Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy



The light of the morning entered Azul's room caressing her face softly. It was very unlike her to sleep late but that morning she was still sound asleep and it was obvious she wouldn't get up any time soon. The soft sunlight reached her eyes and she cringed, muttered some incomprehensible words and rolled over, groaning softly.

Her hair was going everywhere on her pillow and she had a small contented smile on her lips. She was peacefully sleeping. She hugged her pillow and snuggled against it, moving until she found a comfortable position. She sighed deeply and her breathing became slow and steady again, a clear signal of her sleep.

She was having the most sweet and pleasant dreams and it was quite obvious by the expression she had on her face. It was a mixture of peace, happiness and hopes for the future.

After a while she moved a little and she opened her eyes slowly, winking several times. After that she was motionless, her eyes half opened and a small yawn escaped her throat. She closed her eyes again. She was sleepy and her mind was blank.

It almost seemed as if she had fallen asleep again, but suddenly her big blue eyes opened wide and she gasped.

"Oh Allah!" She muttered. "Today's the day!"

Her eyes went to Ali's portrait on her night table and a small and warm smile appeared on her face.

"So… this is it, Ali… this is the day."

She moved a little on the bed until she found a new comfortable position. She was laying on her side, hugging her pillow and gazing lovingly at Ali's portrait. Her face was glowing under the morning light and her eyes were shinning as never before. For a long moment she stayed there, lost in her dreams.

It had been a very pleasant night and she had had a very good sleep. She was feeling very relaxed and happy. She always thought she'd be more nervous but at least by then she was feeling good. Excited and a little impatient but not nervous at all.

"My wedding day." She giggled softly. "What were the chances?"

She sighed deeply and closed her eyes. Her mind flew back to Alexandria, to those days when she used to wander all alone through the streets of that big city. Back then when every single person there was asking her parents and Nanny when she'd marry and who she'd marry. She remembered how stressing it was for her there and how marriage was never part of her plans. She always thought she'd grow older all by herself, having no one to share her life. And she was fine with that, since she was convinced love was not part of her scheme of things. But when she went to Agrabah and met Ali, her whole world changed. Ali turned her world upside down.

"And today I'm marrying you." She opened her eyes and smiled tenderly.

She closed her eyes again and giggled softly trying to imagine the kind of blessed life that was waiting for her right ahead. A life she'd share with her prince forever. She thought about the surprises she'd prepare for him, the decorations they'd chose for their apartments, the way they would schedule their days in order to spend as much time as possible with each other. She also thought about the new responsibilities that she'd be accepting by marrying Ali. She was going to be the Princess of Agrabah and she was aware of that and she accepted it, not because she wanted to be a princess, but because she knew Ali was a prince and it was a part of him he couldn't deny. It was part of who he was and by accepting him as her husband she was also accepting all that came with it, including a Royal title and most important, the royal responsibilities.

"I'll have to learn a lot of stuff." She whispered. "But I know you'll be there to teach me, Ali. I'm going to do my best. It's not easy and the idea of marrying a prince is so huge to me but… but then I think that prince is you, Ali… and that changes things because YOU are a real prince… in every single way."

She snuggled more against her pillows and yawned softly. She wasn't fully awake and she was wondering if she was dreaming. If it was a dream or if she was going to marry Ali for real.

"This is the last time I wake up in this room." She was thinking. "This is the last time I slept alone… from now on I'll have you with me day after day, Ali… night after night… sleeping together, dreaming together… and I'll open my eyes every morning just to find your handsome face there… Allah, those are going to be blissful awakenings for me!"

She smiled and a thousand silly thoughts came to her head. She was wondering if Ali snored of if he was a kicker when he was sleeping. She giggled again and sighed happily.

"I never lost my faith in you when I was in Karak." She thought. "But I never thought this day would come either. Every time we talked about our wedding, it seemed so far away and so unreal… and now… here we are Ali… the time has come… and today's the day…"

Her thoughts trailed off and she began to fall asleep again, as much as she was trying to avoid it. She couldn't keep her eyes open and she started to doze off.

Suddenly the door of her room opened and she blinked a couple of times at the sound of it. She groaned and turned to the door to see who was there.

"Azul!" Sadira said. "It's getting late and we have so much to do today! You should get up now!"

"Aw mom!" She protested. "But I want to stay in bed for a little longer."

"No time for that!"

Sadira went to pull up the curtains. Azul cringed and covered her face with her blanket. Her mother came to her side and pulled the blanket away.

"C'mon! Up! You have to have lunch and then we'll start with the preparations… you need to take a long relaxing bath and then we'll start with your hairdo… man, that's going to take us a while! C'mon Azul, we don't have all day!"

"Aw mom!" She protested again sitting on the bed and putting her robe over her blue pajamas. "It's still early!"

"Yeah, but time flies." She looked at her daughter.

Azul's hair was going everywhere and she looked specially messy that morning.

"Ew!" Sadira mocked. "Is this the gorgeous bride? You look TERRIBLE!"


"We'll have to work a lot with you but don't worry, your grandmother and I are miracle workers!"


"What? It's a fact of life, dear. THIS is the image Ali is going to see every morning, but don't worry, he'll get used to it!"


"Don't worry!" Sadira pinched Azul's cheek. "He won't be any better so… And well, just to cheer you up, let me get something for you…"


Sadira left the room and a few seconds later she came back carrying a huge bouquet of white flowers of all kinds, including springs of lemon blossoms, Azul's favorite flowers.

"This is beautiful!" Azul smiled.

Sadira placed it on the table and Azul took a deep breath, inhaling the delicious aroma of the flowers.

"It's from Ali." Sadira smiled at her daughter. "It was delivered this morning by one of the palace servants."

"Ali!" Azul smiled.

"Okay little lady," Sadira said. "I'll go downstairs to prepare your lunch. I'll see you there in 15 minutes, okay?"

"Okay." Azul said still smelling the flowers.

"And don't go back to sleep!"

Sadira left the room but before Azul could do anything Nanny entered.

"Good morning sweetheart!"

"Oh Nanny! Good morning! Look! Aren't these the most beautiful flowers ever?"

"They are… Ali really knows how to treat a woman, doesn't he?"

"He manages." Azul giggled. "Oh, I'm missing him already, Nanny! I don't think I could go to the palace to visit him if only for a while before the ceremony this evening?"

"Of course not!" Nanny smiled mischievously. "Let's make him suffer!"

"That's mean." Azul smiled.

"We have a lot of things to do, Azul. Time will fly, and when we least expect it, it'll be time to go to the palace… it'll be time for you to leave this house… forever."

"Aw Nanny!" Azul sat on bed. "You're making it sound awful."

"It's not awful." Nanny said sitting by her side. "It's wonderful. It's the beginning of a new life with your husband. And let me tell you Azul, there's no better man for you than Ali. I'm so happy!"

"I know. He's the only one for me."

"Did you guys have a good time after the party last night?" Nanny winked at her.

"Yeah." Azul responded dreamily. "A very good time."

"Well," Nanny laughed. "The rehearsals are over… time for the main event! And you two really practiced a lot!"

"Nanny!" Azul blushed.

"C'mon sweetheart, no need to blush. I can't blame you, if I were you I couldn't keep my hands off him… he's a hunk!"

"Aw Nanny!" Azul blushed deeply. "Not today!"

"Well, I'll save my comments for later then!" She winked at Azul.

Azul blushed even more and lowered her eyes. A small mischievous smile appeared on her face. Nanny looked at Azul's night table and discovered Ali's letter there. She smiled at her granddaughter.

"So, the kid sent you a love letter with those flowers?"

"No… he gave that letter to me last night indeed."

"It's a romantic one?"

"It's the sweetest!"

Suddenly Azul's face was illuminated by a sudden idea. She smiled from ear to ear and turned to Nanny.

"Nanny! Could you please do me a favor?"

"What kind of favor?"

"Oh, it's not much. I want to write a small note for Ali, just thanking him for the flowers and stuff… could you please take it to the palace for me?"

"Sure sweetheart!"

Azul ran to her desk and sat there, taking paper and her quill and she wrote frantically for several minutes. Nanny stayed on the bed just looking at her granddaughter. Her little girl who was going to get married that day. It was so exciting for Nanny to attend that wedding, for Azul not only had been her favorite grandchild all her life but also because she always thought Azul deserved a prince. And she was going to marry the most wonderful prince of them all. And to see Azul so happy and so full of life made her happy.

"Here!" Azul announced proudly.

"Well, well, well… you were inspired!" Nanny smiled.

"When it comes to Ali, I always am!" She smiled and gave the little envelope to Nanny. "Could you please take it to the palace then?"

"Of course my dear! Any excuse to visit the palace is a good one as far as I'm concerned… so… I don't suppose I could take a look at it?"


"Just kidding!" She laughed. "Now c'mon, while I go to the palace, you go to have lunch with your parents. You have a long day ahead and you need a good meal!"

Nanny put her arm around Azul's shoulders and the two of them left the room, closing the door softly behind them.

* * * * *

II was almost noon when Aladdin opened softly the door of Ali's room. The place was silent, which meant that Ali was still sleeping. That was not really a surprise, but it was getting late and they had a lot of things to prepare.

Aladdin entered the room and went to the bed. He smiled when he looked down at his boy. Ali was peacefully sleeping resting on his side and holding Nevi. His messy hair covered his eyes and he noticed the steady raising and falling movements of his bare chest. He was sound asleep and he looked so peaceful and so young.

Aladdin smiled thinking that he had the same expression he had when he was just a little baby. It was hard to imagine then that the little baby melon would grow up to become the man Aladdin had before him. And yet, Aladdin knew that no matter what, Ali would always be his little boy.

"But today you'll take your final step into adulthood, son." Aladdin smiled. "You'll change that stuffed camel for your angel. You are getting married today Ali… make me proud son! In you I'll evaluate my role as a father. Please, don't let me down!"

Ali moved and groaned, changing position and finding a new comfortable position but he didn't wake up. Aladdin smiled thinking that his son had always been a sleepy head, since he was a baby. He had been owl by night and sleepy head by morning.

"Ali!" Aladdin shook Ali's shoulder softly. "Wake up, sleepy head!"

Ali mumbled some incomprehensible words and hid his face in Nevi's fur.

"It's getting late, son… and you have a lot of things to do!" Aladdin said a little louder.

Ali cringed and covered his head with his blanket. Aladdin laughed softly and pulled the blankets away.

"C'mon Ali!" He said loudly. ""Somebody's going to be late for his own wedding!"

Ali's eyes opened wide and he practically jumped off the bed.

"Allah!" He said.

But the reaction was so sudden that Ali tangled himself with his own sheets and when he tried to get up he fell to the ground. Nevi flied away and Aladdin caught it in the middle of the air, laughing amused when Ali disappeared over the edge of the bed and a sound was heard.

"Ough!" Ali groaned but immediately his head reappeared over the edge of the bed.

"I can't believe it!" Aladdin laughed and placed Nevi on the bed. "Getting married in a few hours and still sleeping with stuffed animals!"

"Married!" Ali said trying to free himself from the tangled sheets. "Today's the day! Today's the day!" He was muttering over and over. "What time is it? What time is it? Ahhh! I overslept!" He said reaching for his robe.

Aladdin was laughing. It was really funny to see Ali like that. It was something he knew would never change, the fact that Ali was still just a kid at heart.

When Ali finally got out of his fluster and of his tangled sheets, he stood up, his hair going everywhere, his robe hanging off one shoulder. Aladdin took a look at him and he tried to stifle a giggle.

"So this is the gorgeous groom?" He finally gave up and laughed. "Kid, you look TERRIBLE!"

"Hey!" Ali tried to protest but he ended up just rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"And to think this is the Ali Azul is going to see every morning from now on." Aladdin sighed helplessly.

"She's seen me worse than this… I bet she'll think I'm cute like this!" Ali said drowsily.

"Well, speaking of which," Aladdin showed him a small envelope. "This came to the palace this morning… it's from Azul."

"Azul?!" Ali's eyes widened. "Is she alright? What's that note for?"

"I don't know."

"Oh Allah!" Ali freaked. "What if she's sick? What if she wants to cancel the wedding?"

"Silly boy!" Aladdin laughed.

"Let me see that, dad! C'mon, give it to me!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Aladdin smiled raising his arm and keeping the note back from Ali. "Hold on there, big boy!"

"Dad!" Ali protested annoyed. "Don't be mean and give it to me!"

"It's not that easy!" Aladdin laughed. He enjoyed making Ali suffer like that. "Catch it and it's yours!"

"Dad!" Ali said jumping around, trying to catch the little envelope. "You drive me crazy! C'mon! Let go!"

"You are really slow, boy!"

"Dad! I'm going to tell my mommy you are being mean to me again!"

"I can't believe you can't get to this note!" Aladdin laughed.

"Give it to me!" Ali was jumping all around Aladdin. "Give it to me! Give it to me!"

"I wonder what Azul would think if she could see you jumping around in your boxers like this? That and your horrible looks would be enough for her to call the wedding off!" Aladdin mocked.

"DAD! You are mean!"

Ali finally reached the note and Aladdin laughed happily. Ali smiled and smelled the soft scent of azhar flowers, the unmistakable scent of Azul.

"Lemon blossoms!" Ali told his father. "Amazing, isn't it? How a simple scent can have such a deep meaning."

"I know." Aladdin smiled thinking about Jasmine's own scent.

"Do you know if the flowers were delivered to Azul's house this morning as I ordered?"

"Relax kid!" Aladdin patted Ali's back. "Everything is under control."

"Aw dad, I'm SO nervous and SO excited!" Ali smiled. "Today's the day!"

"I know, and we have a lot of things to prepare so you better get ready."

"Okay… I-I only want to read Azul's letter first."

"Fine." Aladdin nodded. "Read that letter and then put some clothes on and go to the dinning room to have lunch. After that you have to go to take your bath and get ready. We have no time to lose."

"Yes, dad."

Aladdin smiled and went to the door. He was leaving the room when Ali's voice stopped him.


"Yes?" Aladdin said turning around to look at Ali.

"I'm getting married today!"

Aladdin smiled warmly at him and nodded. Ali returned the same warm and happy smile and sighed deeply.

"It's getting late." Aladdin said softly. "Get some clothes and fix that explosion on your head… see you in the dinning room."

Aladdin left the room and Ali laughed softly. He put his robe on and ran his fingers through his hair trying to fix that explosion he had for hair. Then he went to his window seat and sat there, opening the envelope.

He smiled when he saw the note. It was not fancy paper like the stationery they used in the palace, but Azul managed to make it look lovely, with a lot of intricate designs around the page, including several crescent moons and some azhar flowers here and there. And her beautiful handwriting was enough to make that little note look like the letter of a queen.

Our Wedding Day

Good morning, my love.

I woke up this morning knowing that my life is going to change today. Change in a great way. From the moment I opened my eyes this morning I've been thinking about you all the time, I just can't get you out of my mind. And I know you even were in my dreams last night.

I can't believe the ways you have to make me feel so loved and so special. That BEAUTIFUL letter you sneaked into my pocket last night was the sweetest letter you have ever written to me. When I was reading it I was feeling this cute feeling inside me. I think deep inside of you there's a poet, my love. And also the flowers this morning. Those were a beautiful and pleasant surprise.

I'm suffering from Ali deprivation already and I wanted so bad to see you today before the ceremony but I know that's impossible. My family would never allow me to leave this house before it's time to do that and I know you must be so busy at the palace too (sleeping mainly!). So I asked Nanny to take this little note to the palace, just to let you know how much I love you and how much I miss you.

Ali, do you realize we're joining our lives forever today? I've always felt so close to you in every possible way and even more after Karak. You and I share the same blood, my prince. But now this alliance, this bond between us will be deeper and stronger than ever. Today we'll be one… forever and ever.

I remember that evening when we first met and all the feelings you provoked in me. How fast we became friends and how strong our love grew. And in spite of it all, in spite of all the pain, the troubles, the difficulties, the wars… in spite of it all, we crossed the forbidden line, we challenged the world and we decided to love each other, even if love between a prince and a common girl seems so wrong for most people. But what we have between us is so true and so strong that I know this is the real thing. This is real love. This was fate, Ali. We were meant to be. YOU, Ali, you are my only destiny.

And I've been thinking about these two years we've spent together, about all the good and the bad moments and you know what? I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't trade these two years for the world!

You love me, Ali. That is so huge and important to me. This is something I never thought I'd feel. Love, pure love. And for me love IS you, my prince.

Tonight, when we meet in the wedding pavilion, we'll be starting a brand new life together. You and me, Ali. No one else. You and me united in love and starting a new way into our future. A future of love and happiness. A future without pain or fear.

I love you, my prince!

Forever Yours,

Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal."

Ali smiled and sighed deeply. He pressed the letter against his heart and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes.

"Azul!" He whispered softly. "Allah, I'm burning for you now… I can't take this any longer! Not anymore! Not anymore!"

He looked at the window and from there he tried to spot the part of the city where Azul's house was located. He tried to imagine what she was doing there, getting ready for their wedding and how astoundingly beautiful she was going to look in that wedding dress, because no matter what she wore, she always looked gorgeous in Ali's eyes.

"Two years." He thought. "You've been here for two years and yet it seems to me you've been here by my side all my life. Oh, I don't know what I'd do without you, Azul. I couldn't live without you and that's the truth. I'm going to take good care of you, my angel. I'm going to provide for you, I'm going to love you, to respect you, to make you blissfully happy. I'm going to make you so perfectly happy that you'll never regret this step we are about to take. I've been blessing the second I saw you for the first time… and now I know I'll live the rest of my life blessing the moment I take you as my wife."

He read the letter all over again and then he looked up at the blue sky. Her eyes were all teary and he had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, All Merciful, Sweet Allah! Thanks for the angel you sent me to watch over me. I'm going to be the best husband… the best father… the best man in the world. Please Allah, don't take her away from me ever. I want to die the second before she does, that way I won't have to live a second without her on this Earth."

Ali stopped and sighed deeply, folding the letter carefully and going to his desk. He stared at the portrait of Azul and himself he had there and smiled tenderly.

"But what am I saying? This is a happy day! Death is way behind us now, blue eyes. We only have a future of love waiting for us."

He kissed Azul's image in the painting and sighed happily.

"This is forever, Azul… this is forever, my sweet, beautiful blue eyed angel! And forever… forever is going to start tonight!"

Ali left the letter there on his desk and then went to his mirror, looking at his own reflection. He laughed amused and tried to fix his hair.

"Well, if you don't panic and run away tomorrow morning when you open your beautiful blue eyes and you discover the demon you have for a husband, then I'll know our marriage will last forever!"

He smiled tenderly at the thought of Azul being by his side the next time he'd open his eyes in the morning. He thought that it had been the last time the morning light would ever find him sleeping alone and just the thought of him holding Azul's tiny and warm body against him through the night was enough to make him feel a warm tenderness inside.

"Man!" Ali laughed. "These are going to be the longest hours of my life!"

He giggled playfully and started to get ready for lunch. He knew he had a lot of things to take care of before the ceremony but he also knew that things were for real this time and the nervousness he felt in his body was only exceeded by the happiness and the excitement in his heart and soul. In a few hours he was going to marry Azul, the woman he loved so deeply and so sincerely and one more time he thanked Allah for her and he prayed for himself, for he knew he had to be the best husband ever, for his Azul only deserved the best.

When he was ready he sent a last loving look to the portrait of Azul he had on his night table and smiled tenderly at her.

"See you at night!"

Ali winked mischievously at the portrait and by saying that he left his room.

* * * * *

The sun was shinning high in the sky. The day was perfect for a wedding. It had been a warm day with a very deep blue sky and very few clouds. That day Agrabah was shinning under the sun light and from the first hours of the morning the celebrations had started in the streets of the city.

The people were anxious for the wedding ceremony itself. They knew it was scheduled for nightfall and they knew it was going to be a celebration to remember. The Heir Prince of Agrabah, the first born son of Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine was getting married. The man who had saved the deserts from the forces of evil, but most of all, Agrabah's prince. The young man that day after day had been working hand in hand with the people of Agrabah. They loved their prince deeply and sincerely and all of them were praying to Allah to pour all his blessings over that marriage.

The fact that Ali wasn't marrying royalty was especially exciting for the people of Agrabah. He was marrying a commoner, just like his mother years ago. That made the people of Agrabah feel closer to royalty. Even if Agrabah's Royal Family knew that royalty was much more than just fine titles, real royalty was service and devotion for the people of the city and Prince Ali had proven himself royal in the eyes of the people of Agrabah several times in the past.

The people were waiting impatiently for the moment to come. They wanted to see the royal guard that would escort Lady Azul from her home to the Royal Palace. They wanted to see the royal couple after the wedding ceremony, they wanted to celebrate and they wanted to see the wonderful fireworks spectacle that Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine had prepared for the newlyweds.

The festive atmosphere was impossible to hold back anymore. The streets of Agrabah were bursting with excitement already.

In Azul's house everything was rush and excitement as well, but after lunch Azul decided to have a quiet and private time, just for herself.

She wanted to relax herself and she knew she had to get in touch with herself before the ceremony, otherwise she'd be so nervous when the time came that she could pass out.

She needed to take her bath and after that Sadira and Nanny would work with her hair and her dress. But she decided to take things easy at least during her bath. She prepared her tub with warm water and she poured a bottle of her lemon blossom perfume in the water. Nanny had gotten for her a full line of bath oils with the same scent of lemon blossom. It was her favorite scent in the world and she knew how much Ali liked it as well.

She entered her tub and relaxed there in the warm water. She leaned back and closed her eyes, sighing deeply and happily. The sweet scent of the lemon blossoms calmed her nerves. A small smile appeared on her face and she let her mind wander.

"Finally!" She thought. "My wedding day… I keep repeating that over and over and still it's so unbelievable. Allah, this is SO big… this is HUGE! Today my life is going to change forever. After today I won't be the same… today I won't be a girl anymore… today I'll be a woman… Ali's woman!"

She giggled happily and sank under the water. She stayed there for a long moment and finally she came back up. Her dark hair was completely soaked and she giggled again, leaning back and smiling peacefully. She opened her blue eyes and looked up at the small window in the bathroom. The sky was particularly blue that day and she smiled. It was just the perfect day.

Azul closed her eyes again and for a long moment she stayed there, motionless. It almost seemed as if she had fallen asleep. But the smile on her face and her peaceful expression revealed that she was daydreaming.

"Ali…!" She whispered sweetly after a while. "My beloved Prince Ali."

She opened her eyes and reached her soap. She was rubbing it gently against her arms and shoulders while she kept daydreaming.

"Ali's wife…" She was talking to herself. "Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Ababwa… it sounds so… nice. I know it's hard to lose my maiden name but… it's not a loss. Queen Jasmine told me I could keep both last names if I wanted to. Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal Al-Ababwa…" She stopped and giggled. "That's HUGE! And I know I'll always be an Al-Rahaal, I'll keep my Bint-Bassel name... but I really want to have Ali's name too… Al-Ababwa… I want to make sure that I'm his, totally and unconditionally."

She continued rubbing the soap against her skin while humming happily. She was feeling very excited and very happy even if her nervousness was becoming worse by the minute.

"I never thought marriage was like this… it's all so special, so sweet, so powerful and magical. To marry the man you love, to know he's going to be your life time partner. That no matter what you can always count on him and at the same time to know you will be always there for him… always! When I was in Alexandria I saw so many brides that came to my father's shop to buy supplies for the wedding… and a lot of them looked so scared… others looked sad… others were simply emotionless and very few looked happy… I always thought marriage was a burden, an obligation… until the day I met Ali. Then I realized THIS is the way love should be!"

She sank under the water once again and when she came back up she reached for her bath oils.

"Things felt so different in Karak, when Aswad wanted to…" She stopped and a stressed expression appeared on her face. "I was so scared then… the idea repulsed me… just the thought of it made me sick… scared me… I was terrified, I wanted to die! Just the thought of Aswad… of him coming close to me… no, Allah! It was terrible! It was… horrible!"

She poured the bath oils on her hair and leaned back, resting her back against the tub. She still had a worried and stressed look in her face.

"I shouldn't be thinking about that now!" She scolded herself. "This is a happy day! Those kind of dark thoughts aren't allowed today! Focus Azul, focus! Karak is behind you, and your only future is Ali! Forget about the past!"

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. The worried expression softened little by little until a sincere and dreamy smile appeared on her face.

"Things feel so different now." She whispered. "Things are so different with Ali… this feels so good, so right… so sacred. It's all so sweet and so full of love. So many feelings and so many emotions in such a little heart! Oh Allah, I don't think I could hold this inside my heart any longer! Ali, my beloved prince! This love is burning inside me, it's burning me out. I never thought I'd live through this, that I'd feel this kind of love… it's so powerful that it's almost painful."

She sighed happily and for a moment she stayed there in silence, her eyes closed and just lost in her happy thoughts.

"It's such a big love…" She whispered softly after a while. "It's such a pure love! The moment you came along you filled my life with a new energy. You gave me a new life, a new meaning, you were a new start for me, Ali. You filled this emptiness I always had in my heart before you. You are my only love, my Prince. My first and only love. No one in this universe could fill in my heart the place you have. You can only live this kind of burning love one time in your eternity and I was blessed enough to find my love… to find the missing pieces of my heart in you, Ali."

She stayed in silence for another long moment. She was playing absently with the water in the tub and a small warm smile curved her lips up.

"You filled me with this special love… this powerful love. This sacred, celestial love. You are all over me, Ali. Inside and out. I was a very lonely girl but from the moment we first met I've never been alone anymore… not even in the darkest times… not even in Karak. You are always here with me, my love… day and night, you are ALWAYS here. I feel your presence with me every second of the day."

Azul sighed deeply and closed her eyes. She stayed like that for a long time, just feeling the warm water around her body and enjoying the sweet scent of the lemon blossoms.

"And now we're getting married… today's the day and the seconds seem to last eternally! This is a sweet dream that's about to come true… this is the day where our love is going to be immortalized by the holy bond of marriage… a BIG step that we'll take together Ali… I have no doubts about this. I've never been more secure about anything in my life… I've lived all my life to live this moment, the moment my life will be forever linked to your life… from now on it's OUR life Ali… OUR life together. And just the thought that you'll be there to share this moment with me… that you'll be the man by my side when your father pronounces us husband and wife… that after the sacred kiss I'll open my eyes just to discover YOU standing there… oh Allah! THIS is a dream! This HAS to be a dream! I don't think I'm able to resist this any longer! Oh Ali, I love you so much! I want you so much! I want to spend the rest of my life by your side… forever and ever… Ali, how I love you!"

She smiled tenderly and closed her eyes one more time. She was relaxing herself when a knock at the door startled her. She jumped and her big blue eyes opened wide.

"Azul! Could you please hurry up!" Sadira's voice came to her. "It's getting late and your hairdo it's going to take a while! Get out of there! You'll become a mermaid if you stay in there another minute!"

"Mom!" Azul protested from the inside. "You startled me!"

"You are getting people very nervous out here. Your father is going to suffer a heart attack and Nanny is getting impatient… and I thought you had drowned in that tub or something! C'mon, get out of there or you'll turn into a raisin!"

"I'm coming!" Azul responded amused.

She sank herself under the water for the last time and stayed there for as long as she could, until she had to come up for air. She reached for her warm towels and left the tub, wrapping the towels around her body and hair.

"Well," She sighed deeply. "Here I go… it's time to transform myself into a princess worthy of my prince! May Allah help mom and Nanny!" She giggled.

She left the bathroom and entered her room where Sadira and Nanny were already waiting for her to help her get ready. The only had a few hours and they had so much to do. They were going to turn Ali's blue eyed angel into a royal princess.

* * * * *

Ali entered his private bathroom and groaned, throwing his robe aside and jumping into the water. He could have taken his bath in the palace's hammam but he preferred a more personal thing and went to his private bathroom.

"Everyone keeps embarrassing me!" He muttered helplessly remembering some incidents during lunch with the family. "They are so mean!"

He sank under the water and a bunch of bubbles came to the surface. He stayed under the water for as long as his lungs allowed him to. Then he came up gasping for air, his wet bangs covering his eyes.

"I'm getting better and better at this!" he said playfully.

He sank again and almost immediately he came up and a stream of water came out if his mouth.

"I'd make a pretty good fountain!" He said amused.

"Ali!" Aladdin knocked at the door. "Are you in there, son?"

"Wha--?" Ali jumped. "Oh.. yeah! I'm taking my bath already!"

"Do you need anything?"

"No… I'm fine!"

"Good." Aladdin said and left.

Ali closed his eyes and leaned back, resting against the wall. A small mischievous smile appeared on his face and he sighed happily.

"This is for real!" He whispered. "Azul… my wife… I just… I can't believe it!"

He kept his eyes closed and that little smile on his face for a long time. He was lost in his own thoughts. Lost in his memories and lost in the feelings he had in his heart at that moment.

"It all seems like a dream!" He said out loud after a while. "The moment I entered that room and saw that GORGEOUS girl standing there I knew my life had just changed forever and for good. Later on I discovered she is not a woman, she's not even a mortal… Good Allah, she IS an angel!"

Ali opened his eyes and sighed loudly. The face of his blue eyed angel appeared in front of him in his day dream and he smiled tenderly.

"She has the most wonderful eyes I have ever seen… so deep, so blue… and the way she looks at me. That expression on her face every time she looks at me… it's priceless. That soft smile… those alluring eyes… the sound of her voice… the softness of her touch. She's perfect! Oh, I wish I could cover her with kisses, from head to toe! She's just so beautiful that it's driving me crazy! I've been holding this fire for two years but not anymore, my angel… I'm going to love you like no man has ever loved a woman! Oh yeah, I'm going to make you happy! Oh, so perfectly happy!"

Ali smiled dreamily and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to keep the image of his Azul in his mind all the time.

"It's amazing what's between us, blue eyes." He muttered. "I always thought this kind of love was something I would never be allowed to feel… Allah knows I was wrong. I always though I was going to marry for Agrabah's sake and I always prayed to Allah… I thought that maybe I wouldn't marry the woman I'd love… but at least I'd try to love the woman I'd marry… love for me was a mystery. I never thought I would…"

He stopped and thought for a while.

"I never even thought I was the romantic type. It just- I never thought I'd… but then came YOU Azul… YOU, my blue eyed angel! And you gave me your love for free, so sincerely, so unconditionally… and I was scared at first because I liked you so much… I needed you so much… I wanted you so much! And I was terrified! I didn't know what to do with myself… when you were with me I didn't know how to act but the moment you went away I missed you so much… oh Azul, you came to turn my world upside down! But things got worse and at some point words lost all their meaning… words and attitudes weren't enough then… and then… and then I knew I just HAD to kiss you and… and I did."

Ali giggled happily at the memory of that first kiss. Of their first kiss, because it had been the first kiss for the two of them.

"I felt so clumsy and so silly… and you were so tiny and delicate… I was scared to death but when I felt the soft warmth of your lips against mine I just… lost my head… at that moment my only thought was that no matter what I would never let you go!"

A preoccupied expression appeared on Ali's face and he frowned as the memories of Karak came to his head.

"That was horrible… specially to you, my girl… with Aswad and… and the way he kept abusing you… and his plans and… no, I shouldn't think about that… not today. Not today that's going to be the best day of my life… what that man did to you was wrong and I'm here to make things better… I'm going to show you how things are supposed to be… how love IS supposed to be!"

Ali sank under the water again and he giggled there. A bunch of bubbles came to the surface and almost immediately Ali's head emerged from under it. He was laughing happily.

"And I'm marrying you today!" He said out loud, laughing. "I'm marrying you tod--- OH MY GOSH!" He said suddenly worried. "I'm marrying you in a few hours and I…. And I don't have any soap here!" He said looking around frantically. "DAD!" He screamed. "Are you there, dad?"

No one responded to his yells and Ali groaned helplessly. He had forgotten his soap and his bath oils.

"DAD!!" He called even louder. "I need my bath stuff! Please?!"

It was obvious that no one was going to come to his help. He groaned one more time and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"SOMEONE? Please! Other wise I'll go get them!"

He waited for a couple of seconds.

"Oh, alright!" He said getting out of the tub and wrapping a towel around his waist. "People are always around just trying to annoy you, but the moment you need them, they just disappear… poof… nothing… gone… vanished!"

He left the bathroom and entered his room, leaving a wet trail behind him. He was muttering some incomprehensible words. He got his soap and bath oils and he was on his way back to the bathroom when he spotted Azul's portrait there. He smiled tenderly and went to it.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours, beautiful!" He said kissing the image. "There!" He laughed. "Now THAT'S what I call a wet kiss!"

He went back to the bathroom determined to have a good and pleasant bath, this time using soap and bath oils. For the first time in his life he was concerned about looking good. Not for him or for the people, but for his Azul, for he knew she was going to glow that night and he wanted to be the perfect match for that blue eyed angel he had for a bride.

* * * * *

Aladdin entered his chambers and smiled at Jasmine who was already getting ready for the ceremony. She was sitting in front of her vanity fixing her hair. She returned the smile to her husband and noticed he had already taken his bath. Aladdin sat on the bed, playing with the cord of his robe and he sighed deeply.

"What is it?" Jasmine smiled at him.

"I'm nervous." Aladdin admitted.

"Nervous? Nervous how? Nervous why?"

"I don't know." Aladdin shrugged. "I've never performed a wedding ceremony before and I don't want to mess it up."

"Oh, you'll do it just fine!" Jasmine said still concentrated on what she was doing.

"Well… the thing is… if I was going to marry anyone else I think it'd be easier but… but it's my first time and it's Ali's wedding…" Aladdin stopped and laughed. "Poor kid! He has always been our guinea pig!"

"Yes." Jasmine giggled. "But he's always been such a nice and patient boy."

"Can you believe it, Jasmine? Ali is getting married… I've been repeating that over and over and still… it just… seems so unbelievable… so… oh, I don't know!"

"I know. The idea hasn't sunk completely in with me either. Ali was always so independent… but at the same time he's been a boy who's always seeking for love. He never demands things but he's always there expecting for you to notice him and give him the love he needs. And I know he has a big heart, Aladdin. And big hearts need big love."

"Yes." Aladdin responded absently. "We have always given to him all the love we can… but now he also has the love he deserves. The love of Azul. And it's touching for me to see the kind of love that's between them. It's so deep and so sincere. Ali adores her in a way I never thought possible and thank Allah Azul loves him back with the same passion."

Jasmine smiled and left her vanity, going to Aladdin's side. She placed her hand on her husband's shoulder and sat by his side.

"Ali has been blessed with the same kind of deep love we have between us."

"Yeah." Aladdin smiled at her. "And he's going to be happy… THEY are going to live happily ever after. We know that from personal experiences."

"We do."

They stayed there looking into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, smiling tenderly at each other.

"Do you…" Aladdin said softly. "Do you remember when he was little?"

"I do." Jasmine smiled. "He has always been an adorable boy."

"He has. From the day he was born he won my heart. He has a special something, I don't know what it is but… but that crazy boy knows how to earn people's affections."

"I remember when he was a baby… he was so tiny and so beautiful. And such a good boy. He never was a crying baby."

"Except when he was hungry!" Aladdin laughed.

"Or when we tried to take Nevi away from him."

"Yeah!" Aladdin was laughing. "I could never forget THAT!"

"He has always loved you deeply, Aladdin. You have always been his role model. I remember when he was little and he could barely walk… but he managed to follow you around in any way he could. He was always your shadow behind you."

"I remember it so well." Aladdin smiled tenderly. "We used to spend hours together. We played, I told him stories, we went out for little adventures in the menagerie… we had so much fun. You know I love all my children deeply and with all my heart. But Ali was our first one… I discovered a whole new world through his innocent eyes. I think I lived my lost childhood through our son."

"I know. He has always been so good to you, Aladdin."

"He has… but you cannot deny that you have always been his greatest love. He loves you very deeply, Jasmine."

"As deep as I love him."

They smiled warmly and stayed there like that in silence for several minutes, completely lost in their memories of Ali. From the day he was born, his first steps, his first words, his childhood and the way he started to grow up, to get mature and wiser. They remembered the formal and responsible teenager he had always been and how little by little he turned out to be an adult man. They wondered when that journey into his adulthood had started but they knew for sure that one day they had stopped looking down at their little boy and they had started to look up to find the handsome face of their grown up son.

And Ali was taking then a giant step into his adulthood. The commitment of marriage. It was time for him to start a new family. HIS family. But Aladdin and Jasmine were happy because they knew Azul was Ali's greatest blessing and also because they knew their son would always be with them. Not only was he the future Sultan of Agrabah but also he was Aladdin's right hand and they had the total security that no matter what, Ali would stay by their side forever. Ali was going to raise a family of his own and Aladdin and Jasmine knew that they were going to be an important part of that family.

"You know what's cute to imagine?" Jasmine asked after a while smiling tenderly.


"Ali… as a father."

"Oh man!" Aladdin laughed. "We'll be grandparents then! We are getting older, Jasmine!"

"Maybe." She laughed. "But I think that'd be so wonderful. Ali's children… it's so…"

"Scary!" Aladdin joked. "I hope the gene of craziness won't be transmitted into the next generation!"

"Aladdin!" Jasmine scolded him playfully.

"Sorry… I couldn't resist! But in any case I think Azul will keep their children in line. She's been a wonderful tutor for the twins and I know she's going to be the perfect mother."

"I agree. Ali and Azul's children… Good Allah, we are jumping to conclusions here!" She laughed. "They aren't even married yet!"

"Not for long, though!" Aladdin grinned.

"We've raised a wonderful man, Aladdin. I am so proud of him!"

"I am too. That boy can be crazy and very unpredictable but I love him so much and I am so proud of him. A new life is waiting for him. A new life is going to start tonight. In Ali and his marriage we'll prove that we were good parents."

"He's going to be the perfect husband and the perfect father, Aladdin. I have no doubts about that. He's learned from the best man… from his father."

Aladdin smiled and closed his arms around Jasmine's body, embracing her gently. Jasmine returned the warm embrace.

"Thank you, Jasmine!" He whispered in her ear. "Thanks for the blessed life you have shared with me over all these 25 years… thanks for your love and dedication and thanks for the family you gave to me."

"Don't thank me, my love. Thank yourself, for you are the one who has made this all possible!"

"I feel so proud. To know that Yesny is happily married to the man she loves… and that Ali is about to get married to the woman he adores, that makes me feel happy and proud. In our children our love is immortal, Jasmine."

Jasmine pulled away a little and smiled at him, looking deep into his eyes. She grabbed Aladdin's face and pulled him closer for a kiss. They kissed for a long moment and finally, when they pulled away, Jasmine smiled at him.

"I guess it's better for us to get ready now. We are running out of time!" She said going back to her vanity.

"I know… and I don't want to be late… so, help me review the ceremony while we finish getting ready, would you?" Aladdin said taking his royal outfit.

"Okay." Jasmine smiled looking at him in the mirror.

"Allah!" Aladdin giggled nervously. "This IS a wedding that will make me cry!"

"And… do you have the gift ready?"

"Right here!" Aladdin said patting a little box on his table. "The key to that beach house near Alexandria… Ali is going to love us for that!"

"For that and for their private apartments!"

"I know… I always wanted my son to have that kind of privacy… a place where they can live their life alone and in peace… but at the same time a place that's close enough to us."

"It's going to be Ali and Azul's little piece of Heaven!"

"Oh Allah!" Aladdin said putting his shirt on. "Let's review the ritual Jasmine! We really are running out of time here!"

Jasmine laughed softly and they started to review the ritual, as Aladdin wanted, while they finished getting ready. They knew that it was almost sunset and the wedding would start by night fall. They also realized that the big day had finally arrived, for real. And they wanted to make it extra special for Ali and Azul, for they knew they deserved all the happiness in the world and the best wedding they could provide for the Heir Prince of Agrabah and his beloved bride.

* * * * *

In Bassel's home the happiness and the excitement were increasing as the minutes went by. All the people in the house were very excited and counting the minutes left to the wedding ceremony.

Azul was sitting in front of her mirror in her room. She was staring absently at her own reflection and her hands were playing absently with something. It was obvious that she was lost in her own thoughts. She had a small smile on her face and a natural blush was softly coloring her cheeks.

Sadira and Nanny had been working on her hairdo for what seemed hours. Now they had left to get the make up they'd need for Azul. She didn't want to wear makeup but she knew she couldn't stop her mother and grandmother and that they were going to put makeup on her. At least she had convinced them to keep it as light as possible since she was very uncomfortable with it.

The hairdo Sadira and Nanny had been working on for a long time was very complicated and Azul thought she could never fix her hair like that ever again. But for once she thought she looked good.

Azul opened her hand and looked down at what she had there. It was Azrak's blue amulet. The medallion that had saved their lives in Karak. The amulet that Ali had earned after his long journey. The powerful amulet that had given her the power to heal Ali from his injuries. Azul knew how powerful it was and how beautiful. But it had a very special meaning to her. Thanks to that amulet they were still alive and getting ready for their wedding.

"This medallion saved Ali's life… it saved my own life…"

She pressed the amulet against her heart and closed her eyes, her lips curving up in a small, contented smile. It had also been the amulet of her ancestor Azrak. A man she never got to meet. A man she loved deeply.

Azul opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder at her wedding dress that was laid on her bed. All of a sudden her eyes were all misty.

But she didn't have much time to think about it, for the door of her room opened and Sadira and Nanny entered.

"It's late!" Sadira was saying. "Almost sunset! Oh Azul! We have to hurry!"

"Mom!" She said softly. "I was wondering… um…"


"Is there a way I could… you know… wear THIS amulet on my wedding dress? Like a jewel on the chest or something?" She said opening her hand for Nanny and Sadira to look at it.

"This?" Sadira said not very convinced. "Why?"

"It means a lot to me… it has a very deep and special significance for Ali and myself and… I really wish I could use it now."

"No problem!" Nanny said taking the amulet. "I'll clip it to the dress… I'll have it ready in a couple of minutes!"

"Thanks!" Azul smiled at her.

"And now, young lady, while your grandma does that I'll fix your make up… let's start here…"

"Keep it light, mom!" Azul said when Sadira started to apply the make up.

"I know, don't worry… I know when it comes to blush you only need Ali…"

Nanny laughed at Sadira's comment and Azul blushed naturally.

"Aw mom! Are you going to be mean to me to the end?"

"To the end and beyond, kid!" Sadira laughed.

"I wonder what Ali is doing now." Azul said trying to change the subject. "I wonder if he's getting ready already… or maybe he's already dressed up and waiting for me to come?"

"The ceremony won't take place until night fall." Sadira was very concentrated on what she was doing to her daughter. "We still have an hour or so… "

"An hour? That's all?" Azul's voice sounded scared.

"What?" Sadira stopped and looked at her face. "You aren't going to tell me you are going to back down now, are you?"

"Oh no!" Azul tried to smile. "But I'm so nervous, mom… I wasn't nervous this morning but as the minutes go by I'm getting more and more nervous… I--- how did you…? I mean, when you married dad or… or when you married grandfather, Nanny?"

"You must be kidding!" Sadira laughed. "I wanted to marry your father right away… I was so in love, I still am… that day I was ready early, very early and counting the seconds left."

"I went to your grandfather's house to get him out of there!" Nanny laughed.

"Really?" Azul said looking over her shoulder at Nanny who was working on her dress. "You guys did that?"


"Of course!"

"You know, Azul." Sadira smiled. "You have so much to learn from your grandmother and myself."

"We can give you a few tricks you could use with Ali." Nanny winked at her.

"I-" Azul laughed nervously. "I don't think so!"

"Why not? They could be useful for what's coming!" Sadira giggled.

"Mom! Nanny! Please!" Azul said blushing again. "This isn't funny anymore!"

"Oh Azul, you could learn so much from us! We are very dangerous women, aren't we, Aida?"

"We are! But I think we should leave her alone… after all, I think having Ali by her side is enough, for what I've seen that boy is a real-"

"NANNY!" Azul interrupted her.

"Okay, okay!" Nanny laughed. "I won't say another word!"

Sadira was laughing amused. She stopped what she was doing and looked deep into Azul's eyes.

"C'mon Azul, you have to admit it, you are excited about what's coming… nothing is wrong with that."

Azul gulped. She was blushing and she had no place to hide, for her mother was there, looking directly into her eyes. She just lowered her gaze and she couldn't avoid the small and sweet smile that appeared on her lips.

"There!" Sadira said triumphantly. "That's all I needed to know."

"I don't suppose we'll have the juicy details when you're back from your honeymoon, dear?"

"There's no use!" Azul giggled nervously. "You two are never going to change."

Sadira went behind Azul and looked at her daughter's reflection in the mirror. She nodded approvingly. Very little makeup did wonders on Azul.

"Well, I guess you are ready now." She said softly.

Azul smiled at her mom's reflection on the mirror. Sadira placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders and Azul reached to touch them and smiled up at her.

"Thank you, mom!" She said sincerely.

Sadira smiled down at her and closed her arms around Azul's shoulders, embracing her softly.

"You are beautiful, Azul. Ali is a very lucky man… a very lucky one indeed!"

"He is wonderful."

"I know… he is so handsome and nice. He's going to make you happy, Azul. Very happy."

"And he's an Al-Ababwa too!" Azul smiled mischievously at her mother.

"Oh, that too!" Sadira laughed. "You lucky girl!"

"Well," Nanny said. "The dress is ready… amulet and all."

"Great!" Azul turned to see it. "It looks fantastic."

"Well then," Sadira motioned her daughter. "It's time, Azul… let's get you dressed!"


"Already?" Nanny laughed. "You ARE impatient, aren't you?"

"Now, don't argue with us… c'mon, get into that dress now! We still have to fix the veil on your hair."

"And your father will be here with the crown of flowers any minute now… c'mon! Take off that robe and get in the dress!"

Azul gulped nervously and looked at her wedding dress one more time. It was beautiful and very royal. But it also was very uncomfortable and the thought of having to use it for so many hours was enough to make her feel reluctant to get in it.

"Oh well," She said. "I guess it's time!"

Azul got into her wedding dress with the help of her mother and her grandmother. She smiled when she felt the softness of the dress against her skin. It was the dress of a princess, none the less.

"Watch the hair!" Sadira was telling Nanny.

"I wouldn't worry much for the hair!" Nanny was saying. "That hairdo won't last long as soon as Ali puts his hands on her!"

"Nanny!" Azul protested.

"She's got a point!" Sadira laughed.

"I would be more concerned about all these buttons on the back of this dress! Holy Allah, who did this?! There are like a hundred buttons here… it's going to take a while to button them all!"

"And it's going to take a while to unbutton them all too!" Sadira laughed.

"That will keep the boy busy for a while!"

Azul blushed deeply and shook her head. She knew it was impossible to try to fight those two women. A small smile appeared on her lips and she started to think that the moment had finally arrived.

"You look great!" Sadira was saying while fixing the dress around her shoulders. "Now you DO look like a real princess!"

"Wait until she's fully dressed, crown and all!" Nanny responded still working on the buttons.

"Oh my!" Sadira said taking a look at the buttons on Azul's back. "Ali IS going to have fun with that!"

"Done!" Nanny smiled.

"There! How do you feel?" Sadira smiled.

Azul moved a little and smiled.

"It feels nice… it's not all that uncomfortable after all."

"Good." Sadira said coming closer to her and fixing the veil on her hair. "Almost done!"

"You are a beautiful bride, my girl!" Nanny smiled looking at her. "Ali is going to have a major surprise when he sees you like this!"

"You look like a real princess!" Sadira stepped back to take a look at her daughter. "You look wonderful!"

"Thank you!" Azul blushed.

At that moment someone knocked softly at the door.

"May I come in?" Bassel's voice came to them.

"Come in! Come to see your daughter!" Sadira responded cheerfully.

The door opened and Bassel entered slowly. Azul looked at him and smiled timidly.

"Hi daddy!" She said sweetly.

"By Allah!" Bassel's eyes widened.

"Yeah, isn't she gorgeous?" Nanny said proudly.

"She's much more than just that!" Bassel came closer to her daughter. "Azul, you ARE an angel!"

Azul blushed a little and lowered her eyes. She was smiling softly. Bassel stepped forward and lifted her face with his finger.

"You only need your crown now." He said placing the crown of flowers on his daughter's head.

Azul felt her eyes filled with tears as her father was crowning her like that. But she smiled when she smelled the soft perfume of the lemon blossoms in the crown. It had white, blue and red flowers as a symbol of the courage, purity and wisdom Ali and herself had conquered in their journey.

When Bassel placed the crown of flowers on Azul's hair he took her hands, leaning over and kissing her forehead tenderly.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart!" He whispered.

"Thanks daddy!"

"Let me fix that!" Sadira went closer to her daughter. "Otherwise you could lose your flowers… let me fix them!"

Azul sat on her chair in front of her vanity and her mother started to work on the flowers. Azul had to smile at her own reflection. She looked like a real princess then and for the first time in her life she was concerned about the way she looked. She wanted to impress Ali.

"Much better!" Sadira said fixing the veil. "Now for the ear rings…"

"Oh well…" Azul sighed helplessly for she had never liked ear rings at all.

"Well, that's it… Azul, daughter, you ARE ready!"

Azul smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her gaze went directly to Azrak's amulet on her chest. She touched it softly and it almost felt warm.

"I only need the final detail." Azul said softly.

She reached to her vanity and took in her hands her beloved blue diamond. She always wore that diamond, for it was so important to her and she knew that in her wedding, the most sacred moment of her life, she had to wear that little diamond that was the symbol of the love that existed between Ali and herself.

She placed the necklace around her neck herself and fixed it carefully. Then she looked at the mirror again.

"NOW I am ready!"

Azul in her Wedding Dress

Bassel took her hand and she stood up. Bassel, Sadira and Nanny looked at her in silence, smiling dreamily and nodding approvingly. Azul smiled warmly at the expressions on her family's faces.

"Well, the time has come." Sadira said softly. "Bassel, our little girl is getting married."

"But no matter what Azul… you will ALWAYS be our little girl!"

"Aw daddy! Mom! Nanny!"

Azul opened her arms to embrace them. It was a group hug that lasted for a while. When they pulled away they all had tears of happiness in their eyes.

"Well," Sadira said brushing the tears off her face. "We'll ruin our make up if we do this… besides, Aida, we should get ready and go to the palace now."

"I know." Nanny looked at the window. "Almost sunset!"

"Wait!" Azul called them. "Aren't you coming with me to the palace?"

"Not this time, dear." Nanny said.

"Your father will escort you there. That's the tradition. We'll see you in the wedding pavilion!" Sadira kissed Azul's cheek.

"You are going to glow there, sweetheart!" Nanny kissed her as well.

"Mom! Nanny! Wait!" Azul stopped them.


"Well, I only wanted to tell you that… that you have been the best family I could have. Mom, dad, you have always been wonderful parents and I've lived a blessed and happy life by your side… you always gave me the best and I am very grateful… and Nanny, I love you so much!"

"Save the speeches!" Sadira smiled. "We don't want to get sentimental here… we don't have time for that anymore!"

"Yeah." Azul laughed softly.

"We will always be here for you." Nanny said softly. "But from now on Ali is your family. You are each other's family. But you can always count on us. We'll be forever here for you."

"I love you!" Azul said. "I love you all so much!"

"We love you too!"

Nanny pushed Sadira to the door and they left the room smiling happily. Azul turned to her father and smiled up at him.

"Well daddy… I guess this is it, huh?"

"It is, sweetheart."

"I only want you to know that I love you! You have always been the best, daddy…" She said embracing him. "The best!"

"And you have always been the most wonderful daughter in the world. I'm blessing this marriage, Azul. I want you to be happy, as happy as you deserve to be."

"I've always been happy with you, dad."

"But I can't give you the kind of happiness Ali does. It's a different kind of love. And from now on your happiness is going to be complete, Azul… I entered this room expecting to find my little girl… instead I found a woman… a beautiful, gorgeous woman. And seeing you like this it's hard for me to realize that you are the same little baby I held to my chest the night you were born… but I know that this is the way things should be. This is the way love should be. You are my pride, Azul… and no matter what, remember that your mother, your grandmother and I will love you forever!"

"I love you too, daddy!" Azul said snuggling against him.

"Well then," Bassel pulled apart and tried to smile. "I guess I should go to get ready myself. The royal carriage could be here any minute now and you don't want to keep your groom waiting."

Azul smiled up at him. He kissed her forehead softly and then he took her hands. Bassel thought that very soon her tiny finger would be wearing a ring… a wedding band. He smiled tenderly and kissed her hands.

"I'll be ready in a second!" Bassel said leaving the room.

Azul smiled and sat on the chair in front of her vanity. She reached for Ali's portrait and smiled tenderly at him.

"It's me, Ali… it's Azul… your bride!" She whispered softly. "We are finally here."

Azul sighed happily and her mind got lost in her thoughts. Happy thoughts about her life, her family, all the things she had learned in school, all the travels she had gone through. All the adventurers she had lived, all the love she had gotten. And most of all, her mind flew to Ali, her dear prince. It was only a matter of minutes now and she knew that even if her life with her family had been a blessed one, nothing could ever compare to the life that was waiting for her right ahead. The life she would share with Ali forever. They were about to become partners in their greatest adventure ever: the adventure of their life together. The adventure of their marriage.

* * * * *

Ali was in his room stating absently at his reflection in the mirror. He was fully dressed then but his hair still was all messy. But he was lost in his thoughts and he had a serious, almost solemn expression on his face.

"I'm not a child anymore… in a few minutes I'll be married… I'll leave this room, this room where I've lived for 21 years… never to return…"

Ali sighed deeply and giggled nervously looking at the window.

"Sunset…" He said softly. "It's time… oh Allah! It's time! I shouldn't be this serious… this is a happy moment but man, I'm feeling SO nervous!"

He looked at his own reflection one more time and frowned looking at his hair. He started to fix it.

"My dad is right, I have an explosion for hair… darn hair! Stay in place!" He smiled softly and Azul's image came to his mind. "Oh Azul… my blue eyes… our wedding day, this is unbelievable… I just… it's so hard to believe it! And I feel nothing but tenderness for you, my girl… a deep, burning love that's only exceeded by this infinite tenderness you provoke in me. I'm going to take care of you… I'm going to make you happy, I'm going to be the man you deserve… the husband you…"

Ali stopped and laughed nervously still trying to fix his hair.

"Husband… isn't that a funny word? Husband… sounds SO funny!"

He was starting to fix his ponytail and he noticed that his hands were shaking. He couldn't fix his ponytail as much as he was trying to.

"Darn hair!" He said softly. "Do what I want you to do for once!"

He started to laugh softly and nervously while fixing his ponytail. His hands were shaking more and more and he realized that he was getting more and more nervous. He was feeling butterflies in his stomach and his legs were feeling weak.

"This is silly!" He laughed. "I'm a big, strong guy… I'm a warrior… I've fought monsters… I've defeated the powers of evil… I've fought in a war… and my hands are shaking because a blue eyed girl is making me nervous…!"

He looked at his reflection and sighed deeply. His hair was finally fixed and he knew he was ready then. Azul would arrive in the palace any minute and he had to be in the wedding pavilion to receive her.

"I'm so nervous!" He was saying while walking from one side to the other of his room. "I don't know what to do with myself… why am I feeling this way? It's Azul… it's only Azul… oh Allah! Oh Allah!"

He finally sat on his bed and hunched over, hiding his face in his hands.

"Deep breath!" He was muttering. "Deep breath…!"

He lifted his face and looked around, discovering Nevi there on his bed. He smiled and took the old camel toy in his hands, rubbing his face against the soft fur of his life time friend.

"Can you believe it, Nevi? I'm getting married in a few minutes… I bet you never thought this would happen… not when I was a little baby who used to slobber all over you, right? And now look at me… I'm such a big guy and THAT blue eyed girl," He said pointing accusingly at Azul's portrait. "She is making me nervous… bad girl, bad, bad girl!"

Ali made Nevi face Azul's portrait and started to talk in a fake voice.

"Don't be mean, Azul… bad, bad Azul… poor, poor Ali!"

Ali hugged his camel toy.

"Aw, thanks Nevi… you have always been here for me when I'm scared, ever since I was a little boy… from the day I was born you've been always here with me. You are going to like our new apartments, you'll see… what? Oh no, boy! I'm sorry but you are NOT coming with us on our honeymoon… that's mine and Azul's time… what do you say? Well, yeah, I know Reeh is coming but he's our transportation… what, do you want us to ride on you? No? I thought so! See? That's why you must stay here but don't worry, we'll be back soon… hey, don't ask me how soon because I have NO idea… I don't even know where we're going on our honeymoon!"

Ali placed Nevi on his bed and started to pace the room again, from one side to the other, over and over. He looked at the window. It was getting a little dark already and the city was starting to glow under the illumination his father had ordered. Every street, alley and square of the city were illuminated and the palace was glowing. The menagerie was also illuminated with the light of a thousand lanterns. It looked fantastic. Ali looked at the sky. The first stars were appearing up there.

"She'll be here any minute!" He thought and went to his bed once again.

He took the wooden box he had on his night table by his bed and opened it slowly. The three Crystals of the Infinite were there and he touched them softly with his finger.

"Purity… wisdom… courage… this is the best gift I can give to you today, Azul… my heart, my body and my soul. After today I'm going to cover you with gifts and all your heart desires but tonight… tonight this is my gift to you… I'm giving myself to you!"

He sighed deeply and closed the box, placing it by his side. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind but he couldn't handle his nervousness anymore.

"That's it!" He said standing up and taking Nevi. "I HAVE to get out of here! This is driving me crazy!"

Ali stood up and he forgot about the step down from his bed. When he took his first step he stumbled and almost lost his balance.

"Whoa! Stupid step!" He said. "I have to get out of here… I have to… I'm going now!"

He headed to the door and left the room closing the door behind him loudly. The room was silent for a couple of seconds but suddenly the door opened again and Ali entered. He was annoyed.

"The box!" He was muttering. "I forgot the box!"

He placed Nevi on his bed and he waved his finger at the camel toy.

"Bad, bad Nevi! You stay here! Stop following me around!"

Ali took the box and sighed deeply, leaving the room one more time. But two seconds later the door opened again and Ali entered the room, going directly to his bed, where Nevi was.

"Aw, I'm sorry pal! I didn't mean it that way… I'm just SO nervous… friends?"

He took one of the camel's feet and shook it friendly. He smiled and messed Nevi's fur.

"I really don't know why I'm acting so stupid… It's just Azul, for Allah's sake! We've been engaged for two years, Nevi.. we've been through so much together… why am I feeling this way then? I feel SO stupid running around like a chicken with his head cut off!"

He stopped and laughed nervously brushing his bangs off his forehead, but the bangs fell back on his face right away.

"Well, here I come, Nevi… wish me luck!"

He looked at his reflection on the mirror and took a deep breath.

"It's Azul… it's just Azul… stop acting so stupid! It's just Azul… it's just… AHHHH!!" He said running to the door. "I'm marrying AZUL! I'm marrying her!"

He left the room and shut the door closed behind him. The room was in silence for a couple of seconds and then the door opened wide with a big noise.

"This is getting RIDICULOUS!" Ali entered the room and went to his bed, taking his wooden box in his hands. "Here! I forgot it again!"

He stopped one more time in front of the mirror, fixed his clothes and hair and smiled mischievously.

"Now be a man and go marry that angel!"

Ali went to the door, looked back at his room one last time and smiled. He closed the door carefully and this time the door didn't open again.

* * * * *

Azul was still sitting in front of her mirror, staring absently at her own reflection when she heard a noise in the square. It was the noise of horses and bells and the sound of people cheering and applauding.

Her heart started to throb in her chest so fast that she thought it was going to explode. Her breathing became fast and she closed her eyes trying to calm herself. She was feeling dizzy and her stomach was feeling funny. She thought she couldn't be able to stand up, for her legs were feeling very weak.

"Oh sweet Allah!" She was whispering. "This is it… I'm so nervous!"

Her hand went to her chest, trying to calm her racing heart but it was impossible. Her fingers found their way to her diamond and she started to play with it absently. Her eyes were closed and her lips were barely moving in a prayer.

The door opened slowly and Bassel entered the room. It was dark, for Azul didn't light up her lamp. Only the weak light of the streets came into that place.

"Azul!" Her father smiled. "The city is glowing as never before and the room of the bride is this dark?"

"Daddy." Azul looked up at her father. "I'm scared."

Bassel smiled tenderly and sat by her side. Azul found her way into her father's embrace and rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes.

"It's only normal." Bassel said softly, rubbing his daughter's back gently. "It's the fear of the unknown. Allah knows I was dying the day I married your mother."

"This has nothing to do with Ali though." Azul whispered softly. "I WANT to marry him but… this is so huge… it's so much to me, daddy… all those people, the city glowing like that… the palace… the ceremony… I- I just… oh, I don't know!"

"I know how you feel. It's something big indeed but Azul, sweetheart," He said lifting her face to look into her eyes. "I don't think you've realized things… you ARE marrying a Prince, Azul… you are becoming a Princess today… Agrabah's next Queen… I don't think you are conscious of that."

"You know dad," Azul laughed nervously. "If you wanted to help… this isn't working."

Bassel laughed and kissed her forehead. She looked lovingly at her father.

"I love you so much, daddy!" She embraced him.

"I love you too, my little girl… never forget that!"

Azul pulled away and tried to smile. Bassel kissed her hands and her forehead and stood up, taking his daughter's hand.

"Well, I guess this is it, Azul… they are waiting for us."

"Oh Allah!" Azul went to her feet. "I'm going to collapse! I know I will!"

"No, you won't… Allah!" Bassel said admiring his daughter. "Ali IS going to have a heart attack when he sees you like this… you look BEAUTIFUL!"

"Aw, daddy!" Azul blushed.

"Let's go… your carriage is waiting for us… and your royal escort too."



"I-I only want to say that I lived a wonderful life by your side. I know I'm starting a whole new life today but you will always be my father and I will always love you!"

"And you," Bassel tapped the tip of her nose playfully. "You will always be my little girl. And if Ali is mean to you, your daddy is here to protect you."

"Thank you!" Azul laughed. "But I don't think that's going to be a problem."

"He better treat you like a princess, other wise he's going to hear from me!"

Azul stepped forward and kissed her father's cheek. He smiled and took her hand and they left the room closing the door behind them.

They descended the stairs, which was not easy to do at all with Azul's dress. Once they were downstairs they stopped by the door. Azul looked around and smiled fondly. Then she looked up at her father.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?"

"I am." She said as steady as she could.

Bassel opened the door and as soon as he did that a big, loud cheer was heard in the square. Azul smiled when she saw all the people there. The city was glowing indeed, under the first shadows of that night and a lot of people were carrying torches. Others were carrying flowers.

Her eye was caught then by the carriage that was waiting outside her door. A smile spread from ear to ear on her face when she saw her mare, Leel, engaged to the carriage. The mare was dressed in the finest royal style, all in white, blue and golden, with ribbons and little bells on her feet. She looked beautiful.

Beautiful Leel

The carriage was also decorated in white, blue and golden with flowers and ribbons all over. It was a dream. Azul also noticed Ali's personal guard standing there. The soldiers were dressed in their gala white and golden uniforms and they were standing on both sides of the way she had to walk to the carriage. There were a dozen of them and they all had their swords in their hands. They looked very elegant and very formal. Azul noticed their horses there, dressed in their military style and also a couple of soldiers on their horses, carrying Agrabah's yellow and blue banners.

Azul's eyes were shinning with joy. She had never seen something like that in her life. She looked up. Sunset had just finished and the sky was still clear, with some red clouds here and there and the first stars of the night were appearing timidly there. The people were cheering and applauding and Azul thought she was dreaming.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Captain Ahmed appeared in front of her and bowed respectfully down on one knee. He stood up and spoke in a very formal tone.

"Princess Azul, we're here in the name of Prince Ali of Agrabah to escort you to the wedding pavilion where he's waiting for you to make you his wife."

Azul smiled and looked up at her father, who kept her arm linked in his own. Bassel smiled and patted his daughter's hand.

"Let's go, my princess!" He whispered amorously.

Azul thought she wouldn't be able to hold back her tears. Her eyes were all misty then and her legs were feeling so weak. Her whole body was shaking and she felt like she was walking on clouds.

She walked all the way to the carriage passing in the middle of the soldiers. All of them were going down on one knee as she passed by. Finally Bassel and Ahmed helped her up to the carriage and Ahmed asked Bassel to join his daughter there. Once they were up there, Captain Ahmed and the rest of the soldiers mounted their horses and they surrounded the royal carriage. The banners of Agrabah were high in front of it. Ahmed took his place as the head of the royal caravan and a soldier blew his horn. A long sound was heard in the night and the people of Agrabah were silenced.

"Make way for Lady Azul, Princess of Agrabah!" Ahmed announced as the caravan started to move.

The people started to cheer and applaud and music started to play all over the city. The sounds of the trumpets, the drums, the bells and the music were mixed with the screams of the people.

The city was glowing and people were throwing flowers in Azul's path. A rain of flowers was falling all over her as she was passing by the streets of Agrabah on her way to the royal palace.

All the lights, the flowers, Leel's little bells, her royal escort, the music, it all made the whole city look like a dreamland. Flowers and confetti were being thrown from the balconies as the royal caravan was passing by. The scenario was unreal.

"This is a dream!" Azul was thinking. "This HAS to be a dream!"

Bassel looked at his daughter. Azul's eyes were shinning with tears and joy. A sincere smile was on her face and he noticed she was shaking a little. He noticed how close she was to tears and he smiled tenderly taking his daughter's hand.

"Aw, why those tears in your eyes, sweetheart? You don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours with tears now! All the tears you had to shed you already did… from now on all is happiness!"

"Oh daddy!" Azul said snuggling to him.

Bassel smiled and kissed her forehead softly and then nodded at the palace.

"We are almost there, my darling. Almost there."

Azul smiled and her gaze went to the palace that looked impressive in front of her. Her lips curved up in a smile and a dreamy expression appeared on her face. As the carriage was getting closer and closer to the palace, she knew her heart was getting closer and closer to Ali's. After all the pain and all the uncertainties she was taking the last steps of the road that led her to Ali… to that wedding pavilion where Ali was waiting for her to make her his wife, as Ahmed had announced her.

* * * * *

Ali entered a little hall that was a little dependency of the wedding pavilion. There was a divan there and a mirror and some stuff on a table. Only a curtain separated that room from the wedding pavilion and Ali wasn't sure if he wanted to enter there already or not. He hadn't seen the decorations yet but at the end he decided to save the surprise for the big moment.

He sat on the divan and placed his little box by his side. He hunched over and hid his face in his hands, trying to take deep breaths.

From there he could hear the noises of the people already reunited in the wedding pavilion and in the background he could also hear the far away sounds of music and people in the streets.

"Everything is going to be fine!" He was muttering. "There's nothing to worry about… I resigned my royal title in front of hundred of people, I fought a war… I faced the dark powers of evil… I killed a lion… good Allah! And I never was as terrified as I am now!"

"Are you praying or are you reviewing your vows?"

Ali jumped as that voice broke the silence so suddenly. He looked up and discovered his mother looking lovingly down at him.

"Mom!" He said. "You startled me!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Ali." Jasmine smiled tenderly. "You look SO handsome, my dear! C'mon, stand up! Let me take a look at my handsome prince!"

Ali stood up and opened his arms laughing nervously.

"What do you think, mom?"

"You look gorgeous!" Jasmine said sincerely and fixed his clothes. "You are one of the two most handsome grooms I've ever seen!"

"Thank you!" He bowed graciously.

"It's almost time." Jasmine smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Aw mom!" Ali whimpered. "I'm very nervous!"

Jasmine noticed Ali's shaking voice and his shaking body. She also noticed he was a little pale and his hands were all clammy. She thought it was so cute to see her son like that.

"Don't be, Ali. Everything is going to be fine… and I just wanted to have a last conversation with my little baby… to check on you."

"I'm fine, really… nervous but fine… I guess this is only normal."

"It is." Jasmine nodded.

"Were you this nervous for your wedding?"

"Which one of them?" Jasmine giggled.

Ali had to laugh softly at his mother's comment. That lifted the mood a little. Jasmine smiled at her son and responded to his question.

"Yes, I was very nervous myself when I married your father."

"Was my dad nervous?"

"Nervous?" Jasmine giggled. "He was terrified!"

"He was?"

"Well, I guess we both were nervous and scared… but we managed and you'll do it just fine. Don't worry!"

"Do you think Azul is this nervous as well?"

"I was talking to Sadira just now." Jasmine smiled. "And she says Azul was taking it very seriously but that the poor girl is very nervous… just like you."

"We are so stupid!" Ali sighed. "I mean, we KNOW each other… we LOVE each other… we WANT to marry… why then are we feeling this way?"

"It's the excitement of the moment… the fear of the unknown. But I assure you that you'll forget about it when you see your bride appear in the wedding pavilion. She's going to glow, Ali… you'll see!"

Ali sat back on the divan and took a deep breath. Jasmine sat by his side and took in her hands the little wooden box he had there.

"Is this your gift to her?"

"It is… what do you think?"

"It's very meaningful."



"I don't know if I should be asking this now but… well…" Ali blushed.

"What is it, honey?"

"Where…?" Ali cleared his throat. "Where are we going for our honeymoon?"

"Oh, you'll see…" Jasmine smiled mischievously at him.

"Aw!" Ali groaned softly. "This is driving me crazy and now even my mommy is being mean to me!"

Jasmine laughed and hugged her big baby.

"You've always been good at guilt trips, Ali!" She was giggling.

Ali got an evil grin on his face and kissed Jasmine's cheek fondly. They stayed there in silence for a couple of minutes, lost in their thoughts. Then Ali stood up and started to walk from one side to the other of the room. Jasmine was looking at him and smiling tenderly.

"You know what I was just remembering, sweetheart?" She stood up and went to his side, taking his clammy hands in hers.


"I was just remembering the day you were born… when I held you for the first time… when I had you for the first time in my arms, holding you to my chest… and you were all sweet and tiny and cute."

"Aw, mom!" Ali smiled.

"And now I'm looking at you… you are getting married in a few minutes and I look at you, at my son… and I see this big tough guy… someone who's sweet and big and cute."

Ali smiled tenderly and kissed his mother's cheek, closing his arms around her and picking her up.

"Whoa!" Jasmine laughed. "Is THIS my little baby?"

"Easy boy!" Aladdin's voice came to them. "Don't break my girl!"

Ali looked at his father who had just entered the room and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Aladdin." Jasmine said still off of the floor, her hands on Ali's shoulders. "My baby would never break me!"

Jasmine put her hands on his cheeks and kissed Ali's nose playfully. He giggled and scrunched his nose.

"How scandalous!" Aladdin laughed. "My wife, the Queen of Agrabah is kissing another man who happens to be the groom!"

"Sorry dad." Ali said placing Jasmine on the floor and kissing her cheek fondly. "She may be your wife, but she is MY mommy!"

"Well," Aladdin said patting Ali's arm. "I just came here to look for my wife and to see my son before he becomes a married man… how are you feeling, boy?"

"A lot better." He smiled.

"That's good to hear because I want you to know that I was just informed that Azul has entered the palace's main yard already."

"WHAT?" Ali became pale all of a sudden. "Is she HERE already?"

"She is." Aladdin smiled taking Jasmine's hands. "So… it's time, son."

"Oh Allah!" Ali freaked. "What should I do now? What should I---? What---?"

"Relax, Ali." Jasmine said softly. "Everything is going to be fine."

"I'm feeling sick!" Ali said.

"I cannot believe this guy!" Aladdin laughed.

"Dad… I'm marrying the woman I love so deeply… just the thought of it is so… HUGE for me… it's so… it's something big, dad… it's… oh, I can't even think!"

"That's okay, son… in a few minutes everything will be done. Now it's time for all of us to go to the wedding pavilion. The people are already there, the bride is about to arrive and we have to be there waiting for her so… let's go."

"Oh man!" Ali laughed nervously.

"C'mon, Ali." Jasmine said taking Ali's hand.

"No wait!" Ali stopped them.

"What is it, son?"

"I just…" Ali cleared his throat. "I only want to thank you for the life… the life you gave to me… I want to thank you for the love you share, for that love gave me the oportunity to live and thus, the oportunity to love Azul… because… because after all, to live is to love… and that's all that matters!"

"Oh my gosh!" Aladdin laughed softly. "I think our son just had a moment of inspiration!"

"Yeah…" Ali giggled nervously. "I thought up a philosophical statement… I think…"

"I'd slap your head, but it would mess up your hair and for once your hair is fixed and looking fine."

Ali laughed and Aladdin rubbed the back of Ali's neck fondly. Jasmine went closer to them and put her hands on their shoulders.

"That was beautiful, Ali." She said softly. "That love your father and I share gave life to you… now it's time for you to give life through your own love… life not only to your children, but life to Azul… and life to yourself."

"Aw mom! Dad! I love you so much!"

Ali embraced his parents fondly and they shared a long group hug then. They stayed like that for a long moment. Finally they pulled apart and Aladdin patted Ali's back.

"It's time kid… let's go."

"I…" Ali stammered. "I'll be right there, okay? I only need to be alone for a second."

"Okay, but be quick about it. Azul is going to enter the wedding pavilion any second now and YOU have to be there to receive her, big guy!"

"I only need a second." Ali smiled nervously.

Aladdin took Jasmine's hand and they left the small room.

Ali took a deep and long breath and closed his eyes, exhaling slowly all the air in his lungs. He was trying to calm down his racing heart. He shook his head and rubbed his face really hard.

"Don't panic!" He was whispering to himself. "Don't panic! It's just Azul… oh… it's just Azul… the woman I love the most on Earth and I'm about to marry! Geez! Oh Allah! Oh all merciful Allah!"

Suddenly his heart skipped a beat. From there he could hear people cheering in the distance and the sounds of drums, trumpets, music, bells… and the horses of his soldiers. Ahmed and the company that was escorting Azul.

"Oh Allah!" Ali said under his breath. "She IS here!"

He took his wooden box and went to the mirror. He fixed his clothes and his hair and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to relax.

"The time has come!" He said firmly when he opened his eyes.

He puffed his chest and walked steadily and firmly to the door's curtain, he crossed it and entered the wedding pavilion proudly.

Aladdin was already at his post in the center of the pavilion, in front of the altar where the ceremony would take place. He knew Azul and her escort were just outside the pavilion and Ali wasn't there yet. He was getting a little worried for his son. He was thinking he should go to check on him. He had never seen Ali so nervous before and he was worried that he had passed out. Aladdin frowned and he was going to go back to the room where Ali was when suddenly the curtains parted and Ali appeared there.

Aladdin smiled at his son and all the people reunited in the pavilion applauded and cheered at the prince. Ali looked so secure and so proud. He nodded at the guests as a greeting and he went to his father's side. He didn't even have the chance to look at the pavilion and the decoration. His eyes went to Aladdin and they exchanged smiles.

"How are you feeling, Ali?" Aladdin asked taking the box from Ali's hand and placing it with the rest of the stuff on the table behind him.

"I'm fine dad." Ali responded softly. "Ready to get married!"

Aladdin stepped forward and gave a small hug to Ali. But when he tried to pull apart Ali didn't release him. The boy embraced his father tightly for a long moment.

"Thank you!" He whispered in Aladdin's ear.

They pulled apart slowly and Ali looked lovingly at his father. Aladdin returned the same look and patted Ali's face softly. The music outside the pavilion was getting closer then. It was the signal that the bride was about to enter the pavilion.

All the people in there turned to the door wanting to see the bride when she entered there. Aladdin looked at his son and then at his wife. They exchanged looks and smiles. They had never seen Ali looking so royal before.

Ali fixed his clothes one more time and took a deep breath. Then he puffed his chest, standing tall with pride. He smiled and lifted his head. His eyes went to the end of the corridor, to the door of the pavilion. The door that would open any second to let Azul, his blue eyed angel in.

* * * * *

The carriage that transported Azul entered the palace still being escorted by Ali's personal guard. The people in the streets had been cheering for Azul as she passed by. She couldn't believe what she was living. It was like a fairy tale and as much as she tried to avoid it, her eyes were all teary.

When they entered the palace's yard Azul gasped in surprise. The palace was magnificently illuminated inside and out. It looked impressive. And the menagerie was glowing with the shimmering light of thousands of lanterns. It was an image from a dream, a scene that seemed taken from the story books Azul used to read when she was a little girl.

The escort led Azul's carriage to the wedding pavilion. A lot of people were there in the menagerie and all of them where also applauding for the bride. Azul looked up at her father and smiled.

"It's a dream!" She whispered.

"No, it's for real." Bassel took her hand and kissed it. "Ali is just giving you what you deserve, my girl."

"Ali!" Azul whispered under her breath and smiled.

Her head was spinning around and she was feeling so dizzy. She thought she was about to have a headache, for it all was so much for her to handle. She never thought her wedding would be like that. She had already attended many celebrations in Agrabah in the past, but none of them could even compare to what she was living. And it was only the beginning of it.

Azul's eyes shinned with joy when she saw the wedding pavilion. It was glowing in the dark of the night. It was a dreamy palace taken out of a fairy tale. She smiled happily and wished she had more time to admire all the wonders of Agrabah that night. But she didn't have any time left, for the carriage stopped right outside the pavilion and the music there started to play.

Captain Ahmed and his soldiers dismounted their horses and he rushed to the side of the carriage, bowing respectfully to Azul.

"We are here, my princess."

"Oh Allah!" Azul muttered.

Bassel left the carriage and he offered his hand to his daughter. Azul took her father's hand and carefully jumped to the ground. The people outside the wedding pavilion started to throw flowers at her. She smiled and Bassel took her hand and linked her arm to his. Ahmed nodded at them and smiled.

"Follow me please." He said formally. "Allow me to announce the arrival of the bride."

The rest of the soldiers were already at the sides of the staircase that led to the entrance to the wedding pavilion. Captain Ahmed climbed the steps followed by Bassel and Azul. They stopped in front of the door and Ahmed looked at Azul.

"It's time." She whispered taking a deep breath. She looked at Ahmed and nodded. "Let's go."

Captain Ahmed nodded at two of his soldiers. They opened the doors of the pavilion wide open and entered, taking their places at both sides of the entrance. Their trumpets resounded in the pavilion and a deep silence followed. Ahmed entered then with his sword in his hand and announced with a powerful and deep voice.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Azul of Agrabah!"

When Azul entered the place, escorted by her father, everyone in the pavilion let out expressions of surprise and joy. She looked beautiful as never before. Beautiful as they never had seen any other princess in the Seven Deserts before. Her wedding gown was wonderful and her dark hair looked beautiful under the veil that covered her head. And she was crowned with flowers. But the best part of her outfit, what really made her glow was her eyes. Those royal blue eyes that where shinning in such a way that it almost seemed as if they were illuminating the place.

"Oh Allah!" Ali muttered under his breath when he saw Azul entering the pavilion. "She's BEAUTIFUL!"

Aladdin smiled tenderly at his son. Ali looked really cute then, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide open with surprise and joy. But Aladdin couldn't blame him. Azul was shinning as never before.

"She's beautiful indeed, son… you have a beautiful bride… and Agrabah has a beautiful princess!"

"…yeah." Ali replied absently.

Aladdin laughed softly knowing that his son hadn't really heard a word of what he had said. He looked at the bride one more time and smiled tenderly. He had never seen Azul looking so beautiful before. But Aladdin knew that if Ali and Azul were glowing that night it wasn't because of their outfits but because of their love.

When Azul entered the wedding pavilion her eyes opened wide with surprise as she noticed the magnificence and the luxury of that place. It really was a dream. The monumental pavilion was all decorated in royal blue and golden and Azul smiled when she saw the huge banners hanging there. Blue and golden banners with the A+A symbol in golden. She also noticed the banners with the crescent moon hanging on the walls of the pavilion. The main aisle was bordered by thousands of white flowers and at the end of it the golden dome was glowing with the light of hundreds of candles there.

The Wedding Pavilion

But then Azul's glance was caught by someone who was standing at the end of the aisle. Someone who was there, waiting for her. Someone who was smiling tenderly at her. Her lips curved up in a small smile and she lowered her eyes for a second. She felt blush on her face. They felt they were going to faint when they were in each other's presence.

Azul looked at Ali one more time and their eyes locked. The pavilion disappeared around them. It was like a tunnel vision. The rest of the scene was blurred, everything around them just blurred but each other.

The soft and wonderful music was playing around them but they weren't sure if the music was actually being played in the pavilion or if it was coming from their own hearts. They were feeling dizzy again. Dizzy and weak. And they couldn't take their eyes from each other. Slowly but steadily Azul crossed the aisle. She was grateful her father was there, supporting her, otherwise she just knew she would have collapsed.

Finally, after a moment that seemed centuries, Azul was finally right in front of Ali, her groom. They were smiling tenderly at each other and for some reason they couldn't avoid the blush on their cheeks. Aladdin looked at Ali and then at Azul and smiled. There was something in their eyes, something he had never seen in there before. There was a burning fire glowing powerfully inside those teary eyes.

Bassel turned to Azul and cupped her face, kissing her forehead softly. Then he took her hand and reached his other hand for Ali's. The young prince put his hand on his father in law's hand and Bassel noticed that both, Azul and Ali's hands were cold and shaky.

"You no longer belong to us." Bassel smiled sadly. "You belong to each other… Ali, son, Allah's blessings have been poured over us and tonight I'm giving the hand of Azul, the hand of my only daughter to you, Ali. You are a good man, a noble man. I'm giving to you my most precious treasure, my daughter. She's going to be your wife… and you'll be her loving husband and protector, Ali."

"I will, sir." Ali's voice was a little shaky. "Azul is safe with me."

Bassel placed Azul's hand in Ali's and he stepped back, smiling tenderly and yet sadly. Aladdin mirrored Bassel's expression. For them Ali and Azul would always be their little babies. But the expression in their children's faces then were priceless.

Ali had Azul's hand in his and they were looking deep into each other's eyes, smiling in a tender and mysterious way. Ali was breathless, for Azul was beautiful as never before. And Azul thought Ali had never been more handsome before. Ali thought he was going to go crazy. He wanted to embrace Azul so badly, he wanted to feel her tiny body against his, to feel her safe and protected in his arms. He wanted to embrace her and never let go. To stay like that for the rest of the eternity. They were looking into each other's eyes and even if they wanted to tell the other a thousand different things, they were speechless. But their eyes were talking for them in a language that only they understood.

Azul was smiling timidly and blushing under Ali's look. It was very obvious in Ali's eyes how much he liked her. She couldn't bear Ali's burning glance anymore and she lowered her eyes, her body trembling with all the excitement of the moment and her lips smiling shyly. She was before his prince, the most handsome, charming and perfect man in the world.

But Ali wasn't any better. His whole body was shaking softly and his legs felt so weak. He had never seen such beauty before. He always thought Azul was beautiful, but at that moment she was a real angel before him. He had never realized how beautiful and how absolutely perfect she really was. Ali was so excited and he felt his heart beating so fast that for a moment he thought he was going to pass out. His head was spinning around and his eyes were all blurred. Only the heavenly image of his Azul was before him.

He held Azul's hand tightly and smiled tenderly at her. She returned the same smile and even if that wasn't the custom, Ali couldn't resist it, he leaned over slowly and kissed Azul's cheek softly.

"You look BEAUTIFUL!" Ali whispered only for her to hear.

Azul felt shivers going down her body. Ali's voice had a tone she had never heard before. And it was enough to make her shiver. She looked up at Ali's face and he smiled tenderly at her.

"Please!" Aladdin's voice brought them back to reality. "Come closer!"

Ali offered his arm to her and she grabbed it tightly. They went closer to Aladdin as the people behind them were commenting softly how wonderful they looked together, the perfect couple they made, that they sure were a sight worthy to see and most of all, that there was no doubt that they were born to be together. They were meant to be.

"In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, peace be upon you." Aladdin started the ceremony with a steady voice in spite of his nervousness. "We are gathered here to witness the Marriage of Prince Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa and Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal. Marriage, like all of Allah's provisions is a sign and a gift for us."

Aladdin opened the Holy Qu'ran and read it out loud.

"Among His proofs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts love and care towards your spouses. In this, three are sufficient proofs for people who think." (30:21)

Aladdin looked at Ali and then to Azul, who were smiling tenderly at each other. Ali kept Azul's hands in his.

"The gift of your love is thankfully accepted." He said. "For Allah tells us "The more you thank Me, the more I give you…" (14:7)

Aladdin looked at his advisor Taamir who was there and motioned him to come closer. The advisor was carrying some papers and parchments. Aladdin also motioned Jasmine and Azul's parents to come closer.

"We shall proceed now to read and sign the matrimonial contract." Aladdin said taking Jasmine's hand and going to Ali's side. "Advisor Taamir, please!"

Sadira and Bassel took their places by Azul's side and the Royal Advisor placed all the papers on the table in front of Ali and Azul. He opened an official parchment and started to read with a steady and very formal and official tone of voice.

The Royal Advisor was reading out loud all the clauses in the contract as the law ordered it. It was the official part of the ceremony and it took a long time. But neither Ali nor Azul were paying attention to what the Advisor was saying. It wasn't important to them. They were totally lost in each other, sending each other looks full of love and fire and tender smiles. Ali kept her hands in his and he was massaging them softly as they were hearing the lecture of their matrimonial contract. They were praying to Allah for Taamir to finish reading that paper once and for all but that part of the ceremony took a while, an eternity for the young couple.

"After reading this matrimonial contract for Prince Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa and Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal I shall ask to the fathers of both of them to accept the contract and thus, the union of your children in Holy Marriage under the laws of men and the Law of Allah."

"I accept the contract." Aladdin said firmly.

"I accept the contract as well." Bassel said, his voice shaking a little.

"In that case, I request the parents of Ali Al-Ababwa and Azul Al-Rahaal to sign the official contract of matrimony of your children as an act of acceptance and also as witnesses of the legality and faithfulness of such a contract."

Their parents went to the table and Taamir handed a quill to them. Aladdin was the first to take it in his character of Sultan of Agrabah. He smiled proudly and stopped for a second. He looked at Ali over his shoulder and smiled at him. Then his face turned serious and formal and with a very secure and quick movement he signed the contract as the Sultan of Agrabah.

Ali smiled when his father did that. He had been holding his breath until then for some reason. Then Bassel signed the contract as the father of the bride and after him Jasmine and Sadira signed it too. The families had accepted the union of their children in holy marriage. They went back to Ali and Azul's side.

Taamir checked the firms on the paper and nodded in approval. He looked at Ali and Azul and spoke in his official voice.

"Prince Ali Al-Ababwa, Azul Al-Rahaal, your parents have accepted the matrimonial contract already and with that the sacred union of their children, who are you. Do you accept this marriage, this holy union freely and without any kind of pressures and for the rest of your lives?"

"I do." Ali said in a steady and secure voice, looking deep into Azul's eyes.

"I do too." Azul responded in the same way.

"With this acceptance, Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa, you are taking Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal as your legitimate wife under the law of the Sultan and under the Holy Law of Allah, the All Merciful."

"Yes," Ali said excitedly looking deep into Azul's eyes and holding her hand. "I want to take Azul as my wife, unite my life to hers and be hers for the rest of eternity."

"And you, Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Rahaal, you are taking Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa as your legitimate husband under the law of the Sultan and under the Holy Law of Allah, the All Merciful."

"Yes." Azul said softly, her eyes locked on Ali's. "It is my desire to take him as my husband… and be by his side in good times and bad times for the rest of eternity."

"Being that the case, I shall ask you to sign your matrimonial contract now."

Ali and Azul looked at the paper in front of them. They approached the table and Ali took the quill. He looked at that document filled with letters and signatures and he smiled. That simple piece of paper would join him to Azul legally for the rest of their lives. He smiled and signed the paper with a quick movement, even if his hand was shaking.

When he did that he looked at Azul. She was smiling at him. He gave the quill to her and their hands touched. That made them shiver with joy and excitement. Azul hunched over, looked at Ali's face and smiled at him. Ali returned the smile and even if he was feeling very nervous, he winked at her. Azul giggled nervously and with a shaky hand she signed the matrimonial contract.

They stepped back nervously and Taamir took the contract, examining it carefully. He nodded approvingly and signed it. It was the last signature required and Ali and Azul smiled when he did that.

"This contract shall be filed in the Royal Archives from this day on and for the rest of the time. Prince Ali, Lady Azul, may Allah pour all his blessings upon you and your marriage."

Advisor Taamir nodded at Aladdin and left the pavilion escorted by a company of palace guards, on his way to the Royal Archives where the contract would be filed from that day on.

Aladdin rushed to take his place in front of Ali and Azul. The ceremony had to continue and he knew how anxious Ali and Azul were by then. They were getting a little impatient.

Aladdin cleared his throat and smiled looking at Ali and Azul who were getting nervous again. He was feeling nervous himself. He was there, about to marry his son, his little baby. But when Aladdin looked at him he saw Ali's face and it was not the face of a kid anymore. He was a grown up man. A man in love. Aladdin gulped and took a deep breath.

"Marriage is a commitment to life," He started. "Love is the best thing two people can find and bring out in each other. Marriage is a very mature and deep relationship, it's a gift from Allah and you are now here to accept this challenge of a new life together. There will be times when one of you are heartbroken or ailing and the love of the other will resemble the tender caring of a parent for a child. You've just signed your matrimonial contract but when two people pledge to love and care for each other in marriage they create a spirit unique to themselves, which binds them closer than any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise made by two hearts in love… a promise that takes a lifetime to fulfill."

Aladdin stopped and looked to Ali and Azul. They were smiling at him and, unlike the matrimonial contract, this time they were paying attention to Aladdin's words. He smiled and continued.

"Marriage is among the signs of Allah's power and blessings, for the Qu'ran says: "And among His signs is that He has created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may live in tranquility with them; and He has created love and mercy between you." (30:21)

"Marriage is regarded as an asset in acquiring spiritual perfection." Aladdin continued. "For the Prophet said that "One who marries has already guarded half of his religion." And some great philosophers had said that "Whenever a person's love for their spouse increases, their faith increases in quality."

"Ali, Azul, you are here because you've proven that your love is deeper and stronger than anything in this world. You want to make public something that in your hearts you've reached long ago. A total deep love and devotion towards each other. Azul, it is your duty to love and cherish your husband from now on. And Ali, in your hands there's the duty to love and protect your wife now and forever, for the Prophet said that "When a man approaches his wife, he is guarded by two angels and at that moment, in Allah's views, he is like a warrior fighting for the cause of Allah". The Prophet also said that when spouses love each other their sins fall like the leaves of the tree in fall season. Love purifies… love will lead you to perfection."

Aladdin stopped and looked at Ali. He smiled at his excited son and nodded to him. Ali understood Aladdin's signal and he stepped forward taking the wooden box that Aladdin was offering to him. Azul looked at Ali and then at the box in a questioning way. She knew that box and she knew what it contained.

"Azul." Ali said with a shaky voice that was about to crack, but he recovered his confidence. "It's the tradition for the groom to present his bride with a special gift during the wedding ceremony… I was thinking for a long time about the gift I could give to you. I could give you anything your heart desires, Azul… and I will. But at this moment… at this moment I want to present you with a gift no one else could ever give to you… something that's so personal that only I can give this to you…"

Ali opened the box and Azul smiled looking at the stones and then up at Ali's face. He smiled down at her.

"The crystals!" Azul whispered teary eyed, for she knew what that meant.

"Only we know what these crystals mean to us." Ali said softly to her. "Only we know how these crystals were paid in tears and blood… and we also know what they mean… courage, purity and wisdom."

"Heart, body and soul." Azul whispered softly.

"That's right… and that's the only thing in this universe that no one could give to you my angel… no one but me… because I'm here before you presenting my wedding gift to you… and my wedding gift is myself, Azul… myself in heart, body and soul."

Ali presented the box to Azul and she took it with her hands shaking. She looked at the three stones and she had to stifle a sob for many memories came to her mind. She knew the real value of those stones thus the real value of the gift Ali was giving to her. It was the most wonderful gift someone could give to her. Ali was giving himself to her in heart, body and soul. Many memories of their journey came to their minds and Azul's eyes got all misty when those memories of Karak came to her. But she looked up and she discovered Ali there, looking lovingly at her. She knew that everything was in the past then, and from that moment on, a new life was starting for them.

Azul took Ali's hand and placed it on the box. They looked deep into each other's eyes and smiled tenderly.

"This is the same gift I'm giving to you, Ali." She whispered. "My heart, my body and my soul… I'm yours Ali… forever yours."

Ali caressed softly Azul's face with the back of his hand. Azul grabbed his hand, pressing it amorously against her cheek. She tilted her head a little and pressed her lips against Ali's hand, kissing it lovingly.

"We've paid the price in tears and blood." Ali whispered. "This can't be broken!"

Aladdin cleared his throat to get their attention. Ali and Azul were startled by the sudden noise and they smiled sheepishly, giggling nervously.

"Shall we proceed?" Aladdin smiled mischievously at them.

"Yeah." Ali laughed softly taking Azul's hand.

Aladdin took the box away from them and opened another little wooden box containing the wedding rings. Ali and Azul exchanged smiles and their eyes shinned with joy.

"These rings symbolize your union… Ali, Azul… it's time for you to be united in love under the Law of Allah." He said giving one of the rings to Azul.

Ali smiled and looked to Azul. She giggled softly and took Ali's hand in hers. They looked at their hands. It was such a big contrast between Ali's big, powerful hands and Azul's tiny and delicate ones. Azul massaged Ali's hand softly and looked up at him, smiling in such a wonderful way that it made her eyes glow.

"Allah," Azul said softly and tenderly. "I thankfully and joyfully accept this gift from You of Ali as my husband."

Azul placed the ring on Ali's finger and she looked up at him again, smiling tenderly. He mouthed 'I love you' to her and she smiled tenderly at him. He giggled and took the ring his father was offering to him. It was his time to take Azul's delicate hand in his. He opened her hand and his finger caressed softly the scar she had on her palm. He smiled tenderly and looked deep into Azul's eyes.

"Allah, I thankfully and joyfully accept this gift from You of Azul as my wife." He said firmly and placed the ring on her finger slowly.

They looked deep into each other's eyes giggling softly, holding each other's hands. Aladdin smiled and lit a candle in front of them as the custom ordered it.

"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree, that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whoever wills to be guided. Allah thus cites the parables for the people. Allah is fully aware of all things." (24:35)

Aladdin gave the candle to Ali and Azul. They held it together as Aladdin continued talking.

"Allah blesses you with each other's affection, love and acceptance. You will please each other. Allah has brought you together in the best form of a union and in absolute harmony. Allah likes lawful things and disklikes unlawful things. But now your love is lawful in the eyes of the men and in the eyes of the All Merciful. You've already taken each other as Allah's trust and you've made each other lawful for yourselves by Allah's words. Therefore you belong to each other now and forever."

Aladdin nodded at the young couple and they looked into each other's eyes still holding the candle between them.

"Allah," They said together. "Take our will and our life. Guide our marriage and show us how to live."

Aladdin smiled at them and took the candle off their hands. The table behind them was being removed by two soldiers and Aladdin took a deep breath.

"Now it's official." He said happily. "Now, with a kiss of love and tenderness, with a sacred kiss you'll seal your blessed union in holy marriage. With the sacred kiss you are wed in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful and before the eyes of the world."

Aladdin stepped aside and motioned them to the steps that would lead them to the top of the wedding dome, the same place where twenty five years ago Aladdin and Jasmine had been wed.

Ali gulped a little nervous and looked at Azul. She was smiling tenderly at him but he could say she was feeling just as nervous. Ali took a deep breath and lifted his head and puffed his chest. He offered his arm to Azul in a very formal way and he smiled sweetly at her.

Azul was feeling her legs weaken then. She grabbed Ali's arm and returned the same soft and sweet smile. Ali started to walk in the dome direction with Azul by his side. They started to climb the steps slowly, taking their time. It was a wonderful place, bordered by hundreds of white flowers and behind them were glowing the lights of hundreds of candles. It was a dream.

When they were finally at the top of the dome they looked at each other and smiled nervously. They were standing there in front of each other and the whole pavilion was in silence. Not a sound was heard.

Ali took Azul's hands in his and looked deep into her eyes. Those big blue eyes that were glittering in the candle light. They both knew the moment had come for them. The moment they had been waiting for forever. The moment they thought they never had the chance to live. The moment they would be united forever in a blessed union. They were only a kiss away from being one.

Ali reached over tentatively and touched Azul's face softly. She smiled tenderly at him and grabbed Ali's hand, pressing it against her cheek. Their eyes locked and they were feeling their hearts throbbing in their throats. They thought they couldn't resist the emotion. Their hands were shaking, their whole bodies were shaking. Their legs felt so weak and their heads were spinning around. They were feeling really dizzy and shivers were running down their spines.

"Azul, my blue eyed angel," Ali's voice was barely audible as he was getting closer to her. "If ever two were one, we are!"

Ali was cupping her face. Azul moved her hand from Ali's to his face, caressing it softly. Their other hands were pressed together and suddenly they stopped when they felt a strong energy running through their bodies. It was like electricity and a warm feeling inside them. They looked at their hands and they could see a soft blue glowing coming from between them. It only lasted a second, but enough for them to see it and to feel the powerful energy between them. They looked deep into each other's eyes, knowing exactly what that blue glow meant. They were truly one.

"I love you, Ali." Azul whispered softly moving her face closer to Ali's.

"I love you too, Azul…"

Ali pronounced the last words against Azul's lips. Those had been barely a whisper. He had almost mouthed them against her lips. As those last words got lost in their lips, their souls met there as they pressed their lips together in a sacred kiss.

It was a magical moment. Ali felt Azul trembling in his arms. The love, the devotion, the excitement and the fire they were feeling at that heavenly moment was something that was exceeding all expectations. But that was the holy kiss, the kiss that would seal their promise of an union that would be immortal and eternal. With that kiss they accepted spending the rest of their eternity together, beyond time and space. Even beyond death.

Ali's arms encircled Azul's body and she placed her arms around Ali's neck. They were embracing tightly as they were sharing that sacred kiss. And even if they were so lost in their kiss that they didn't notice, Azrak's amulet and Azul's blue diamond were glowing softly with an unknown energy as they were sharing that sincere kiss of deep love.

And then, unexpectedly the first fireworks started to illuminate the night sky of the city of Agrabah. The people in the pavilion had been holding their breaths as Ali and Azul were kissing, but as soon as the fireworks started to explode high in the sky, everybody in the pavilion and in the streets started to cheer and to wish the newlyweds all the happiness and the blessings of Allah. The music started to play as the people continued cheering and the fireworks continued exploding in the sky of Agrabah.

But Ali and Azul were still lost in that kiss of pure love and total devotion. They didn't want to pull away. They didn't want to let go. It was the most sacred moment of their lives and they wanted to make it last as long as possible. Even if the emotions were unleashed around them in the form of cheers, music and fireworks, they were lost in each other and in the feeling of that sacred kiss. They didn't realize what was going on around them. They were only conscious of each other.

After a long moment Ali's hands went to cup Azul's face and they finally pulled away slowly, reluctantly. But they kept their faces close to each other's and their eyes closed. They sighed deeply and happily. They were still lost in the feeling of that kiss. But most of all, they knew that in the moment they opened their eyes they wouldn't find Ali or Azul there in front of them. Ali would find his wife and Azul would find her husband.

After a couple of seconds they opened their eyes very slowly, at the same time. Ali found those big, teary, beautiful blue eyes staring at him softly and tenderly. Her lips curved in a small, nervous smile and he chuckled softly. Azul's image was blurred in front of him but he didn't know if it was because of the dream he was living or because of his own teary eyes.

They were very nervous, they didn't know what to do then, what to say or how to react. They were so lost in each other that they hadn't noticed the fireworks or the music or the people going crazy.

Azul caressed Ali's face softly and chuckled nervously but a stray tear ran down her face. Ali shook his head softly and brushed the tear off her face with his thumb tenderly.

"No," Ali said softly as the fireworks illuminated their faces. "From now on, it's only happiness Azul… only happiness!"

Azul smiled and more fireworks exploded in the sky. Until then they noticed them but they wondered if the fireworks were for real or if they were only imagining them. They were all teary eyed but they were chuckling softly. They didn't know if they should laugh or cry. They were feeling like laughing, crying, going crazy there and yet they couldn't fully react.

"Azul…" Ali said softly as a big, beautiful smile appeared on his lips. "My wife…"

Azul laughed softly and without even thinking about it she threw her arms around Ali's neck, hugging him. Ali laughed and stepped back, almost losing his balance at Azul's unexpected reaction. He put his arm around Azul's waist, hugging her and raising her up.

They were laughing happily and hugging each other tightly. Ali placed Azul back to the ground and he grabbed her face, kissing her all over, her forehead, her cheeks, her jaw, her eyes. Azul reacted the same way, grabbing Ali's face and showering him with kisses all over.

Finally Ali just placed his arms around her and embraced her softly but tightly against him, hiding his face in her neck. Azul embraced him just as tight. Only Ali's bangs were visible over her shoulders and only Azul's crown was visible over Ali's shoulder. They stayed like that for a long moment, embracing tightly and swaying softly, not saying a word, just enjoying the feeling of their closeness and each other's warmth and tenderness. The fireworks and the music continued but they weren't paying much attention to them, they were only focused on themselves and their love.

"Azul," Ali whispered softly in her ear, not moving a bit. "Azul, you are my wife… finally, my angel… we are finally together… and this is forever Azul… forever!"

"Forever, Ali." Azul reassured him softly. "My Prince… my beloved Ali… my husband!"

They chuckled, for those words sounded funny to them. Funny and yet wonderful. Ali pulled away a little and grabbed Azul's face, kissing her lips softly one more time. Azul returned the sweet kiss but they had to end it because they were laughing happily. They pulled apart and held each other's hands. They had never been so happy in their lives. Ali leaned over and kissed Azul's cheek softly. Azul laughed and tapped the tip of Ali's nose playfully.

Ali offered his arm to her and she grabbed it. It was time to descend that dome and return to the real world, as husband and wife.

As they were descending they noticed the enthusiasm and the craziness around them. All the people in the pavilion were cheering and applauding and throwing white flowers at them. The music was playing and the fireworks were still illuminating Agrabah's sky. They looked at each other and smiled happily. It was the happiest moment of their lives, not because the joy around them or because of the fireworks, but because what was between them was then legal and blessed by Allah. After all their problems, after all their bad moments, after all their pain, after all their tears and after a long wait, they were finally husband and wife.

When they finally came down from the dome, Aladdin was there to receive them. The rest of the family was coming closer but Aladdin was there to be the first one to congratulate the newlyweds.

Ali smiled radiantly at his father and Aladdin stepped forward, opening his arms and embracing the young couple tightly.

"I wish you all the happiness and all the blessings of Allah… my beloved children!"

"Aw, dad!" Ali chuckled happily.

"We love you, Sultan." Azul said softly.

They hugged Aladdin back tightly for a long moment. As they were sharing that group hug they could see over Aladdin's shoulder the rest of their families coming closer.

Finally they pulled away and Aladdin laughed softly trying to control their own excitement. He was moved almost to tears.

"I thought you two were going to be up there forever." He teased.

"Nah!" Sadira said coming closer to embrace them. "They couldn't spend their whole honeymoon up there."

"Mom!" Azul laughed embracing Sadira tightly.

"She's right." Ali whispered. "It's a very public place and we have lots of audience!"

"Ali!" Azul scolded him but giggled anyway.

"Oh, kids, we are SO happy for you!" Sadira said sincerely as she was hugging them.

Then Jasmine came to embrace them.

"May Allah bless you." She said sincerely hugging them tightly. "Ali, Azul, you have NO idea how happy you've made us tonight!"

"Happy and proud." Bassel said.

He was the next in the line and he embraced Ali tightly, patting his back affectionately.

"Be good to her, Ali… she's my most precious treasure." He whispered to Ali.

"Don't worry, sir… she's my most precious treasure too."

Bassel embraced Azul tightly for a long moment and she returned the embrace. She was whispering to him how much she loved him.

But behind them Nanny and the rest of the royal children were approaching. Ali looked at them and smiled happily.

"Now, THAT was a sacred kiss!" Nanny was saying. "I was wondering if you were going to pass out up there from lack of oxygen!"

"Nanny!" Azul laughed hugging her.

Ali laughed softly and went to hug Nanny.

"Now you are my Nanny too." He said happily. "I've married your granddaughter."

"She's a lucky girl!" She was saying. "She was smart enough to catch the heart of such a prince!"

"Nah!" Ali laughed taking Azul's hand and kissing it. "She didn't catch me… I surrendered to her by free will… when I saw this blue eyed angel for the first time, well, I just knew I had no way out… why fight it if I knew from the beginning that I was all surrendered to her?"

"Ali!" She said tenderly.

They got lost in each other's eyes one more time. They were getting away from the world once again but their family wouldn't allow it.

"I never thought I'd live to see this day." Yesenia was laughing. "The day I'd witness Ali's wedding… it's unbelievable, Azul…"

"I managed." Azul giggled.

"She had no other choice." Ali said proudly. "Now she's stuck with me for life!"

"That's scary!" Yesenia laughed.

"I never thought that little melon would be husband material!" Aladdin said rubbing the back of Ali's neck.


"It's the truth!" Aladdin laughed. "I never thought any woman besides Jasmine would ever be able to tolerate him and all his craziness… Azul came along and Allah, I was proved wrong!"

"Isn't my father the most wonderful and supportive man ever?" Ali chuckled looking at Azul.

She shrugged but she didn't have the chance to reply to that, for the royal twins, Najila and Nasir practically tackled them, hugging them happily.

"Yay!" Najila was saying. "So you're finally our sister, Azul!"

"Now you are Ali's wife and you are going to live with us at the palace forever!"

"Didn't I get you the most amazing and wonderful sister?" Ali laughed picking them up.

"Wow!" Najila said. "Ali IS strong!"

"He's a show off!" Yesenia laughed behind him.

"When I'm big I'm going to be just like Ali!" Nasir said patting his brother's shoulder softly. "A big, strong guy who would live lots of adventures!"

"Whoa! Watch the shoulder, Nasir! That's the not so pleasant part of an adventurous life… I wish you luck!" Ali laughed. "But you didn't answer my question… didn't I get you the most amazing and beautiful sister?"

"Yay! You did!"

Azul went closer to them and hugged them. They hugged Ali and Azul and they shared that group hug for a while. The twins were asking a lot of questions, one after another and Ali and Azul were laughing, knowing that they could never answer that many questions, and not very sure that they actually wanted to answer those questions.

"Where are you going now?"

"What are you going to do on your honeymoon?"

"Aren't you going to get bored there?"

"Will you have a baby when you're back?"

Ali placed them on the ground and tapped the tip of their noses playfully.

"No more questions!" He said. "That's the law!"

"Aw!" They said. "But we want to know!"

"We'll get you some gifts when we're back." Azul laughed.

"Yay! Gifts!"

"Who knows?" Nanny laughed and winked at them. "Maybe the gift could be for all of us… I've always wanted some great grandchildren, mind you!"

"Nanny!" Azul laughed and blushed.

"Allah," Ali said caressing her face. "You are ADORABLE when you blush!"

"Knowing Ali," Yesenia was laughing at Nanny's words. "I don't think that'd be a problem!"

"Yesny!" Ali scolded her.

Mahdi approached them and shook Ali's hand affectionately.

"Welcome to the other side of the bridge." He smiled at his brother in law. "You'll find very interesting surprises in this side of the land… but I know you'll enjoy it."

"Thank you, Mahdi!" Ali embraced him. "I mean, if you have survived with Yesny, how hard can it be?"

"Hey now!" Yesenia laughed.

"We've always had the feeling we'd be living this moment." Mahdi said kissing Azul's hand. "From the first time we saw you guys together, Yesenia and I just… knew."

"You have always been there for us." Azul smiled at him. "Thank you!"

"Welcome to the family, Azul." He returned the smile.

And finally Cassim came to them. He had been waiting for his turn and now he knew he was the last in the line. Ali smiled at him and Cassim nodded at them, keeping his formal ways.

"May Allah bless your marriage." He said. "And Azul… welcome to the family."

"Aw, c'mon little bro!" Ali said opening his arms. "It's my wedding day… I think I deserve a hug, don't I?"

Cassim looked up at Ali and shrugged. He stepped forward and Ali hugged him tightly, almost picking him up from the ground and patting his back not in a very gentle way. When they pulled away Cassim sent a disapprovingly look at Ali and straightened his hair, but before he could complain, Ali he was already talking.

"What? No hugs for my wife?" Ali said taking Azul's hand. "She's your new sister, Cassim!"

Azul smiled nervously at Cassim and he stared at her with the same nervous expression on his face. He stepped forward and placed his hands on Azul's arms giving her a very formal and quick hug. A little hug that started formal but ended up being affectionate. It was Cassim's fully acceptance of Azul into the family.

"Well," Aladdin said in a formal voice. "I guess it's time to go on with the celebrations… Ali, Azul, come here please."

Ali took Azul's hand and they went to Aladdin's side. He looked at Jasmine over his shoulder and she nodded at him, smiling happily.

"People of the Seven Deserts," Aladdin said addressing their guests. "It's an honor and a privilege to present to you the new Royal Couple of Agrabah… Prince Ali and his wife, Princess Azul of Agrabah, Heirs of the Royal Throne!"

Ali looked at Azul. He was smiling mischievously and happily at her. She looked back at him and she thought she was unable to contain her tears anymore. All the people in the wedding pavilion inclined respectfully, presenting their respects to the newlyweds who also happened to be Agrabah's next rulers. Ali placed his arm around Azul's shoulders and hugged her to him.

"I guess we should now present you to the people of Agrabah." Aladdin said. "Let's go to the Royal Balcony, from there I'll present you to our people."

Ali offered his arm to Azul and she grabbed it. They proceeded then to leave the wedding pavilion, walking through the main aisle, followed by the royal family and Azul's family. As they were passing by, all the people in the pavilion were smiling at them, wishing the best for them and invoking all the blessings of Allah over them. They all thought they were the perfect couple. They looked amazing together. He was a fearless hero, she was a beautiful woman. They were the Heir Couple of Agrabah. It was enough for them to respect them and wish them nothing but the best.

They went to the Royal Balcony. From there they could see the people of Agrabah reunited in the square, all of them waiting for their prince and princess to come out. When the Sultan of Agrabah and Queen Jasmine appeared there all the people started to cheer, but when Ali and Azul appeared behind them, the crowd went crazy.

"People of Agrabah!" Aladdin announced. "Prince Ali and his wife, Princess Azul!"

He couldn't say another word, for the cheers and the applause of the people didn't allow him. The music was playing and the fireworks started to illuminate Agrabah's sky one more time. Ali was hugging his wife to him and they were greeting the people of Agrabah. The people they used to share their lives with. They were loved by the people because they were very close to them. They were always in the streets, sharing their lives with them, helping them when they needed help, working hand in hand with them when it was required. And now, to see them together forever in holy marriage was enough for the people of Agrabah to go crazy. They all were praying to Allah to pour all His blessings on them. They were wishing for all the happiness and bliss life could give to the newlywed royal couple.

Ali and Azul were looking up at the sky where the fireworks were exploding, illuminating the sky in such an unreal way that they thought it was the perfect representation of what they were feeling in their hearts at the moment. Ali smiled and looked at his wife. She was lost in the sight of the fireworks and he thought she looked beautiful under the light of those fireworks. He noticed a fire glittering in her eyes, something that he hadn't seen there before and he knew it was not the fireworks reflected there. It was something that was coming directly from her soul. And for some reason he thought he had the same look in his eyes. He could feel that fire coming out from his own soul too.

He couldn't resist it, he placed his arm around Azul's shoulder and when she looked at him, smiling happily, his hand went to her jaw and he kissed her unexpectedly in front of the crowd.

The people of Agrabah went crazy at the sight of their prince and their princess kissing like that in front of them, under the fireworks. They found it very sweet and touching, specially the way he lifted her from the ground as they kissed. They were so in love.

Aladdin and Jasmine laughed and stepped aside as the newlyweds were kissing like that. Jasmine snuggled against Aladdin's chest and looked up at him warmly.

"Aren't they just cute?" She said.

"They are… I had never seen Ali so happy before… but you know, I think Nanny is right, I'm starting to get worried for them… look at them, they are going to suffer from lack of oxygen!" Aladdin laughed.

"They are going to be just fine!" Jasmine smiled at them.

"We didn't do that at OUR wedding, did we?" Aladdin chuckled.

Jasmine shrugged and laughed happily.

Ali released Azul and they started to laugh happily. Ali placed his arms around Azul's waist and picked her up, spinning around happily. They were laughing, they were feeling happy as never before. They thought such happiness was not possible but they were there, living the dream, together.

"Let's go." Aladdin said. "We have to go to the reception hall… people are waiting for you there. C'mon!"

Ali and Azul saluted their people one more time. They couldn't say any kind of speech because the noise was too loud. The people were happy. And they were going to celebrate the Royal Wedding in the streets of Agrabah all night long, for Aladdin had prepared a big party there.

Ali took his wife's hand and they followed Aladdin and Jasmine. They headed to the ball room, where all the royal guests were already waiting for them.

The Prince of Agrabah kept Azul's hand in his all the time. Their fingers were entwined and they were smiling at each other as they were crossing the menagerie in their way to the reception hall. Aladdin and Jasmine kept sending them side looks and smiling to themselves. Their son and his wife looked happy as never before. The newlyweds weren't talking much. They just were lost in each other still not believing what had just happened between them.

When they finally arrived in the reception hall, they stopped by the door. Aladdin looked at the young couple.

"Well, they are going to announce us now… see you inside kids! Have fun!" Aladdin winked at them.

The sound of a trumpet was heard and the voice of the messenger announced them.

"Sultan Aladdin and his wife, Queen Jasmine of Agrabah!"

As his parents disappeared behind the curtains, Ali turned to Azul and smiled at her. She smiled back at him.

"This time," He said in a very low voice. "I'm escorting my WIFE to this ball."

"Oh Ali!" Azul smiled tenderly. "I love you!"

"I love you too, blue eyes!" He said sweetly. "And don't worry about a thing… as soon as we have the chance, we'll elope from this ball, okay?"

"Okay." Azul giggled.

The trumpet was heard again and Ali offered his arm to Azul as the messenger announced them.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Ali Ben-Aladdin Al-Ababwa and his wife, Her Royal Highness, Princess Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Ababwa, Heir couple of the Royal Throne of Agrabah!"

"Wow!" Azul chuckled softly looking up at Ali.

"Yeah… wow!" He chuckled back.

They entered the ball room and the people there received them in a royal and official way. No one cheered or applauded at them as the people of Agrabah had done but everyone bowed at them in a very respectful and diplomatic way.

They were walking across the crowd to the center of the ball. It was the tradition for the newlyweds to have their first dance together as husband and wife then. Ali wasn't paying attention to the people there, his eyes were only for Azul. And she was looking up at him, smiling tenderly and snuggling against his arm.

They stopped in front of Aladdin and Jasmine. The sultan of Agrabah smiled at them and cleared his throat.

"Royal guests of Agrabah," He said. "I want to thank you all for your presence this night here in the royal palace. It was very important to us to have you all here attending this royal marriage, the first one celebrated in Agrabah in 25 years. It was important because my son, Prince Ali is going to rule on Agrabah one day and we wanted people from all the Seven Deserts to witness the wedding of my son and to recognize him and his wife, Princess Azul as the heir couple of Agrabah." He stopped and smiled at the newlyweds. "This is a celebration of love because what you see between these two young people is not political or economical convenience… it's not an alliance between kingdoms, it's not a diplomatic maneuver… no, what you see here between them is love, pure love… the deepest and most sincere love. A love that's been proven in pain, in blood, in tears… a love that has resisted winds and storms… a love that now arises triumphantly leaving all that pain behind… this bond between my son and his wife it's not a legal bond that came out from a contract, it is a blood bond. Only they know what this really means but tonight I'm proud to witness the consummation of such love… a love that came out from the depths of their hearts and now it's a love for all of us to see… they have made a commitment tonight. They are going to be together forever, beyond time and space… beyond death. Ali, Azul, congratulations because you are brave enough to take the challenge… a challenge that you'll face together… you'll succeed, I have no doubts about it. May Allah bless this union!"

Ali kept Azul's hand in his as they were listening Aladdin's speech. When he mentioned the blood bond, Ali entwined his fingers to hers and they pressed their palms together. As Aladdin had said, only they knew the real and deep meaning of it. They looked at each other and smiled in a tender and yet mysterious way. In their eyes they could read the secret language of their love. A language no one but them could understand.

"Enough of such formalities." Jasmine's voice brought them back to reality. "It's time to celebrate!"

The most beautiful song started to play and Ali and Azul looked at each other in surprise as big smiles appeared on their faces. It was the song Ali had composed for her long ago, a song that had always been 'their' song. Ali looked at his dad with a questioning look and Aladdin only shrugged and smiled mischievously. They had arranged for the royal musicians to play that song for them that night.

"How did they know?" Azul asked softly.

"They are something else!" Ali chuckled.

Ali bowed formally and offered his hand to Azul.

"May I have this dance, Princess?" He asked formally.

Azul didn't respond. She only put her hand in Ali's and let him lead her to the center of the ball. Once they were there, Ali placed his hand on Azul's waist and pulled her close to him as they started to dance.

It was a dream. Everything was blurred for them, everything but each other. Azul hugged Ali, hiding her face in his chest and he returned the embrace, closing his arms tightly around his wife. They closed their eyes and focused on the music and on the feeling of each other. They weren't even dancing, they were only swaying softly at the music. That music that was a celestial melody to them.

As they were sharing that first dance as husband and wife, they were remembering a lot of episodes of the life they had been sharing for the past two years. There had been good and bad times. The bad times had been terrible and they had suffered very much but the good times had always exceeded the bad ones. There had been pain and tears. There had been death and war. There had been so much guilt and fear in their past but that was nothing compared to all the happiness, all the bliss and all the love they had shared. And it had been only the beginning. They knew their life was only starting. Their new life was starting that night, as they were sharing that moment together.

Ali embraced her even tighter and hid his face in her neck. He was rubbing her back gently as they were swaying to the music.

"I love you, Azul." He whispered in her ear. "You are my whole life."

Azul felt shivers running down her back at Ali's words and at the feeling of his warm breath against her neck. She snuggled up to him even more while caressing his hair and the back of his neck.

"I love you too, Ali… this love is bigger than me… it's almost painful… I love you my prince… I love you!"

Azul's words were so soft and sweet that Ali felt even more tenderness for that woman who was his wife. He sighed happily and pulled away a little to face her, to look at her blue eyes, those gorgeous eyes that were his most precious jewels.

"Allah!" Ali said sincerely. "Must you be this beautiful?"

By saying that he leaned over and kissed her cheek amorously. Azul was smiling tenderly. She held Ali's face against her cheek for a while. Ali giggled and kissed her jaw up to her ear.

"You are an angel." He whispered. "My blue eyed angel!"

"Ali…" She whispered back not knowing what to reply to that.

"You smell wonderful, blue eyes… this is the scent of the woman I love, and you know what?"


"I can relate you so well to the lemon blossoms too… so perfect and sweet… so tiny and delicate, so beautiful and vulnerable… and yet so strong to resist all the gusts of the wind."

"You've made me strong, Ali… you've awakened in me things that I never knew I had… new emotions, a new point of view, a new energy, a new life… it's all because of you." She whispered in his ear.

"I feel the same way about you." He whispered back. "All this passion, all this love, all this fascination…" He pulled away to stare into her eyes. "It's you, Azul… it's you!"

Ali put his finger under her chin and lifted her head. As the song was ending he pulled her close for a kiss. The last notes of their song were heard and Ali and Azul got lost in each other in a kiss of deep love.

They pulled away slowly, chuckling happily. They were holding hands and laughing happily, staring deep into each other's eyes. They noticed then Bassel and Jasmine standing there.

"May I have this dance with my daughter?" Bassel smiled.

"Sure!" Ali smiled kissing Azul's hand and placing it in Bassel's.

The music was starting to play and as Bassel and Azul started to dance, Ali winked and blew a kiss to her. Azul giggled and rested her head on her father's shoulder. Ali turned to Jasmine and offered his hand to her, bowing formally.

"My Queen!" He said. "May I have this dance?"

"I thought you'd never ask, my Prince!"

Ali smiled and took his mother to the center of the ball. They started to dance graciously at the rhythm of the beautiful music.

"You have always been a very good dancer, Ali." Jasmine smiled.

"Nah… I'm very clumsy… but in any case, I had the best teacher… do you remember, mom? Remember when I was a little kid and you taught me how to dance?"

"I do." She said softly looking up at his handsome son. "You were so tiny and I had to look down at you… now look at you, Ali. You are so tall and so strong… I look at you and I wonder where did my little baby go?"

"Aw, mom!" He said leaning over and kissing her cheek. "I will always be your little baby… always!"

"I know… but right now… right now you are a married man. I look at you and I find this man, this wonderful man and I feel nothing but pride, Ali. You grew up to be the man your father and I always wanted you to be. And a new life is starting for you now… a new life with Azul by your side… your wife. Make her happy, Ali… in her happiness you'll find your own happiness."

"I know, mom… believe me, in her eyes I find my whole world. Her eyes are the mirror of my soul… of my dreams, of my hopes for the future. She's my happiness mom… and I'm going to live to make her happy."

"And she's going to make you happy, Ali. So happy… praise Allah who sent her to you. Because I know she loves you in a way that no other woman would. Allah is going to pour all His blessings on you… and you'll live happily ever after!"

Ali smiled tenderly at his mother as they continued dancing. At the other side of the ball, Bassel smiled when he noticed how Azul's eyes were on Ali. She didn't take her eyes off him, not for a single moment.

"He's not going anywhere." He said.

"Uh?" Azul said coming back from her daydream. "Oh daddy… I was just…"

"I know… and you know, sweetheart? I've never thought I'd live to see you so in love. You are lost… lost for him… crazy about him."

"I am." Azul replied softly. "Ali, my husband… doesn't it sound funny to you, daddy?"

"You'll get used to it… all I can say is that Ali is a lucky man, a very lucky man."

"I am a lucky girl too!" Azul smiled up at her father. "What were the chances of me finding such a wonderful man?"

"It's not about chances, sweetheart. It's about destiny."

"Yeah." She said dreamily. "We were meant to be, I've always believed that."

"He's proven his love for you in so many ways." Bassel said absently. "I have no doubts about it. This is going to be a blessed marriage."

Azul smiled softly and rested her head on Bassel's shoulder. She sent Ali a loving gaze and Ali responded from the other side of the ball winking mischievously at her.

At the side of the ball Aladdin and Sadira were waiting their turn to dance with the newlyweds. Sadira was smiling happily and yet mischievously watching the dance.

"What?" Aladdin giggled when he saw her expression. "What's that smile for?"

"Oh, I was just thinking… I mean, what were the chances, Aladdin? Your son and my daughter… isn't that just a little funny?"

"Well, I don't think they would call it funny." Aladdin smiled still looking at the dance. "It's very serious to them."

"I just keep thinking about what happened between us when we were young… but for you and me real love was somewhere else… in Jasmine and in Bassel… but I admit it, Aladdin, I had all kind of dreams about you before I met Bassel. Dreams where I was a damsel in distress and you the brave hero who rescued me… dreams of you being crazy in love with me… dreams of you resigning the love of a princess and choosing me instead."

"Wow…" Aladdin chuckled and blushed. "Thank Allah Bassel came along, huh?"

"Yeah." Sadira laughed. "But my point is that it seems all those dreams I had came true… in Azul."

"Yes." Aladdin said absently. "And you know what? From the first moment I met her something told me that she was the one for my son… I don't know why but… I just knew."

"Well, she can't complain. She got a very handsome, cute and brave husband!"

"She's the only one who can make Ali get to his senses. She's the one who can keep him in line. Ali is a lucky man… a very lucky man."

"He is such a wonderful man… he's just like you, Aladdin."

"Well, except for his character… I think he's got more from Jasmine there. He's a man of passion."

"I don't think Azul would complain!" Sadira laughed.

"You know," Aladdin chuckled. "It is SO hard to me to believe that Azul is really your daughter… she's nothing like you!"

"She has her moments." Sadira smiled.

The song was ending and it was their turn to dance with the newlyweds.

"Well," Sadira smiled. "At least I'll get to dance with an Al-Ababwa!"

Sadira went to Ali's side and smiled at Jasmine.

"Sorry Jasmine, tonight this cutie belongs to my family."

"Ugh!" Jasmine joked. "First my husband and now my son… you never give up, do you?"

"I'm sorry ladies." Ali smiled. "But my only owner and master is my beloved blue eyed angel."

"Isn't he a dream?" Sadira smiled at Jasmine. "So Ali, son… would you honor me with this dance?"

"It'll be my pleasure!" Ali bowed formally and started to dance with Sadira.

"Azul IS a lucky girl having such a handsome man for a husband!" She was saying. "Good looking, strong, smart, brave and even a prince… talk about a lucky star!"

"She IS my lucky star." Ali smiled. "She's so beautiful, so wonderful, so kind and loving, so caring, so cute… and so incredibly intelligent and strong. Sadira, ma'am, I think I should thank you and Bassel… you brought an angel from Heaven… and I was the lucky man who earned this angel's pure and tender love."

"You got an angel… but she got an Al-Ababwa… how wonderful is that?"

Ali chuckled softly remembering some episodes in the past of his father and Sadira's life. Sadira smiled knowing what Ali was thinking.

"Well, at least it worked for you. In one or another way Aladdin's grandchildren are going to be MY grandchildren too… and I don't think we'll have to wait much for that to happen, huh?"

"Aw man!" Ali blushed and giggled.

"Azul is right, you ARE cute when you blush."

"What can I say? I'm adicted to your daughter."

"I've heard you are a good kisser!" Sadira winked.

"Well…" Ali blushed even deeper. "She's a great kisser too!"

"Ohhh!" Sadira laughed happy to have something to embarrass her daughter later.

As Ali was dancing with Sadira, his father, Aladdin the Sultan of Agrabah was dancing with his daughter in law. Aladdin noticed Azul blushing a little and he smiled tenderly.

"What is it, daughter?"


"You are blushing."

"Oh… I just… it's just that… my mom and Ali are dancing and… and only Allah knows what she's telling to him… and…"

Azul didn't end her phrase. Aladdin laughed softly and looked at her.

"It's alright… you know how your mother is… and how Ali is."

"That's why I'm worried!"

"You know, I was just telling your mother that it's so hard for me to believe you are her daughter… you are so different."

"I-I guess mom is a little more… feisty than I am, huh?"

"A little, yeah… but I was also telling your mom that from the moment I first met you I knew you were the one for my Ali."

"Aw, Sultan!"

"It's the truth, Azul… you are the right woman to him and his mother and I will never stop thanking Allah for sending you to him. You've made him happy in an incredible way, Azul. From the moment you came into his life he changed for good. He's always been a good boy but you came to give him something he didn't have before… you gave him inspiration… a reason to live… you showed him what love is all about… and the happiness and the life I see in his eyes since you are here is something I will be forever grateful to you for."

"I love Ali, Sultan… he's given to me all the love in the world. He has shown me the real meaning of words that are forgotten for some people… words such as love, faith, happiness, tenderness… Ali is my reason to live, Sultan. Without him… I'd rather die."

"Don't say that, Azul… don't think about that on your wedding day. Think about the wonderful things that are coming for you and for Ali… and all the love and happiness you still have to share… all those blessed years to come."

"Yeah." She said absently. "Death is behind us now… from now on there is only life ahead of us… a blessed life that's going to last forever."

"And never forget, daughter… never forget that no matter what I'm here for you. Maybe things will be a little messy at first but we all are here to support you and to show you the way. And you know that you can count on me no matter what. From now on you are officially part of my family. You are one more of my children. You are my daughter."

Azul looked up at Aladdin and smiled tenderly. Aladdin returned the same sweet gaze and smiled back at her.

The song was ending and the people at the ball started to applaud. As soon as the song was over a new one was starting and the people started to go to the ball to dance. Aladdin released Azul and they noticed that Ali was coming to them to get his wife.

"She's mine, dad!" Ali said placing his arms around her.

"I'm not stealing her away from you… I was just warning her about the kind of man she's getting and I was also telling her that sadly there's no substitutions or refunds. She's stuck with you for life."

"Aw dad, you are MEAN!"

"Never mind, Ali." Azul smiled up at him. "I like the sound of that. I guess we have no way out now, have we?"

"Nope!" He said embracing her softly. "There's no way out!"

"C'mon kids!" Aladdin motioned them to the ball. "Go and have some fun! The banquet will be ready in a few minutes… c'mon, go!"

Ali took Azul's hands. They were laughing happily. She dragged him to the ball and they started to dance happily.

Aladdin was smiling at them when he felt Jasmine's hand in his. He turned to his wife and smiled happily.

"What a wonderful night! They look so happy, don't you think?"

"Yes, they are happy." Jasmine smiled mischievously at him. "Happy and anxious to get out of here, you know?"

"Yeah." Aladdin laughed. "I think so too."

"Do you think we should give this to them now?"

Jasmine opened her hand and a key with a blue ribbon appeared there. Aladdin took the key and placed it in his pocket.

"Nah… not yet… let them have some fun first. And they need to have dinner too. Believe me Jasmine, they need the food. After tonight only Allah knows when they'll have their next meal!"

"You have a point!" Jasmine laughed softly. "But as soon as the banquet is over we really have to give it to them… otherwise Ali could bribe her to go to his room or something and you know how persuasive our boy can be."

"I know." Aladdin laughed. "Just like his mother."

"C'mon!" Jasmine took Aladdin's hands and dragged him to the ball. "Let's have some fun of our own!"

They started to dance and Aladdin looked over Jasmine's head at Ali who was laughing happily while dancing with Azul. His son embraced his wife giving her a bear hug and lifting her form the ground, he spun her around. Azul grabbed Ali's neck and laughed while Ali was doing that to her. They looked so happy together. Ali put her down and she grabbed his face, kissing his lips playfully, then she hugged him and they continued dancing.

Aladdin laughed softly, he loved to see Ali so happy. The prince of Agrabah looked over Azul's shoulder at his father and smiled at him winking mischievously and giving him thumbs up. Aladdin smiled back and nodded at his son. In his heart he thanked Allah for all the happiness and the blessings He had sent to him and to his family over all the years. He embraced Jasmine tightly as they were dancing slowly to the alluring rhythm of the Arabian music.

* * * * *

The night was beautiful. A crescent moon was shinning high in the sky and thousands of stars were shimmering all over the celestial canopy. The night was neither cold or hot, it was just perfect.

In the menagerie the sounds of the music and the party were distant and the murmur of the water in the fountain and the soft desert breeze were the music in that place.

Suddenly that peace was interrupted by the sound of laughter. Ali and his wife appeared there. They were holding hands and laughing happily. Ali was practically dragging her along.

"It was only the truth!" Ali was laughing. "Nothing but the truth!"

"But you had to tell THAT to mom?" Azul laughed while slapping his arm over and over playfully. "To MOM of all people?!"

"Hey!" He laughed. "THIS is called spousal abuse, do you know that?"

He turned to her and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her to him in a savage but yet playful way.

"Besides," He cooed. "It was the truth… YOU are a wonderful kisser!"

Azul smiled mischievously at him and placed her arms around his neck as he was leaning over to kiss her. It was the first private moment they had. All day they had been busy and they really were longing for that quiet time just for them.

They pulled away a little and Ali placed his arms around his wife. He rested his forehead on hers and they started to sway slowly as they were looking deep into each other's eyes.

"Do you really think so?" Azul whispered to him while running her finger along his collar.

"What?" He whispered back. "That thing about you being a great kisser?"

"Yeah, that."

"Of course I think so! You are the best kisser in the world, blue eyes!"

"You are wonderful too!"

"I know I am!" Ali said proudly. "And YOU had to tell Nanny about it! Not that I'm complaining, I know I'm good at it!"

"Show off!" Azul laughed. "How am I supposed to know if you are a good kisser or not if I don't have any point of comparison? I mean, you had Salma and Karima but me…"

"Hey now!" Ali stopped her. "You ARE a mood killer, blue eyes! If I didn't love you this much I could hate you, you know that?"

Ali started tickling her. Being in his arms like that Azul had no way out. She was laughing and trying to get rid of Ali but she just couldn't.

"Ali! Stop it! Stop it! THIS also is called spousal abuse, you know that?" She was laughing.

Ali stopped. He was laughing mischievously but he didn't let go of Azul. He was keeping her in his embrace.

"Geez, we've been married for a few minutes and the abuse has started already… isn't that a little preoccupying?"

"Nah!" Azul said searching for his lips. "I think THIS is a good start!"

They kissed again and they started to giggle in the middle of the kiss. They were just so happy that they couldn't stop laughing. They didn't know what to do with themselves.

"Ali, my husband." Azul said softly when they pulled away. "How wonderful is that?"

"Just as wonderful as you being my wife… I mean, who thought that a simple kiss on your hand would lead us to THIS?"

"I know… and to think that day I was wondering who that boy was… it was hard for me to believe that you were actually the Prince of Agrabah."

"Yeah…" Ali laughed. "I don't have exactly the royal appearance a prince should have, have I?"

"You look great to me!"

"I was just a boy back then… I think I look way much better now with all these muscles and all!"

"You know Ali, you are being terribly conceited tonight!" Azul laughed.

"Hey, I'm trying to impress my wife!"

"But you don't need to impress me!"

"What? Are you out of your mind? How do you think I feel? How do you think I felt when I looked at the doors of the wedding pavilion and saw THIS angel standing there… I don't think you realize how incredibly beautiful you are, blue eyes! At that moment I felt so tiny in comparison… I HAVE to impress you because Allah knows YOU impressed me!"

"Silly Ali!" Azul laughed.

"Silly, huh?" Ali smiled mischievously at her. "Name calling is also spousal abuse!"

"Is this spousal abuse too?" Azul said splashing the water of the fountain at Ali.

"Why you!"

Ali tried to catch her but she was faster than him and she escaped, running around the fountain. Ali ran after her making sure she had enough time to escape from him. They were laughing happily and splashing water at each other.

Finally Ali trapped her. She screamed trying to get away but Ali closed his arms around her and didn't let go.

"That's it!" He scolded her playfully. "Enough is enough! You have to learn to respect your husband, little lady!"

"I'll do that when my husband stops acting like a 5 year old boy!"

"You REALLY want that?"

"Nah!" She said tapping his nose. "You are cute this way!"

"And we're back to the cuteness!" Ali groaned.

Azul laughed happily and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. When she was pulling away, Ali grabbed her face and pulled her close to him again, kissing her passionately. When they pulled away Azul rested her head on Ali's chest and he closed his arms around her and rested his head on top of hers.

"This place." Ali said in a more serious tone. "This place is special to us… do you remember that night when we had our first dance here, by this fountain?"

"I could never forget that night!"

"Me neither… I guess that was the night when I realized that what was going on between us couldn't be stopped."

"But life was full of uncertainties then… nothing was clear… I was so scared, so unsure."

"And now?"

"No… life is different now… look at me now, Ali. I'm here in the arms of the most wonderful man in the world. The man that has proven his love to me in the most amazing ways… the man who almost died for me… the man I shared my blood with… and who shared his blood with me… the man that I married tonight, my husband… the man I love more than my life… everything is clear now. No more tears, no more pain, no more fears… only you and me, Ali… forever."

"I love you, Azul." He said sincerely.

They pulled away a little and smiled tenderly looking deep into each other's eyes. Ali's eyes went to her chest and he grinned as his hand went there and he started fiddling with Azul's blue diamond.

"I gave you this here in this same spot… two years ago."

"The night we were engaged… time flew, didn't it?"

"Yeah… it was like a wink but at the same time it was awfully slow."

"I know… this love feels so new and so full of mysteries and surprises and yet… sometimes I feel you've been here by my side all my life, Ali."

"Well, at least we know we'll be here for each other for the rest of our lives, right?"

"Wrong!" Azul caressed his face. "For the rest of eternity."

"Tell me the truth, Azul… do you really want to spend the rest of your life by my side?"

"I do!"

"And after that, when we're summoned to Allah's presence… would you want to spend the rest of eternity by my side?"

"Ali, life is not life without you… and Heaven wouldn't be Heaven without you. And you know why? Because Heaven is where you are… it's that simple."

"Aw!" Ali said nuzzling against Azul's neck. "Allah sent me an angel, a blue eyed one… I agree with you, Heaven is here and now between us. You make me so happy, Azul… you give me this peace and this security that I don't feel anywhere else. Thanks for your love, my angel… I don't know what I did to deserve you but… but you are here with me now… you are my wife now… together forever Azul… forever!"

Ali started kissing her neck in a very intimate and passionate way. Azul smiled contently while caressing his hair and the back of his neck.

"Do you think this is the way a marriage is supposed to be?" She giggled.

"I have NO idea… it's my first time too, blue eyes." He said pulling apart and smiling at her.

"Then I think we are going to learn together."

"Well…" Ali said placing his arms around Azul's waist and pulling her closer to him. "What do you say, blue eyes? Want to go to check on our new apartments? Because they are ours now… I think we have the right to go there… and check them…"

"Mischievous boy!" She was laughing as they were swaying softly. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"Who? Me?" He smiled innocently. "Of course not! I only want to check on them… we never had the chance to supervise the works there and I want to make sure everything is perfect for you… want to go?" He said nuzzling against her neck again.

"Ali!" She smiled.

"C'mon blue eyes! Let's go there! Only five minutes… please?"

"You know our parents must be wondering where we are…"

"Nah!" Ali laughed. "I know they know EXACTLY where we are."

"You are terrible, Ali!"

He was kissing her all over the face softly, trying to convince her to go with him to their apartments. Azul was laughing happily.

"Please? C'mon!"

"We don't even have the keys!"

"We can climb up the wall! We are pretty good at it!"

"I don't think I could climb with this dress!"

"Oh, we can get rid of that dress then!"

"Ali!" She scolded him playfully.

Ali just laughed and embraced her tightly, hiding his face in her neck and rubbing her back gently. Azul smiled and hugged him just as tight.

"This is the happiest day of my life!" Ali was whispering in her ear. "Please Azul, tell me this is not a dream! Tell me this is for real!"

"It's for real, Ali… even if it does seem a dream… it's for real!"

"Praise Allah!" Ali was saying sincerely. "Praise oh All Mighty… Most Gracious, Most Merciful…"

Ali stopped his prayers and went back to Azul's neck, kissing her softly and tenderly, feeling her life there in her pulse. Azul was caressing his back and hair and praying in her heart to Allah, even if Ali's touch was sending her to the moon. She couldn't think very clear then. She was getting lost in the feeling of their love.

* * * * *

Aladdin and Jasmine were looking at them from one of the terraces of the palace. Ali and Azul were by the fountain in the lonely menagerie. They were embracing each other and kissing.

"Do you think they are going to be done with it any time soon?" Aladdin smiled at Jasmine.

"No, I don't think so." Jasmine sighed happily. "They are so in love… so happy together."

"Yeah… and to think that a few days ago our kid was in such bad shape… and now look at him… he's got a whole new life."

"The life love has given to him… the same life love gave to us."

"I know… look at them, Jasmine… isn't that all we always wanted for our son?"

"It is… the worst of times is now behind us… from now on it's only happiness ahead of us. They are going to be happy. Allah has blessed their union. And in their happiness we'll find our own happiness. Ali is one of the fruits of the love we have for each other… and now look at him, now he's going to share that kind of love with his wife."

Aladdin smiled and opened his hand where the key with the blue ribbon was. Jasmine looked at it and smiled. They looked at each other smiling happily and then looked at the newlyweds who were still hugging and kissing by the fountain.

"Well," Aladdin said. "It's time… since they are not going to finish with this I think we have no other choice but to interrupt them."

"Don't worry." Jasmine laughed softly grabbing Aladdin's arm. "This is an interruption I'm sure they won't mind."

"Let's go then." Aladdin smiled at his wife.

Ali was lost kissing his wife. She was enjoying his caresses and his kisses. He was being particularly tender and sweet while kissing her face and neck. She kept her eyes closed and a contented smile on her face, her arms around Ali's shoulders.

"You know what else is called spousal abuse?" Ali whispered in her ear, kissing it amorously.

"What?" Azul giggled, for Ali's kiss had tickled her.

"The way you poked my ribs when we were talking to the Ambassador of Damascus… THAT hurt!"

"Oh," Azul giggled again. "I'm sorry sweetie, I guess I forgot your ribs are still a little hurt… but you were fiddling with the buttons of my dress and I thought you were going to break them!"

"You know my hands are a little hyper at times." Ali laughed.

"Only your hands?"

"Well…" Ali giggled. "But Allah, do you have any idea of how many buttons your dress has back there?"

"I know." Azul laughed softly. "First the Karakian dress, now this one… I have bad luck with dresses! Who designs my outfits anyway?"

"Don't complain, blue eyes." Ali kissed her cheek. "You look great no matter what!"

"You know what's funny?" Azul asked while Ali was kissing her.


"That we already have royal invitations to visit several kingdoms as the Heir Couple of Agrabah… isn't that great? Have you ever been to Damascus?"

"No, never." Ali said nuzzling against her neck.

"I was there where I was a little girl."

"And would you like to go there? You just ask, my angel… I'm here to fulfill your every wish."

"That'd be nice."

"You know, I was thinking, after our honeymoon we could visit all the Kingdoms we were invited to, as Ambassadors of Agrabah or something. That's good for diplomacy and we could continue traveling and make our honeymoon last."

"Sounds great… but I'm under the impression that our honeymoon is going to last forever!"

"It will," Ali grinned at her. "As soon as we get started!"

They smiled mischievously at each other and they hugged again, hiding their faces in each other's neck.

"Hello kids!"

Aladdin's voice startled them. They pulled away and looked at the Sultan of Agrabah who was there with his wife, Queen Jasmine.

"Dad/Sultan!" Ali and Azul said at the same time and their voices sounded alarmed.

"Hey, that's okay." Aladdin laughed. "We hate to interrupt you two but… I don't think you're going to be done with this any time soon so…"

Ali and Azul giggled nervously and blushed a little. Ali placed his arms around Azul's shoulders and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"It's been a great night," Jasmine smiled at them. "Everything has been perfect… have you enjoyed the celebrations?"

"They have been amazing." Azul's eyes were shinning with joy. "The fireworks were impressive… and the ceremony was so wonderful!"

"And the food was real good!" Ali completed.

"I'm glad you got to eat." Aladdin laughed.

"We saw you talking to many Ambassadors and Sultans. You are working on your diplomatic affairs already, it seems."

"Every one wanted to talk, mom." Ali smiled. "I think they all have heard stories about what happened in the last few months. We have received already many invitations to visit their places."

"And are you thinking of attending those invitations?"

"We are." Ali smiled at Azul. "It's a good oportunity for us to travel and we WANT to see the world together."

"And it's good for the diplomatic relations of Agrabah." Azul said trying to sound official.

"Forget about the diplomatic stuff, daughter." Aladdin smiled at her. "You two are newlyweds, you must have fun and have a blessed life."

"We are so happy and proud to see you two together like this!" Jasmine smiled tenderly at them. "So happy and so in love!"

Ali kissed Azul's cheek amorously and she snuggled back against him. They looked really happy and excited. Aladdin smiled at his wife and the Queen of Agrabah nodded to her husband.

"I guess it's time." Aladdin said solemnly.

"Time for what?" Ali asked innocently.

Aladdin opened his hand in front of them and they looked at it. There was a key there, a small key with a blue ribbon. Azul and Ali looked at it, then looked at each other questioningly and then looked at Aladdin.

"What is it, dad?"

"Our wedding present, from your mother and I."

"Oh," Ali took the key. "Is this the key to our apartments?"

"Nope!" Aladdin smiled mischievously placing his arm around Jasmine's shoulder. "It's a little surprise… it's the key to your house in Alexandria."

"WHAT?!" Ali and Azul said in disbelief.

"Aladdin and I thought you'd like to spend your honeymoon in a quiet and beautiful place. We were remembering our own honeymoon and the wonderful time we had there in the mountains, just the two of us."

"And we know you, Azul, really like the beach and you are very fond of Alexandria. We found this spot. It's a private beach, near Alexandria, just a few leagues away from the city. We decided to get it and build there a beach house… as a wedding gift for you."

Ali and Azul exchanged looks. Their eyes were wide open and they were speechless. They didn't know what to say or how to react to that gift.

"Is this… is this for real?" Ali muttered looking at the key that was hanging from his finger.

"Of course if for real, silly boy!" Aladdin smiled. "We only want the best for you!"

"A beach house?" Azul said shaking her head in disbelief. "But… how?!"

"After all you lived in the past months," Jasmine smiled at them. "You really deserve it. A quiet time, a private time just the two of you in a nice place away from the world and its troubles."

"Wow!" Ali said still in disbelief. "I can't believe this! Mom, dad… you are unbelievable!"

"We know." Aladdin smiled.

Ali looked at Azul. She was smiling happily and her eyes were shinning. He loved to see her like that. The prince of Agrabah chuckled nervously and pulled his wife to him.

"Our own beach house!" He said kissing her temple.

"Near Alexandria!" Azul giggled snuggling up to Ali.

"See?" Jasmine smiled at Aladdin. "I told you they were going to like it!"

"Oh, mom, dad… you are the best! You REALLY know how to surprise and impress people!"

"You are going to like that place." Jasmine said. "It's very private and it has the most beautiful landscape."

"And we had the house built and decorated in the way we know you like. So, all modesty aside, I think we did a wonderful job with it… we know you are going to love the place." Aladdin said proudly.

"The only thing left to say is, enjoy it!"

"But…" Ali stammered still impressed. "It's in Alexandria… how do we get there? How are we going to…?"

"Here!" Aladdin said giving a map to him. "This is how you get there… and Reeh is waiting for you, guys. He's dressed for the occasion and he's wearing that jewel of his. That jewel can make a horse go from Ispahan to Baghdad in one night, it will take you to Alexandria in a couple of hours… everything is ready for you there so… I'd be going if I were you!"

Ali and Azul looked at each other and smiled. They were blushing lightly and Aladdin and Jasmine smiled at each other. They were adorable like that.

"Mom… dad," Ali said softly. "I guess this is it… I think it's time for me to tell you here, in front of my wife, how much I love you and how much I appreciate all you've done for me all my life. I guess I'm an adult now, a married man and… and I only want to say that no matter what I'll be always here for you…" He took Azul's hand. "WE will be always here for you."

"We know." Jasmine stepped forward and embraced them. "But let's not get sentimental about this. I really think you should be going now. It's getting late. And you really deserve this private time. Enjoy it… and may Allah bless you, my children!"

Ali embraced Jasmine fondly and then he stepped aside letting Azul embrace his mother too. The Queen of Agrabah hugged Azul tightly.

"Take care of my baby." She whispered to her.

"Don't worry, Queen Jasmine. I'll take very good care of him."

"She's going to make sure I have my veggies." Ali smiled.

"And don't forget to put him in bed early, Azul!" Aladdin said innocently.

Azul and Ali exchanged looks and blushed. They chuckled nervously and Jasmine shook her head, giggling and sending Aladdin a playful look.

"Uh?" Aladdin blushed realizing what he had just said. "Hey, I didn't mean it that way!"

Azul turned to her father in law and they embraced fondly.

"Thanks for everything, Sultan!"

"You are welcome, daughter… have fun!"

Aladdin kissed Azul's forehead tenderly and then he turned to Ali. The prince of Agrabah smiled happily and his father opened his arms to receive him there. They hugged tightly patting each other's back.

"My little baby melon!" Aladdin laughed.

"Aw dad, you are MEAN!"

"Just because you're married doesn't mean I stop being your father and being mean is a job requirement for a father!"

"I'm married." Ali said still hugging his father. "It sounds so funny!"

"Well," Aladdin said patting his back. "You BETTER take care of that girl, do you hear me, big boy? She's part of you now."

"She has always been, dad." Ali said pulling apart and taking Azul's hand. "She has always been and always will be."

"Well, shall we?" Aladdin said motioning to the front yard of the palace. "Reeh must be getting a little impatient there."

Ali looked at Azul's eyes and she smiled back at him. They were chuckling nervously. Finally Ali just offered his arm to Azul and they followed his parents to the main yard of the palace, where Azul's family was reunited to wish them a good and safe trip.

"Uh," Ali said as they were going there. "Don't you think we should go inside again and say good bye again to the kids?"

"I thought you had already said your good byes to them before you eloped to the garden." Aladdin looked at them.

"We did." Ali nodded. "But…"

"Oh, don't get sentimental now, Ali." Jasmine smiled at him. "The people are very happy in that party, and I know you said you didn't want a big scandal now that you are leaving. If your little siblings were here they would just be embarrassing you with questions."

"I know." Ali giggled nervously and sent Azul a playful look. "They already did when we said goodbye to them early tonight."

"They DID!" Azul nodded. "And they were kinda sad about us leaving too."

"And Cassim," Aladdin looked at the newlyweds. "Well, I don't think he'd be very happy to see you leaving for your honeymoon." He laughed. "I think this is something he'd rather skip."

"Yeah." Ali chuckled.

"And Yesenia and Mahdi are so taken up in the party…" Jasmine said.

"Not to mention she'd embarrass you with questions too!"

"I guess you are right." Ali agreed. "It's not like we are leaving forever. In a month we'll be back."

Azul smiled up at Ali and he placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him as they were walking through the nightly menagerie.

"That's right." Aladdin smiled at them. "So I'd say we shouldn't make this any longer. You should leave now… while you can!"

They all stopped when they saw Reeh standing there. The faithful horse was dressed in the most royal style and he was wearing his jewel. He looked beautiful as never before. When the horse saw them appearing there he neighed happily and shook his mane, stepping forward to receive them. Ali and Azul giggled and they caressed his head.

"Hey boy!" Ali greeted him. "It seems we are off to the desert again!"

Reeh neighed and nuzzled against Ali. The prince of Agrabah laughed and hugged Reeh's big head. The horse turned then and also greeted Azul nuzzling fondly against her face.

"You look beautiful!" Azul said grabbing his head and shaking it fondly.

When she did that she discovered her family there. She looked at them and a smile slowly appeared on her lips. Ali smiled and stepped aside to his parents. He knew Azul needed some private time with her parents and Nanny.

"Mom… dad… Nanny!" She said getting close to them. "I love you!"

She threw herself to them, and they shared a long group hug. Ali smiled at his parents and put his arms around them too, pulling them to him.

"I never thought I'd see this day." Sadira said when they pulled away. "My daughter, a married woman… and I never even dreamed that you'd marry Aladdin and Jasmine's son. This was fate."

"Aw, mom!" Azul said embracing her mother.

"You are a beautiful wife, Azul… now it's time for you to go with your husband. He's going to make you happy and you have to make him happy as well… be a good wife just as you have always been a good daughter."

"I will mom… I will."

Sadira kissed Azul and fixed her hair. Azul gave her a last little hug and then she went to Nanny who was already waiting for her with open arms.

"My little girl! My Azul! Married… oh praise Allah who sent you the most wonderful man to be your lifetime partner. You are the most beautiful star in the sky, Azul… you have always been the most beautiful girl in the world… and only Ali is worthy of you. And you are the perfect wife for such a wonderful boy… this was meant to be. YOU were meant to be. Take good care of each other and may Allah bless you!"

"I love you, Nanny!" Azul hugged her even tighter.

"But hey," Nanny said still holding Azul but looking at Ali. "You better go to visit me in Alexandria when you are there, okay? I have to brag about my grand daughter and her husband to all the people in the street!"

"We will, Nanny." Ali smiled. "You can be sure we'll visit you before we come back home."

"Yeah, pay me a visit IF you can find the time."

"Nanny!" Azul laughed nervously.

"Take very good care of her, Ali." Nanny said seriously.

"Don't worry, Nanny." Ali responded in the same serious tone. "You know I will."

Finally Azul went to her father. Bassel smiled at her and contemplated his daughter for the last time. She looked beautiful in her wedding gown and there was a special light glittering in her eyes. She was beautiful as never before. She was gorgeous. Bassel knew she was happy and it made him happy too. But he was all teary eyed at the realization that his daughter was a grown up woman now, not his little girl anymore.

"Azul, sweetheart!" Bassel embraced her tightly.

"Daddy! I love you!"

"I love you too, my little star. You won my heart from the moment I saw those tiny blue eyes staring at me when I held you in my arms for the first time… you have always been my little girl, my only daughter… and I admit it, in some way I was expecting you to come back home tonight and go to sleep in your little room in your bed… even though I know that's not going to happen."

"Aw daddy!" Azul hid her face in her father's neck. "I'll always be your little girl… always!"

Bassel held Azul in his embrace for a long time. Ali smiled tenderly at them and then turned to his father.

"What's the big deal? She's going with ME!" Ali whispered to Aladdin.

"Exactly," Aladdin whispered back playfully. "That's why he is SO concerned about his little girl!"

"Aw dad, you are mean!"

Aladdin laughed and gave Ali a small hug.

Bassel released Azul and looked at her for a long moment. She was beautiful.

"Look at you! Look at the woman you've turned out to be! What happened with my little girl who played with mice and took care of wounded birds?"

"You played with mice?" Ali laughed looking at Azul. "You never told me that!"

"Ugh!" Sadira said. "Let's not get into it!"

"She was bringing home little animals all the time… birds, mice, crabs." Nanny laughed. "She liked to take care of them."

"That's SO cute!" Ali said stepping forward and placing his arm around Azul's shoulder.

"Mom never liked pets." Azul smiled at him. "But I was always alone and I wanted a friend… I had to go for the little animals because they were easiest to hide. And mice were very easy to find in my dad's back store. I always wanted a cat or a dog but we were traveling all the time and I couldn't take them with me… mice can take care of themselves just fine. That's why I always wanted a horse, I thought that way I could take my pet with me wherever we went. But since I never had a horse, well, mice were a good choice. Easy to find and easy to hide."

Ali chuckled feeling tenderness for her and he kissed her temple amorously.

"Until that day when her mouse escaped." Nanny was laughing.

"I remember that!" Sadira chuckled. "I was wondering why Azul was stealing all the cheese from the kitchen… she always hid those little pieces of cheese in her clothes or in her mouth… but she used to have the most innocent look in her eyes. She was very good at it…"

"You just can't get mad at her." Nanny smiled. "She only has to look at you with those eyes and she's won."

"I know." Ali smiled tenderly at her. "I KNOW that."

"The mouse escaped and it ran into the kitchen." Nanny was laughing remembering the incident. "Sadira was there…"

"And the little thing freaked me out!" Sadira said not very amused. "I screamed for Bassel to come and get rid of it… but as soon as I did that I saw Azul, who was around 7 by then, entering the kitchen, calling for her 'mousie'. By then I was all freaked and Bassel was chasing the mouse around the kitchen."

"But Azul appeared there and she got on all fours on the floor." Bassel continued. "And she started making a squeaky noise with her lips… and the mouse ran right into her hands."

"That's so funny!" Ali was kissing her forehead over and over. "Aw, blue eyes, you are a cutie! And you WERE mischievous when you were little!"

"Well, I just wanted to have a friend… and I had to get rid of him after that incident. Nanny took me to this field outside the city and we let him go there. I was so sad after it. I guess that's what happens when you are a lonely girl."

"Oh, but you are not a lonely girl anymore." Ali said seriously. "Because now you have me and I will never leave you, Azul, my angel… never, ever!"

"This is a pet you won't get rid of that easy!" Aladdin smiled patting Ali's back.

"Dad!" Ali pretended to be annoyed.

"What? Azul is right, mice can take very good care of themselves. But you, kid… you wouldn't survive an hour without her!"

"Well, you have a point!"

Ali hugged Azul and she returned the embrace. Bassel nodded at them and put his hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Take good care of her, my boy. Be good to her."

"Don't worry Bassel, sir. You know I will. You know I'll die before letting anything bad happen to her. From this day on I'll be there with her day and night, taking care of her, protecting her, providing for her… but most of all, loving her, adoring her… devoting myself to her in every single way. Now and forever."

Ali and Azul were lost in each other's eyes. Aladdin looked at his wife and she nodded. He looked at Azul's family and they nodded too. He took a deep breath and placed his hands on Ali and Azul's shoulders.

"You have our blessing and our best wishes. Now go… go and be happy. Go and start your new life together. Make each other happy, love each other and never ever forget that no matter what, you have this family behind you… YOUR family. We'll be here for you always!"

Ali and Azul were all teary eyed. They looked around at their family and smiled. But they knew it was not the time for being sad or getting sentimental. It was time to be happy, for their future was shinning bright in front of them.

Reeh stepped forward and hit Ali's back softly bringing him back to reality and breaking the solemnity of the moment. Ali's little smile transformed into a big, mischievous one and without any warning he turned to Azul, picking her up, one hand on the back of her neck and the other under her knees. Azul let out a little yelp when he did that and grabbed his neck. Ali spun around with her as they were laughing happily.

All the family was laughing with them. It was a bitter sweet feeling to see them like that. They were so happy but all of them kept thinking of those times when Ali and Azul were only small children running around, playing and being mischievous. But those memories were faded away by the sound of Ali and Azul's laugher.

Ali put his wife down on the ground and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer for a playful and mischievous kiss. When they pulled away he smiled and lifted Azul, placing her on Reeh.

"Well," He said getting on Reeh himself. "I guess we'll see you in a month."

"Have fun!" Aladdin said.

"And take care."

Ali took a deep breath and from his spot on Reeh he looked down at the family reunited there. His eyes went then to the ball room at the back of the menagerie. The party continued there, but he knew that the celebrations of their love were only beginning and that the best was yet to come. He looked at Azul who was between his arms and he kissed her cheek fondly. She smiled at him and then she looked at the family there. It was a dream to her. It all was nothing but images from a dream.

"We love you!" Azul said softly. "We love you so much!"

"We love you too!" Aladdin responded.

Ali didn't want to make the goodbyes last longer. They were getting really sentimental and he didn't want that. Besides, he knew that in a month they'd be back. He remembered that night a few months ago when he had left off for the adventure of Karak. This time they were leaving for their greatest adventure ever. This time there was nothing but love and excitement between them. No more pain, no more suffering, no more tears or uncertainties. Only love, all the love in the world.

Ali pulled Reeh's reins softly and the beautiful horse paced back and forth excitedly, waiting only for his master to order him to get on. Ali looked at Azul and smiled at her.

"Are you ready?" He whispered softly.

"Ready when you are!"

Ali nodded and smiled. They looked at their family for the last time and Ali spurred Reeh.

"Take care!" Ali screamed to them. "We'll see you soon!"

The horse neighed happily and he started to run like the wind on his way to Agrabah's gates. Aladdin, Jasmine, Bassel, Sadira and Nanny went to the gates of Agrabah's palace and waved to them but Ali and Azul never turned back to see them. For them the way was in front of them, the way that would lead them to their new life. A life together, a life that was going to start that night. A life that was going to last forever. The new blessed life that was waiting for them right ahead, in the beaches of Alexandria.

They crossed the main street of Agrabah where the celebrations were still going on. The people of Agrabah were cheering and waving at them as they were passing by and they were returning all those greetings. But very soon they trespassed the gates of the city and they entered the desert. That desert they had crossed together so many times in the past.

Ali looked down at his wife and he promised himself that he was going to protect her, to make her happy, he was going to devote himself to her for the rest of his life. Azul looked up at Ali, her husband and smiled at him. He returned the same wonderful smile and they got lost in each other's eyes.

The crescent moon was shining high in the sky and they knew that was the sign that would lead them to their destiny, a destiny together. They knew they had scars in their bodies and scars in their hearts but they also knew that together they would overcome anything. Together they could conquer the world.

Their love was an neverending process and just like the crescent moon, their love would continue getting bigger, deeper, stronger day after day. Just like the crescent moon had to become a full moon, their love was in a crescent process, but they knew that they were close, very close to the shinning rays of their full love.

As they were riding through the sands of the deserts they knew they were leaving every demon of their past behind them. Every insecurity, every pain, every single tear, it all was in the past, forever gone. At that moment they only believed in their love. All their faith and their hopes were in each other and in that love they shared. In that true, deep, burning love that had been proven in fire and in blood. But they didn't want to think about that anymore. They knew from that moment on they would share a perfect kind of love.

The pain, the fears and the tears were behind them now and they knew that after all the pain they had shared it was time for them to fulfill their love, to consume it and to become one. It was time for the much-awaited first union of their souls. It was the beginning of their life together.

Their ultimate quest had begun.

The Ultimate Quest


* * * * *

Eva Luz Villalón Turrubiates
With the collaboration of
Kristin Bergh

Thursday, July 13, 2000.

Disclaimer: Ali and Azul are property and © pending of Nevi Publishing and cannot be used without permission. Aladdin, Jasmine and Sadira are property of Disney and used without permission but with love, care and respect. Yesenia, Cassim, the twins and Mahdi are property of Sedeara and used with permission and under her supervision, with love and respect. Azrak, Aswad, Faaris, Karima, Bassel, Nanny, Reeh and the rest of the characters are property of Nevi Publishing.

© Nevi Publishing 2000

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