahead… Azul and I will catch you in a minute."

"Oh no!" Aladdin laughed and shoved Ali to the door. "I am starving and we cannot start without you… so, you are coming with us even if I have to drag you along!"

"Aw dad!" Ali protested. "Why can't I have some private time with my girl?"

"You'll have all the time in the world tomorrow… now move!"

"Not fair!" Ali was saying as Aladdin was shoving him. "I bet you and mom spent a lot of time together before your wedding!"

"The tradition then was that the groom is not allowed to see the bride in the 48 hours previous to the wedding!" Aladdin teased.

"No way! You are a liar dad!"

"The tradition back then was also that the groom and the bride didn't actually marry until the third attempt of wedding… now, if you don't want that to happen, move!"

Azul and Jasmine were laughing behind them. The Queen of Agrabah placed her arm around Azul's shoulders.

"You know, Azul, it's GREAT to know that someone knows about the royal craziness of this family, and is still willing to be part of it."

Azul giggled and they followed the Sultan and the prince who were still discussing and acting like little boys all the way to the dinning room.

* * * * *

The Royal banquet was very boring as far as Ali and Azul were concerned. All the people around them were the royalty of the Seven Deserts and Ali could see and sense how many of the people there keep murmuring about that marriage. But he didn't care about it that much. It bothered him but he wasn't willing to allow that kind of people to ruin the happiest days of his life. He was sure of his love and he was convinced of his decision.

But he also made sure everyone in that dinning room could see how much he loved his bride and how helplessly in love with her he was. All banquet long he kept whispering sweet nothings in Azul's ear, giving her little and sweet kisses, caressing her face and her back, keeping her hand in his as much as he could, massaging her hand softly with his thumb as they talked, smiling at her, feeding her, and talking about nothing but her and how much he loved her and the kind of wonderful woman she was.

Azul was touched. She had never felt so loved and so accepted in her life. She knew Ali loved her deeply and sincerely but this was so much for her, having him making public his love for her that way in front of the royalty of the Seven Deserts was something so big that she was feeling her heart burning in love for him more and more every second.

Every time their eyes locked they found in them something that they couldn't explain. A special fire, something that wasn't there until that day. A fire that was burning them inside, that desire to be together, to spend the rest of their lives together, being one, in good times and in bad times. And they knew the moment was coming. It was so close then. And getting closer with every second. And that excited them beyond words. They were nervous and a little scared, but most of all they were happy and very anxious. And every beat of their hearts took them closer to the blessed moment when they will join their lives forever in holy marriage.

Ali was thinking that the word 'holy' was not enough to describe the kind of union they would have. For him that bond that existed between him and his Azul was strong and powerful and he knew it was a union that was blessed by Allah from the first moments. He was convinced he was born to love her. His life without her had no meaning. He was just as sure that their's was a love made in Heaven. Something that was so holy and so blessed that he thought he could get down on his knees and adore Azul for the angel she was. And just the thought of that beautiful, precious angel being his wife was so much for him to handle.

He was looking at Azul as they were at that banquet and even if the room was filled with people who were talking and the music was playing, Ali felt himself so far away from all those noises and from all the people. For him only Azul existed then. All the sounds and images around him were blurred. Only his blue eyed angel was there with him.

Ali wished they were in a far away place where they were alone, no one but them; a place that was only theirs. He was feeling the need to be alone with her, to know there was no one else in his universe but her. He wished he could demonstrate his love for her in a way that was so powerful that she wouldn't have any doubt of what he felt for her. That love was burning inside him, and it hurt. But it hurt in a delicious way. He knew that he was in ecstasy by only looking at her. She put him into a trance every time.

He shook his head trying to come back to reality, and when he did he only found Azul's eyes staring lovingly at him.

"Where were you?" She said softly.

"I don't know." He smiled tenderly. "I was just thinking…"

"About what?"

"About YOU."

"Aw, Ali…"

"Azul," He whispered softly. "You have no idea how I feel right now… it's something amazing, something unbelievable."

"Don't worry Ali, you don't have to explain things to me… I know I feel the same way about you."

Azul looked deep into his eyes. She wasn't any better. The same feelings and thoughts were mirrored in her own heart. She was feeling exactly the same for him. She thought she was going to go crazy for him. She thought she wouldn't be able to hold all those feelings back any longer.

At that moment she only wanted to run away with him, to escape and go to a place where no one could find them. A place where they could stay, away from the world and away from all the problems and all the pain.

All her hopes, all her dreams, and all her expectations were in Ali. He was everything to her. She never thought she would feel something so powerful in her life. Every time she looked at his handsome face she remembered all those times in Alexandria, when she had been rejected, humiliated, and put down. She thought she was worthless then. She never thought someone would love her, especially not with the kind of love that Ali had for her.

She could see the fire in Ali's eyes and all the feelings he had provoked in her from the beginning. But lately she also had noticed something getting stronger between them. That need they had of each other, that desire to be closer and closer, that powerful need to be together all the time. Those were nothing but physical reactions to the spiritual closeness and devotion they had for each other.

Azul wanted to thank Ali for all his love, for all his tenderness, for all his sweetness, for all his devotion to her. She knew she had nothing to offer a Prince who had it all, nothing but herself. She was going to give herself to Ali as the ultimate proof of the burning love she felt for him.

"What?" Ali smiled noticing that look in Azul's eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh!" She said lowering her gaze and blushing. "I was just thinking…"

"About what?"

"About YOU." Azul quoted him.

Ali laughed and leaned over, kissing her cheek softly.

"I cannot wait to get out of here." He said. "I think we really deserve some private time. I'm tired and bored!"

Azul didn't have the time to reply, for Queen Jasmine was already talking:

"My son Ali and his bride Azul have to leave this banquet now, for their royal parade is about to start."

"Geez!" Ali said to Azul. "I'm SO tired!"

"Me too… but look at the bright side, at least it's our opportunity to escape from this room."

"Before you leave," a Sultan stood up. "I want to tell you something."

Ali was helping Azul up but they stopped and looked at the Sultan. He smiled and cleared his throat.

"I know Agrabah has never exactly been the most traditional or formal kingdom of the Lands of Allah and I know for most of us it's hard to understand things. I don't think many of us would prefer love over political or economic profits but in Agrabah this has been a formula that's been working and Sultan Aladdin is the living proof of it. I have to admit that when we heard about Prince Ali marrying a woman who was not from a Royal House, well, we had our doubts. We all know that Prince Ali was one of the most wanted bachelors of the Deserts. Every Sultan wanted him for their daughters. The most logical thing was that he'd marry a Princess, following his sister's example, for Princess Yesenia married the Prince of Astaseez. But we can see that Prince Ali followed his heart where it took him. And I can tell you, in all my years I've attended hundreds of royal weddings but this is the first time I've seen a couple so joyful and so happy. All economic and political benefits aside, I can see a blissful future for this young couple. All I wanted to say is that I hope Allah blesses your marriage and that I wish you a thousand years of love and happiness!"

All the people in the room applauded the Sultan's words. Ali and Azul smiled tenderly and hugged each other. Ali thanked the Sultan for his kind words but they had no time to lose, for they had to leave the room and go to get changed. The royal parade would start in a few minutes.

"That was touching." Azul was telling Ali as they rushed down the hall followed by Jasmine and Sadira.

"It was. I've never heard a Sultan talk like that, other than my father, of course."

"Well, I just hope one day I can earn their acceptance and respect, the way your father did."

"Nah, you are way above them. They can be royalty, YOU are an angel. Besides, all you need is in my heart. You leave everything in my hands, baby… I won't fail you."

"I know, but I want to be a princess who's worthy of you Ali… worthy of the Prince of Agrabah."

"You must be kidding!" He laughed. "It is ME who is always struggling trying to be worthy of you, my angel."

"Okay," Jasmine said. "Enough talk… time to change. Ali, I left your outfit on your bed in your room… and Azul, your mother and I will help you with your outfit. C'mon, it's in my chambers."

"Aw, mom!" Ali whimpered. "I hate royal clothes!"

"Don't be such a baby and go change Ali. I'll be there in a minute to fix you clothes for you… c'mon…"

"Oh, okay… but I swear, after tomorrow I won't wear any kind of royal clothes for a while!"

Azul laughed. She shared his opinion for she also hated the royal fashion. Ali kissed her hands and smiled at her.

"I'll see you in a couple of minutes, blue eyes."

"I'll be here."

"Take good care of her!" He said to Jasmine and Sadira.

"Don't worry kid." Sadira smiled. "She's safe in our hands."

"Okay… you can never be too careful, you know?" Ali winked at them and entered his room.

"Is it just me or is Ali a LITTLE hysterical?"

"He IS hysterical." Azul and Jasmine giggled.

"Hey!" Ali's voice came from inside his room. "I heard that and I resent that comment! My mommy and my bride! Geez!"

The three women laughed softly and Sadira took her daughter's hand, leading her to Jasmine's chambers, followed by the Queen of Agrabah.

* * * * *

A few minutes later Ali was pacing from one side of the hall to the other, outside his parent's chambers. He had changed in two minutes and it always made him anxious when he had to wait like that. In the front yard of Agrabah's palace he could already hear the sounds of the people who were waiting for them. He looked out one of the windows in the hall and he could see the main street of Agrabah, filled with people already. The sound of the music in the street could be heard from there.

"A royal wedding parade!" He smiled. "Wow, this is too unbelievable to be true. I really have to pinch myself to make sure this is not a dream. I can't believe all of this is happening… and happening to ME. When I used to read the Royal Chronicles I always tried to imagine this kind of stuff with my parents' wedding and all. I never thought one day I'd be here… doing this! Praise Allah!"

He looked at the doors of his parent's chambers and frowned. They were taking so long in there. And every second he spent without his bride was eternal to him.

"What in the name of Allah are they doing in there with my poor girl?" He said sighing. "Aw, my poor Azul… all we wanted was a small ceremony, to get married, to get away… I guess my parents got carried away with all of this. I know they want this to be unforgettable and I know it will be… but I'd rather things be more simple."

He looked at the yard from the window and discovered all the people there, waiting for them. He smiled mischievously and rested his elbow on the frame of the window.

"But then again, this is my perfect oportunity to brag about my bride. To show the world the kind of woman I'm marrying… the angel who's going to be my wife, the most beautiful angel of the Heavens. The one Allah sent to me and only to me. My blue eyed angel, my beautiful Azul."

He sighed happily and looked at the sky, his gaze got lost and he fell into a trance. A small smile curved his lips and he had a dreamy expression on his face.

"I can't believe all of this… I'm finally getting married to Azul, the woman I love. The woman I adore. Oh Azul, Azul, what did you do to me? Look at what you've done to me! My Azul, my beloved girl… sometimes I think you deserve better… you are so wonderful that sometimes I think this stupid, silly prince is not good enough for you. But I am NOT willing to give you up. No way! You are stuck with me, blue eyes. We are going to be together forever and no one can get between us… you are going to marry a crazy man, my love. But you've got the best from me. And it's amazing and so touching the way you love me, because I know you LOVE me in a way no woman could ever love me. And I know I have my faults and my big mistakes but when I look into your eyes I see love, pure love… and I see my own reflection there and… and I realize that in your eyes I'm perfect, Azul… I know that. And that's my aim: to be that man I see in your eyes, that perfect man who's worthy of you and your sacred love. You've made a better man out of me, my angel… oh Allah!" He shook his head almost desperately. "I don't know what to do with myself anymore!"

He went to the door and paced in front of it. He was getting really anxious and the women in that room weren't helping.

"Hey!" He said knocking on the door noisily. "What are you doing to my bride in there?"

Since he got no response he was going to knock again but before he could, the door opened and he stepped back. His mother smiled at him.

"Ali… your bride is ready for your royal wedding parade."

Jasmine stepped aside and Azul appeared there. Ali had to step back, taken aback by the beauty of the woman who was standing in front of him. Azul smiled shyly and lowered her eyes, blushing at Ali's gaze. Ali gasped and his mouth hung open. His eyes were wide open and he had to blink a couple of times and shake his head to slap himself back to reality.

Azul looked beautiful with that royal dress. She was a princess, nonetheless, and Ali thought that if she looked THAT beautiful in the outfit of a princess, he'd die when he'd see her in her wedding dress, for that was going to be the outfit of an angel.

"Oh Sweet Allah!" Ali muttered.

"Isn't she a dream?" Jasmine smiled.

"Well," Sadira said going to Jasmine's side. "She's my daughter, how couldn't she be?"

Jasmine sent Sadira a playful look and they laughed happily. They looked at their children. They were lost in the sight of each other. Sadira cleared her throat to get Jasmine's attention and the Queen of Agrabah nodded in understanding.

"Ali, we'll be waiting for you in the menagerie… hurry son!"

"Be right there…" Ali muttered.

Sadira pushed Jasmine softly and they left the hall commenting how wonderful their kids looked and the kind of spectacular parade they would have.

"I remember my own wedding parade." Sadira was laughing.

"Hey! Let's not get into it!" Jasmine's voice was fading away in the hall.

Ali and Azul were still lost in each other's eyes. Finally Ali extended his hands to grab Azul's and they smiled.

"You look… BEAUTIFUL!" Ali said in a low voice.

"Thank you!" Azul smiled shyly. "You look very handsome too."

The two of them were blushing. They had no idea why but they were feeling a little nervous in each other's company. It was a tingling feeling, like the one they had when they first fell in love. They had spent two years of their lives together and they had lived so much together and yet they were stepping on new and unknown ground then. They were feeling that everything was new and unexplored. And they knew that a new life was waiting for them. They were leaving behind a stage of their lives to enter a whole new world. They were happy and excited about that but at the same time they were feeling nervous, but with a cute kind of nervousness.

Ali smiled a little, sweet smile and rubbed the back of this neck. He wanted to say so many things and yet no words were coming to his mind. He was feeling so clumsy.

"This… this is for real, isn't it?" He muttered nervously.

"I-I think so." Azul responded in the same tone.

"Allah, I feel so stupid… you must be thinking I'm really stupid… I-I don't know what to say…"

"Oh no!" She laughed nervously. "I'm feeling the same way."

"Do you realize… do you realize that in 24 hours we are going to be preparing for our wedding… it's only 24 hours left Azul… after all those years and all those bad times we had… after wars, after separations, after believing we were dead, after Karak, after so many things… we are finally here…"

"I know." She giggled nervously. "Oh Ali… I'm feeling so stupid now! Why am I feeling so nervous?"

"I don't know!" Ali giggled just as nervous. "We are such a silly couple, aren't we?"

"I guess we are."

Ali stepped forward slowly and with a very slow movement he cupped Azul's face softly. She had a scared expression on her face and she was looking up at Ali. Her expression was mirrored in Ali's face. They were feeling their hearts beating faster and faster. Ali's expression turned into a very serious and formal one. They looked deep into each other's eyes and then Ali shook his head.

"Allah," He said searching for her lips. "How I love you!"

It was a quick kiss, not deep or passionate, but short and sweet. And yet they were feeling their legs weak and their hearts were racing in their chests, just as if it was their first kiss.

They pulled away almost immediately but stayed close to each other, their eyes closed, still lost in the feeling of that kiss. Ali half opened his eyes and Azul did the same. They thought they were in a dream and they didn't want to wake up.

"I love you Ali!" Her voice was barely audible.

"I love you too, Azul… my blue eyed angel!" Ali responded just as soft.

Azul found her way into Ali's embrace and he placed his arms around her shoulders. They hugged softly, Ali caressing her back lightly and smelling the delicious perfume in her hair.

"I'm going crazy!" He was thinking. "I don't think I can handle this anymore… I don't think I can hold this anymore! What did this girl do to my heart? Oh Allah, please, don't wake me up! Let me get lost in her forever!"

The unexpected sound of music in the menagerie brought them back to reality. Azul pulled away slowly and Ali blinked as if he was waking up from a dream.

"What's---?" He muttered almost drowsily.

"I guess that's our call." She smiled up at him.

"Yeah… let's get this over with once and for all." He said offering his arm to her. "Would you honor me with your company, my fair princess?"

"Of course, my handsome prince!" Azul smiled grabbing his arm.

"Well," He said as they walked away. "At least this is an event with the people of Agrabah… OUR people, and not with the royal guests."

"The people of Agrabah are very happy, aren't they? I mean, their beloved prince is getting married!"

"And to whom! To the girl who has stolen Agrabah's heart!"

"Oh Ali!"

"That's the truth Azul, and you know that… you've been working nonstop all these two years, helping us with the projects in the city, in the hospitals, the orphanages and all… the people adore you!"

"I only want to help… and now, as your wife, I want to be involved in those kinds of projects full time."

"You will, my love. My mom can really use some help with them, since she's the one in charge. And she can use a good friend."

"Your mother is amazing. I love her so much… and I want to do this, because I've learned this from you, Ali."

"Learned what?"

"Royalty is not a matter of fancy titles, but a matter of service to the people."

"Well, that's a valuable lesson I learned from my parents at an early age."

"You know what?"


"Your parents are wonderful… and they have every right to be proud of you, Ali. And I hope someday they'll be proud of me."

"They are already proud of you, my angel. From the moment you decided to love ME, they realized YOU are a brave girl!" Ali laughed.

"Aw Ali!" She laughed softly. "It's impossible not to love you!"

Ali looked at her and sent her the most loving and sweet gaze.

"You have my heart in your hands, blue eyes. Do with it as you please!"

"And what else I'm supposed to do with it but make you happy?"

"You know," Ali laughed softly. "I think I'm going to enjoy this… our marriage I mean."

"You 'think', mister?" She teased playfully. "You should KNOW it for sure!"

"Okay, okay… what is better than knowing that we are going to be together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?"

"Well, better than that? I'd say the absolute certainty I have that we are going to spend our eternity together!"

"I know." He grinned at her. "And that's a good thing because I cannot get enough of you. And even eternity seems short if I spend it with you… this is forever, my love… forever!"

"And forever is going to start tomorrow!"

"Oh, I don't know… I kinda feel… that forever is starting already."

They looked into each other's eyes and smiled tenderly. They wanted to continue that conversation but they had arrived in the menagerie already.

"Well," Ali said smiling at her. "Here we are."

"It was about time, kids!" Aladdin's voice came to them. "The people of Agrabah are waiting for you!"

"We had to get dressed, dad." Ali smiled at his father. "What do you say? Aren't we gorgeous?"

Aladdin laughed and Jasmine grabbed his arm.

"You have a very humble son, you know that?" Aladdin told her.

"But he's NOT a liar… look at them Aladdin, aren't they perfect?"

Ali puffed his chest and Azul blushed lightly, leaning her head against Ali's shoulder.

"What do you say, Bassel?" Ali smiled at his father-in-law-to-be. "Isn't your daughter the most gorgeous and perfect creature on Earth?"

"She is, Ali…" Bassel said, smiling tenderly at his daughter. "She really is!"

"Aw, daddy!" Azul said as she found her way into her father's embrace.

"I can't even imagine how beautiful you are going to be in your wedding dress!" Bassel said.

"Please, don't even mention it!" Ali laughed. "I know I won't sleep tonight just thinking about THAT!"

Ali looked around. Everything was prepared for the parade. His royal escort, led by his friend, Captain Ahmed was waiting for them with the banners of Agrabah held high. The musicians were also ready to join the parade. Ali smiled but then a familiar voice came to him.

"So we are finally here, huh?"

Ali turned around and a broad smile spread across his face.

"Lord Abbas!" He said going to him. "Oh, it's GREAT to have you here!"

"Are you kidding, boy?" He said placing his hands on Ali's shoulders and pulling him into an embrace. "I wouldn't miss your wedding for the world! Hey, we've been together through so much… it's time to celebrate!"

Ali smiled at Al Abbas Adham, Lord of the Tribe of Amjad Rawdha, the man who had been his ally and friend for several years. He was the first man who trusted him and the one who came to him when he needed him the most in the war against Burhaan. The Lord of Amjad Rawdha smiled back at him and patted his shoulders.

"But look at you! You've grown up to be a very impressive man… Lion of the Desert!"

"Thank you." Ali smiled.

"Do you know I met your groom when he was only a clumsy 17 year old boy?" He smiled at Azul.

"I bet he was cute then!" Azul smiled.

"Well, he was the most stubborn and determined 17 year old I've even seen. All I can say is that you aren't marrying a man, my lady… you are marrying a demon!"

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Ali laughed.

Azul was giggling and Abbas smiled tenderly at her.

"Ali, you ARE a lucky man!" He said taking Azul's hand and kneeling before her, kissing her hand politely. "My princess, as you know my loyalty has always been with the Prince of Agrabah, and from now on my sword and my people are ready to fight for you too, Princess Azul!"

"You are so kind!" She smiled. "Thank you very much, Lord Abbas. I know all you've done for Ali in the past and I cannot express my gratitude!"

"You know you can always count on us." Abbas straightened himself and nodded at a company of Bedouins dressed in their finest and colorful desert clothes. "We've come to share your joy and to pray for your eternal happiness. In the name of my Tribe of Amjad Rawdah and in the name of all the tribes and villages in the Lands of Anluz, the lands you freed, Prince Ali!"

"How wonderful!" Ali smiled at the caravan. "Maybe you can join our parade… your people are impressive!"

"Well," Aladdin smiled. "I think this parade should be starting like… right now."

"Oh, yes… yes…" Ali said taking Azul's hand. "C'mon my love… let's move!"

They went to Reeh and Leel who were ready and waiting for their masters to come. The horses were dressed in the finest and most royal style. Ali helped Azul mount Leel and he mounted Reeh. Then he motioned at Aladdin with his hand.

"We are ready dad!"

"Enjoy yourselves kids!" Aladdin smiled and turned to the man who was in charge of the parade. "It's time!"

The huge doors of the royal palace opened wide and a trumpet resounded in Agrabah. Silence was made in the main street.

"Make way for Prince Ali and his bride, Lady Azul!" The man proclaimed with a strong voice.

Immediately the cheers and applause of the people started as the royal caravan made its way through the streets of Agrabah. The music was playing, the bells were ringing, and the people kept cheering for their prince and his bride. It was a wonderful spectacle.

Azul thought she was dreaming. Reeh and Leel were pacing elegantly, side by side and she was right by Ali's side. The banners of Agrabah were all around them and the streets were decorated with banners and flowers. The people were throwing flowers at them from the rooftops and streamers of all the colors of the rainbow. Ali and Azul kept waving at them and sending them smiles.

"Impressive, don't you think?" Ali almost had to yell at Azul so she could hear him.

"A little too much… I feel weird."

"Well… I guess it's been a while since the last time a Prince Ali paraded through the streets of this city."

"You know, Ali, I really think we should stop!"

"Stop?" Ali blinked at her. "You mean, like stop the parade? Azul, you know the people of Agrabah wanted to see us."

"My point exactly… let's stop in the main square of the city… and have a little party there with the people!"

Ali smiled at Azul and reached for her hand.

"I love that idea!"

"I mean, we spent a lot of time with the royal guests this afternoon, why can't we spend time with the people? With OUR people?"

"Oh Azul! I like the way your little, pretty head works! You are going to make a WONDERFUL Princess!"

"So, are we stopping there?"

"Your wish is my command! CAPTAIN AHMED!" Ali yelled at him.

"Yes Prince Ali?" Ahmed said coming to them immediately.

"We're stopping in the main square. Azul and I want to spend some time with the people there, okay?"

"Yes sir!" He said and went to give orders to his men.

"This is going to be fun!" Azul smiled at him.

"I know… the people are going to love this!"

"WE are going to love this, Ali!"

A couple of blocks ahead the parade stopped suddenly when it arrived in the main square of the city and much to everyone's surprise, Prince Ali and Azul dismounted their horses. Ali took Azul's hand and they rushed to the fountain in the center of the square. Ali climbed on the rail and helped Azul up. The people came to them immediately.

"People of Agrabah!" Ali said in a joyful voice. "I want you to know that my bride and I really appreciate your support and enthusiasm… this means a lot to us and we are really touched. We are getting married tomorrow." He said taking Azul's hand and kissing it. "And we want you all to share our happiness. Tomorrow is going to be a very special day for us and the celebration is going to be big. My parents, Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine, have prepared a banquet for all of you. The celebrations in the streets of the city are going to be bigger than the ones in the palace, I'm sure. I wish all of you could join us in the palace tomorrow but alas, the palace is not big enough for all of you… and since you cannot go to the palace, then Azul and I decided to come here and celebrate with you, with our beloved people this evening!"

The people of Agrabah were cheering and applauding. They were totally excited about the idea of Prince Ali and Azul spending some time with them like that. The people of Agrabah had always held Ali in very high esteem. Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine had always brought him to the streets of Agrabah when there was a celebration or an event. When he grew up he had always been very involved in the projects and the problems of the people, working hand in hand with them when it was required. Ali had never hesitated when his help was needed. He was the first one to roll up his sleeves and go to work hard with the people of Agrabah. And his bride, Azul, had been following in Ali's footsteps, getting involved in a lot of charity projects in Agrabah. The two of them were very loved by the people. They were a very popular couple among them and the chance to celebrate such an important even in their lives like that was enough to make the city go crazy.

The people of Agrabah were exited by the fact that Prince Ali, following his mother's example, had chosen a common girl to marry. In the eyes of the people of Agrabah that only showed how close the royalty in Agrabah was to the people and it was very reassuring to them to know that in Agrabah anyone had the chance to be more, to even marry a prince or princess.

Ali and Azul had earned the hearts and the loyalty of the people of Agrabah day after day, being always there for them in the places and situations they were required. The people of Agrabah were happy to know that Aladdin and Jasmine's son was worthy of the name and nobility of his parents. They had no doubt that the young couple would one day rule over Agrabah, following in Aladdin and Jasmine's footsteps and that alone was enough to make the people happy.

There was no man, woman, or child in Agrabah who wouldn't be praying for the happiness and the prosperity of the young couple and blessing their marriage. They wanted to see them together forever. And they wanted to see them ruling over Agrabah one day in the future, when Allah ordered so.

The improvised popular party was a real success. The music was playing and there were games, food, dances, and all kind of popular spectacles in honor of the royal couple.

Ali and Azul joined every single game and dance they were invited to, dancing happily to the mesmerizing rhythm of the popular music and screaming and cheering happily at the games they were participating in. They also enjoyed the spectacles and all that the people of Agrabah had to offer them.

They were in the middle of the square, dancing to the rhythm of a very catchy tune. The people were around them, clapping and singing. Ali and Azul were dancing and laughing happily.

"Do you realize we seem like a couple of grasshoppers?" Azul was laughing while dancing.

"I know!" Ali laughed. "Better grasshoppers than ducks, huh?"

"Oh Ali! It's SO good to see you like this… recovered and all… but I'm afraid that you might be wearing yourself down!"

"Don't worry blue eyes, I've never felt better in my life! This is much better than the royal banquet we attended this afternoon, don't you think?"

"MUCH better!"

"You had a great idea! Of course this was not in our schedule but hey, I'm having fun and look at the faces of all the people… everybody is so happy!"

"Well, I don't think your mom is going to be happy when she sees our clothes." Azul laughed.

"Don't worry, she's getting used to it already… we did the same thing years ago that night of the anniversary dance, remember?"

"How could I possibly forget THAT night?!"

"I guess now I have to do something I should've done THAT night!"

"And what is that?"


The music ended and Ali grabbed Azul by the waist, spinned her around and when he put her back on the ground he closed his arms around her and kissed her deeply and passionately there, right in the middle of the crowd.

The people of Agrabah went crazy. They all started to clap, cheer, and throw flowers to them, wishing them the best. It thrilled them to see their Prince Ali so happy and so in love.

They had to pull apart because they were laughing happily in the middle of that kiss. They opened their eyes and stayed close to each other, Ali's hands around her waist and Azul caressing his face tenderly. They were laughing and so happy. The people around them were just as happy.

Captain Ahmed approached them and bowed respectfully.

"Prince Ali, excuse me sir, but I think you should be heading back to the palace. Your father sent a message to remind you about the dinner you are attending tonight at Lady Azul's house and it's getting dark already."

"Oh yeah, the dinner!" Azul said. "My mom and Nanny have been preparing it forever!"

"Alright." Ali smiled. "I guess we have to go back then."

"Your father is waiting for you at the palace, Lady Azul."

"Fine." Azul looked at Ali. "I'll be going with my dad… I need to take a bath and change clothes… again!"

"I know. I have to do the same thing! Man, this HAS been a LONG day!"

"It's almost over!" Azul smiled.

Ali nodded and turned to the crowd.

"People of Agrabah, unfortunately my bride and I have to go back to the palace now. We have a royal schedule to follow and we are a little late now."

"May all the blessings of Allah be with you and your bride, Prince Ali!" The people started to scream.

"Allah will give you a thousand and one years of peace and happiness!"

"You are blessed Prince Ali and Azul!"

"We love you!"

Ali and Azul were touched deeply touched by all the demonstrations of love and sympathy they were getting from the people. Ali knew that many of the people of Agrabah had been sending wedding gifts to the palace. Not the fancy and expensive gifts from the royal guests, but sincere gifts. Little ones, but given with all their love and sincerity. He knew they had been receiving all kinds of stuff, from hand-made carpets to little flowerpots and even home made cookies. Azul and himself had been personally receiving each and every one of them. The people of Agrabah loved Ali and Azul just as much as they loved their people back.

Before leaving the square, Ali and Azul went to say goodbye to each person personally. They shook many hands, received many hugs and hundreds of good wishes and blessings. After that they mounted Leel and Reeh once again and escorted by the royal warriors, left the square behind along with the acclaiming cheers of the people of Agrabah.

"You know, Ali." Azul commented softly. "I think that's the best wedding gift we could receive. Not the fancy and expensive gifts the royal guests are bringing but the sincere and loving blessings of these good people."

"I know." Ali said smiling at her. "This is the way things should be, don't you think?"


"They know we are willing to do anything for them… and they are willing to do anything for us."

"You and your family are impressive people, I've always thought that. I don't think any other prince in the deserts would do this kind of thing, I don't think so. Just think, we spent twice as much time with the people than the time we spent with the guests in today's banquet."

"That was a boring banquet! THIS was a really fun celebration! Besides, it's the people who really matter. OUR people. As my mom used to say, it's the people who make Agrabah great!"

"I know." She said, looking deep into his eyes. "You are going to make a wonderful Sultan one day, Prince Ali."

"As long as I have you by my side, nothing can go wrong."

Azul reached for Ali's hand and they entwined their fingers while looking lovingly at each other's eyes.

"I love you SO much, Prince Ali!"

"I love you too, Azul, my angel!"

They smiled and rode the rest of the way to the palace in silence, just holding hands and smiling dreamily, remembering the wonderful celebration they had and dreaming of all that was yet to come. The first shadows of the night were covering the city of Agrabah giving it that mysterious and romantic atmosphere and Ali smiled thinking that the next time the sun would set on Agrabah he'd be marrying his blue eyed angel.

* * * * *

Later that night the Royal Family of Agrabah went to Bassel's house. As the tradition ordered, they were going to have dinner in the house of the bride. The night before the wedding was a very important part of the celebration for the families involved. It was a family party to celebrate the fact that two households would be united by the marriage of their children.

And there was more than just one reason to celebrate the love of those two young people, for they were not only celebrating their marriage but also the oportunity Allah had given them to start a new life.

They were also thankful to have that life in their hands. A life they thought was forever gone when they were fighting against the dark forces of Karak.

Ali was very excited about that dinner and as soon as he went back to the palace after the celebrations they had in the streets of Agrabah, he went to take a bath and prepare himself for the dinner.

A little later Aladdin came to knock at his door.

"Come in! It's open!" Ali's voice came from inside the room.

Aladdin entered and he smiled when he saw Ali, looking at his own reflection in the mirror and trying to fix his messy hair the best he could. Aladdin noticed Ali was dressed in a fine outfit. It was not a fancy one but it was a formal one. The young prince put his headband on and turned to his father, smiling.

"Well Dad, what do you think?"

"You look very handsome, kid!"

"You think so?" Ali smiled as he went closer to Aladdin. "Here… can you smell it?"

"Yeah," Aladdin smiled smelling the scent on Ali. "What's that?"

"Woods." Ali said proudly. "I want to be my best for her tonight… and also I want to cause a good impression to her family… especially to Nanny." Ali giggled.

"I'd say you've already won the heart of the Al-Rahaal family, son… but Azul is going to love seeing you like this. You look good, almost like a prince."

"Almost?" Ali laughed.

"Well, it's not really your style but you look very handsome."

"Mom wanted me to wear one of those fancy outfits again. She was not happy when she saw how my previous clothes ended." Ali was laughing. "So I tried to convince her that it was totally a bad idea… this is the best I could do."

"That's fine Ali, as long as you are comfortable…"

"Well, more comfortable than with the other fancy outfit, that's for sure."

"I had word of how your wedding parade ended." Aladdin grinned at him.

"You did?"

"I have to say this, that was very unexpected but very you." Aladdin said proudly. "I'm happy to know that you guys are so conscious of the real duty as the royalty of Agrabah. If you want to be a ruler, you must be a servant first."

"I know dad, I've learned that from you and Mom. And today, well… it felt right. We were thinking, if we spent all that time with the royal guests, well… our people deserve the best, don't you think?"

"Absolutely. And I know the people were happy. They are very excited about this marriage. There hasn't been a royal marriage in Agrabah for 25 years, so I think the time is right now."

"I know…" Ali said absently. "You know Dad? I'd love to have grandfather Hamid here now… I miss him, you know?"

"Yeah, I miss him too… he'd be SO proud of you, kid! Seeing the kind of man you've grown up to be and the wonderful girl you are going to marry."

The prince sat on his bed and reached for the wooden box he had there. He opened it and played nervously with the three jewels that were inside. Aladdin frowned and sat by his son's side.

"What's on your mind, kid?"

"Well… a lot of things." Ali sighed. "I'm so happy that… I really don't know what to do with myself. I know I'd go crazy if I had to stay here all night alone. I'm happy we are attending this dinner."

"Yeah, it will sure help you with your pre-wedding jitters."

"Pre-wedding jitters?" Ali laughed nervously. "Why do you say so?"

"I just know so… I know I had them. The night before I was feeling sick… so excited and so happy that… I really didn't know what to do with myself, as you said."

"Did you have a dinner here with mom and grandfather the night before?"

"Yes, I did… we all were so excited and I knew the celebrations were going to be big and it was all beyond my imagination. I was so happy that I thought it was impossible for such a little heart to hold such a big feeling."

"I feel the same way now."

"But I was so scared." Aladdin said, getting lost in his memories.

Ali lowered his eyes and remained silent. He continued playing with the jewels, not knowing exactly how to reply to his father's words. Aladdin had a stressed expression on his face and Ali hated to see him like that.

"Dad…" He said hesitantly. "About grandfather Cassim…"


"Well… I know you probably want him to be here for the wedding. And you know I probably didn't want him here. You know what happened the last time, dad… he ran away again and… he knew about my upcoming wedding but I have no idea where to find him and…"

"Don't torture yourself, Ali." Aladdin tried to smile. "That's the way my father is… news of your wedding was spread all over the Seven Deserts, if he's not here well… that's his problem, not ours."

"I'm sorry dad."

"Don't be, kid… he didn't attend your sister's wedding either."

"Well," Ali tried to lift the mood. "If he shows up tomorrow I just hope he doesn't ruin my wedding… because I swear on Allah, Dad, I'll elope with Azul!"

"Okay." Aladdin laughed. "But I don't think you'll have to do that… besides, I know Azul knows better than to elope with you on your wedding day, for Allah's sake!"

"Oh, want to bet?"

"Ali!" Aladdin scolded him playfully. "That's not the way you should be talking about your bride!"

"Oh, I don't know Dad… do you want to know something? When Azul and I are together… the only thing that's in my mind is how I want to go to a far away place, only with her… and spend the rest of my eternity there with her… just the two of us. And I know she feels the same way."

"Well," Aladdin grinned at him. "You eloped to Karak after all."

"Ugh, don't even mention it! That was not pretty… I'm telling you, dad, Karak is not exactly a honeymoon spot."

"Yeah, I know." Aladdin winked. "But you've had your little escapades at that oasis of yours, huh?"

"Well…" Ali said lowering his eyes and blushing, a small mischievous smile in his face.

Aladdin laughed and patted his back.

"Do you realize that by this time tomorrow you'll be a married man already?"

"I know." Ali said looking around his room thoughtfully. "This is the last night I'll sleep in this room… this room that has been my place for 21 years. It feels funny… it's a weird feeling… I'm happy and excited but at the same time… oh, I really don't know what's going on in my heart!"

Aladdin picked up Nevi and caressed his fur fondly.

"So, are you going to take him with you?"

"To the honeymoon?" Ali laughed taking Nevi and holding him against him. "No way! The little guy has to stay here until we're back."

"I remember when you were nothing but a little baby… a melon…"


"But you were!" Aladdin laughed. "I remember that Nevi incident."

"Not again Dad! I was only a baby!"

"I know, and that's what surprises me the most. How such a small thing could scream and cry SO loud! You have some lungs kid!"

"You took Nevi away from me! I thought he was gone forever… and then I saw YOU throwing the poor guy into the water! I thought you were drowning him… killing him!"

"I was only washing him, for Allah's sake!" Aladdin laughed. "And you were crying and screaming… I remember the big tears running down your cheeks… you were pathetic, son! And your mother and I were feeling like some kind of horrible people, seeing you like that and all… and you had such pride for a baby, Ali. You were mad at us for days."

"The furry guy has been my friend since the day I was born." Ali said, caressing Nevi fondly.

"I know." Aladdin said, feeling a bittersweet feeling in his heart. "It seems like only yesterday… and now you are getting married."

Ali looked at him and smiled.

"C'mon Dad, it's not like we are going to move away or anything… we are only moving to the north wing of the palace. We'll be together forever Dad… you know I will never walk out on you."

"I know, I know." Aladdin tried to reassure himself. "But it feels funny anyway. The little melon… my little baby getting married… and then I look at you. You look so perfectly happy and so excited. And then I look at your bride… that girl adores you Ali, and you must treat her as she deserves."

"I'm going to take very good care of her, Dad. Don't worry."

"I know… and I'm proud of you son… proud of the two of you. You are my son and your mother and I love you unconditionally, deeply, and sincerely. But I know you no longer belong to us… you belong to Azul now. You belong to each other."

"Aw Dad!" Ali said, embracing his father. "Azul loves you as a father and you know that. She's going to be part of this family and we are going to love you so much… you and mom. This is going to be a blessed marriage… we are going to be a big happy family!"

"I know son… and I can't stop thanking Allah for all his blessings upon me."

"Well, YOU are the big guy that Allah sent to us… to mom and to all of us. We'd be lost without you dad… I wouldn't even be here without you!"

Aladdin laughed softly and pulled away, patting Ali's shoulders gently.

"Now, now… it's not time for getting sentimental… so, uh…" He said looking at Ali's lap. "Are you going to give those jewels to Azul as your wedding gift?"

"Yeah… I know I'm supposed to give her something nice and pretty but I was thinking and thinking. I'm going to put the world at her feet, dad… I am going to give her everything… and I wanted a wedding gift that's special… not only a gift, but… something with a meaning. Then I realize that this is the best I can give to her. These jewels not only belonged to Azrak but also I got them fighting real hard for her… and they are the symbol of my courage, purity and wisdom… and that's what I want to give to her as my wedding gift: myself in heart, body, and soul."

"That's touching… the best wedding gift if you ask me."


"That's pretty much what I gave to your mother… I had nothing… I couldn't afford any expensive gift so… my only gift was the promise of always being there for her, in body, heart, and soul, as you put it… I didn't even have some pretty jewels like yours…" Aladdin said, laughing softly.

Ali smiled tenderly at his father. He really admired that man and he was always looking up at him. He was his role model and biggest hero. Every time he thought about his marriage, he always prayed to Allah to bless his marriage the way He had blessed his parents' and to help him be the kind of husband and father Aladdin was.

Ali was going to say something but Jasmine entered the room. The two men stood up to receive the Queen of Agrabah.

"Mom/Jasmine!" They said at the same time.

"How are my favorite men?" Jasmine smiled. "Ali, you look VERY handsome! Azul is going to be happy!"

"Why, thank you my Queen!" Ali said, bowing respectfully and kissing his mother's hand.

"The carriage is ready and the family is waiting for you two!" Jasmine informed them. "So let's go… Azul must be wondering where we all are."

"Did you convince Cassim to attend the dinner? I thought he wanted to stay here."

"I told him it's the tradition." Aladdin smiled. "And he has to keep traditions alive… I also told him this was important to you and we are your family, we HAVE to be with you in these moments."

"So he's going." Jasmine smiled.

"Man!" Ali laughed. "I think this is the first time Cassim is going to have dinner outside the palace! Dinner in the house of commoners… I hope he doesn't get sick!"

"Don't be mean and walk!" Aladdin said slapping Ali's head playfully.

"It's abuse, I'm telling you! Nothing but abuse! Poor little me!" Ali pretended to be upset.

Aladdin laughed and took Jasmine's hand.

"Well Jasmine, the time is coming… this is the beginning."

"I know." Jasmine smiled tenderly at Ali. "Let's go son… it's time."

As they walked down the hall they were talking about the dinner, the twins and Yesenia being so excited about it, their own excitement and most of all, about the big happy family they were going to be now that Ali and Azul were finally going to join together in Holy Marriage.

* * * * *

Bassel went to Azul's room. He found the door half open and peeked inside carefully. There, sitting in front of her vanity was his little daughter, Azul. He smiled when he noticed how lost Azul was in her thoughts. She was brushing her hair absently and she had a little, dreamily smile on her face. Her gaze was lost in space.

Bassel thought she looked beautiful that way. She was wearing a new outfit, a blue one as she used to. It was not as fancy as the dress she had worn that afternoon but it was formal and yet cozy.

"My little girl." Bassel thought. "Getting married tomorrow… Allah, I never thought this day would come! It seems like only yesterday when she was just a newborn… a tiny, cute, and warm baby… I still remember the first time I held her in my arms and the way she looked up at me with those big blue eyes of hers."

Bassel sighed deeply and smiled almost sadly.

"Time flew." He said. "And now my little girl has grown up to be a beautiful woman… a woman in love. Oh Ali, you are taking what's the most precious thing to me… my daughter. You better make her happy, boy!"

He fixed his clothes and knocked on the door softly.


"Uh?" She said coming back from her trance and turning to the door. "Oh, Daddy! Come in!"

"Are you ready? Our guest will be here any minute now."

"Almost ready!" She said happily taking a little bottle of perfume and putting some drops on her. "Here… Ali loves this one, you know? Lemon blossoms, his favorite… thus my favorite!" Azul laughed.

Bassel smiled tenderly at her. He had never seen her more happy before. She looked radiant and his heart was throbbing with joy seeing his daughter like that. It was a bittersweet feeling but at the end he was so happy to know that his daughter would be forever safe, loved, and protected having Ali by her side. He knew the way Ali loved his daughter and he honestly thought Ali was the only man on Earth worthy of his Azul.

"Could you help me with this, Daddy?" Azul asked, giving her necklace to Bassel.

"Oh, sure sweetheart." Bassel took the necklace and put it around Azul's neck.

The blue diamond rested softly on Azul's chest and she smiled tenderly. Her hand went to the diamond and she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Bassel looked at her. The tenderness that her eyes reflected then was something he had never seen in his daughter's eyes before. He smiled softly.

"Do I look like a bride to you?"

"What?" He was brought back to reality by Azul's voice. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I don't know!" Azul's gaze lowered and a light blush appeared on her checks as her mouth curved in a small smile.

"You are going to be the most beautiful bride ever, sweetheart!" Bassel said placing his hands on her shoulders. "YOU are beautiful! Just look at you… c'mon, look at your reflection in that mirror… aren't you just perfect?"

"Aw!" Azul blushed and turned to her father. "You are the best!"

Azul threw herself into her father's embrace and Bassel held her tightly. It was the last night his little girl would be sleeping in his house. The next day he'd have to give her hand to Ali and it was a happy thought, a happy thought that was breaking his heart.

"You are going to be so happy!" He was telling her. "You are going to marry a wonderful man, my darling. But I want you to always remember that no matter what, I am your father and I will be always here for you."

"I know daddy… I know… I love you… I love you and mom so much…"

"C'mon!" Bassel said pulling away a little. "It's not a good time for tears. Your groom will be here any minute. I guess we should go to the kitchen to check on your mother and Nanny."

"Yes." She said softly.

Bassel looked at her and smiled.

"You look beautiful wearing that outfit, sweetheart! I can't wait to see you wearing your wedding dress!"

Azul laughed softly and Bassel leaned over and kissed her forehead sweetly. She looked up at her father and they smiled at each other tenderly.

"Allah, you ARE beautiful!" Bassel said caressing her face. "Ali is going to suffer a heart attack when he sees you!"

"Oh no!" She laughed. "I hope he doesn't! Tomorrow we're getting married and I want him in one piece!"

Bassel laughed but suddenly he stopped and looked at Azul's eyes, a serious expression in his face.

"Azul, sweetheart… I want to ask you something."


"Do you… well, I know this is going to sound stupid but… do you love him?"



"Oh Dad! I love him with my heart and soul!"

"Good." Bassel smiled. "I just wanted to make sure… to look into your eyes when you say that… this is the real thing… may Allah bless you and your marriage, my little girl!"

"I'm going to be fine." Azul tried to reassure her father. "I know it's hard for you to accept that your little girl is getting married but… everything is going to be just fine, Dad. I'm going to live happily ever after, having Ali right by my side."

"Praise Allah who in His infinite wisdom united two hearts that belong together!"

Azul smiled tenderly at her father and he returned the smile. Then he put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead again.

"Now let's go Azul… your mom and your grandma must be wondering where we are and our guests will be here in a moment!"

"Yes," She responded as they left the room. "And I still have to check on that pie I baked for Ali!"

* * * * *

Azul entered the kitchen and Sadira and Nanny turned to see her. She smiled radiantly to them and spun around.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Whoa!" Sadira and Nanny said at the same time.

"You look perfect Azul!" Nanny smiled. "Ali is going to suffer a heart attack when he sees you!"

"Nanny!" Azul laughed. "Why does all my family want him to suffer a heart attack in the first place?"

"Maybe because they don't want him to take you away." Sadira went closer to her daughter and fixed her hair. "I, on the other hand, am very proud of you, my girl! You caught an Al-Ababwa!"

"Yeah." She said softly. "The most handsome of them all!"

Sadira smiled. She was going to say that Aladdin was a handsome man and that he had been a real cutie in his old times but she decided it was not the right time or audience to make such a comment. She just finished fixing Azul's hair and stepped back.

"There! You ARE a princess, Azul!"

"She'll be one for real tomorrow!" Nanny said still concentrated in what she was preparing.

"Tomorrow by this time you'll already be a wife!" Sadira said excitedly. "Oh, isn't that wonderful?"

"Yeah." Azul smiled. "I guess by now the ceremony will be over. We'll be in the reception I think."

"Reception? No way!" Nanny said. "As soon as the ceremony is over you two will be heading for your honeymoon!"

"Nanny!" Azul blushed. "We have to attend the reception!"

"Yeah, but the question is, do you WANT to? I'm sure Ali wouldn't mind skipping it! Would you?"

Azul bit her lower lip.

"C'mon Azul!" Sadira laughed. "Answer that!"

Azul lowered her eyes and blushed deeply.

"You ARE mean!" She whispered.

"That doesn't answer the question." Sadira smiled.

"Silence is acceptance!" Nanny winked at Sadira.

The two of them started laughing and Azul rubbed the back of her neck in a gesture that was Ali's all the way.

"I'm glad Bassel is not here, he'd be a little upset by these comments." Nanny commented.

"Where's your father anyway?"

"Oh… in the living room with uncle Sahid and my cousins…"

"Good… so, are you ready Azul? Aladdin and his family will be here soon."

"Including Ali!" Nanny winked at Azul. "Did you know Azul thinks he is a good kisser?"

"NANNY!" Azul said, pretending to be annoyed.

Sadira laughed thinking that his father WAS a good kisser. She could say that from personal experiences.

Azul sighed and shook her head. It was no use, she was just as sure that she'd have to suffer through those kinds of comments all night long, especially since Yesny and the twins would be completing the scheme soon. She sighed helplessly and went to the table where the pie she had prepared for Ali was.

"Do you think this is fine like this?" She examined it carefully. "It has sweet cream and fruits… I sweetened it with honey and all… Ali loves sweet things… the sweeter the better for him."

"I'm sure he's going to love it." Sadira smiled. "But you should've made a bigger one, for all the family."

"I wanted to bake this specially for Ali… besides Nanny told me that's the tradition for the groom and the bride, to share something sweet, like a pie or a cake or candies or whatever."

"It is symbol of the happy occasion." Nanny smiled. "Your mouths must be as sweet as your hearts are!"

"Even if I doubt Ali would share this with me." Azul laughed. "The moment he sees this pie he's going to stuff it in his mouth…" She stopped and frowned remembering some episodes with candies in the past. "Ugh! He loves doing that!"

Azul dabbled her finger into the sweet cream and then put it in her mouth tasting the pie. She smiled and nodded approvingly at her work.

"Perfect!" She said almost for herself. "Just the way Ali likes it!"

"I'd say that from now on you are going to be cooking for him all the time but that's not going to happen." Nanny smiled. "You are going to have an army of servants doing that kind of stuff for you."

"We could." Azul smiled. "But Ali and I have talked about it before and we agree that we want a most… common life."

"Can you believe it, Aida?" Sadira frowned. "The girl can have as many servants as she wants and what does she say? That they want to live a common life! Azul, you are marrying a prince! Did you know that by any chance?"

"I know mom… but Ali wants to live a common life… and I want to share things with him like that. We have plans for our apartments and the way we are going to decorate them and all… we want to do this by ourselves!"

"Common life my camel!" Nanny laughed. "They only want to be alone in those apartments… no servants, no interruptions! Can't blame you though Azul… you are marrying a hunk!"

"There's NO use!" Azul sighed deeply shaking her head.

"Do you have any idea where you are going for your honeymoon?" Sadira asked her.

"No… not really. It is a surprise. Ali was telling me that his parents have been talking about…"

Azul stopped short when the sounds of a carriage were heard. Her eyes widened and she turned to her mother.

"Oh my gosh! They're here!" She said looking around. "What do I do? What do I…?"

"Relax!" Sadira laughed. "Your father will open the door… we'll stay here until they are in the house, then we'll go to say hi… okay?"

"Yeah… I-I guess so…" Azul tried to smile but she was very nervous all of a sudden. "Oh Allah! How do I look?"

"You look just fine!" Nanny came to her and fixed the collar of her outfit. "You look perfect. Now remember, this is a happy occasion. A celebration so… enjoy!"

"This is stupid!" She scolded herself. "I've had a hundred dinners with the royal family before… why am I so nervous now?"

They heard Bassel opening the door and a lot of voices came to them. Azul was trying to keep herself relaxed but it was almost impossible. Her legs were feeling so weak and her heart was racing in her chest.

"Oh Allah! Oh Allah!" She kept muttering.

Nanny smiled at Sadira and nodded.

"Well, everything is ready… I guess we should go there now."

"Yeah… Azul?"

Azul looked at her mother and her grandma. Her blue eyes were wide open and she felt her body shaking. Her hands were very sweaty. She took a deep breath, as deep as she could and closed her eyes, exhaling slowly.

"Okay," She said. "I'm ready… let's go!"

Sadira and Nanny smiled and motioned her to the door of the kitchen. Just that door separated them from the rest of the family and Azul was praying to Allah to help her not to make a fool of herself that night.

* * * * *

Bassel was in the living room with his brother Sahid and his two nephews Hakim and Amir. They were talking friendly while waiting for the royal guests to come.

"It's simply amazing." Sahid was saying. "Our little Azul marrying the prince of Agrabah! It's not that she doesn't deserve a prince because she does but… I thought these kinds of things only happened in fairy tales."

"Here in Agrabah anything can happen." Bassel smiled. "Believe me, brother, after what happened with Azul and that Karak thing well… I believe anything."

"It's so unbelievable!" Amir was commenting. "I've heard the story a dozen times and I still find it so hard to believe… magical cities, evil sorcerers, malign spells… I mean, what are the chances?"

"One thing is for sure." Hakim said. "Azul is going to be a beautiful bride!"

"Mom is so proud of her!" Sahid laughed. "She's been bragging about her granddaughter marrying the Prince of Agrabah to every person in Alexandria."

"Mother has always had a special love for Azul." Bassel smiled. "Being her only granddaughter and all."

"What do you think of Ali, uncle Bassel?" Amir asked.

"He's a worthy man. I love him as my own son and I'm happy to know my daughter is marrying a man who's kind and nice but most of all, a man who loves her above anything else."

"She is SO in love, isn't she?" Hakim smiled.

"Helplessly in love." Bassel smiled. "When Azul and Ali started to get along I always thought they were cute together but sincerely I never expected to… well, you know, come this far! I always thought that…"

He stopped when the sound of a carriage sounded in the square. The four men smiled and Bassel stood up.

"It's them! The Royal Family!" He said heading to the door.

"Allah!" Sahid laughed. "The Royal Family in your house! If the people of Alexandria could see you now, Bassel… I mean, your grandchildren are going to have royal blood and all!"

Bassel sent him a short smile and opened the door. The first thing he could see was Sultan Aladdin helping his wife to get off the carriage. As soon as he appeared there the twins ran to him.

"Uncle Bassel!" They screamed hugging him.

"Hello children!" He returned the embrace.

"Where's Azul?" Najila said.

"We want to see her!" Nasir demanded.

"Kids!" Ali appeared there. "Behave!"

The prince of Agrabah looked at Bassel and smiled. His father in law to be returned the smile and motioned them inside.

"Get in! C'mon kids! Ali!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Aladdin and Jasmine came to him and they shook hands enthusiastically.

"Sultan Aladdin! Queen Jasmine! It's an honor to have you in my house!"

"Please Bassel!" Aladdin laughed. "Enough with the formalities, we are family now! You can call me simply Aladdin… and you can call my wife Jasmine… this is not really necessary!"

"Okay." Bassel smiled. "Aladdin… Jasmine… please come in! Have you met my brother Sahid and his sons Amir and Hakim?"

While Ali and his parents and the twins were saying hello to Bassel's family, Yesenia entered the house with her husband Mahdi and followed by her little brother Cassim, who was acting formal as always. Finally Ali turned to Bassel and smiled at him.

"Well, where's my bride?"

"I think she's right here!" Sadira's voice came from the kitchen.

The door opened and Azul appeared there followed by her mother and her grandma. Ali turned to face her and his eyes opened wide as a big smile spread across his face. Azul looked at him and smiled softly, feeling her face burning with a blush.

"Whoa!" Ali whispered. "Azul… you… you look fantastic!"

"You look very handsome… Ali!"

The prince of Agrabah rushed to her side and took her hands, kissing them passionately. Everybody was smiling at them even if they were too lost in each other to even notice the rest of the people in the room.

Their eyes locked on each other's and Ali kept her hands in his. They were smiling tenderly. Finally they were brought to reality by Bassel's voice.

"I guess we are finally here." The good man announced as he took his wife's hand. "Tomorrow we will all be family and as the custom says, tonight we are celebrating the union of our children. Praise all mighty Allah!"

"Tomorrow," Aladdin said solemnly. "Ali and Azul will be united in Holy and Blessed matrimony. And Bassel, Sadira, from the bottom of my heart and speaking also in my wife's name I want you to know that we couldn't be happier. Azul is the one for him, there's no doubt about it. I think we all agree that what's between our kids is something powerful and deep… the real thing. I want to let you all know that my wife and I have blessed this sacred union from the first moment and that tomorrow we'll finally make official what already exists in the hearts of our kids: their union."

All the eyes in the room were on Ali and Azul. They were holding hands, their fingers entwined and smiling dreamily. Ali pulled her close to him and he put his arm around her shoulder.

"My wife Sadira and I also bless this union." Bassel smiled happily. "And Ali is the only man in the world that could make my daughter happy. Ali, son… you are one of us now!"

"Thank you!" Ali barely muttered, he was overexcited.

"Then it's a happy time!" Aladdin smiled. "Let's celebrate the love of our children!"

Suddenly the place became very chaotic when every one in the room wanted to hug Ali and Azul. They were all laughing and exchanging smiles and hugs. Every one was talking at the same time and the words were incomprehensible. But they all were so happy.

"Alright! Alright!" Sadira's voice was heard in the middle of the chaos. She was banging a pot to get the people's attention. "Now everybody follow me to the dinning room! Aida and I have prepared a very special dinner to celebrate this happy day!"

Sadira practically shoved them all to the dinning room. The place was decorated with flowers and tapestries and Ali smiled down at Azul when they entered there.

"Wonderful!" He said. "Did you help with this?"

"A little." Azul smiled up at him.

"You sure have a way with decorations!" Ali laughed and kissed her cheek softly. "Can't wait to see what you do with our own apartments!"

Azul smiled at him. Ali helped her to have a seat and the two families sat around the table that was decorated with white flowers and candles.

"This is so nice!" Aladdin smiled.

"It's not a palace and it's not the kind of food the royal chef would prepare," Sadira smiled going to the kitchen. "But I know you will like what Aida and I cooked."

Sadira and Nanny were going to the kitchen and Azul started to stand up.

"Oh, let me help!"

"No!" Sadira commanded. "This is for you Azul… we will take care of everything."

Slowly Azul sat back and Ali took her hand.

"You won't let me alone tonight, blue eyes." He whispered. "Not a single second! I'll take care of it!"

"Don't worry Ali, I'm not going anywhere."

"So what are you whispering there?" Yesenia smiled at them.

"Nothing." Ali smiled back. "I was just making sure of things."

"You know, I never actually thought I'd live to see this day." Yesny said. "Ali getting married… I've been repeating that in my head over and over but it just… doesn't sink in on me yet."

"Every body keeps telling me the exact same thing." Ali shrugged. "I really don't know why this is so hard to believe for you, people!"

"Well," Aladdin turned to Bassel. "When he was a baby he was so loud! I know he still is but there was this time when…"

"Okay dad, be that way! Embarrass me in front of the family!"

"C'mon Ali, I know they'd love to hear this."

"Aw!" Ali sulked.

"My poor Ali!" Azul smiled gently at him.

"This is one of the reasons I love her so much!" Ali pretended to be annoyed. "She never embarrass me… not in public at least."

"Well, to tell you the truth," Bassel was saying. "Ali is very different from all the other men I've known in my life. He is not like the others, not at all… he has his own ways. But I couldn't think of someone better for my daughter. Ali has demonstrated he is a very responsible and loving man. I know he's going to make a great husband."

"I know so too." Jasmine defended her son. "Ali is very sweet and loyal. I have to admit I never saw him as a husband before but maybe that was only my motherly instinct or the fact that Ali has been very independent all his life. Aladdin and I had our ideas about the kind of woman who would come to conquer his heart and I admit it, Azul was a very pleasant surprise. She's not the kind of woman we expected for Ali… we always thought he'd need someone louder than him, someone with a strong character to control him, someone just as passionate as he is… instead Azul is all sweetness and tenderness. And she conquered Ali in a way that only a gaze from her eyes is enough to control him. And I'm grateful, Azul… as a mother and as a queen because I know you are the best woman I could ask for for my son… and I also know that you have the potential to be a wonderful queen when the time comes."

"Aw, Queen Jasmine!" Azul blushed. "You are so kind… this hasn't been easy for me. This all came to me as a thunderbolt… love and all that came with it… marrying a prince is something… huge for me. And I admit it, I feel lost sometimes…"

"Don't worry Azul," Aladdin smiled at her. "I've been there, done that… and I know you'll do it just great! You know Bassel, I think my son is a very lucky man. Your daughter is the most wonderful young lady and I don't know how, but this crazy boy conquered the heart of this little jewel of yours."

"Of this angel!" Ali smiled and kissed Azul's hand.

"I think the two of them are lucky." Bassel smiled. "They have each other and we've been witnesses to the power of their love."

Sadira and Nanny returned to the dinning room with the food.

"Here it is! It's hot so be careful! C'mon! Serve yourselves!"

The dinner was delicious and they all enjoyed the occasion. Yesny didn't waste her time making Ali and Azul blush with her comments. And all those comments were supported by Nanny and Sadira who also were happy and willing to make the couple blush.

"We wanted to go on vacations with Ali and Azul!" Najila was saying. "But we are not going!"

"Dad says they have important things to take care and this is why they are going alone!" Nasir completed.

"Very important things to take care of!" Yesenia laughed. "And if it was for them I'm sure they'd go to a desert island lost in the middle of nowhere and they'd never come back."

Ali and Azul smiled softly and lowered their gazes. They were in a perpetual blush.

"Why is it called honeymoon anyway?" Najila said.

"What does this vacation have to do with honey… and moons anyway?" Nasir asked.

"When you are married everything is so sweet." Jasmine said patiently. "Thus the honey comparison."

"But what about the moon?"

"Yeah… it has something to do with nights or something?"

"Oh boy!" Ali laughed softly and Azul rubbed her temple.

"It's the old tradition," Nanny was laughing. "Newlyweds used to eat honey for the first 30 moons of their marriage. Honey gives energy."

"And they will need all the energy they can get!" Yesny laughed.

"Yesenia!" Ali warned her.

"Energy for what?" Najila asked.

"I'm not getting into it!" Sadira laughed.

"You know," Nasir informed them. "When Ali and Azul are married they are going to have lots of babies and we'll get to play with them. Dad told me I'll be the babies' uncle!"

"I'm sure that will happen very soon!" Yesny winked at the couple.

"With Allah's blessing and a little of effort from them." Nanny completed.

"You know my love," Ali said to Azul. "If we survive tonight, we'll survive anything."

"I know."

"C'mon kids!" Aladdin laughed. "You survived Karak, you WILL survive anything after that!"

"We've heard great stories about that adventure." Sahid said. "You sure have very interesting stories to tell."

"Well," Ali said puffing his chest. "We have… we really went through so much then… but we are here now, safe and sound."

"We'd love to hear those adventures!" Amir said.

Ali and Azul were happy to share their adventures with the family. Ali was showing off his bride's courage in Karak and Azul was repeating over and over how brave Ali was and how he had gone through so much just because of her.

All the people at that table had the feeling that there were parts of that story that were untold. They could say that from the way Ali and Azul looked at each other and the way they exchanged little smiles and they held their hands. And it was amazing to see the kind of couple they were, for they could finish each other's sentences and ideas without any problem. They were so close to each other that it was obvious that they could read each other's thoughts in their eyes.

After dinner Bassel invited his guests to go to the living room. They were talking and having a good time there. The royal family was a very kind family and Bassel's family were great guests, everyone was having a good time.

Ali and Azul wanted to have some private time for themselves but they knew they couldn't abandon a party that was in their honor. But the gazes they were sending to each other and the mischievous smiles were enough to melt their hearts.

The night was going by and they know they had to end the party very soon, for a long day was coming and they knew they had a lot of things to take care of the next day. Azul looked up at Ali, who had kept her hand in his all night, and she smiled tenderly.

"I have something for you, Ali… it's an Alexandrian tradition and Nanny insisted I should prepare it for you." She said softly.

"And what is it, blue eyes?"

"You'll see. Be right back, okay?" She kissed Ali's lips quickly.

"Okay." Ali smiled.

Azul left the room and went to the kitchen. No one noticed her, no one but Aladdin, who followed her into the kitchen un-noticed as well.

When Aladdin entered the kitchen Azul was checking on the pie she had prepared for Ali and humming happily to herself. Aladdin smiled tenderly, she looked so perfectly happy. He really thought his son, Prince Ali was a very lucky man having her by his side. He knew for sure that Azul was going to be Ali's source of love and security forever and he was very grateful for the way she loved Ali, so unconditionally and so deeply.

But at the same time he understood the hard and difficult position Azul was in and how hard it would be for her to get used to the royal life. He knew that for sure, for he had been in the same position many years ago and he didn't want Azul to go through all he had gone through. He was there to offer her all his help and support.

"That is a very nice pie!" Aladdin said softly.

The sudden voice startled Azul. She turned to him and gasped.


"Oh, sorry Azul… I didn't mean to scare you… I was just… uh… what is that pie for?"

"It's for Ali." Azul smiled tenderly. "Nanny told me that the Alexandrian custom is for the couple to eat a sweet meal during dinner… it's a symbol of the sweetness of marriage or something… I decided to prepare this for Ali… for us indeed but… mostly for Ali… you know he loves sweet things."

"Yeah, the boy has a sweet tooth and… and we all know he eats like a horse."

"Yeah." Azul laughed softly. "But he works so hard and he has the army training and all. He really needs to eat."

"Oh Azul, YOU are spoiling my son, do you know that?"

Azul smiled and lowered her gaze. Aladdin smiled and went to her, lifted her head and looked deep into her blue eyes.

"I want to talk to you, daughter… do you have a minute?"

"Sure… what is it, Sultan?" Azul said a little alarmed.

"Oh, it's nothing… not much… I was just thinking… well…"


"Azul, daughter… you… you are just like me. We both are commoners who fell in love with royalty and I know first hand how hard things can be when you try to get used to the royal style and all… I know you've been experiencing it already with the royal events and all. But you have to understand that tomorrow you are marrying Ali and even if I know you love the man you cannot deny that he is a Prince and that is a very big and important part of who he is."

"I know." Azul said worried.

"No, don't be scared. I'm not trying to mortify you. I only want to tell you that tomorrow you will receive your new official title of Princess of Agrabah and all that implies. It's a wonderful thing and a very huge thing too. I know you are going to be the perfect princess Azul because you know how things work in the real world and I've had word of all the things you have done helping my wife and Ali in charity projects and all. The people of Agrabah love you, Azul and that is a big advantage."

"Thank you, Sultan. Your words mean a lot to me."

"I'm just speaking the truth. But my point is that tomorrow, by marrying my son, you'll also become our daughter and that is fantastic because Jasmine and I love you as a daughter… and I hope you keep that in mind. Whenever you feel lost with all the burden of the royal affairs and you need to talk to someone or you need some kind of advice or anything, I want you to know I'll always be there for you. Don't hesitate, come to me… I want you to know you are not alone. We all support and bless this marriage and you know you can always count on me, no matter what."

"Thank you, Sultan." Azul smiled up at him. "I really don't know what to say… you are so kind and so sweet… thank you!"

Aladdin smiled and embraced her fondly. They pulled apart and Aladdin kissed her forehead softly.

"Well then… there you have it. Now I think we better go back to the living room, I don't want my son to think I've kidnapped his bride."

Azul laughed softly. Aladdin smiled at her and thought that his son was very lucky indeed marrying such an angel.

"It's hard to believe you are Sadira's daughter." Aladdin laughed.

"And why is that?"

"Well… for one, you can cook!" He pointed at the pie.

"Mom is a pretty good cook."

"Now… but when she was your age well… no comments!"

Azul laughed and took the pie. Aladdin smiled and motioned to the door.

"Now let's get this pie to that groom of yours… let's go."

They left the kitchen and went back to the living room where no one but Ali and Jasmine had noticed their absence, but the two of them knew what it was all about and they knew Aladdin and Azul needed to have that small conversation.

* * * * *

Azul returned to the living room where all the people were still talking and laughing. It was a very festive atmosphere and Azul smiled, trying to locate Ali in that crowd. Ali was waiting for her to come back so as soon as she appeared there Ali smiled and walked to her side. But Aladdin appeared behind Azul.

"May I have your attention please?" Aladdin raised his voice. "Thank you!"

Ali went to Azul's side and looked at the pie she had in her hands. He was smiling and thinking that he was going to enjoy eating that.

"A pie for me, blue eyes?"

"It's an old Alexandrian custom." Nanny stepped toward them. "The night before the wedding the bride and the groom share this sweet meal, as a symbol of the sweet life that's waiting for them. I suggested that Azul prepare the pie herself and she did."

"Just the way you like it." Azul said softly to Ali.

The prince of Agrabah smiled tenderly and placed his arm around Azul's shoulder. She smiled up at him.

"So, are we going to eat it?"

"Before you do that," Aladdin said taking his wife's hand. "I guess some words from your parents would be nice, don't you think Bassel?"


"Oh well!" Ali laughed taking the pie from Azul's hands and placing it on the table. "I hope this won't take long." He whispered to Azul. "That pie is screaming for me to eat it!"

"Silly Ali!" Azul laughed.

The Prince of Agrabah took her hands and they smiled at Aladdin who was starting with his speech already.

"I don't want to make this long." Aladdin smiled. "I know the wedding ceremony tomorrow will be long enough for all of us so I guess I'll save all my speeches for then but I only want to tell you, Bassel and Sadira, that our family will receive Azul as one of us. She's part of the Royal Family of Agrabah and she's going to have all the privileges and all the love and caring Jasmine and I can give to her. By marrying our son, she's going to become our daughter. I know it's not easy when you have to give the hand of a daughter in marriage, I know that first hand… but there's something wonderful about it too, to know someone loves your daughter so much that he is willing to be by her side and take care of her forever. I know Mahdi has been the best husband we could ask for Yesenia and I am sure Ali is going to be a good husband to Azul."

"The BEST husband you could ask for Azul." Ali completed puffing his chest.

"As for you, Azul." Aladdin smiled at her. "You have been a blessing for Ali. I don't think you have any idea of all the good you've done for him but Jasmine and I, as his parents, know that you came into his life and everything changed for him. Ali has been raised to be the ruler of this kingdom, he's been training with the Royal Army for years, he has lived many adventures, he has fought the powers of evil, he's a war veteran… but Ali is what he is not because of all of that… we are convinced that Ali is the man he is now because of you, Azul. You made a man out of him. A good man. And that is something that his mother and I are very grateful for. We knew Ali would have to marry someday and we prayed for Allah for all our children to marry for love. You were the answer to our prayers, Azul. We have no doubt, Allah in His all infinite wisdom sent you to Ali."

"He sent me an angel." Ali said softly sending Azul a tender gaze. "The most beautiful angel in Heaven. My blue eyed angel… my Azul."

"Oh Ali! Sultan…" Azul was blushing deeply. "I don't know what to say…"

"Well," Jasmine smiled. "I have no doubts this was meant to be. Ali, Azul, tomorrow you are going to get married and we want you to know that you have our blessing. This marriage is a blessing for Agrabah and for us. May Allah bless this union!"

Ali and Azul exchanged looks and smiled tenderly. Azul snuggled up to Ali and he kissed her temple sweetly. He had his arms closed around her and his head resting against the side of her head. Azul kept massaging softly Ali's hands that were clutched on her stomach.

"I have not much else to say." Bassel smiled kindly at the couple. "Except maybe that 25 years ago I was a young merchant who came to Agrabah to bring supplies for the Royal Wedding… I met my wife here… and it's funny that now, 25 years later, I'll be attending my second royal wedding… that happens to be MY daughter's wedding. Somehow things had fallen right into place… we can call it fate, destiny, Allah's will, but the truth is that looking at these kids who are so in love, I can only thank Allah for his blessings upon us. Ali HAS been a blessing for Azul. I think both of them grew up together and they made each other mature. Azul made a man out of him just as much as Ali made a woman out of her. And THIS is the result: a perfectly happy couple. Two people that are so in love that tomorrow will join their lives forever in Holy marriage. Ali, Azul, we also bless your marriage. And I want you to know you've made us so proud and so happy. We love you!"

"Now, now!" Sadira smiled. "It's not a good time to get sentimental. Ali and Azul are happy, we all must be happy for them… so Ali, Azul… a thousand years of happiness for you, kids!"

"And may your marriage be as sweet as this pie you are about to share!" Nanny said handing them a knife.

Everyone in the room started to cheer and clap. Ali and Azul smiled. They knew they didn't even have to talk, for the noise in the room was very loud. They took the knife and cut the pie together.

Ali took a bit of it and fed it to Azul. She took it and smiled dreamily at Ali.

"May our marriage be as sweet as this pie we are sharing, blue eyes!" Ali whispered to her.

"I know it will be, my prince!"

Azul took a bit of pie of her own. Ali smiled and opened his mouth to receive it but Azul smashed the piece into his face and laughed mischievously.

The Sweet Tooth

"Smart girl!" Ali laughed.

The prince dabbled his finger into the cream and smeared it on Azul's face. They were laughing happily. Finally Azul dabbled her own finger into the cream and fed it to Ali. He took it smiling tenderly and pulled Azul closer to him and they kissed sweetly.

The people in the room were very happy and excited to see them so happy and so in love. As they kissed Yesenia and the twins started to throw the white flowers to them. They pulled apart laughing happily at the sudden rain of flowers. Ali caught one of them in the air, kissed it and placed it in Azul's hair.

"Well," Sadira announced happily. "I prepared a cake and some pastries and coffee and tea… Ali and Azul aren't the only ones that will have dessert tonight… c'mon!"

While all the people were concentrating on Sadira's snacks, Ali kissed Azul's lips sweetly and took the pie in his hands.

"What do you say, blue eyes? Want to go to the garden and finish our pie there?"

"You lead the way!" Azul smiled.

Ali took Azul's hand and they sneaked away to the garden of Azul's house. It was a small but beautiful place. Azul had a knack with flowers and she had made a small version of paradise in that back yard of hers.

Ali led her to the small fountain in the middle of it and they sat there. The night was cool and dark, a thousand stars shining in the sky. The soft breeze of the desert messed their hair.

"Well, alone at last!" Ali smiled. "It's amazing, we had a very busy day… the only thing I wanted was to spend this day alone and we have had barely the chance to share private time!"

"I guess that's how it is with weddings and all." Azul smiled sitting by his side.

Ali smiled at her and his gaze softened when she smiled back at him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that, Ali?"

"You… you look beautiful, Azul!"

She lowered her gaze and smiled sweetly. Ali noticed she was blushing and for some reason he felt a blush of his own in his cheeks. Suddenly he was feeling nervous and he didn't know why. But he could say Azul was feeling just as nervous.

Azul looked up at him shyly and he returned the same gaze. They looked at each other for a second in silence and then they laughed nervously.

"This is stupid!" Ali said shaking his head. "I don't know why I'm feeling like this."

"I know." She said. "After all we've been through together… why are we feeling so clumsy and so sheepish now?"

"I have no idea… this is my first wedding too, Azul. This is unknown ground for me too." He laughed.

"I know… don't you feel as if this all was only a dream? I feel like walking on air… it seems so unreal… so blurred… so unbelievable!"

"Oh, believe me, I know the feeling! Our wedding… man! Even the word sends shivers down my spine!"

"Yeah… it's funny, because I wish time could fly but at the same time I wish I could stop time. I don't know what to do with myself, Ali… I'm so happy and so excited but to tell you the truth, a part of me is terrified."

"Oh, that's reassuring!" Ali laughed. "But to be honest… a part of me is terrified too."

"The fear to the unknown, huh?"

"I guess so… the pre-wedding jitters, as my dad calls it. But we'll take this last step together, Azul. And we've proven that there's nothing in this universe we cannot do if we are together."

"I know." She smiled tenderly up at him.

"Well," Ali laughed taking the pie. "Sugar will sure help us so… let's eat this wonderful pie of yours! It's the best pie I've ever had, do you know that?"

"Ali, you are exaggerating again!" She smiled eating her piece of it.

"No, I'm serious… the common pies are sweetened with sugar or honey, this one is sweetened with love… what could be sweeter than that?"

Azul laughed and they stayed there eating their pie and talking softly. They were feeling nervous. Inside their hearts they were in a very philosophical mood but it was impossible for them to put all those deep thoughts into words, so they decided to go for a small talk. They were joking and laughing happily.

After a few minutes they were silent and looked at the interior of the house, where the party continued.

"Do you think they are going to continue with this all night?" Ali asked.

"I don't know. They seem so happy."

"I know. My parents are enjoying this wedding stuff and it seems to me your parents are too. This is as new to mine as it is to yours though. I mean, Yesny's wedding was very different. In Astaseez all was formality and diplomacy. I guess that's the right way to marry when you are marrying royalty. As for me, I'm glad my wedding is more traditional that formal."

"I am too. Even if things are different to me. I AM marrying royalty after all."

"Oh yeah, you are marrying royal blood, but I AM marrying magical blood, how about that?"

"Well…" Azul blushed.

Ali smiled mischievously and nodded to the walls of the garden.

"What do you say, my angel? Want to go for a walk?"

"Oh, geez Ali, I don't know… it's late and we shouldn't escape like this."

"Please?" Ali looked at her with those big puppy eyes. He knew she couldn't resist those.

"Oh, okay." She laughed. "But why go over the wall? We can perfectly go and get out using the door like normal people."

"I have two good reasons: one, we'd never make it to the door with all those people in the house and you know that and two, we are NOT normal people!"

"You have a point there!" Azul laughed.

"So… what do you say? We can take a walk and go to that small, private garden we use to go… the one near the Mosque?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Alright!" Ali stood up. "Then let's go!"

"Oh… wait!" Azul stopped him.


"I think…" She said looking up at his face. "Yes… there's a little pie…"

"Where?" Ali said touching his face.

"Right… here!" She said stepping forward and kissing his lips tenderly.

They pulled apart and Ali sighed happily. He loved when she did that. He loved when she acted like that since usually it was he who took the lead.

Ali didn't say anything, he just led Azul to the wall and they started to climb it slowly. It was not a high wall but Azul's dress made the climbing a little difficult. Ali rushed to get on top of it to help her but in his rush he over rotated his arm and his shoulder hurt. He turned his face away and flinched, trying to avoid any sound. He was glad Azul didn't see him doing that. He helped her up carefully and then he rushed to get to the ground on the other side of the wall. Slowly and carefully he helped Azul down and he grabbed her by the waist when she was almost there and placed her softly on the ground. But his shoulder hurt again and this time he couldn't hide it from Azul.

"Darn!" He said softly as his hand went to his shoulder.

"Ali!" She said alarmed. "Are you okay?"

"Oh… perfect." He muttered and tried to smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine… it's just the stupid shoulder but… that's okay, I'm fine."

A preoccupied expression appeared on Azul's face. She went closer to Ali and he tried to step back but the wall prevented him from doing so. Azul gently pulled the neck of his shirt over his shoulder and she looked at the scar he had there.

"That's okay, blue eyes." He tried to lift the mood. "We both know it's going to take a while before my arm is working fine. But with exercises and all the doctor prescribed everything will be fine in no time, you'll see."

Azul hesitated but finally she touched Ali's scar gently, running her finger through it carefully. She looked up at Ali and his heart broke when he saw the sad expression on his angel's face.

"You HAVE this because of me…" She whispered looking deep into his eyes.

"But its HEALED because of you, too!" Ali responded seriously.

"I feel awful, Ali." She said lowering her gaze.

"Please Azul, not now! Look!" He said placing his finger under her chin and forcing her to look at his face. "See this smile on my face?"


"Well, I HAVE this because of you, too! And this is all that matters to me right now."

"Oh Ali!" She said embracing him. "I love you SO much! And I promise this to you, my prince, from now on I'm going to take VERY good care of you!"

By saying that Azul ran her finger through Ali's scar one more time, tenderly and very gently and then she reached and kissed it very softly. Ali smiled and closed his eyes. He felt his shoulder tingling under Azul's lips.

"Oh Allah!" He barely muttered. "You know, blue eyes… I think I'm going to enjoy this!"

Azul pulled away softly and smiled up at him, fixing his clothes.

"Feeling better?"

"A lot better but… aw, that was it?" He whimpered.

"For now!" Azul winked mischievously at him.

"I swear, this is going to be the longest night of my LIFE!" Ali laughed.

"Let's make it count!"

Azul took his hand and they started to walk down the street. They were going slowly, without any kind of rush. The night was wonderful and very cool and the aromas of the desert came to them. They were looking up at the stars but they were also noticing all the decorations that already were covering the streets of Agrabah, from banners to tapestries, flowers, everything looked fantastic.

"Well, tomorrow's the big day." Ali commented softly.

"Yeah… who could've thought? Me, Azul of Alexandria… marrying a prince?"

"Don't say that my love! You deserve the best!"

"And YOU are the best!"

"I want to believe that!" Ali laughed. "Because otherwise I wouldn't be worthy of you, my angel!"

Azul laughed softly and Ali smiled at her. He loved her laughter. It always made his heart soar with joy. But then he frowned and a stressed expression appeared on his face.

"I wish the guys from Alexandria could see our wedding tomorrow!"

"Oh, don't worry about that!" She laughed. "Nanny is going to make sure they know about this wedding… a VERY detailed version!"

"That's good!" Ali laughed. "I want the world to know I married the most beautiful and wonderful woman on Earth!"

"Well, you almost married Princess Salma… and you were close to spending the rest of your life with Queen Karima!"

"You know, blue eyes, YOU are a mood killer!"

Azul laughed and Ali shook his head, smiling amused.

"What it is like to be the most wanted prince in the Seven Deserts?"

"Oh, SO wanted that only 3 months after I rejected Princess Salma she married another man!"

"She needed to get over you and she used that other man for her dark purposes!" Azul joked.

"Yeah, right!" Ali laughed. "It's sad though, that in the Royal world marriages are for convenience and only rarely for love."

"I know."

"I'm so in love with you, Azul… that I'm going crazy. And I keep thinking THIS is the way love should be. I could never marry someone I don't love… someone I don't ADORE!"

"Marriage… oh sweet Allah, the concept is SO big that I cannot understand it for real… it's something huge!"

"Yeah, the same thing happens to me. I guess I won't believe this until my dad pronounces us husband and wife… I don't know."

"Husband and wife." Azul smiled. "I like the sound of that."

"I do too."



"Do you realize that… that tonight it's the last time we…" Azul didn't end the sentence. She only blushed and lowered her eyes.

"I know." Ali laughed softly and blushed too. "Tonight is the last night we'll ever sleep alone… after tonight we'll sleep in each other's arms night after night… for the rest of our lives."

Azul looked up at his eyes and he returned the same loving gaze. They smiled tenderly and in their eyes they could read a lot of unspoken ideas. Things that didn't have to be put into words because they could read each other's hearts like an open book.

Ali cupped Azul's face and he kissed her cheek lovingly. She grabbed his arm and snuggled up to him, resting her head on his shoulder as they continued walking through the streets of Agrabah.

Finally they arrived in the garden where they used to go to escape from the world every now and then. They had discovered that place the night Ali had returned victorious from war and ever since then it had been a hiding place to them inside the walls of the city. The sweet aroma of the nightly lemon blossoms welcomed them and Ali took a deep breath. That was the unmistakable scent of the woman he loved.

"I'm going to have lemon trees planted in our garden." He smiled. "I love this scent! It reminds me so much of you."

"Well, we can plant them ourselves, sweetie."

"I know… you are going to turn our garden into a real piece of Heaven."

"Our whole house will be a piece of Heaven, you'll see. I'm going to do my best decorating the place and keeping it in perfect condition for you, my love."

"And I'm going to help you with everything. I know we've decided not to have servants and I'm glad. All my life I've lived with armies of servants behind me and that's okay but mom and dad always insisted we should take care of stuff. I always made my bed and kept my room in order… but I want our quarters to be a private place, just for the two of us. Besides, even house work is going to be fun having you by my side."

"Oh Allah! I know how those cleaning sessions will end!"

"Oh well…" Ali laughed. "I promise I'll be a good boy… every now and then."


"But you know, you spoke the truth when you said that our place will be a piece of Heaven, and do you know why?"


"Well," Ali kissed her hand. "Because an angel will be living there."

Azul smiled at him and she sat on the grass. Ali rushed to sit by her side. They looked up at the star covered sky, smiling happily. The nightly breeze messed their hair and they smiled contentedly.

"It's wonderful." Ali whispered. "The perfect night and the perfect company."

"I want to say so many things now, Ali. I mean, about marriage and life and everything but right now my mind is blurred. I cannot think straight."

"The same thing happens to me, blue eyes. But I guess that's okay. We've talked before and I think we have the main issues covered, don't we?"

"I think so."

"Well then, we'll have the rest of eternity to talk about the rest of the issues. I guess tonight we only have to focus on what's coming." He stopped and then laughed nervously. "Man, I feel so stupid! I don't know why but I feel nervous… as if this was a first date or something."

"I do too." Azul laughed softly.

They stayed there in silence for a long time, just lost in their own thoughts, contemplating the night sky and feeling each other's presence. Finally Ali looked at Azul and took her hand.

"I wanted to marry for love… but I never though I'd marry SO in love. Azul, my blue eyed angel… thank you!"

"For what?"

"For all you are. For all you've brought into my heart. For you love, your devotion, your care, your sweetness… for being you."

"Don't thank me Ali. I could never forget what you've done for me. You almost died for me! You were willing to pay my life with your own… you paid the price of my security with your blood… you…"

"Don't Azul! Please, don't!"

"Ali," She said leaning over and caressing his face. "I'm burning in love for you."

"Amazing, isn't it?" Ali said softly, caressing her face. "My dad always told me I should follow my heart… and I did it… I followed my heart… and found my soul!"


"You are my soul, Azul… my life, my inspiration… YOU are my everything and sometimes I think you haven't realized what you've done to me. As my dad said tonight, you've made a man out of me."

"It's so easy to love you!" She said in the same soft tone. "It's so true… it's so magical!"

Ali smiled tenderly and slowly he reached over and caressed Azul's chin with his finger.

"Oh Azul, I'm dying for a kiss from your lips!"

Azul leaned over and they kissed sweetly and gently for a long moment. They kept caressing each other's face while kissing. At that moment passion was not between them but tenderness. An infinite and sweet tenderness. Ali had never understood why but Azul provoked in him a deep tenderness. A feeling no one else in the world could ever provoke in his heart. After several minutes they pulled apart slowly but stayed close to each other.

"Azul…" He cooed, still caressing her face. "Tell me… when you look into my eyes and think 'This is the boy I'm going to spend the rest of eternity with!' what does your heart say to you then?"

"Well, my heart tells me that I'm a lucky girl and that Allah sent all His blessings upon me. My heart tells me you are the most wonderful man on Earth and that I'll live the most blessed life by your side."

"That's so nice!"

"What about yours?" She smiled. "What does your heart tell you when you look at me and think that you are going to spend the rest of eternity with me?"

"YAY!" Ali said pulling her close to a kiss.

They were giggling softly while kissing. They pulled away and Azul caressed his face.

"You are SO cute!"

"For once I don't mind being called that." Ali grinned mischievously. "So tell me, blue eyes, do you think I'm cute when I'm holding this?"

By saying that Ali took his dagger off his belt.

"Ali!" Azul gasped but laughed. "What is that for?"

"Don't worry… no more blood!" Ali laughed. "But I've been meaning to do this for a long time and I think tonight is the right time."

"For what?"

"This garden has witnessed so many episodes of our life. I wanted to leave a testimony… many, many years in the future someone could come and see this and wonder who these persons were and what was their story."

"What persons?"

"The ones who carved their initials in that tree." Ali winked at her mischievously and went to the tree. "A+A just like my pin!" He said beginning to carve the initials.

"Ali!" Azul smiled. "That is just so sweet!"

"A way to claim this place as ours, don't you think?"

"Then I must have the same inscription carved in my heart. Because you've claimed it as yours already."

Ali looked at her and grinned.

"I know… you carved these initials in my heart as well… with fire."

Ali worked for a few minutes and then he smiled triumphantly, very pleased with the result.

"There you have it! A+A… Ali and Azul!"

Azul stood up and went to Ali's side. She touched softly the carved letters and smiled at Ali.

"Together forever!"

Ali leaned looking for her lips. She reached out and took his hand. Tthey pressed their hands together where their scars were and their lips met. They didn't notice it, but while kissing a soft blue light was shinning between their palms. And between them that A+A symbol carved in the tree was an undying declaration of the burning love those two souls shared.

They pulled away after a long moment and they opened their eyes slowly, smiling happily and sighing deeply. Ali reached and caressed Azul's face, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. She rested her head against the trunk and looked amorously at Ali. The prince of Agrabah took her hand and examined her scar carefully, running his finger through it then he opened his own palm and compared both scars. He smiled tenderly and kissed Azul's palm gently. That sent shivers down Azul's spine.

"This bond," Ali said referring to the blood alliance. "Is stronger than any matrimonial contract Azul. We share the same blood."

"We share the same soul!" Azul said softly.

"We are going to be one!"

Azul found her way into Ali's embrace and he hugged her gently against his chest. Azul could feel his throbbing heart, a sound of life she loved. Ali hid his face in Azul's hair and they stayed like that for a long moment.

After a while Azul opened her eyes and looked up at the sky. Ali looked at her face and he thought her eyes had never been more deep.

"It's midnight." Azul announced sadly.

"I know." Ali said. "Do you know what this means?"

"That we should be going now?"

"Yeah… but it also means that today's the day!"

Azul looked deep into Ali's eyes and he returned the same deep look a smile spread slowly across their faces and then suddenly and without any warning, Azul jumped into Ali's arms hugging him tightly.

Ali almost lost his balance but he resisted the sudden reaction of his bride. He closed his arms around her and they start laughing happily.

"We're here!" Ali was saying. "Finally here!"

"Today's the day!" Azul was repeating over and over. "Today's the day!"

They were kissing each other's faces over and over, caressing them and laughing happily. They were so happy that they couldn't believe it. After so many months of pain and uncertainties every thing was perfect then. They were together and they were going to get married. It had been a long way to there but it had been worth it. Worth every step, every tear, every pain… every blessed moment, every kiss, every word, every sleepless night, every blessed day.

Ali grabbed Azul's face and started to kiss her lips over and over as they talked.

"You know… blue eyes…. I think we should… be going now…"

"Yeah…" She said returning his kisses. "It's late… and it's going… to be a… long day…"

"A blessed one…"

Ali stopped and looked deep into her eyes. All of a sudden a very serious expression covered his face. He had that princely look Azul admired so much.

"I love you, Azul." He said in a very serious and formal voice. "I love you more than my life."

"But I already know that, Ali. And you know I love you just as much!"

"I know. But you have to promise me now, Azul… you have to promise that no matter what the future might bring for us, we will keep this love strong and powerful forever. Promise it to me, Azul. Promise me you will love me no matter what. Promise me you will love me when I least deserved to be loved for it will be when I need your love the most. Promise me that we'll be forever this way. That our love will grow and mature but it will never change."

"I promise it, Ali!" Azul said solemnly looking deep into his eyes. "I will love you forever, no matter what. And whatever the future might bring to us, we'll take it together, for we've proven that together we can face anything. I will be there for you no matter what. I'll be there for you until the last day of my life and then we'll spend eternity together."

"I promise the same thing to you, I promise it with Allah as my witness… and on the love I have for you."

"It's a promise." Azul said softly.

"It IS a promise!" Ali said just as soft.

Ali kissed her lips softly and a stray tear escaped the corner of Azul's eye and ran down her face. Ali brushed it away softly with his thumb.

"No more tears Azul… remember? No more tears!" He said grabbing her face and kissing her eyes.

"I love you, Ali."

"I love you too Azul… I always have and I always will."

She rested her head on Ali's chest and they snuggled together for a while. They were there in silence, not saying a word, just feeling each other's presence. Azul was feeling so warm and so protected in Ali's embrace that little by little she started to relax herself and got all sleepy. As much as she wanted to avoid it she yawned. Ali smiled looking down at her.

"Aw, are you tired, cutie?"

"A little… we had a LONG day."

"I know… and we had another long day ahead of us, we better keep going now."

Azul snuggled up to him and he kissed her forehead fondly. Then he took her hand and they looked at the A+A symbol on the tree. They smiled at each other and they left the garden.

"It's going to be a long night." Ali was saying. "And at the same time it's going to be so incredibly short."

"Yeah, I agree."

"We should sleep late, we'll need extra rest for the wedding."

"Only for the wedding?" Azul laughed softly.

"Oh well… whatever." Ali grinned.

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Then Azul started to talk.

"The people at home must be wondering where we are. Even if I know they noticed our elopement. Isn't that scandalous…? Ali?" She said noticing Ali was lost in his thoughts.

"Wha--?" Ali shook his head. "Oh yeah… yeah…"

"Where were you, sweetie?"

"Never mind."

"What?" Azul noticed Ali's stressed expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong… I was just thinking but… I don't think I should start talking about this now… never mind Azul… it's nonsense."

"But I want to know!"

"Well…" Ali hesitated. "I know this is not the best time but… I was remembering that darn night… the night you were kidnapped and…"

"Ali," She said softly. "That is NOT going to happen ever again."

"I know… but I remember that dreadful feeling… the feeling of losing you and… it hurts, Azul… it hurts so bad!"

"You are not going to lose me Ali. You never lost me, not even when I was in Karak. I was not here by your side, but you were in my heart all the time. I never stopped loving you."

"I know… see? Told you it was nonsense.

"Nah, you are just being a good man who's worried for the woman he loves."

"The woman I'll marry in a few hours… and you know?" He said mischievously. "I wouldn't mind watching over you all night!"

"Oh well." She laughed. "I wouldn't mind it either but… I guess we have to wait a little."

"But after tonight we'll be together full time. We'll live together, we'll sleep together, we'll dream together, we'll wake up together…. Allah! It's going to be fantastic!"

"I know," She said. "A dream come true!"

Ali and Azul finally stopped outside Azul's house. It was all quiet and peaceful and they knew the guests had already left.

"Well," Ali said almost sadly. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah…" She responded in the same sad tone. "We won't see each other until the wedding ceremony."

"Aw, I had forgotten about that! That's going to be torture, I'm telling you… TORTURE!"

"I know. But we'll have so much to do that time will fly."

"I don't know. Minutes seems to last eternally when I'm not with you."

Ali leaned over to kiss her but she pulled away playfully.

"Save it for the wedding!" She giggled.

"Aw, c'mon blue eyes! You are going to kill me before then!"

"Oh no! I don't want to be the groom-less bride."

Ali laughed happily. Azul grabbed his face and kissed his lips softly.

"Well," Ali sighed. "This is the last time we say good bye at night… this is the last time we'll sleep alone. This is the last time we'll be away at night."


"Have sweet dreams my love!"

"I'll see you later then."

Azul caressed his face and they smiled softly. They held hands and Azul went to the door. She opened it slowly and entered her house.

"I love you Ali!"

"I love you too… blue eyes."

The door closed and Ali sighed deeply. He walked slowly and looked up at Azul's balcony. He stayed there until her room was illuminated. He smiled tenderly and blew a kiss to her window. Then he turned away and he was going to leave the square when the door of Azul's house opened again. Ali stopped short and looked over his shoulders. He saw Bassel appear there.

"Bassel!" Ali smiled. "I'm sorry for being this late, it's just that…"

"That's fine son… I was wondering… do you have a minute?"

"Sure." Ali turned to him. "What is it?"

"Well," Bassel said looking up at his daughter's balcony. "It's about her."

"Oh I see." Ali smiled. "And I guess I know what you are going to tell me."

"Yeah, I think you know. But I want to say it anyway."

"Well sir… I'm marrying your daughter tomorrow."

"Yes Ali. Tomorrow I'll give her hand to you. She's my most precious treasure, Ali and I know you understand that. I have no doubts about the love you have for her or the love she feels for you. But you have to understand it's not easy for a father to accept that his little girl is getting married. I'm excited and happy but I can't help it. I feel sad too."

"I understand, sir."

"One day you'll have children of your own, Ali, if Allah wishes so. And then you'll understand me."

"Well Bassel, sir, then I want to assure you that Azul is going to be taken care of and protected forever. I am going to put the world at her feet and I'll fulfill her every wish. She's going to have everything. But most of all, sir, I assure you that Azul is going to have ALL the love I can give to her. All the love she deserves. I'm going to love her in the way she deserves to be loved. I don't care much about material things, sir, for me the real important thing about our marriage is love and happiness and I assure you, Azul will have them both."

"I'm so happy to hear you talking like that, Ali. Because that was exactly what I was going to say. Material things are important but they are not the basis of any relationship. It's all a matter of love."

"I will love her, respect her and provide for her, sir. You have nothing to worry about. Azul is going to be in good hands."

"I know and I thank Allah for it. You are the best man I could ask for my daughter, son. And I know you've proven your love and I also know YOU make her happy."

"I'll take good care of her, sir. She's my most precious treasure too. She's my angel, my everything. She's so sacred to me, my greatest blessing, my inspiration, my reason to live, she's my blue eyed angel, my Azul."

Bassel smiled softly and put his hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Be good to her, Ali. She loves you so much."

"I will." Ali smiled.

They embraced fondly and Bassel patted Ali's back. When they pulled away Bassel smiled at his son in law to be.

"Go and get some rest Ali. It's late and you'll need it."

"Yeah… please Bassel, take very good care of her tonight."

"I will Ali, don't worry. Tonight's the last night she's under my protection. After tonight she'll be in your hands."

Ali smiled and looked up at Azul's balcony. Her room was dark already. He sighed happily and smiled to Bassel.

"See you tomorrow at the ceremony Bassel… father in law."

"I'll be there to give the hand of my only daughter in marriage to you, Prince Ali… son."

"Good." Ali smiled. "May Allah be with you… good night!"

Bassel returned the good nights and he entered the house. Ali started to walk away slowly but he stopped by the fountain in the center of the square. He turned and looked at Azul's window again.

"What's the best way to say goodbye for the last time, blue eyes?"

He felt in his clothes and took a little envelope he had there. He had been meaning to give it to her all night but he kept forgetting it. He smiled mischievously and slowly he returned to Azul's house.

"Well, this is the last time I'll do this… a last surprise, my love!"

By saying that he started to climb the wall of the house on his way to Azul's balcony. In a couple of seconds he reached the balcony and he pressed his ear against the door. He smiled when he could hear the soft and rhythmic sound of Azul's breathing.

"Azul?" He called softly.

He could hear Azul groaning softly in her sleep. He took a flower from one of the pots Azul had on her balcony and called again.

"C'mon blue eyes! It's me! Open the door!"

"Ali?" Azul's drowsy voice came to him.

"Yeah, it's me… I'm out here!"

Ali could hear some noises and then the door opened slowly. He smiled when he saw Azul standing there, wearing her night robe and with her dark hair cascading over her shoulders. He loved to see her like that.

"Ali!" Azul scolded him drowsily. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry my angel… I only wanted to give you this flower!"

"Oh Ali." She smiled. "Thanks but… what time is it?"

"You've been sleeping for like 15 minutes I think."

"Have you been spying on me or something?"

"You can say that… besides this is the last time I will climb up to your balcony like this. I didn't want to miss the chance."

"Ali!" She said a little annoyed. "You shouldn't be climbing walls like this! You know your shoulder is not fine and…"

"I know, I know." He said.

"If I don't kill you before tomorrow, YOU will!"

"Oh no!" Ali laughed. "Totally a bad idea, let's not get into it!"

Azul giggled and Ali stepped forward, embracing her softly. She was sleepy and cold and she didn't complain when Ali put his arms around her like that. She rested her head on Ali's chest and closed her eyes sighing happily. Ali smiled and rested his head on top of hers. She was so tiny in his arms. She felt to fragile, so vulnerable. He felt that need again, the need to protect her with his life.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." He said softly.

"That's okay… this is good."

"It is."

"You are so cold Ali… do you want me to get a cape or something for you?"

"No, that's okay. I'm going back to the palace now. I really need some rest but I only wanted to see you one more time."

"You are so cute!"

Ali pulled her away from him gently and outlined her features with his finger softly. His hand went to her chest and he followed the golden chain of her necklace with his finger to the diamond. Azul smiled. It sent shivers down her spine.

"So," Ali said casually, playing with her diamond. "I don't suppose you'd let me see you wearing your wedding gown tonight?"

"No… you'll have to wait."

"Aw! But everybody got to see you wearing that, everybody but me!"

"It's a surprise Ali, I'm afraid you'll have to wait."

"Oh, okay… but you are mean!"

"You know Ali, I REALLY think you should be going… you are delirious." Azul laughed.

"Yeah," He smiled. "I guess this is it…"

He leaned over and kissed her cheek tenderly. She caressed his face.

"Sweet dreams, my angel."

"Sweet dreams, my prince."

Ali went to the balcony and he started to descend. But before he did that Azul leaned over the rail.

"You know what'd be great?"

"What?" He smiled up at her.

"Getting married tonight… right now. It's a perfect night, with the stars, the night breeze, the moonlight.. wouldn't it be just plain romantic?"

"It would." Ali smiled tenderly at her. "But alas, my angel, it's a little late for it."

"I know." She laughed. "See? Now I'm delirious!"

Ali laughed softly and he reached to kiss her lips playfully.

"See you at the wedding pavilion!" He whispered softly.

"I love you, Ali!"

"I love you too, blue eyes!"

Ali descended the wall and he looked up at Azul. He blew her a kiss, winked at her and turned to leave. Azul stayed there looking at him until he disappeared in the corner of the square. She smiled and sighed deeply and entered her room.

When she was closing the door she noticed something in the pocket of her robe. It was a small envelope with the words 'Azul, my Blue Eyed Angel" in Ali's unmistakable handwriting.

"Ali!" She smiled and went to bed.

She lighted her oil lamp and looked at the portrait of Ali she had there. She smiled tenderly and opened the letter and she started to read.

The night previous to Our Wedding.


Tomorrow we are going to get married. We are going to take the vows that will keep us together for life. Marriage is a big step, my angel. A step I wouldn't take with anyone else, but you.

I'm thinking what it really means, it's a commitment to life. It's a joining that is promised for a lifetime, for eternity.

I've been thinking that not everyone is blessed like I am. I am going to marry not only the woman I love above anything in this world. But I'm marrying my best friend, my partner, my ally, my accomplice, my confidant, my listener, my teacher, my playmate, my lover, my supporter… I'm marrying my soulmate.

I wish I could look deep into your blue eyes and tell all these things to you but lately I've been feeling so clumsy and nervous when I'm around you for some reason. It's a cute feeling though but I keep thinking that I'm going to make a fool of myself when we are in the actual ceremony and I'm terrified. But at least I know you'll be there and that reassures me so much.

I'm trying to express my feelings through this letter even if I know the love I feel for you is stronger than any spoken or written words. But I'm trying here… I'm thinking so much about what marriage means to me. It's a promise which takes a lifetime to fulfill. And when I think about a lifetime, my only thoughts are that I want to spend my life by your side. I feel this need for commitment, this need to promise to you that I'll love you forever, that I'll be there forever, no matter what. In loving you I've found my true self. Rather than feeling limited, your love has set me free.

I'm yearning for you now. Burning inside for you. You are my fire, Azul. You came along and you ignited the fire in my heart. It's such a powerful feeling that's been devouring me from the moment I first looked into your blue eyes. From that very moment my heart understood that my soul belonged to you.

I was so foolish trying to conceal that feeling for such a long time and I've always regretted that. I should have known better from the first moment that I was in love with you. Because from the first moment I found in you inspiration, security and peace. Every time I look into those alluring eyes of yours I see myself reflected with a newfound life.

Your eyes, Azul… those gorgeous eyes of yours! I feel the pain whenever they shed tears. And I feel my heart soaring when they are glowing in happiness. When we pull away from a kiss and I find there nothing but happiness and bliss.

Azul, I can't explain what you did to me. I can't explain these feelings I have for you. I can't understand why I feel this way. But I want you to know you are the most precious, sanctified, pure, holy, sacred thing I have in my life. You are essential to me, I just couldn't live without you. We were meant to be, my angel. We were meant to be! You have given a meaning to my life. You've completed the parts that were missing in my heart, my body and my soul. Life is a continuous journey, but I know how blessed I am to have you by my side. Life is OUR journey, Azul. And there's nothing in this world we couldn't take if we are together.

I love you more than my life. Never forget that!

And tomorrow when the sun sets we'll be together forever, joined in our love as husband and wife. The real adventure will start then, my love. The neverending adventure of our everlasting love.

Forever yours,

Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa".

Azul read the letter several times, until she felt she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. She was all teary eyed while reading it and she had a small smile on her face. Finally she folded it carefully and placed it inside the envelope. She placed the envelope by Ali's portrait on her night table and her eyes caressed the small painting.

"Ali!" She whispered amorously. "You always know how to move me inside… and you enjoy doing that, don't you, Prince Ali?"

She smiled tenderly at the portrait and blew up the flame in the lamp. The moonlight entered the room and Azul snuggled up to her pillows, pulling her blanket up to her shoulders. For a moment her mind flew back to Alexandria, to those old days of loneliness and rejection. Those days when she thought she would live her life alone, all by herself. Those old days when she thought love was not for her. And then Ali came along. And now she was going to marry a prince. She, who had been the most unworthy girl of Alexandria was now marrying the Prince of Agrabah.

"I love you Ali!" She whispered drowsily. "I love you…"

Her last words trailed off as she fell into a deep and blissful sleep. The moonlight caressed her face softly making her look like a real angel. She sighed deeply and in her dreams she muttered the sweet name of her prince, as a small smile curved up her lips. In a few hours they sun would rise and the time would finally come to them. The blessed day when they would be finally joined forever in their sacred love.

* * * * *

Ali was laying on his bed. He knew it was very late and a long day was waiting for him. He knew he had to be sleeping by then but he just couldn't. His gaze was lost in the ceiling over his bed and he kept his arms folded under his head.

"Azul." He was muttering. "My blue eyes."

He sighed deeply and tried to take the dark thoughts that were haunting his mind out of his head. Those dark memories of the night Azul had been kidnapped. Just the thought of it made him feel nervous and so lost. He shook his head and closed his eyes.

"That's not going to happen. Not tonight… not this time." He stopped and then a stressed expression appeared on his face. "She's forgiven me… good Allah, when will I forgive myself?"

He turned to his side and looked at the portrait of Azul he had on his night table. He sighed deeply and reached to touch the painting.

"You suffered so much and all because of me, Azul. I still keep thinking that if I had come back to you that night… none of that would've happened… would it? Or was it fate? Was it meant to be?"

He stopped and many memories came to his head. A lot of images of their last journey and all the pain they had to go through. He cringed and closed his eyes.

"It was so much… so much… we were proven in such a terrible way. Dad says that gold is proven in fire but Allah, these wounds in our hearts… those will take a long time to heal." He opened his eyes and looked at the portrait one more time. "And you Azul, you had to suffer the worst part. And what Aswad did to you… and what he wanted to do to you…"

Ali hid his face in his pillow groaning helplessly. He was feeling so stressed and so guilty again. Those images of Aswad abusing Azul came to his mind and he felt that rage in his heart again.

"I cannot change the past." He said as a stray tear escaped his eye. "But I can give you a good future, Azul. I'm going to love you, to adore you forever. Karak is in the past, we have to focus on the future… the scars will always be here but… but I won't abandon you ever again, my angel. I won't disappoint you ever again… I won't desert you ever again. I'm going to give you all my love. All my devotion, all my respect… I'm going to give myself to you."

He sighed and laid on his back once again, staring at the ceiling. He shook his head and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"This is stupid, I'm getting married in a few hours. Happy thoughts should be dancing around my mind… not this kind of dark stuff… oh Allah! I'm getting MARRIED!"

He looked around his room. The room that had been his place for twenty one years of his life. It was so huge and so beautiful. He had always loved that room. He sighed happily at the happy memories he had of that place. All those times when Aladdin had played there with him or when Jasmine came to tell him stories before going to sleep. All the times he had played there with his youngest siblings and how little by little the room had transformed from the room of a kid to the room of a man. When official documents replaced his drawings on his desk and books about economy and diplomacy had replaced his story books on his shelves. And the day he had put Azul's portrait on his night table. And all those moments he had lived there with her, specially in the last week, when she had been always there for him while he was recovering.

He looked at the window seat. They had so many important conversations there. In that room Aladdin had told him what it meant to be a married man. He had such deep conversations with his father there. And then such intimate and deep conversations with his Azul. That place was filled with his memories of a happy life. The blessed life he had lived with his parents.

"And now it's time to move on." He smiled. "To start a new life with her. To put the past behind and look at our future. A future together."

His gaze was lost in space for a long time. But now his eyes reflected all his hopes for the future. He had a happy and dreamy expression on his face as he thought of all that was waiting for them as a married couple. He giggled nervously and turned to Nevi who was laying on bed by his side.

"You know pal?" He said. "We've shared this room forever. You've been here with me from the day I was born and… I must inform you that alas, this is the last time we are together like this… can you believe it, Nevi? Tomorrow SHE will be laying by my side!"

He laughed and hugged his camel toy, rubbing his cheek against the soft fur.

"Azul… oh Allah, she's going to be there forever… always by my side… day and night, day after day for as long as we shall live and then… and then eternity will last forever for us. For my blue eyed angel and for me!"

His eyelids started to get heavy and he understood he really needed a rest. He needed to go to sleep even if only for a few hours. He didn't fight it anymore. He yawned and closed his eyes, his mind still lost in his thoughts.

"It's unbelievable… me, the Prince of Agrabah… the man who never cared much for love or romance… the guy who always thought love was a fairy tale… a magical thing that had only happened to his parents… I'm getting married… for love… Azul, blue eyes… what did you do to me?"

His breath became steady and deep when he finally fell into a blissful sleep, holding his camel toy Nevi. His mouth was curved up in a warm smile and even in his dreams he couldn't stop pronouncing the sweet name of the woman who had given meaning to his life, who had made him the man he was, who was his most sacred treasure. The name of his precious Azul.

* * * * *

Aladdin was sleepless that night. He was staring at the ceiling, his mind lost in his thoughts as Jasmine laid peacefully by his side, sleeping peacefully. Aladdin had a preoccupied expression on his face.

"Twenty five years ago I was living this but being in the center of the event. And now… now my kid is there, he's getting married… Allah, it seems like only yesterday!"

Jasmine moved a little, turning to Aladdin and snuggling up to him. He put his arm around his wife and sighed happily thinking about the kind of blessed life he had having her by his side. He leaned over and kissed her forehead gently.

Jasmine opened her eyes slowly and groaned softly.

"Aladdin?" She muttered.

"Shhh! Go back to sleep!"

"What time is it?"

"Almost dawn." He whispered. "C'mon, go back to sleep, we have to get up early."

"I know." She said snuggling to him.

For a moment Aladdin thought she had gone back to sleep. She was motionless against his body. He sighed deeply and went back to his thoughts. But after a couple of minutes Jasmine's soft voice brought him back to reality.

"Aladdin?" She whispered. "Have you had a wink of sleep tonight?"

"Uh?" He said looking at her. "Jasmine, I thought you were sleeping."

She rolled over on to her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Well… I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"About the wedding, what else?" She turned her head and smiled at him. "And I bet you've been busy thinking about the same thing all night long."

"Yeah… kinda. I've been thinking about so many different things tonight."


"Well, about how different this wedding feels from Yesny's. I mean, I'm just as excited but this time I'm very nervous. It's the first time I'm going to perform the wedding ritual and I'm nervous!"

"Oh, you'll do it just fine!" Jasmine smiled but her smile soon turned into a yawn.

"Well, I hope so. But I'm trying to imagine the moment… the moment I'm going to marry my own son to Azul. Oh Jasmine, I can't stop thinking about Ali when he was nothing but a little baby. A new born… and now I see him as an adult, an adult that's taller and stronger than me. Sometimes it's hard for me to accept the fact that he's not a child anymore… even if he acts like one most of the time."

"Yeah." She smiled absently. "My little boy. I still remember the night he was born. He was so tiny!"

"Yeah." Aladdin smiled. "So warm and so cute… from the moment he looked up at me with those big eyes of his… he won my heart."

"We've raised a wonderful man, Aladdin."

"I know. And I know he's marrying a wonderful woman. And I know he's going to be happy… they will live happily ever after and I feel so happy for them. I thank Allah for all the blessings he's poured on us and on our Ali."

"Yes, praise Allah! Azul is going to make him happy, Aladdin."

"I know that." Aladdin hesitated a little. "But what concerns me is Ali himself."

"Ali?" Jasmine propped herself on her elbow. "Why?"

"I don't know… this is a challenge to me, Jasmine."


"I've been thinking so much about this tonight… about the fact that I never had a father who showed me how to raise a family… I never had a role model. I was on my own, Jasmine."

"But Ali has you, Aladdin!"

"Exactly. And now it's the time to see the kind of father I really was for him. When Ali marries in a few hours, he's going to be a husband, Jasmine. And eventually, if Allah whishes so, he's going to be a father. And in him I'm going to reflect myself, as his role model, won't I?"

"Yeah." Jasmine said caressing Aladdin's face. "But you have nothing to worry about, Aladdin. You've always been the best husband and the best father. And you know how Ali is always looking up to you. He's going to follow in his father's footsteps. You have NO idea how much that boy loves you and admires you, Aladdin."

"I know and that's my concern. Do you think I was the father Ali needed?"

"Aladdin, you are the best father in the world!"

"Oh, I don't know… sometimes I still feel so insecure. No one taught me this kind of stuff. I've been learning and improvising most of the times. Yesny, Cassim and the twins are different. I had more practice being a father with them. But Ali has always been my guinea pig or something."

"Yes." Jasmine laughed softly. "I guess I feel the same way. And I felt the same way about Yesenia when she married. I had my doubts about my motherly role and the influence I had in her life, as a woman and as a wife… and of course as a mother. I never had a mother of my own and I guess I also improvised a lot with her. But she's been married for almost three years and when I look at her I realize that I did it fine, or at least I think so. But I think when it comes to children there's no better teacher than the love we have for them."

"Yeah, I guess you are right. But I think you've been a wonderful mother, Jasmine."

"Well, we, you and I, have been learning on the road. In one way or another our oldest children are adults now and I think we did it fine. We are not perfect and they aren't perfect either but Allah, we've done our best!"

"Yeah, and I know Yesny is doing her best with Mahdi… and Ali has being doing his best with Azul. Now the real challenge will start for the kid."

"At least we have the security that we taught our children the best we could."

"And that despite our mistakes, we've always loved them all with all our heart."


"We've raised a wonderful family, Jasmine."

"We have." Jasmine said laying on Aladdin's chest.

They stayed like that in silence for a long time.

"Ali is SO like you." Jasmine whispered after a while. "He's going to be the best husband and the best father."

"It's hard to think of him like that. I never thought he'd be ready for such a commitment."

"Well, such is love."

"Yeah, and I'm so happy to know that our two kids have married for love. And I pray to Allah to send love for Cassim and the twins, when it's their chance. The kind of sincere, deep and burning love He sent to Yesny and Ali… and to us to begin with."

"He will, Aladdin. I have no doubts about it."

"When I look into Ali's eyes I see that fire. That light that was never there until the moment Azul came into his life. That love is the real thing."

"It's a sacred thing."

They sighed happily and closed their eyes. Dawn was about to come and they knew that as soon as the sun rose they had to get up. They had a very busy day ahead.

"I better get some sleep." Aladdin whispered drowsily. "I don't want to fall asleep in the middle of the ceremony."

"Oh no!" Jasmine giggled. "You don't want to ruin your son's wedding!"

"Of course not! That'd be a thing Ali would never forgive me for."

"Well then, have some sleep my love."

Jasmine looked up at him and he leaned over to kiss her lips. She snuggled against his chest and closed her eyes. Aladdin embraced her and rested his head on her hair.

"Yours is going to be a wonderful, blessed marriage, Ali." He thought. "Just as ours has been."

He kissed sweetly Jasmine's forehead and closed his eyes, determined to get a couple of hours of sleep before the sun rise of the big day came.

*        *        *

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